uv•"" roeen.ng on AdVan,md Gmu•mtion 8r<?eding, 8oPdmiux-June SESSION 14-18, 1976 4 THE IMPACT OF GENOTYPE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS ON TREE IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY C .J A SHELBOURNE Fo1tut Ruea1tc.h 111.6.tU:ute ROTORUA , New . Z eai.a.nd . . . R.K. CAMPBELL FD!tu:tli.y Sc.ienc.u Labo CORVALLIS, OREGON, USA 1 2 1ty ABSTRACT - . . · .. - ::,.'" ' Genotype-environment interactions affect tree imorovement strategy in two main ways; environments must be grouped into breeding or plantation zones within which there are minimal interactions both of provenance and individual genotype with sites; secondl well adapted pooulations and genotypes must be selected for high and also stable performance. At the provenance level the variation between provenances usually . shows some coherent pattern based on latitudinal and altitudinal clines which can form the basis of provenance transfer models. Interactions at the genotype level are likely to be much less predictable and an empirical statistical approach is necessary to elucidate them. Characterisin environments for their interactive behaviour with populations (or genotypes) is likely to be a more useful strategy than the reverse. for tree improvement as this will facilitate the grouping of environments i·t tes which give best resolution of into zones and ident± genetic differenc . - "! Key words · Genotype-environment interaction, of environments Author of sections I,III, 1 : 2 : Author of section II stability, grouping .INTRODUCTION . The selection of populations and genotypes that are well adanted and high vielding wherever they are planted, with superior tree f rm and wood nronerties, is the objective of most tree improvement programmes. This selection is hindered by. genotyne - environment interaction which results in different performance rankinRs of nopulations or genotypes in different environments. Almost any comnonentl!lof the environment may interact with genotype; the e will include soil, climRte, photoperiod, nutrition, competition, diseases and nests, and cultural effects. In an earlier review of GE interactions in tree improvement Shelbourne, (1972) emphasised that ther are two important prob­ lems, or tasks related to the effects of GE interactions on improvement strategy. The first is to predict which sites and environmental factors are giving rise to interactions so that these can be grouped into breeding regions of minimal inter­ action. The second is to select populations and genotypes for these different strata that are well adanted and grow fast on all sites. For individual g enotypes this task recurs, and it will be necessar to select and mat e parents and raise pedigreed offspring each generation. Once the first problem is at least partly solved it should be possible to identify a limited number of sites within regions that give the best resolution of genetic differences. If ever a problem was over-researched, then genotype-environ­ ment interaction· must be itl It is perhaps because .GE interactions were particularly frustrating to the crop breeder that attention was turned on the statistical aspect, but subsequently it seems to have developed an academic fascination of its own for numerous workers. In an excellent review of the statistical methodology, Freeman (1973) cited 96 references on this asnect alone. Other reviews of statistical, quantitative genetic and ·breeding aspects of GE interactions have been made by Comstock and Moll (1963), Moll and Stuber (1974) and Allard and Bradshaw (1964). · In forest tree breedin"• general reviews of GE interactions Zobel have been made by Squillace (1970) and Shelbourne (1972). and Roberds (1970) reviewed examples of family x fertiliser interaction in tree breeding. Wright (1973) summarised the results of mainly provenance-site interactions in the north-central USA and Burley and Kemp (1972) discussed the GE interaction problems in international tropical provenance trials. Many problems with GE interactions at the population (provenance) and individual levels are similar, but there are some important differences, Provenance effects in a provenance trial may be regarded as fixed, or if they are susceptible to random samplinf< thev may show some coherent. pattern such as latitudinal and altitudinal clin es which can form the basis of provenance seed transfer models. Individuals within a population however are a ranOom collection and environmental factors interactin with in i.vidual penotvpes may nr may not be fixed. Jiowever their interactions are often unnredictahle and an empirical statirtienl RnTiroach to their intPr r tetion is u eful. - 74 - There are a l so difference s in the notential solution o f GE interaction problems between exotic and indigenous tree spe cie s . The d e ve l opment o f nrnvenance tra n sf e r m o de l s a r e o n l y norma l l y applicab l e t o n ative specie s . I n e xotic snecie s the hand ling o f provenRnce-site interacti n s·is more o ften o n ly possib l e through the empirical statistical approach. . ' In Section II of this paper a hypothe tica l ca se for a na tive specie s is used to illu strate t e r e l ation of nrovenance ad antatinn and GE interactio n . The caE>e is then e xte nd e d to the orob le of de v e l o pin an e f f e ctive improvement strategy for prove nance s e l e ction u z::inp: predetermined b re e d in zone s , in both native a n d e xotic soe cie s. Wherea s it i s r e l ative ly e a sy to d e l imit b r e e d ing z o n e s ·for native spe cie s , o n a priori ground s the task is imme n se l y complicated fo r e xotics, or f o r n ative spe cie s in forest regions whe re origin o f present s ta n d s is u n known . The third section e xam ine s recent d e ve lopments in GE inte raction methodology; mainly from the plan t bre e d ing lite ratu re . Empha siz e d a re statistical m e t o d s fo r devising b re e d in g zone s or for m atchin genotype s to site s , mainly in regions where little o r no a priori informa tion e xists about adapta tion of the rele vant populatio n s or of potential inte rac­ tio n s