J ' 1 ' i l EXCITING POSSIBILITIES Intensive management of Douglas fir I West of the Cascades, the Pacific Northwest contains crop from insects, animals, and disease. We can harvest the crop at ages which take advantage of the naturally the most productive natural coniferous forests on earth. Since the first settlement, the most i_mportant tree has high grovvth rates of young stands. Given these, we can been Douglas fir, a species remarkable for long life, rapid further increase production over that of the wild forest f!rowth, relative freedom from insect and disease attack, by and utility_ of its wood. fertility improvement, and (1) control of spacing and competition, (2) soil (3) genetic improvement. Methods of forestry necessarily differ from those of \'Ve are no"v in transition from the wild forests of the past to the managed forests of the future. Our present agriculture. The long time period required to grow a forests forest crop involves much greater biologic and economic are a combination of remaining old-growth stands, second-growth stands which became established uncertainties-longer exposure to risks of fire, insects, in a haphazard manner after past fires or cutting, and increasing areas of young stands established by planned and cutting and regeneration. nontimber products; and changes in tax systems, tax levels, and interest rates. The less productive nature of disease; changes in value of land, timber, and individual species; changes in value of timber versus Despite a very large growing stock, annual production rates in the wild forests of the past were relatively low. the land and lower value of the crop mean that cultural Our new forests are capable of much higher production. and protective measures must be relatively inexpensive. Trees are plants, and the means which can be used to And, wood is only one of the products of the forest. increase production are basically similar to those used The choice of measures applicable in a specific situation with other crops. Intensive culture is really agronomic depends forestry. We must be able to get prompt and adequate recreational, and scenic values as well as on their direct regeneration of desired species. We must protect the effects on economic returns from wood production. -on their effects on watershed, wildlife, By ROBERT 0. CURTIS, DONALD L. REUKEMA, ROY R. SILEN, ROGER FIGHT and ROBERT M. ROMANCIEA* SINCE COMMERCIAL duces immediate naturally ·been management thinning incomei one practices of pro· it the has first applied to The results obtained in such stands do not represent the potential under really intensive management. Intensive culture starts with prompt complete existing stands. \Ve have considerable and areas of second-gro\vth stands ready genetically establishment desirable of reproduction. for commercial thinning, and a great Early spacing is controlled through deal of this is being done. · Because most of these regeneration practices and early feasible thinning opportunity by the time commercial size is reached. think that precommercial We thinning will usually be most cheaply and effectively applied as. a single thinning when trees are small, perhaps 12 to 20 feet in height. precommercial thinning. Commercial thinning haphazard manner, thinning begins as soon as it can be quality \Vithout early control of spacing and con1petition, they are quite variable in done at a profit and is continued at intervals \Vhich permit. forestalling or plantation stocking, salvaging originated in a species composition, and of most mortality and for early precornmercial The need stands is most sites. critical This is on poor dramatically illustrated by results of the Wind River spacing test (site IV). Average diameters of domin3nt and ability to respond to thinning. Tree n1aintenance of adequate crowns \Vhile codominant trees. and stand characteristics gradualiy beco1ne fixed \vith advancing age; the avoiding creation of holes which cannot be quickly occupied by the planting initial spacings of 4x4 longer thinning is delayed, the less it rer.1aining stand. Fertilization is likely can pron1ote tree development and to be common practice on sites where response can be anticipated. increase usable yields per acre. There is fairly good information on results of con11nercial thinning in previously stands. untreated Such Douglas thinning fir reduces Control of initial spacing through thinnable gad vigorous crowns cial thinning, or both. \viii usu:illy be increased gro\ving space. In contrast, The objective is to trees at the close spacing had not yet necessary (fig. I). reached small net and regeneration practices or precommer­ steins. to that after wide spacings were already cominer­ cially gro\vth, result years 12xl2 (fig. 2). Trees grown at the concentrate gro\vth on re\ativ?ly fev,• the 41 through I 2xl 2 ft, ranged from 6.0 in. in the 4x4 spacing to 10.8 in. in the n ort:ility losses but also reduces total \Vith at produce vigorous. rapidly able to take advantage of com111ercial size, and their crowns would make rapid production is only slightly increased. gro\ving: tr.ees \Vith full crO\V!lS \Vhich \Viii rew;h co111n1ercial thinning size in response to any present thinning impossible. Throughout the 41 ·year· The authors are members of the staff of the USFS Pacific Northwest Forest and 1ni n i nn11 11 ti1ne. The nun1ber of sterns rct:iined should be sufficicnl to ahead in provide value. r:ange Expr!riment Station, Portland. Ore. 48 full use of the site and a period, the wide spacings have been far merchantable volume and FOREST INDUSTRIES/October 1974 ' -·.