1 004 Microgeographic genetic variation of Sitka spruce in southeastern Alaska ROBERT K. CAMPBELL USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 3200 Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97330, U.S.A. WILLIAM A. PAWUK USDA Forest Service, Petersburg, AK 99833, U.S.A. AND ARLAND S. HARRIS USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, P.O. Box 909, Juneau, AK 99802, U.S.A. Received February 1 1, 1 988 Accepted March 3 1 , 1989 CAMPBELL, R. K., PAWUK, W. A., and HARRIS, A. S. 1 989. Microgeographic genetic variation of Sitka spruce i n southeastern Alaska. Can. J . For. Res. 19: 1 004- 1 0 1 3. Microgeographic genetic variation among populations of Sitka spruce on Mitkof Island in southeastern Alaska i s described. I n two common-garden environments, w e evaluated genotypes o f 208 parent trees from 1 14 locations in a 1 7 000-ha area. Two principal components accounted for most of the variation among locations in 1 1 traits measured to evaluate growth vigor and rhythm of 2-year-old seedlings. Regression analyses of factor scores derived from prin­ cipal components revealed genetic gradients associated with elevation, slope, aspect, and west-east and north-south direction. Large amounts of additive genetic variation in factor scores occurred among trees within locations. When this variation within locations was used as a scale, variation among locations was also large. In an extreme case, locations differed in factor scores of the first principal component by about 3.0 units of the standard deviation of additive genetic variation in factor scores. Of the total differentiation in this case, elevational range (600 m) contributed 0.7 units o f standard deviation, aspect contributed 0.9 units, and distance ( 1 6 km) from north central t o southeastern parts o f the island contributed 1 .4 units. CAMPBELL, R. K., PAWUK, W. A., et HARRIS, A. S. 1 989. Microgeographic genetic variation of Sitka spruce i n southeastern Alaska. Can. J . For. Res. 19: 1 004- 1 0 1 3 . Les variations genetiques microgeographiques presentes dans des populations d'Epinette de Sitka sur l'lle Mitkof dans le sud-est de l ' Alaska sont decrites. Dans deux environnements de jardins communs ont ete evalues les genotypes de 208 parents provenant de 1 1 4 localites reparties sur une superficie de 1 7 000 ha. Deux principaux constituants ont ete a Ia source de Ia plupart des variations parmi les localites en ce qui concerne 1 1 traits mesures dans le but d'evaluer Ia vigueur et le rythme de croissance des semis de 2 ans. Des analyses de regression de scores factoriels deduits des constituants principaux ont montre qu'il existait des gradients genetiques lies a l'altitude, a Ia pente, a l'exposition et aux directions ouest-est et nord-sud. De grands effets des variations genetiques additives dans les scores factoriels ont ete rencontres parmi les arbres dans les diverses localites. Lorsque ces variations parmi les localites etaient utilisees comme une echelle de mesure, les variations entre les localites etaient egalement grandes. Dans un cas extreme, les localites differaient quant aux scores factoriels du premier constituant principal par environ 3,0 unites d'ecart-type des variations genetiques additives des scores factoriels. Parmi Ia differentiation totale dans ce cas, les differences d'altitude (600 m) ont contribue pour 0,7 unite d'ecart-type, !'exposition a contribue pour 0,9 unite et Ia distance ( 1 6 km) du centre-nord aux sections du sud-est de !'lie a contribue pour I ,4 unite. [Traduit par Ia revue] Introduction Few studies of genetic differentiation in tree species have been done at a microgeographic scale, in which the area sampled is usually smaller than the area represented by a single provenance in a macrogeographic study (Rehfeldt 1974; Campbell1979). Microgeographic studies, therefore, can detect deviations in genetic variation patterns that are beyond the resolution of macrogeographic studies. Further­ more, the deviations may reveal adaptation to local com­ ponents of the environment that should be considered in seed-transfer guidelines or breeding-zone delimitation. This paper describes genetic differentiation of Sitka spruce on a small, offshore island in southeastern Alaska. In Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), macrogeographic clinal patterns have been reported for several traits. Provenances with early bud burst come from northern, high-elevation, and inland origins (Lines and Mitchell 1966; Falkenhagen 1977). Provenances with early bud set (Roche and Fowler 1975) and small seedlings Printed in Canada I lmprime au Canada (Falkenhagen 1977; Birot and Christophe 1983) come from northern origins. These major trends of genetic variation with latitude, elevation, and continentality vary with local conditions. Using five seed and cone traits, Falkenhagen and Nash (1978) grouped provenances of western Canada and southeastern Alaska into five subregions. Within subregions, variation among provenances was correlated with local envi­ ronment (Falkenhagen 1978). From the analyses of seed and cone traits, and from evidence of correlations among seed and growth traits, Falkenhagen hypothesized, " ...that there exist stepped ecoclines, with discontinuities at the ecological region level. These regions themselves change according to ecogeographical gradients, and within each region, regional clines exist." Although data are reported that hint at genetic diversity among local populations (Yeh and Rasmussen 1985), sampl­ ing of Sitka spruce usually has been less intensive than is necessary to discover microgeographic differentiation. Falkenhagen and Nash's (1978) subregion of southeastern CAMPBELL ET AL. Alaska, for example, includes only eight provenances. In a study in which some sampling may have been done at microgeographic intensity (Roche 1969), the sampling occurred within a hybridization zone of Sitka spruce and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). For a scale to measure differentiation among populations (locations), we used the standard deviation of additive genetic variation within locations. Estimates of additive genetic variation in seedling traits of Sitka spruce have dif­ fered widely from report to report (Samuel et a!. 1972; Falkenhagen 1977; Samuel and Johnstone 1979; Birot and Christophe 1983), perhaps because mating and test designs have differed. We, therefore, decided to estimate additive genetic variation within locations, in addition to describing variation among locations associated with elevation, slope, aspect, and position of local populations on Mitkof Island. To accomplish both objectives, we evaluated genotypes of 208 parent trees from 1 14locations in two common-garden environments at a forest nursery on the island. 