,,., , "· .. -_,._,•.•,--..!...· -, - -· - -,, " ....... .\"'"""-''"'�r.<s�.�� ;-;-;��-�:;; ��7� . .... ' _,··..-,.:.. - · .- : - - ; ;:;.-. ,:-:,.. - ...;',; " . - ,-..-,..,:.;. ·.c'--,,;_.= ,;, ="'" · '-" " . - . . : .' .. . - --1 \,L;L.;s;\df- - . per year. Southern pine seed or­ ards of similar age have yielded over pounds per acre per year. arvesting becomes a problem · ol r orchards. As trees get large , see collection becomes difficult. e mos common equipment is the buc t truck or cherry picker, although v '. ous ot er lift devices are available An alte method that has met ·th some s ccess is shaking the con s off This method, effe ve in the tre slash pi e and fairly suc es ful in Douglas· rt orchards, is not widely practiced because enough age is \ done to the\ crown to reduce the cone crop for se eral years following har· vesting, The use of rietting is a m thod catch­ ing on rapidly\ in the Sou h. Prior to cone opening, a polypro ene net is placed in the orchard. When the cones are fully open, a ecan s er is used to give each tree a very slj'ght shake. Not much force is needed or desired to col· lect the seeds and t prevent damage to the trees. The ri.ettirig is then picked up on a spool and pulled to the center of the orchard where . the seed, needles, and trash are fed through a combine for preliminary cleaning. 'Jllie seed is then taken to a seed extrac ry. 'l\venty to twenty-five percent of t e seed is lost in this process, mostly to ects, birds, and rodents, but seed yie ds have still been respectable, up to 00 pounds/ - - : 0<ef- ,'l . ,?d- :�t-.- :·:t.'f_··· ) . . . ,. ..,_ .. _, . :.;;. ·- --- '- N-''J.•; -;_,-•· . - The J.E. Schroeder Forest Tree Seed Orchard in Oregon Innovations in second-generation Douglas-fir orchards. By Roy R. Silen and Jack Wanek ;, \ 1&l p l)hl< \ acre. 'free seed certification s now effective in most states. dards are nerally they fol\ow the recommendati ns of the Association of Official Seed C rtifying Agencies, formerly the Inte ational Crop Improvement Association. Indus­ tries usually do not worry abou their seed being certified; since most it is used ill-house. Where seed mig be moved' in international trade, cerf ca· tion clm be quite important. Labe g infor{nation, designed largely with · ternational trade in mind, is valuable bu ers who do not know the seed p d er and cannot inspect the seed o s or the information on which cer­ cation is based. • y' Thre ofaeoen 'Separate blocb in a developmental aequence that prooidn Bite-adapted aeed. Photo. courtesy of the autiwnr. econd-generation full-sib seed­ ling seed orchards are now the p r e do m i n a n t p r o g r a m for coastal Douglas-fir. Seven orchards; ad­ niinistered by the state of Oregon, lie within the 4()().acre J.E. Schroeder For· est 'free Seed Orchard complex near Salem. Since 1973, the orchards have been established successively in 12- to 42-acre blocks to supply seed for seven local tree-improvement cooperatives. Ranging in size from 70,000 t o 600,000 acres, the cooperatives involve ten companies and two government S agencies. Each orchard originated as seed from crosses made among tested parent trees. Commercial quantities of seed are being produced ahead of schedule with a 12 percent or greater improvement in growth rate and with Roy R. Silen is project leader for genetics re­ search, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, OR. Jack Wanek is tree-improvement coordinator and supervisor of the J.E. Schroeder Forest 'Iree Seed Orchard. State of Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem. MARCH 1986 31 I enetics Data for seven seed orchards In cooperative programs at the J.E. Schroeder Orchard Complex. Cooperative programs Orchard Size Ac. Vernonia Molalla Burnt Woods Umpqua Nehalem•• Snow Peak Dallas Totals 41 14 15 21 9 16 27 143 • Type R E PC PC PC E E Ful sib families Age from No. 495 245 115 419. 68 231 1,676 seed in 1985 Yr. 14 12 11 9 7 7 3 Pollen Total cone Seed production production production Bu. 1,216 209 85 10 2 2 0 1.524 % of ttees 64 66 20 15 0 0 0 Lb. 475 47 4 10 0 0 0 536 - •Abbreviations: R • randomized; E arranged by midparent elevation from low to high; PC • orchard locations matched to coordinates of parent trees in program area. •*This program was started solely on state of Oregon lands, but has recently become part of the Nehalem Cooperative. ing\the genetic material into !