···." . ' . . THE SOCIETY A PUBLICATION OF - - MEIUCAN FORESTERS .. Ill rosa Pine Racial Variation in Ponde By A. E. SQUILLACE ROY R. SILEH 2-1962 Forest Science-Monograph -·- -· --- ·--- ·- --·-···· ---- - -·- - Copyright, 1962 by the Society of American Foresters Printed in tire Unitetl States of AmericrJ .. • CONTENTS 2 Review of Literature The Studies - --- ------ -- ---- The Northern Idaho Study -The Oregon-Washington Study ----------- 3 - - - ---- - - ----- ------ --- --- 4 7 Analyses Results 3 7 · --- -- 7 Height Growth Differences -- Genetic Component of Variance - -- --- ---- - -- 10 Relation of Height Growth to Geographic and Climatic Factors of Seed Source Loc•lities 11 Geography - 11 - - Precipitation ----- Temperature Survival - -- -- - ----- ------ - - - ----- -- - -- -- - ---------- -­ ------------- -- ------ Differences in Diameter and Volume Growth - - --- -- ----- 11 13 15 15 Animal Damage--------------------------------­ 17 Frost Injury 18 Need!es 19 ---------- ------- ------------------- ---------- - -- Stem Form -- ---- ---- - -- ---------- --- -- Growth Periodicity --Reliability of Early Growth Measurements Discussion Summary -- --- ---- - - ---- - - - - --- --------------- ----- - ---- -------- ----------- ----·--- ------- -----· ------------------- Literature Cited --- - ----------- ---- --- ------ 19 20 21 22 25 26 Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge cooperatioa of Professor George H. Barnes, Oregon State University, and Professor Stanley P. Gessel, University of Washing­ ton, in providing recent data from two plots established and maintained by their institutions for the Oregon-Washing­ ton test. The authors are also deeply indebted to many research foresters, too numerous to list individually, who have participated in the measurement and analysis of the ponderosa pine provenance studies over the years. ·· · . - · Racial Variation in Ponderosa Pine BY A. E. SQUILLACE ROY R. SILEN MucH of the speculation and some f the known information about the effect of seed source and inh ritance iri forest trees have come from provenance studies. Until more precise studies develop, these often furnish the best estimates we have of the genetic va­ riability existing within a species. Many of them were established long before statistical designs were developed. Even so, they can often be subjected to statistical analysis. . . . · Two such studies, now 30 and 45 years old, i:onducted with ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) in the Northwest, have advanced to the stage where results can be presented with a greater degree of confi­ dence than heretofore. In these experiments seeds were collected from widely separated localities within the natural range of pon­ derosa pine and planted in. various areas within the Northwest. One of these, in­ volving a single plantation in northern Idaho (hereafter called "Northern Idaho" study), was begun in 1911 by the Priest River Forest Experiment Station (now a part of the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station). The other, involving five plantations in Oregon and western Washington (hereafter called "Oregon-Washington" study), was begun in 1926 by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. The pres­ ent report verifies statistically the existence of racial growth differences and correlates growth of trees from various sources with geographic and with climatic factors of their native habitats. The correlations with geography and climate were investigated to help determine if it is possible to predict performance of seed from a given source in a particular l cality. With topographic and climatic vari­ ation as great as it is throughout the range of_ ponderosa pine, provenance testing of all possible seed sources in all localities is prac­ tically impossible. If inherent differences in growth and other traits can be related to such geographic factors as latitude, longi­ tude, and altitude, or to specific climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature, the need for testing would be greatly decreased. Limited investigation of these relations was possible and yielded useful information about patterns of inherent differences in growth, as well as in survival, form, frost hardiness, resistance to damaging agents, and other traits in ponderosa pine. Senior authorship was decided by toss of a coin. At the time of writing, A. E. Squillace was Forest Geneticist, lntermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, stationed at Spokane, Wash. He is currently with the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, at Olustee, Fla. Roy R. Silen occupies a similar position with the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, and is stationed at Corvallis, Ore. Manuscript received Jan. 19, 1 962. 1 Review of Literature Most of the many studies of racial or eco­ typic variation conducted in the past have shown heritable differences occurring in ya­ rious parts of the range of the species con­ . cerned. Similarly, trees derived from lo­ calities nearest to or closely resembling the planting site generally performed best. In some of the studies performance on the planting site was correlated with such fac­ tors as altitude, latitude, and longitude of the native habitat, while a few dealt with specific climatic factors. Recent articles by Echols ( 1958), Squillace and Bingham (1958a), and Vaartaja (1959) summar­ ized much of the past literature on racial variation dealing with both coniferous and hardwood species. Fischer's ( 1949) an­ alysis of Engler's 1899 provenance studies discusses the characteristic patterns of vari­ ation that are experienced in such older studies as these. Several trials of ponderosa pine seed sources were begun in the early part of the 20th century.Roeser (1926), briefly sum­ marizing early results of a test conducted near Pikes Peak, Colorado, stated that "... - proximity to the point of sowing was a more desirable basis of selection than lati­ tudinal or altitudinal distribution, although altitude is decidedly important." Seed from localities in California and Oregon failed in the nursery "'1Jile seed from local and other 1 Also reporting on the sources survived. Pikes Peak test, Bates (1927a) noted the preference of animals, presumably deer, for a Black Hills, South Dakota source over others.Bates (1927b) and Higgins (1927) reported results of a plantation in Nebraska from widely differing seed sources; local seed appeared to be best. In addition to differences in survival, they noted differ­ ences in susceptibility to tip moth. Schreiner ( 1937) has reported that on the Fort Valley Experimental Forest north of Flagstaff, Arizona, ponderosa pine seeds 1Personal communication from Jacob Roeser, Jr., in the files of Intermountain Forest and Range Experimc;::nt Station. 2 from California and the Northwest pro­ duced rapidly growing but less hardy seed­ 2 He also gave general lings than local seed. notes on heritable differences in ponderosa pine. in a rather extensive trial in Califor­ nia, detailed results of which have not yet been published. Moore ( 1944) reported differences in grOwth and survival among ponderosa pine from different sources planted in New Zea­ land. Lorenz (1949) summarized early results of a ponderosa pine seed source study in Illinois. Although it was too early to inter­ pret differences in survival, he noted differ­ ences in needle color and texture and tree form. A study of altitudinal races in California by Mirov et al. (1952) showed a curvi­ linear relation of growth with altitude of seed source; trees from altitudes of 1,500 to 3,500 feet above sea level grew best. These results were confirmed in a later re­ port by Callaham and Metcalf (1959). Earlier results of the Northern Idaho and Oregon-Washington studies, the sub­ ject of this report, have been extensively reported. Kempff (1928) and Weidman ( 1939) summarized early results in north­ ern Idaho. Starker ( 1940) and Munger (1941 and 1947) did the same for the Oregon-Washington plantings. Generally speaking, early results of both showed large differences in survival, growth, and mor­ phological characteristics of foliage among trees from various sources. The existence of racial differences on the basis of survival and morp ological characteristics of foliage was considered proved. However, some doubt remained about the inheritance of growth rate, especially in view of great differences among planting sites and appar­ ent planting site-seed source interactions in the Oregon-Washington trials. No at­ 2A personal communication from G. A. Pearson, in the files at Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, stated that all seedlings in the study originating from regions other than the northern Rocky Mountains died within S or 6 years after planting. "II " I I .. • ··--·----- .. ---·---·-·--·· - tempts were made to relate growth rate to specific geographic or climatic variables of the source localities. Daubenmire (1950) studied the time of beginning and ending of cambial growth in the Northern Idaho plantation and concluded that there were no differences among the trees from the various sources. 'I The Studies The Northern /doho Study This study includes a single plantation of ponderosa pines grown from seeds collected at various localities over the range of this species (Fig. 1 and Table 1). A total of 22 seed sources was originally represented, OREGON - WASHINGTON TEST 1926-1956 1111.