Genetic Resistance in Douglas ..fir to Damage by Snowshoe Hare and Black..tailed Deer EDWARD J. DIMOCK II ROY R. SILEN VIRGIL E. ALLEN Abstract. Genotype of Douglas-fir significantly affected feeding selection for foliage by both snowshoe hare and black-tailed deer in pen tests with captive animals. Nine clones were rated independently for each animal species. Genotypes preferred by deer and hare ranged up to 64 and 178 percent more attractive, respectively, than those least preferred. Order and magnitude of damage resistance in pen tests, as predicted for full-sib F, prog­ enies based on preference shown among clones, closely conformed to resistance traits indicated for parents. In one 4-family test, captive deer selected between resistant and susceptible families with feeding incidence levels of 41 and 78 percent, respectively, at the point of maximum difference between extremes. In another 4-family test, captive hare also showed comparable selection of 35 and 82 percent between extremes. Resis­ tance to wild hare, in a 4-family field test with seedlings, also conformed closely to that predicted from preferences established in clonal pen tests. Damage incidence levels ranged from 56 to 86 percent for most resistant and susceptible families, respectively, after one winter's exposure to severe hare clipping. A later 4-family trial with seedlings exposed to wild hare in the field established close agreement among related materials in clonal pen tests, family pen tests, and family field tests. Differences were highly signifi­ cant with the most resistant family damaged 37.5 percent and the most susceptible 62.5 percent after one winter. In this test, moreover, significant damage resistance was shown by 2 families during a second winter of exposure. Genetic analysis suggests that resis­ tance to animals based on nonpreference is strongly inherited and chiefly additive. forest Sci. 22:106-121. Additional lcey words. Animal damage control, heritability, Lepus americanus, Odocoi­ leus hemionus columbianus, Pseudotsuga menziesii, seedling survival. NATURAL RESISTANCE in trees to damage by animals remains essentially unrecognized and unexploited. Within-species variations in such damage are not extensively docu­ mented and have usually been noted as in­ cidental traits in tree provenance studies. Among important western conifers, only ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) has been clearly shown to elicit variable foraging re­ sponses by herbivores. Documented obser­ vations concerning this species include: mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in South Dakota (Bates 1927; Leopold 1933, p. 273); mule deer, snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), and porcupine (Erethi­ zon dorsatum) in Oregon and Washington 106 I Forest Science (Squillace and Silen 1962); and black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus melanotis) in Nebraska (Read 1971). Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an obvious candidate for scrutiny. A spe­ cies of relatively high susceptibility to ani­ mal damage (Moore 1940), Douglas-fir in The authors are, respectively, principal silvicul­ turist, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Ex­ periment Station, USDA Forest Service, Cor­ vallis, Oreg.; principal plant geneticist, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oreg.; and forestry technician, Olympic National Forest, USDA Forest Service, Shelton, Wash. Manu­ script received March 10, 1975. .. . _ young plantations frequently needs protec­ tion. Genetic resistance in the form of non­ preference might prove a useful adjunct to traditional methods of damage control. De­ termination of possible benefits, however, must await demonstration that resistance traits not only exist but also affect damage incidence by practical amounts. Preliminary studies by Dimock (1971) suggested that black-tailed deer ( Odocoi­ leus hemionus columbianus) would discrim­ inate as much as 2 : 1 between local races of Douglas-fir, but almost entirely because of differences in seedling size. With this lead, we began further trials aimed at two animals considered serious obstacles to re­ forestation in the Pacific Northwest-snow­ shoe hare and black-tailed deer. The experimental approach was sequen­ tial. In a succession of interrelated studies, we sought answers to the following ques­ tions regarding Douglas-fir: (1) Do geno­ typic differences in foliage affect feeding selection by deer and hare; and, if so, how consistently and to what degree? (2) Are resistance traits due to nonpreference for foliage transmittable through tree breeding; and, if so, how predictably and to what extent? (3) Can nonpreference be exploited to give practical and predictable amounts of animal resistance to seedlings in the field? Answers to the first question were obtained in 1967 and 1968 with foliage materials from grafted clones tested on cap­ tive deer and hare. Insights from this ex­ perimental series led to similar preference trials on captive animals in 1970 with fo­ liage from selected progeny of the clonal parents previously tested. Finally, we prop­ agated seedlings from the same parents for testing on free-ranging hare in the field. Two separate trials were initiated-the first in 1970 and the second in 1972-and each was monitored for a 2-year period. Parent Pen Tests Procedures. Preference tests with cuttings from 9 Douglas-fir clones were conducted on captive snowshoe hare and black-tailed deer in large outdoor pens maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Olym­ pia, Washington. The enclosure containing