Made in the United States of America Reprinted from FOREST SCIENCE Vol. 21, No.1, March 1975 pp. 63-67 Clonal Variation in Monoterpene Hydrocarbons of Vapors of Douglas ..fir Foliage M. A. RADWAN­ W. D. ELLIS Abstract. Monoterpene hydrocarbons in foliage vapors from four Douglas-fir clones, two resistant and two susceptible to deer browsing, were compared by gas chromato­ graphic analyses. Foliage was collected during the winter. Many chemical components were separated, but only 10 monoterpenes were identified. Different methods of sample preparation and vapor collection affected total volatiles and peak ratios,but with all methods tested foliage resistant to browsing produced more terpenes than that from susceptible clones. Results may have application' in breeding Douglas-fir resistant to . browsing. . Forest Sci. 21 :63-67. Additional key words. Pseudotsuga menziesii, animal damage, genetic variation. INHERENT differences in susceptibility to browsing have long been observed among different seed sources of individual conifer species (Bates 1927, Squillace and Silen 1962). Such differences recently have been demonstrated among Douglas-fir (Pseudo­ tsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) genotypes (Dimock 1974). Studies of chemical factors affecting relative susceptibility (or resistance) are necessary for a better understanding of plant-animal relationships and for devising methods of alleviating animal damage to forest trees. Previously, we reported differ­ ences in digestibility and chemical com­ position of Douglas-fir foliage with varying susceptibility to browsing (Radwan 1972). We did not differentially compare volatiles which could be important in determining palatability (Longhurst et at. 1968). The present investigation deals with Douglas-fir volatiles which may influence olfaction and, hence, initial selection by animals. We used four clones previously rated for susceptibility to browsing by black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus We sampled columbianus Richardson). foliage during winter to minimize metabolic changes and compared monoterpene hydro­ carbons in foliage vapors by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Because methods of processing foliage may influence results (Flath et at. 1969), we experimented with cut and uncut tissue and collected vapor in presence of air or nitrogen. Materials and Methods Foliage was obtained from 15-yr-old grafted Douglas-fir trees grown at a seed orchard ' in western Washington. Both susceptible (SD-19 and SD lO) and resistant (SD-22 and SD-13) clones, as determined during winter with tree cuttings and captive deer, were used. Average difference in relative deer preference between susceptible and resistant clones was approximately 44 per­ cent (adapted from Dimock 1974). Peri­ odically, 100-g composite samples were collected from each clone in e rly morning during the 1972-73 dormant season. Each sample consisted of 5-cm tips of secondary laterals cut from all sides of five trees, about 1.5 m above ground. Samples were individually sealed in precooled jars and brought to the laboratory. There were 10 sample collections during the season. The authors are, respectively, Principal Plant Physiologist and Chemist, Pacific Northwest For­ est and Range' Experiment StatiOIi , USDA Forest Service, Olympia, Wash. p Manuscri t received March 27, 1974. volume 21, number 1, 1975 /63 In the laboratory, 15- and 25-g sub­ samples were take'n for vapor collection from cut and uncut tissue, respectively. Because it was not possible to complete all analyses of each sampling the same day, the 15-g subsamples were stored at -15°C until the following day when they were thawed and cut into small pieces prior to vapor 'collection. Vapors were collected in 200-ml flasks fitted with ground-glass stoppers having outlet stopcocks .and straight tips sealed with serum caps. Tissue (fresh, uncut, or thawed and cut) was introduced in the flasks and allowed to equilibrate with its vapors at 35°C for 1. 