* ,I /1 PLANTATIONS WIND RIVER MCllONALD PACI( OESCHllTES WHITMAN j 'f • • SEED SOU/ICES J. ELDOllADO I. llOGtJE RIVER .1 ttflLLAMETTE °" BITrERROOT $. S TEILACOOM & DESCHUTES 7. LASSEN a. CARSON '- COCONINO 10. HAllNir NORTHERN IOAHO TEST 1911-19 6 ! /:,l,lJ PLANTATION PRIEST RIVER ifiJ4 A " " f'.-. SEED SOURCES I. S/$1(/'fOU Z, SHASTA .l BOISE .f. PAYETTE $.WHITMAN & UMATILLA 7. COLVILLE • KAN!KSU LOLO IO. l l T TERNX>T .. 4000FEET 6. FEU - 7200FEET" IL C«OlllNO II.SANTEFE I.I HELENA /If.CU STER 15.. HAllllE'f 11. llOOSEVELT 1% SAN /SABEL IA ASHLEY F1GURE 1 . Localities of seeJ origin tmJ j>Lmting sitN in the Northern Idaho anJ Oregon-lVash­ ington studies. SeeJ was co1/e. - cteJ at points intlicQteJ by stems o-f tree Jiagrams, anJ pk/nteJ at loca#01'f shown by f>lantation area symbols, Heights and widths of tree tri<lngle.s indicate 4fJerage differences in heights on.J basal, 11ru, respectit:Jely, of trees from differmt sources when planteJ in a c(Jmmon locality. Differences in age onJ site between the two tests were reconciled here by maRing the tree sizes praportional too common fJllerage height and Jianzeter. Interac­ tions of seed source f#ld-plonting site, which were large.in some instances (Figure 2), are masked here. 3 TABLE 1. Location, altitude, and summary of weather records of the localities of seed origin in the Northern Idaho study; mean total height of tallest one-th;,.d of rhe trees and survival 40 years after planting.1 Average precipitation Locality of eced origin2 Latitude Longitude Altitude Annual } 42°05' 41°30' 43°30' 44<>30• "4 o g• 4 3 46°00' 48°40' 48°20' 4'7°10' 123° 4-0' 122°20' 115°00' 116°00' 118°25' 117°30' 119°00' 116°50' 114°50' 2,000 4,000 5,500 5,000 5,000 3,500 2,700 2,600 3,000 4,000 5,000 7,200 35°10' 111°50' 7,100 35°40' 105°30' $,000 46° 30' 111°50' 4,500 45.030' 104°00' 3,200 43°40' 103°30' 5,000 40°30' 105°40' s,ooo 38°00' 105°00' 8,000 40°40' 109°40' 7,500 46°00' 114°20' } April ••d M•y July lcH Jan, "F Inches Inell.es Feet Siskiyou Shasta Boise Payette Whitman Umatilla Colville Kanikau Lolo Bitterroot 4,000 ft. 5,000 ft. 7,200 ft. Coconino Santa Fe He_Iena Custer Harney Roosevelt San Isabel Ashley Mean temperature Sept. th,. Sept. June thru as% of June annual Annual SI.48 38.47 22.79 25.4S 20.51 21.24 14.26 29.19 15.91 Sl.12 38.05 21.67 24.31 19.20 19.63 12.74 27.39 14.44 99.3 98.9 9S.l 95.5 93.6 92.4 89.3 93.8 90,8 16.53 14.58 88.2 22.45 15.99 24.12 IS.29 12.44 10.34 9.93 13.12 17.19 12.70 18.00 13.38 16.86 12.15 13.65 11.26 71.2 63.4 83. l 75.7 73.9 74.3 72.I 82.5 49.9 47.0 38.9 39.8 38.4 43.4 41.7 43.7 4S.7 51.6 47.7 43.4 42.4 42.0 47.0 46.4 47.6 49.6 44.S 42.5 38.1 43.4 42.9 41.7 43.7 42.5 42.5 42.9 41.4 48.2 46.2 41.6 44.6 43.9 46.4 48.7 44.7 43.4 45.4 44.4 } 28.9 32.4 47.1 44.7 40.6 40.9 43.S 40.8 42.8 39.8 38.3 32.J 50.4 54.5 43.2 36.8 39.S 4S.2 Progenies Mean total height Survi- Feet Percenl S2.4 47.2 41.6 4 6 .6 50.8 49.4 49.2 55.7 IO 0 29 13 24 ,48 56 46 42 49.2 48.9 47.4 34.9 3o.6 43.7 42.0 33.6 34.4 35.5 29.6 29 44 13 23 9 34 18 19 20 24 21 vol 1 Weather data are from the latest Weather Bureau records obtained for atationa nearest to and most reprcsentative of the individual localitiet of aced origin. Where the point• of _ origin differed appreciably in altitude from that of the weather atation1 approximate correction• were made (aa done by Weidman 1939). Neverthe lesa the poasibility of error exists because of the hazard• associated with eJ:trapolation in mountainou• country, 1 All locatitiea of seed origin are designated by the national forests containing them. The three localitiea on the Bitterroot National Forest are further designated by altitude. but two of them were of questionable ori­ gin and were dropped from the study in earlier years. Although details of seed col­ lection are lacking, it is believed that seeds of each source were collected from a num.. her of trees rather than from single trees. The trees were planted at the Priest River Experiment Station (now Experi­ mental Forest) in northern Idaho in the years 1911-1917. The climate here is rather typical of the western white pine (P. monticola Dougi.) habitat, with mod­ erate precipitation, much of it accumulating as snow in the winter; summers are hot and dry with the possibility of frost occur­ ring in any month (Table 2). The trees were planted as 2- and 3-year-old trans­ 4 plants in unreplicated plots, four of the plots being 25 by 50 feet in size, and the remain­ der 50 by 50 feet. Spacing of trees was 5 by 5 feet. All plots were examined for mortality and trees were measured for: height and diameter from time to time. The last examination, upon which the pres­ ent study is based, was made in the early spring of 1956. Thus, the trees at that time varied in age from 42 to 46 years. However, the growth data were adjusted to represent 40 years' growth on the plots (irrespective of the I-year difference in age of planting stock). Tho 0'"90n-Wcuh/ngfon Stucly Started in I 926, this study includes plant­ ings of ponderosa pine from I0 seed sources i I I I I I I I I : I ------- --·----- ·-.-- TABLE. 2. Location, altitude, and summary of weather records of the planting sites. Average prcc:ipitation Planting site Latitude Longitudc Altitudc Feel Sept. Annual lmAes thns June Mean temperature Sept. thru June as% of Annual annual Inches April and May July len Jan. 'F NORTHERN IDAHO STUDY -- ·--- --·-- - -- Priest ·River Ezpt. Forest ---- 48°20' 116°50' 2,380 29.19 27.39 93.8 43.7 47.6 40.8 OREGON-WASHINGTON STUDY McDonald Forest, o.s.u. I Pack Demonstration F'orest, U. of W. Wind River Expt. Forest Dcschutce National f'orcst Whitman National F rcst _ - - - 44"35' 123°20' 950 40.06 39.31 98.1 52.4 53.3 26.9 46"45' 122°20' 1,lSO 45.64 44.07 96.6 5o.4 51.6 25.9 45°50' 121°SS' 1,300 86.84 85.39 98.3 47.8 49.9 32.I 43°55' 121°20' 3,800 16.65 15.6+ 93.9 +6.7 +7.3 34.6 44°35' t 18°35' 4,400 18.65 17.46 93.6 +1.1 ++.7 40.9 on five sites, but, like the Northern Idaho experiment, it has no replication at planting sites. Originally there were 11 sources, but trees from the Dixie National Forest in Utah failed early. The 10 seed collection points, as in the Northern Idaho study, were widely spread to sample the periphery of the species range (Fig. l and Table 3). The Eldorado seed source was represented by seed from a single parent tree, but all oth­ ers were from inany trees in one locali_ty. The five existing plantations furnish excel­ lent opportunities to study differences in adaptation to particular sites among trees of different sources. The plantings in 1928 originally included a sixth site, near Wash­ ington State College at Pullman, but. it is not included here because the plot was de­ stroyed in 1946. Of the five plantations now remaining, two are east of the Cascade Mountains. One is at 4,200 feet elevation on the .Des­ chutes National Forest near Bend, Oregon; the other is on the Whitman National For­ est at 4,400 feet, near Austin, Oregon. Both of these plantations are surrounded by stands of ponderosa pine, and have conti nental climates like that descn"bed for the Northern Idaho study. Both are main- tained by the U.S. Forest Service. Three plantations are west of the Cas­ cade Mountains on Douglas-fir (Pseudo­ tsuga menziesii (Mirb.} Franco) sites, but native ponderosa pine is found within a few miles of each site. Through most of the year climates are mild and humid, but little rain falls in July and August. The planta­ tion on the Wind River Experimental For­ est near Carson, Washington, is at 1,300 feet elevation and is maintained by the U.S. Forest Service. Another, near Corvallis, Oregon, on the McDonald Forest at 950 feet, is maintained by Oregon State Uni­ versity. The Pack Forest plantation, near LaGrande, Washington, at 1,150 feet is maintained by the University of Washing­ ton. The Oregon-Washington study included more trees per source at each plantation (75-1,225) than did the earlier Northern Idaho one. Hence more site variability was encompassed by the plantings because of the larger area covered. Planting was at 6- by 6-foot spacing. Seeds from the Wil­ lamette and Steilacoom sources were col­ lected one year later than those from other sources; outplanting in 1929 was likewise one year later. This age difference, how­ 5 .. TABLE 3. Location, altitude, and summary of weather records of the localities of reed origin in the Oregon-Washington study, and mean total height of tallest one-third of trees at 30 years from reed.1 Average precipitation Latitu de Locality of seed origin1 Longitu de Sept. thru June Altitude Annual Feet lnt:Ms lnclles Mean progeny height by planting sites Mean temperature Sept. thru June at% of Anannual nual April •nd M•y July leH Jan. M<Donald Pack Wind River Fo Desch.... Whitman Means Feel· Steilacoom 47°00' 122°20' 100 38.27 36.65 95.8 50.4 52.1 25.0 54.7 25.3 24.8 8.8 21.2 27.0 Willamette 44°30' 123°00' 300 39.06 38.35 98.2 52.4 53.3 26.9 39.9 25.7 30.6 12.4 29.2 27.6 Eldorado 38°40' 120°3S' 3,000 41.23 41.19 99.9 53.2 53.6 33.8 62.8 29.9 27.4 7.0 27.5 30.9 Bitterroot 46°00' 114°20' 4,600 16.53 14.58 88.2 43.0 47.2 41.1 39.9 28.5 30.0 13.2 26.8 27.7 Rogue River 42°50' 122°05' 4,300 38.63 37.95 98.2 42.5 46.2 31.6 38.3 28.7 31.9 12.1 27.6 27.7 Deschutet 44°00' 121°10' 3,600 16.65 IS.65 94.0 46.7 47.3 34.6 37.1 30.5 28.0 9.6 27.3 26.5 LaHen 40°25' 121°10' 5,500 23.04 22.78 98.9 45.4 46.6 36.0 26.2 18.5 22.0 9.4 24.4 20.1 Canon 36°25' 105°25' 8,000 15.73 10.64 67.6 39.2 42.8 40.8 29.7 16.0 23.4 4.3 23.7 19.4 Coconino 3S020' 111°40' 7,000 22.45 IS.99 71.2 42.9 44.0 38.3 29.1 20.7 24.2 7.8 13.0 19.0 Harney 43°55' 103°40' 5,700 17.19 12.70 73.9 41.S 43.7 37.2 Means 15.2 17.2 21.0 5.9 18.2 15.5 37.2 24.1 26.3 9.0 23.9 24.1 1Weather data arc from Weather Bureau records obtained for stations most repreeentative of the individul localitiea of seed origin. 