Gordon State College Annual Plan Status Update

Monday, September 14, 2015
9:15:07 AM
Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Increase enrollment.
To decrease processing time for student applications.
Increase yield of applicant to complete.
Decrease time between when a file is completed and a final admissions decision is made.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Yield is currently 3% higher than the previous 2 years.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Yield is currently 3% higher than the previous 2 years.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Working with IT to develop report for this.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Cross‐training for Xap to download electronic applications
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
To increase the academic profile of Gordon State College Students
Increase ACCEL student enrollment by 5%
Third processor is being trained.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase average SATV and SATM score for Gordon State College Students by 3 points each.
Two processors trained, one needs training.
Applications even with last year. Will not know until fall registration completed.
Enrollment is ahead of last year.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently students are still taking tests.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
To increase the academic profile of Gordon State College Students
Increase average SATV and SATM score for Gordon State College Students by 3 points each.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Currently SATM +3 SATV +1 among admitted students.
Plan and create more alumni programs/ reunions to engage our post‐
72 alumni and get them back on campus. 11/1/2014 In Progress
In the planning stages of “Gordon Family Days” – Also working with the student services department to assist in any events for the students to create more exposure of our Alumni Association.
Alumni Relations
Expand alumni efforts to include more reunions and meetings on campus with our post‐72 alumni. 4/1/2015 In Progress
We are having a Family day in conjunction with the community brunch April 12. However, this is an ongoing need that will continue into our next planning cycle and for some time into the future.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Expand alumni engagement through community service.
Create an Alumni Association lead program that will foster the relationship to volunteerism at an alumni level. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Not Started
We have a project that our Alumni Association will start on in the near future with the Greenwood Cemetery Preservation Group. Jennie Woodlee is our contact and she will assist with the dates that we will be working in the cemetery to clean and preserve headstones for our community. The group also voted to assist in the “great day of service” in 2015.
There is no interest in this project
6/30/2015 Not Started
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Alumni Relations
Improve alumni communication and share campus news. Create a biyearly newsletter to alumni to increase visiablity and communication.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
An email append service was purchased to identify more email addresses for names in database but has not yet been completed.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Asociate VP Academic Affairs
Improve retention, progression, and completion for adult learners by better meeting their unique needs.
"The college will fund the work needed to coordinate our Adult Learner program and the related expenses. "
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Not funded
A budget was created with the requisite funds.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase retention and completion through adequate orientation to college culture and expectations.
Redesign GFYE 0097 in terms of content, delivery, and policies so that it effectively serves all entering first year students.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Asociate VP Academic Affairs
Increase retention and completion through adequate orientation to college culture and expectations.
Redesign GFYE 0097 in terms of content, delivery, and policies so that it effectively serves all entering first year students.
4/1/2015 In Progress
"Faculty and staff worked on redesign over a period of several months, but a couple of developments have caused us to put the project on hold. One is the inability to reach a concensus on some key aspects of the course redesign. Another is that the college has started the process of developing the next QEP, and we are not sure how that might affect GFYE 0097.GFYE is no longer under the AVPAA, and new leadership will take on the challenges mentioned above."
6/30/2015 In Progress
Provide greater access to post‐
secondary education by developing our presence in Henry County.
Ensure sufficient, quality curriculum for Associate degrees in General Studies and Business.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
As of academic year 2014‐2015, students are able to earn their associate degrees in General Studies and Business at the McDonough site. One course, GFYE 0097, is a one‐credit hour class offered online. Our full‐
time to part‐time faculty ratio improved from 47% in fall 2014 to 65% in spring 2015.
6/30/2015 Complete
Provide sufficient, quality student support.
11/1/2014 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Asociate VP Academic Affairs
Provide greater access to post‐
secondary education by developing our presence in Henry County.
Provide sufficient, quality student support.
4/1/2015 Complete
"In 2014, each of the following planned action items was completed:1. Develop a web presence that will facilitate access to services.2. Establish greater personnel on‐
site presence through Dr. Calhoun's schedule and by hiring a 30‐hours Program Assistant.3. Provide tutoring services.The college has also further developed support of students in computer access, study space, faculty conferencing hours, counseling services, and library services."
6/30/2015 Complete
Attract new students, especially from north of McDonough.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
"The following action items were accompished in 2014:1. Increase marke ng through media. A schedule for billboard, radio, and newspaper marketing was planned and executed.2. Communicate well with high school students through visits and literature. A recruiting schedule was developed and followed, and recruiting literature was produced and disseminated.3. Communicate well with current students taking classes in Henry County. A communication schedule was developed and followed. Email and face‐
to‐face communication were the primary channels employed."
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Engage Alumni with the Gordon Initiate a GSC Athletic Alumni Hall of State College Athletic Department. Fame.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
This will take 1 to 2 years to accomplish. Currently making contacts with alumni athletes.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase participation in current alumni events.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Alumni for womens soccer and cross‐country participated. This is still a work in progress.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Enhance academic achievement through increased individual engagement and computerized reporting. Increase tutoring sessions among all student‐athletes.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
At the end of semester the director of SS will provide written documentation to include tutoring sessions and grades.
6/30/2015 Complete
Produce a computerized progress report for all student‐athletes.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Complete
All students are in Banner. Currently using a paper progress report.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Enhance academic achievement through increased individual engagement and computerized reporting. Institute incentive program to award achievement and penalize deficits.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Atletes signed a contract and attended study sessions.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase fundraising activities to help supplement budget.
Develop list of activities/programs designed to provide exposure throughout the academic year.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Did not meet target. Fundraising is done through the Highlander Athletic Club. Coaches also get funds from outside sources.
Did not meet and is ongoing.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Expand outreach for the Highlander Athletic Club.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Did not double in size. This is ongoing.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Development of new concentration(s) to benefit the region and state.
Develop a wastewater treatment and water management concentration for baccalaureate major in biology.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Assigned by Dr. Baskin to Dr. Andy Osborne (Math and Physical Science Department)
6/30/2015 Not Started
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Development of new concentration(s) to benefit the region and state.
Engage community/business partnerships in wastewater treatment and water management for the establishment of a mutally beneficial internship program
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Assigned by Dr. Baskin to Dr. Andy Osborne (Math and Physical Science Department)
6/30/2015 Not Started
Increase number of students graduating with a baccalaureate degree in biology.
Determine barriers to graduation.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
•Task force has been formed to iden fy specific barriers to graduation. A survey has been developed and will be administered to all our students.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Address two barriers to completion.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
•Lack of financial resources by students
•Lack of proper study skills by the students
•Poor grades by students in gateway courses ‐ Changed prerequisites for our upper level courses so that students are better prepared to navigate upper level courses and proceed to graduation
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Increase number of students with access to a baccalaureate degree in biology
Increase the number of students declaring a major in Biology
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
•Group academic advisement for Associate Science candidates were held
•Contacted Associate Science students and provided them with information on our Bachelor of Science programs and discussed careers with Biology degrees
•We published a brochure tled “Careers in Biology” and made it available to students on a regular basis
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase number of students progressing from associate to baccalaureate program
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
•Group academic advisement for Associate Science candidates were held
•Contacted Associate Science students and provided them with information on our Bachelor of Science programs and discussed careers with Biology degrees
•We published a brochure tled “Careers in Biology” and made it available to students on a regular basis
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Increase Brand Awareness of Bookstore
Create a bookstore brand through the naming of the store.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
It was decided to include Fall 2015 upper level Marketing class in the naming process. All students will have an opportunity to vote Spring 2016.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Participate in National Student Day ‐
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase Market Share of Textbooks bought at buyback
Increase # of used books bought at buyback.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
The target was between 0.65 and 1.0. Fall 2014 showed the rate being 0.96. The target was for the full fiscal year. Fall was successful, but we need Spring numbers to consider this Goal complete for the year.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase Market Share of Textbooks Sold Increase # of books sold per student 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
The target was between 2.5 and 3.0. The Fall and Spring combined rate was 2.28. We did not meet our targeted goal. However, this is an ongoing Goal and will carry forward through FY16.
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Status Narrative
Increase Market Share of Textbooks Sold Increase # of books sold per student 6/30/2015 In Progress
Pursue BS degree in Management/Administration
11/1/2014 Complete
Approved by BOR august 2014 for implementation in Fall 2015.
4/1/2015 Complete
Approved by BOR august 2014 for implementation in Fall 2015.
Business & Public Service
Expand Business and Public Service programs/degree offerings. 6/30/2015 Complete
Develop a Criminal Justice track within Human Services baccalaureate
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Dialogue is in progress with Southern Crescent Technical College in anticipation of one or more MOUs for the purpose of attracting additional students to make track viable.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Develop specialized Emergency Managament track within Human Services baccalaureate. 11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Business & Public Service
Expand Business and Public Service programs/degree offerings. Develop specialized Emergency Managament track within Human Services baccalaureate. 4/1/2015 In Progress
Held focus groups with emergency management personnel to determine their needs; ongoing conversations with Southern Crescent Technical College in anticipation of one or more MOUs. Established Weekend College as one effort to meet their needs. Internal departmental discussions have focused on more emphasis on Criminal Justice in particular next year.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase opportunities for Adult Learners through expanded course delivery options.
Develop Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for select courses
Develop more Hybrid class offerings
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Progress has been made. First Department Challenge exam is scheduled for Spring 2015. Review process for portfolios is still in development
6/30/2015 In Progress
Department challenge exam scheduled during spring semester was cancelled but three additional exams are being prepared to address needs of three adult students to be administer in Fall 2015.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Progress has been made. The number of hybrid courses offered in Spring 2014 was 1 and the number in Spring 2015 is 8.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Business & Public Service
Increase opportunities for Adult Learners through expanded course delivery options.
Develop specialized Emergency Managament track within Human Services baccalaureate. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Held focus groups with emergency management personnel to determine their needs; ongoing conversations with Southern Crescent Technical College in anticipation of one or more MOUs. Established Weekend College as one effort to meet their needs.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase the number of Business and Public Service graduates in associate and baccalaureate programs.
Identify barriers to graduation which students may encounter
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
This goal was moved up to the School of Arts & Sciences level for the next year.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Address 2 barriers to graduation which student may experience
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
This goal was moved up to the School of Arts & Sciences level for the next year.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Develop instrument to measure excellence across all programs and Area F's
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Business & Public Service
Increase the number of Business and Public Service graduates in associate and baccalaureate programs.