with habitat facto r s . Thu s , these m e thod s a re e specially pertin e n t f or e xotics. In the final two sectio n s , genotype­ site inte raction is d iscu ssed with m ain e mphasis o n its de tection in progeny a nd clona l e xperiments and its han d l in g in the tree b re e d in g conte xt . II . _-, PROVENANCE-SITE ADAPTATION In this Rection we d i cuss, first, the re lation between provenance a daptation and GE inte raction an d , secon_d , the initial steps in a b r e e d ing strategy which recognizes pote ntial e f fe cts o f ad aptation . Before di sc11 ssing the re la tio n shi'P o f provena nce-site ad aptatio n a n d provenance -site inte ractio n , some common u n d e r standing o f termF is n e ce ssary . Based on Knirht's ( 1 970) argu :ne n t s , we assume that GE inte raction s re su l t b ecau se genotype s have different resnonse.curves f o r the ul tinlicity o f factors that constitute "environments". Conse q u e ntly, we will Figure 1 a illu strate this discussion wi th re sponse curve s . pre sents a set o f hypnthetical, b u t b y n o means improbable trait re sponse curves f or l o w , id d l e a n d high e le vation popul atio n s Curve s from a single mou ntain slone ( se e Fryer & Ledig 1 972 ) . are constructed from ponu lation ave rage s and measure a quan titative trait re sponEe ( e .g. , pho to synthetic C0 uptake) 2 over a quantitative shift in some environmenta l component (e.r,., ( temperature ) . Gene tic variation b e twe e n tre e s within source s, as d e te rm inP.d in each o f three e nvironmP.nts A , B, C, is ind ica ted by be ll-sha ped c11rve s which re pre sent frequency d iFtrib11tio ns of indivirlual-Fenotvpe resnonre curveF sR ole d Rt e n v i ron e nta l points A, B, c. lndivirJ ial reRponse curvP.s mav be parallel to the population avPra17e re sponr;e curve, but thif; se e m s unlikely. · . - 75 - --' The concert o adaptation· used here In preparation) elcewhere--Campbell, · pron E"trateg,y for strategy ir. allocciti.on of tr.e nurvival re ources available to a Levins identifies polymorphism as the optimum a heteroge eous Oifferent mentE are very plant genotype, resulting and the on e of &urvivinr tree ·, envir nment, when c mpared to the alternative Pr.viron­ la ticity of a single. environment iF. coarse grained. "adapted" pol;'lulation is a mixture of types, F>!lecialized t11 in (1969) on Levins' fial that natura.l selection tends to produce an opti " mum. population. of (discussed more fully iF baserl i.e., envi }onm n t The greater the types po s Rible environmPnte.:.. change in a continuous the nrobahilit:v of' ::i!'l i, the environment, the l.arger the in fro ace and time. Proportion of noMdapted seedlings from one location to another. Th.i s concept lead" to a 1uantitative indeY re ult hanres with between l"cetions in terms of average distance useful in regions where fore!';t stands roporti.on The way organiE>:m finding itself in where envirnnmente are meae11red hen tranefP-rs are made The each of adaptation .f-pecies are iniiigenous and parent natural reger!eration. Three furtl'"_er assump­ tions are r.eed e d. 1. At maturity, or natural selection, each and tree has survived from i te parents are, reVious generations of selection at that trees types i location. envi.ronmental typeF: at a location. nrorortional tn 2. Thus, the ran e of possible response di ferences amon decades Surv ving The mixture of environments. survivinr. trees nefine relative proportions of poF ible environment , 3. 50 survivors of the mixture of types specialized each to one of repre se nt the possible 5 to in turn, i.e., the £ • i Frequencies of adaoted types and corresnonding environ­ ments are normally distributed population ·reFpon<e ano and can be estimated by the mean within-nopulation adnitive genetic variance. Using these assumntionF, ability of a seP.d]inr findinr it is adapte by optimum (Fi ure 1a) indic te hi h elevRtion ponulation n t As meai=>ured hy trait a vA.tion popul tion w ereas, ie the cross-hatched area in bell­ the proportion of seedlin s o a anted to middle elev tion in P'1Virnnment.s A anr. Onl•: C, the low the sites. •ni. ri1e e]e­ ;:!rtl:v ad81"ted t,-, hi,r:h elevations, in env ro ment B it is comDletely adapted. teFt environmentB, prob­ itFelf in an environment t, which str?tegy. Bv the above definition, curves the index is defined as the el. evatinn nopul middle and hir,h elevatior. . - 76 - In all tionF are nonada ted to I · l l._.;·Ji "\> ),:... I . '·1 11'11 , ·J .Jl.l.. ' il'llh .. .1 t'l'l"' · ·t· I'-. - • i ,·: ' I i. , I' ' ' I '' : . . I .I I. ''' i.o:_lJ.,. r i ' 'I ' . . ': . I: . , . . ·i·· ,, , f i't'i' ii,; ,P:.•.ic· 11•J· .···•i l •·t.,l 'iMlfl1Ur ,11.. Ht jj'-'" ' • ::1,r··.· ··1:1to ··•rt:1 · ''llji; :(J' '\''' i f\1 . ',I .,,f.1, )l.,lil ·.I> o;" · •·. . / ,.,:.<i-.i.o " ' '' . "-'· .ll --· ·•I , ; .. ' j .• •1 I • . I: \111,'.. ' ' ·· l , .. , LOW -I :::0 l> I I , I I I/ I I ' . .LOW .- - -I :::c II A f\ m en .... "C -.J -.J · 0 z en m ) MIO. MIO. ' I HIGH I HIGH I I \ - A B c ENVIRONMENTAL FIGURE 1a, Trait a A - I I ! - --1m ,9 --- c COMPONENT FIGURE 1b, Trait b Resnon e curves or low, mid and high altitude prove nances to changes in environment (A, B, & C) , lj In terms of trait a, middle and high elevation populations tested in environments A and B, or B and C, would show provenance if tested differences and provenance-environment interactions; in A, B and c, si nificant interaction, but no provenance differences. Similar tests of low and middle elevation populations would show provenance differences but no interactions. In a test of trait b measured in environments A, B, and C, there would be large between-population differences, but no poPulation-environment interaction (Figure 1b). Nonadapted seedlinp-s in seed transfers from high to middle elevations would be Predicted to be fewer than for trait a, due to large within­ pop lation variations compared to between-populAtion diffe-rences. - .. :·f - - _, ·< :::::; .. ·Provenance-environment interaction arises becallse rrovenance response curves produce average trait effects that differ between