2All but the Steilacoom and Willamette localities are national foreets. The Steilacoom locality ie near Tacoma, WashingonJ the Willamette, near Corvallis, Oregon. -------· ·----··- -···-- ·-- '.. - ---4'- ' --- · -------- ---· ... - --- -- - - ,, ever, has been ignored in the analysis. As will be shown later, trees produced from seeds of both sources are above average i11 height; hence, the _estimates for them are conservative. Measurements after the 1955 growing season represent the heights and diameters of trees 30 years from seed in all but· these two sources. Much variability other than seed source and planting site difference has entered the experiment over the 30 years since sowing. Spacing among the five plantations now varies widely because of differential mor­ tality from grazing, snow, freezing, and drought. On one plantation (Pack Forest) trees were planted to replace those that died. Brush and tree competition has va­ ried greatly among plantations. Analyses /I One does not expect to find that experi­ ments started before 1926 were designed for statistical analysis, nor were they. How­ ever, valid statistical methods may be ap­ plied to both studies. In the Oregon­ Washington study, the differences in growth rates among the seed source means for all plantations may be tested by analysis of variance. Differences in growth rat among seed so rces in the single site in the Northern Idaho study could not, of course, be analyzed similarly because there was no replication at the planting site. The same was true of differences between sources at any single plantation in the Oregon-Wash­ ington experiment. These shortcomings were largely over­ come by using gross correlation and mul­ tiple correlation methods in both cases. Re­ lations of height growth with geographic and climatic factors of seed source localities may be investigated by assuming that site and di:fferen-ees in spacing were variables contributing randomly to statistical error_:_ along with other unmeasured factors. The pattern of inherent differences in growth by seed source for all plantations was strong and consistent enough to override these sources of environmental variability. After considerable thought, we chose average height growth of the. tallest one- third of the trees as the most satisfactory measure of growth potential. In both stud­ ies rankings were compared by using aver.. ages by seed source for heights of (1) all trees, (2) dominants and codominants, and (3) tallest one-third. For the Whitman site, the averages for the tallest one-quarter and tallest one-tenth were also tabulated. Usually these tabulations made little differ­ ence in the ranking of progenies. Use of the tallest one-third had the ad­ vantage of eliminating personal bias that might enter into choice of dominants and codominants. Use of average height of all trees had the disadvantage that differential shade tolerance may be a confounding fac­ tor. Sources that have many small sup­ pressed trees barely alive (often a matter of personal judgment) would thus be penal­ ized. Sources that have had much mortality -and .hence have many gaps in spacing­ would be unduly favored over those for which original spacing was intact. Use of the tallest one-third reduces the effect of such di:ffCrences in spacing, and it eliminates many trees accidentally damaged by cli­ matic or biotic factors wholly unrelated to inherent differences in growth rate. When ihe sample is small, the average could be significantly affected by such trees. Use of the tallest one-quarter or tallest one-tenth was not considered since the averages for some sources would be based on too few trees. Munger (1947) had also concluded the tallest one-third of the trees to be a bet­ ter expression of growth potential for the Oregon-Washington study than the aver­ age of all trees. Results Height Growth Differences The analysis provided statistical verification for observations reported earlier by W eid­ man (1939) and Munger (1947), that trees from the different sources, when grown in a common environment, exhib­ ited inherent differences in height growth. Present data on height growth are sum­ marized in Table 1 for the Northern Idaho 7 study and in Table 3 for the Oregon­ Washington study. Thus far, trees from localities near the planting sites have usually (but not invari­ .ably) grown the tallest. Those from the .northern and western portion of the species range, where all the plantations were l<>­ -cated, generally grew the tallest (Figs. 1 .and 2.) In the Northern Idaho study, trees from the western and north..central portions of the species range averaged 48.9 feet in total height (tallest one-third in each source) while those from the remammg areas (including Helena) averaged 35.5 feet 40 years after planting. Results of the Oregon-Washington plots were similar: trees of western and north-central sources averaged 26.8 feet, and those from the east and southeast portion of the species range, 18.0 feet at 30 years. A statistical expres­ sion of this, the correlation of height growth with distance from planting site, was nega­ tive and highly significant in both tests but has no simple biological interpretation. COMPARATIVE HEIGHTS of TREES of DIFFERENT SEED SOURCES in THREE TESTS TEST 1-- • R • - - • S - REGIO N --t OREGON-WASHINGTON I 30 years J -·-•_c_._,_,_, _,_ OF ·-· T E · · o · · T · · ·'-- ORI GIN -l-'--· · · T'--'-" S L o · ·'-- l!,eiQht ....... WINO RIVEH·l-fOOFEET MC OONALO - 950 FEET PACK- 1 00 FEET WHITMAN- 4400FEET PROGENY AVERAGE NORTHERN IDAHO ( 4Syeor1) PH/£51" RIVER·2400FEET NEW ZEALAND l 215 years I KAINGAROA STATE FOREST 1600FEET Height growth of ponderosa pine in the Northern Idaho and Oregon-Washington studies. The seeJ sources are JMJd into .Pacific, lntermoontain, and ettJt slope groups, the sources being arranged from north to south toitkin each group. Instances in which seed sources closely corres1>0nJ between tests, such as the Bitte"oot, Coconino, ®J Harney, are fl()/eJ Dy fine dotted Unes. The New Zealand lest ;, added for comparisons discu11ed later. FIGURE 2. 8 t ! I ir ----------· ,.. , , In the Oregon-Washington experiment a statistical test of differences in average height among sources on all sites was pos­ sible; a moderately strong effect of inherit­ ance was apparent. Results of the analysis of variance test, shown below, leave little possibility of this effect being due to chance. Degrees of Mun Sfuares ·freedom 131.56 highly 9 significant 1,013.98 highly 4 Planting sites significant Error (seed source 34.30 36 X planting site) Source of t1ariation Seed source I I ! ! .. Total 49 Thus, in spite of great differences be­ tween planting sites, trees of each source tended to perform consistently well or con­ sistently poorly on all planting sites. Al­ though it was not possible to test seed source X site interaction, there likely was a real effect. For example, trees of the El­ dorado and Steilacoom sources grew ex­ tremely well on the moist McDonald site, but did very poorly on the drier De hutes and Whitman sites. Close inspection of Figure 2 reveals other examples of the same kind. However, four of the ten sources were consistently. better than average, and three consistently poorer. Even among the three sources ·that varied most in relative performance, two were decidedly better than average on most plantations. In gen­ eral, consistency prevails. Mention should be made of the impor­ tant question of local versus introduced seed Sources, not because the two studies answer the question, but tO for,estall any inferences from this test beyond the scope of the data. In a general sense, the data show a strong relationship of decreasing height growth with distance of seed source from the experimental site. Specifically there was no case in which the nearest seed source was top performer, even though it _ w_as usually among the better ones. Probably no seed sources were local in the sense that the seed used came from the immediate vicinity of the planting sites. This circumstance, coupled with the lack of replication at any experimental site, leaves the question still largely unanswered. The extremely large differences in mean total height on the different planting sites of the Oregon-Washington study are puz­ zling. Growth was rather uniform among three of them-Pack, Wind River, and Whitman-in spite of large differences in annual rainfall and elevation. It seems especially odd that growth on the Pack and Wind River sites, which have heavy rain­ fall and warm temperatures, was little bet­ ter than that on the Whitman site, which has little rainfall and cooler temperatures. Any of a number of factors may explain the strong environmental effects. Trees from similar localities planted in both the Northern Idaho and Oregon­ Washington plots grew at rather similar rates (discounting complete failures). This can be seen in Figure 2, which is arranged to compare growth of trees from similar sources. A report by Moore (1944 ) 8 provided an opportunity for further comparisons. In Moore's experiment, trees from some of the same general localities as included in the Northern Idaho and Oregon-Washington plots were planted at the Kaingaroa State Forest in New Zealand in 1929. Relative growth rates of trees from the same general localities in all three tests are compared in Table 4. Similarities are striking. Trees from sources in the same geographic region seldom vary as much as I 0 percent. Even the apparently aberrant Lassen trees in the Oregon-\Vashington and New Zealand experiments performed poorly whereas the Eldorado trees grew well in both test areas. A rough approximation of planting site effects is afforded by the average annual growth rates shown at the bottom of Table 4. Growth was best at the New Zealand site, while growth at the Northern Idaho site was somewhat better than at most of BMoore's 1944 report gave data on perform... ance of trees through their 17th year ( 1944) from seed. Total height data through 1952 (25 years from seed) were furnished the au· thors by the New Zealand Forest Service. 