Develop instrument to measure excellence across all programs and Area F's
4/1/2015 In Progress
Goal became incorporated into Assessment Committee and Gen Ed Task Force; all Department Heads are meeting regularly to plan assessment activities.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Identify and nurture first cohort of
Human Services baccalaureate students
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Graduated 1 in May 2014 and 3 in December 2014; 13 graduates are anticipate in May 2015. All have been placed in successful internships. Human Services Club has been very active. Service Learning (e.g. Selma) has created bonding between students and faculty. Etc.
6/30/2015 Complete
Promote community engagement in all Business and Public Service disciplines.
Develop internships for Human Service majors.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Progress continues in this area. 26 students have completed or are currently involved in internships. Sufficient numbers of sites have been develop to meet current demand.
6/30/2015 Complete
Continue to expand activities of Human Services Club and Rotaract Club
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Business & Public Service
Promote community engagement in all Business and Public Service disciplines.
Continue to expand activities of Human Services Club and Rotaract Club
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Investigate Service Learning
Progress was made in this area. The Human Services Club coordinated several major activities during the year. The Rotaract was less active but its low membership is being addressed.
Human Services club continues to provide service to the community and the school
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
A service learning course was incorporated into the courses offered. Human Service students were involved in Service Learning during a trip to Selma, Alabama.
6/30/2015 Complete
Develop specialized Emergency Managament track within Human Services baccalaureate. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Held focus groups with emergency management personnel to determine their needs; ongoing conversations with Southern Crescent Technical College in anticipation of one or more MOUs. Established Weekend College as one effort to meet their needs.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Business Office
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Status Narrative
Business Office
Enhance the receipt of payments options for organizations, departments, and activities.
Implement Touchnet's uStore (online store) for use by various organizations, departments and activities across campus.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently have 7 stores active. Online
forms established for requesting store
setup and product creation.
6/30/2015 Complete
Implement new online payment gateway for Community Education through Touchnet's Upay. Provide Online payments for Community Education to provide PCI compliance and eventually establish Paypath convenience fee to reduce merchant fees
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
uPay site has been created and is operational.
PayPath establishment is relying on Touchnet
to incorporate in the Marketplace application.
6/30/2015 Complete
Provide payment plan option for all Gordon State College students.
Implement and effectively communicate a third party payment plan that ultimately reduces number of students dropped for non‐payment and reduces number of students sent to collections.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
194 plans estabished during Spring 2015
252 plans establised during Fall 2014
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Business Office
Provide payment plan option for all Gordon State College students.
Implement and effectively communicate a third party payment plan that ultimately reduces number of students dropped for non‐payment and reduces number of students sent to collections.
6/30/2015 Complete
Streamline purchasing card transactions
Automate p‐card transaction reporting and interface with People Soft accounting.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Waiting on Bank of America WORKS to correct
problems with file extraction before we can proceed.
6/30/2015 Complete
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Develop an actively used resource Develop website as a source of to enhance teaching excellence. information on teaching and learning
11/1/2014 In Progress
WDW has been replaced by CETL Champions, presently number 14.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Continue to develop website and encourage faculty use.
6/30/2015 Complete
Develop protocols for small group instructional diagnosis (SGID)
11/1/2014 In Progress
Two faculty are prepared to serve as facilitators. Despite publicity, no faculty have shown interest.
4/1/2015 Complete
Protocols are in place and made available to faculty.
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Status Narrative
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Develop an actively used resource Develop protocols for small group to enhance teaching excellence. instructional diagnosis (SGID)
Encourage research in SOTL
6/30/2015 Complete
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Workshop was held last year. First seminar of the current academic year was in September.
Established a SOTL a seminar which meets occasionally during the academic year.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Foster campus‐wide discussion of teaching excellence. Promote faculty involvement in teaching circles. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
List of possible topics was circulated at the Spring Semester CETL. Arrangements were made to fund iPads. Ipad Teaching Circle was established in Spring 2014, presented at Teaching Matters, and remains active
A consortium of CETL champions were identified and they facilitated approx. 8 discussions on teaching and learning
6/30/2015 Complete
Establish an active open classroom program.
11/1/2014 Not Started
Open Classroom was promoted in Spring 2014 but was not further pursued due to apparent lack of faculty interest.
4/1/2015 Not Started
Continued lack of faculty interest postponing this objective.
6/30/2015 Not Started
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Increase the value of the Teaching Increase participation of Gordon State Matters conference both campus‐ College faculty in Teaching Matters wide and statewide. Conference
11/1/2014 In Progress
iPad Teaching Circle had a panel at the 2014 Teaching matters. Funding for existing teaching initiatives requires Teaching Matters contribution. 26 Gordon State Faculty participated in 10 different presentations at 2014 TM.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Technology fair has been reinstated resulting in faculty participation.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase the stature of the Teaching Matters Conference statewide. 11/1/2014 Not Started
Peer review track was offered in 2014 with no takers. Technology Fair was suspended in 2014 due to lack of faculty offering presentations. 2014 TM had over 100 registrants.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Publicity has increased throughout the state. Teaching matters conference will be held in late March.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Community Education
Enhance Summer Camp Programs
Create a volunteer program for summer camps
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
We are developing a Counselor‐In‐Training (CIT) program for high school students to assist with younger age camps. Volunteer hours will count towards a partial scholarship for the Service‐STEM camp for high school students.
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Community Education
Enhance Summer Camp Programs
Create a volunteer program for summer camps
6/30/2015 Complete
Seek outside partnerships for STEM Camp
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
To enhance the Community Education webpages
To keep the information on the web updated, active and fresh. 6/30/2015 In Progress
To further the connection with the community
To build stronger partnerships with community agencies
Remains in conversational stage.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
To use the webpage as a marketing tool more than just for informational purposes.
Conversa on stage only at this me
Have met with webmaster to make a few changes to better enhance our pages. This still needs a great deal of improvement with the updates.
The webpage is an ongoing entity
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Enrolled in ACEware conference to learn marketing strategies and new features of our registration software program, Student Manager.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Attended the ACEware conference. The student database has received the updated version and will soon have a new look for the online registration.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Community Education
To further the connection with the community
To build stronger partnerships with community agencies
To increase activity with the Chamber of Commerce
Reach out to primary‐12 schools
4/1/2015 In Progress
Remain ac ve with the Lamar Collabora ve Center, especially the Prep for Life committee to promote vision to ages 12‐21 for higher education.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Attended the Regents Advisory Committee for Economic Development to discuss future objectives for economic needs in each institution’s community.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
In addi on to the Lamar Chamber, have become more active with the Griffin/Spalding Chamber such as business after hours. Have met with Monroe Chamber for future possibilities.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Activity with local agencies has declined due to lack of personnel.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Par cipa ng in the Village Readers Progra.m
6/30/2015 Complete
Literacy Development
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Developed a basic computer tutoring program for area senior citizens to become computer literate.
6/30/2015 Complete
Computer Services
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Computer Services
Convert the current website and All content on the web is managed by any future design changes to be in the webpage owners.
ExpressionEngine (GSC's content management system).
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
We contracted with a web design service to create the templates and Responsive Design.
6/30/2015 Complete
Expand the use of mobile devices and increase mobile application.
For Gordon State College to become a “Mobile Campus”.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Increased the number of Wireless Access Points and Incorporated Responsive Design into the public’s facing website.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase the technology at satellite campuses.
Improve services and connectivity to the Henry County Academy for Advanced Studies. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Increase bandwidth to 30MB, added 5 workstations, and 24 laptops to GSC @McDonough.
6/30/2015 Complete
Automate Fixed Asset Reconciliation Process
To decrease the overall time involved in the fixed asset reconciliation process
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Fully implemented.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
Develop Contracts and Grants accounting policy and procedures to be followed by Gordon State College
Produce contract and grant accounting polices and procedures
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Should be rolled forward into FY16. 90% Complete
6/30/2015 In Progress
Create system to monitor and maintain system effectiveness
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
50% Complete. Should be rolled forward into FY16. Goal not met.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Develop tax compliance policies for recently cited and prevelant collegiate tax issues
Institute procedures to annually verify that all information returns contain as accurate tax identification numbers as reasonably possible
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
100% complete
The informa on returns objec ve was fully met.
6/30/2015 Complete
Institute procedures to track non‐
resident alien enrollment and corresponding tax consequences
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Still working on this objective.
75% complete
The non‐resident alien objective portion still has some fine tuning.
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Status Narrative
Develop tax compliance policies for recently cited and prevelant collegiate tax issues
Institute procedures to track non‐
resident alien enrollment and corresponding tax consequences
6/30/2015 In Progress
Facilitate students being approved for academic accommodations in a timely manner.
11/1/2014 In Progress
Communicate to high school students the Board of Regents standards for accommodations at the secondary level.
4/1/2015 Complete
Participated in Metro South Regional Disability Expo & Transition Conference and the Monroe County Transition Fair in March 2015. Communicated with students from Monroe, Lamar, Pike, Henry, Spaulding, Butts, Fayette, Newton and Upson counties. Provided information on BOR standards and testing available at the Regents Center for Learning Disorders.
Enhance information provided to faculty and staff regarding Emotionally Distressed Students.
Increase knowledge of faculty and staff on how to identify Emotionally Distressed Students and how to refer them to Counseling and the Behavioral Intervention Team.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Enhance information provided to faculty and staff regarding Emotionally Distressed Students.
Increase knowledge of faculty and staff on how to identify Emotionally Distressed Students and how to refer them to Counseling and the Behavioral Intervention Team.
4/1/2015 Complete
Detailed information on identification of distressed students is now included on Counseling Center web page for faculty and staff to refer to. Counseling Center staff members have worked with individual faculty members and Student Success Center staff to assist them with referrals to the Counseling Center. Information on the Behavioral Intervention Team is now on Counseling web site. A link to an online referral form for faculty and staff to complete and submit to Counseling Center regarding students that have been identified as students of concern is available on the Counseling Center web site. In collaboration with Residence Life, training of RA’s & RD’s on identification of emotionally distressed students has been provided by the Director of Counseling on a monthly basis.