Provenances depending on the test environment. To the degree that curves for individual trees are parallel to the average curve for their provenance, interaction at the genotypic level will reflect provenance-environment interaction. Genotype-environment interactions will be minimised in sets of environments that eliminate provenance-site interactions Provenance-site interaction, and adaptation, both influence genetic gain. This is illustrated in Figures 1a and b. If environments A and C represent high and middle elevation conditions, respectively and an incorrectly delimited breeding zone is large enough to include individuals (and environments) from high and middle elevation - populations, selection for trait a (Figure 1a) is ineffective, because the reversal of superiority of each population at mid and high elevation sites makes it impossible to select a single best population at both sites. In a te·st for trait b in the same two populations at environments A and C, individuals selected for high response would come almost exclusively from the middle elevation provenance. On the surface this test is highly effective--parallel response curves indicate little or no GE interaction. But in this case gain from directed selection in the long term is likely to be partly offset by natural selection, because middle e levation individuals are generally not adapted to environment A and may not survive the r igours of the high elevation site. The situation described for the hypothetical trait b apparently happens quite commonly, in fact, for growth traits. Sources from ood sites often are vegetatively more vigorous than sources from poor sites, even when growinR on poorer sites (Wells and Wakely 1970). This superiority may persiBt, but fast-growing rovenances occasionally succumb to disease (Dietrichson 1968) or some unmeasured factor, sometimes after - 78 - Lack several decane of anDarently normal gro1.1;t.., (Silen 1964). of enotvpe-environment interaction, es eciaJly in early tP.sts . n-. fnr :vield, does nnt hecessaril:v p.:unrant.ee adequate adapta i.o There are two rrrycedurP.s t at can minimise th ri ks of selecting poorly adanted ?rovenances. The first involves a selectio!1 method '"hich chooses nopulationr- or arents based on an ada tive trait (Auch as h11rl-burst timing, or some other develop­ mental-cycle trait) as well as on growth (Dietrichson 1969, Holzer 1969;.Nienstaedt & King 1969, Tiech & HolPt 1969, Hagner 1970, This method implies using a selection index Lacaze & Polge 1970). includinp: both adaptive and growth traits. .---T"-' ·-· -�.: The second method is to stratify ·the species distribution into plantation zones within which there are minimal adantational problems. The. zones must first be delineated and then breeding populations selected for the zones. Delineating of zones using climati geoy,ranhic and ecolo icRl information is feasible for indi enous suecies. Zonation for exotics should be based on results of provenance experiments. Methods for delineating nlantation zones objectively have received little attention. Related studies deal primarily with geographic variatior., often with mention of potential effects of transfer. Some authors (Morgenstern & Roche 1969, Campbell 1974a) treat specifically the question of seed transfer anrl provide models for predicting transfer effects. A few (e.g. Langlet 1945, 1957; Kleinschmit et. al 1974) address the nroblem of Rehfeldt 1974a; boundaries which are essential to the concept of zone. Very few (Eneroth 1926, Langlet 1957, Namkoonr. 1967, Campbell 1974b) provide for quantitative assessment of risk, a necessity for evaluatinr, transfer effects or for objectively deciding on zone dimensions. These latter have used survival ·perce:itages as risk fA.Ct:')rs though adautive differe-nces amonr. nopulationl"\ 'Tl.:::i.v not be reflecterl as survival differences until tests arP. fairly old (compare Eiche 1066 with Eiche and GurtafsFon 1o70; Dietrichson 1q6 ). Therefore, for mild areas, a more sensitive and earlier indicator of adaptation is nee ed. Also, for delin ating zones, a short-term test, though less conclusive than lonr,-term test·s, has many advantages. A short-term method which is modified slightlv from nronosed by Stern·(1964) and Morgenstern and Roche (1069) estimetes of relRtive risk to determine zone boundaries. odels uti ises The first FteP in developing a trR.nsfer morl.el is to quanti ta­ tively de cribe the complex clinal uattern in the recies and region of intereEt. The equation deFcribin the clin can he as comnlex as ir necesFarv to e plain Prove ance VAriati,n in the trait of intere t (i) a t B- Joc tion (z), e.p:., a. f:e co n r. orrier f'ln1ynomia : - 79 - b -o where, e. g. , x x 1 2 = latitude of = elevation of z z and b's are established by experiment. Provenance means for the trait can be then calculated for Y. 1 , the moved Provenance, and Y. , the local provenance, by a?t ostituting apnropriah latituQ_ 2 s · and altitudes for the two locations. With estimates ttf within-population genetic variance in trait i, a risk factor associated with transferring seed from location 1 to 2 can be calculated as the proportion of nonadapted seedlings (i. e. proportion of deaths). A similarly constructed model mil'"ht be used for assigning provenances of exotics. This is less satisfactory than for indigenous species because a newly introduced species has not been subjected to natural selection in the "new" environment. ;-:;: When a satisfactory . transfer equation has been developed and an estimate of within-population genetic variance is available a maximum· death rate of nonadapted seedlings (the risk factor) that can be accepted in transfers from one boundary of a breeding zone to the other must then be ch.osen. This sets the upner limit to risks of maladaptation within the zone, A difference (d) between pairs of population means (Y.) that provides this factor 1 Then an array of Y's is chosen so as to can then be calculated. reflect this difference (Y ; Y = Y + d; Y3 = Y + 2d; Y = 4 1 2 1 1 Y + 3d; etc.). 