Parental GCA testing: How many crosses per parent? G.R. Johnson i\bstract: The in1pact of increasing the nun1ber of crosses per parent (k) on the efficiency of roguing seed orchards (backwm..ds selection, i.e .. reselection of pm_.cntsl was examined by using lvfontc Carlo simulation. Efficiencies \Vere examined in light of advanced-generation l)ouglas-fir (Pseudotsuga n7en::.iesii (fl,firb.) Franco) tree in1proven1ent prograrns where infonnation is available frorn previous generations, seed orchards have reduced genetic variation as a result of selection, and dominance variation is s1nall compared \Vith additive variation. Both the efficiency of reselection and its associated vaTiance leveled off after t\VO or three crosses per parent The infom1ation fron1 previous generations did not significantly increase reselection efficiency. Resume:,\ l'aide de sllnulations Monte CmJo, l'autem· a 6tudi6 les effets d'une augn1entation du nombre de croisen1ents par parent (k) sur l' efficacite des eclaircies dans les vergers a graines (selection a rebours, c.-a-d. selection repetee des parents). L'etude s'est inscrite dans le cadre des prograrn1nes avances d'anielioration genetique chez le sapin de Douglas (Pseudotsuga 1nenziesii (Mirb.) Franco) et oil !'information est disponible a partir des cycles a11terieurs d'an1elioration. Ces progrannnes SOnt CaJ_.acterises par des Vergers 3, graineS den10ntrant Une diversite genetique reduite SUite 3, la s61ection, et egale1nent Ulle preponderance de la variation genetique additive cornparalivernent 8 la varialion de dominance. I .es restlltat<; d€1nontrent que ]'efflcac[te de la seJect[on 3, rebOtlrS a[ns[ que Sa variance Se stabllisent apres deux_ Oll trois croisen1ents par parent. L 'infonnation decoulant des cycles precedents d' amelioration n 'a pas aug1nente de fagon significative l' efficacite de la seleclion a rebours. f_Traduit par la R6daction1 Introduction Tree supplyproviding both treesa selection and informa­ tion forbreeding variousprograms purposes;must including base for the next generation, providing breeding value estirnates for the selection baseparamerers and the parents, andand providing estin1ates genetic variation (Burdon Shelhoume l97 l).of }.'oflostgenetic second-generation progrrunssuchhaveas reasonable variation pararneters, heritabilitiesestimates and ge­ netic con·einlations, and thegenerations primary go<ibylproviding is most often to opti­ mize gain subsequent an optin1um selectionforpopulation. goal of providing values roguing seed'fheorchards is usually parental secondarybreeding and is more important in long-rotation species than in short-rotation species. species, seed orchar· ds area longer lived, andForthelong-rotation rogued orchard population represents lru·ger proportion of theorchard orchardcanlife.somcrimcs For short-rotation species, next-generation provide seed soon theaf­ ter Reselection the current-generation rogued. in the 1iterat11re of parents orchard has beenisaddressed to varying degrees (van .Buijtenen 1976; l.indgren 1977; Pep­ per and (1977) runkoongand1978; van Buijtenen Lindgren BurdonBurdon and vanandBuijtenen (1990)1990). dern­ onstratcd in many using parcnrs in ascross) fc\V asto one or tv,rothatcrosses yieldssituations, approxin1ately 70o/C (one over 85% (tv,rocrosses. crosses)Burdon of the and gainvanachieved using each parent in eight Buijtenenby (1990) fur­ ther exan1ined the impact of types of crossing designs and the Received July 21, 1997. /\_cceptcd January 19, 1998. G.R. Johnson. LTSI)1\ Forest Service, Pacific North'Nest Research Station, 3200 S\V Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331-440 l , LT.S.1\. e-1nail: jo1uiso1u@' Can. J. For. Res. 28: 540-545 (1998) number of crosses per