\OOdlings . Ef· or pl\Ultlets must also be op ficient conversion of seeds into seed­ lings lvfil be dependent orl adequate fundin to provide the niirsery with the bestlmanagers, equipinent, and re­ search. sent-value anhlysis can eas· benefits are ily demonstrate that l possible by'increasing :Seed efficiencies in the n . ,' However, if1 the concept of present­ value economl s ill not fully under­ stood, some mig)l believe that seed is only worth its n\arket value. Such be­ liefs can directly':lfrect the allocation of resources to the mirsery for improving seed efficien . Thi helps explain why some organizations cl\n afford to spend millions in /developing new nurseries while otherS are not all wed $35,000 for alized how a new seeder. Once it proving seed much earl be gained by efficiene'y, monies to con ct research and i,liprove nursery-m nagement practjees are easy to justify. • F'\::e arge cy 1 ) · Dal B. . South A sistant Professor and Direc AW.urn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative School of Forestry Alabama Agricultural Erperiment Staticm j $ ·' (Silen, continued from page 32) ing for 5-year progeny-test data to be­ come available. Narrowing of the genetic base when single-pair matings were used for the interim seed orchard was not a concern. The breeding program for future gen· erations is independent of the orchard program and will cross among progeny from all superior parents. Family selection-Wind-pollinated progeny tests provide a basis for family roguing because additive genetic varia­ tion explains about 0.8 of family genetic variability in Douglas-fir. Culling of poorly performing crosses in the first orchard produced an orchard with the top 19 percent (3/1•) of crosses. Roguing has left the top one-fourth of the fe­ males crossed with the best one-half of the males, and vice versa, to produce an interim second-generation orchard. "Moving front"-'lb produce and up­ grade the second-generation orchards, the "moving-front" concept, developed by Libby in 1969, has been practiced. In the initial set of crosses, many of the top parents were randomly crossed with poor ones. Such families were culled. Replacement has begun with families from crosses among only the top-performing parents. Each new full-· sib family brought two such top-per· forming parents into the orchard. The number of new crosses needed to bring the orchard to a higher standard, using only the top 25 percent of tested par­ ents, was surprisingly small. New crosses were added to the orchard where the innovation was first tried by planting one-year-old seedlings from the second and third rounds of crosses in a band outside the seven-year-old ini­ tial planting. The orchards are upgraded as re­ measurement of each five-year Phase-I progeny test provides better informalion from which better genetic material can be generated. All present orchards are considered temporary and will be gradually phased out as they are re­ placed with moving-front accretions. Pollen production is a concern with Douglas-fir less than a decade old, even though about one-third of the orchard trees produce pollen by ten years. Some of the better orchard trees from earliest crossings will probably be re­ tained longer as a source of pollen. Within-family selection-Heritabil­ ity estimates of progeny height of 0.5 to 0.8 for Douglas-fir families assures that family selection for height growth will be effective. All selection among fami­ lies used results of Phase-I field-prog­ eny tests. In theory, only half the addi­ tive genetic variation in a full-sib orchard resides between families. The MARCH 1986 35 · Data for seven seed orchards In cooperative programs at the J.E. Schroeder Orchard Complex. Coope rative programs Vernonia Molalla Burnt Woods Umpqua Nehalem•• Snow Peak Dallas ,_ -··· Totals Orchard Size Ac. 41 14 15 21 9 16 27 143 - Type• l Fu sib families R E PC PC PC E E Age from Seed Pollen seed Total cone in 1985 production production production No. 495· 245 115 419. 68 231 103 1,676 Yr. 14. 