snowshoe hare was 0.4 hectare ( 1 acre) in area and, at various times during the course of our studies, held 7 to 12 ani­ mals of both sexes. A 1-hectare (2.5-acre) portion of a 4-hectare ( 10-acre) enclosure holding about 25 animals was used for test­ ing cuttings on deer. Mixed-sex groups of 5 to 8 animals were randomly chosen for individual tests, and numbers were held constant during each trial. Hare and deer moved freely within their respective enclo­ sures and at all times had access to cover, a maintenance diet, and some natural for­ age. Preference testing with captive ani­ mals followed general procedures described by Cardinell and Hayne (194 7) and Hil­ dreth and Brown (1955), with specific methods of design and analysis outlined by Dodge and others (1967) and modified by Dimock ( 1971 ) . Our selection of clones for parent pen tests was both limited and arbitrary, and necessarily reflects only part of the varia­ tion likely in a natural gene pool. The Olympic National Forest's Dennie Ahl Seed Orchard near Shelton, Washington, provided a source of clones that had been grafted from superior phenotypes growing at middle elevations wtihin one township on the northwestern part of Washington's Olympic Peninsula. Since clones were not equally represented in the seed orchard, the sole criterion for selection was availabil­ ity. We therefore concentrated on clones with best representation and confined selec­ tion to larger ramets about 5 to 8 meters (16-26 feet) tall. Cuttings were chosen for morphological similarity both within and between clones, and about ten 30-centi­ meter cuttings were taken from the lower crown of each selected ramet. To mini­ mize possible confounding due to genotype­ microsite interactions, the same part of the orchard was used to sample all clones used in any particular test. Also, insofar as pos­ sible, all cuttings were collected and subse­ quently tested during cool, rainy winter months to minimize reductions in palat­ ability through desiccation. Normally, time between collection and test installation dtd not exceed 24 hours. Heavy concentration of deer and hare in volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 107 DAYS UNTIL BROWSED DAYS UNTIL CLIPPED 8 ~DEER 7 A 3 ~HARE 6 2 .3 2 o--­ 1. Mean time required for incidence of feeding by captive animals on Douglas-fir cuttings from 5 clones tested separately on deer and hare. (Browsing represents combined selection by 5 deer; clip­ ping represents combined selection by 8 hare. Each bar is the mean of 100 observations. Within each test, means not superposed by a common letter differ significantly at p < 0.05.) FIGURE restricted areas provided extreme feeding pressure and rapid testing. Cuttings were offered to test animals simply by tamping them into prepared spots so that each cut­ ting simulated a live seedling. As small dtfferences in seedling size have been pre­ viously shown to influence feeding selection by deer (Dimock 1971 ), all cuttings were presented to both deer and hare at a con­ stant 25-centimeter (10-inch) height. Cut­ tings were checked daily for evidence of feeding, and the day of earliest hare clip­ ping or deer browsing was noted for each. Examinations in each test continued until all cuttings had been fed upon--or for pe­ riods varying from 1 to 4 weeks. A randomized block design was used in all pen tests. Each trial contained 5 clones with 10 cuttings per clone replicated in 10 108 I Forest Science blocks. Cuttings were individually random­ ized at a 0.9- by 0.9-meter (3- by 3-foot) spacing to assure that item-by-item discrim­ ination on the part of test animals would be responsible for any observed differences among clones. Two measures were used to evaluate relative preference: ( 1 ) mean exposure in days required for all cuttings within a clone. to be clipped or browsed and (2) where applicable, mean residual height of cuttings within each clone after 1 week's exposure. Analysis of variance, supplemented by the "Q" method, was used to compare individual clonal means, and linear correlation analysis to compare clonal means in duplicate tests (Snedecor and Cochran 1967). Results were consid­ ered significant at p < 0.05; highly signifi­ cant at p < 0.01. DAYS UNTIL BROWSED DAYS UNTIL CLIPPED 8 w 7 ll 5 DEER_ ~HARE 6 4 - 5 4 'L 2 2. Mean time required for incidence of feeding by captive animals on Douglas-fir cuttings from 5 clones tested separately on deer and hare. (Browsing represents combined selection by 6 deer; clip­ ping represents combined selection by 7 hare. Each bar is the mean of 100 observations. Within each test, means not superposed by a common letter differ significantly at p < 0.05.) FIGURE A series of 6 winter-season tests were used to evaluate the 9 clones upon which subsequent work was based. Initially, we conducted 2 simultaneous tests of the same 5 clones (8, 10, 13, 15, and 17) on deer and hare in early 1967. Again including clone 13 as a common standard, we added 4 different clones ( 1, 19, 22, and 23) in a similar pair of simultaneous tests conducted 1 month later. Finally, to confirm differ­ ences observed in the latter 2 tests, we re­ peated them both with the same 5 clones (1, 13, 19, 22, and 23), but with different ramets and different groups of deer and hare, in the winter of 1968. Results and Discussion. For comparative purposes, results for deer and hare are shown together for the first pair of 5-clone tests (Fig. 1). Significant clonal preferences were demonstrated by each species of test animal (F = 5.59 and 3.33 for deer and hare, respectively, with 4 and 36 df). Clone 13 was consistently least