1005 100 km f-----i 5 km L------ ---- r 1 \ --- I / l, ' .... _ .. ___ f f f ' f I I \..--- Materials and methods Mitkof Island (56°40'N, 132°49'W) occupies a roughly triangular area of about 52 000 ha. Three larger islands to the west and the much larger Prince of Wales Island to the south shield Mitkof Island from the Pacific Ocean. Frederick Sound, 10 km wide, separates the island from the mainland mountain range to the northeast. Peaks on the mainland adjacent to Frederick Sound rise to 3000 m and have permanent glacial mantles agglomerating in extensive ice fields. One of these glaciers, the southernmost tidewaters glacier in Alaska, chokes Leconte Bay with icebergs in the summer. Just south of Laconte Bay, the Stikine, the largest river in southeastern Alaska, drains the high plateau behind the coastal mountains and empties into Frederick Sound directly east of the southern part of the sample area. These various sources of cold air to the east of the island seem to influence its climate. Petersburg has about 6o/o fewer degree-days in the year than does Wrangell, the nearest comparable weather station (Farr and Harris 1979). Petersburg also has fewer frost-free days (140) than any of the five surrounding stations on the interior islands by an average of 27 days (Farr and Hard 1987). Our study objectives determined the analysis procedures and sampling design. We first wished to test the hypothesis that clinal variation existed on the island. A less important goal was to describe clinal patterns if such existed. For these goals, regression is a prefer­ red analytical tool given an appropriate sampling design. Our hypotheses about population responses on the island dictated a regression model that included several site variables with additional terms for curvature and interaction. We anticipated finding a com­ plex clinal relationship of genotypes with temperature gradients if natural selection has adapted Sitka spruce to growing season length. Because Mitkof Island is mountainous and near a cold con­ tinental coastline, growing seasons might be expected to be com­ paratively shorter at high elevations and on the eastern side of the island. Growing season might also be influenced by aspect and slope; solar radiation arrives at low angles in spring and fall at high latitudes. These several site variables may affect growing season in ways that are neither linear nor independent of one another. The various constraints arising from our resources for experi­ mentation, a large regression model, and our objectives determined the sampling design. Our resources, for example, limited the number of parent genotypes we could evaluate. The regression model called for a large number of site variables and related terms, and our objective required minimization of errors connected with FIG. 1. Mitkof Island in southeastern Alaska. Broken lines represent sampling transects, usually from mountain peak or ridgeline to valley floor. Solid lines running west to east across the island are north and south transects along which genetic trends are illustrated in succeeding figures. The cross near the inlet represents the origin from which all north and east departures were measured. sions in hypothesis testing becomes progressively higher. The prob­ lem is not serious if the ratio of observations to variables is high and if the correlations among variables are small. We, therefore, sampled only a few parents per location to ensure a satisfactory ratio of locations to site variables, and sampling was designed to keep locations as nearly uncorrelated as is possible in a sample of wild populations. The study sampled an area of about 17 000 ha in the southeastern third of the island. The northern part of the area stretched almost completely across the triangular island, the southern part about halfway. Seed was collected from 208 trees in 28 transects spread fairly evenly within the area (Fig. 1). Twenty-five transects extended from ridgeline to valley bottom or down to a clear-cut backline. Elevational spacing of collections in these transects ranged from 100 to 150 m. Three other transects followed low-elevation roads. The total collection provided samples from two trees at 94 locations and one tree at an additional 20 locations for a total of 114 loca­ tions, or about one location per 1500 ha. We sampled transects rather than systematic areas because Sitka spruce grows primarily on the better drained mountain slopes, and transects offered viable routes for sampling slopes in roadless areas. Five site variables were measured at each location: (1) South to north departure, ranging from -7.45 to 9.65 km, was measured from the southwestern corner of sec. 31, tp. 60 S, rge. 80 E. (2) West to east departure, ranging from - 1 to 21 km, was measured from the same point. statistical tests of regression coefficients. In stepwise regression, analytical steps are sequential, each test conditional on a previous (3) Elevation was sampled fairly evenly over the elevational range of Sitka spruce on the island, from about 15 to 7QO ll}, step. In each step, therefore, the probability of erroneous conclu­ (4) Aspect, measured in radians of azimuth, was sampled .. ---··-··-·--·· 1006 CAN. J. FOR. RES . VOL . 