parent and found most mating designs give sitnilar reselection efficiencies, except that s1nall, discon­ nected to be less efficient.and van Buijrcncn The factorial average sets gaintend cstimarcs of Burdon (1990) are helpful it1 determining an efficient crossit1g design for parental GC;\ testing. but the uncertainties of achieving these gains rnust also be understood. For exarnple, Magnussen and Yanchuk demonstr<i selection age could be later(1993) than \Vhat sin1pletedage-that- -ageoptimum co1Telation averages would infer \Vhen risk (probability of achieving a certain level of gain) \Vas factored into the decision model. L.ikcwise, one needs to understand the probability of achieving a level of gain through roguing \Vhen choosing mating designs. 'Ibe gains and efficiencies presented in the literature are from a first-generation and l..5-generation point of view. They used only it1fonnation frorn crosses arnong the parents arid assumed that the genetic variation represented in theho\vever, parents v,ras not truncated. i\dvanced-generation orchards, represent a truncated population arid therefore reduced genetic variarion. Moreover, additional infon11ation from rhc previous generation is available for use in a selection index. I'hese t\VO factors \Vork in different directions; less genetic variation in1plies that the parents \Vill be rnore difficult, addi­ tionalrar1king infonnation used originally to select the pru·yetentsthe could increase the ability to rank parents in subsequent generations. 1he objectives of this paper \'Iv' ere to exa1nine the stochastic variation associated about the mean expected gain fron1 rogu­ ing seed orchards \Vhen differing numbers of crosses per parent arc used and to examine the added usefulness of information fro111 the previous generation. 1·hese questions are exarnined inbreeding light of\fJouglas-fir Franco) Vithin the frame\vork of the Northv,{!Vrlirb.) est Tree Im­ provernent Cooperative. ·rhe Cooperative is in the process of (Pseudatsuga lnenziesii cG 998 NRC Canada Johnson developing strategies the various localsecond-generation foresr tree hreedingbreeding cooperatives in the forPacific orth\vest. (6l Generate full--sib fan1ily n1cans that represent testing at each of five sites. (7a) Calculate es1irna1ed parental breeding values uslng the best ][n­ ear predictlon (BLP) solution for tlie f ull-sib fantily nteans tliat represents one to six crosses per pai·cnt. The BLP solution \vas obtained by solving the equation for the index weights (b) as b - p-1(; where Pis the variance-covariance rnatrix of full-sib fanrily means (an n x n rnatrix for n fnll-sih fanrilies) and(; is Methods 1onte Carlo simulations were used to exanrine correlations between the covariance inatrix of the fuil--sib family mcai1s \Vith the pa­ estimated breeding values a11d actual genetic values of clones in a rental breeding values (an sccond--gcncration seed orchard and to examine gains fron1 orchm_.d roguing. The procedures generally follo\ved those of King and Johnson (1993) in that faniily means and illdividual phenotypes arc used SAS sofh.vare (SAS Institute Inc. 1990) to generate lndependent lutlon, using tlie full-sib fantily ineans, first-generatlon half-sib family meai1s, and parental phenotypic values. (8) tions. Phenotypes of indi vidna ls and fan1ily n1ea11s were cons1rncted by sun1nllng the genotypic values and environn1ental deviations (phe­ notype = genotype ---;- cnviron1ncnt). The process allo\VS one to esti T1ie base inodel asswned tliat 24 clones are selected front a first­ genera1ion progrm:n for seed orchard establishrnenL T\velve clones are randoruly assigned to each of t\:vo sets. Crosslng is h1nited to Con_.elate the estin1ated breeding values fron1 step 7 \Vith the actual genetic values for all 24 parents (without adjusting for differences in breeding group rneans). (9) Rogue half the clones from the seed orchard, regardless of breeding group, usillg the cstin1atcd breeding values and exam­ n1ate breeding values using phenotypes and then co1Telate the esti1nated breeding values \Vith the true genotypes. 