· Fig. 1. Sit e 3. A 40-year-old stand after repeated commercial thinning to 170 trees per acre, 11 in. average dbh. Fig. IV stand after precommercial thinning from 1,300 trees to 400 t r ees per acre. on After such initial spacing control, poorer sites. ': \Vhile that from suppression mortality and so may commercial thinning· will likely begin commercial when stand average diameters reach 8 better sites. any stagnation. roundwood markets develop (fig. 3). F erti lizati on mercial thinning and fertilization are to 10 inches, perhaps less if strong is greater on generally improved by application of first; but thinning interval 150 to 200 pounds of nitrogen per shoul<l lengthen or cuts become lighter acre, which at present costs about $25. as the stand grows older, since the Consistent response to other elements potential for crown expansion declines has not been demonstrated. with age and cutting creates larger Response holes in older stands. reduce Results Growth of coastal Douglas fir is Thinning intervals should probably be short at thinning to nitrogen has been tendency from to\vard combined precom­ particularly encouraging and in some cases exceed the added tion also insures that the -increased growth is placed on stems which will actually be harvested. production observed over the full range of site Genetic improvement classes, though not in all instances. Average relative increases in 10-year cubic-volume growth, with application The long-range possibilities of increased production through genetic improvement is shown by agriculture. of 200 pounds N per acre (a small Realization compared with the normal yield table 1 amount, compared to agricultural use), forestry is obviously further away than for are estima"ted at about 5% on site I, that from fertilization and thinning of estimates well-stocked stands; \Vhile of untliinned the natural combination 15% on site III, and 25% on site V. On of of its full potential in existing stands. precommercial and commercial thin­ many experimental plots, short-term ning will increase total production by increases in gro\vth have b en much about 30% (fig. 5). The relative gain Present programs are of two main types. The first uses seed orchards greater than in this (fig. 6). Naturally, increases are· greatest where nitrogen intensively selected parent trees and deficiency is the principal factor limit­ depends ing growth. Gains from fertilization of low-site selection for its gains. The second is from precom1nercial thinning is greater 1 Richard E. McArdle, Walter H. Meyer, and Donald Bruce. The Yield of Douglas Fir in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Technical Bulletin No. 201 (Rev. 1961). Reprinted by Corvallis, Oregon, 1971. seed from selected trees in the forest. Here, some gain comes from selection And, in young stands, differentiation of crown classes and but most from progeny testing aimed at identifying the top quarter of the • back to Under both types of program, a second round of tree improvement has been started using controlled crosses from parents in the present progratns. For commercial seed production, so :c A study dating 1912 shows this gain to be substantial and sure if the test is long continued. •o :". ... " '" of absolutely. 70 :c efficiency based on collection of wind-pollinated parentage. 80 on land are impressive both relatively and fertilization appears to accelerate both Oregon State University Book Stores, Inc., composed of grafted cuttings from initially ungrafted orchards •o progeny fron1 nre which grown the in poorer three-fourths of the families will be ren1oved, \vith the ren1:1inder expected 30 D D 20 .• . • 10 u .: .. u N 0 0 Fig. 2 0 10 20 D • D • • • .: .: ., " 0 0 u CROWN WIDTH (feel) D .• u ·= D • • 0 ·= " to provide elite set d in 15 to The potential 5 years. it11provc1nen t in volume growth has bc n conservatively estin1atcd at 10 1 fur the first roun d , and at least another I O(,:h \vht:n progeny fron1 kno\Vll crosses beco111es available as a seed source. ()ther gains come fron1 such I i I i f effects of either treatment alone. TI1is cotnbina­ attainable on limited uniform areas suggest that on site III commercial thinning alone will produce about a 5% gain in production over a rotation, Current ' characteristics· as 49 i l GROSS • and fertilization 1n 1y give highest returns on those sites \\'hich arc poor because of nutrient deficiencies. Further and 1najor li1nitations are o itnposcd by conflicts \Vith uses other NET than ti1nbcr obvious and diversion production. The itnpor. tant of land 1nost of these is to nonthnber producing uses. As of 1970, about 6% of the con1111ercial forestland in the I Douglas reserved Unadjusted means: • Gross timates are that by the year 2000 another 7% of