Enhance the ADA information provided to faculty & staff.
Increase faculty & staff knowledge of ADA requirements for students approved for academic accommodations.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Enhance the ADA information provided to faculty & staff.
Increase faculty & staff knowledge of ADA requirements for students approved for academic accommodations.
4/1/2015 Complete
Students with accommodations for hearing and visual impairments require more extensive and complicated accommodations. Worked individually with instructors to educate them on braille materials and effective teaching strategies for students with hearing and visual impairments. Resource materials regarding services from AMAC provided to faculty and staff members in Student Success Center.
Distance Education
Ensure 504 Compliance in Online and Hybrid Courses.
Develop a plan to caption videos used in online/hybrid courses (where captioning is not yet available). 11/1/2014 In Progress
The plan has changed because it no longer reflects that the captioning will be outsources. Instead, the policy being developed reads that the faculty member will caption the videos in house. The ITDC development center is not ready with the software.
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Distance Education
Ensure 504 Compliance in Online and Hybrid Courses.
Develop a plan to caption videos used in online/hybrid courses (where captioning is not yet available). 4/1/2015 Complete
Compliance with Section 504 of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
Based upon the 2015 Annual Budget Proposal, Distance Education has been approved $2,500 each fiscal year to use for outsourcing captioning. The plan is to use AMAC accessibility services (affiliated with USG schools) to caption the videos. At approximately $3 per minute, a 20 minute video will cost $60. With our given budget, we will be able to caption approximately 40 videos a year. This is marked as a continuing expense within the annual budget since the plan is to begin with the core courses (Area A‐
E) in which all students must complete. The process will be for the instructor to provide the video and a general script to the Distance Education representatives, who will in turn send the video to AMAC. Faculty also have the option of captioning their own videos via no cost, web‐based software. Camastasia, a purchased screencasting and video editing software, is also available for faculty to make and caption videos with the Instructional Technology Development Center, located on the Barnesville campus. An instructional designer provides documentation as well as training to prepare faculty to use this software.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
Distance Education
Expanding to offer wider access to Through training sessions, increase GSC programs (both Associate numbers of faculty qualified to teach and Baccalaureate).
online/hybrid courses.
11/1/2014 In Progress
Training will be provided throughout the year.
4/1/2015 Complete
The Learning to Teach Online training program is provide at no‐cost to all full‐time or part‐time faculty members. Each cohort of faculty participate in a 9‐week training program requiring an on‐campus, one hour training per week as well as extensive online components. These online components use the college’s learning management system, Brightspace by D2L. Faculty participate as students within a course as well as build sample units of which are evaluated. Faculty must complete the unit objectives to receive certification. In order for faculty members to teach online or hybrid courses as GSC, they must complete this certification program. (There are stipulations to bypass the training series if a faculty member has documentation of completing another training program and having taught online at another USG institution within the past 3 years.) Twenty‐
three faculty completed the Learning to Teach Online program in Spring 2013, 12 in Fall 2013, 13 in Spring 2014, and 12 in Fall 2015. Currently, in Spring 2015, 24 faculty members are participating.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increasing retention and progression toward graduation.
Maintain quality control in online/hybrid courses.
11/1/2014 Not Started
this involves the evaluation of courses via the interanal rubric developed by the DEC.
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Distance Education
Increasing retention and progression toward graduation.
Maintain quality control in online/hybrid courses.
4/1/2015 Complete
An assessment rubric was created. This Review Form is NOT part of the faculty annual self‐evaluation file; it will be kept on file only in the Distance Education Director’s office.
•Only three stakeholders will have access to the Review Form: the faculty whose course is reviewed, the Distance Education Committee, and external compliance officers (BoR, SACS, etc.).
•The purpose of this Review Form is to ensure the quality of the GSC online/hybrid program, to provide evidence relative to accreditation, and to facilitate compliance with the BOR and ADA policies.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Continue to strengthen our relationship with our regional area educational partners using faculty expertise
Establish closer relationships with area K‐12 Schools. This will improve admission, retention, and graduation of area students
Improve relationship with Georgia's Technical College System. Southern Crescent. Dr. Mahan will work with Members of Southern Crescent on a number of initiatives
11/1/2014 In Progress
This objective is well on the way of being completed. Gordon has its best year working with area K‐12s. We are involved in a number of grants and partnership agreements. We have recently signed an MOU with Newton County to add to our partners. We have really moved forward on this objective. We attended the GaNTEP program with representatives of 4 school districts. We received the MSP Grant to work with Lamar County Elementary Teachers. There are additional grants for Henry, Lamar, Butts, and Upson school districts.
4/1/2015 In Progress
GSC Attended the GTNEP which is a national program to work coopera vely with area K‐12’s. We added Newton County as a MOU Holder partnership school.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Although we have made tremendous strides in working relationships with our partners, there is still much to do. We are moving forward on this goal, there are two new superintendents of schools for Monroe County and for Griffin‐Spalding Schools that I need to go and visit.
11/1/2014 In Progress
We are making progress. We work with SCTC on the Career Academy for Spalding County. We are looking at am agreement with SCTC and the Early Childhood program. We are also exploring a relationship with China and Early Childhood Programs.
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Status Narrative
Continue to strengthen our relationship with our regional area educational partners using faculty expertise
Improve relationship with Georgia's Technical College System. Southern Crescent. Dr. Mahan will work with Members of Southern Crescent on a number of initiatives
4/1/2015 In Progress
Met with the Technical School people from Southern Crescent about transfer ar cula ons in Early Childhood.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Work with other area education providers. (Pre‐Kindergarten, Private Schools, After School programs.) to foster better (increased) working relationships.
11/1/2014 In Progress
We have reached out to area Private schools to partner on grants.
4/1/2015 In Progress
There is not much interest from some of the area providers in Private Schools. I send le ers each year inviting participation in grants. Only St. George has responded.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Grow and provide additional opportunities in Physical Education and Health Sciences
Create a top‐notch physical education and health sciences program which will lead to admission and retention of additional student with interest in this area of programming.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
We are working to provide outstanding instruction and course offerings to the student body at GSC. We are looking to grow a bachelor program in health and wellness . We will survey all of the 1000 level courses this spring.
We are providing a top‐notch Physical Education experience through instruction and course offerings.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Grow and provide additional opportunities in Physical Education and Health Sciences
Provide a number of opportunities for students to learn about recreational activity. Look for increased number of students to focus on recreation as a major focus
Prepare to grow a Baccalaureate program in Physical Education and Health Science. There were 48 students interested in a major in PE and Health. 40 indicated they would stay at Gordon for this program. Admission and retention assistance.
11/1/2014 Not Started
The numbers are very strong. We have backed off this objective since all of the PE activity courses fall into the fall‐through courses on the DEGREEWORKS Program.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Looking at a program in PHED and Recreation. We are doing a survey at this me to judge student interest.
6/30/2015 In Progress
We will need to do a needs analysis for this area of the state to judge the need for a newe PHED major.
11/1/2014 In Progress
We are looking at Objective #3 to grow a Bachelor’s program in Health and Wellness or something like that. We will survey all of the 1000 level courses in the Spring of 2015. Depending on student interest, we will be ready to move forward.
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
We are exploring the possibilities of a new major in Physical Educa on and Health with an emphasis in Public Health. We will know this semester if there is any real interest.
Need to survey all of the PHED 1001 and PHED 1010 classes for interest.
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Status Narrative
To Complee the accreditation requirements for all Secondary Programs at Gordon State College. The accreditation is required by GA.
To continue to provide high quality Teacher Ed. candidates grounded in pedagogy and content knowledge to the surrounding 20 counties of GA.
Receive NCATE acredditation for all secondary education programs in: Biology, English, History, and Mathematics
Work with Partnerships in all area counties to establish needs of the school systems in relation to future teacher needs as envisioned by our local partners in education. This is future economic development of education
11/1/2014 In Progress
Due to mishap at the PSC, we have been delayed by at least a year for the accreditation visit for the secondary programs. This will move into the 2016 plans. Most of the action items completed.
4/1/2015 In Progress
We have an accreditation visit in November of 2015 to have our
new Middle Grades and also the secondary programs re‐certified.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Most of the work is done and we are awaiting the response of the PSC to move forward to complete this goal. We had an off‐site visit in July and it is finished. We are waiting on the report. Next will come the on‐site visit in late November of 2015.
11/1/2014 In Progress
This has been a good year for our graduates. We continue to have excellent rates on exams and field placement assessments. Our candidates are sought after by a wider area of the state. We have expanded greatly in working with area Partners in Education. This has become a focus area for the PSC and for NCATE/CAEP. We have created a facebook account for our candidates and have also created
4/1/2015 In Progress
We strive to produce excellent graduates for this area. Our partners in this area value the Gordon graduates in education and the market for teachers will heat up as more jobs are available.
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Status Narrative
To continue to provide high quality Teacher Ed. candidates grounded in pedagogy and content knowledge to the surrounding 20 counties of GA.
Work with Partnerships in all area counties to establish needs of the school systems in relation to future teacher needs as envisioned by our local partners in education. This is future economic development of education
6/30/2015 In Progress
This past year was an indication that Gordon State is making good progress in this area. Around 75% of our Pre‐Service candidates were offered positions in education prior to finishing student‐teaching. We were able to place teacher‐graduates in new districts and new counties outside our normal area. The reputation of Gordon State has grown and teacher education candidates are sought after by most districts. This will stay in progress as we can always become more efficient and better at what we do.
Help faculty stay on the cutting edge of technology and the impact on pedagogy for the classroom
11/1/2014 In Progress
We are constantly upgrading the resources and applications for classroom teaching for the faculty. We use the EDUC course and programs offered by Ms. Autumn Schaffer for our faculty to become more proficient with technology use.
4/1/2015 In Progress
We are keeping up with technology. Autumn Schaffer is excellent to have as a resource.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Maintain the entrance requirements into teacher education in order to have top quality candidates for all teacher education programs. This is a strong signal and helps in retention of strong candidates in the field.
11/1/2014 Complete
We are able to maintain the level of consistency needed to have an excellent program. Our candidates are sought after and usually are employed in this area. Candidate pool is smaller, but has retained the strengths of previous cohorts.