9 the sites used in the Oregon-Washington study. It should be acknowledged here that large proportions of the fast growing trees from California in the New Zealand test Were described as being "malformed." At any rate, the results leave little doubt about the existence of heritable differences in growth rate among ponderosa pines from different regions. Although strong emphasis is placed here in testing the generic effects on growth, one should not overlook the fact that the larg­ est differences found are due to environ­ ment. Obviously such environmental dif­ ferences as those between the Deschutes and McDonald sites, where the best source at Deschutes did not equal the poorest at McDonald, override generic effects. The more important question in these studies is the proportion of the growth variation within plantations that is generic in nature. Even here the environmental component appears relatively larger than the generic component from the best estimates that can be made from these tests. Genetic Component of Variance The proportion of genetic variance can be roughly estimated from the Oregon-Wash­ ington data. Applying simple population generic formulae this is computed to be 0. 364 using the figures from the analysis of variance previously presented. The inter­ •Computed ·from the following formulae: mean square for progenies = a2+Ka2a, and a"a, h" h in w 1c a2a+a2 a2 = error mean square, a2a = genetic vari­ ance, and K = number of planting sites. · genetic component · = TABLE 4. Comparison of relati'lle height growth of trees of different sources tested in three independent tnals. Northern Idaho General locality of seed origin Spcci.fic locality of seed origin Oregon-Washington Relative growth1 Specific locality of seed origin Percent Percent California W. Sierras E. Sierras Siskiyou• W. Oregon E. Oregon Shasta Siskiyou (Failed) 126 New Me.1:ico UmatiJla Whitman Bitterroot Harney Roosevelt San Isabel Santa Fe 122 112 118 81 83 86 74 Arizona Coconino 84 W. Montana South Dakota Colorado Mean annual growth-tint 4 General Iocalitics1 Mean annual growth--tecond 4 General 1ocalities1 Average mean annual growth11 Relative growth1 New Zealand Specific locality of seed origin Eldorado Lassen 138 90 Willamette Rogue River Deachutee: 123 124 118 Bitterroot Harney 124 69 Canon Coconino 86 85 .Relative growth1 Percent Sierra Eldorado Lanen Klamath 141 ll7 74 120 r Pike 69 Santa Fe Lincoln 74 88 1.14 0.89 1.85 .79 0.96 .60 0.74" 1.16 J.50 1 .Relative growth i1 expreesed a1 percent of average mean annual grow_th as shown at bottom of table. 2Height growth in feet-per year. - Based on the following ages from seed: northern IdahoJ 43 yean; Oregon­ WashingtonJ 30- ycarsJ and New ZealandJ 25 yean. • Averagc_of both groups of general localities. 'Based on all five planting sites. Comparable figures for each 1ite follow: McDonaldJ l.09; Pack, 0.74; Co­ lumbia, 0.85; Deschutes, 0.27; and Whitman, 0.76. 10 I I ' ..... pretation is that 36 percent of the total vari­ ati.on in average height of trees of different sources within a plan_tation was due to in­ herent differences. The other 64 percent was due to environmental differences and interactions of genetic and planting site effects. By way of caution, the figures presented here apply to the particular experiment dis­ cussed and may not apply where environ­ mental control is better or poorer. Also, since the material was gathered from over most of the species range, the genetic vari­ ability is expected to be greater than would be encountered in a single area. Since one­ third of the variability was estimated to be genetic, we were encouraged to investigate further the relationships of inherent differ­ ences in height growth to geographic and climatic factors. Relation of Height Growth to GeogrfJpllic oncl Climatic factor• of Seed Source Localities Gross or simple correlations of mean total height by sources (tallest one-third of all trees) with various geographic and climatic factors of the seed source localities are shown in Table 5. High or low correla­ tions, as well as negative and positive corre­ lations, fell into a remarkably similar pat­ tern in both tests. Geography. :· ;,;. . Note first that growth varied inversely with altitude and directly with longitude and latitude. Some of the rela tion.ships found are strong. However, from the standpoint of the causes of the apparent inherent variation they are in a sense mean­ ingless. Each undoubtedly ties back to some meaningful climatic difference (as in tem­ perature, precipitation, and day length) be­ tween seed source localities. For these reasons, we tried to concen­ trate the remainder of the analyses on cli­ matic variables. We hoped to gain some in­ sight into what may have caused the inher­ ent variation in growth. Precipitation. Taking the precipitation fac­ tor first, we note that the range of ponder­ osa pine in western United States is charac­ terized by heaviest annual precipitation west of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges. It decreases sharply to the east, and is pro­ gressively less behind each major north­ south range as one proceeds eastward through the Rocky Mountains. Precipita­ tion is usually heavier as one proceeds from south to north. The broad valleys usually receive less precipitation than surrounding mountains. Precipitation from westerly Pa­ cific storms usually ceases during July and August, bringing a period of drought over much of the West. This drought occurs even earlier in the Southwest where spring droughts are common. However, in July and August an average of 3 to 5 inches of rainfall from local thunderstorms occurs east of the Rocky Mountains and in Ari­ zona and New Mexico. Progressively less precipitation occurs from this source as one proceeds toward the Pacific Northwest. Summertime rainfall is nearly absent west of the Cascade-Sierra Nevada divide. Be­ cause of this yearly pattern of precipitation, the ratio of July-August rainfall (or its complement - September - through - June precipitation) to total annual precipitation appears to be a fair index of moisture dis­ tribution. (In Tables I and 3, see precipi­ tation from September through June as a percent of annual.) Growth of trees of different sources was rather strongly correlated with moisture distnbution, as measured by the amount of precipitation occurring from September through June expressed as a percent of an­ nual precipitation (Table 5). Trees from localities receiving most of their precipita­ tion in fall, winter, and spring usually grew faster ·than those from localities receiving relatively less precipitation during those sea­ sons. Other measures of precipitation were positively but less strongly associated with differences in growth, with the exception of springtime precipitation (April through June), which was unrelated to growth in both studies. Note that the Colville, Lolo, Bitterroot, and Deschutes trees were from localities that receive much less annual precipitation 11 ' .., TABLE 5. Correlation coefficients relating gruwth of trees of different sources at planting rites with geographic and .climatic factors of seed source lacalities. Mean precipitation Altitu de Planting aite Latitu de Longitude Annual April thru June Jan. thru June Mean· temperature• Sept. thru June Precipitation eJiec:u%of annual tivene111 Sept. thru June AprilMay Annual Number of seed 1ource1 NORTHERN IDAHO STUDY Prie1t River -o.1 s•• +o.1s•• +o.1s•• +0.24 -0.02 McDonald - .66* Pack + .19 + .7 1• + .12 + .73 ' + .73• - .60 + .41 - .01 Wind River + .49 + .53 - .47 + .45 + .41 + .50 - .50 + .24 - .45 + .29 - .24 Whitman + .59 + .39 + .58 + .64' - .26 Descbutel + .44 + .36 + .64' + .10 • + .58 + .36 + .33 - .OJ + .41 + .45 Oregon-Waeh. pooled -0.49 ** +0.28 +o.4s•• -0.01 +0.46 ** +o.s o •• +o.Bt•• +0.40 +0.16 +o.35 +0.22 +o.5o • 19 + .30 + .75 • OREGON-WASHINGTON STUDY +o. s4 •• + .61 + .69' + .54 + .36 + + .82•• 10 .55 + .62 10 + .32 + .45 10 10 10 + + .63 .63' + .10• + .27 + .26 + .29 + .40 + .37 + .52 +o.54** +0.40** +0.47 •• +o. ss•• 10 •Significant a t 5 percent level; ••significant a t 1 percent level. 11\. measure of *1ie inte,ratcd e.tr cte of evaporation and precipitation determined by the method proposed by Thornthwaite (1931). 4 '·- --·----· -- --- -- - -- --- -- ---- ----------·--·-·-·---------·--""" than others to the west and somewhat smaller amounts than many of those to the east and south; and yet they were relative­ ly fast growing. In fact, the Lolo trees, coming from a locality that receives only 15. 