1429 Growth and foliar nutrient concentrations of Pacific silver fir M. A. RADWAN, M. D. MURRAY, AND J. M. KRAFT USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3625 93rd Avenue, SW, Olympia, WA 98502, U.S.A. Received March 22, 1989 Accepted July 4, 1989 RADWAN, M. A., MURRAY, M. D., and KRAFT, J. M. 1989. Growth and foliar nutrient concentrations of Pacific silver fir. Can. J. For. Res. 19: 1429-1435. Nineteen natural stands of Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Doug!.) Forbes) were assessed for selected site and tree characteristics. The stands, located throughout western Washington, were 26 to 37 years old;<they occurred at various elevations (110-1300 m) and on different soil types, and varied greatly in associated plant species. Site index at 50 years breast-high age ranged from 12 to 24 m. Terminal growth per year during the previous 3 years, needle number per centimetre of twig tissue, needle weight and area, and foliar concentrations of 13 elements varied among the 19 stands. Compared with associated western conifers, silver fir had moderate terminal growth, larger and heavier needles, more needles per centimetre of twig tissue, and lower foliar concentrations of N, S, and Mg. There were many significant correlations among the different variables. The foliar nutrient data obtained provide base-line information for future research in nutrition and fertilization of silver fir. These data and the significant correlations between nutrients and site-stand characteristics suggest that U) silver fir may be more efficient than some western conifers in use of some nutrients, (ii) productivity of silver fir may be improved by application of certain fertilizers; fertilization may be particularly effective dUring the seedling stage when growth is typically slow, and (iii) levels of some foliar nutrients may be useful as indicators of site quality for silver fir production. RADWAN, M. A., MURRAY, M. D., et KRAFT, J. M. 1989. Growth and foliar nutrient concentrations of Pacific silver fir. Can. J. For. Res. 19: 1429-1435. Dix-neuf peuplements naturels de Sapin gracieux (Abies amabilis (Doug!.) Forbes) furent seiectionnes pour Ie type de station et les caracteristiques des arbres. Les peuplements, de 26 a 37 ans, etaient disperses dans I'ouest de I'etat de Washington. Ils etaient situes it diverses altitudes (110 it 1300 m) et sur differents types de sol, et comportaient une grande variete d'especes associees. L'indice de station it 50 ans (age it hauteur de poitrine) allait de 12 it 24 m. La croissance apicale des 3 annees precedentes, Ie nombre d'aiguilles par centimetre de rameau, Ie poids et la surface des aiguilles, et la concentration foliaire de 13 elements variaient d'un peuplement it I'autre. Compare aux coniferes de I'ouest auxquels il est associe, Ie Sapin gracieux avait une croissance apicale moyenne, des aiguilles plus grosses et plus lourdes, plus d'aiguilles par centimetre de rameau, et une plus faible concentration de N, S et Mg. Plusieurs variables etaient significativement correlees entre elles. Les donnees recueillies sur la concentration foliaire des elements nutritifs constituent de I'information de base pour de futurs travaux de recherche sur la nutrition et la fertilisation du Sapin gracieux. Ces donnees et les correlations significatives entre les elements nutritifs et les caracteristiques des stations et des peuplements suggerent (I) que Ie Sapin gracieux peut etre plus efficace que certains coniferes de l'ouest dans I'utilisation de certains elemens nutritifs, (ii) qu'il est possible d'ameliorer la productivite du Sapin gracieux par I'application de fertilisants qui pourraient etre particulierement efficaces au stade de semis lorsque la croissance est typiquement faible, et (iii) que la concentration de certains elements nutritifs pourrait servir d'indice de qualite de station pour la production du Sapin gracieux. [Traduit par la revue] Introduction Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Doug!.) Forbes) is an important softwood tree species in the forests of north­ western North America. In the Pacific Northwest, silver fir is the most important of the western true firs (Abies spp.) (Franklin 1982). Silver fir has a natural range exteilding from the southeastern edge of Alaska to northwestern California, at elevations ranging from sea level to over 1600 m (Fowells 1965). In Canada, silver fir is found mainly in the Coast Mountains and islands of British Columbia (Fowells 1965). In Washington State, United States, silver fir occurs throughout the Cascade Range, the Olympic Mountains, and the Coast Ranges of southwestern Washington (Fowells 1965; Murray and Treat 1980; Packee et al. 1982). In these and other areas throughout its range, silver fir occurs most frequently in mixture with other tree species. The most com­ mon associated conifer in. western Washington is western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). Currently there is much interest in the intensive manage­ ment of silver fir, especially at elevations of 700 to 1400 m. Like other true firs in the West, silver fir has become imporPrinlcd in Canada I Imprimi: au Canada tant as a forest resource as forest managers move to higher elevations in search for new wood supplies. At such eleva­ tions, Dimock (1958) suggested that in some overmature climax types, net yields of unmanaged silver fir stands may equal those of western hemlock. Others (Packee et al. 1982) 3 reported yields of 950 to 1600 m /ha for silver fir dominated stands at 100 to 125 years of age. Prescribing effective management practices to increase productivity of silver fir requires much basic information on the biology and nutrition of the species. To date, however, relevant knowledge lags far behind management needs. For example, review of the literature shows that there are no guidelines for fertilization of silver fir; only one study dealing specifically with effect of fertilization on growth of the species (Gallager 1964) has been conducted. Similarly, reports on the foliar nutrient content of the trees in natural stands (Beaton et al. 1965b; Gessel and Orians 1967; Turner and Singer 1976; Will and Youngberg 1979; Gessel and Klock 1982; Cochran et al. 1986) were very limited in scope. Each of these reports involved only one site, and none provided information on concentrations of all the essential CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 19, 1989 1430 nutrient elements or on the deficiency and toxicity levels of any nutrient. Furthermore, there are no data in the literature on the relationships among the foliar elements or between the elements and site and stand characteristics. This study was conducted to (i) determine site quality, I 51 100 km 4 • Bellingham 2,.3 1 growth, and foliar chemical composition of silver fir from different stands in western Washington, (ii) assess the relationships between the different variables determined, and (iii) provide base-line information for future nutritional work. Materials and methods Stand and tree selection Nineteen natural stands of Pacific silver fir were selected for investigation. The stands are located in western Washington, at elevations ranging from 110 to 1300 m (Fig. 1). Stands were selected to assure representation of ages economically suitable for fertiliza­ .Olympia 13 12 ·9 • 10 •· tion and a wide range of soil and site conditions. Each stand had an area of at least 0.5 ha where topography and stand structure were fairly uniform and silver fir was at least 20010 of the basal area. In each stand, eight dominant or codominant trees were ran­ domly selected for study. Selected trees ranged in age from 26 to 37 years. All trees appeared healthy with no evidence of previous top damage. Estimation oj site index At each location, selected trees were felled during October and November 1985. Tree heights and ages were determined, and site index at 50 years (total age) was estimated according to Hegyi et aL (1981). Height-growth measurements Terminal growth of the test trees for the 3 years immediately before felling was measured, and average height growth per year was computed. Sampling