12 inatrix. since there aTc 12 (7b) Calculate estirnated parental breeding values using the BLP so­ generated frou1 predetennined variaHce components. The process nonnal distributions for genotypic values and envirorunental devia­ n x parents per breeding group). ine tlte lncrease ln gain. These steps were repeated 200 tin1es aiid used to generate mem:ts and standard deviatlons of the 200 correlations and galn estintates. The increase ln tlie seed orchard's genetic val ne frorn rogulng was exainined using the n1ean genetic values of the rogued and umogued \Vithin a set and the inating design is a balanced paitial diallel. Based orchards. Because the first generation started \Vith a genetic value of on the results of the paiiial-diallcl progeny test, the worst 12 clones 0, the lliT rogued from the orchai·d \Vithout respect to breeding group. T1ie baseline genetic variance componen1s conform to the general fonnula is 16 increase in orchard gain ­ ln the Pacific No1tll\vest for growth aHd fonn. The siruple genetic n1odel assun1cd additive (GC,\) and dominai1cc (SC,\) vai"iation. but ] [(rogued orchm_.d inean/umogued orchard n1eai1) -- 1 pat1eni of genetic variation found ln J)ouglas-fir breedlng progran1s The breeding rnodel x 100 \Vas developed to sinn1late operational second-generation breeding strategies for the Northwest Tree hn­ no interaction (cpistatic) co1nponents of genetic variation. They rep­ proven1ent Cooperative's Douglas-fir breeding programs. 1n these resent narro\V sense heritabilitics of 0.25 on a single site and 0.19 programs, second- generation progeny tests ai·e bcll1g designed to in­ across sites. l)onllnance variance \Vas set to 35o/o of the additive vari­ vestigate gcnotypc-by--cnvironmcntal interactions as a secondary ob­ ai1cc, \Vhich is in line \Vith Douglas fir gro\vth trait estimates of jective. To examine this interaction, it VhlS decided that at least five Yanchuk ( 1 996). The variance cornponents for the baseline scenario progeny test sites \Vill be established in any testing zone. Therefore. (0 -) - 19, the baseline rnodel asswned tliat the 24 paTents would be tested \Vlth were set to the follo\ving: additive genetic variation additive-by-location variation (0;j'i- 6.75, (0 -0y-£) = 6, doniinance-by-location variation cnvironn1cntal variation (CT )= 66. donrinance v<)riation (0a_oy-£) - 2.25, and The model assun1ed the use of single tree plots and the absence of replication-by-fan1ily variation (none usnally found in cooperative progeny tests). Because both the location and replication effects can he ren1oved fron1 individual estinrates and they do not affect family niean rankings, they \Vere ignored in the rnodel. The sllnulations first generated a first--generation open --pollinated population that represented 300 open pollinatcd fainilics. each having 80 individuals. Fainily--1nean heritability for the first generation was set to 0.70 to represent first generation trials \Vhere field test layout and design were not as refined as present. The best individuals (phe­ notype adjnsted for location and replication) frorn the best 24 farnilies \Vere used as the second-generation seed orchard parents, and their actual (JCA values \ 'ere nsed to generate the farnily rneans that \Vere later used to csti1natc their brccdillg values. The specific steps were as follO\VS. ( l ) (fenerate ::HJ() half-sib farnily genetic valnes with a variance of 0.250; and environniental deviations snch that the heritability of half--sib family means= (2) Generate of (3) (4) (5) 0.750 80 + 0. 