5 hours. At alternate sampling dates, samples were gassed with nitrogen prior to vapor collection to mini­ mize enzymatic reactions. Thus, for each clone, vapors were collected from uncut and cut tissues, each with and without nitrogen; each of these four sample prepa­ ration and vapor collection methods was represented by five vapor samples. Vapors for OLC were withdrawn from the flasks with a gas syringe, and analyses were carried out with a gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detectors and two capillary, stainless steel columns. Columns were 61 m X 0.05 cm (ID) and each coated with either a mixture of 95 percent Carbowax 20M plus 5 percent Ige­ pal CO-880 or 95 percent SF-96(50) plus 5 percent Igepal CO-880. Operating con­ ditions were: injection port, 150°C; detec­ tor, 250°C; column, isothermal at 70°C; and He flow, 5 ml/min. Vapor samples were 0.25 ml from cut tissue with direct injection on the column and 8 ml from uncut tissue introduced on the column by a modification of the precolumn technique of Maarse and Kepner (1970). Vapor components were identified by comparison of their retention data on the two columns and infrared spectra' with those of known compounds and by peak enrichment. Quantitative data were ex­ pressed as peak heights, because peaks were very sharp and because differences rather than absolute amounts were impor­ tant (Maarse and Kepner 1970). Data were calculated on per-gram basis, and total terpenes were obtained by summing 64 /Forest Science all values (cm/g) including those of un­ knowns. Because samples were collected at differ­ ent times during winter, there were no true replications and, thus, results were not statistically analyzed. This condition was necessary because emphasis was on fresh samples; the number of such samples which could be analyzed shortly after collection was limited. Results and Discussion Approximately 28 peaks were separated, but many were present in small or trace amounts. Monoterpenes identified were a-pinene, camphene, ,B-pinene, sabinene, 3­ cal'ene, myrcene, limonene, ,B-phellandrene, y-terpinene, and terpinolene. Heating sam­ ples to 35°C increased concentration of volatiles in the vapors. This temperature apparently did not produce detectable arti­ facts or changes in relative amounts of the components because similar chromato­ graphic patterns were obtained when vapor was collected at room temperature. Quantitative data (Tables 1 and 2) show wide ranges within clones for both vapor components and total terpenes due to col­ lection of samples at different times during winter. Within samplings, however, trends of differences among clones seldom varied from those shown by the means. For all clones, cutting and nitrogen, separately and together, increased emis­ sions of volatiles (Tables 1 and 2). Aver­ age increases due to cutting were much greater than those caused by nitrogen. In addition, with both processing methods, components contributed unequally to total increase in volatiles, and this changed many peak ratios. Cutting and nitrogen, however, produced different changes, and resulting ratios also varied by clone. Increases in volatiles by cutting were probably due to rupture of resin ducts and escape of volatiles via cut surfaces rather than through the more restrictive normal release mechanisms of intact tissues. This view is supported by effects of physical structure of fruit samples on results of vapor analysis (Flath et al. 1969). Nitro­ gen, on the other hand, could also have an injurious but subtle effect on tissue. Ras­ TABLE 1. Monoterpenes of vapors from whole foliage of Douglas-fir.n Peak height (cm/g)· Clone SD-19 Component" Range Mean Clone SD-22 Clone SD-1O Range Mean Clone SD-13 Range Mean Range Mean 130-202 162 219-296 250 A. In presence of air a-pinene Camphene /:l-pinene 123-163 4-9 128-170 135 7 150 Sabinene 12-49 33 ,1,-3-carene 41-68 51 Myrcene 1-18 6 Limonene 8-12 10 42-52 47 1-3 2 37-50 6-50 100-120 6-11 8 4-15 8 275 166-243 198 12-63 42 . 