Gordon State College    Advisement Worksheet for Incoming Students                                           Bachelor of Arts in English 

Gordon State College Advisement Worksheet for Incoming Students Bachelor of Arts in English The information provided below is based on the 2014‐2015 Academic Catalog. We recommend that current students review their DegreeWorks Audit in BannerWeb for personalized information. Area A: Essential Skills (9 Semester Hours)
Course Term Credit Chosen Taken Hours ENGL 1101 (must complete with a grade of “C” or better)
ENGL 1101 3
ENGL 1102 ENGL 1102 3
3 or 4
Choose one of the following: COLQ 2991, 2992, 2993, 2994H, or 2995.
One additional semester hour from excess hours from courses in Areas A‐E
MATH 1001, 1111, 1113, or 1501 Area B: Institutional Options (4 Semester Hours)
Area C: Humanities (6 Semester Hours)
Choose one of the following: ENGL 2111, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2131, 2132 or PHIL 2010 or 2020 Choose one of the following: ARTS 1100, 1101, 1102; COMM 1100, 1110, 1500; FREN 1001, 1002; HUMN 1501, 1502; MUSC 1100; SPAN 1001, 1002, 1060; THEA 1000, 1100 3 3 Area D: Science/Mathematics (11 Semester Hours)
Choose one of the following: ASTR 1010K; BIOL 1107, 1111, 2225, 2235; CHEM 1151K, 1211K; GEOL 1121K, 1122K; ISCI 1121K; PHYS 1111K Choose Any of the courses above or ASTR 1020K; BIOL 1108, BIOL 1112; CHEM 1152K, CHEM 1212K; GEOL 1122K; or PHYS 1112K Note: You may not take both BIOL 1111 and 1107 and get credit in Area D. Choose Any of the courses above or BIOL 1011, 1050; CHEM 2200; CSCI 1101, 2102;
MATH 1113, 1401, 1501, 1502, 2101; PHSC 1011 4 4 Area E: Social Science (12 Semester Hours)
3 or 4 HIST 1121 or 1122 (Western Civilization) 3
HIST 2111 or 2112 (American History) 3
Choose two from the following: ANTH 1102; ECON 2105, 2106; any HIST not taken above; POLS 1101, 2301 or 2401; PSYC 1101; SOCI 1101 3
3 3 Choose one of the following: ENGL 2111 or 2112 3
Choose two of the following: ENGL 2111, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2131, or 2132
Area F: Major Requirements (18 Semester Hours)
Choose any two consecutive foreign language courses beyond 1002: FREN 2001, 2002 or SPAN 2001, 2002, 2201, 2202 Electives: For students who are not attempting to complete a double major or an additional area of concentration, elective hours should come from ARTS, COMM, ENGL, HUMN, PHIL or THEA. 3 Area G: Physical Education Requirements (4 Semester Hours)
PHED 1001 or PHED 1010 (3 hour course) 3
PHED________ (1 credit hour Activity course) 1
Continued on the Next Page Last updated on 6/5/2015 Gordon State College Advisement Worksheet for Incoming Students Global Perspectives Learning Goal
Global Perspectives: Students must take one of the following courses in Area A – F: ARTS 1101, ARTS 1102, COLQ 2995, ECON 2105, ENGL 2111, ENGL 2112, HUMN 1501, HUMN 1502, POLS 2301, POLS 2401, or THEA 1100. The course will count for the specific area as well as satisfying the Global Perspectives requirement. Common English Requirements (24 Semester Hours)
ENGL 3910 ENGL 3910 3
ENGL 3400 ENGL 3400 3
Choose one of the following courses: ENGL 4601, 4602, or 4603
Choose two of the following courses: ENGL 3210, 3220, 3230, 3240, or 3250
3 3 Choose two of the following courses: ENGL 3330, 3340, 3350
3 3 Choose one of the following courses: ENGL 4200, 4300, 4400
3 Lower Electives (21 Semester Hours)
Choose 7 courses at 1000 level or higher Upper Electives (15 Semester Hours)
Choose 5 courses at 3000 level or higher (including additional English courses)
Total Semester Hours 120‐124
Courses may not be used to satisfy requirements in more than one Area. Last updated on 6/5/2015 