91 inches of annual precipitation, grew the fastest of all trees in the Northern Idaho experiment. The native habitats of "the four progenies mentioned above, how­ ever, have low summer-high winter moig.o. ture patterns like those to the west but are very unlike those to the east and southeast. This same situation w_as true, though t() a lesser extent, considering only September­ through-June precipitation. Just why mois­ ture distribution was more strongly related to growth than other measures of precipi­ tation is puzzling. However it agrees with Pearson's (1951) stress on the importance of seasonal distribution of precipitation in the distribution and si1vicultural character­ istics of ponderosa pine. '':· ;·:;.. · ·\·· Temperature. Height growth of the dif­ ferent provenances was also related to sea­ sonal average temperature at the localities of origin. Several relationships were ex" plored, including those between present average height and temperatures at various times within the growing season. These analyses (see Table 5) indicated that growth· differences were related to both average annual temperature and April-May temperature of the seed source localities. Trees from the warmer areas usually grew faster than those from cooler areas. Also, the relationship with Apn1­ May temperature was stronger than with average annual temperature. It is posSI"ble that Apru-May temperatures at the source localities reflect conditions relating to nat­ ural selection for growth rate better than do average annual temperatures. This hy­ pothesis will be discussed further. In any event the result agrees witli a report by workers in Canada (Anonymous 1958) that in a white spruce (Picea gl.auca (Moench) Voss) provenance test, growth decreased 10 percent for each 2 °F lower­ ing of the May-August monthly average temperature of the source locality. Slow growing provenances from the southern portion of the species range were thought at lirst to be exceptions to this relationship because warmer temperatures were assumed to prevail. On inspection, however, spring and summertime temper­ atures of those southern source localities used in these studies were found to average 4 or 5 degrees cooler than northern locali­ ties; the reverse occurs in winter (Fig. 3). Hence growth of both southern and north­ ern sources was related to April-May tem­ peratures. Average annual temperatures corresponded closely, but elevations of the northern sources averaged 4,500 feet low­ er. Whether this alternating temperature pattern is generally true for corresponding elevational zones at northern and southern parts of the range, or is simply an accidont of sampling is not clear. Chapline and Cooperrider ( 1941) observed that seasonal temperature extremes are usually greater in the northern than in the southern latitudes of the United States. Growth may also be correlated with an­ other climatic variable, namely frost-free period. However, Weidman's data (1939) on average frostlf:ss season shown for some of the localities revealed no such correla­ tion. Similar trials with results from the Oregon-Washington test also revealed no correlation between growth and frost-free periods at the seed source locality. Attempts to relate growth with soil char­ acteristics or with the occurrence of pro­ longed cyclic droughts at the parent locali­ ties could not be made because reliable in­ dices of these factors could not be found. In a multiple correlation analysis the two strongest climatic variables found in the simple correlations (September-through­ June precipitation as percent of annual, and Apru-May temperature), accounted for a highly signilicant 76 percent of the variation in progeny growth on the North­ ern Idaho plot. In the Oregon-Washing­ ton test an average of 33 percent (from pooled multiple correlation coefficient) of the progeny growth variation, also highly significant, could be accounted for by the two variables. 13 with any of the factors studied. The resid­ uals or deviations of actual values from the regression were then plotted against other variables shown in Table 5. No significant correlations could be found. The same multiple correlation analysis gave the following partial correlation co­ efficients: Sept.-June precipitation (percent) Apr.-May temperature Northern /Jaho Ore.-Wask. (all sites pooled) +0.82** +0.21 +o.ss• +0.26 Thus, it is apparent that many of the in­ dependent variables studied were highly in­ tercorrelated. For example, longitude was highly correlated with moisture distribution (September-through-June precipitation per­ cent) and also with annual precipitation. Most localities in the western part of the range of ponderosa pine have high annual rainfall and dry summers while those in the east and southeast have low annual rainfall and wet summers. Similarly altitude and to some extent latitude were correlated with Apn1•May temperature. Most localities in the southeast had cooler April-May temper­ atures than those in the northeast, mainly Thus, in the Northern Idaho experiment, it is apparent that September-through-June precipitation percent was the inore strongly related factor. In the Oregon-Washington study either factor was about as effective as the other. We tried to determine whether any of the remaining variation in mean growth, beyond that accounted for by the two strongest climatic factors, was correlated --- Average of Colville, Kaniksu, Helena, and Custer (Meon latitude, ... .' 47• 15'; mean altitude, mean ahnual temperature, 42.7• F. ) -----Average of Coconino, Sante Fe, \5250 Roosevelt and localities. feet; S a n Isobel localities. (Mean latitude, 37• 20\ mean altitude, 7775 feet; mean amual temperature, 42.9• F. J "' • I "" a: ::> a: Q. ,. "" .... 30 .... ,. ... "' .. a: > <I .. 40 > ...J :r "" 60 50 "" z 0 70 20 10 0 Jan. Feb. Mar Apr: May J une July Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. . . M.ONTH FIGURE 3 . Comparison of se(Jl(JnO/. uaridtion in atJ#rage monthly temperatures of four seeJ source locatities in the northern portion of the r1111ge of ponderosa pine 'Versus four in the southern 'P<Jrtion. 14 · .. · ., ' because they were usually at high elevation. In spite of the high intercorrelations among independent variables, there is fair evide.nce that seasonal moisture distribution and April-May temperatures are fairly well cor­ related with growth differences. Surrival ----- ---- - ____, Present differences in survival largely re­ flect early mortality and are, of course, con­ founded to some extent by natural mor­ tality associated with stand density and growth rates. Kempff ( 1928) and Mun­ ger ( I 94 7) summarized early records. In our study some attention was directed to­ ward possible differences in survival due to seed source. We attempted a statistical analysis of sur­ vival data for four areas in the Oregon­ W ashington study. Data for the Pack area could not be used because replanting was done to replace mortality. Records on the remaining test areas (McDonald, Wind River, Deschutes, and Whitman) were suitable for an analysis of variance (Table 6). This revealed differences in survival by seed source (significant at the 5-percent level) ; the genetic component of variance for this trait was estimated to be 39 percent. Survival proved to be positively related (r = 0.79) to present mean heights, which in turn probably reflect differences in Vigor of trees at the early age when greatest mortality occurred. A consequence of this tendency for poorer survival among slow growing provenances is a more conserva­ tive estimate of racial differences in height growth. The top one-third component would represent fewer of the original trees planted in slow-growing, poor-surviving groups, and hence, would favor them in comparison with groups having high sur­ vival. Smaller variances would also be expected in low surviving provenances (Fischer 1949). Dillerenees in Diameter oncl Volume Growth Stem diameters differ among races in much the same pattern as heights. These differences do not vary as would be ex­ pected from spacing caused by differential mortality. The pattern of survival (Table 6) has been such that the slower growing races have generally sustained the greatest mortality and now have the most growing space. However, they have shown no strong tendency to produce larger average diameters as a result of their present great­ er spacing. Tallest races generally have the largest average diameters and shortest races the smallest diameters. In the Northern Idaho TABLE 6. Survival of trees in the Oregon-Washington study by planting sites, 1946. Locality of seed origin McDonald Pack1 Planting sites Wind River Deschutes Whitman Percent Steilacoom Willamette Eldorado Bitterroot Rogue River Deschutes Lassen Carson Cocon ino Harney Means 62.0 24.5 63.1 72.1 36.4 32.4 25. 9 89.4 86.2 1 6.0 37.0 3.4 17.0 94-.0 94-.7 99.1 8 1 .2 .8 90.0 100.0 25. 5 87.0 88.6 1 00.0 76.0 92.6 85.3 88.6 93.6 67.8 68.0 1 3.8 2 1 .0 39.3 20.9 1 8.1 37.2 36.0 20.3 6.9 51.I 3.2 8 1 .2 2 1 .2 2.427.0 .8 20.9 6.0 26.7 7.7 1.0 .2 1 .6 9.4- 1 High values reflect replanting done to replace early losses at Pack. This was not done at other sites. 15 TABLE 7. Diameters at breast height (inches) of trees 30 years from seed in the Orego,._ TVashington study by plantation sites.1 Locality of seed origin Steilacoom Willamette Eldorado Bitterroot Rogue Rh·er Deschutes Lanen Carson Coconino Harney Planting sites McDonald 11.2 6.6 14.0 7.4 7.7 7.4 4.8 7.0 s. ; 3.7 7.ll Means Pack Wind River . Deschutes Whitman Mean• 6.2 5.2 6.4 5.2 5.4 5.2 3.9 3.0 4.5 3.3 6.0 5.8 6.7 6.2 6.3 5.1 5.0 5.6 5.4 4.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 4.8 2.9 2.6 2.9 0.6 1.8 1.0 8.9 7.4 9.4 7.6 9.6 6.8 8.7 6.1 3.7 1.6 6.92 5.70 7.62 6.24 6.38 5.42 5.06 4.46 4.18 2.84 4.83 5.67 2.40 6.98 5.48 .. . .. . 