joliage Immediately after feIling, one composite, representative sample of about 200 g (fresh weight) of foliage was collected from the eight trees of each stand. Sampling was limited to vigorous branches in the sunlit portion of the crown. Each sample consisted of 5-cm tips of the current year's growth of secondary laterals cut from all sides of the trees. Samples were individually placed in precooled glass containers and transported to the laboratory in a portable cooler. Determination oj needle numbers, areas, and weights FIG. 1. Approximate geographic location of study sites in western Washington, United States. Site descriptions are in Table 1. Total N of the ovendried needles was determined by the standard micro-Kjeldahl procedure (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982). Analyses of other elements were performed on the dry needles or on solu­ tions of their ash as follows: P by the molybdenum blue technique and Mo by the thiocyanate colorimetric method (Chapman and Pratt 1961); total S by a turbidimetric technique (Butters and Chenery 1959); B by the quinalizarin procedure (Horwitz 1980); and Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and AI by standard atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique (Perkin-Elmer Corpora­ tion 1976). All analyses were carried out at our laboratory. Statistical analysis Correlation coefficients (r) between the variables measured were calculated using each site as an individual observation (Snedecor 1961). Differences between individual sites could not be statistically tested because observations were made on subsamplesj no "true" replication was possible at the different sites. Two subsamples of three lateral twigs each were taken at random from each composite sample. Needles were separated from stems and counted. Stem length was measured, and average number of needles per centimetre of twig length was calculated. Area of the separated needles was determined using a LI-COR, LI-3100 area meter. I Needles on remaining twigs of each composite sample were also separated from stems and buds, and needles of each sample were thoroughly mixed. Two subsamples of 200 needles each were taken at random from each composite needle sample. Needles were dried to constant weight at 65°C, and average weights of individual needles were calculated for each site. Chemical analysis Separated needles, remaining after samples were taken for deter­ mination of needle weights, were dried to constant weight at 65°c' Dried needles of each composite sample were ground to 40 mesh in a stainless steel mill and stored in closed containers at 10°C until analyzed. IThe use of equipment brand names does not constitute recom­ mendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Results and discussion Stand and site properties The Pacific silver fir sites studied varied greatly in their key properties (Table 1). Elevation was highest (1300 m) at site 11 and lowest (110 m) at site 16 where a perched water table was evident during the winter. The sites represented many soil types. The stands were 26 to 37 years old and averaged 30.9 years. Associated vegetation was composed of a variety of herbs, shrubs, and trees. The most common shrub and tree species were, respectively, huckleberry (Vaccinium spp.) and western hemlock. Site productivity, expressed as site index at 50 years, ranged from 11.8 m at site 8 to 24.1 m at site 14 (Table 2). Terminal growth for the 3 years immediately before harvest ranged from 29.0 to 73.3 cm/year. For all sites, the average growth was 49.7 cm/year. This rate of growth compares with 44.0 em/year for coastal western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) (Radwan and Harrington 1986) and with 55.6 em/year for western hemlock in the Cascades RADWAN ET AL. 1431 TABLE 1. General attributes of Pacific silver fir sites Site No. Approximate location Elevation (m) 1 2 North Mountain North Mountain 3 4 Lookout Suiattle Mountain Morovitz Creek 5 6 Stand age (years) Soil parent material 880 37 Volcanic ash Hemlock, huckleberry, dogwood, twinflower 