1 By using· these Y's as constants and by solving the transfer equation for appropriate sets of X's, isograms for each Y can be calculated and nlotted on topographic or climatic maps for the regio in question, Isograms provide boundaries for zones. Boundaries are functions of the environments that have been operational in natural selection and of the risk factor. Difficulties encountered in delineating zones stem mainly from problems in developing a transfer equation. The first dif­ ficulty is in describing clines and arises becauae different traits have, different response _curves; clines depend on the trait measured a well as on the test environment (e. g. Scots pine (King 1965), white fir (Hamrick & Libby 1972) , Douglas-fir (Campbell & SorenEen , in preparation). ) - 80 - Choice of traits to measure adaptation is not likely to Traits can also be combined by several cause serious roblems. multivariate methods (Namkoong 1967, Morgenstern 1969, Hagner 1970, Rem1lting variates, e.g., from principle Rehfeldt 1974b). com?onent analysis, can be used in transfer models. The oroblem of choosing an appropriate set of test environ­ ments has not been s riously examined for tree species. Possible solutions are discussed in Section III. - ·-"" . --.- ·- ·< Another ?roblem iF to achieve the necessary precision in the transfer equation. The main difficulty is to discover and include in the equation all relevant variables. In coastal Douglas-fir, genetic differentiation amonp- sources is associated ·.,ith sub­ regional effects of aspect (Hermann & Lavender 1968) and drainage pattern (Campbell, in preparation) as well as regional effects of latitude, elevation and distance from the ocean (Campbell and Sorensen, in preparation). Devising equations for regions where climates are more severe and more locally variable than in the A suggested Pacific Northwest may be even more complicated. alternative to zones based on a clinal transfer model has been to delineate zones according to vegetative habitat type (Rehfeldt 1974a). A further problem is that the use of adaptation (survival nercent) to define a risk factor may not be completely realistic in the context of artificial regeneration where environments in relation to the natural condition may he made milder (Schober 1963) or harsher (Eiche 1966). In the first case, populations within the breeding zone might not be as vegetatively vigorous as would be optimal (Namkoong 1969). In the second, the local population may not be sufficiently hardy (Campbell 1974b). --· -- After breeding zones have been established, the breeder must next choose provenances or breeding populations for each zone. In this process, several traneoffs can be expected among plant­ ation-zone size, and stability and productivity in the breeding opulation. We can expect that trees from near the severe boundary of a zone (higher elevation or farther north) will be more harrly and less vegetatively luxuriant than tho e from the mild boundary (Kiellander 1966, Eriksson 1972, Eiche & Anderson 1974). To increase growth, we therefore should choose trees from the mild boundary as our breeding population or seed source; the wider the zone the p:reater the potential average increase in growth. Stability of the individual genotynes is decreased as zone size is increased becau e resnonFe curves are likely to become There­ more dispar,i:ite as populationn diverge, on the averar-e. fore, p;enotypes frnm Fubnopuia tions in the center of the zone should be more stahl" thRn from subpopulations at the edges. - 81 - - - --.-.------ ---- Crossing of provenances has been surgested to break up co-adaoted gene c0mplexes and thereby .increase stability by p:enotyuic and populat.ional buffering. This is a risky nrocedure, because, as Libby (1968) notes, a new taxon is created. In this case, long-term tests, uerhaps for more A than one rotation, are needed to· assess adaptation. compara le effort might better be used to find those rare natural nrovenances that seem to combine adaptability a.nd productivity (Eiche & Andersson 1974). III. • • - .. - ii ···i STATISTICAL MBTHODS FOR HANDLING GE INTERACTIONS Most of the plant breeding literature on GE interaction has been directed to the task of making interactions more nredictable in agricultural for individual plant varieties or f.enotypes; The crous these are usually exotic to the cultivation region. most useful method has been the joint regression procedure developed by Finlay and Wilkinson C1963) furt'ier improved by Eberhardt and Russell (1966), and genetically analyzed by Bucio Alanis (1966) and Perkins and Jinks (1969). Its use in the context of tree breeding was reviewed by Shelbourne ( 1 g72). The regression method characterizes varietal stability by uoinR the mean of all genetic entries to measure average environ­ ment at a site. Because of this it has been attacked on statistical and theoretical grounds (Knight 1970). nowever, it is generally recognized that the procedure has few practical disadvantages, provided the test includes a good sample of genotvpes. In com arison, Wricke's (1962) "Ecovalance", which uses the contribution of the interaction sums of equares to also ·measure e:tabilitv, has not proved so successful in practice (Morgenstern and Teich 1969). Tai (1971) used structural relationship analysis as an alternative method for circumventing the statistical objections to joint regressinn. Provided orthngonal comparisons are possible for genetic entries planted on representative sites, then selection for stability and performance is simply a matter of selecting entries that rank hiizhest on overall arithmetic means. Where different sites and different sets of entries are involved it may be advantageous to compute a Predicted mean for each genetic entry, based on its regression on the mean of all entries at each site (Pinthus, 1973; Pederson, 1 974 ), - 82 - Rather few attempts have been made to tackle the GE interaction nroblem at the other end, so to speak, by characterizing environ­ Horner and ments according to their contribution to interaction. Frey (1957) attempte d to divide the State of Iowa into sub-regions for oat varie ties which had minimum intra-re gional variety x site interactions. Abou-el-Fittough e t al. (1969) examine d existing re gions for cotton varieties in the southern USA which had been define d by a subje ctive evaluation of the mean differences in certain e nvironmental factors thought to be important. They compared corre lation and distance coefficients as measures of similarity in performance of varieties at different pairs of sites. Cluster analysis was then used to group environments using each me asure of similarity (for all possible pairs of sites). For clustering, distance coefficients proved slightly more effective than corre­ lation coefficients. The e xperiment resulted in-a ne w zoning syste m expected to re duce variety x location interaction within regions by about half. ",__.,. ¥! - :. .