19, 1989 TABLE 1. Classification design for analysis of variance of Mitkof Island families Source of variation Replication Location Families within locations Plot error Within plot df 3 113 94 624 a Expected mean squares (J /k + (J2p + 4a (s) (J /k (J /k (]2w + (J2 p (J2 + 4af(s) + + 7 . 2954a; p other species (Campbell 1986). The analysis involved six steps: (i) analyzing variance and covariance of data from each environ­ ment according to the classification design (Table 1); (ii) estimating components of variance and covariance, additive genetic variance, and heritability at the individual seedling level; (iii) estimating genetic correlation coefficients at the location and family levels of variance and covariance; (iv) reducing the dimensions in the data by a principal component analysis of a genetic correlation matrix; ( v) calculating factor scores from the eigenvectors for each parent tree for each principal component; and (vi) describing patterns of genetic variation in factor scores among parent trees by regression on site variables. Additive genetic variance was calculated as 3a;(s)· The multiplier 3 assumes 0.33 as the genetic correlation among offspring of open­ NoTE: a = variance of within-plot effects including genetic variance within openvariance of plot effects; a1(•l pollinated familes; a variance of family effects variance of location effects. averaged across locations; and a ; "Degrees of freedom varied (from 4086 to 4116), as did the harmonic mean of individuals per plot, k (from 5. 89to 5. 93), depending on the trait and environment being analyzed. pollinated parents; it reflects the greater likelihood of pollination by adjacent, related trees (Namkoong 1966; Squillace 1974) and production of seed by self-pollination (Sorensen 1973). Heritability, on an individual seedling basis, was therefore calculated as 3af(s/(a! + fJ + af(s)) where the terms are as defined in Table evenly over the range in aspect with some under­ representation in the northeastern quadrant. For analysis, aspect (A ) was transformed, as suggested by Stage (1976), to sin A and cos A. 1. A matrix of genetic correlation coefficients summarizes the total genetic variation and covariation existing in a multivariate system of traits. Usually most of the variation in the original variates of multivariate systems can be described by a few derived variables. (5) Slope was sampled fairly evenly over the range in slope Derived variables are called principal components, and correspond­ Site variables were only slightly correlated, with one exception; ing derived variates for each principal component and genetic entry are factor scores (Morrison 1967). The set of coefficients of the equation used to calculate factor scores from original observations (0 to 800Jo) with some under-representation of the steepest (>60%) and flattest ( <30%) slopes. because of the lay of the island, southern locations were usually farther east than northern locations (r 0 73). A small correlation between slope and elevation of locations (r 0.39) reflected the tendency for steeper slopes to occur at higher elevations. Correla­ 0.30. tions among other site variables were all smaller than r We estimated genotypic values of parent trees by growing open­ . pollinated progeny in two common-garden environments in a nursery about 1.3 km west of the northwestern corner of the sample area. One was the greenhouse environment (I), which is normally used for growing tubed seedlings in the USDA Forest Service con­ tainerized nursery. The other was the Mitkof Island environment (0) adjacent to the greenhouse at the nursery. Seedlings were grown from seed in 65-cm 3 Leach cells in the greenhouse until the middle of the first growing season when the seedlings in the 0 environ­ ment were moved outside. A randomized block design was used in which six seedlings per family made up a row plot randomly allocated to position within a block. The design specified 4992 seedlings in each of two envi­ ronments (208 families x 4 replications x 6 seedlings per plot). Each block was surrounded by two rows of seedlings used only as a border. We measured four primary traits in each environment to evaluate differences among families in growth rhythm and growth vigor. We recorded bud-burst status of each seedling twice weekly and bud-set status once weekly. Total height was measured at the end of the first and second growing seasons and diameter at the end of the second season. For most primary traits, a secondary trait was created by calculating the standard deviation in primary trait scores among the six seedlings in a plot. Seedling size is often influenced by seed weight. To estimate this effect, we weighed one 50-seed lot from each family and correlated this weight with the family mean height at the end of the second growing season. Three types of correlations were calculated: among all families (208), among families within locations, and among loca­ tions. The lst two types were calculated from components of variance and covariance derived from one-way analyses of variance (and covariance) of locations and families nested within locations (Table 1, but omitting effects of replications, plot error, and within­ plot error). We analyzed data by procedures used in similar experiments with is the eigenvector; each principal component has a characteristic eigenvector. Factor scores for parent trees calculated from the eigenvector of any principal component are uncorrelated with parent-tree scores calculated from the eigenvector of any other prin­ cipal component. To relate factor scores to site variables, the final regression model was selected by backward stepwise regression from an initial model that included 13 terms: linear and quadratic terms for south to ), west to east departure and elevation (E); north departure D2L L 2D; (L (D), and slope ( 1); sine and cosine of aspect (sin A and cos A); and T sin A and T cos A. Because correlations among site variables were small, thus minimizing statistical problems associated with multicollinearity, a satisfactory ratio of variables to observa­ tions could be insured by restricting the initial model to 13 terms. Terms for interactions of elevation with other variables, for