1165 26 Volcanic ash 850 30 35 Sedimentary Hemlock, huckleberry, dogwood, queen cup beadlily Hemlock, huckleberry, salal, deerfern Hemlock, huckleberry, devil's dub, 870 Sulphur Creek Foss River 1035 1025 Moon Lake Bare Mountain 28 28 Volcanic ash Basalt Sedimentary Huckleberry, beargrass Huckleberry, boxwood, dogwood Noble fir, Alaska cedar, huckleberry, alder Hemlock, huckleberry, fool's huckleberry, dogwood Hemlock, Noble fir, Douglas-fir, beargrass 10 Hugo Lake Ladd Mountain 11 Pinochle Creek 1300 32 35 28 30 12 Watch Mountain 1170 30 13 Mineral 1145 35 14 15 16 Humptulips Quinault Queets 640 775 110 28 33 31 Pumice and volcanic ash Pumice and volcanic ash Basalt Sandstone Glacial till 17 18 19 Raymond Nelson Hill Hyas Ridge 500 520 780 31 26 36 Basalt Sandstone Sandstone 29 salmonberry Mountain hemlock, huckleberry Hemlock, Douglas-fir, huckleberry, twinflower Basalt Basalt V olcanic ash Volcanic ash Volcanic ash 1140 1170 1220 1195 7 8 9 Associated plant species a Hemlock, Douglas-fir, huckleberry, dogwood Hemlock, Noble fir, huckleberry, twin flower, beargrass Huckleberry, Oregon oxaIis, foam flower Hemlock, huckleberry, deerfern Hemlock, red cedar, fool's huckleberry, crabapple Hemlock, salmonberry, fool's huckleberry Hemlock, Douglas-fir, red cedar, salmonberry Douglas-fir, huckleberry, salal aHemlock, Tsuga heterophylla; huckleberry, Vaccinium spp.; dogwood, Comus canadensis; twin flower, Linnaea borealis; queen cup beadlily, Clinlonia salal, Gaultheria shallon; deerfern, B/eehnum spicant; devil's club, Oplopanax horridum; salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis; mountain hemlock, Tsuga merlensiana; Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii; beargrass, Xerophyllum tenax; boxwood, Pachistima myrsinites; Noble fir, Abies procera; Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis; fool's huckleberry, Menziesia !erruginea; Oregon oxalis, Oxalis oregana; foam flower, Tiarella trifoliata; rcd cedar, Thuja plicata; Crabapple, Pyrus !usea; alder, Alnus sinuata. unij7ora; (Radwan and DeBell 1980). Like other true firs, Pacific silver fir trees exhibit rapid height growth for a fairly long period of time following an initial stage of slow juvenile growth (Harrington and Murray 1982). The average needle number per centimetre of twig tissue (23) and the average needle weight (8.1 mg) were much higher than average values for western hemlock at lOA needles and 2.0 mg per needle (Radwan and DeBell 1980). Also, the average needle area (both sides), 2 45.1 mm , appeared larger than areas of most associated conifers. These needle properties could be among the inherent characteristics of the species. Presumably, such properties would represent special adaptations to take best advantage of environmental conditions for survival and growth at higher elevations. Relationships between site and growth characteristics As expected, site index was significantly (p :s; 0.01) cor­ related with terminal growth (r 0.89). Similar correlations were obtained with western hemlock (Radwan and DeBell 1980) and with western red cedar (Radwan and Harrington 1986). Site index was also significantly (p :s; 0.01) related to needle dry weight (r 0.54) and to number of needles per centimetre of twig tissue (r 0.59). Other significant (p :s; 0.01) relationships found were: needle dry weight vs. needle area (r 0.55), terminal growth vs. needle dry weight (r 0.57), site index vs. elevation (r -0.77), and terminal growth vs. elevation (r 0. 59). The last two correlations show the strong negative relationship of eleva­ = = = = tion with site productivity and growth. The relationship between site index and elevation is illustrated in Fig. 2. Similar relationships are common among other western conifers. Foliar macronutrients Foliar N concentrations ranged from 0.70 to 1. 