12 11 9 7 7 3 Bu. 1,216 209 85 10 2 2 __ o 1,524 % of trees 64 66 20 15 0 0 0 Lb. 475 47 4 10 0 0 o _ 536 ·Abbreviations: R randomized: E • arranged by midparent elevation from low to high; PC • orchard locations matched to coordinates of parent trees in program area. • •This program was st8rted solely on state ofOregon lands, but has recently become part of the Nehalem Cooperative. dlings ing\the genetic material into . Ef· or phmtlets must also be op ficien\ conversion of seeds .mto seed­ lings be dependent o.n adequate to provide the nursery with the best agers, equipP,ent, and re­ search. sent-value arialysis can eas­ ily demonstrate that large benefits are possible by 'increasing seed efficiencies ,' in the nurseey. However, if\ the concept of present· value economics is not fully under­ stood, some mig,ht believe that seed is only worth its n\arket value. Such be­ liefs can directl :iffect the allocation of resources to tbe ni\rsery for improving seed efficienci Thi8'helps explain why some organizations c'an afford to spend millions in /developin new nurseries while otherS are not a11 wed $35,000 for a new seeder. Once it ls realized how much cari be gained hy iJliproving seed efficienCy, monies to con ct research and iiliprove nursery·m agement practiees are easy to justify. • +oo funding\ y )r 1 I nakB.south As'sistant Professor and m 4uburn University Southern / F st Nursery Management Cooperative I School of Forestry Alabama Agricul.tural Experiment Station (Silen, continued from, page 92) ing for 5-year progeny-test data to be­ come available. Narrowing of the genetic base when single-p,a!r matings were used for the interim seed orchard was not a concern. The breeding program for future gen­ erations is independent of the orchard program and will cross among progeny from all superior parents. Family selection-Wind·pollinated progeny tests provide a basis for family roguing because additive genetic varia­ tion explains about 0.8 of family genetic variability in Douglas-fir. Culling of poorly performing crosses in the first orchard produced an orchard with the top 19 percent (3/10) of crosses. Roguing has left the top one-fourth of the fe­ males crossed with the best one-half of the males, and vice versa, to produce an interim second-generation orchard. "Moving frvnt"-'Th produce and up­ grade the second-generation orchards, the "moving-front1' concept, developed by Libby in 1969, has been practiced. In the initial set of crosses, many of the top parents were randomly crossed with poor ones. Such families were culled. Replacement has begun with families from crosses among only the top-performing parents. Each new full-' sib family brought two such top-per­ forming parents into the orchard. The number of new crosses needed to bring the orchard to a higher standard, using only the top 25 percent of tested par­ ents, was surprisingly small. New crosses were added to the orchard where the innovation was first tried by planting one-year-old seedlings from the second and third rounds of crosses in a band outside the seven-year-old ini· tial planting. The orchards are upgraded as re­ measurement of each five-year Phase-I progeny test provides better informa· tion from which better genetic material can be generated. All present orchards are considered temporary and will be gradually phased out as they are re­ placed with moving-front accretions. Pollen production is a concern with Douglas-fir less than a decade old, even though about one-third of the orchard trees produce pollen by ten years. Some of the better orchard trees from earliest crossings W111 probably be re­ tained longer as a source of pollen. Within-family selection-Heritabil· ity estimates of progeny height of 0.5 to 0.8 for Douglas-fir families assures that family. selection for height growth will be effective. All selection among fami­ lies used results of Phase-I field·prog· eny tests. In theory, only half the addi· tive genetic variation in a full-sib orchard resides between families. The MARCH 1986 35 - .. .,..._-,____._,...,_ .,, . --'""""- -;.....;,"'"'. ,- ...:- ·- A 44-inch tree spade .,,.,. -·.----- , _ ., _ -- ­ . -""" -....,,:..;-l.;,:;-�...,,.>&:,. was used to move 400 trees from a random original planting to a final maplike orchard designed to mimic the coordinates of the parent trees. 36 :z ·:--.'.._,-- JOURNAL OF FORESTRY -_ ..J...... ..;.:.......,_,_ . --·· -,.., .,___,_., -."' -�...: ...;-o-....----..-..:-.