preferred by each animal--differing significantly from all other clones in the case of deer, and from clones 10 and 15 in the case of hare. A reasonably consistent order of prefer­ ence among all five clones was also shown by both deer and hare, with only clone 15 ranking noticeably out of line. In view of the close experimental control maintained in testing, genotypic variation seemed the most likely explanation for the differences observed. In the second pair of 5-clone tests in 1967 (Fig. 2), clonal preferences of obvi­ ously high significance were again shown volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 109 196 7 DAYS UNTIL BROWSED DAYS UNTIL ~ A 6 1968 BROWSED 1967 -­ 3 4 - 2 2­ --1 13 22 23 CLONE 19 3. Mean time required for incidence of browsing by captive deer on Douglas-fir cuttings from 5 clones tested separately in each of two successive years. (The 1967 test represents combined selec­ tion by 6 deer; the 1968 test represents combined selection by 8 deer. Each bar is the mean of 100 observations. Within each test, means not superposed by a common letter differ significantly at p < 0.05.) FIGURE by both test animals (F = 32.90 and 32.22 for deer and hare, respectively, with 4 and 36 df). Of the 10 possible paired compari­ sons between clonal means in each case, 6 were significant for deer and 7 for hare. However, though clone 13 was again least preferred by deer, three others (1, 22, and 23) were even less preferred by hare. Only one clone in each trial differed significantly from all others-clone 13 with deer and clone 22 with hare. Barring the inconsis­ tency of clone 13's preference ranking with each animal species, the remaining 4 clones ranked identically for deer and hare. Though the 1968 test with deer pro­ ceeded more rapidly than its counterpart in 1967, due to the vagaries of animal feed­ ing habits or to other variables affecting clone palatability, deer discriminated among clones in an order identical to that of a 11 0 I Forest Science year earlier (Fig. 3). The correlation be­ tween both years' preference rankings for all five clones was highly significant ( r = 0.98 with 3 df). Though some sensitivity of the 1968 comparison was lost because of heavy feeding pressure (F = 7.23 with 4 and 36 df), clone 13 significantly dif­ fered from all other clones as it had in 1967. Results of the 5-clone test repeated on hare in 1968 were also completely consis­ tent with 1967 data. Because of difficulties in anticipating and subsequently regulating animal feeding pressure, much sensitivity of comparison by the measure previously used (mean days of exposure) was lost due to an excessively rapid test. In fact, none of the clonal means compared in that way differed significantly. An alternative mea­ sure, residual height of each cutting after HEIGHT AFTER ONE WEEK (em) 2or---------------------------------------------------. A 16 - 12 - 8 - 4 - ~ 1967 ~ 1968 0 19 4. Mean residual heights of 25-centimeter Douglas-fir cuttings from 5 clones exposed for 1 week in separate tests to captive hare in each of two successive years. (The 1967 test represents com­ bined selection by 7 hare; the 1968 test represents combined selection by 12 hare. Each bar is the mean of 100 observations. Within each test, means not superposed by a common letter differ sig­ nificantly at p < 0.05.) FIGURE 1 week's exposure to hare clipping, gave more readily interpretable results (Fig. 4). It not only reflected a tendency for hare to clip preferred clones repeatedly but also provided a highly significant comparison (F = 51.62 and 45.06 for 1967 and 1968 tests, respectively, with 4 and 36 df). Of the 10 possible paired comparisons between clonal means in each year, 7 differed sig­ nificantly in 1967 and 8 in 1968. Of perhaps greater importance are the close agreements between both years in order and relative magnitude of preference (r = 0.92; p < 0.05 with 3 df). The high pref­ erence expressed for clone 19 in both trials is also clearly evident. Progeny Pen Tests Data from the preceding tests both estab­ lish and confirm that variations in genotype of Douglas-fir consistently influenced am­ mal feeding preference. Up to this point, however, we had no evidence regarding ca­ pacity of the underlying factors involved to combine through breeding and be passed on to succeeding generations. We there­ fore proceeded to seek evidence of inher­ ited resistance stemming from nonprefer­ ence among F1 progeny. Procedures. Trees in the Dennie Ahl Seed Orchard within families averaged about 5 years old and 2 meters (7 ft) tall in 1970, and were thus able to provide limited amounts of foliage as a source of cuttings for use in pen tests for comparing selected families. Six of the clones previously tested (1, 8, 10, 13, 19, and 22) were represented as both parents (female x male) in each of seven families (8 X 1, 10 X 1, 10 X 8, 13 volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 111 X 22, 19 X 1, 19 X 8, and 22 X 1). Ac­ cordingly, we conducted pen tests in early 1970 with 4 families (8 X 1, 10 x 1, 13 X 22, and 19 X 1 ) on deer and with 4 fam­ ilies (10 x 8, 13 x 22, 19 X 8, and 22 x 1) on hare. Assuming that previously established preferences for different clones might be ranked to predict approximate damage re­ sistance in their progeny, we combined all 9 clones used in preceding trials into a composite preference array based on 1967 data (Figs. 1 and 2). Clone 13 served as the common standard for combining data by direct proportion for each test animal separately. Then, again by direct propor­ tion, these data were converted to mean exposure preference index (MEPI) values by further adjusting so that the clones most resistant to each test animal ( 13 with deer; 22 with hare) equaled 100. Relative mag­ nitude of differences between clones, as demonstrated previously, thus remains un­ changed. MEPI values were then divided into three subjective levels of estimated re­ sistance based on relative position in the array: Deer Hare MEPI Clone value Clone 13 22 15 100 127 130 22 23 17 8 23 135 135 147 1 10 19 149 152 164 MEPI value l Estimated resistance level 100 127 141 Resistant 13 17 8 179! 