70. individuals per half sib family \Vith the vai"iation n?J 0 .750 -hy-T + 0;r_hy-t> + 0 . Select the best individual fro1n each of best 24 half-sib families. Randonrly divide the 24 progeny selections (seed orchard par­ ents) into t\VO sets of 12 parents. Generate a series of crosses (paiiial diailcls) that represents a parent being involved in one to six crosses (k). A parent in­ volved in only one cross represents single-pair rnating and re­ sults in generating six fainilies for a 12--parent set. 2400 progeny over five progeny test locations. \1ariatlons of tlie base­ line prograin \Vere also ex.amlned. These included the following: alter tlie nun1ber of progeny to 4800, 1200, aiid 600; start \:Vitli 150 fnll-slb (single-pair cross) fainilies instead of 300 half-sib fan1ilies (heritabil­ ity of fainily meai1s set to 0.75); set the do1ninance (SCi\) genetic variance equal to the additive genetic vai·iai1ce; use t11Tee breeding groups of eight parental selections; inodel a fixed family size (20 progeny per site) ai1d allo\V t11e nu1nber of progeny to increase; ai1d for the fixed farnily size niodel, increase breeding gronp size to 24 and the nnn1her of sets to 4, thus increasing the selection populalion to 96. Results and discussion 1·he added efficiency of rnaking rnore crosses per parent dropped markedly after only tv,ro crosses (Table l) and is in line \Vithcorrelations Burdon andofvanLindgren Buijtenen's and the (1977).(1990) 1"11e gain trendestimates was the san1e ere used to\Nhether estimareonlyof thesecond-generation hreeding values data or. in(progeny) addtion tov,rthe second-generation the first-generation tion \-Vas also usedinfor1nation, to estimate breeding values. I'heinforma­ percent increase in orchard gain from roguing closely fo11( n ved the con'.elation of estin1ated breeding value \Vith actual genetic value (r . ·rhis is expected because the correlation is the square root of the index heritahility and the formula for gain is ra [1] Gain \and VhereCT isisthe the additive selectiongenetic intensity,variation. t is the phenotypic variation, ) (h2) = ih2ap= iha a= i i a a cG 998 NRC Canada Can. ,J. For. :=!c:s. Vol. 28, -: DDS Table 1. Correlations bet\veen estimated breeding values and actual genetic values, and percent increase in initial seed orchard galn frorn roguing half the clones based on estlrnated breeding values. Crosses Variable 2 r 3 4 5 6 using only second-generation data Iviean 0.655 0.849 0.905 0.917 0. 924 0.926 SD 0.1292 0.0674 0.0509 0.0475 0.0456 0.0461 CV 0 179 0.079 0.056 0.052 0.049 0.050 lviin. 0.276 0.57_ 0.716 0.735 0.741 0.727 11:b 0.366 0.660 0.739 0.758 0.775 0.780 5qf, 0.418 0.722 0.809 0.833 0.833 0.831 lO':f> 0.482 0.751 0.839 0.852 0.868 0.868 Iviean 0.666 0.848 0.899 0.925 0.935 0.942 SD 0.1214 (J.(1649 0.0523 (J.(1447 0.0425 0.0412 r using first- and second-generation data* CV 0.182 0.076 0.058 0.048 0.045 0.044 lviin. 0·""''' 1'7'7 0.596 0.634 0.731 0.758 0.780 J 0(, IU98 11.6% 11.746 0.787 0.798 1 1 .817 51:b 0.457 0.731 0.798 0.841 0.852 0.858 lO':f> 0.493 0.772 0.833 0.864 0.877 0.887 o/o increase in orchard gain from orchard roguing using only second-generation data [\;fean 28.2 35.7 37.9 38.3 38.4 38.6 SD 8.69 8.65 8.68 8.50 8.75 8.59 CV 0.31 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.22 6 ry, 87 1o/o 12.7 19.2 "0 ...,...,,£., 50(, 15.11 22.8 10%· 17.7 25.7 Mln. 13 ..l 14.5 8.9 22.9 22.1 22.4 24 3 24.2 25.9 24.8 27.3 28.l 27.4 28.3 17.2 1 1 increase in orchard gain fro1n orchard roguing u:\.ing fir:\.t- and second-generation data lviean 28.6 35.4 37.5 38.8 39.0 39.l SD 9.43 9.04 