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To continue to provide high quality Teacher Ed. candidates grounded in pedagogy and content knowledge to the surrounding 20 counties of GA.
Maintain the entrance requirements into teacher education in order to have top quality candidates for all teacher education programs. This is a strong signal and helps in retention of strong candidates in the field.
4/1/2015 In Progress
We maintain our consistency in selection of high quality candidates
for education.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Work to reach out to content area majors about opportunities for teaching in middle and high schools (6‐
12) in content areas. Improve numbers of secondary educationteaching majors by 15%.
11/1/2014 In Progress
Middle Grades program was just sent to the BOR. When we receive word back from the Regents, we wil request a visit from the PSC to accredit our programs and begin to accept majors into the program.
4/1/2015 In Progress
With the new Middle Grades program, we will reach out even more for content majors to come to education. Also the grants will help
6/30/2015 In Progress
Maintain clean facilities.
Develop a plan to standardize when and how certain cleaning tasks are performed in order to reach the Association of Physical Plant Adminstrators' (APPA) appearance level 2 for all buildings.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Maintain clean facilities.
Develop a plan to standardize when and how certain cleaning tasks are performed in order to reach the Association of Physical Plant Adminstrators' (APPA) appearance level 2 for all buildings.
4/1/2015 Complete
Facilities has implemented a bi‐monthly inspection log for each department such as Custodial, Maintenance and Grounds Departments. This is based on the requirements to reach the Association of Physical Plant Administrators’ (APPA) to maintain an appearance level 2 for all buildings. We also complete an environmental audit once a month through Central Receiving. Facilities has completed the development of our plan for a system for each of our departments to be able to perform bi‐
monthly inspections of their respective areas and it seems to be working well. It helps ensure that we are maintaining the APPA Appearance Levels for our facilities and grounds.
6/30/2015 Complete
Provide a safe environment for our campus community.
Label/inventory chemicals used on campus.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
The objective in this goal is concerning the labeling and inventory of chemicals on campus. We noted this as “in progress” as we currently receive all chemicals and products for the labs; however we only deliver items as our department has no experience in labeling or performing inventory on said items.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Seek, prioritize and allocate capital resources to meet the stratigic priorities of Gordon State College.
Undertake full review and update of GSC master plan. (Note: Current master plan was delivered in December 2007 and was updated in February 2011. This update focused mainly on parking and vehicular travel within the campus footprint.)
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Facilities has been instrumental in getting faculty and staff together in the planning and development stages of the proposed Master Plan for our campus. This project is still in progress and we hope to see the finished results in May of this year.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Financial Aid
Modify the Financial Literacy Program
Increase the number of students receiving information regarding financial literacy.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Every GFYE class was given information thorugh the financial aid office.
6/30/2015 Complete
Present programs to loan recipients in GFYE courses as well as resident students.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Every GFYE class was given information thorugh the financial aid office.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Financial Aid
Reduce Three Year Loan Default Cohort Rate by Two to Three Percent
Implement more robust entrance counseling requirements.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Not Started
This objective is closed and contract cancelled. Gordon is using student.cov entrance counciling.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Develop targeted email campaing targeted to student loan recipients
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Not Started
worked in conjunction with Inceptia
This objective is closed and contract cancelled. Gordon is using student.cov entrance counciling.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Revise current financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Revise the SAP policy in regards to the Academic Plan concept.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
SAP policy has been revised and the Academic Plan has been removed. The policy was approved by the President's Cabinet.
6/30/2015 Complete
Revise the SAP policy in regards to the way transfer credit is applied
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
All transfer credits acdepted by Gordon apply to the SAP calculation. This information is reflected in the new approved policy.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Fine & Performing Arts
Create a meaningful set of program assessments for Fine & Performing Arts Improved progression through Area F course requirements towards graduation or transfer
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
General Education assessments for AA/AS degrees proposed and accepted. Additional, department specific assessment practices under discussion.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Provide foundation for success after A.A. graduation or transfer.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Expand promotion of Fine & Performing Arts programs into broader community for recruitment
Establish an off‐campus presence for Fine and Performing Arts
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Identify opportunities for Fine & Performing Arts students/faculty to present work beyond the confines of the Fine Arts Auditorium (on‐ or off‐
campus) to better engage community
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Fine & Performing Arts
Expand promotion of Fine & Performing Arts programs into broader community for recruitment
Identify opportunities for Fine & Performing Arts students/faculty to present work beyond the confines of the Fine Arts Auditorium (on‐ or off‐
campus) to better engage community
4/1/2015 In Progress
1) Prof. Wooley created a touring workshop for our Theatre majors that visited sections of Theatre Appreciation and Pike County Schools during fall 2014. 2) Prof. Marlin Adams displayed works as feature artist in Warm Springs, GA, gallery.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase awareness of GSC Fine & Performing Arts programs among potential students in the middle GA region
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Prof. Nourizadeh has worked with FPA faculty and met with administration regarding design and availability of Fine & Performing Arts brochure. Some administrative resistance and budget limitations have slowed progress.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase campus and community attendance at fine & performing arts events
Encourage more students to attend plays, performances, and exhibitions on campus
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
1) Have incorporated arts performance/gallery attendance into assessment plan for our Appreciation courses. 2) Have met with administration and public relations representatives to improve communication and dissemination of information.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Fine & Performing Arts
Increase campus and community attendance at fine & performing arts events
Encourage more community members to attend plays, performances, and exhibitions on campus
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Planned Jan. 20 “Dinner and a Performance” for students and community: Sodexo will host special dinner event before evening performance of Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster.
6/30/2015 In Progress
History & Political Science
Enhance Program Progression & Graduation
History majors will be better prepared to undertake upper‐division class work
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Enhance Program Recruiting
Ensure a steady flow of majors into the history baccalaureate program.
HIST 2000 course was implemented in Fall 2014; added as an AREA F course and a requirement for all new history BA majors for the next catalog
Not enough data to assess
11/1/2014 In Progress
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History & Political Science
Enhance Program Recruiting
Ensure a steady flow of majors into the history baccalaureate program.
4/1/2015 Complete
Attended the following recruiting events •Metro Atlanta P‐20 Regional Partnership: School Districts, Institutions, and RESAs, Kennesaw State University, November 18, 2014
•Future Educators Associa on (FEA) College Fair, 2014 FEA Fall Conference, at Middle Georgia State College in Macon, November 6, 2014
•Georgia Perimeter College Transfer Fair, September 9, 2014
•Georgia Professional Standards Commission, Transforming Educator Preparation Conference, September 2‐4, 2014, Atlanta, GA
6/30/2015 Complete
Market program both the history AA track and BA history program the on web.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Assigned to personnel to update, enhance and maintain the departmental website as well as the History Club Facebook page
6/30/2015 Complete
Implement FDR History Scholarship program
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Internally marketed the scholarship elici ng a number of applicants and scheduled a speaker for event on April 13,2015
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
History & Political Science
Enhance Program Recruiting
Create a greater awareness of the GSC history program as well as the insitution in general. 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Enhance Program Retention
Establish a Phi Alpha Theta (History Honors Society) Chapter at GSC.
6/30/2015 Complete
History 4720 was offered with 5 interns working on the Griffin Killed in Action project. Worked at the Griffin/Spalding archive.
11/1/2014 Complete
Charter established with 19 students and 4 faculty.
4/1/2015 Complete
Chapter established and a going concern with 12 dues paying members who have sponsored a number of departmental and campus wide events.
6/30/2015 Complete
Continue creating a "4‐year culture" in campus life
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Replaced with speaker events. The department has hosted three guest speakers in AY 14‐15 with another speaker event scheduled for Spring 2015
6/30/2015 Complete
Continue creating a "4 year culture" in academics
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Symposium was held and was successful.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
History & Political Science
Enhance Program Retention
Provide more online history and political science course offerings.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
The department now offers all four of the history survey courses (HIST 1121/1122/2111/2112) online as well as, POLS 1101 and 2201
6/30/2015 Complete
Human Resources
Ensure that Human Recources' policies and procedures are current and comply with BOR policies as well as federal and state laws.
Update all policies and procedures related to Human Resources.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Current policies and procedures have been updated. In addition, HR continues to work on new policies and procedures. All policies are awaiting final review and approval by the Cabinet.
6/30/2015 Complete
Promote diversity and inclusiveness on campus from a Human Resources perspective.
Develop a diversity plan that addresses the need to recruit, hire and retain a more diverse faculty and staff.
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Human Resources
Promote diversity and inclusiveness on campus from a Human Resources perspective.
Develop a diversity plan that addresses the need to recruit, hire and retain a more diverse faculty and staff.
4/1/2015 Not Started
This goal has been revised and included on the FY16 Annual Plan. The President, Provost, and participants of the 2014 USG Diversity Summit are working together to refocus this initiative as an organizational approach/strategy rather than a departmental approach.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Provide more training opportunities around the subject of diversity and inclusiveness.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
This goal has been revised and included on the FY16 Annual Plan. The President, Provost, and participants of the 2014 USG Diversity Summit are working together to refocus this initiative as an organizational approach/strategy rather than a departmental approach.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Promote wellness on campus.Support the BOR wellness initatives through the establishment of campus specfic programs and activities
Support the Board of Regents wellness initiative through the establishment of campus specific programs and activities that foster the value of healthy living.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Human Resources
Promote wellness on campus.Support the BOR wellness initatives through the establishment of campus specfic programs and activities
Support the Board of Regents wellness initiative through the establishment of campus specific programs and activities that foster the value of healthy living.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Last year we were able to offer a couple of programs through the support of Upson Regional Hospital. However, this is an on‐
going initiative. The Board of Regents is continuing its efforts to develop and implement a system‐wide wellness program
6/30/2015 In Progress
Improve student success in Area A 1. Develop a closer association with core courses Student Success Center tutors
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Engaged in comprehensive revision of assessment goals and rubric for English Composi on courses.