204 . 238 Intermediate 19 15 10 250 256 278 Susceptible l As ranked above for the 6 parents (under­ lined) represented in the 4-family tests de­ scribed previously, common levels of resis­ tance against both target animals appear associated with four clones (8, 10, 19, and 22) ; differing levels for deer and hare with two (1 and 13 ) . Predictions for full-sib families were based on the premise that male and female parents were equally capable of transmit­ ting traits leading to damage resistance or 112 I Forest Science susceptibility. Hence, in the 4-family trial conducted on penned deer in 1970, the following resistance levels were forecast for the progeny under test: Family 13 X 22 8X 1 10 X 1 19 X 1 Parental traits Resistant X Resistant Intermediate X Susceptible Susceptible X Susceptible Susceptible X Susceptible Predicted resistance Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Susceptible Similarly, in the 4-family trial conducted on penned hare during the same period, the following resistance levels were forecast: Family 22 X 1 13 X 22 19 X 8 10 X 8 Parental traits Resistant X Resistant Intermediate X Resistant Susceptible X Intermediate Susceptible X Intermediate Predicted resistance Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Susceptible Testing procedures were similar to those used in parent pen tests and we employed the same facilities. Study design with mixed­ sex groups of deer ( 6 animals) and hare (10 animals) was the same in each test: 4 families with 10 cuttings per family repli­ cated in 10 blocks. From 5 to 10 lower­ crown cuttings were taken per tree within each cross until 100 cuttings had been ac­ cumulated per family. Randomized individ­ ually at a 0.9- by 0.9-meter (3- by 3-foot) spacing, cuttings were tamped into place as before at a constant 25-cm height and ex­ amined daily for first incidence of feeding on main stems. Observations were contin­ ued until all cuttings had been browsed or clipped. Percent differences in feeding se­ lection among families were evaluated daily by analysis of variance to bracket that portion of the test period in which signifi­ cant differences occurred. Percentages were analyzed in raw form and as transformed to angles by arc sine. Since transformed BROWSING IN PERCENT 100 IIII 80 i i ........ -·-·-· 10 X 1 -19X1 60 i ~· i --- 8 X 1 - ..- 13 X 22 /i / / 40 .,.""·' , ....· I 20 ·::.--'I / ;:r ..--· ... / / , ..- ·: .......J ~· / // I,.._/ . ./ 1 - - ../ 1: 1/ I I I: ,.,.f __ ,. / .J I: /' __ _.......· / -/ ! ,-- , .. _;,I I ' I / ................... i // / / // : / I ! . . . -· -· -· :;;__-:,_-:....-._-.::::::_-=-;;:::::-..:.;;~ /__ . . ,.r··-··-.. --./ ~ ...../· ,.,.,. ;· ~· I III I I I I I I ~./' 0._.__._._.._._.__._.__._.__._._.__._.__._._.._._.__._.__._._. 0 5 10 15 20 25 DAYS OF EXPOSURE 5. Cumulative incidence of browsing by 6 captive deer on main stems of Douglas-fir cuttings from 4 full-sib families. (Each family comprises 100 cuttings. Differences exceeding bar lengths are significant at p < 0.05.) FIGURE and untransformed percentages gave SIIDl­ lar results, raw percentages are presented for clarity. Results and Discussion. The 4-family trial on penned deer required 26 days for all cuttings to be browsed (Fig. 5). Discrimi­ nation among families began immediately and differences were significant from the 5th through the 18th day, or for about one half of the test period. Moreover, results agreed closely with our predictions. Family 13 X 22 was most resistant of the four; 10 X 1 and 19 X 1 were most susceptible; and 8 X 1 fell into an intermediate position. From test beginning, incidence of browsing on the most susceptible family (lOx 1) was approximately twice that on the most resis­ tant ( 13 X 22), and it remained so on a cumulative basis throughout the lOth day. Penned hare clipped all cuttings from the 4 families exposed to them in 15 days (Fig. 6). In this case, discrimination among families was not apparent until the 5th day when preference for two families suddenly became significant and remained so through the 11th day. Highly significant differences were clearly evident during this portion of the trial and reached a maximum separa­ tion of 35 and 82 percent between family extremes at 1 week. Although agreement between test results and prediction was less than perfect, it was nevertheless quite close. At midtest, those families predicted to be most susceptible (19 X 8 and 10 X 8) were highly preferred over those rated interme­ diate (13 x 22) and resistant ( 22 x 1 ) . The above results appear notable for several reasons. Tests with progeny re­ vealed differences in animal feeding prefer­ ence that were sharply defined and similar in magnitude to those previously shown with parents. The differences seemed un­ volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 113 CLIPPING IN PERCENT -· -·-_.-A--.._----­ """"'·-· . -· -·..... ""'· 100 ~· I I --19 X 8 60 -·-·10X8 ---13 X 22 · · .. 22 X 1 i i i i i i ..... ~· /"" / ~· / 80 ~· . i .;."""" / / .... / ,"' •I :1 ·I :I 'I :I i ;I •I :I 'I 40 .i -· •I Y' ,(' /· . : . .. /. / 20 / / :,...,-;.