8.68 8.45 8.60 8.47 CV 0.33 0.26 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.22 Min. 3.9 13.8 12.9 9.6 117 ·"') _, k 1'7 8.7 lg;;, 21.8 22.9 23 0 23.4 50(, 14.3 22.::1 24.2 26.1 26.I 26.I l Oo/c. 17.5 23.4 26.6 28.5 28.6 28.8 12.5 Note: l\1eans. standard dc;viations. coefficients of variation. r:'jnirn;nns. and the. ; , 5, and O percentile values arc. repo:·tc.d. *Second-genera:ion data a:·e the dialk l :;:irogeny test of tie parents; first-generation da:a are tie half-sib fa:r.ily values fron :be fi:·st-generation progeny tests :fro;r. wbc.:·e the pa:·ents \Vere selected and the pa:·ental pbc.notypc. in those tc.sts. The standard deviation (and variance) and coefficient of variation the 200for estimates quicklycoefficients stabilized after threecalculated crosses perfro1nparent the correlation and after tv,ro crosses for the percent increase in orchard gain ('trends rable for1 . the1'heineans. trends for the percentiles were sirnilar to the VVhile the percenttheincrease in orchard gain differences. and co1Telations generally fo11o\.ved same trend, there v,rere The coefficients for the This gainsresulted \Vere considerably larger than those forofthevariation corTelations. in the percentiles being sm<i11er proportion of the me<ins for the g<iins compared \'lv'ith the correlations percentile correlations \Vere 74,('88,fable92,1).93,For94,exa1nple, and 947,:,, theof the10 ineans for one ro sixgainscrosses parent (k).values For were the percent orchard the 10perpercentile 63, 72, increase 72. 73, 71,in and'111e73%percent of the means 1-6. gain averaged 28.2% for increaseforink=orchard ) a one cross per parent and up to 38.6% for six crosses per parent, when11nrog1 half1theed orchard ble 1). 'orchard fhus, if the orchard clones had a were lOo/C rogued gain, the('l'arogued v,rould have from 12.8 to 13.9Sf; gain. Jn this exercise the un­ rogued orchardinaveraged a gainforoftwo 6.9 units. cent increase orchard gain crosses1'hpere average parent per­ \Vas 35. 7 · 1i: : , but fell belo\V 18 1i: · : in lOo/ 0 of the simulations and rhe \VOrst case v,ras less than O ii· . Although gain from four orin n1ore averaged 39c;:sthat , gain25%1wasin less in 10%) of the crosses simulations and less 5S0 ofthanthe29o/C simulations (Table 1). Exarnination of theestimates stochastic\.vould variation associated with the corTelations and gain not change the decision­ making procedureintoaamanner large degree percenrile val­ ues all stabilized similarbecause to the the means. can achieve niore generations year, andAgronomic as a result,crops realized gain canonebeorexmniued over nrualtiple l cG 998 NRC Canada 543 Johnson Fig. 1. Percent increase in orchard gain for selecting the best four Fig. 2. Correlation coefficients between predicted parental breeding or 48 parents from an orchard (population) of 96, and correlation values and actual genetic values for four levels of testing (number between estimated and actual breeding values for differing numbers of progeny) and differing numbers of crosses per parent. of crosses per parent. 0.95 .8160 0.9 'i:' '7;0.85 140 '"d 120 ...s:: 100 0 .8 80 IJ) "' 60 0::: 40 (.) .8 20 0 -F--1---t�+--t----1�-t---+-�1---+--+�+--+ 0 1 2 4 3 0 5 6 0 ·.g 0.8 ]0.15 0 (.) 