· - ­ .. - - -- other half, which resides within fami­ lies, becomes the incentive for selection within each family. Low within-family heritabilities, averaging only 0.07 in early tests, did not excite interest for within-family selection. Initially all the orchards were designed to permit only a 1:3 selection within families. A weighted scoring of traits that rated height most heavily but gave some weight also to straightness, lack of forking, and lack of stem defect, was developed for selection. Within-family heritabilities have re­ cently ranged upwards of 0.20 for height on uniform sites of Phase-I tests in the progressive program, a compel­ ling reason for care in test-site selec­ tion. Effective within-family selection for early height, as well as other de­ sired traits, should be possible on uni­ form sites. A much higher within-fam­ ily selection is being practiced at the newest of the seven orchards. This is possible by planting the entire family of 96 individuals in a block. Selection can be made of the best, second best, and so on, when the trees are about 12-feet tall. At that time selected sibs will be moved to permanent orchard locations. This advanced procedure fits well into orchard developments aimed at enhanc· ing better seed adaptation. Maplih design for specife adapta­ tilm-The Schroeder Orchard produces seed mixes that are highly specific to planting sites. A local, almost template­ like adaptation to clines of increasing cold and to clines of drought in rain shadows of ridges is commonly seen in maps of geographic genetic variation prepared from experimental and com­ mercial progeny data. Such maps have now been prepared for each of the seven cooperatives. The first orchard was designed to as­ sure a random parental contrib11tion to the seeds; the last six orchards were designed to match seeds to specific planting sites. 'l\vo orchards were de­ signed to place parentage from each 100-foot elevational band into rows that would produce seeds specific to a plant­ ing-site elevation. However, recent ge­ -· - . .- -..... - -<-r_- ·. ,. --or. - - - --"------- : ', ,,. . .-. . . . . - --'-- .o.-- "*-'-·-- -­ . ·---­ . . . ·• - ...-.-.....:;.._. netic maps of the two breeding zones show that latitude and longitude are larger components of genetic variation . than elevation. . A simple and more effective layout was employed in the four most recent orchards. A maplike arrangement places parentage in the same relative position as in the breeding zone. A spe­ cific seed mix for a specific planting site can be made from the section of the orchard that corresponds to the loca­ tion of the planting site. Such mixes should be possible for any orchard where seed is kept separate by parent­ age. The maplike arrangement simpli­ fies the job and assures a local pollen source. Instant seed orch ard- The first large-scale rearranging of full-sib prog­ eny took place in 1980. After roguing poorer families, the solution to an unde­ sired mixing of two populations, once thought to be uniform but now known to be genetically different, was to move the best progeny of each remaining cross of one population into an adjoin­ ing site, thus separating the two popu­ lations. This was done using a tree spade. The orchard trees averaged a height of ten feet at the time. Each tree was moved into its final orchard posi­ tion to produce an "instant seed or­ chard" at the new site. Roguing seedling orchards of unde­ sirable families and further roguing within each family had become a major expense. Altogether over 15 trees were removed for each final orchard tree. Much of this expense can be reduced, and a better within-family selection achieved, if initial planting is in family blncks and selected individuals are moved to final orchard positions. The layout can then be planned as a maplike geographic pattern within the instant­ seed-orchard concept. Also, individuals of similar flowering phenology can be placed together. Mass suwlemental pollinatilm-The last three orchard crops have been aug­ mented with pollen mechanically ap­ plied to individual trees. The methodol­ ogy is still being assessed. Pollen, t· <c-: ·-:.: , •• :· '!. ;;,.�;:.,_.:,...: '.:·.-..._.,..:._ _._ _:._,_i.,.__-':;:.;.;. ...._.d•• •·;,• .. wa·.:...w- ,_,, .;;;:.....-. 