·' - .t:.:: - - ..:,; Other authors have used correlations of genetic e ntry means be twe e n pairs of environme nts as a means of grouping environments. Stuber e t al. (1973) used correlations of single, three way and double cross means in differing e nvironments to evaluate the relative importance of epiatatic and GE interaction deviations in Burdon suggested this me thod in She lbourne (1972) and maize. used it in intP.rpreting clone -site inte ractions in radiata pine (Burdon 1973 ) • Falconer (1952) was the first to point out that, when two e nvir nments are involved, GE interaction may be e xpresse d as a g enetic corre lation betwe e n two "characters", pe rformance at one site, and performance at the other. Unde r these conditions it is possible to comnute oredicte d genetic g ains from sele ction for one "character" (at one site) for pe rformance at anothe r. Burdon (in MS) has extended Falcone r's the ory to the tre e bre eding situation to enable environments to be characterised for their inte ractive behaviour with a of ge notype s, He emphasises that most papers on GE interaction have be e n concerned with the statistical characterisation of the interactive behaviour . The of a limite d numbe r of ge notypes, or cult1v r populations. re asons for this lie in the fact that much of the work was with annual or annually harve sted crop plants so that at a give n site This make s any one se a.Son will 'Produce a unique e nvironment. much of the environme ntal variation unpredictable, even if it is possible to inte rpret the be haviour of the different varieties afte rwards using joint re gression analysis. With crop plants too there are usually onlv a limite d number of varie tie< to be con sidered. - 83 - --- - ·-�------------------· ----- ·------ It is Burdon'e main contention that in tree improvement, the greatest attention should be given to the role of environments, not enotypes, in enerating interactions. Forest environments are largely nermanent features and annual fluctuations of climate and nests have rather little effect on harvested yield, unless these are c ta trophic. New genotypes on the other hand (or new varieties) can be created at an.v time and with outcrossing, heterozvr-our and initially unselected populations in which to select and breed, large numbers of genotypes will have to be screened. It is therefore sensible to evaluate these at a few environments, after investigations have revealed which are representative of sites in that breeding region. • • ' Burdon's method uses a matrix of genetic correlations to show which environments are out of line with the rest. Then, by using Falconer's formula for correlated selection reE::ponEe, a matrix of gain expectations is comnuted for gains at one site after selection at another. This allows the breeder to comnare the value of different environments for screening either by phenotype, progeny test or combined selection • An advantage of Burdon's procedure is that different designs and sets of entries can be used at each site ( provided a set of All that is required is the entries is common to both sites ) . correlation between entry means and the repeatability of entry means for the trait at each site. Then, using an alternative f ormulation of the genetic correlation: r, ,\ ..' " = xy Correlati0n between entry means at environments x & Repeatability of entry means at x x repeatability of entry means at Y• The formula for correlated respo se to selection is: -- For a somewhat similar problem, Tai (1974) used Falconer's concept to analyze d ta collected from two clonal generatione of potatoes grown under different cultural conditions. Expected gains were calculated for a_ E:e conci commercially-reared generation based on selection in a first eneration where an unconventional cultivation system had been used. Recently several multivariate methons, mainly based on princi al component Analvsis, have heen explored AS means for elucidatin GE interactions. Although principal components analysis is a descriptive rather than an explanatory technique, its use in analyzinp carrot variety trials enable d the most important component of the interaction between genotypes and environments to he i entified ( freeman and Dowker 1973). - 84 - Pe rkins ( 1 972 ) also used principal comnone nt analvsis as a means of imnroving on the }'redi tion of r:e' n o i yne meRns obtained from joint re gres inn analysis. Another for of multivariate analysis combines descrl tion of a causal RYl'te m by nath c<:>efficients with the cnnce nt of seque ntial deve lopment of yiP.ld components (Tai 1975). The me thod is an application of factor analysis where a small number of factors account for a matrix of corre lations amonR a eroup of variables. The succe ss of the method depends on the validity of the causation sche me . The multivariate te chnique s have so far be e n dire cted at making genotype performance more predictable. It is theore tically acceptable however to regard a set of measure ments on several phenotypes (e.g. , from a prove nance , family or clone) as being analogous to measurement of a single genotype. Also, there seems to be no re ason why multivariate methods cannot be used to 1<roup e nvironme nts. IV . : -:-- GE INTERACTION WITH I N A BRESDING POPULATION A vital pre re quisite for intra-population bree