1TaIIest one·third of all trees. TABLE 8. Average volume in cubic feet per tree for different sources in the OregonWashington stud y.1 Locality of seed origin Steilacoom Willamette Eldorado Bitterroot Rogue River Deschutes Lassen Carson Coconino Harney Planting sites McDonald 13.8 3.8 24.5 4.8 4.9 4.4 1.4 3.2 2.0 o.s Means 6.29 Pack Deschutes Whitman Mean• 2.2 1.6 2.7 1.8 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.5 2.0 2.4 2.9 2.6 2.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.6 I.I 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.5 4.5 5.2 3.4 5.2 3.0 4.0 1.7 0.7 0.1 4.24 2.54 7.07 2.66 l.06 2.25 1.52 1.44 1.10 0.45 1.51 2.01 0.22 3.14 2.63 Wind River 1Ta1Jest one-third of all trees. study the average height growth among the nineteen sources accoU.nts for 73 percent of the variation in diameter growth ( r :.... 0.85). For the Oregon-Washington study (Table 7) the correspondence is about the same. The pooled correlation coefficient (r = 0.83) indicates that 69 percent of the variation in average diameter follows .differences in height growth of the ten sources on the five plantations. Results from an analysis of variance on diameters of races in the Oregon-Wash­ ington study (Table 7) were very similar to results from the same analysis for height growth. Seed source differences were high­ ly significant (F ratio = 4.34, significant at I -percent level with 9 and 36 degrees of 16 freedom). An estimate of the genetic component of variance for diameter growth indicated that 40 percent of the variation in diameter growth within a plantation was attributed to seed source differences, which corresponds closely to the estimate made for height growth, namely, 36 percent. Volume of the average tree in the Ore­ gon-Washington study emphasizes seed source differences even more. Such differ­ ences (Table 8) are about 50 to 1 between the Eldorado and Harney sources on both the McDonald and Whitman plantations, but differences greater than 2.5 to 1 are found between some sources on the other plantations. I r--··---- · · '•' " • - - ---- _____.. I I The extreme difference in variation be­ tween the McDonald and Deschutes plant­ ations makes the data unsuitable for an an­ alysis of variance because variances are not homogeneous. After transformation, how­ ever (in this case the logarithms of the vol­ umes were analyzed), the effect of seed source is once more highly significant and the genetic component of variance was found to be 44 percent. The observation that diameter and vol­ ume follow the same pattern as height dif­ ferences of the races adds an interesting facet to the question of spacing and incre­ ment. The expected tendency for the shorter races to produce larger diameters and thus produce about the same volume per acre is not strongly evident. Tallest races tend to have greatest diameters and volumes as well. The outcome of variable spacing within each race from unequal mor­ tality is even more pertinent since distribu­ tion of the same volume on fewer stems would be expected as stocking decreased. However, on every plantation those races that average the tallest and largest trees generally have the reverse-least mortal­ ity and heaviest stocking. This observation suggests a need for caution in the design and interpretation of spacing studies, since . inherent. growth rates apparently set limits on the ability of the tree to use extra space. Animal Dama9e . ,,; . Rabbits, deer, and porcupines have shown different preferences for plants of different sources in the Oregon-Washington study. The first thorough record" was made by P. M. Covington in 1933 on the Pack area; he examined all trees and compiled the percent cutting of terminal buds and stripping of branches, which apparently had been done by rabbits. In 19 51, Sowder and Dahms recorded all fresh damage by porcupines at the Whitman site. Browsing 11n the l 928 examination report for the Whitman site appears th.is note by Kolbe and Furst: "Grazing is most severe in the Coco­ nino, Rogue, and Eldorado. Deschutes and ·Harney had the least grazing damage." by deer on the Deschutes area was sampled 1956 by Sowder and Silen. Finally, a record of all trees found damaged by por­ cupines over the period of the study was made on the Whitman and \Vind River sites in 1959. The preference patterns of animals that browse the foliage (rabbits and deer) are strikingly similar. Figure 4 lists the races in descending order of preference accord­ ing to percent damaged. This percentage varied considerably between the 1933 ex­ amination of damage (presumably rabbits) at Pack and the 1956 record of deer dam­ age at Bend. However, on both lists the positions of the Coconino and Eldorado races were in the highly damaged group, the Steilacoom and Lassen races fell into . intermediate positi0ns, and Deschutes, Car­ son, and Bitterroot races were lightly browsed. The relationship of the two sets of data is below statistical significance (r = 0.29) because .of the reversals in position of the Willamette and Harney races. The I 00 percent sample of the Pack plantation in 1933 was based on large numbers of small trees, all easily browsed ; hence it is the more reliable set of data. At Deschutes, the Willamette race was generally so tall that only lowest branches of the crown were within reach of deer. The Harney plot has so few small survivors that the sam­ ple is questionable. Without these two races the relation is highly significant (r = 0.81 ) . Porcupine damage follows a different and clearer pattern. Two observations are compared in Figure 4. Porcupine damage was not noted at the Wind River site be­ fore 1957, whereas damage has . been re­ peated over the years at the Whitman site. Thus it was interesting to compare the pattern of damage developed at Wind Riv­ er with that at Whitman. Note that the Rogue, Willamette, Carson, Deschutes, and Lassen sources fall in the same relative position in each list. The relationship of percentage damaged in the two lists is high­ ly significant (r = 0.81). Considering that at each site the com­ pared observations were years apart and in­ in 17 I ------- ----- -- ------ ----- volved animals' habitats as different as those of the Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine types, the similarities are all the more strik... ing. These data strongly suggest genetic differences between races as well -as a taste preference by animals, such as Bates sug­ gested earlier (Bates l 927a, Leopold 1936). Frost Injury Frost injury has been reported in many observations to v ry greatly among trees according to seed origin. Kempff ( 1928) presented data on the amount of severe or fatal frost injury resulting from an extreme sudden drop in temperature in December 1924 on the Northern Idaho plot. This freeze killed all the Shasta and many of the Siskiyou trees. Kempff's data were used RAB B I TS DEER PACK 1933 DESCHUTES 1956 20 Eldorado 91 Coconino to correlate the extent of damage with cli­ matic variables of the seed source localities. A logical factor is seasonal temperature va­ riation, presuming that races are adapted to the extent of variation in their native locali­ ties. The difference between mean July and mean January temperature was used as a measure of this variation (Tables 1 and 3). These values were used in a sim­ ple correlation analysis with the "percent of severe or fatal frost injury" given in Kempff's Table 4. The result was a high­ ly significant correlation coefficient (r = -0.70). Sources that suffered most sever­ ly from the frost were usually from locali­ ties having least seasonal variation in temperature. The extremely damaging frost in No­ vember 1955 (Duffield 1956) once again PORCUPINES WHITMAN 1928-59 67 57 " Coconino 'i: II Willomelfe a. 9 Steilacoom 5 Lassen • 0 Deschures Horney, Corson Billerroaf Rogue 56 Eldorado 46 Harney 21 Lassen Steilacoom Rogue J c""" Billerroat H 0 Deschutes Willamette '"''"'' Hor!t!!v !Willamette! 34 33 Bitterroot Coconino S1eitocoorn 23 17 17.7 18 I I I ' \Rogue! I Carsanl I Deschutes\ I Lassen! 16 !Willamette! 40 34 !Carson.I Eldorado 20 17 II 8 Bitterroot • Horney a.om Evidence of differences in preference by tmimals for certain ;eed sources is shown by percentages of trees damaged in the Oregon-Washington Jtudy. On the left, the same sources (boJreJ) were prefe"ed or reiected premtlUIDly by rabbits at Pack plantation as by deer at Deschutes 23 year; later. On the right, -porcupine recently showed same orJer of peference at Wind Rir1er for five seed sources (boxed) as 4J tke Whitman site O!ler a 32-year period. (Per­ cent scales are adjusted to egual length to facilitate comparisom.) F1cuRE 4. I I Eldorado 42 41 27 WINO RIVER 1957-59 I l.1 • ------ · - - · · - ------ ·----- - · ··· -----· - - - --····--- J emphasized inh_erent differences in resist­ ance to frost. Some frost damage occurred on all sites in the Oregon-Washington study, but it was greatest on the low eleva­ tion sites. Over the five plantations in this test, severest damage consistently occurred to the Eldorado and Ste11acoom trees; needles were generally damaged, and much mortality has appeared since the 1956 re­ measurement in the low elevation planta­ tions. The Willamette, Deschutes, Lassen, and Coconino sources also showed needle damage, but little permanent injury. The Rogue, Bitterroot, Carson, and Harney sources showed little or no effect. Needler Weidman ( 1939) studied several charac­ teristics other than growth and survival. His observation that trees from the north­ eastern portion