22-169 114 48-64 57 60-133 98 42 227-339 33 109 1-10 4 1-3 2-4 3 10-18 2 1-68 27 13 6-15 11 /:l-phellandrene 2-6 4 2-6 4 4-8 6 5-16 10 'Y-terpinene 2-10 5 2-10 6 3-9 6 6-32 20 Terpinolene 4-8 6 Total terpenes 372-484 430 a-pinene 114-232 173 6-10 269-303 6-10 8 280 521-720 8 16-31 24 610 679-974 805 166 206-410 266 B. In presence of nitrogen Camphene 5-13 /:l-pinene 102-262 8 43-80 2-4 173 30-74 Sabinene 44-59 53 42-96 ,1,c3-carene 18-84 54 83-187 Myrcene 14-26 19 1-65 Limonene 12-20 14 66 152-208 3 6--12 9 55 162-38 269 162-406 222 5-13 8 74 27-106 56 63-296 153 142 24-106 79 62-248 131 26 2-29 12 1-13 6 3-7 5 13-24 18 12-20 15 14 /:l-phellandrene 4-8 6 4-10 6 5-8 6 11-22 'Y-terpinene 2-13 6 2-17 6 2-11 6 8-36 23 Terpinolene 6-13 8 12-20 14 7-14 11 21-48 29 Total terpenes 685-1005 800 507-740 671 688-1116 924 874-1780 1126 • Year-old foliage sampled during winter. SD-19 and SD-I0 susceptible to browsing, SD-22 and SD-13 resistant. I> S eparated on a capillary column. Total terpenes include all unknowns . • Figures, rounded to nearest cm, represent five composite samples. mussen (1970) obtained more volatiles from foliage disturbed by wind than from undisturbed samples. Whether changes by cutting or nitrogen were due to release of compounds already contained in tissue or were a result of enzymatic reactions, isomerization, and other factors after processing cannot be ascertained. However, injury of plant tis­ sue has been shown to produce artifacts (Major et al. 1963). There were no qualitative differences among volatiles of different clones. This finding is consistent with results of studies on effects of variety on volatiles from fruits and seeds (Flath et al. 1969, Hougen et al. 1971) . Quantitative differences between clones were apparent in some components. For example, vapors of SD-lO, SD-13, and SD-22 were highest in 3-carene, sabinene, and ,B-pinene, respectively. However, data did not indicate specific components to distinguish resistant from susceptible clones. Rather, in all analyses, the major compo­ nents together were the deciding factor. These compounds were emitted in various amounts and, hence, materially contributed to differences in total volatiles produced by foliage of different browsing susceptibility. Thus, with all methods of sample prepara­ tion and vapor collection tested, mean values of total volatiles. emitted by SD-13 or SD-22 were consistently greater than those from SD-19 or SD-lO (Tables 1 and 2). Foliage resistant to browsing produced more terpenes than that from susceptible clones. This result supports unpublished volllme 21, /lllmber 1, 1975 /65 TABLE 2. Monoterpenes of vapors from cut foliage of Douglas-fir." Peak height (em/g)' Clone SD-19 Co mp onentb Range Mean 1908-4243 3315 Clone SD-IO Range Clone SD-22 Mean Range Clone SD-13 Mean Range Mean 3234 2207-3624 3025 A. In presence of air a-pinene Camphene 240-602 433 1290-2708 9 1- 197 1923 1866-4477 146 /1-pinene 2 1 1 1-4946 4008 922-3006 1937 Sabinene 2940 123-330 222 2665-7931 4933 2537-4456 3633 848-2356 1566 2601-4541 3578 59-117 88 442-1247 885 704-4520 <l"3-carene 59-197 132 197-757 489 101-384 232 165-485 3 12 Myrcene 59- 171 128 64-224 152 9 1-320 193 96-240 Limonene 43-160 108 16-69 46 80-288 171 53- 117 170 88 /1-phellandrene 27-85 61 27-85 61 37-155 94 5-11 8 1-48 31 1 1-27 17 240 'Y-terpinene T erpinolene 48-202 129 Total terpenes 5207-11886 9511 a-pinene 3219-4307 202-778 558 4403-12648 8500 117-373 6 140- 12499 11179 48-107 2 1-37 79 31 320-773 542 8299-14722 11786 B. In presence of nitrogen Camphene 426-613 3850 519 1375-2558 80-187 2121 3 134-6396 192-565 157 4234 313 /1-pinene 3347-6865 4737 1482-2878 2262 