0.7 0.65 0.6 +----1�--+-�-+-�+-----+�-+-�-i�--+--I 1 crosses per parent - - correlation - best 4 gain 2 3 4 crosses per parent 1--- 600 - best 48 gain (k) 5 6 1 -- 1200-a- 1200-e- 2400 (1990) where they found that moderate changes in heritability generations. Unfortunately, forest tree breeders require consid­ had minimal effects on backwards selection efficiency. erably more time to complete a generation and the fate of a Using first-generation information from full-sib families in breeding program can rest on the results of one generation. addition to the second-generation data (progeny) increased the Thus, it important that we account for the variation in gain correlations and percent increase in orchard gain slightly for estimates because if we fail to meet expectations in a single single-pair matings generation, the fate of the breeding program may be in jeop­ ing rose from ardy. Managers must be aware of the variation associated with (k 1). The correlation for single-pair mat­ 0.645 to 0.685 (Table 2), and percent increase in orchard gain increased from 27.9 to 29.7%. The first­ gain estimates and should probably use estimates less than the generation full-sib information did not increase selection effi­ = k was greater than 1. The minor increase in the averages for financial forecasting. The greater variation in per­ ciencies when cent increase in orchard gain compared with the correlations single-pair matings was because indices generated from full­ suggests that theoretical variation estimates may underesti­ sib families tend to be superior to those generated from half-sib mate the actual variation associated with realized gain. families. More of the genetic variation (and therefore, index A simpler fixed family size model was used to examine score) is associated with the family mean for full-sibs than for whether these trends held true for higher selection intensities. half-sibs. Family means are more stable than individual phe­ When the selection base (orchard population) was increased to notypes, hence the greater stability of the full-sib indices. The 96 parents, the percent increase in orchard gain from reselect­ ing the best four or 48 showed the same trends, although gains were higher for the higher selection intensity (Fig. 1). As be­ (0.64 x 0.12 x phenotype) and breeding value for the seed orchard parents increased to 0.42 and ranged from -0.07 to 0.77. fore, gains from both selection intensities followed the same trend as the correlation between the estimated and actual 1). breeding value (Fig. correlation between the first-generation full-sib index full-sib family mean+ Changing the number of progeny tested had little effect on the rate at which efficiency plateaued, but did affect the level The use of the first-generation information to increase se­ at which it plateaued (Table 2; Fig. 2). Doubling the number lection efficiency was of little value because the correlation of progeny never doubled the efficiency of selection. After coefficient and percent increase in orchard gain increased 2400 progeny, very little increase in efficieny was noted. It scarcely at all for all values of k (Table 1). should be noted that three crosses per parent with a given One reason that the first generation data added little infor­ mation was because it did not have a strong correlation with the parental breeding values. The correlation between the first­ generation index notype) and (0.59 x half-sib family mean+ 0.16 x phe­ the actual values for the Reducing the breeding group size to eight parents and using three sets did not reduce the efficiency of reselection (Table 2). total At five and six crosses per parent, the correlations between first-generation population averaged 0.56 and ranged from 0.53 to 0.59. The seed orchard population, however, was a truncated population with less genetic variation (75% of the relative to the baseline scenario. These increases are probably original), and the correlation between the index and the breed­ values in a diallel. Sampling does not play a significant role ing value for the 24 orchard selections averaged 0.31 and -0.17 to 0.66. While the truncated genetic vari­ when moderately sized diallels are complete. For each parent ranged from in the diallel, both its