Gordon State College Human Resources Compliance Training

Gordon State College Human Resources Compliance Training
The annual compliance training will take place via Brightspace by D2L, the college’s official learning
management system. All faculty and staff have a D2L account. Each will login using their Gordon
email username (do not include @gordonstate.edu) and current Gordon email password.
What Trainings do I have to Complete?
There are several modules in the GSC HR Compliance Training course. Below is a listing of the
modules and who has to complete them.
Ethics Compliance (All employees must complete)
Global Harmonized System (All employees must complete)
Motor Vehicle Use (All employees must complete)
Computer Security Awareness (All employees must complete)
Title IX Everfi Training (All employees must complete)
Bloodborne Pathogens (Only Complete if you are part of the following departments: Biology,
Nursing, and/or Facilities)
Hazardous Waste Awareness (Only Complete if you are part of the following departments:
Biology, Nursing, Chemistry, and/or Facilities)
GSC HR Trainings in D2L:
1. Go to the GSC webpage and choose the “My Gordon” tab at
the top. Choose “Brightspace by D2L”. Login with your Gordon
email username (NOT the @gordonstate.edu part) and current
2. After logging in, look to the right of the page under “My Courses”. If you have a search box, type in “GSC HR
Compliance” and choose the magnifying glass icon.
3. If you do not have a search box under the “My Courses” area, make sure the semester is filtered by “None” and
look for the “Human Resources” heading the “GSC HR Compliance Training” link should be under it. Make sure the
grey arrow under “Human Resources” heading is pointing down (if not, you might not be able to see the link).
4. After clicking on the “GSC HR Compliance Training” link, you will enter the course. Choose “Content” on the
5. On the far left side, choose “Table of Contents”. You will see a list of each of the available modules. Under each
module, choose the “Click here to view xyz module” (in the middle of the page) to open it.
6. Each module is slightly different and requires
different activity. For example, the Ethics
Compliance module requires the viewing of a video
and the electronic submission of an agreement form
(in the form of a D2L quiz). The Motor Vehicle Use
Module requires the opening of several documents
and another agreement/quiz.
**Each module will contain some type of agreement
or quiz. (located at the bottom of each module).
***To complete the agreement form/quiz, choose
“Start Quiz”.
7. Answer the questions and choose “Save all
Answers” at the bottom of the page. Choose “Go to
submit quiz”. After your quiz/form is submitted, you
will see the grade.
8. To view your grades for each module (and see which ones you have completed), go to “Grades” on the navbar. You will
see a list of each module. If you see a “-/100” or “-/2”, then you have not completed the D2L quiz for that module.
9. To return to a module to complete it, go to “Content” on the navbar. (Note: You can
complete the modules over several days. Once you open a quiz/acknowledgement form,
however, you will need to complete it in one sitting).
10. Some modules require the linking to a
different website (USG training). On that
website you will complete a module and a quiz.
You will then be asked to fill out a webform and
will then be provided with a certificate.
-Please make sure to fill out the certificate
with the correct information
-Please make sure to print a copy of the
certificate (you cannot bookmark or save it).
You only have 5 mins to do so.
-You will need to send a copy of the certificate
to HR (instructions in the module).
Along with sending the form to HR via scan, fax,
or inter-campus mail, you will need to complete
an agreement form (located at the bottom of
the module).
This agreement form is also a D2L
quiz. Simply open the quick and
choose “I certify” and submit the
Note: In the “grades” area,
modules requiring a certificate will
have a “50%” after you complete
the D2L acknowledgement form.
After HR receives your certificate,
they will change the grade to
“100%” (this is how you will know
that they received it).
Note that not all employees are required to complete the “Bloodborne Pathogens” and “Hazardous Waste
Awareness”. If you are not required, you do not have to complete the module, certificate, and/or acknowledgement
form quiz. In the gradebook you will see the “-/2”.
If you are required to complete one or both of those modules, you will need to send your form to HR and
complete the acknowledgement form. Once HR receives the certificate they will update your score to “2/2”
11. The Title IX Everfi Training
Module is slightly different than
the other modules. In D2L,
choose the module on the left
side of the page and then choose
the module in the middle of the
page. This will provide specific
instructions of how to complete
this module. Click on the last
bullet to open a PDF of
instructions (which involves
creating an account on the Everfi