example, were omitted from the model for this reason. The final regression was selected on two criteria: the standard errors (and significance) of partial regression coefficients and the examination of residuals. Lack of fit was tested using the factor scores for two trees at a location as repeats and the variation among trees within locations as an estimate of pure error (Draper and Smith 1966). Coefficients in complex regression equations are difficult to inter­ pret. To illustrate differentiation on the island, we graphed predic­ tions from regression equations. Predictions were limited to two west to east transects across the sample area, one each near the northern and southern borders of the area (Fig. l). Results In the first growing season, seedlings grown in the greenhouse set buds 2 days earlier and grew about 6o/o taller than seedlings grown outside. In the second growing season, greenhouse seedlings burst buds 17 days earlier, set buds 7 days earlier, and ended by being 24% taller and 13% larger in diameter than seedlings grown outside (Table 2). Except for bud burst in the greenhouse (IN-BB2), genotypic values of parent trees varied among island locations for all primary traits (Table 2, ab . Genetic variation also existed among trees within locations for all traits (Table 2, af(s)). Although estimates of variance 1007 CAMPBELL ET AL. TABLE 2. Analysis of variance for traits, seed weight (so WT) , and factor scores of the first and second principal components (PCI and PC2) Components of variance as a O?o of total variance x Trait a IN-BSI IN-HI IN-BB2 IN-H2 IN-D2 IN-BS2 OUT-BSI OUT-HI OUT-BB2 OUT-H2 OUT-D2 OUT-BS2 SD WT 19.65 15.41 31.07 46.69 3.81 15.40 21.17 14.54 65.55 37.70 3.37 16.40 11.40 PC! PC2 as2 a;(s) a2p a 8.6*** 5.2*** 2.5* 6.1*** 3.8*** 10.0** 7.2*** 9.0*** 5.0*** 8.7*** 9.4*** 31.7*** 28.9*** 45.7*** 51.6*** 11.5*** 4.7*** 8.1*** 8.3*** 7.0*** 28.4*** 12.7*** 5.5*** 6.9*** 7.3*** 5.9*** 32.9*** 71.1 54.3 48.4 19.1*** 32.5*** 16.6*** 15.0*** 19.1*** 61.6 15.8*** 16.0*** 17.0*** 20.4*** 18.0*** 35.4 60.8 57.6 72.8 70.6 -70.1 b Total variance 29.7161 12.9615 39.3128 217.0926 0.8746 4.5584c 55.5302 9.8262 29.8117 39.9254 0.2928 0.4365c 3.3793d 2.3497d 2.0751d 64.2 69.5 71.1 63.6 66.8 "Trait codes: IN and OUT refer to whether seedlings were grown inside or outside the greenhouse; BB, BS , H, and D are, respectively, bud-burst date, bud-set date, height , and diameter; I and 2are first and second growing seasons, respectively. BSl was measured in days, BB2in half days, BS2in weeks, H in centimetres, D in millimetres, and SD WT in milligrams (to obtain actual values for SD WT divide by 5) . bTotal variance = a + Ufts) + a + a for all values, except where otherwise indicated (symbols are defined in Table 1). 'Total variance = a + <1fts) + a . dTotal variance = a + <1ftsJ· *0.06 > p > 0.05. ••o. o5 > P > o.o1. •••p < 0.01. TABLE Trait IN-BSI IN-HI IN-BB2 IN-H2 IN-D2 OUT-BS! OUT-HI OUT-BB2 OUT-H2 OUT-D2 3. Structural relations (X 100) in the variability among seedlings (1) a,IX (2) (3) aA/X a;/(a;+ 3a;(s ) ) 8.1 5.4 3.2 7.8 4.5 9.5 6.5 1.9 4.9 4.9 16.3 8.7 10.0 15.8 11.2 21.8 8.7 3.8 7.8 6.7 20 27 9 20 15 16 35 19 28 35 (4) 2ai<s/a 38 16 22 24 20 40 16 19 23 18 (6) (5) a/X awlX 12 13 8 12 11 14 9 3 8 7 22 18 17 27 21 28 18 7 13 13 (7 h 1 38 15 25 27 22 41 18 22 24 19 NoTE: Structural relations are illustrated by coefficients of variation for locations (1), additive genetic variation (2), proportion of genetic variation due to location (3), within-family genetic variance as a proportion of within-plot variance (4), plot variation (5), within-plot variation (6), and heritability (7) at the individual seedling level (a /(a + a + af(s)); where afts) is the variance of families within locations and additive genetic variance is 3af(sJl· See Table 2 for an explanation of trait codes. among families within locations (and therefore estimates of additive genetic variance) came from the pooled variance of many two-tree samples, the variance among families within locations probably did not differ greatly from loca­ tion to location. The evidence is indirect and the possibility of type II error is large. The evidence is derived from an expected relationship among genetic variances when geno­ types of parent trees are estimated by family means. In estimating genetic variation among trees at a location, only part of the variation is expressed in differences among family means; the remainder is expressed in variation within families. If, therefore, the within-location genetic variation differs among locations, this difference should be reflected in within-family variances. In this study, we assumed that one-third of the additive genetic variance is expressed among families and two-thirds within families. Given this assump­ tion, additive genetic variance within plots (2 o'f(s )) was about 240Jo of total within-plot variance (a ) in both envi­ ronments (Table 3, column 4). The remaining variability within plots is contributed by effects of microenvironment and interactions among genes in genotypes. These effects may have contributed "noise" in estimating genetic variances within families. Unless the sizes of effects and genetic variances are correlated, real differences in additive CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. !9, !989 1 008 TABLE 4. Matrix of genetic correlation coefficients for correlation among locations (above diagonal) and families (below diagonal) IN-BB2 IN-BB2 !N-BS! IN-HI IN-H2 IN-D2 0UT-BB2 OUT-BSI OUT-HI OUT-H2 OUT-D2 OUT-BS2 1 .000 0.001 (0. 1 5 ) 0.558 (0 . 2 1 ) 0 . 1 82 (0. 1 5) 0 . 1 30 (0. 1 6) 0 . 842 (0.08) 0 . 1 96 (0. 1 4) 0. 1 1 3 !N-BS! IN-HI IN-H2 IN-D2 0.023 (0. 3 1 ) 1 .000 0.280 (0. 33) 0 . 369 -0.366 -0.898 0.623 0 . 1 48 (0. 38) 0 . 39 1 (0. 2 1 ) 1 .000 (0. 1 5) 0 . 782 (0. 1 1 ) 1 .000 (0. 2 1 ) 0 . 928 (0. 1 1 ) 1 .049 (0.22) 0 . 225 (0.25) 0.31 1 0. 822 (0.07) 1 . 000 (0.06) -0.092 0.495 (0. 1 8) 0.590 (0. 1 1 ) 0.861 (0. 1 1 ) 0 . 609 (0. 1 2) -0.442 0 . 895 (0. 1 2) -0.247 (0. 1 6) 0.970 (0.06) (0.23) 0.490 (0. 1 8) 0 . 886 (0. 