6/30/2015 In Progress
2. Restore the English 1101 pass rate to 60% or above
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
6/30/2015 Complete
Improve student success in the English Bachelors Program 1. Develop upper‐level online or hybrid courses
Fall 2014 ENGL 1101 ABC rate: 68.1%; Spring 2015 ABC rate:
Faculty reviewed and revised course objectives prior to fall 2014 semester.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 Complete
Online BA English course ENGL 3340 offered in summer session, June 2015
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Improve student success in the English Bachelors Program 2. Provide additional support to English majors in foreign language courses
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Provide Humanities Faculty with support and professional development opportunities
1. Improve the collaborative nature of the Humanities Department
Spanish language tutoring available in SSC; Humanities funds used to supplement SSC budget
Will continue to offer Spanish tutoring in SSC during 2015‐16 academic year; have initiated half‐semester hybrid foreign language courses for interested majors, which will allow completion of required sequence in shorter time frame, relieving problem of students delaying followup courses or creating gaps between attempts.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 In Progress
2. Increase coordination with adjunct faculty
First conversations regarding marketing of program have taken place amongst faculty members and will continue into 2015‐16 academic year; establishment of scholarly journal reading group in fall 2015.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Dr. Wesley Venus named adjunct coordinator
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Institutional Advancement
Increase outreach to potential donors in Gordon State College service area. (Counties of Butts, Pike, Lamar, Spalding Henry, Fayette, and Upson) Increase number of calls on local donors.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Increase number of donors as a result of the calls.
Establish an annual event to raise scholarship funds.
Plan and Implement an annual fund raising event.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Made contact with or calls on many potential donors as a result of various meeting attended. Examples are: Business retreats with Spalding County and Henry County Chambers of Commerce; Regular attendance at Chamber of Commerce gathering in Upson, Spalding, Fayette and Henry Counties; and attendance at Rotary meeting in the area.
An additional endowment was established in Spring 2015. The number of endowments established increased for 2014‐2015.
Have had three local scholarships funded in the 4th Quarter of 2014. (Three $25,000.00 scholarships)
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
We are in the final stages of planning and implementing the 2nd annual Founder’s Day Event. This event will take place on March 21st, 2015. This event is now an annual event.
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Status Narrative
Institutional Advancement
Identify a fund raising project that Establish a fund raising project that resonates with alumni.
serves a need on campus.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
With the reductin in staff this goal has not been started.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Increase annual Campus (Faculty/Staff) Giving
Increase unrestricted giving within Faculty/Staff giving campaign
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Not Started
With the reduction in staff this goal has not been started.
Reach new donors through the use of technology.
Increase contacts through the use of available technology
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
We have not had much success in contact through technology. Our one success was originally from an article in a local magazine about a Gordon Student that went on to work for Apple. We reached him through the use of Linked In.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Institutional Research
Assist with Assessment & Accreditation activities involving external entities
Archive of SACS Documentation
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Did not use SPOL
All information has been archied to GSC N: drive.
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Institutional Research
Assist with Assessment & Accreditation activities involving external entities
Archive of SACS Documentation
6/30/2015 Complete
Implement & Facilitate use of Strategic Planning Online (SPOL)
11/1/2014 In Progress
Purchased Performance Cloud by Weave and in the implementation stage.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Implementatin slower than expected due to Performance Cloud development delays.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Contribute to qualitative & quantitative information for assessment and accreditation
Other accreditation related accreditation activities such as assembling packets, mailings, scheduling meetings between SACS and campus representatives
100% of IR staff are trained in useage of Proformance Cloud.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
IE/IR office works closely with the Assessment and Planning Committess as well as Compliance Certification committees supplying data and information as requested.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Working with faculty and staff on assessment and accreditation tasks.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
This is an ongoing process for reaffirmation in 2017.
This is an ongoing process.
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Status Narrative
Institutional Research
Consistent usage of Data Elements across the institution and university system office Create an Element Definition
Create an environment of institutional‐
wide data governance
Seek better understanding of Gordon data usage at system level
Ensures that compliance with accreditation requirements is incorporated into the planning and evaluation process of the institution
Generate policies and procedures to ensure compliance is achieved campus‐
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
This will be handled internally. Due to the reduction in staff, this has not been completed.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Due to reduction in staff and high cost of softeware we will continue to address this need locally.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Due to reduction in staff this has was not started.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Due to reduction in staff this has was not started.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
This is an ongoing process where we initiate conversations and identify issues with USG , IRP office. All reports are reviewed.
6/30/2015 In Progress
This is an ongoing process where we initiate conversations and identify issues with USG , IRP office.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Institutional Research
Ensures that compliance with accreditation requirements is incorporated into the planning and evaluation process of the institution
Generate policies and procedures to ensure compliance is achieved campus‐
4/2/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Communicate final version of policies and procedures to faculty and staff via face‐to‐face meetings, as well as email and Institutional Effectiveness Website
Policy handbook has been written. Policies are being presented to the Cabinet and approved by the President for documentation. A Policy link will be added to the IE webpage.
This will be an onlgoing process.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Policies will be posted to the IE website.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Improve Business Processes to be more efficient as it relates to IR Establish standard operating procedures for routine tasks
Organize files of physical and virtual storage
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
All processes have been standardized and documented. (IPEDS, Grade distributions, Faculty Ratings by Students, Administrator Evaluations, Surveys, etc.)
6/30/2015 In Progress
All processes have been standardized and documented.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
All files have been organized for IR/IE.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
Institutional Research
Improve Business Processes to be more efficient as it relates to IR Transition from paper to online surveys including faculty course evaluations
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Conducting pilot campus wide
Pilot will continue through Spring 2015. Data will be collected for a second time and distributed to major staeholders. Approval will be sought in fall 2015.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Redesign standard internal reports including faculty course evaluations, administrator evaluations, etc. to create efficiencies internal and external to the IR office
11/1/2014 Complete
Enrollment reports, graducation surveys, quick facts
4/1/2015 Complete
Enrollment reports, graducation surveys, quick facts, fact book were redesigned.
6/30/2015 Complete
Provide timely and appropriate information for decision‐making & planning
Create and Enhance Dashboards
11/1/2014 In Progress
Purchased Tableau. Completed 2 functional campus‐wide dash board and many functional area specific dash boards.
4/1/2015 Complete
Dashboards are used campus‐wide with many created.
6/30/2015 Complete
Tracking and Prioritization of IR requests
11/1/2014 Complete
Completed using Outlook task features.
4/1/2015 Complete
Completed using Outlook task features.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Status Narrative
Institutional Research
Provide timely and appropriate information for decision‐making & planning
Publish Fact Book
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
Fact Book completed and posted to the IR webpage.
6/30/2015 Complete
Provide qualitative & quantitative information faculty and staff
11/1/2014 Complete
Data Snapshots matched IPEDS and matched several USG reports
4/1/2015 Complete
Data Snapshots matched IPEDS and matched several USG reports
6/30/2015 Complete
Janssen Honors Program
Enhance communications and promotions of Honors section offerings
Establish mandatory advising sessions for students in the Honors Program
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Although a formal process for including me in the advising of Honors Program students has not yet been established, I have begun requiring all new members to meet with me, and in my introduction of the Honors Program, I am emphasizing that they should consider me as one of their academic advisors. I still need to establish with Department Heads an agreeable method of advising. That conversation has not yet taken place, but it is on the agenda for the next Arts and Sciences Leadership Team meeting.
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Status Narrative
Janssen Honors Program
Enhance communications and promotions of Honors section offerings
Establish mandatory advising sessions for students in the Honors Program
6/30/2015 In Progress
Develop a fixed 2‐year curriculum for section scheduling
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
I have developed a template for a two‐year course rotation of Honors Sections. This is intended as an informal tool to assist in scheduling and to ensure a variety of choices across core disciplines.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Engage instructors of Honors sections in promotion and advertising
11/1/2014 In Progress
Instructors are asked to promote their own classes during registration periods and to promote the Honors Program prior to application deadlines.
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Foster a culture of student success in the Honors Program
develop a mentor program involving senior and new students in the Honors Program
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Janssen Honors Program
Foster a culture of student success in the Honors Program
develop a mentor program involving senior and new students in the Honors Program
4/1/2015 In Progress
The Student Honors Council has been informally involved with promotion efforts. Beginning in Fall 2015, I will also ask student leaders in the Honors Program to serve as “ambassadors” within their major and connect them with new members in that major. The objective is to foster a culture of student mentorship. This already happens informally in the Honors Program, but we need to make it a specific aspect of the Program.
6/30/2015 In Progress
expand mission of Faculty Honors Council to be involved in the advising process with Honors students in their disciplines
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
This particular objective should probably be revised and folded into that for Objective 1, since they are so similar, and I think the description of Goal 2, Objective 1 above reflects that.
6/30/2015 In Progress
develop evaluations tools for students and faculty for both Honors sections and embedded courses
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Status Narrative
Janssen Honors Program
Foster a culture of student success in the Honors Program
develop evaluations tools for students and faculty for both Honors sections and embedded courses
4/1/2015 In Progress
a student and faculty survey conducted by Honors student Tasha Lee was completed this semester. I have not yet had the chance to review the survey, since it is an ongoing assignment as part of her Honors Contract in her Statistics course, but it is noteworthy because it is the first attempt to specifically assess Honors sections. I will need to work with Academic Affairs to develop the best method for a more consistent student evaluation tool of Honors Sections.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Improve information literacy instruction for entering freshmen in order to better equip students with the necessary research skills needed to prepare them for success in their collegiate work.
Provide information literacy instruction to all entering freshmen.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Improve information literacy instruction for entering freshmen in order to better equip students with the necessary research skills needed to prepare them for success in their collegiate work.
Provide information literacy instruction to all entering freshmen.