· / III I I 5 10 DAYS 15 OF EXPOSURE 6. Cumulative incidence of clipping by 10 captive hare on main stems of Douglas-fir cuttings from 4 full-sib families. (Each family comprises 100 cuttings. Differences exceeding bar lengths are significant at p < 0.05.) FIGURE likely to be chance in view of both statisti­ cal significance and consistent demonstra­ tion with two species of test animal. Most importantly, the relative animal resistance of first-generation progeny appears to be duectly predictable from parental charac­ teristics with a fair degree of accuracy. Progeny Field Tests Both magnitude and consistency of animal preferences shown in pen tests suggested that resistance in the form of nonpreference might give effective protection in the field. However, we had only been able to specu­ late that animals would discriminate under field conditions in ways consistent with their behavior as captives. Moreover, ef­ fective protection would require that con­ siderable numbers of seedlings be damaged lightly or not at all over at least the peak damage period in a typical field situation. 114 I Forest Science Accordingly, we describe two different trials aimed at snowshoe hare as the target animal. Both studies included Douglas-fir seedlings rated for resistance to hare clip­ ping on the basis of their parentage. The first of these, installed in November 1970, was an attempt to discover if field perfor­ mance of full-sib families could be pre­ dicted from parental attributes as rated by clones in pen tests. In the second trial, installed in November 1972, we attempted to assess the reliability of clonal prediction plus the comparability of both pen and field tests with identical family groups. Procedures. Seedlings for the 1970 study were grown in cold frames at the Dennie Ahl Seed Orchard for 1 year, then were transplanted to cold frames at Olympia in early 1970 for an additional season's growth. The four families selected (1 X 22, 22 X 1, 1 x 8, and 8 X 10) had been arti­ : ·- ficially bred from clones tested for hare preference in 1967. To minimize possible confounding due to variations in nursery bed environment, we systematically spaced portions of each family throughout each cold frame; all families were subjected to a common regime of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization. We also prepared in early 1970 to propa­ gate seedlings for the 1972 study-a 4­ family field test designed to duplicate the 1970 pen test on hare with cuttings. Using standard controlled breeding methods, we crossed selected ramets to reproduce the families (22 X 1, 13 X 22, 19 X 8, and 10 X 8) ultimately needed for field testing. Cones were gathered in late 1970 and transported to Corvallis, Oregon, where seed was processed and seedlings started under greenhouse conditions in styrofoam containers. Transferred to Olympia in mid­ 1971, seedlings continued growth under a uniform greenhouse regime of irrigation and fertilization with nutrient solution. All families were transplanted to cold frames near the end of the growing season, and cultivated by procedures similar to those described for the 1970 study through the 1972 growing season. Relative resistance for families used in the 1970 field study was predicted, as be­ fore, from the array of preference charac­ teristics derived from 1967 clonal tests. Only one of these families ( 22 X 1 ) had been previously tested on captive hare. We therefore predicted that this family and its reciprocal cross (1 X 22) would show about the same level of resistance, and that both would rank more resistant than either of the two families compared against them: Family 22 X 1 1 X 22 1X8 8 X 10 Parental traits Resistant X Resistant Resistant X Resistant Resistant X Intermediate Intermediate X Susceptible Predicted resistance Resistant Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Similarly, since the families compared in the 1972 field study were identical to those already pen tested as cuttings in 1970, we would also predict unchanged resistance levels for them: 22 x 1 (Resistant), 13 x 22 (Intermediate), 19 x 8 (Susceptible), and 10 X 8 (Susceptible). In addition, we had opportunity in this case to compare di­ rectly the results from three distinct ex­ perimental phases: pen tests with clones, pen tests with families, and field tests with families. Field testing procedures varied but little in the two studies, and chiefly due to dif­ ferences in numbers of available seedlings. Both studies were installed as randomized blocks. The 1970 trial contained 400 seed­ lings-four families with 20 seedlings per family replicated in five blocks; the 1972 trial contained 576 seedlings-four families with 36 seedlings per family replicated in four blocks. As in pen tests, all seedlings were individually randomized, but at a spacing of 2.4 by 2.4 meters (8 by 8 feet) to approximate commonly accepted stan­ dards of plantation density. Uniformity of seedling height was sought in each trial­ 32 centimeters (12.6 inches) in the 1970 study; 40 centimeters (15.7 inches) in the 1972 study-and attained by deep planting of larger stock to a measured height ap­ proaching that of smallest seedlings. Vari­ ations among families in mean height at planting were thus held to a minimum­ maximums of 3.5 centimeters (1.4 inches) in the 1970 study; 2.2 centimeters (0.9 inch) in the 1972 study-and in no case were they significant (p < 0.05). Both studies were located within 25 miles of Olympia. Test areas were selected to pro­ vide maximum exposure to snowshoe hare on clearcuts logged 5 to 30 years previously and were sufficiently separated to insure that each replicate catered to a different hare population. In both 1970 and 1972 studies, seed­ lings were checked weekly during the first winter after planting, and damage by hare to terminal shoots was recorded as it oc­ curred throughout the season when clipping of Douglas-fir seedlings is normally most prevalent. We continued observations in each study until about a month past May bud burst to assure that all damage by hare volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 115 CLIPPING IN PERCENT 100 IIIIII 80 /,/·~·-·-•'' 60 ,.