61 THINNING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST: RESULTS FROM THE LOGS STUDY David D. Marshall and Robert O. Curtis USDA Forest Service, Forest Sciences Laboratory Olympia, Washington While it has had a long history in European forestry, interest in commercial thinning in the Douglas-fir region dates back to the 1940's (Curtis and others 1998). Prior to this time, large tracts of old forests, cheap stumpage and logging systems based on railroads led to large scale extraction operations. By the 1940's it was becoming clear that future wood supplies from the region would have to come from managed second-growth stands and the introduction of tractors and trucks to the woods made more flexible harvesting operations possible. Yet into the 1960s, commercial thinning was still not widely practiced in the region, although it was being touted as having "enormous potentialities" (Worthington and Staebler 1961). By this time, techniques had been developed to carry out thinning operations, but research trials were few and still relatively new, limiting information for developing thinning schedules. Through the 1980's commercial thinning continued in the region on a small scale. This is was due to the continued availability of old forests, the lack of markets for smaller and poorer quality logs and the lack of equipment to harvest and process the smaller logs cheaply. In the last decade, changes in the economy, decreasing supplies of old timber, development of new technologies and increased social concern for logging older forest and clearcutting operations has rekindled a broader interest in thinning in the region. One of the studies that came out of the interest in thinning in the late 1950's and the resulting need for growth information from thinned stands in order to develop thinning schedules was the Regional Douglas-fir Levels-of-Growing-Stock (LOGS) Study. At that time, Staebler (1960) developed a method for calculating thinning schedules and managed-stand yields based on estimated gross yield of natural stands (Staebler 1955), estimated diameter growth rates in thinned stands, and two assumptions. The first assumption was that gross cubic-volume yield and periodic gross increment of a fully stocked unmanaged stand at any age represented full capacity of the site to produce wood at that age. The second assumption was that approximately full increment could be produced with widely differing combinations of growing stock, tree size, and radial increment. To test these assumptions and provide information on the response of Douglasfir to thinning, the LOGS Study was begun in 1961 as a cooperative effort of the USDA Forest Service, Weyerhaeuser Company, Oregon State University, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, and the Canadian Forest Service. The stated objective was "to determine how the amount of growing stock retained in repeatedly thinned stands of Douglas-fir affects cumulative wood production, tree size, and growth-growing stock ratios" (Curtis and Marshall 1986). 62 N v mb 15-16, 1999 The LOGS Study Design From 1961 to 1970, nine LOGS installations were established in young Douglas-fir stands in western Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. These sites included both plantations and naturally seeded stands and represented site classes II, III, and IV (King 1966). Each installation consists of 27 one-fifth-acre plots representing three replications of eight treatments and an unthinned control all selected to be uniform in site productivity and stocking and experiencing low competition as evidenced by long live crowns. All plots except the control received an initial calibration thinning to create as uniform stocking as possible. This calibration period also allowed the trees to adjust to the change in conditions before the treatments were applied. To provide local control of treatments, the residual stocking levels after each thinning treatment were defined as a percentage of the gross basal area growth of the control plot for the previous period (Table 1). This results in eight treatments that are increasing in basal area, but at different rates. After the calibration cut, thinning treatments were applied five times at intervals of 10 feet of height growth averaged on 16 spaced crop trees per plot (80 per acre). The thinnings favored the crop trees by first removing noncrop trees that represented the range of diameters of all noncrop trees on each plot. The resulting thinnings are best classified as crown thinnings. Table 1. LOGS study treatment schedule, showing percent of gross basal area increment of control plots retained in basal area growing stock for each treatment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Treatment ----------------------------------------------------------------Thinning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------percent First 10 10 30 30 50 50 70 70 100 Second 10 20 30 40 50 40 70 60 100 Third 10 30 30 50 50 30 70 50 100 Fourth 10 40 30 60 50 20 70 40 100 Fifth 10 50 30 70 50 10 70 30 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Results From The LOGS Studies At the time of establishment, the nine installations ranged in total age from 15 to 33 years and from 28 to 56 feet in top height. At of the end of 1999, only the two lowest site installations have yet to complete the five prescribed treatment periods (a total of 60 feet of height growth including the calibration period). These two installations are projected to be completed in 2000 and 2010. Installations that have completed the treatment schedule have been remeasured at five year intervals. One installation was harvested in 1996 after completing all treatments and two additional measurement periods. There have been 14 published reports summarizing all but two of the installations (report in preparation) (Williamson 1976; Arnott and Beddows 1981; Marshall et al. 1986; Curtis 1992; Curtis and Clendenen 1994; Hoyer et al 1996) and there has been one study wide synthesis published (Curtis and Marshall 1986). 