1Jl'8daced in the older orchards, is ap­ plied to individual trees pneumatically with a wand from a three-wheeled power lifL Except in years with severe spring frosts, seed has been enhanced when adequate pollen is supplied. The prac­ tice also amplifies the precision with which a seed mix suitable for a specific locale can be made. Several pollen mixes can be applied to an orchard about as easily as a single mix. For the oldest orchards in which trees are be­ ginning to produce copious pollen, a large mechanical blower is used to gen­ erate a pollen cloud as a more economi­ cal but less exact approach. Pollen contamination control-Dur­ ing a good crop year at flowering time, Douglas-fir pollen is in every cubic inch of air over western Oregon. Regional background pollen levels of over 2,000 grains per square inch are common. A Douglas-fir study conducted in 1964 re­ corded pollen counts of 837 to 6,941 grains per square inch in six seed or­ chards before each orchard produced any pollen. A pollen-contamination problem ex­ ists to some degree in every Oregon orchard. One successful commercial so­ lution uses water sprays to delay flow­ ering until local pollen sources have shed. Even though ample water is available from on-site wells to apply this technique, a water system to effec­ tively spray the orchard is estimated to cost over $500,000. Schroeder Orchard personnel are cooperating with Cana­ dian orchardists to develop another so­ lution-"getting there first" with sup­ plemental mass pollination to block stray pollen from entering the micro­ pyle of embryonic seed. Practical Forest Genetics The Schroeder Orchard has success­ fully incorporated an array of innova­ tive concepts. By 1985, maturing field tests of parents assured gains in vol­ ume gTOWth rate of about 12 percent for a seed mix of parents that originate within a few miles of the planting site. '> - .;;;,._;,._ J...-t-'-"- - enetics ·. Knowing that such an orchard is suc­ cessful should encourage other seed or­ chardists to apply imagination and cre­ ativity in approaching their goal of producing superior seed. • Suggested Reading BOYER, J.N., and D.B. SoUTH. 1984. Forest nur­ sery practices in the South. South. J. Appl. For. 8:67-75. CAMPBELL, R.K. 1979. Genecology of Douglas-fir in a watershed in the Oregon Cascades. Ecology 60( 5 ),1036-1050. EL K.ASSABY, Y.A., A.M.K. F ASHLER, and 0. SZIK­ LAI. Reproductive phenology and its impact on A portable high-lead yarder removes 10year-old trees. Innovations in orchard design have reduced expense of selecting a final orchard tree from 16 initially planted. genetically improved seed production in a Douglas-fir seed orchard. Silv. Gen. (in press). FASHLER, A.M.K., and W.G.B. DEVITT. 1980. A practical solution to Douglas-fir seed orchard pollen contamination. For. Chrrin. 56 ( 5 ) :237­ 241. LANGNER. W., and K. STERN. 1955. Versucbstech­ niscbe Probleme bei der Anlage von IOonplanta­ gen. Z. forstgenet. ForstpfZucht. 4:81-88. LIBBY, W.S. 1969. Some possibilities of the clone in forest genetics research. P. 121-136 in Genetics Lectures, Vol I. R. Bogart, ed. Oregon St.ate Univ. Press, Corvallis. MARQUARD, R.D., and J.W. HANOVER. 1984. Sex­ ual zonation in the crown of Picea glauca and the . Can. J. ftowering response to exogenous G For. Res. 14:27-30. ROBINSON, J.F. 1979. Response to nitrate and am­ monium fertilizers-ftowers, cones and seed in a loblolly pine seed·orchard. P. 166-170 in Proc. 15th Southern Forest 'tree Improvement Confer­ ence, Gulfport, MS. Ross, S.D., R.P. PHARIS, and J.C. HEAM.AN. 1980. Promotion of cone and seed production in grafted and seedling Douglas-fir seed orchards by application of gibberellin A.ti mixture. Can. J. For. Res. 10:464-469. TALBERT, J.T., R.J. WEIR, and R.D. ARNOLD. 1985. Costs and benefits of a mature first-gener­ ation loblolly pine tree improvement program. J. For. 83:162-166. WEIR. R.J., and B.J. ZoBEL. 1977. Genetic gains and economic considerations. P. 133-151 in Proc. 'Iree Improvement Short Course, N.C. State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improve­ ment Program, Raleigh, NC. WRIGHT, J.W. 1976. Introduction to Forest Genet­ ics. Academic Press Inc., New York, NY. 467 p. ZoBEL, B.J., and J. TALBERT. 1984. Applied For· est 'free Improvement. John Wtley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY. 505 p. MARCH 1986 37