4/1/2015 In Progress
It is not feasibly possible to conduct a pre‐test on each student prior to receiving library instruction. Therefore, the pre‐test for this objective has been eliminated. Furthermore, this objective will be merged with objective 2 as they duplicate one another. The outcome will be revised to reflect this merge. An exam is given at the end of each English 1101 library instruction session. As of February 27, 2015, there were 44 classes with 811 Freshmen students (715 As, 75 Bs, 12 Cs, 6 Ds, and 3 Fs) who received instruction. As a result, 97% of Freshmen taking the exam after completing library instruction earned a score of 80% or higher.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Provide a measure for successful completion of information literacy instruc on by entering freshmen.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/2/2015 In Progress
This has been merged with objective 1.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Renovation of Hightower Library to bring it into the 21st Century in order to support the changing needs of the Gordon State College faculty, students, and community. Provide comfortable spaces with appropriate technology, lighting, climate control, and soundproofing for:• collabora ve groups of varying sizes• quiet reading/studying spaces 11/1/2014 In Progress
• instructional/presentation or multi‐
purpose • presenta on prac ce• ar
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Renovation of Hightower Library to bring it into the 21st Century in order to support the changing needs of the Gordon State College faculty, students, and community. Provide comfortable spaces with appropriate technology, lighting, climate control, and soundproofing for:• collabora ve groups of varying sizes• quiet reading/studying spaces 4/1/2015 In Progress
• instructional/presentation or multi‐
purpose • presenta on prac ce• ar
The Library Steering Committee met biweekly during Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. Meetings were held with administrators and students, and a needs assessment conducted to solicit ideas for the library renovation. Based on feedback provided, a schematic design was drawn, presented to constituents including the Board of Regents, and approved. Usage statistics for the existing library space is collected daily and will be reported at the end of the academic year. The renovation will be based on people usage instead of book/resource storage.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Support additional baccalaureate programs offered with print and electronic resources provided through Hightower Library’s collection and GALILEO databases.
Increase or add the necessary resources available to support new baccalaureate degree programs.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
As of February 27, 2015, 302 books were added to the library collection (of which 253 (84% purchased) support baccalaureate degree programs).
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Support additional off campus and online offerings with electronic resources provided through Hightower Library’s collection and GALILEO databases.
Increase the electronic resources available to support all degree programs.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
The following electronic resources were added and are available via GALILEO
1) 19th Century U.S. Newspapers
2) JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection
3) Artemis
4) CREDO Information Literacy Modules
A database trial feedback form was created and faculty members are asked to give information regarding need for and desire to purchase e‐resources to support their programs
6/30/2015 In Progress
Educate and inform faculty and students about available electronic resources.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Support additional off campus and online offerings with electronic resources provided through Hightower Library’s collection and GALILEO databases.
Educate and inform faculty and students about available electronic resources.
4/1/2015 In Progress
An official plan is being drafted. Marketing has been conducted via GSC large screen monitors; GS Connect newsletter; and mass e‐
mails to the campus community. Facebook and Instagram accounts have been created and information has been shared on both. A Library Needs Assessment was created Fall 2014 and is being used ongoing to collect information regarding preferred communication methods as well as other needs related to library services/resources. Thus far, 214 responses have been received. The top 3 preferred methods of communication are print newsletter, electronic newsletter, and Facebook.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Math & Physical Sciences
Develop and foster community partnerships with local and regional K‐12 schools, community service and outreach projects andlife‐long learning opportunities for the community and the region.
Continue excellent M&PS participation in the Science Olympiad.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Nealy 100% of M&PS faculty participated in the Science Olympiad.
6/30/2015 Complete
Continue M&PS participation in Service‐
STEM summer camp.
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Math & Physical Sciences
Develop and foster community partnerships with local and regional K‐12 schools, community service and outreach projects andlife‐long learning opportunities for the community and the region.
Continue M&PS participation in Service‐
STEM summer camp.
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Continue to have faculty and student participation in the Adopt‐A‐Stream and Rivers Alive! projects.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Continue to have faculty provide opportunities for the local community to participate in astronomy observations.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Develop instrument to measure excellence across all programs and program foci (Area Fs) in Math and Physical Sciences
Define Excellence
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Develop and implement instrument to measure new student aptitude
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Status Narrative
Math & Physical Sciences
Develop instrument to measure excellence across all programs and program foci (Area Fs) in Math and Physical Sciences
Develop and implement instrument to measure new student aptitude
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 In Progress
Develop and implement instrument to measure aptitude of students completing the AS program and the BS Math programs
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Identify and develop measurements in courses in Math and Physical Sciences that can be used to measure aptitude of students who do not complete programs 11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 Not Started
Develop new academic concentrations and private and public sector partnerships for the benefit of the region and the state
Wastewater partnership with the City of Barnesville and ETG
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Math & Physical Sciences
Develop new academic concentrations and private and public sector partnerships for the benefit of the region and the state
Increase M&PS student participation in summer programs in scholarship and service and internship 11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase access to and completion of Bachelor of Science Programs and successful transfer to professional programs
Increase successful completion rate for Math 1111 for students who entered Gordon State College in Learning Support Math
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
All Learning Supports students were registered for a co‐requisite or year‐long pathway to reduce the lenth of time to complete a college level math course.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase Associate of Science program completion rate, or successful transfer of students to Bachelor of Science and Professional programs at other colleges and universities
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase BS Math completion rates
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Status Narrative
Math & Physical Sciences
Increase access to and completion Increase successful completion rates of Bachelor of Science Programs for M&PS courses for students in the BS and successful transfer to Biology Program
professional programs
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Nursing & Health Sciences
To enhance each nursing student's application of critical thinking/clinical judgment To increase student exposure to critical thinking/clinical judgment in the safe environment of the simulation lab.
11/1/2014 In Progress
With the revision of the ASN program, more simulation has been incorporated. The first semester students in the new curriculum have completed a simulation experience very successfully. We continue to provide Mental Health Simulation two days per semester, 12 hours of Pediatric simulation, and 8 hours of Obstetric simulation. As the new curriculum rolls out, more simulation each semester will be added.
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To enhance each nursing student's application of critical thinking/clinical judgment To increase student exposure to critical thinking/clinical judgment in the safe environment of the simulation lab.
4/1/2015 In Progress
Simulation has been added to the courses in the new ASN curriculum. The simula on for NURS 1910 was completed in Fall, 2014. 90.47% of the students rated the simulation experience as above average/excellent. The Mental Health Course simula ons were revised for the new curriculum and streamlined. The other second semester simula ons for NURS 1911 are scheduled for the end of Fall semester.
Though a grant from USG, we hired a Simula on Lab Coordinator w is working extensively with the course coordinators for the clinical courses to ensure that the simulation lab is used appropriately and produc vely. She is developing simula on experiences that require the students to use clinical judgment, as well as meet their course clinical objectives. She has streamlined the process of using the simula on lab so that all faculty are using the same form
to outline the simula on so all the faculty are cohesive on the expectations for a par cular simula on.
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To enhance each nursing student's application of critical thinking/clinical judgment To increase student exposure to critical thinking/clinical judgment in the safe environment of the simulation lab.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Simulation was refined for the NURS 1910 (first clinical course) to make it less intimidating and time consuming. 52.64% rated the simulation experience as above average to excellent. In comments, many students indicated that they would learn more from increased simulation with varied scenarios than from being in the nursing homes for 9 weeks.
Simulation was added to NURS 1911 for both skills practice and check‐off and scenarios designed to develop clinical judgment associated with giving or withholding medication based on the information in the scenario. Two questions related to the scenario was asked on the NURS 1911 final and one question was asked on the NURS 1906 (Pharmacology) exam to determine retention of what was discussed in debriefing the simulation. The mental health course also conducts a safety simulation before students attend clinical at a mental health facility.
Simulation has been revised for both Pediatrics and Obstetrics for fall 2015. Simulation is also being developed for the third medical‐surgical course, NURS 2910.
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To enhance each nursing student's application of critical thinking/clinical judgment To improve electronic documentation skills of students
11/1/2014 In Progress
Docucare was purchased for 1 year for the students with end‐of‐year money. Documentation with docucare is required in all clinical courses. All part‐time and full‐time faculty are trained on use and evaluation through docucare. Faculty have observed increased documentation skills in the students with the use of this product.
4/1/2015 Complete
Docucare was purchased for 1 year. We have had to purchase several other codes for this because, as students leave the program, the codes can no longer be used. Because of this, we are requiring the students to purchase docucare each semester star ng in Fall 2015. All part‐ me faculty are trained on docucare. Some faculty were resistant to docucare in the beginning, but everyone is on‐board now. All of the faculty that use it think that the program has improved documentation of the students. Students are also comple ng their care mapping on the program and submi ng it electronically to the faculty, which makes for ease of grading and
decreases prin ng costs and the amount of paperwork that goes back and forth
between faculty and students each week to a minimum. The students get faster
feedback on their care mapping when it is submitted through docucare.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To expand access to programs in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences
To implement a revised ASN curriculum to provide a building block for development and implementation of a prelicensure BSN program
11/1/2014 In Progress
A substantive report was submitted to ACEN (Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing) about this curricular change in March 2014. We received formal notification on October 15, 2014 that the report was accepted by the ACEN Board of Commissioners Subcommittee on Substantive Changes without further action. First cohort accepted Fall 2014 and the new curriculum is running smoothly thus far. The Curriculum Committee is working on implementation of second semester courses for the Spring. Evaluation criteria is being created to investigate effects of the change.
4/1/2015 In Progress
The first and second semesters of the ASN program have been implemented.
The course evalua on for the first semester were on par with those for the last semester of the revised curriculum. The second semester is in progress.
The course and clinical objec ves for the second semester are being revised, along with those of the first semester. This will make preparation of the second
year of the new curriculum more seamless. The curriculum changes for all four semesters will be complete by the end of Spring semester, 2015.
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To expand access to programs in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences
To implement a revised ASN curriculum to provide a building block for development and implementation of a prelicensure BSN program
6/30/2015 In Progress
The first and second semesters of the new curriculum were implemented. The course evaluations for the first semester courses remain essentially the same for the second semester of this course. The course evaluations for the second semester medical‐
surgical and pharmacology courses were good. The evaluations for the mental health course were less positive. The faculty met at the end of spring semester and discussed how the new curriculum was progressing. A determination was made that the shifting of material into the second semester Medical‐
surgical course was too heavy. The faculty discussed and shifted material to make the courses more equitable. For the students coming up from the first semester, the second semester will remain as it is. The changes made in this meeting will affect the students admitted for fall semester.
To develop and get approval for prelicensure BSN
11/1/2014 In Progress
We have been working with Ms. Julia Gould, our consultant, in the development of the BSN. We have presented the anticipated curriculum to th Academic Policy Committee and received approval. Expectation is that the application for the new program will be sent to the BOR for approval by the first week in November. After BOR approval, an application will be sent to the Georgia Board of Nursing for aproval to develop a prelicensure BSN.