~· ,. ...... -·-·-·-·-· i i i III I I I p/ Jvl /· 5 NOV _ ?/ .--:-.:.:.=,;:=:.:......f;;;;o /~20 ___ ,------------------------­ . .. .. .._.. .. _.. _,,_ ... / // i --------------------------­ ~··-"_"_ -·/' i 40 ,·-·-·'' ,.,.,·'' DEC -­ -·-·-· --- ..- 10 JAN WEEKS FEB 8X10 1X8 22X1 1 X22 15 20 OF EXPOSURE I MAR I APR 25 MAY 7. Cumulative incidence of clipping (terminals only) by wild hare on Douglas-fir seedlings from 4 full-sib families, 1970-71 field test. (Each family comprises 100 seedlings. Differences exceeding bar lengths are significant at p < 0.05.) FIGURE would be documented. Seedlings in both studies were again evaluated following their second winter's exposure to hare clipping, but not on a weekly basis. (Confounding of results due to deer browsing was not encountered, as damage by this animal oc­ curred to less than 1 percent of the seed­ lings in each study.) Cumulative levels of terminal shoot clipping in percent were periodically analyzed during the first winter by the same procedures used in family pen tests. Analysis of variance was also used to compare seedling status in terms of sur­ vival, total height, and damage to new ter­ minal shoots after two winters of exposure to hare clipping. Results and Discussion. Snowshoe hare (1970).-Seedlings were damaged severely from time of planting in November 1970, to the end of February 116 I Forest Science 1971, when virtually all hare clipping ceased. Only three seedlings were clipped thereafter prior to resumption of damage during the following winter. Discrimination by hare began almost immediately (Fig. 7). Differences between families were signifi­ cant by the 3rd week, highly significant by the 4th week, and significant from the 13th week throughout the remainder of the first winter. Damage to terminal shoots at 25 weeks ranged from 56 percent for the most resistant family ( 1 X 22) to 86 percent for the most susceptible (8 x 10). The 30­ percent difference suggests that resistant families could give practical amounts of protection over at least one winter season. Terminal clipping of the susceptible family (8 X 10) accumulated to over twice that on each of two resistant families (1 x 22 and 22 x 1) for about 2 months during the period of most severe damage just after planting. CLIPPING IN PERCENT 80 60 II - - 19X8 -·-· 10X8 ---13 X 22 • • • • 22 X 1 .... ...... .......... 40 20 .. .. .. 5 NOV DEC •• I III 10 WEEKS OF EXPOSURE JAN I FEB I I 15 MAR 8. Cumulative incidence of clipping (terminals only) by wild hare on Douglas-fir seedlings from 4 full-sib families, 1972-73 field test. (Each family comprises 144 seedlings. Differences exceeding bar lengths are significant at p < 0.05.) FIGURE : Of equal or possibly greater interest, wild hare followed the predicted preference order without exception. Nearly identical resistance was shown by families 1 X 22 and 22 x 1 throughout the test, and there was no evidence that either male or female characteristics predominated in contributing to resistance. Furthermore, the susceptible (8 X 10) and intermediate (1 X 8) families differentiated early and maintained their relative rankings as predicted. The capacity of resistance characteristics to protect Douglas-fir seedlings against snowshoe hare damage in the field for peri­ ods exceeding one season was not evident in the 1970 study. Heavy animal pressure resumed during the second winter after planting, and there were some indications that first-year effects confounded any com­ parisons that could be made thereafter. Most notably, numbers of heavily damaged seedlings differed significantly among famt­ lies after one winter's clipping. Though not closely monitored, seedlings from suscepti­ ble families grew fewer and smaller shoots than those from resistant families as a con­ sequence of having sustained heavier dam­ age the previous winter. Such effects, we believe, influenced animal feeding selection and thus biased subsequent comparison. Reexamined the second winter, 49 weeks after planting, the 1970 field study did not reveal any significant differences among families in mean seedling survival, seedling volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 117 height, or incidence of damage to new ter­ minal shoots : Family Survival (percent) Height (em) Terminals clipped (percent) 1 X 22 22 X 1 1X8 8 X 10 99 97 93 95 27 25 27 27 55 55 48 49 Though resistance characteristics could well have continued to operate, their effects may have been nullified, as previously specu­ lated, by unequal availability of new foliage among families. In any event, the param­ eters measured in the above study failed to mdicate second-year protection. Snowshoe hare (1972).