dinrr is a high quality, high yie lding base population, stable over the e nvironments in which it is to be grown. Inevitably, if the range of e nviron­ ments is wide e nough, GE interaction variance will be large re lative to overall ge netic variance . For this re ason prior stratification of site s into broad "plantation" or breeding zones of similar adaptation re quire ments is a desirable first step in breeding of both e xotic and indigenous species. Unfortunate ly, it cannot be aseumed that se lection .,.,. a F.table proven::.ince for a given zone will nece ssarily be accomoanied by absence of genotype x site interaction. It will be necessary to first investigate the GE interaction situation ithin ·each zone and breeding population in order to iOe ntif,y anv site types that are cauFiinp:" majl")r interac­ tions and then to decide if furthe r stratification of the plantation zone is de sirable . Exuerimental dep,igns for exulorin interaction8, and internre tation of results While it may be posPihle to e xplore GE interaction patterns using prop:eny experiment:s from the breedinr: prop-ram, it is desir­ able to de si exPeriments specifically for this purpose . Additive g e netic x e nvironmental effe cts, the most important interactions in recurrent-sel ction-base d breeding, can be detected with wind-pollin3te d or polycross progeny, but this material is not very sensitive; only one quarter of the additive genetic variance (betwe e n families) interacts with environmental e ffects. - 85 - Full-sib matine designs enable e'Stimates of GCA and at the expense of samplinR many fewer parents. diallel, with small units of ;. to 5 SCA effects The disconnected parents may be a reasonable alternative. mating desi n for this type of experiment. Clones have not been generally used to explore GE interaction in forest trees except in species in which rooted cuttings are the . common plantine; stock. Most conifers are quite easy to propagate by cuttings when they are still very young. Thus, "seedling clones" can be developed by multiplying a clone before the ortet is more than 1 m hi h; propagating from seedlings should aginp; effects on the ramets (Burdon and avoid imposing Shelbourne, 197 4 ) . Using clones to exnlore interactions in field experiments would.greatly reduce experiment size or increase precision because genetic variation is absent. within a clone. To devise a slte samrlinR scheme for discoverinP. the environ­ mental factors causinr: interactions, all available information about . the growth· of a Fpecies will be necessary. RegionB.1 climatic differences prohably will have been taken into account revious stratification on the basis of interactions; ; -·- - altitude and po ulation in any x environment posnibly soil factors may prove important at the genotypic level. For practical and economic reasons a complete sampling by test plantations of all environmental grndlents is imposeible. The smaller -es.ch site experiment can be made, ments can be sampled for a given cost. 240 trees per site. would mean a total of only eedlinp; in a per site and 40 Using 6 the more environ­ ramets of 40 clones Using full-sib 5-parent diFconn'=cted diallel desir,n '!ith parer.ts, the experiment would be For identifyinp: sites, seven and by inference the environmental factors which are interactinr: strongly with genotypes, described methods of Burdon ( 1969) 20 seedlings times as big. (in MS) may be uReful. the previously or Abou-el-Fi ttouRh et al. . Recurrent selection for superior and stable performance Selection must be carried out each generation in any multi­ cvclic breeding program. the "best" sltes, i.e., gel!etic differences and fore st areas. This will be moFt effective reµe8tahle results representative of large For this lAtter requirement, selection 9upf"rinr qins in stability are hreP-din::i:. we believe that a recurrent pro1<ram . can be improved by select.inn: ility as well as for if done on those knnwn to give- good resolution of nerformance. por;sible is supported Th;.;t r,-;1inr are feaE:ihle p;enotypes for stab- The assurrption by re-Rults that from crop for forei=:t crops is indicated - 86 - -- -----·-·· ------ by the fact that most tree-breeding programs include r.ome families less interactive with site than others. Obviously, balance exists bPt een size of the breeriing zone and selecting for tability on the other. determin_ed bv tradeoff between the an optimum on the one hand This optimum will be greatly increased coo;ts of subdividing t e region by duplicating breeding Dro rams, reduction in ge etic g9ins implicit in selecting both stable an<l versus the genotypes that are high vielding. In any case, nlanting material on several sites will always be necesrary to enrure that GE inter8cti6ns do not bias selection. To do this effectively requires p rior reseRrch crn interaction natterns, to deter ine which sites will best differentiate geno­ types. v GE INTERACTIOI\ IN TREE BREEDING PRACTICE TODAY Few published reports on family and clone x environment inter­ ··.-.<-· in the tree breeding literature since the action have anpeared --. Shelbourne (1972) review. Further, to the beRt of our knowledge few breeding programs include experiments planted specifically to investigate interactions. diallel of P. (Wilcox 1976). An exception would he a disconnected radiata recently planted on 12 sites in New Zealand It is hoped more infnr ation on planned or newly planted experiments will become available from participants at this meeting:. Tree-breeding trative climate, regions have been delimited largely by adminis­ and political boundaries or on the basis of differences i n soil and species performance. initial subdivisions in the improvement _cooperative with P. company land holdings Pacific Northwest, In the southeast USA, NC State University-Industry tree taeda have been on the basis of and broad physiogranhic differences. In the In-lustry-State-Federal cooperative programs are in breeding zone of ab ut 70,000 hectares, subjectively delimited to minimize within-zone clim tic differences. Zones are further divided into altitudinal bands of