1 9) 0.61 1 (0. 1 6) 0. 1 13 (0. 1 6) -0.256 0.236 (0. 1 5) 0.590 (0 . 1 2) 0 . 1 70 (0. 1 7) 0.1 60 (0. 1 4 ) (0. 1 6) 0.848 (0.07) (0.33) 0.645 (0. 1 6) 0.520 (0. 1 2) 0.778 (0. 1 1 ) 0 .754 (0. 1 1 ) 0 . 376 (0.20) 0.232 (0. 1 9) (0. 1 5 ) 0.473 (0. 1 2) (0.20) OUT-BB2 OUT-BSl OUT-HI OUT-H2 OUT-D2 OUT-BS2 0.477 (0. 38) 1 .008 0 . 1 47 (0.22) 0 . 39 1 0 . 236 (0.29) 0.694 0 . 362 (0.27) 0.315 (0. 29) 1 .060 (0. 1 6) 1 .031 (0. 1 3) 0.936 (0. 1 1 ) 0.689 (0. 1 1 ) (0. 1 5) 0.918 (0. 1 0) 0 .784 (0. 1 9 ) -0.387 0.897 (0. 1 1 ) -0. 1 39 0 . 92 1 (0. 1 3) -0.277 (0 . 1 7) 0 . 889 (0 . 1 4) 0.777 (0. 1 3) 0.994 -1 . 1 90 (0.23) -0. 9 1 6 (0.27) 1 .000 (0.06) 0.556 (0.21) 0.913 (0 . 1 5) (0.27) 0.502 0.000 (0.24) 1 .000 (0.20) 0.913 (0. 1 3) 0.9 1 5 (0. 1 5) 0. 1 3 1 (0.20) 0.647 (0. 1 6) 1 .000 (0. 1 1 ) 0.795 (0. 1 2) 0 . 809 (0. 1 7 ) -0.082 (0. 1 7) 0.010 (0. 1 3) 0.226 0 . 7 32 (0.09) 0.798 (0. 1 3) 0 . 404 (0. 1 3) (0.17) 0.001 (0. 1 5 ) 0.795 (0 . 06) (0.08) 0 . 370 (0. 1 4) (0. 1 6) -0 . 1 36 (0. 1 5) 0 .264 (0. 1 5 ) 0.465 (0. 1 3) 0 .904 (0.05) 1 .000 0.667 (0. 1 1 ) 0.602 (0.1 1 ) 0 . 368 (0. 1 3) 0.019 (0.20) 0 . 67 1 (0. 1 6) 0.952 (0.06) 0 . 579 (0.19) 0 . 849 (0. 1 2) 0 . 7 33 (0 . 1 8) -0. 284 (0 . 20) l.l05 (0.07) 0 . 540 (0. 1 3) 0.867 (0.04) 0.895 (0.07) 1 .000 (0. 09) 0 . 522 0.072 (0. 1 4) 1 .000 (0.15) NoTE: SE in parentheses. See Table 2 for an explanation of trait codes. genetic variances among locations may have been masked. Nevertheless, when within-plot standard deviations (secon­ dary traits) were calculated for each plot for lO primary traits and plot values were analyzed in the classification model (Table 1, but omitting within-plot components), the standard deviations differed among locations only for 1st-year bud set in the outside environment (P <0.01). In this case, the difference may have been caused by starting seedlings inside a greenhouse and moving them outside during the growing period. Almost three-quarters of the variation in seed weight occurred among trees within locations (Table 2). Correla­ tions between seed weight and final height were as follows: among all families, 0.256 (P(r 0)<0.01); among families within locations, 0.141 (P(r 0)>0.05); and among loca­ tions, 0.478 (P(r = 0)< 0.01). The last two relationships expressed as predictions of height (em) from seed weight (mg) yielded regression coefficients of b1 1.1012 and b2 = 4.508 for families within locations and among loca­ tions, respectively (P(b1 = b2)<0.01). In other words, for each unit of seed weight, the predicted effect on height was about 4.5 times greater at the location level than at the within-location level. Variances within plots were calculated for only 10 of the 12 traits because of an oversight. Of total variance among seedlings in these traits, variation within plots accounted for 66.7o/o (percentage is the average of 10 traits), locations for 6.6%, families within locations for 7.8%, and plots for 18.9% (Table 2). Because location coefficients of genetic variation (Table 3, column 1) were smaller relative to addi­ tive coefficients of variation (Table 3, column 2) inside the greenhouse than outside, location variation was a smaller proportion of total genetic variance in the greenhouse than outside: 18 vs. 27% (Table 3, column 3). Plot and within­ plot coefficients of variation were larger in the greenhouse than outside (Table 3, columns 5 and 6). But because the additive genetic variance was also larger in the greenhouse TABLE 5. Loadings and eigenvalues of principal components (PC!, PC2) and the percentage of location variation accounted for by the principal component Loading of PC! Trait IN-BB2 IN-BSI IN-HI IN-H2 IN-D2 OUT-BB2 OUT-BSl Loading of PC2 -0. 1 6 0.72 0.96 0 . 22 0 . 87 0 . 95 0 . 96 0 . 30 0.95 0.40 -0. 1 2 0. 1 6 0.74 -0.36 0 . 38 OUT-D2 0 . 86 1 .00 0 . 86 OUT-BS2 0.90 0.31 7 . 39 67 . 2 2 . 35 21.3 OUT-HI OUT-H2 Eigenvalue Ofo of variation NoTE: See Table 2 for 0.01 0.05 an explanation o f trait codes. than outside, the average heritability of traits was 0.25 in both environments (Table 3, column 7). Genetic correlations at the location level apparently were stronger than those at the family level, although standard errors of individual coefficients were sometimes large (Table 4). Absolute values for 47 of 55 correlations among traits for locations exceeded values of corresponding cor­ relations for families by an average of 8%. The size dif­ ferences occurred mainly in the outside environment, where the average of absolute values was 0.58 for sources and 0.34 for families. Within the greenhouse, corresponding averages were 0.50 and 0.51. The correlation matrix at the family level summarizes the genetic variation and covariation (in 11 traits) among trees CAMPBELL ET AL. 19 19 Aspect .... ... ,... .... ... ,... (.) 18 (.) 18 fl. .... ... Q) ...0 17 () f/) ... 14 3 -1 5 7 fl. .... ... Q) ...0 17 f/) 16 () l 16 0 () 15 I'G LL ... ....0() I'G LL FIG. 2. Factor scores of the first principal component as predicted on the north transect (see Fig. 1). Trends are for points on steep slopes (800Jo) at elevations of 500 m, for three aspects. West-east distance is measured from the baseline. The vertical bar is one standard deviation (aA1) of within-location additive genetic ----r--.::S�o�ut�h�t� ansect 120 0 240 360 480 600 Elevation (m) FIG. 4. Predicted factor scores of the first principal component as influenced by elevation. Trends are for points on steep slopes (80%) and east aspects. The north and south transects represent the midway points of the transects. The vertical bar is one standard deviation (aA1) of within-location additive genetic variation. 19 19 Aspect (.) 18 fl. Q) 17 0 () f/) 16 ... I'G LL transect 14 variation. ... ....0() North 15 9 West-east distance (km) .... ... ,... 1009 .... ... ,... (.) 