Diameter accretion (uD.ccreoonl is the periodic increase i n quadratic mean diameter of those trees present at the start of the period; TECHNICAL COMMENTARY On The Definition Of Stand Diameter A Da ccrebon Growth For Remeasured Plots = -- =--- V(G2 + G2mort)l(f..."(N2 + Nmort)) - VG1!(kN1) Robert 0. Curtis and David D. MarshalF = V(G2 + G2Mort)l(kNl ) - YGI/(kNI) Periodic increment o r periodic an­ where trees are measured to a very where G2mort is the final (time of nual increment in quadratic mean di­ small minimum diameter, so that in­ death) basal area of trees dying during ameter at breast height (dbh) are sum­ growth need not be considered. The the period, and Nmort is the corre­ mary statistics commonly used to suggested terminology is similar to sponding number of mortality trees. compare growth and treatment re­ that generally accepted for volume Diameter growth of the n lo.rgest trees sponse in remeasured plots. Some (and basal area) growth, as given by (t..Dm) is the periodic increase in qua­ ambiguities associated with the defini­ B e e r s (1962), Marquis and Beers dratic m e a n diameter o f a fixed tion of periodic diameter increment (1969), Husch et al. (1982), and Van number n of the largest diameter trees arise, however, in summaries and Deusen et al. (1986). Because we are present at the start and end of the pe­ analyses of data from both research dealing ·with averages of a tree dimen­ riod: plots and from remeasured inventory sion rather than with values per unit plots. area, the additive relationships that Periodic diameter increment is often exist for volume growth (and basal calculated as the difference between area growth) do not apply. where quadratic mean diameters at the be­ Net diameter growth (.:lDn.J is the dif­ D2NL quadratic mean diameter of ginning and end of the growth period. ference in quadratic mean diameters the largest n trees present at Although the computation is simple of trees present at the beginning of the the end of the growth period; and straightforward, the removal of growth period and those present at small trees by suppression mortality the end: d1NL quadratic mean diameter of can produce an artificial diameter the largest n trees present at A.Dnet VG2JkN2 - YGl/kNl "growth," similar to the effect of a low the beginning of the growth D2- Dl thinning. This can be quite misleading period; and when diameter growth of high-density where n = some standard number, often stands with substantial suppression chosen to more or less mortality is compared with that of Dl quadratic mean diameter at correspond to the lowest low-density stands, or with radial beginning of growth period, number of trees expected to growth observed on increment cores. D2 quadratic mean diameter at be present at rotation age in ..9:! Although this phenomenon has end of growth period, any of the stand conditions ii long been recognized (Baker 1950, p. 358), the magnitude of such effects is or management regimes G1 basal area at beginning of sometimes not fully appreciated, and being compared. period, there are no well-established conven­ ::l 0 G2 basal area at end of period, tions or definitions governing the sev­ .0 <( eral alternative diameter-growth Nl number of trees present at DISCUSSION values that can be calculated. The lack beginning of period, of a standard terminology and anal­ Table 1 illustrates the magnitude N2 = number of trees present at end ysis for diameter growth may be a and nature of differences that can of period, and major reason for conflicting results in occur among values of alternative ex­ diameter growth response compar­ p r e s s i o n s of p e r i o di c d i a m e t e r k a constant isons. This paper discusses some defi­ growth. The four alternative diameter 0.00545415 for English nitions and briefly illustrates some re­ growth statistics were calculated using units, sults of their use. data from the 1979-1983 growth pe­ 0.00007854 for metric riod in the Hoskins levels-of-growing­ DIAMETER GROWTII STATISTICS units. stock study (Berg and Bell 1979), and At least four different diameter are the means of values for the 3 plots Survivor diame ter grrr..uth (Wsurvivors) growth statistics can be calculated. We