4626-14071 7424 Sabinene 757-1364 1106 2110-4307 3462 A-3-carenC' 160-298 218 373-837 632 1258-3006 256-554 Myi-cene 144-256 123-224 183 187-314 Limonene 117-245 177 164 37-80 60 /1-phellandrene Total terpenes 85-139 3283-6396 3262-6396 224-730 245 96-192 126 109 93 43-10 1 75 91-144 113 11-43 31 1-27 17 85-165 32-64 277 560-922 9205-14631 11478 432-890 197-352 670 6353-12062 10069 4 16 181-293 18 196 4430 4290 176-378 1-53 107-261 3902 1 12 247 228 69-133 'Y-terpinene Terpinolene 1942 399 3070-4946 10537-25691 15550 42 699 11422-21245 14943 • Year-old foliage sampled during winter. SD-19 and SD-I0 susceptible to browsing, SD-22 and SD-13 resistant. b Separated on a capillary column. Total terpenes include all unknowns. • Figures, rounded to nearest em, represent five composite samples. data we obtained with the same clones dur­ ing 1971-72 winter using a packed chro­ matography column. Conclusions Results demonstrate the usefulness of vapor analysis in contrasting Douglas-fir of dif­ ferent browsing susceptibility. Although methods of sample preparation and vapor collection produced different vapor profiles, all methods were about equal in distinguish­ ing resistant from susceptible foliage by total volatiles emitted. Any of the methods tested could be used to evaluate relative susceptibility of foliage to browsing. How­ ever, work with fresh whole tissue and vapor collection in the presence of air should be preferred, if only to avoid the 66 /Forest Science possibility of artifact formation and to obtain vapor profiles more closely approxi­ mating those of the trees. Prospects for a program of breeding Douglas-fir resistant to browsing based on indirect selection are enhanced by results obtained and by heritability of terpene level and composition in conifers (Hanover 1966, Squillace 1971, von Rudloff 1972). Literature Cited BATES, c. G. 1927. Varietal differences. J Forest 25:610. DIMOCK, E. J., II. 1974. Animal resistant Doug­ las-fir: How likely and how soon? Wildlife and Forest �Management in the Pacific North­ west Symposium Proceedings. Oreg State Univ Press, COrVallis (in press). FLATH, R. A., R. R. FORREY, and R. TERANISHI. High resolution vapor analysis fo), fruit 1969. variety and fruit product comparisons. J Food J. W. 1966. Genetics of terpenes. A. 1972. Differences preference by black-tailed deer. mOllticola Doug\. Heredity 21:73-84. Res 2:250-255. ability of deer forage plants. Trans North Am KEPNER. 1970. needles during maturation. Changes Agric Food Chern 18:1095-1101. MAJOR, 1963. R. T., P. SQUILLACE, 1970. Isoprene: Forest identified A. E. 1971. Inheritance of mono­ terpene composition in cortical oleoresin of slash pine. Forest Sci 17:381-387. --- in composition of volatile terpenes in Douglas fir R. A. J as a forest-type emission to the atmosphere. , and R. R. Wildl Nat Resour Conf 33:181-189. H., and R. E. RASMUSSEN, Can Environ Sci & Technol 4:667-671. grains. J Agric Food Chern 19:182-183. LONGHURST, W. M., H. K. OH, M. B. JONES, and R. E. KEPNER. 1968. A basis for the palat­ MAARSE, between Douglas-fir genotypes in relation to browsing 1. Gene control of monoterpene levels in PillllS HOUGEN, F. W., M. A. QUILLIAM, and W. A. CURRAN. 1971. Headspace vapors from cereal J BioI Chern 238:1813-1816. RADWAN, M. Sci 34:382-386. HANOVER, hexanal by leaves of certain plants. SILEN. 1962. Racial varia­ tion in ponderosa pine. Forest Sci Monogr 2, 27 p. VON RUDLOFF, E. 1972. Chemosystematic studies in the genus Pseudotsuga. I. Leaf oil analysis MARCHINI, and A. J. BOULTON. Observations on the production of a- of the coastal and rocky mountain varieties of the Douglas-fir. Can J Bot 50: 1025-1040. Reproduced by ti,e FOREST SERViCE U. S. Department of Agriculture For Official Use About this file: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Some mistakes introduced by scanning may remain. \'oitllll1' 21. /lilli/be/' 1, 1975 / 67