06070 (Table 3). Unlike the information compiled by Minore (1979), average total N (0.93%) was much lower than con­ centrations normally found in needles of other western coni­ fers, such as western hemlock (Radwan and DeBell 1980), western red cedar (Radwan and Harrington 1986), and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) (Lavender and Carmichael 1966). Foliar N concentrations of silver fir found in this study, however, were within the species' range of values reported in the literature (Beaton et al. 1965b; Gessel and Orians 1967; Cochran et al. 1986). Similar low levels of N were also found in needles of other true firs, such as California red fir (Abies magnifica A. Murr.) and white fir (Abies concolor (Gord. and Glend.) Lindl.) (R.F. Powers, USDA Forest Service, Redding CA, personal communication). These low N levels and the fact that the values in our study were mostly associated with good tree growth and dark-green foliage suggest that silver fir (and perhaps other Abies spp.) may have a low N requirement resulting from a high efficiency of utilization of the element. As with needle numbers mentioned before, a low N require­ ment may represent an ecological adaptation, since true firs are commonly found at high elevations where soil temper­ CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 19, 1989 1432 TABLE 2. Site index and growth characteristics of Pacific silver fir sites Terminal growth Site index at 50 years Needle no. per cm of twig tissue Needle dry wt. Site No. (m) per yeara (cm) 8 12 11.8 12.6 12.9 29.0 40.3 33.3 33.4 24. 2 28.3 6. 3 6. 6 8.0 13.2 13.9 14.2 14. 2 14. 3 14. 3 33.3 44.3 31.8 21.4 20.0 28.2 22.9 7.9 7.0 8. 6 23.5 19.2 7.5 8. 6 8. 6 7 11 13 9 19 10 6 5 2 1 4 18 16 17 3 15 14 Avg. SD (mg) Needle area 2 (mm ) 38.8 37. 0 44.4 37. 8 51.6 46. 6 45.2 15.4 16.1 39.3 31.3 46.7 46. 7 52.0 50.7 20.4 20.9 21.0 21.5 22.0 58.0 64. 0 62.7 50.0 73.3 22.3 22.7 24. 1 53.7 64.7 71. 3 20.2 18.0 21.6 23.6 7. 6 10.0 9. 5 42.6 41.8 62.0 43.4 59.2 47.2 17. 2 4.1 49. 7 13.1 23.0 4.5 8. 1 0. 9 45.1 7.0 23.2 19.7 15.9 19. 2 23.8 7. 8 9.2 7.8 8. 0 8.4 8.4 8.4 54.8 41.2 38. 2 46.8 40.2 39.0 aAverage terminal growth per year for the 3 years 1983, 1984, and 1985. atures and nutrient mineralization are low. On the other hand, the low N values of silver fir were well within known deficiency levels of other western conifers. Silver fir and perhaps other true firs, therefore, would likely benefit from application of N fertilizer. Success of such treatment was demonstrated more than 2 decades ago in a silver fir stand in the northern Cascade Range of Washington (Gallagher 1964). More recently, good response to N fertilizer was also reported in several red and white fir stands in the southern Cascade Range (Powers 1981). Sulphur concentrations ranged from 0.06 to 0.10070. Con­ centrations of < 0.10070 at most sites were similar to those reported for interior silver fir and Douglas-fir (0.06-0.09070) (Will and Youngberg 1979; Cochran et al. 1986) and for coastal western red cedar (0.08-0.10070) (Radwan and Harrington 1986). As with N, low levels of S indicate that silver fir may have a low S requirement. Ratios of S:N ranged from 0.08 to 0.11, and trends were similar to those of S. These ratios were all higher than the 0.06 ratio normally found in healthy higher plants; they indi­ cate that there was sufficient S to balance the N present in the formation of foliar protein. Average concentrations of P (0.12070) and K (0.77070) were lower than those reported by others (P 0.16-0.18070, K 1.05-1.20070) (Beaton et al. 1965b; Will and Youngberg 1979). These concentrations, however, were within the low end of the range of values found in other western conifers, such as coastal Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western 0.12-0.15070, K 0.50-0.90070) (Beaton red cedar (P et al. 1965b; Lavender and Carmichael 1966; Radwan and == == == == DeBell 1980; Radwan and Harrington 1986). Many coastal sites in western Washington are known to be especially low in extractable P (Radwan and Shumway 1983). Average levels of Ca (0.34070) and Mg (0.09070) were within the ranges reported in foliage of silver fir and other true firs, 30 24 E x Q) -0 c Q) 18 12 • - U5 6 r == (n == -0.77 19) 0 0 500 1000 1500 Elevation (m) FIG. 2. Relationship between site index and elevation . Correlation coefficient (r) is significant at p ::s: 0.01. as well as other western conifers, excluding western red cedar 0.20-0.70070, Mg 0.07-0.18070) (Beaton et al. (Ca 1965b; Will and Youngberg 1979; Radwan and DeBell 1980; == == R.F. Powers, personal communication). Average Mg values, however, were barely above the critical value of 0.07070 proposed for red fir seedlings (Powers 1981); they were especially low relative to Ca concentrations, resulting in high Ca:Mg ratios. Previously, Krajina (1970) observed that soils rich in both Mg and Ca were required for good growth of silver fir. Calcium levels found in this study were much lower than the 1.65070 reported in foliage of old-growth silver fir by Turner and Singer (1976). This very high Ca level was prob­ ably caused by analysis of a sample containing many old needles. Silver fir is known to retain its needles for long periods of time, and Ca is an immobile nutrient, which tends to accumulate in older foliage. RADWAN ET AL. TABLE 3. Macronutrient concentrations of Pacific silver fir Site No. N P Ca K (070) in foliage Mg S 0.94 0.11 0.69 0.45 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.10 0.98 0.70 0.27 0.51 0.Q7 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.96 0.99 0.81 0.96 0.94 0.94 0.99 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.74 0.70 0.79 0.88 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.39 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.26 0.32 0.29 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.08 11 12 0.76 0.13 0.80 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.97 13 14 15 16 17 0.96 1.02 1.06 0.70 0.13 0.14 0.69 0.74 0.28 0.36 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.60 0.80 0.93 0.37 OAI OAO 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.06 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 1.06 0.94 0.84 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.73 0.74 0.69 OA2 0.31 0.36 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.Q7 Avg. SD 0.93 0.09 0.12 0.01 0.77 0.09 0.34 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.01 TABLE 4. Concentrations (ppm) of micronutrients and aluminum in foliage of Pacific silver fir B Cu 49 37 35 25 13 22 4 2 0.01 0.01 36 70 18 21 2 23 25 13 23 5 4 22 28 28 4 4 4 2 0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 Fe 1 2 1353 991 3 802 4 5 492 982 929 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 37 35 548 494 608 740 51 68 97 675 52 56 45 42 49 49 47 956 855 556 680 912 679 17 18 19 434 598 Avg. SD 225 30 32 32 752 AI Zn Mn Site No. 48 16 Mo 0.02 0.01 0.01 <0.01 234 248 173 160 192 99 305 272 231 93 33 22 19 19 28 20 36 19 30 25 25 25 20 14 4 2 0.01 <0.01 0.01 4 0.01 28 15 26 19 5 4 207 198 285 251 225 47 19 20 26 20 29 16 4 2 14 4 2 16 4 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 20 5 3 1 0.01 0.00 247 209 222 244 247 260 Foliar micronutrients and aluminum Concentrations of the micronutrients and Al varied among the 19 sites (Table 4). Very few comparisons can be made between our values and those obtained by others because the literature is extremely limited. Turner and Singer (1976) reported concentration of one element in one sample of old-growth trees (Mn = 1700 ppm), and Will and Youngberg (1979) determined concentrations of four elements in one sample of interior silver fir (Mn 825 ppm, 40 ppm, Zn 33 ppm, B 26 ppm). Fe Compared with important associated conifers, levels of Zn, Fe, B, and Cu in silver fir foliage were within the ranges = = = = 26 • 24 0.91 0.96 1 2 3 1433 • ___ 22 E x (!) "0 c: (!) U5 • 20 18 16 14 12 10 0.20 • , r (n • __ __ __ == 0.75 = __ 0.30 19) __ 0.50 0040 Foliar Ca (%) FIG. 3. Relationship between site index and foliar calcium (r) is significant atp :5 0.01. concentration. Correlation coefficient of values reported for western hemlock, Douglas-fir, and western red cedar (Zn = 15-35 ppm, Fe = 37-100 ppm, 13-57 ppm, Cu = 3-8 ppm) (Beaton et al. 1965a; B Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980; Radwan and Harrington 1986). Concentrations of Mo (mostly <0. 