in treatment 9 (unthinned) and the 3 is the periodic increase in quadratic present these below, for the simple plots in treatment 5 (repeated thin­ mean diameter of those trees that situation (common on research plots) ning retaining 50% of the unthinned were present at both the start and end where measurements are made imme­ plot gross basal area growth). of the period: diately before and after cutting, so If the ratio of thinned to unthinned that cut trees do not influence the diameter growth is taken as an indi­ ADsurviv.m computation of periodic growth; and YG2J(kS'2) cator of response to thinning, very = = = = = = :E = = = = = = = - Y(Gl - GlmartY(k(Nl - Nmort)) = 1 The authors are Prindpal Mensurationist, Padfic Northwest Research Station, For­ estry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, WA, and Graduate Research Assistant, Oregon State University, College of Forestry, Cor­ vallis, Oregon. Paper 2254 of the Forest Re­ search Laboratory, Oregon State Univer­ sity, Corvallis OR 97331. 102 WJAF 4(3)1989 Western J. YG2·(k..Y2) - Y(Gl - G1mort)i(k:.\f2) where Glmort is the initial (beginning of growth period) basal area of trees dying during the period and Nmorl is the corresponding number of mor­ tality trees. Applied Forestry 4(3):102-103. different conclusions can be reached depending on. the diameter-growth statistic used for the comparison. The v a l u e of A.Dnet for the un­ thinned plots is greatly influenced by the death of small suppressed trees. It does not represent the actual growth of those trees that are producing po­ tentially usable material anlj-w en compared with the correspondrng July 1989. T01ble 1. Comparison of periodic di01meter growth st<1tistics for un th inned (treatment 9) and thinned (treatment 5) plots in the Hoskins study, 1979-1983 growth period. Statistic t::.D-. t::.D... !::..0-=t::.D . ,oo Unthinned 4yr t::.D Thinned 4yr t::.D (em) (in.) (em) 2.41 1.24 1 17 2.87 (0.95) (0.50) (0.46) (1.13) 3.38 3.20 3.12 4.14 . value for thinned plots-leads to an underestimate of the actual benefit from thinning. wsurvivors expresses the actual diam­ eter growth of trees present at the end of the growth period. Comparison of thinned vs. unthinned survivor diam­ eter growth provides a meaningful ex­ pression of the effect of thinning on diameter growth of these trees. It is also consistent with diameter-growth estimates obtainable from increment cores. tl.D,C'C:n!tion has been used occasion­ ally (as by Berg and Bell 1979, who r e f e r t o it a s "gr o s s d i a m e t e r growth"), but its interpretation seems less clear. Although for short growth periods numerical values of llDa=eilan are close to those of tl.D,urvivars' for longer growth periods suppression mortality can have a considerable ef­ fect on the former. llD,umvors is prefer­ able. AD100 r e p r es e n t s the d i a m e t e r growth o f the 100 largest trees/ha (40/ ac). As would be expected, the effect of thinning on this stand component is less than on the average of all trees present but is still substantial. Effect of Ingrowth If ingrowth is present, this will fur­ ther distort wnet as an expression of actual growth, by an amount that de­ pends on the number of ingrowth trees and on the position of the lower limit of measurement relative to average diameter of the stand. Values of the other diameter growth statistics are unaffected. Effect of Cut Trees Measurements on research plots are usually made immediately after any cutting and immediately before any subsequent cut. Consequently, the change om quadratic mean diameter due to cutting can readily be separated from periodic diameter change due to growth pius mortality. In inventories, however, cutting date and measure­ ment date are usually unrelated, and trees may be cut at any time during (in.) (1.33) (1.26) (1.23) (1.63) Ratio of thinned tlD to unthinned t::.D 1.40 2.52 2.67 1.44 the growth period. This can have a large effect on calculated values of A Dnet· Growth periods may be rela­ tively long, and growth on cut trees since the previous measurement may be substantial, but measurements of cut trees at the time of cutting are u s u a lly not available. For thes e reasons also, tl.Dsurvivors is