18 ...0Q) 17 f/) 16 () ...0 80% 1 () 15 I'G LL 14 15 14 8 12 10 15 17 0 West-east distance (km) FIG. 3. Factor scores of the first principal component as predicted on the south transect (see Fig. 1). Trends are for points on steep slopes (80%) at elevations of 500 m, for three aspects. West-east distance is measured from the baseline. The vertical bar is one standard deviation variation. (aAI) of within-location additive genetic within locations. Second-year bud set in the greenhouse (IN-BS2) was not included in the matrix; several estimates of correlation of IN-BS2 with other traits were excessively large at the location level and created uninterpretable eigenvalues in the principal component analysis. The matrix at the location level represents the remaining genetic variation and covariation after subtraction of error and genetic effects specific to trees within locations. The location matrix, therefore, summarizes the genetic attributes associated with geography; it was used as data for the principal component analysis. All subsequent references to variation in factor scores, whether among locations or within locations, apply to factor scores calculated from eigenvectors of the location matrix. Most of the variation among locations was consolidated in the first two principal components of the location cor­ relation matrix. The first principal component accounted for about 67o/o of location variation in all traits (Table 5). Loadings (the correlations of original variables with factor scores) indicated that larger seedlings with later bud-set dates contributed to larger factor scores for this component. The second principal component accounted for an additional 72 144 216 288 360 Aspect (degrees azimuth) FIG. 5. Influence of aspect on predicted factor scores of the first principal component. Trends are for points 4 km east of the baseline on the north transect at an elevation of 500 m. The vertical bar is one standard deviation genetic variation. (aA1) of within-location additive 2 1% of total location-variation. Families with later bud burst in the 2nd year had larger factor scores for this component. When factor scores were calculated for each of the 208 families, about 50% of the variation in scores was associated with location of parents (Table 2). Differences among parents within locations accounted for the remaining varia­ tion. Part of the variation among locations followed gra­ dient trends on the island; results are presented first for factor scores of the first principal component. A regression equation, chosen as "best" from the preliminary model, explained 22% of the sums of squares in factor scores of 208 families. Much of the unexplained variation can be credited to differences between the two parents that were sampled at 94 of the 1 14 locations. But some location averages deviated from the regression surface more than would have been expected given the variation within loca­ tions (Table 6, significant lack of fit). For lack of fit to have been judged nonsignificant (for example, lack of fit, P > 0. 10), the equation would have had to account for 38% of total sums of squares. The chosen model indicated trends in location variation from north to south and west to east on the island. Locations CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 19, 1989 1010 TABLE 6. Regression analysis (by backward elimination in a 13-term preliminary model) of factor scores from principal components PC2 PC1 Variable a D D2 L D2L Standard Partial coefficient 0.1891 0.3711E-02 0.8747E-01 E2 Cos A T sin A Constant coefficient p 0.6754E-04 -0.3360E-02 0.5998 0.1099E-01 15.0924 <0.000 1.39 <0.000 <0.000 <0.017 <0.000 <0.002 <0.001 -1.28 0.63 0.34 -0.31 -0.27 -0.24 Variable a £2 s D Constant Partial coefficient b 0.3879E-02 0.3635E-01 0.1279E-01 13.4227 Standard p <0.000 <0.023 <0.061 coefficient 0.45 0.15 0.12 <0.000 <0.000 NoTE: Probability of lack of fit for PC! is < 0.001; R1 = 0.22; probability of lack of fit for PC2 is < 0.24; R1 = 0.31. "D = distance (in units of 0.4 km ) east of the line between rges. 79 and 80 in tp. 60 S; L distance (in units of 0.4 km ) north of the line between tp . 60 and 61 S; E elevation in units of 30.47 m; A = azimuth of aspect in radians; T = slope in percent; and S = slope in units of 241.5/T. b-0.3879E-02 -0.3879 X l0-1. ...... 14 C\1 u a.. f1) .. 0 13 u !/) .. 0 u tQ LL .... 12 0 FIG. 120 240 360 480 600 Elevation (m) 6. Influence of elevation on factor scores of the second principal component as predicted for a point at the baseline on the north transect. The vertical bar is one standard deviation (aA2) of within-location additive genetic variation. with larger factor scores (larger seedlings and later bud set) occurred in the eastern part of the northern transect (Fig. 2) and in the western part of the southern transect (Fig. 3). Factor scores decreased slightly with increasing elevation (Fig. 4). On steep slopes, factor scores were largest on aspects slightly south of west and smallest on aspects slightly north of east (Fig. 5). On less steep slopes, factor scores were largest on south slopes and smallest on north slopes (Fig. 5). Position on the island did not influence the effects associated with aspect or slope as indicated by lack of interaction (Table 6). Additive genetic variation within locations is a biologically relevant scale for evaluating differentiation among locations (additive genetic variation in factor scores of the first prin­ cipal component (ai,1) and the second principal component (ai,2) equals three times the family component of variance of the respective principal components). In this scale, fac­ tor scores decreased by 0.09 aA1/km along the axis of the island, northwest to southeast between the midpoint of the northern transect and the eastern edge of the southern transect. The decrease was 0.06 a A/km in north-south direction at 10 km east of the baseline. Factor scores also decreased from low to high elevations by about 0.12 aA1/100 m. Whether the association of factor scores with elevation was consistent within the sample area could not be judged; terms for the interaction of elevation with other variables were not included in the preliminary model. The largest predicted genetic differentiation in the first principal component occurred between north central and southeastern areas in the