about 450 m--Weyerhaeuser Company's pr".:)rram i0 divirled on al ti tu de and also on "tree farm" �- (large land holdinr:s). six states. __ ,_. --- In Australia attempts are being made to coordinate breeding nrogr rns for P. So far, in. th radiata that are existent in face of Rome large GE interactions, subdiVision iF mainly on nolitical/administrative boundarieB. New Zealand, been fi.rst reneration nrogeny testinR of on a m re or ]eoc countrywide basis, P. radiate In has th0ugh clones are allocated to rpgional seed orchards in three different sets, bas d on geogranhic and In Scandinavia, programs are severe climatic differences. the uroblems of regionalization of breeding fLJr hath Scotn pinA And Norway spruce. are hindered by complex ar1antation, :·i te int.f'!ractinnFi. Alth1ur:h provenance-site and Breeders enotype­ the situati0n in EJJrope for N0rwa,y - 87 - ------�-- ---- spruce a pnea r s to he more straightforwa rd , a possibly complex rovenance a d a ptati n pi cture ma y e me rge fo r Douglas- f i r . Info rmati on on such matte r s o ften d o e s not ge t pub l i she d . The re fore , a major function o f d i scu s s i on a t thi s mee ti n g i s to i n f orm pa rtici pants o f oracti cal acti v i t i e s i n d i f f e r e n t bree d i n g pro grams, a n d to record the se i n d i scu ssion su mmari e s. LIST OF REFER ENC ES 1 959. Abou-el-Fittou11;h, H .A . , J . O . Rawli n gs and P.A. 1-:i lle r. ClasFi f i cati on-of e nv ironments to control geno type b y environment i n teracti ons with a n a pp l i catjon to cotton . Crop Sci . 9·: 1 35- 1 4 0. Allard, R . W, and A . D . Brad shaw. 1 96 4 . Imnl i ca ti o n s o f geno­ tvne e nvironme ntal i n te racti o n s in appl i e d pla nt b re e d ing c ;o Sci . 4 : 503-308. .·.· i 1 966. Environmenta l and genotyoe -environmental Bucio Ala n i e , L. I. Inbred l i n e s . He red ity compo n e n ts o f va ri a b i l i ty. 2 1 : 387-397. Burdon , R.D. 1 973. Effe cts nf site on e xpre s s i o n of cone chara cters i n ra d iata ni ne . Ne w Zealand J. Fo r . Sci . 3 1 10-19. Ger,e ti c correla tion a s a co ncept fo r stu d y i n g Burdon, R.D. ( i n '.S) ge n otype-environmer1t ·i ntera ction . 1 974 . T he u<e o f vegetative Burdon, R . D. and C . J.A. he lh urne . Ne w Zealand propagu le for obta i n i n g en e ti c i n for ation . J . For. Sci . 4 ( 2 ) : 4 1 8-425. : Burley, J. a nd R . H . Kemo. 1 97 2 . International tropical provena nce triRl and genotyne-e n v i ro nment i n te ractions. Pro c . o f J o i n t IUFRO-.SABRAO .Sympo sia for forest. tree b re e d in g . Government ForeF . t Ex;:ie r i ment Station, Tok yo 1 972 . Ca mpbe l l , R . K . 1 97 4 a . Use o f phe n o lo gy for e xa i n i n g nrovenance tra nsfe r s i n re fore8tation of Dou las- f i r . J. Aopl . Eco l . 1 1 : 1069-1 080. 1 974b . A provenance-transfer mod e l for boreal regi o n s . Meddr. norske Ekogfors V e s . 31 :545-566. --- --- • In nrensrRti o n . Casca d e !: w:l tershe d . • Genecology o f Douglas-f i r i n a n Oregon - 88 - I n nrenara t i on . Effects o f Cam pb e ll , R . K . and F . C . Sore n se n . t e s t e vironment on clines ana s eed zones i n Dou2la s-f i r . Comstock, R . E . and R . H . Mo l l. 1963. Geno type- environment In: i n t era c t i o n . S ta t i s t i c a l genet i c s and n l a n t b re e d i n g . 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B i o l . 2 3 : 1 - 1 0 , e tra t f' gy . S ym po sia Libby , \'i . J . 1 96 P . B i o l o g i c al m e th o d s fo r se c u r i n g gene t i c gai n s i n fore st t re e s . R e p . T r e e S e e d Comm . , So c . Ame r . F or . , m i m e o 20 P • R.H. a n d C .W . Stu b e r . 1 9 74 . Quan t i ta t i v e ge ne t i c s e m p i r i cal re su l t s re l e va n t to plant b re e d i n g . Adva n c e s i n - Agro n om y 26 : 277- 3 1 3 . Moll, 1 96 9 . Gene t i c va ria t io n i n Morge n st e rn , E . K . m a r i a n a ( Mi ll , ) B . S . P , I . C o rre l a t i o n w i t h S i lvae Ge n e t . 1 8 : 1 5 1 - 1 6 1 . and --- , ·· --- , : A.H. of L, R o c h e . and se e d Picea fa c t o rs . Te i ch . 1 96 9 , Ph e n o t y p i c stab j l i tv o f h e i gh t Jack p i n e nrovena n ce s . Can . J , G e n e t . C y t o l . 1 1 0- 1 1 7 . growth 11 s e e d li n g s o f e c ologi cal zone s , 1 96 9 . Using conce pts o f se l e c t i o n to Se c n n d World C o n su l ta t i o n o n Fore st T r e e de li mi t Bre e d i n g . FAO-FO-FTB-69-2/1 6 . G. 1 96 7 . Mult ivaria te me th o d s f o r mu l t i ple re g re s si o n provenance a n a l v si s . Pro c . 1 4 th IUFRO Congr . , Mun i ch I I I : Namko o n g , 306- 3 1 q , 1 96 9 . N o n o p t i rn a l i t y Con f . Fn r . T r e e I m r r o v . ___ , A. C. o f local p. ra c e s . 1 4Q-1 5 . Pre e . 1 0th South . R . G . H i t c h i n r, s . 1969 . Eva l u a t i n g T a p r i 5 2 : 1 935-3.S . qual i t y throiugh b re e d i ng. B a re f o o t a n d c o n t ro l o f w o r> n Ni e n s ta e d t , H, a n d J . P . Ki n g . 1 96 9 , Bre e d in g fo r d e l a y e d bu dbreak i n P i c e a glauca ( Moe nch ) V o s s - - no t e n t i a l fro F t a v 0 i d an c e a n d growth ga i n s . 2nd World Consu l t a t i o n o n For . Tree Bre e d i n g . FO-FTB-69/2/5. Pede r so n , D.G. 1 97 4 , The stabi l i t y o f va r i e tal performance o v e r Here d i t y 33 : 2 1 7-2 8 , years, 2. Ana l y s i n g va r i e t y tria l s . Perkins, J . M. 1 972 . T h e p r i n c i pa l c o m p o ne n t a n a l y si s o f e n o t v pe e nv i ronm e n t a l i n t e ra c t i_ o n s a n rl physi c a l m e a su re F of the H e re d i t y 2 9 : 5 1 -7 0. e n v i ro nm e n t . and me n ta l J.L. Jink s . c om po n e n c r:'1 F - e r; . H e rn c1 i 196q, E n v i ronme n t a l o f v ri. a h i l i t y . t_ ,.. ? ?- : 7-3Q- 3C.6 . - 91 - III a n rt ge n o tyne-e n v i r o n ­ M u l t i le l i ne and F i n th u s , M . J . m e th o d . 1 97 3 . E s t i mn te o f ge n o t y p i c va lue : Eirnh v t i ca 22 : 1 2 1 - 1 2 3 . a vroro E";ed 1 q74a . G e n e t i c va r i a t i o n of Dou l a s - f i r i n th e Re fe l d t , G . E . or th e rn R o c k v Mo11 n t a i n s . U . £ . D . A . For. Se rv. R s . N o t e I N T- 1 1< 4 , 6 p . 