more appro­ priate than tl.D,a:rerian as an expression of stand diameter growth. Choice of n component of the stand. Few st.mds will be reduced below this number of trees, so that .10100 values will be com­ paruble across most stand conditions and treatments. Because this compo­ nent is much less influenced by thin­ ning than is the stand as a whole, tl.DuJJ alone is not a sufficient basis for evaluating diameter-growth response to thinning. tl.D:oo is an appropriate alternative for species or regimes that do not pro­ duce large trees. CONCLUSIONS The common net diameter-growth statistic is, by itself, often misleading as a m easure of s t a n d diameter growth and response to treatment. This is true because net diameter growth represents the combined ef­ fects of death of small trees, ingrowth, and actual biological growth. Net di­ ameter growth is an essential statistic, but it should not be used as the pri­ mary measure of biological diameter growth response to treatment, and it does not correspond to an average di­ ameter growth determined from in­ crement cores. A standard termi­ nology and additional diameter growth statistics, as suggested above, will aid in evaluation of treatment re­ sponses and avoid misinterpretation of summary values. A satisfactory description of stand diameter growth and diameter-growth response to treatment should include (1) net diameter growth, (2) survivor diameter growth, and (3) diameter growth of a standard number of the largest trees per unit area. 0 Diameter growth of spedfied crop trees has sometimes been used in comparisons of treatment effects (Adams and Chapman1942, Berg and Bell1979), and this procedure does in­ deed serve the purpose of character­ izing growth of that part of the stand that is of primary interest in manage­ ment. However, selection of crop trees involves a considerable element of subjectivity, and inconsistencies are introduced when crop tree numbers differ between treatments or between experiments (as is usually the case). Several authors (e.g., Reukema 1979, Mitchell and Cameron 1985) have used diameter growth of the n UTE.RATURE CITED largest trees as a summary statistic, AoMAS, W. W., AND G. L. OiAP.'>fAN. 1942. Crop most commonly the diameter growth tree measurements in thinning experiments. J. of the 250 largest trees/ha (100/ac). For. 40:493-498. BAKER, F. 5. 1950. Principles of silviculture. Ed. 1bis avoids the subjective decisions 1. McGraw Hill, New York . 414 p. involved in choice of crop trees. For BEERS, T. W. Components of forest growth. 1962. many regimes, values for the 250 ]. For. 60:245-248. largest trees/ha provide a reasonable BERG, A. B., AND J. F. BELL. 1979. Levels-of­ growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas­ approximation of diameter growth of fir: Rep 5-The Hoskins study, 1963-1975. the "crop trees" expected to reach USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-130. 29 P· final harvest. The combination of wide HUSOI, B., C. L Mn.llR, AND T. W. BEERS. 1982. initial spacing and heavy thinning Forest mensuration. Ed. 3. Wiley, New York. 402 P· may, however, often produce stands MAJ\Qti!S, D. A., AND T. W. BEERS. 1969. A fur. with less than 250 trees/ha as they ap­ ther definition of some forest growth compo­ proach final harvest age, as is now nent s . J. For. 67(7):493. common in extreme treatments in e-x­ MrrCHEU. K. K., AND!. R. CAMERoN. 1985. Man­ aged stand yield tables for coast"! Doup la -fir: isting thinning studies. Initial densitv and p recommeraal thinnmg. We suggest that, for many species, Land Y!anage'. Rep. 31. B.C. Ministry of For., suitable standards for calculating Victor'.a. 69 p. ADNl. are the 100 and 200 largest trees R.R;KB{A, D. L. 1979. Fifty-year developme t of Doug!as·fir stands planted at various spaangs. (by diameter) per ha (40 and 80 largest USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-253. 21 p. per ac). LlD100 corresponds to a com­ VAN DEUSE.'I, P. C., T. R. DELL, AND C. E . monly used definition of top height THO.\L-\S. 1986. Volume g rowth estimatio and will provide consistent height and from permanent horizontal points. For. Sa. 32:415--122. diameter values for the top height WJAF 4{3)1989 103