of the species range were typically two-needled rather than three­ needled is completely confirmed by the Harney trees in all five Oregon-Washing­ ton plantations. He also presented strong evidence of heritable differences in needle length, the general appearance of the foli­ age, and internal structure of needles, showing they followed a geographic pat­ tern as well. Westem and northern sources had long needles with little hypodermal thickening. Trees originating from the eastern and southern parts of the range pos­ sessed short needles with heavy hypodermal thickening; intermediate sources usually graded between. Recent measurements made by R. Z. Callaham (reported in a personal communication) on trees of the Oregon-Washington study confirm these results with only one exception. The Co-. conino and Carson sources had varying numbers of hypodermal layers rather than having a consistently heavy hypodermal thickening. Further analysis of Weidman's data on needle length and an analysis of the relation of needle length to growth potential proved very interesting. His data included average length of needles for native trees at each of the parent localities as well as for trees at the Northern Idaho plantation. First, the -- correlation between these two variables was computed and found to be 0.64, highly sig­ nificant. This statistically verified Weid­ man's conclusion on the inheritance of needle length as mentioned above, and pro­ vided a measure of the strength of the rela­ tion. Then, using available data from both the Northern Idaho and Oregon-Washing­ ton tests, various correlations of mean tree heights by sources with needle length were computed (Table 9). Data on needle length were available for only two plantations of the Oregon­ Washington study-Deschutes and \Vind River. All data used in the above correla­ tions were current, except for those on needle length in the Northern Idaho study ; these _were taken from Weidman. The correlations in Table 9 suggest the possibility of using needle length measure­ ments as one criterion in selecting individ.. ual trees or races of trees for growth po­ tential. Stem form Weidman showed differences in stem taper among trees of different sources in the Northern Idaho study. Large differences were still apparent in 1 956 (Table 10). The Helena and Harney trees are not as slender, relatively, as they were earlier; but the Siskiyou trees have become more slen­ der. The poor taper reported earlier for the Siskiyou trees may have been due to severe TABLE 9. The correlation between aver­ age height of trees in various plantations and fJ'1Jerage needle length of trees in the same source in various plantations. Heights at: Needle lengths at: Northern Idaho Northern Idaho Deschutes Wind River Alt plantations All plantations Northern Idaho Parent locations Deschutes Wind Rh•er Deschutes Wind River Correlation coefficients 0.8 1 ** 0.59** 0.54 N.S. 0.72* 0.79** 0.89** *Significant :i.t 5 percent level ; **significant at percent level. 19 frost injury in 1924 to trees of this source. Contrasts between stocky and slender races in the Oregon-Washington study are even more striking, and are quite consistent from site to site. Analysis of variance of the estimated heights of 6-inch diameter trees on all sites in the Oregon-Washing­ ton study (Table 11 ) shows a significant difference in stem form by races; the ge­ netic component of variance was estimated to be 2 7 percent. The Willamette and Steilacoom races show the greatest changes in ranking because of their high site inter­ action. If their contribution to the varia­ tion is removed, the genetic component of the remaining races is increased to 5 I per­ cent with a highly significant pattern to­ ward slender races (Rogue, Deschutes, and Bitterroot) and stocky races (Lassen and Carson) . Growth Periodicity Racial differences in starting of cambial and shoot growth have been sporadically investigated in both studies. Daubenmire ( 1 95 0) studied the dates of beginning and end of cambial activity of 14 of the sources in the Northern Idaho study. Date of ces­ sation of cambial activity varied consider.. ably from tree to tree within individual sources. However, in analyzing the data (approximated from bar diagrams) given in his report "7 we found that mean differ- TABLE 10. Atparent past and present differences in stem toper among trees of different sources, Northern Idaho study. Steilacoom WiJiamette Eldorado Bitterroot Rogue River Deschutes Lanen Canon Coconino Harney Means l inchrs d.b.h. in 19391 Siskiyou Sha1ta HQise Pavette Whitman Umatilla Colville Kaniksu Lolo Bitterroot 4.000 feet S,000 feet 7,200 feet Coconino Santa Fe Helena Custer Hamey Roosevelt San Isabel Ashley 7 inches d.b.h. in 19S6• 12.S 46 13.5 13.S 1 3.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 15.5 43 42 40 47 4! 45 so l l.O 1 5.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 16.0 15.! 14.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 4 •• 41 36 31 46 4<i 37 36 39 34 1 Read from free-hand hroit"ht/diameter curves given by Weidman (1939, Fig. 4) . 'Read from free.hand height/diameter curves drawn from present data. ences in date of growth inception were highlv significant. The Coconino (Ari­ zona) trees were noteworthy for having started cambial growth 2 weeks later than trees from localities near the planting site. ., Estimated total heighu in feet of trees 6 inches d.b.h.1 by planting sites at 30 rean McDonald Pack Wind River Deschutes Whitman Meant 46.0 37.3 38.S 35.6 36.2 32.0 29.0 26.l 29.2 24.0 25.1 28.0 28.7 34.0 32.0 32.0 25.S 24.S 24.S · 28.4 24.0 32.0 25.0 28.0 30.6 31.8 23.S 23.1 2!.6 24.1 ! l.6 18.6 16.0 16.l 1 8.0 16.4 !l.9 ll.O 1 5.S !S.O 1 5.2 23.2 20.0 24.0 21.7 25.0 18.1 20.2 17.S 20.0 25.2 27.8 2!.6 27.6 27.7 27.4 22.4 21.8 22.S 22.3 33.4 28.3 26.8 16.l 20.S 25.0 1Read from free·hand height/diameter curves drawn from 19S6 data, 20 ' Estimated height. of trttt (feet) Locality of teed origin TABLE 11. Differences in a stem taper of different sources in the Orego,,,.Washington study. Locality of seed origin ... . . · · .. . ,. . A clear-cut instance of difference in begin­ ning of leader growth is reported in the Oregon-Washington study. On May 8, 1958, elongation was occurring in all the 10 sources of the Deschutes plantation ex­ cept the Coconino progeny, in which all trees were completely dormant. Although neither observation has been repeated, racial differences in the date of starting growth seem fairly certain since the observations are in harmony with thC findings for many other species besides pon­ derosa pine. Weidman (1939) stated that native ponderosa pine growing in the Co­ conino locality, as reported by Pearson (1931), began leader elongation between May 15 and May 25, while trees indige­ nous to northern Idaho began leader elon­ gation between April 12 and May 25, or average about 3 weeks earlier. In a white spruce provenance test in Canada, the pe­ riod of shoot elongation was related to the climate of the place of origin (Anonymous 1958). In Douglas-fir the racial variation in the bud bursting date is considered proved (Morris et al. 1957). Reliohility of Early Growth Meo•urement1 . ' Weidman (1939 ) pointed out the danger of relying too much upon early growth rec­ ords, mentioning specifically the perform­ ance of the Coconino source. This source (Northern Idaho study) was about average in height at time of outplanting and grew rapidly during the next few years to attain top rank. Then it slowed down and be­ came about eleventh in rank in its sixteenth year from seed; it is now fifteenth. Simi­ lar gross changes in rank were experienced in the Oregon-Washington study. How­ ever, such changes were the exception rather than the rule. For the Northern Idaho data, a test of the correlation between mean total height by sources at the end of their third year after outplanting and present mean total heights showed a small nonsignificant cor­ relation. The same was true using height increment during the third year and pres­ ent mean total heights. Close examination of the early records, however, indicated that the Northern Idaho study does not fairly evaluate early growth performance because: (1) trees of different sources were not all of the same age when outplanted; (2) they were planted at different times over the period of years between 1911 and 1917; (3) early measurements were made on only small numbers of the trees planted (up to but often fewer than 20 trees per source); and ( 4) seedlings were not all grown in the same nursery-some of the stock was grown in nurseries of different regions. Height measurements made in 1927 (when most of the trees had com­ pleted their twelfth growing season) agree considerably more closely with mean heights in 1956 (correlation coefficient + 0.69, highly significant). Some of the relative changes in mean heights by sources were due to differential frost injury in 1924 mentioned earlier. Changes since 1935 have been small and relatively un­ important. In the Oregon-Washington study, rec­ ords were unusually complete the first 10 years after planting, and experimental con­ trol was fairly sensitive. Agreement be­ tween average heights in the nursery at 2 years and average heights in the plantations at 30 years was very high. The pooled cor­ relation coefficient representing an average for all planting sites was highly significant (r = 0.85). The relation dropped sharp­ ly after planting at each site, but then began to rise at about 5 or 6 years (Table 12). By the time the trees were 11 years old the relation was again strong. Results of the Oregon-Washington study agree closely with data from the 1929 study in New Zealand of ponderosa pine from 13 sources (Moore 1944; see footnote 3). Data available included mean total heights at ages of 1, 2, 5, and 25 years from seed. It is important to note here that the seed­ lings were transplanted in the nursery at the end of their first year from seed and were outplanted at the end of their second year from seed. Correlation coefficients 21 - Discussion were computed as follows: Mean height at 25 years versus: Mean height at I year (r = 0.8 1 , highly significant) Mean height at 2 years (r = 0. 