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To expand access to programs in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences
To develop and get approval for prelicensure BSN
4/1/2015 In Progress
This was delayed with the implementation of the new ASN. That curriculum
had to be solidified and implementa on begun before the pre‐licensure BSN proposal could be finalized. The proposal was sent to the Provost in March
and was sent for review by USG before sending the formal proposal. The proposal will be sent a er any iden fied revisions are made, hopefully by
the end of March.
6/30/2015 In Progress
To receive initial accreditation from Commission on Accreditation on Health Information and Informatics Management
11/1/2014 In Progress
The application for accreditation was sent on October 12th. Once this application has been accepted, work on the self study will begin.
4/1/2015 In Progress
The application for accreditation is still wai ng on CAHIIM for approval so the self‐
study process for initial accreditation can be completed. CAHIIM had a problem with the tle of the program because it combines both administration
and informa cs. We will be seeking a name change for the program to focus
more on management so that the application can progress through CAHIIM and the self‐study can ensue.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Nursing & Health Sciences
To increase student success and retention through exposure to enhanced technology
To provide computer testing access for all students in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Funds were not approved.
The addition of a computer lab was denied. All courses in the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing program use computer testing. The RN to BSN program does their tes ng by paper and pencil predominately. The issue is
that there are so many students in each of the courses in the ASN program, two computer labs are required to give the exams. It is often difficult to schedule 2 labs at the same me, there have been glitches where a computer lab has been
booked for 2 tests at the same me. HSIA uses the nursing building computer lab for classes with technological focus. This precludes the use of that computer
lab when it is used in a class. Some mes this is difficult to work around. However, both the students and the faculty like computer testing rather than paper‐and‐pencil tests.
6/30/2015 Not Started
To increase student success and retention through enhancing exposure to technology 11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
No determination can be made until a cohort completes the program in Spring 2016.
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Status Narrative
Nursing & Health Sciences
To increase student success and retention through exposure to enhanced technology
To increase student success and retention through enhancing exposure to technology 6/30/2015 In Progress
Determine effectiveness of emergency communication 11/1/2014 In Progress
Public Information
Evaluate effectiveness of internal emergency communication and internal board messaging
4/1/2015 Complete
February 2015 emergency communication reports revealed that 100 percent of messaging reached targets
Determine effectiveness/best use of campus message boards
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Reviewing available programs in March 2015 to determine what best suit the needs of multiple users across campus.
6/30/2015 Complete
Promote Gordon State College as a top choice for education
Expand use of Social Media sites
11/1/2014 In Progress
Both FaceBook and Twitter continue to attract followers. More than 250 additional followers with a total of 2,113 FaceBook friends since annual plan was submitted – we are using Google analytics to track pertinent information like demographics, etc. to better target our projects.
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Public Information
Promote Gordon State College as a top choice for education
Expand use of Social Media sites
4/1/2015 Complete
Use of video and fresh, pertinent content have contributed to growth of social media sites, contributing to promoting Gordon State College.
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Public Information
Promote Gordon State College as a top choice for education
Increase presence in print, broadcast media
11/1/2014 In Progress
The summer advertising campaign that tied in with the enrollment push for 4287 students resulted in development and use of QR codes on front‐page newspaper stickers – the most successful and cost‐effective ($500 an ad) of the summer campaign. While it is impossible to say that use of the codes resulted in a student in a classroom Fall 2014, it does provide traceable, useable information on where interest is coming from, what the potential student is looking for and other useful demographic info. All of which helps us to better target our audience.
Continued cultivation of relationships with media reps, including person‐to‐person visits, has resulted in a 100 percent use of all information submitted in June, July, August, and so far, in September. We are also sending PR to area radio stations, chambers of commerce, senior centers and lifestyle communities. With the assistance of faculty involved in the development of Weekend College, students who attend various “infonights” and other events will be polled on how they heard about Weekend College. That information will be used to better target future advertising campaigns.
Enrollment expectations were not met, Page 75 of 94
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Public Information
4/1/2015 In Progress
despite valiant efforts and a summer advertising campaign that totaled $36,775 in expenditures. A story done on an alumni after a gift was given in his memory, resulted in at least two additional gifts from alumni and friends of Gordon College.
Promoting Gordon State College in media purchases as budget allows and taking advantage of free promotional opportunities.
6/30/2015 Complete
Redesign web, refresh, update recruitment materials Improve look, functionality of website
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Project completed in September 2014
6/30/2015 Complete
Develop attractive, interest‐generating recruitment materials
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
Materials redesigned and in circulation.
Public Safety
Conduct an overall external campus lighting survey.
Work with the City of Barnesville to conduct a exterior lighting survey of the campus.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Public Safety
Conduct an overall external campus lighting survey.
Work with the City of Barnesville to conduct a exterior lighting survey of the campus.
4/1/2015 Complete
A review of campus lighting was conducted with the City of Barnesville and Facilities. Recommendations were made for future lighting changes with budgeting in mind.
Facilities personnel and Public Safety are working together regarding realistic lighting needs on the campus.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase awareness and safety on campus.
1) Increase access to GSC Public Safety.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Officers on all shifts have adapted direct patrolling in campus buildings on all floors. Furthermore, the P.S. Program Aide has added a twice per semester crime and safety table in the SSC.
6/30/2015 Complete
2) Reduce the opportunity for crime on campus.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Message boards are populated with current campus threats as well as P.S. tips and crime alerts.
6/30/2015 Complete
3) Increase officer visibility within various buildings on campus.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Each shift is assigned a daily checklist and is responsible for campus tours of all buildings each day to improve visibility on the campus.
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Public Safety
Increase awareness and safety on campus.
3) Increase officer visibility within various buildings on campus.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase the perception of Public Safety police held by the campus community.
1) Increase the level of perception of services provided by Public Safety.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
A survey of the campus community was completed. Information from the results were used to adapt personnel to the college's perception of missed police presence opportunity.
6/30/2015 Complete
2) Seek feedback from the campus community to determine how Public Safety can provide better services.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Future P.S. surveys will be used to improve campus needs.
6/30/2015 Complete
Registrar's Office
Ensure efficient records retention Revise and implement records schedule
retention schedule for hard copy backup of student records stored in Banner Document Imaging
11/1/2014 In Progress
Initial survey of hardcopy recoreds in storage was performed. Currently scanning, indexing and shredding hard copies of old withdrawal forms.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Registrar's Office
Ensure efficient records retention Revise and implement records schedule
retention schedule for hard copy backup of student records stored in Banner Document Imaging
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 Complete
Implement online submission of Registrar's Office forms
Implement Planner component of DegreeWorks
Provide online submission of Veteran Benefits form and Request for Transient Permission
Assist students and academic advisors in planning coursework required to complete degree requirements and graduate from Gordon State College
Anticipated completion date: June 2015. Final inventory of hardcopy records in storage to be completed spring 2015. Draft version of records retention schedule to be finalized spring 2015. Pulling and shredding hardcopy records at the end of their retention cycle will be ongoing.
Final inventory completed. Records retention schedule developed.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Determined that online submission of the Veteran Benefits form is not viable at this time. Implemented a fillable PDF version of the Veteran Benefits form for students’ convenience. Working with counterparts at the University of North Georgia to obtain information on UNG online transient permission process. Anticipate availability of online request for transient permission form at Gordon State College by June 2015.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Development of online Request for Transient Permission is ongoing.
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Registrar's Office
Implement Planner component of DegreeWorks
Assist students and academic advisors in planning coursework required to complete degree requirements and graduate from Gordon State College
4/1/2015 In Progress
Kristi Hayes will attend Planner sessions at Degree Works Symposium/ Ellucian Live in April 2015. Anticipated USG Planner training to be provided by ITS has not been scheduled. Upgrade to Degree Works 4.1.4 and installation of the Planner component in the Test database have been postponed largely due to Jody DeFore’s reassignment to the Interim Director of Financial Aid position. Testing, training, and preparation for release of the Planner component will begin after the upgrade and installation have been completed.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Kristi Hayes attended Planner sessions at Degree Works Symposium/Ellucian Live in April and USG Planner training in June. Degree Works upgrade 4.1.4 installed in Test database.
Residence Life
Implement the work order process and repair assessment through Banner processing
Implement the input of work order submissions for resident students
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
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Status Narrative
Residence Life
Implement the work order process and repair assessment through Banner processing
Implement the input of work order submissions for resident students
4/1/2015 In Progress
An initial meeting with the Business Office, Computer Services and Facilities was held in Fall 2014 (July) to discuss the idea and implementation of Banner WO submission. Options were discussed regarding the combination of Banner and Mpulse (Facilities reporting) systems for a more direct line of reporting and feedback. As a result, Computers Services was supposed to relocate the link for student Log‐In from the main webpage. Along with a more direct link (Log‐
In area), a list of quick fix (trouble shooting page) ideas for work orders were going to be inserted so resident students have ideas on what to attempt before submitting a work order. Subsequent meetings have been requested but no responses have been received and/or confirmed by Computer Services or Facilities.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Implement the input and billing process for submission of work orders for damages
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Residence Life
Implement the work order process and repair assessment through Banner processing
Implement the input and billing process for submission of work orders for damages
4/1/2015 Not Started
Banner was not viewed as the most appropriate place to compile work orders from a student perspective. Furthermore, Computer Services and Facilities were concerned about the validity of the work orders submitted and wanted a filtering mechanism on the work orders before they were fully submitted. For future reference, other USG systems will be contacted regarding their current process.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Implement the input and repair assessment for submission of work orders
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Banner was not viewed as the most appropriate place to compile work orders from a student perspective. Furthermore, Computer Services and Facilities were concerned about the validity of the work orders submitted and wanted a filtering mechanism on the work orders before they were fully submitted. For future reference, other USG systems will be contacted regarding their current process.
6/30/2015 Not Started
Incorporate information provided through residence hall programming
Increase programs which include academic advising information
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Residence Life
Incorporate information provided through residence hall programming
Increase programs which include academic advising information
4/1/2015 Complete
Initial meetings with academic affairs representatives, counseling services and public safety were held in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. Academically, over seven events/projects were scheduled in Fall 2014 and involved a collaborative effort from department heads, club advisors, and residence life staff. Spring 2015 academic programming is currently in the works.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase programs which include academic advising information (In Progress)Increase programs related to crime prevention, safety, and security in the residence halls
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
For safety and awareness programming in Fall 2014, over five events/projects were scheduled and combined the efforts of counseling services, public safety, and residence life staff. Spring 2015 programming is currently going on and is progressing well.