the present conin1ercial o Net Fig.4 fir region \Vas in various classifications. Present es­ 1000 forestland Fig.5 " 0 '----'----' 0 improved bole improved wood traits, and possibly improved responsiveness to change real from population. risks the In a genetic adapted natural which must have been lost to \Vithout tional po\verlines, etc., considering possible addi­ reserved. areas such as Wilderness. Much of the land so lost will be of high site quality. We are all acutely aware of the importance of forest values other than Intensified management is usually in crop 420 than in many other species. intensive culture techniques. are 280 NITROGEN (po..inds per acre) form, hardiness and survival, There 140 will urbanization, roads associated with shorter rotations. timber, and that neither maximum timber maximum production nor Calculations of present net worth for direct financial returns are necessarily newly the controlling criteria. Rather, we established stands suggest withstand all climatic extremes and highest stumpage returns for rotations need to maxllnize returns from some pest attacks for 50 years or more, the in combination of values including social the range of 30 to 60 years, only safety lies in a very diverse pool according to site, interest rate, and of genetic types, so that loss of a single values that are not readily measured in utilization assumptions. The regenera­ type represent; only a small fraction dollars. tion stage is a period when things can Another point is partly social and of go badly wrong. On some areas there is applies particularly to clearcut areas. locality is very sensitive in Douglas fir, real local trees are used for the breeding delays, possible loss of the site to In general, an area looks devastated to the general public for IO years after population. Another safeguard is the brush extremely populations severe animal damage to regeneration. "cutover." From there on, it looks which preserve the entire gene pool of Long rotations postpone these prob­ beautiful. If we operate on a 40-year the locality. lems. rotation, \Ve \Viii always have 25% of the stand. Since large adaptation to base growth rates which of or extended less regeneration desirable species, or There is the possibility that very Factors limiting intensive culture The risk close are utilization rotations might on lead the area looking devastated. With an short 80-year rotation, the 25% figure is seriously halved. This is one of several factors very to harvest. For the next IO years it looks on small areas reduced site productivity, unless we which may lead to increased use of the under ideal conditions can never be are prepared to apply fertilization and shelterwood harvest attained in .management of large areas. soil management practices con1parable future. Rates actually attainable are restricted to those in agriculture. biologically possible system in the We have not treated economics as a economic Regeneration is not instantaneous, separate topic. Economic considera­ factors; and \Vithin the framework of not uniform, and not always of desired tions and decisions are an integral part biological species. by both biological and possibilities, economic factors largely determine what we can actually do. In wild stands, a considerable fraction of gro\vth is lost to insects Sometimes \Ve can't get it. Irregular distribution and poor species of all intensive culture plans. We must use our economics tools at every stage control may give young stands \vhich to evaluate options and help select the cannot best alternatives, although economic gain will be only one of the be molded into efficient producers. Harvest cutting and slash and diseases. Intensified management disposal practices can have a lasting considerations that the land manager will reduce but not eliminate losses, and we can expect that the relative effect must weigh. through their influence on One last thought. We tend to think regeneration. ilnportance of pests will change. Compared \vith such species as the Site and topographic limitations southern pines, Doug1as fir is a slow starter. However, juvenile stage, capacity for it once has the intensive management, and no doubt many of then1 are today. But our ideas be applied first and most of forestry and our econo1nic situation intensively on the best sites and \Vill have changed radically in the last 30 generally gro\vth over there produce highest returns. By and years, and no doubt they will continue long periods of tin1e. fi..1axin1un1 mean large this is certainly correct, but it to change in the next 30. We might annual incren1cnt is attained relatively docs not necessJrily apply equaUy to remember that even site IV Douglas fir late. l'he decline thereafter is slow, all \Vil! out-produce almost anything in and biologically n1ercial thinning 1nay give large returns North America easi of the Rot:kies and is 1nuch wider on poorer sites prone to stagnation, north of the southern pine region. the reasonable 50 sustained past a remarkable It is a truism that 1nanagement \vill of our lo\ver site lands as unsuited to range rotations of practices. For exa1nple, prccon1­ • FOREST INDUSTRIES/October 1974