1 974 b . Local d i f fe r e n t i a t i on o f popu l a t i o n F o f R o c k y Ca n . J . Fo r . R e s . 4 : 399-406 . !- o u n ta i n Do u r ··lrt s- f i r . 1 063 . Sehobe r , R . Exne r i e n c e s wi th t h e Doupl a R f i r i n Europe . W o r l d C o n su l t . o n F1J r . G e n e t . a n d Tree I m D ro v . , !: t o c kh o l m . FAC/FORGEN 6 3 - 11/5 , 1 8 p . S:-i E' l b·1 Jrn e , C . J . A . 1 C1?2 . G e n o t v oe- -e n vi ro n'll e n t i n t e ra c t i J:-i : i t s study n d i t s i m nl i c t i o s i n f o r e s t t r e e i m roveme n t . IUFRO G e ie t i c s i SRAC. Joi n t Symno E; i n . Gove rnme r- t Fore st ExpP r i m e n t t a t i n n , Tok v , 1 97 2 . Si l e n , R . R . 1 96 4 . R e ge n e ra t i o n a spe c t s o f t h e 50-ye a r- o l d Pro c . 1 gG 4 A n n u . tg. of the Dn f].a s- f i r h e r d i t y st u d y . W e s t e rn RP o r . Coord . C o mm . , Por t la nd , OR 1 964 , P• 3 5 - 3 9 . S q u i . l la c e , A .E. 1 q7 0 . Genot y pe -e nv i ronme n t i n t e ra c t i o n s i n fore s t tr es. IUFRO lor'.: i n g G r n u n i n Quan t i ta t i ve Ge n e t i c s. U2DA Fo r e n t · E A rv i c e , s u t h e r Fore t Exr e r i m e n t B t a t i o n , Ne w O r l e a n , Lou i si a n a . H P rk :1 n f t Fv r s u c h e f r Zwe c k e ti e r F o r t u f la n z e n z ch ­ ter , K. 1 96 . t u n g , e r l 11 t e r t a m Be i ? i. e l eier o e l l vP r ru che . z:; c h t e r 3.4 : 1 1 -2 1 9 . S t 1J t e r , c . w . F . } i l liams n rt R . H . M o l l . 1 97 3 . Eni sta Ri - i n m a i z e ( Ze a ma v s L . ) : S i g n i f i ca n c e i n n re d i c t io n s n f hybri d p e r f o rman c e n . Crop S c i . 1 3 : 1 9 5-200. • . Ta i , G . C . C . cation i ' • ; 1 97 1 . G e n o t y p i c stab i l i t y anrt l y i s a n d i t s a p p l i ­ to pota t o re g i o n a l t r i , l s . Crop c i . 1 1 : 1 ? 4 - 1 90 . 1 974 . A me tho d for u n t i ta t i ve R nc t i c a n a lysi s o f e a r l y c lo na l g e ne ra ti on se e d l i n g s o f a n a se x u a l c r o p wi th F' pc c i. a l a p;:- l i c t i o n t o a bree d i ?'l g pop11 la t i o n o +"' t h e pota to ( .So la num The o re t i ca l a n d A p p l i e d Ge n e t i c s '-l 5 : 1 50- 1 56 . t 11 b e ro su m L . ) . • --- 1 97 5 . A na l v s i s o f -ve n o t v r e - e n v i r o nm e n t i n t e ra c t i o based on t h e Can . J . G e e t . e t h o d o r pa t h c 0 e f f i c i e n t a n B l y F i s . Cyt 0 1 . 1 7 : 1 11 1 - 1 11 0 . Te i ch , .:'! . H . a n d 1-: . J . H o l s t . o f P i n u F b a n lr s i na Lq l1 . B re d i 1 1 r C -FT3-69 2/9 . 1 96 9 . 2n - 92 Bre P. d i n;:- f r 1 r h e i f...h t growth World Con su l t . F o r . Tree - Vari a t i on i n lon leaf p i n e 1 970. We l l s , O . O . a n d P . C . Wak e l e y . from severa l geograph i c snurc e s . For .Sc i . 1 6 ( 1 ) _ : - 2 8-42 . • General and spe c i fi c c om b i n i n g a b i l i ty 1976. .D. Wilcox, e E> t i ma t e s for h e i 1'h t p:rowth in th e nurserv from a d i sc o nne c t e d N . Z . Fore t Serv i c e , rad i n t a . d i a l l e l e xperiment in Pinu Fore st Re Eearch I n t i tu te , Ge n e t i c s a n d Tree Improveme n t I n t e rna l Renart 93 ( unnubl i sh e d ) . II 1 96 2 . Wricke , G . Ube r e i ne M e t h o d e z u r Erfa ssing d e r Ck ologi sch e n Streubrei t e i n F e l d v e r F.:u ch e n . Z Pflanze nzuch . 47 : 92-9G. .• Genotype - e n v i ronme n t i nt e ra c t i on i n north 1 973. W r i gh t , J . W . Fore st Sc i . 19 : 1 1 3- 1 2 3 . c e n tral Un i te d Sta te s. f:: ij ;; Di fferent i a l p: o ne t i c re sponse 1970. and J . Roberd s . Zobe l , B . J . to ferti l i se r F wi th i n tree sue c i e s . Fore st Biology Worksh o p , S o c . of Ame rican Fore ter , M i c h i ga n State U n i v e r si t y . - ;; · I · -- • " . !; ·. L' ' . - " -· - - 93 - . _ ____ __._ _ _ .IUFRO, .Joint .Meeting . on ..Adva.rwed .Generation Breeding, Bordeau:r:-Jwze 14-.18, 197.6_.. . R E PORT O F S E S S I O N THE I MPACT O F GENOTY PE-ENV I RONMENT ON TREE . -=-=-=-=- C.J.A. R E PO R T ER S H. H . HATTEMER R . JOHNSTONE V . KRUSCHE K . R . SHEPHERV - I NTERAC T I O N S I MPROVEMENT STRATEGY C HA I RMAN 7° 4 SHELBOURNE VEFI NITI ONS Two terms needed definitions before more detailed discuss ion could proceed . While it was accepted t hat there are more recent concept s in the lit erature, t he current understanding of t he s e t erms was acc ept ed as follows 0 Genotype-environment interact ion ( GEI response of populat ions, provenanc e s , ) is the d i fferent ial families or single genotypes t o environmental condit ions. 0 stability o f these pc:ipulat ions , provenanc e s , families or single genotypes in t he maintenance o f a similar rank order within the array t e st ed under a variety of condit ions . 2° - THE VIFFERENT KIN'DS OF G . E . I. INVESTIGATION There appeared to be three facet s to t h e invest igat ion o f GEI 0 by ANOVJ\ , 0 The empirical fact o f t h e existence of GEI may be det ected or genetic correlation unal y s i s . A n att empt muy t he n be made to explain such GEI i n t e nn s o f meas urabl e envi ronmental at tributes by using mul t i variat e t e c h n i que s . - ''- 0 The final stage in an analysis of GE! would be where the findings from the mult ivariat e analyse are t e sted with controlled experiment s where part icular environmental component s are varied ,for example in phytotron or carefully derived field trial s . The t rait to be studied and the environmental variable to be studied must be carefully specified. 3° - SELECTION FOR STABILITY OR STRATI FICATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. The results of t h e stat ist i cal analy s i s which indicat e GE! will assist in defining disj unct areas which must be separat ed as st rata for breeding purpo ses • . - Alternat ively, the breeding programme need not be split by zonation of plant ing areas as genotypes which po s s e s s stability ay be selected for inclusion in the seed orchard. This stability will be displa­ yed in progeny trials des igned t o invest igat e GE! over the whole range o f t erritory included i n t h e afforestat ion programme . ; i - i ,