6/30/2015 Complete
School of Arts and Sciences
Expand BA/BS programs to encourage increased enrollment
Develop and propose BA in Administration/Management degree program
11/1/2014 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
School of Arts and Sciences
Expand BA/BS programs to encourage increased enrollment
Develop and propose BA in Administration/Management degree program
4/1/2015 Complete
Degree proposal was submitted to Board of Regents in July 2014, and approved in August 2014. Currently courses are being approved by Senate, recruitment of students is occurring, and Dept. of Business & Public Service plans to implement degree in Fall of 2015.
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase participation in existing programs by developing supporting "tracks."
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently, discussions are occurring at department level for tracks. Dept. of Business & Public Service is engaged in discussions with Southern Crescent Technical College to offer a Criminal Justice track in the Human Services BS. The same Department is having discussions to offer a Personal Finance track within the Management & Administration BS. Department level discussions are currently occurring in the Fine & Performing Arts programs to offer a Certificate to assist graduates in gaining employment in the film industry. Also, Department Heads are having ongoing meetings to market existing baccalaureates to transfer students.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Improve student pathways to AA/AS completion or transfer
Ease pathway to General Studies A.A. degree
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
School of Arts and Sciences
Improve student pathways to AA/AS completion or transfer
Ease pathway to General Studies A.A. degree
4/1/2015 Complete
Passed revisions through the APC Committee and Senate to make pathway easier. BOR changed requirements state‐wide to allow any Area B‐F courses to meet Area F requirements.
6/30/2015 Complete
Counteract "withdrawal culture" which encourages students to withdraw from courses impulsively and without understanding of negative consequences regarding retention and progression.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently having discussions with Department Heads, Registrar, and Financial Aid to determine how to most effectively get message to students.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Guide students more effectively towards necessary Area A and Area D core courses and towards more efficient program progress
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Deans, Department Heads, and Institutional Effectiveness have worked together, as a Vanguard Institution, to develop “Guided Pathways to Success” in our 4 largest programs: AA‐Psychology; AS‐Business Administration; AA‐Education; AS‐Nursing. These pathways will be implemented in Fall 2015 with new students.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
School of Arts and Sciences
Improve student pathways to AA/AS completion or transfer
Guide students more effectively towards necessary Area A and Area D core courses and towards more efficient program progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Review Area F "Pre‐" programs for potential consolidation or cancellation
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
With assistance from Institutional Effectiveness, Biology Department has determined that 5 associate concentrations are low‐performing programs. They have presented proposal to APC committee to eliminate these programs; after approval from APC, the Senate will vote. Other departments are also currently examining their low‐
performing programs.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase options for adult‐learners through increased alternative course delivery options
11/1/2014 In Progress
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
School of Arts and Sciences
Improve student pathways to AA/AS completion or transfer
Increase options for adult‐learners through increased alternative course delivery options
4/1/2015 In Progress
Weekend College was successfully implemented in January 2015, with a second cohort scheduled to begin in August 2015. The number of instructors trained to deliver courses in online or hybrid format has almost reached 100%, and almost all core courses are now delivered online. In March 2015, GSC became an E‐core affiliate. The Dept. of Business & Public Service is currently developing a “Challenge Exam” for Human Services to meet adult learners’ needs.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase student success in required LS classes while decreasing time to completion of concurrent degree‐credit‐earning core courses.
Enhance Learning Support Reading success and progress to completion of English 1101
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
GSC no longer requires student to take Learning Support Reading Courses.
6/30/2015 Complete
Enhance Learning Support English success and progress to completion of English 1101
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently implementing co‐requisite model. This goal is being transferred from school‐ level to the Learning Support program‐level for Academic Year 2016
6/30/2015 In Progress
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Status Date Status
Status Narrative
School of Arts and Sciences
Increase student success in required LS classes while decreasing time to completion of concurrent degree‐credit‐earning core courses.
Enhance Learning Support Math success and progress to completion of MATH 1001 or MATH 1111
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Currently implementing co‐requisite model. This goal is being transferred from school‐ level to the Learning Support program‐level for Academic Year 2016
6/30/2015 In Progress
Student Activities
The office of Student Activities will offer one program per semester that is academically focused.
To provide students with learning opportunities outside of the classroom.
11/1/2014 In Progress
Fall 2014 "EarthWindScience Club sponsored event
4/1/2015 In Progress
Human Services Club is having a "Public Health Education Fair" in March and Honors Club is having a trivia night in April.
6/30/2015 Complete
To increase student participation in the overall activities by 3%.
Provide more events that are requested by the majority of the students who take the survey.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Survey will be conducgted in spring 2015
Continuing to provide attendance number for the activities are offered.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Activities
To input at least 75% of the members of Official Clubs on campus into the Razors Edge program.
To keep records of students who participated in official clubs on campus
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Advisors will give students the option to share information on co‐curricular transcripts and for the college's future use.
Received all membership rosters from advisors and will complete 75%.
6/30/2015 In Progress
Student Success Center
Continue to improve the quality of SI instruction
Develop at least four online training modules for SI topics not covered in the face‐to‐face, pre‐semester training session
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 In Progress
Increase number of SI observations from one per SI Leader to two per SI Leader/semester
Topics are being selected and ideas for online training activities are being brainstormed.
This will continue next year if budget allows.
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 In Progress
Scheduling difficulties and conflicts prevented the Director of Student Success from observing two SI sessions in the Fall semester; attempts are being made to make two observations during Spring 2015.
6/30/2015 Complete
Use SI Post‐Course survey to gauge student satisfaction with SI service
11/1/2014 Not Started
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Success Center
Continue to improve the quality of SI instruction
Use SI Post‐Course survey to gauge student satisfaction with SI service
4/1/2015 In Progress
Surveys were distributed in Fall and will be distributed at end of Spring 2015 semester.
6/30/2015 Complete
Deliver entire standardized online Continue to improve the quality of the tutoring offered in our walk‐ training program to supplement full‐
day, face‐to‐face, pre‐semester training
in Center
11/1/2014 In Progress
Standardized training programs complete
Tutor participation is ongoing
4/1/2015 In Progress
Standardized training program complete; tutor participation is ongoing
6/30/2015 Complete
Increase use of student surveys to gauge student satisfaction with tutoring services
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Front desk workers are distributing survey sheets to every student who comes in for tutoring; tutors are being asked to remind tutees to fill out the sheets.
6/30/2015 Complete
Apply for and receive CRLA Level 1 certification
11/1/2014 In Progress
Application accepted and review in progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Confirmation of certification received March 10, 2015.
6/30/2015 Complete
Include faculty more in tutor training
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
One presentatin complete
Will have four training sessions by the end of spring term.
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Success Center
Continue to improve the quality Include faculty more in tutor training
of the tutoring offered in our walk‐
in Center
6/30/2015 Complete
Enhance and expand career services to meet the varied needs of first‐year and adult learners.
11/1/2014 Not Started
Keep abreast of best practices of career counseling service centers across the country.
4/1/2015 Not Started
Not funded
CSC budget not funded in time
6/30/2015 Not Started
Enhance and expand job placement service for GSC students close to graduation
11/1/2014 Not Started
4/1/2015 Not Started
Fund and staff CSC to appropriate level to meet the needs of clients
Not funded
CSC budget not funded in time
6/30/2015 Not Started
Not funded
11/1/2014 Complete
Only action one is complete. The rest was not funded.
4/1/2015 Complete
During the week of 3/9/2015, CSC received ongoing operating budget of $2500 and travel budget of $1000
6/30/2015 Complete
Enhance testing center services to Expand weekend and evening testing meet the needs of the GSC times for key tests like SAT and GACE.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Two extra Saturday testing dates on the schedule for later this Spring semester
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Success Center
Enhance testing center services to Employ sufficient help during Summer meet the needs of the GSC COMPASS testing period
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
6/30/2015 Complete
Survey faculty to gauge satisfaction with ADA testing program
6/30/2015 In Progress
Begin offering six hours of live, face‐to‐
face online tutoring per week via our home‐grown tutoring system
This did not happen due to reduction in staff.
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 In Progress
Expand scope and delivery method of current tutoring program
Academic Success Coach will be used for 15 hours per week in Testing Center during Summer testing period
Survey is being designed; will be distributed to participating faculty later in Spring semester
Due to reduction in staff this was not completed.
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
Tutoring is available by appointment; thus far, however, off‐campus students are not taking advantage of this resource.
6/30/2015 Complete
Begin offering asynchronous writing tutoring for students in off‐campus classes, with 24‐hour turnaround time
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Service is offered but as of 3/13, no students have participated.
6/30/2015 Complete
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Success Center
Expand scope and delivery method of current tutoring program
Improve quality and scope of SSC advising program
Begin offering tutoring in our walk‐in Center for subjects we do not currently tutor
Develop and implement a centralized data‐keeping process
11/1/2014 Not Started
Not funded
4/1/2015 Not Started
Not funded
6/30/2015 Not Started
Not funded
11/1/2014 Complete
IR dashboard
4/1/2015 Complete
The IR dashboard now has workbooks that fulfill this goal
6/30/2015 Complete
Transition intrusive advising program from Early Alert to Always Alert and from first‐year students to all students
11/1/2014 In Progress
4/1/2015 Complete
Reporting and interventions started in Week 2 for all students during both Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters; moving forward, all reporting in future semesters will begin in Week 2.
6/30/2015 Complete
Develop an online advising guidebook that is accessible to students
11/1/2014 Complete
4/1/2015 Complete
A link to the guidebook is posted on the Academic Resources page of the SSC web site: http://www.gordonstate.edu/successcenter/o
6/30/2015 Complete
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Monday, September 14, 2015
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Annual Plan Status Update
Status Date Status
Status Narrative
Student Success Center
Improve quality and scope of SSC advising program
Provide counseling and extended time for students on SAP probation
11/1/2014 In Progress
Only 4 SAP students took advantage of service
4/1/2015 In Progress
Counseling was offered in Fall 2014, but only four students participated. No students were identified for the program in Spring 2015
6/30/2015 Complete
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