01 ppm) were much lower than those of other conifers, especially red cedar (0.01-0.52 ppm) (Beaton et al. 1965a; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Radwan and Harrington 1986). Foliar levels of Al and Mn were higher than those found 12-86 ppm, Mn 69-383 ppm) in western red cedar (Al (Radwan and Harrington 1986) and lower than values for 550-1000 ppm, Mn 530western hemlock (AI 2000 ppm) (Beaton et al. 1965a; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980). = = Foliar nutrients and site-stand characteristics relationships Positive and negative correlations were found among foliar nutrients and between the nutrients and important site and stand characteristics (Table 5). As expected, N and S were correlated (I' 0. 46); together with N, S is required for synthesis of S-containing amino acids. The effect of Ca on the availability of P was also manifested by the negative -0.63). correlation between the two elements (r Correlation between foliar N and site index was not significant. The importance of N to growth of silver fir, however, was shown by correlations with terminal growth (I' 0.48) and with needle area (I' 0.48). Similarly, Ca was positively correlated with site index (r = 0. 75) (Fig. 3) and with terminal growth (I' = 0.54), and was negatively related to elevation (I' -0.57). In contrast, P showed a positive relationship with elevation (r = 0.81) and negative - 0.86) and terminal correlations with site index (I' growth (r = 0.71). Clearly, these contrasting correlations were related to the negative correlation between Ca and P mentioned above. Other correlations listed in Table 5 include those between N and K (I' = 0.42), S and Mg (I' 0. 42), Fe and S 0.43), S and elevation (I' 0.42), Zn and Fe (r (I' = 0.54), Zn and terminal growth (I' = 0.42), and Zn and needle weight (I' -0.47). The importance of these relationships is not immediately apparent. Significant correlations between foliar nutrients and site­ stand characteristics suggest that some elements, such as P, Ca, and N, may be useful as indicators to assess site quality = = = = = CAN. 1434 TABLE J. FOR. RES. VOL. 19, 1989 5. Significant correlation coefficients (r) and probabilities (p) among concentrations of foliar nutrients, and between nutrient concentrations and site and growth characteristics Correlation r p Correlation r p 0/0 N vs. 0'/0 S 0/0 N VS. % K 0/0 P vs. % Ca 0/0 S vs. % Mg ppm Fe vs. % S ppm Zn vs. ppm Fe Elevation vs. % Ca Elevation VS. % P Elevation vs. % S 0.46 -0.42 0.63 0.42 0.42 0.43 -0.57 0.81 0.54 0.023 0.035 0.002 0.035 0.035 0.032 0.005 0.001 0.001 Site index vs. % Ca Site index vs. % P Terminal growth vs. % N Terminal growth vs. % P Terminal growth vs. % Ca Terminal growth vs. ppm Zn Needle area vs. % N 0.75 -0.86 0.48 -0.71 0.54 -0.42 0.48 -0.47 0.001 0.001 0.018 0.001 0.008 0.036 0.018 0.022 for silver fir production (i.e., lower concentrations of P and higher concentrations of Ca and N associated with better sites). The same relationships also indicate that productivity of silver fir may be improved by application of fertilizers, especially those containing N and Ca; fertilization may be particularly effective during the seedling stage when growth is typically slow. Acknowledgements The authors thank the following organizations for their cooperation in the study: ITT Rayonier, Inc., Murray Pacific Corp., Weyerhaeuser Co., Olympic National Forest, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, and Mt. Baker­ Snoqualmie National Forest. They also thank J.E. Wilcox, D. W. Johnson, and S.R. Ray, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, for their valuable assistance with the various phases of the study. BEATON, 1.D., BROWN, G., SPEER, R.C., MAcRAE, I., MCGHEE, W.P.T., Moss, A., and KOSICK, R. 1965a. Concentration of micronutrients in foliage of three coniferous tree species in British Columbia. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 29: 299-302. BEATON, 1.D., Moss, A., M ACRA E, 1., KONKIN, 1.W., M CGHEE, W.P.T., and KOSICK, R. 1965b. 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