sample. The north central areas in this contrast occupied low-elevation, steep, southwest­ facing slopes. The southeastern areas were at high elevations on steep, northeastern-facing slopes. Predicted mean factor in these areas differed by about 2.9 to 3.0 aAI· Only a small proportion of genotypes, therefore, are expected to be common to the populations of the two areas. Because the regression model adds the effects of indexes of environment, the relative influence of individual indexes can be judged. Of the difference of 2.9 to 3.0 aA1 between the two areas, differentiation over the range of elevations contributed about 0.7 aA1 (Fig. 4), aspect about 0.9 aA1 (Fig. 5), and distance from north central to southeastern about 1.4 aA1 (Figs. 2 and 3). A regression model using three environmental indexes accounted for about 31o/o of variation among families in factor scores of the second principal component (Table 6). Factor scores decreased (earlier bud burst) with higher eleva­ tions (Fig. 6). Locations on steep slopes had smaller factor scores (earlier bud burst) than locations on flatter slopes (Fig. 6), irrespective of position on the island. Locations from the western part of the island also had smaller factor scores; factor scores at locations separated by 10 km from west to east (not shown) differed by an amount almost exactly equivalent to the difference between locations on 20 and 80% slopes (Fig. 6). Of the environmental indexes, elevation contributed the most toward explaining source variation in the second prin­ cipal component. The difference in factor scores at high and low elevations on the island, however, was only about 0.85 aA2 (Fig. 6). Discussion Falkenhagen (1978) hypothesized hierarchical clinal gradients to account for macrogeographic variation in Sitka spruce. The hierarchy of clines apparently extends down to the microgeographic scale. In macrogeographic studies, the common environmental indexes are longitude, latitude, and elevation. On Mitkof Island, these were not enough to CAMPBELL ET AL. account for source variation which was also influenced by position on the island, slope, and aspect. Furthermore, gra­ dients depended on the part of the genotype being evaluated and were different for growth traits and bud burst, for example. This instance of microgeographic variation in the species is probably not an isolated case. Yeh and Rasmussen (1985) report significant genetic variation among stands of Sitka spruce on northwestern Vancouver Island. A clinal model using our site variables did not account for all variation among locations on Mitkof Island. The regression equation for the first principal component explained only about half the variation among locations. The sampling design and analysis procedures may indirectly account for the poor fit. The design limited the analysis to a few site variables, so one or more important ones may not have been measured (e.g., soils). Because we were testing hypotheses, we did not add variables or complex terms to the model during analysis. Adding terms, however, probably would not have reduced the bias; residuals from the model did not suggest any trends. The unexplained variation among locations, therefore, could have been associated with uniden­ tified components of environment, but other explanations are just as feasible. Features of the mating system, stand history, or genetic drift may have contributed randomness to location genotypes. Our model, despite its apparent deficiencies, indicated trends consistent with our expectations in most respects. We anticipated finding an association of clinal gradients with length of growing season. Growing seasons, in turn, were expected to be shortest at high elevation and on the eastern side of the island. Genotypes expressed as small seedlings with late bud burst and early bud set usually originate in locations with short growing seasons, but some exceptions occur. Where seasons are severely limited by drought or cold, early flushing is apparently advantageous, genotypes from such habitats usually break buds earlier than genotypes from milder habitats when grown in common gardens (Campbell and Sorensen 1978; Campbell and Sugano 1979). In this experiment, genotypes for early bud burst came from high elevations, as expected (Lines and Mitchell 1966; Falkenhagen 1977). Genotypes coding for later bud burst came from lower elevations, flatter slopes, and eastern parts of the island. Flatter slopes may lead to pooling of cold air and frost pockets, and growing seasons were expected to be shorter on the eastern side of the island than on the western side. Genotypes that coded for small seedlings and early date of bud set came from the southeastern part of the island and from eastern sides of mountains. The Stikine River empties into Frederick Sound east of the southern part of Mitkof Island, so the southeastern part of the island may experience more unpredictable cold from continental air streams than does the northeastern part. This difference could explain the character of genotypes in the southeast and on eastern sides of the mountains. It does not, however, explain the genotypes for small seedlings in the northwestern part of the sample area (Fig. 2), where we had no reason to expect short growing seasons. With one exception, therefore, the gradients on the island appeared to reflect the expected trends in growing season length. Gradient trends in variation among locations conceivably could have any one of several origins: random association of genes in small populations (genetic drift), gene migration from founder populations, maternal effects (seed precon­ 1011 ditioning), or natural selection. Although it is possible to envision nonrandom exceptions, genetic drift and migration are essentially random events with respect to geography. The mountains on the island were scattered throughout the sampling area. Chance events (genotypes arising from drift or migration) on one mountain should not have been con­ nected with chance events on other mountains. Genetic drift and gene migration, therefore, probably