63 Past analysis (Curtis and Marshall 1986) has shown that development and results have been consistent among installations but proceed at different rates based on site productivity. The general conclusions of the study will be illustrated here using the Hoskins, Oregon installation, which is on a high site and is therefore one of the most developed installations. Discussions on growing stock will be based on basal area, although similar relationships could be shown for a number of other density measures. B l w . While basal area increment is related to growing stock, the gross basal area increment curves are relatively flat and are becoming more horizontal with age (Figure 1). The maximum gross increment for the treatments occurs at the higher densities and is similar to the gross increment of the control. To date, suppression-related mortality has only been a factor on the control plots. This has caused a reduction in the net increment curves for the control and a peak in maximum net increment at the higher density treatments (treatment 7). V lum w . Gross total stem cubic volume increment is more strongly related to growing stock than basal area increment, but unlike basal area does not show a maximum within the range of the growing stock attained in the thinned plots (Figure 2). Like basal area increment, volume increment has decreased with age, but has maintained a stronger relationship with growing stock. Competition mortality on the control plots have also reduced net increment causing a maximum to occur at densities represented by the higher density treatments (treatment 7). D m w . Diameter increment on surviving trees is highly related to growing stock and shows a strong decrease in increment with increasing growing stock (Figure 3). u l c m ( Al) d p dc u l c m (PAl). The gross MAI and PAI curves show no sign of approaching culmination for total stem or merchantable (to a 6-inch top) cubic volume with MAI increasing for all treatments and the control (Figure 4). Only net total stem MAI has culminated at about 42 years. Current treatment PAIs at Hoskins are about 1.6 times MAI. The PAI curves have shown considerable period to period variation from treatments, measurements and weather. Cumul v v lum d z . The cumulative merchantable (to a six-inch top) cubic volume production (live stand plus all previous thinnings except the calibration) is exceeding the control for the high (treatments 7 and 8) and medium (treatment 5) treatments in the later periods (Figure 5). Volume on the thinned plots has been redistributed to large average trees (Figure 6). At Hoskins, all the treatments have over 85% of their current cubic volume in trees 15.6-inches and greater compared to 50% on the control. 64 N v mb 15-16, 1999 Interpretations and Conclusions An important result from the Douglas-fir LOGS study is the strong relationship between volume increment and growing stock, which is much stronger than the same relationship for basal area increment. When interpreting these results it is important to understand that Douglas-fir and many other species in the Pacific Northwest have a growth pattern characterized by prolonged height growth (this differs from some eastern US species). This prolonged height growth can have a large impact on the relationship between volume growth and growing stock. This can be illustrated using a basic volume equation, V = FGH where V is cubic volume per acre, G is the basal area per acre, and F is a stand form factor. Differentiating this equation with respect to time (Hegyi 1969) gives the volume growth equation, dV/dt = FG(dH/dt) + FH(dG/dt) + GH(dF/dt) The contribution of the third term to volume growth is minor (tree form changes slowly), the second term is proportional to the basal area growth rate and the first term is a product of basal area and height growth. In species with rapid height growth, differences in the level of basal area will have a greater effect on the magnitude of the first term. Volume growth would be expected to be more closely related to basal area growing stock in species, like Douglas-fir, which maintain rapid height growth over long periods. In species that do not have this height growth pattern, the major contribution to volume growth will be from the second term and more similar to basal area growth patterns. This also illustrates the danger of evaluating thinning gains from just considering basal area growth. The LOGS study does not support the assumption that full gross cubic-volume increment will be produced across a wide range of stocking levels, also known as the Langsaeter hypothesis (Mar:Moller 1954). For young Douglas-fir, with its prolonged height growth pattern, increasing increment (although at a decreasing rate) was found up to the point where suppression-related mortality becomes important. In developing thinning prescriptions, one must consider the tradeoff of reducing volume growth and increasing diameter growth with increasingly heavy cuts. Early results and projected trends of the LOGS studies suggest thinning yields for the medium and high density treatments are on trajectories to catch up or exceed the yields on the controls depending on how much growing stock was removed and the rate it recovers. Thinning gains (yield compared to control) appear to increase with rotation age and the longer rotations required for this are supported by MAI trends in thinned plots that appear far short of culmination. While the LOGS studies are at ages where Douglas-fir harvesting is practiced, these trends indicate that short rotations (less than 40 years for Hoskins) will produce less than maximum potential yields. 