effect and the effect of the other parents ation affected forward selection efficiency in the first genera­ that it is crossed with can be well estimated. For example, in tion for the subset of orchard parents, it had little effect on the a complete six-parent half diallel with no selfs, the five full-sib backwards selection efficiency. This is in line with the obser­ families in which a parent is represented represent one-half its (1977) and Burdon and van Buijtenen breeding value and one-half the average of the other five vations of Lindgren breeding number of progeny was always superior to two crosses per parent with twice the number of progeny. estimated breeding values and actual genetic values increased due to being able to accurately estimate most of the full-sib © 1998 NRC Canada Can. ,J. For. :=!c:s. Vol. 28, -: DDS Table 2. Correlations of esti1nated breeding values \Vith actual genetic values for inodifications of the baseline model. Standard deviations arc in parentheses. Crosses :">, odification 2 Baseline (2400 progeny) 0.655 0.849 (0 0674) (().1292) 4800 total progeny 0648 0.857 (0 1194) 1200 total progeny 600 total progeny n;i G (0.0615) 0.641 0.832 (0.1229) (0 0691) Start with 150 ft1ll-slh fan1ilics 11 842 (0.0739) 0.685 families and use first and 0.887 0.852 0.645 0.843 (0 1021) (0 0641) iO 0458) 0.901 (0 05.'51 (0 0578) (0 0581) 0.805 0.922 0.907 0 78.' (0.0795) 0.917 (IHl475) (0 0499) (0 0807) (0 1100) Start with 150 ft1ll-slb 0.905 0.620 (0.1256) 4 (().0509) (0 1194) 0.620 = 3 0.869 (0.0588) 0.870 0.893 (0.0578) (0 0504) 11.896 11.912 iO 0534) (0 0543) 0.898 0 92.l (0 0512) (0 0448) 5 0.924 (0 0456) 0.928 (0.04601 0.909 i0.0509) 0.874 iO 0563) 0.907 (0 0477) 11.919 (0.05061 () 935 i0.0429) 6 0.926 (().(1461) 0.931 (0 0471) 0.911 (0 0500) 0.879 (0.0549) 0.914 (0.0479) 11.924 (0 0512) 0.942 (0 0425) second-generation data Three eight--parent breeding 0.613 groups 0.845 (0 1139) (0.0609) 0.634 Fixed faintly size 0.858 (().1137) (0 0601) 0.888 0.906 (0 0526) (0 0548) 0.908 0.924 (().0542) (IHl509) 0.974 (0 0109) 0.932 (0 0496) 0.982 (0.0072) 0.937 (().(1486) ote: U11le:ss of:1e:rwise: intlica:etl, values are for ctsi11g seeuntl-generacion infonnatio11 011ly. parents. Theprecision avenige byof thetheother five parents is estin1ated with reasonable ren1aining 10 families. The actual solution is easily obtained using a BL.P solution. •'or moderate­ sizcd dia11c1svariation rhc effectis ofnotsan1pling dominance prohahly unimportant if Increasing the do1ninance additive variation decreased the overallvariation efficiencytoofequal GCi\thetesting and slightly rateclatlon at \Nhichcoefficients the con·elations plateaued (Tahlc 2).decreased Still, thethecon· plateaued afrcr three per parent. standardanddeviations the corTe­ lationscrosses were higher than theI'hebaseline plateauedoflater. 'Vith only two crosses per parent, there v,ras a notice<ihle decrease in reselection baselinedecreased scenario (0.805 versus efficiency 0,849, Tablecornpared 2), butwith the the difference with eachinsuccessive crossdecrease per parcnr.inThree crosses\Vithpertheparent resulted only a minor efficiency in­ creased dominance siderable arnount ofvariation: do1ninar1cetherefore, var·iationittoseerns requireto take inorea con­ than three crosses per parent to effectively estin1ate the hreeding value ents. ii\.lthat thoughthe atvar·first. inay seem one mustof par·rernember iancethisof full-sib familyincorrect, rneans for trialisv,rith sires and n replicates of single-tree plots at eacha site , l , by + 4-"°j l , by )i [,1'"' Cfu, -sibs= 2"°l , +4°d, + 1,2"° 3 +2° 1 '-by-e +:f1 3 :i-by-e +a;) n +[(l2° +4°;i J 'nance rhe additive ahnostof full-sib t\-vice thefarnilies effectVv'ith of domi­ variationvariation on