did not contribute to the gradients indexed by elevation, aspect, and slope. These gradients reflect a consistent, nonrandom, associa­ tion of seedling performance with attributes of individual mountains. The directional gradient, on the other hand, could have resulted from gehe migration in a northwesterly or southeasterly direction. The gradients of other origin then could have been superimposed on this main gradient. As discussed earlier, though, the directional gradient on the island appeared to be associated with environmental trends, as were the gradients with elevation, slope, and aspect. It seems likely, therefore, that the directional and super­ imposed gradients were caused either by maternal effects or natural selection. Environments in similar positions on scattered mountains are likely to be correlated, and envi­ ronments could either precondition seeds or underlay natural selection. In studies of wild populations, the results of natural selec­ tion are difficult to distinguish from maternal effects. Varia­ tion in seedling size is often associated with maternal factors, principally weight of seeds (Perry 1976). The nutritional (and other metabolic) status of seeds may also vary and may influ­ ence seedling size (Rowe 1964; Ries and Everson 1973), but effects are usually negligible in comparison with those of seed size (Sweet et at. 1975). To distinguish between natural selection and maternal effects, environmental influences must be separated from hereditary ones. Although seed size is labile, the seed is one of the least plastic organs on a plant (Palmblad 1968). In conifers, seed size (and seedling size) has been altered by treatments that differed among trees (Mergen and Voigt 1960) and within trees (Sorensen and Campbell 1985). In conifers, seed size varies by origin of cones within trees (Simak 1960) and within cones (Wright 1945), and by seed years (Sorensen and Franklin 1977). But the general homeostatis of seed size suggests it may be of crucial importance in adaptation. Seed size varies notably by species, but also among populations within species and individuals within populations (Khalil 1981, 1986). Seed size is highly heritable (Fehr and Weber 1968) and responds quickly to selection (Christie and Kalton 1960; Draper and Wilsie 1965). Where variation in seed size does occur, it often is adaptively advantageous (Harper 1977). In Sitka spruce, as in other species, a correlation exists between seed size and seedling size. The correlation appar­ ently has been induced by natural selection as a correlated response; that is, at some locations, selection for increased seed size and seedling size, for example, has happened con­ jointly. In this study, the correlation of the two traits between locations was qualitatively different from the one within locations: the predicted effect of an increase in seed size on seedling size was much greater between locations than within locations. In the absence of location effects, the cor­ relation almost disappeared. The correlation was small or negligible despite two factors: half of the variation in seed­ ling size and most of the variation in seed weight was CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 19, 1989 1012 expressed among trees within locations. Any variation in seed size that occurred between locations, therefore, also occurred within locations. This included the variation caused by crop size, crown position, cone position, and the many other environmental factors that can affect seed size in wild populations. A small correlation between seed and seedling size, despite the large range of variation in each trait, suggests that maternal effects played a minor role in deter­ mining seedling size in this study. In the absence of significant maternal effects, natural selection is the most likely cause of the gradients among loca­ tions on the island. A seed transfer even at constant elevation on this small island, therefore, may introduce risk in reforestation. A transfer inland from the coast entails the risk that transferred genotypes may not be as productive as indigenous genotypes. A transfer from inland to the coast increases the risk of damage by frost in late spring or early fall. In either case, any additional transfer in elevation or aspect adds to the risk. Although rotation-length field tests are necessary to estimate absolute risk in seed transfer, relative risk can be calculated by procedures given elsewhere (Campbell 1986, 1987). If transferred and indigenous seed lots differ in the mixture of genotypes they contain, some genotypes in the transferred lot may not be adapted to planting site. Calcula­ tions comparing mixtures of genotype indicate that 38, 68, and 870Jo of seedlings may be poorly adapted in transfers between areas separated, respectively, by 1, 2, and 3aA l · Figures 2-6 suggest that transfers leading to large propor­ tions of poorly adapted seedlings might easily occur on the island. Even though risks exist for seed transfer on Mitkof Island, small seed zones may not be necessary in southeastern Alaska. Genetic differentiation may be far greater between the edge and the center of one island, for example, than between the edges of widely scattered islands. The results do have a bearing, however, on seed-transfer guidelines for Sitka spruce in Alaska. Aspect and slope as well as eleva­ tion and latitude apparently must be heeded in developing the guidelines. Whether the effects of west-east direction or of aspect are consistent among islands will require further study. Acknowledgements We thank Mr. Dennis Murphy, U.S. Forest Service, Washington, DC, for cheerfully and efficiently expediting the cone collections for our confusing design, and Mr. Wenjin Li, Peking College of Forestry, People's Republic of China, for computer applications during analysis. We also thank Dr. John Alden, Dr. Don Fowler, Dr. Don Lester, Dr. Cheng Ying, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments in review. BIROT, Y., and CHRISTOPHE, C. 1983. 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