-The 1972 field study was checked first at 6 weeks after November installation, weekly thereafter until March 1973, then sporadically until June 1973. Severe hare damage to seed­ lings occurred early and continued for 12 weeks until late February. Terminal clip­ ping during the first winter ceased at 16 weeks. Field results (Fig. 8) corresponded well with those from pen trials among both clones and families. Family differences were highly significant at 6 weeks and re­ mained so throughout duration of the test. Maximum separation between resistant (22 x 1) and susceptible (19 x 8) families oc­ curred at 8 weeks with 27- and 58-percent terminal clipping, respectively. The 31-per­ cent difference decreased only slightly to 25 percent at the end of the winter. Dif­ ferences between the two susceptible fami­ lies ( 19 X 8 and 10 X 8) were not signifi­ cant, a result agreeing fully with predicted resistance as determined by clonal traits and with demonstrated family resistance as rated by pen testing (Fig. 6). The inter­ mediate position of family 13 x 22 in the field agrees closely with prediction but is somewhat inconsistent with the nearly iden­ tical ranking of 13 X 22 and 22 X 1 in the pen. All elements considered, however, concurrence among 3 independent evalua­ tions-prediction, the 1970 pen test, and the 1972 field study-is generally high. Seedlings were reexamined in early spring 118 I Forest Science of 1974 at 68 weeks after planting. From their practical ramifications, results were distinctly more encouraging. Differences in mean seedling survival and seedling height, as in the 1970 field study, were not significant. However, differences in hare damage to new terminal shoots, though not overwhelming, were clearly consistent with results from previous pen tests and the preceding year's damage patterns among the same seedlings. (Family means not followed by a common letter differ signifi­ cantly at p < 0.05.): Family 22 13 19 10 X1 X 22 X8 X8 Survival (percent) Height (em) 95 96 93 91 38 36 34 34 Terminals clipped (percent) 54 56 65 70 (a) (a) (ab) (b) The two most resistant families (22 x 1 and 13 X 22) were damaged 16 and 14 percent less, respectively, than the one most sus­ ceptible ( 10 x 8). Though family differ­ ences in terminal shoot clipping were only about half those of the previous year, they were nevertheless significant (F = 6.46 with 3 and 9 df). Resistance characteristics were evidently strong enough in this case to over­ ride any family biases due to previously sustained damage. Genetic Analysis Procedures. Genetic analysis was performed by use of parent-offspring correlations ac­ cording to the method of Falconer (1960). Since different measures were used to eval­ uate results from pen and field trials, a common statistic that could be applied to all tests was determined for pen tests with cuttings and for field tests with seedlings. We termed this measure mid-test selection index (MTSI) and defined it as the pro­ portion of each clone or family clipped or browsed when half the materials in a par­ ticular trial had been fed upon. By methods of direct proportion previ­ ously described, we combined results from 1967 clonal tests by using clone 13 as a common standard to generate MTSI values for all nine clones originally compared. As cant for deer and also for hare (r = 0.90 and 0.97, respectively, with 7 df). There­ fore, we concluded that both MTSI and MEPI should be similarly effective as pre­ dictors of progeny performance. We then correlated actual performance of each family, as determined by its MTSI value, with its predicted performance as estimated by mid-parent value (MPV). This latter measure was calculated as the mean index value--determined separately by both MTSI and MEPI values-for any two parents in a given cross and a statistic expected to relate to the combined additive genetic component of resistance expressed in first-generation progeny. Finally, we tested the actual correlation between deer and hare preferences on the basis of demonstrated clonal traits as mea­ sured by both MEPI and MTSI. TABLE 1. Mid-test selection index (MTSI) and mean exposure preference in­ dex (MEPI) values for deer and hare among nine Douglas-fir clones. 1 Deer Hare Clone MTSI MEPI MTSI MEPI 1 8 10 13 15 17 19 22 23 53 44 53 37 48 55 60 47 53 149 135 152 100 130 135 164 127 147 42 67 69 47 67 47 59 23 29 141 238 278 179 256 204 250 100 127 1 Each statistic represents a mean of 100 ob­ servations. before, deer and hare were rated sepa­ rately. We then compared MTSI values to the corresponding mean exposure prefer­ ence indices (MEPI's)-the values actually used to rank predicted progeny resistance­ for the same clones (Table 1). Correlation between the two indices was highly signifi­ Results and Discussion. Although limited by the small number of families (10) tested in pen and field on deer and hare, the cor­ respondence between parent and offspring gave ample evidence of strong additive ge­ netic variation (Table 2). Correlations be- TABLE 2. Relationship between mid-parent value (MPV) and mid-test selection index (MTSI) in jour trials with full-sib Douglas-fir families. 