65 Currently many of the problems facing forestry operations stem from public opinion that does not like the appearance, especially clearcut regeneration harvests. Politically it may be advantageous to minimize visual impacts of forestry operations; thinning and extending rotations is one way to do this. Extending rotations by maintaining growth rates through thinning may produce similar levels of total wood production and greater value, and reduce the area in regeneration harvest. Thinning can also accelerate the trends of understory and structural development that can provide habitat for many wildlife species and other nontimber values. The LOGS studies have demonstrated the enormous impact that thinning can have on the growth of trees and stands and on stand development They have also provided a wealth of high quality and consistent data that have been used in developing Douglas-fir growth and yield models for the region. 16 600 14 550 � u: " u e _ 12 450 TP-3 350 300 TP-4 0e "" -: � m < : <� Ce l 4 TP-2 400 10 8 TP-1 500 250 6 200 TP-5 150 2 TP-6 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mid-Period Basal Area (sq. ft. I acre) 350 Figure 1. Relation of periodic annual gross basal area increment to mid-period basal increment to mid-period basal area growing stock by treatment period (TP). TP-7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 M1d-Per1od Basal Area (sq. ft. I acre) 350 TP-8 Figure 2. Relation of periodic annual gross total stem cubic-foot volume increment to mid-period basal area growing stock by treatment period (TP). 66 N v mb 1 15-16, 1999 �00 � £ - 0O6 � �. ; ;! � 500 0O. 400 �� ; � 0:0 a 300 0OA (: � � 200 100 0O2 0 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mndd-renod Basa Aera (sqO fO acere renidmgernaddodvadgmdaFgrreaFaoerdoad growing stock by treatment period (TP). FgrreaFaoerdoad aegmdermaeadmgerna (TP 35 40 S tan Age 45 50 55 Figure . ross mean annual increment ((AA) periodic annual increment Figureand . gross ross mean annual increment eFngmaePa.grooarmdaadaandvaeadgmrmaea (PAA) trends for total stem cubic-foot ((AA) and gross periodic annual increment MATadanaFgrooadmgernedadaandvaeadgmrmae volume. (PAA) trends for total stem cubic-foot (MATaegmanoasrgaeredvaoemradndedisrrea volume. urvnrmP 24 16000 � 12000 20 1 22 14000 18 2 16 r 1 : rE 0 rE 10000 8000 6000 4000 6r � .! 30 350 Figure . Relation of periodic annual survivor quadratic mean diameter increment Figure . Relation of periodic annualtosurvivor eFngmaePa.mvdeeraarsadmgernedadaandvaongueurg mid-period basal area growing stock to by quadratic mean diameter increment ndngdeedarmdaanedrmemgaeadgmrmaeaer growing stock by treatment period (TP). mid-period basal area growing stock by "E !> : � � E 25 2000 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 20 25 30 35 40 Stand Age 45 50 55 0 20 25 30 35 40 Stand Age 45 50 55 ��� �� Figure 5. Cumulative (live plus thinnings) merchantable cubic foot volume (to a 6-inch top) yield for all treatments. Figure 6. Attained quadratic mean diameter (all trees) for treatment. 67 References Arnott, J.T. and D. Beddows. 1981. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 6-Sayward Forest, Shawnigan Lake. Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forest Research Centre, Victoria, B.C. Information Report BC-X-223. 54 p. Curtis, R.O. 1992. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 11Stampede Creek: a 20-year progress report. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper. PNW-RP-442. 47 p. Curtis, R.O. and G.W. Clendenen. 1994. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglasfir: report no. 12-the Iron Creek study: 1966-89. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper PNW-RP-475. 67 p. Curtis, R.O. D.S. DeBell, C.A. Harrington, D.P. Lavender, J.B. St. Clair, J.C. Tappeiner, and J.D. Walstad. 1998. Ssilviculture for multiple objectives in the Douglas-fir region. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Stations, Portland, OR. General Technical Report PNWGTR-435. 123 p. Curtis, R.O. and D.D. Marshall. 1986. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: Report 8, The LOGS study: Twenty-year results. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Stations, Portland, OR. Research Paper PNW-356. 113 p. Hegyi, F. 1969. Periodic mean annual increment and the derivative in growth prediction. Forest Research Laboratory, Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Canadian Forestry Service, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Information Report O-X-114. 9p. Hoyer, G.E., N.A. Andersen, and D.D. Marshall.1996. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 13-the Francis study: 1963-90. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper PNW-RP-488. 91 p. King, J.E. 1966. Site index curves for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. Weyerhaeuser Forestry Research Center, Centralia, WA. Weyerhaeuser Forestry Paper 8. 49p. Marshall, D.D., J.F. Bell and J.C. Tappeiner. 1992. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 10-the Hoskins study, 1963-83. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper PNW-RP-448. 65 p. Staebler, G.R. 1955. Gross yield and mortality tables for fully stocked stands of Douglas-fir. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper 14. 20p. Staebler, G.R. 1960. Theoretical derivation of numerical thinning schedules for Douglas-fir. Forest Science 6(2):98-109. 68 N v mb 15-16, 1999 Williamson, R.L. 1976. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir; report no. 4Rocky Brook, Stampede Creek, and Iron Creek. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. Research Paper PNW-210. 39 p. Worthington, N.P. and G.R. Staebler. 1961. Commercial thinning of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Technical Bulletin No. 1230. 124 p. THINNING IN THE MAINE FOREST November 15 - 16, 1999 Augusta Civic Center Augusta, Maine Conference Proceedings