the var·hasiance lar·ge l s l l 0 c c 0 ' S '\ _ I s n. Consider also that for the vari<ince of "half-sib'" family inear1s cornposed single site is of equal arnounts of c full-sib fa1nilies for a I '1 ' 1 /c)J+l l1 1 c)Jal [3] a!;,,,b,= ['l2(l 1(c-l)/cl)t;+l1(1/ + (ren1aining variationin) When ca=a a d three crosses arc made per parent, the vari­ ar1ce of the half-sib family for a single site is l4J al;,1,,,,= ;+ 1 +[( a;+*31 +a;}"] Ininfluence this casethanthetheadditive variance h<is <ifor ln1ostlargefourn. times n1ore don1inance variance 'l'hese results appear counterintuitive in light of the rela­ rivcly large numhcr of crosses per hrccd­ ing progran1s (e.g., six-parent halfparcnr dia11e1s)usedandin then1anyliterature \changes Vhich reports one crossingsignificantly designs or thedifferent nu1nberefficiencies of crosses \-perVhenparent (e.g., Ken1pthorne Cu111toov,cxisring r 1961; Cun1ov.: · 1963; Narain 1990). VVirhandregard programs. oneArya mustand rc­ 1nernber that crossing designs ar·e selected for rnore than the reselection of parents. The studiesdesigns that shov, rnumber substantiaof 1differ­ ences in efficiency for crossing and crosses per parent exmniued the variances of the breeding value esti­ 1nates, not necessarily the irnpact that they have on a testing program Decreasing rhc variance of anv.:·ocsrimatc one half doespernotsc.n1ean that selection efficiency uld increase double.1' hese l\ilonteand Cm'the lo sirnulations, 's (1977) es­ tilnated correlations, Burdon aridLindgren var1 Buijtenen (1990) r n cG 998 NRC Canada Johnson gain estimates report that(r one0.6),cross parenthothgivesparents sur­ evenperthough prising accurateallestin1ates in a cross receivebetterthethan same60%estirnated breeding gain value.fromIf one cross can yield of the potential the reselection of parents,because it is impossible double the effi­ r= istotheevenn1aximum. ciency of reselection > LO Conclusions The expected gains from backv,rards selection increase very little three crosses parent.quickly 'fhe variation ciatedafter \Vithtv,rogainor esti1nates alsoperplateaus after twoasso­ or three crosses per parent; therefore, the trends in stocastic vari­ ation \Vould not alter decisions on the nun1ber of crosses with regard to back\vards selection. l-Iowever, the variation associ­ ated ith breeding estimates needsfortosingle-pair be considered when\Vprojecting gainvalue estimares. especially mat­ ings which haveof thesubstantial largest coefficients variation.(ad= Evena;),in the presence do1ninance ofvariation three crosses p<irent <ippe<irs sufficientof toparents. providetrsereli<iof bin­ le breeding valueperestimates for reselection fonnation from the previous generation did little to improve breeding value esrimates. Acknowledgements Thanks due to N.and I\1andel, Dr. R.fJ. Burdon, [Jr. G.forR.reading Hodge, Dr. T.S.areAnekonda, t\VO anonyn1ous reviewers and cornmenting on drafts of the manuscript. References ,\rya, A.S., and Narain, P. 1990. ,\symptotically efficient pm:tial dial­ lel crosses. Theor. Appl. Genet. 79: 849-852. Bm·don, R.D.. and Shelbourne, CJ.,\. 1971.Breeding populations for recurrent selection: comlicts a11d possible solutions. N.Z. J. For. Sci. 1: 174---193. Burdon, R.I)., and van Buijtenen, J.P. 1990. Expected efficiencies of n1ating designs for reselection of pm:ents. Can. J. For. Res. 20: 1664 1671. Cnnro\:v, R.N. l 9fi3. San1pllng the dlal l el cross. Biometrics, 19: 287-306. Ken1pthorne, 0., and Crirno\v, R.N. 1961. The par1ial dial l el crosses. Bionietrics, 17: 229-250. King, J.N.. and Johnson. G.R. 1993.1-ionte CmJo sllnul ation n1odels of breeding popul ation advancen1ent. Silvae Genet. 42: 68 78. l.itulgren, I). 1977. 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