1 Trial Test animal MPV Family Predicted resistance MEPI basis MTSI basis MTSI Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Susceptible 34 46 67 53 1970 pen test Deer 13 X 8X 10 X 19 X 22 1 1 1 113.5 142.0 150.5 156.5 42.0 48.5 53.0 56.5 1970 pen test Hare 22 13 19 10 X X X X 1 22 8 8 120.5 139.5 244.0 258.0 32.5 35.0 63.0 68.0 Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Susceptible 31 31 65 73 1970--71 field test Hare 22 1 1 8 X X X X 1 22 8 10 120.5 120.5 189.5 258.0 32.5 32.5 54.5 68.0 Resistant Resistant Intermediate Susceptible 33 34 62 71 1972-73 field test Hare 22 X 13 X 19 X 10 X 1 22 8 8 120.5 139.5 244.0 258.0 32.5 35.0 63.0 68.0 Resistant Intermediate Susceptible Susceptible 35 45 62 58 1 In all three 1970 trials, each MPV and each MTSI represent means of 200 and 100 observations, respectively; in the 1972 trial, means of 288 and 144 observations, respectively. volume 22, number 2, 1976 I 119 tween MPV and MTSI were constrained by only two degrees of freedom in each of the four 4-family trials. Therefore, signifi­ cance could be demonstrated only by very high correlation coefficients (r values ex­ ceeding 0.95 at p < 0.05 = *, and 0.99 at p<0.01=**): MPV-MTSI correlation coefficients Trial 1970 pen test 1970 pen test 1970-71 field 1972-73 field on deer on hare test on hare test on hare MEPJ MTSI basis basis 0.818 0.992** 0.969* 0.951 * 0.790 0.998** 0.991 ** 0.931 Although MPV -MTSI correlations in the 1970 pen test on deer were not significant, they were nonetheless similar and encour­ agingly high. In the case of hare, all three trials indicated that MPV's for clones could effectively predict relative levels of resis­ tance for progeny. Moreover, MPV's based on either MEPI or MTSI appeared equally effective as predictors. Heritability values can be estimated directly from the regression coefficients of parent-offspring relationships (Falconer 1960). If MTSI-based MPV's are pro­ portionally adjusted to a scale equivalent to that of MTSI values for offspring, resulting regression coefficients for each of the pre­ ceding family trials are 1.74, 1.19, 1.03, and 0.62, respectively. Heritability esti­ mates exceeding 1.00 may arise by chance with so few observations, but more prob­ ably stem from nonrandom choice of ex­ perimental materials. Thus, the above estimates are unusable for prediction of potential gain, but obviously express a high component of additive genetic variation. Similarities between deer and hare in feeding preferences for identical Douglas­ fir genotypes are not as close as indicated by subjective levels of resistance estimated from data in Figures 1 and 2. These levels, which depend upon ranking in an array rather than the magnitude of individual in­ dex values, lend an exaggerated impression of preference agreement. In fact, agree­ ment in feeding preference between the 120 I Forest Science two animals is anything but close when ac­ tual index values are compared (Table 1 ). Correlations between deer and hare prefer­ ences among all nine clones were not sig­ nificant for either index (r = 0.26 and 0.03 for MEPI and MTSI, respectively, with 7 df). Therefore, although preferences shown by both animals agree in certain gross re­ spects, underlying factors that govern palat­ ability of Douglas-fir foliage to each ani­ mal species probably differ in more ways than they agree. Conclusions The preceding series of interrelated experi­ ments provides abundant evidence that ge~ netic factors in Douglas-fir can measurably influence the palatability of its foliage to at least two animal species that damage forest plantations by their feeding activities. Pref­ erences for morphologically similar but ge­ notypically different foliage approached a ratio of 5 : 3 for black-tailed deer and ex­ ceeded 5 : 2 for snowshoe hare. Deer and hare showed both parallel and differing preferences for genetically alike material. However, preference agreement was almost certainly more apparent that real. Both animal species probably react to a complex of underlying factors that variously affect the palatability of Douglas-fir to each. That factors affecting preference could be predictably transmitted to full-sib Doug­ las-fir progeny by crossing clonal parents was clearly demonstrated. Hence, we sug­ gest that animal resistance through non­ preference for seedlings could become a practical aim for tree improvement pro­ grams. Moreover, such animal resistance appears to be strongly inherited, and the genetic component of variation appears to be chiefly additive. Differences between susceptible and resistant progenies were on the order of 2: 1 in pen tests with captive deer and hare and also in field tests. with wild snowshoe hare over a full winter sea­ son. These results imply that not only is practical animal protection in the field at­ tainable, but also that field performance of progeny is predictable. Correlations be­ tween performance of parent and off­ spring were sufficiently high to suggest that full-sib progeny resistance could be accu­ rately estimated from parental characteris­ tics alone; that is, without the necessity of progeny tests. As forest practices become more in­ tensive, most commercial forests in the Douglas-fir region are now beginning tree improvement programs. The potential for animal resistance as a forest protection tool is high. Obviously, it must be compatible with more highly sought after traits affect­ ing quantity and quality of tree growth. Our demonstration of damage resistance as a function of varying animal preference among superior phenotypes within a local race of Douglas-fir is especially encourag­ ing. Exploitation of local variation would seem a more promising approach toward attaining practical resistance than one aimed at utilizing racial variation among widely differing provenances. Our work merely shows that practical levels of animal resistance in Douglas-fir exist and that their exploitation is possible. Success will hinge upon development of less costly and more rapid methods for evalu­ ating parents and progeny. Considerably ~ore research will be needed to expand upon our findings and translate them into useful future applications. Literature Cited BATES, C. G. 1927. Varietal differences. J For 25:610. CARDINELL, H. A., and D. W. HAYNE. 1947. Pen tests of rabbit repellents. Mich Agric Exp Stn Q Bull 29:303-315. DIMOCK, E. J., II. 1971. 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