1 1 , nonsignificant) Mean height at S years (r = 0.84, highly significant) Admittedly, in provenance trials where seed is often moved great distances, the tests must be carried through at least a large por­ tion of rotation age before final evaluations can be made. However, the authors feel that inability to predict later growth in the Northern Idaho study, or the occasional divergent performance in the Oregon­ Washington study, should not discourage use of early measurements in other genetics studies. In individual tree selection, for ex­ ample, where large numbers of local selec­ tions are progeny-tested, there is consider­ ably less danger of inadaptability. A pre­ liminary screening, based on careful meas­ urements of growth prior to transplanting in the nursery may be very worthwhile. Adjusting for or minimizing the effects of seed weight and time of germination, as Squillace and Bingham ( ! 958b) did, would likely further improve the evalua­ tion. The results show rather definite relations of growth rate to certain geographic and . climatic factors, confirming the existence of ..racial differences in growth rate in ponderosa pine. Heretofore, lack of repli­ cation in the design of both tests has neces­ sarily caused some lack of confidence in the results. Additional proof of the existence of heritable growth differences occurring throughout the range of ponderosa pine, then, is probably the most significant contri­ bution of this study. However, going fur­ ther than this, the results also shed some light on the possible clinal pattern of inher­ ent differences in growth rate with respect to geographic and climatic factors. This leads to speculation on the effects of cli­ matic factors in the evolution of the inher­ ent variation. A rather strong east-to-west gradient or cline in growth differences was found. This gradient, although somewhat related to the total amount of moisture falling in fall, winter, and spring, was most closely related to seasonal distribution of moisture. Trees in localities receiving large amounts of fall, winter, and spring precipitation or in localities receiving relatively large pro­ portions of their total rainfall during these TABLE 12. Coefficients of correlation between average heights at age 301 and at younger ages for 10 sources in the Oregon-Washington study. Plan ting site 2• McDonald Pack Wind River Deschutes Whitman Pooled 3a Age from eed at time of measurement (years) 4 0.40 0.81** .53 .51 .92** 0.85** 0.75** .83** .67* .5 5 .68* 0.48** 5 6 11 20 0.8 5** 0.83** .67* .79** 0.91** .56 .90** 0.88** .61 .75* .75* .90** .8 7** 0.69** 0.86** 0.86** .51 .75* .54 .61 0.65** .73** .91** .89** *Significant at 5 percent level; **significant at 1 percent level. 1Average heighta of tallest one third were used for the 30-year values, Values for earlier years were average heights of all trees, leading to somewhat lower correlation coefficient! than if average heights for all trees at 30 years were used, • The pooled correlation coeBicient is based "on average height of progenies at Jive sites at 30 years related to seedling heights at 2 years measured at Wind River Nursery in 1928 by Westveld, Since all trees were in the nursery at 2 years of age there are no data for individual planting sites_. • Based on 8 instead of 10 seed sources. The Willamette and Steilacoom progenies were outplanted in the spring of 1929. 22 .,-- - -- · - - -- - . -. .. ·" _months, are inherently more rapid growing. Although the relationship lacks a straight­ forward biological explanation, it is surpris­ ingly consistent. · -- -- - - -- · --' II I . : ·.;; A moderate latitudinal dine in growth was found. Although this dine may be due to adaptation for different lengths of day, the results closely follow a pattern related to temperature. In the portion of ponder­ osa pine territory east of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges, trees from the north generally grow faster than those from the south. However, the natural habitat of pon­ derosa pine in the outh is usually _at consid­ erably higher altitudes than in the north (Pearson 1931). Thus, although the aver­ age annual temperatures in the north and south may be. rather similar, the spring and summer temperatures may be warmer in the north. Thus, the apparent latitudinal dine in growth in the eastern part of the range of ponderosa pine may he more closely re" lated to the variation in spring and summer mean temperatures. West of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges, no such north-south gradient is ap­ parent. Here, however, the situation is different: the species is found at both high and low elevations in the north and south. In the west, within altitudinal zones, spring­ summer temperatures may be warmer in the south than in the north. Therefore, it is possible that trees from low altitude sources in the south may he inherently more rapid growing than those in the north. Of course, when trees from the south are planted in the north, climatic extremes may prevent their survival (for example, the Shasta trees of the Northern Idaho study) . Trees from the south grow rapidly in the north if they survive (for example, those of the Siskiyou and Eldorado sources). If planted in a mild climate, they are likely to do very well (as for example, the Eldorado trees plant­ ed at McDonald) . A moderate altitudinal gradient in growth was also found. Trees from high altitudes usuallr grew more slowly than those from low altitudes. This trend was apparent1y due to cooler temperatures exist.. ing at high altitudes hut also partly to the fact that many of the high altitude sources were characterized by unfavorable moisture patterns. In view of the apparent clinal nature of the inherent growth differences found, one might question Weidman's (1939) delin­ eation of racial boundaries. However, the climatic gradients discussed are by no means uniform. For example, such topographic features as the Cascade and Rocky Moun­ tain ranges greatly disrupt the east-west precipitation patterns, even though the gen... era! trends hold. Hence, it is not suggested that the growth trends are uniform. Rath­ er, tliey likely would tend to follow the disruption in climatic patterns. The apparent superiority in growth rate of trees in the Eldorado locality over those in the Lassen may he due to a disruption of the climatic pattern by mountain masses. Both localities are "western." The Eld°'"' rado is west of the Sierra summit, and the Lassen slightly east of it. In addition, the Trinity Mountains, with peaks more than 8,000 feet high, lie west of the Lassen area. The Lassen locality, lying in the climatic shadow of two major ranges, is unique among the "western" _ localities in having a thoroughly continental climate. Other devi­ ations from the climatic patterns, such as thQse exhibited by the Payette, Helena, and Ashley source localities, might be ration­ alized in the same way. Weidman's boundaries delineated chiefly on the basis of precipitation types, often fol­ low major topographic features. Whether ponderosa pines growing in the different regions should be Called "geographic races" is largely an academic question of termi­ nology beyond the scope of this report.8 The important point is that much of the in­ herent growth variation seems to be associ­ ated with variations in specific climatic fac­ tors, which are characteristically continuous 8For a discussion of this question as it per­ tains to inherent variation in Scotch pine (P. syf'lJestrls L.), see recent publications by Wright and Baldwin ( 1 957) and Langlet ( 1 959). 23 rather than discontinuous. Further, because of variation in climatic patterns and topo­ graphic features occurring locally within re­ gions, secondary clinal variations may often be present within the regions. One exam­ ple is the elevational dine found by Mirov et al. ( 1 952) in California. A recent re­ port by Callaham and Liddicoet ( 1 96 1 ) sheds more light on this subject. It is of more than mere academic interest to speculate as to how the inherent growth variation may have evolved. In the south­ eastern portion of its range, ponderosa pine is found mainly at high elevations where spring-summer temperatures are relatively cool and where precipitation from Septem­ ber through June is rather low. Heavy summer rains here apparently are not con­ ducive to height growth (Pearson 1 9 5 1 ) . Spring growth begins late, usually after springtime rains have ceased. In most years seedlings do not begin to germinate untJ1 July or August, while in the north and west germination occurs in spring (Pear­ son 1 95 1 ) . Droughts of a long-time cyclic nature are more common in this region than in the northern part of the species range (Chapline and Cooperrider 1 9 4 1 ) . These rather critical conditions probably favor traits such as drought resistance more than rapid growth rate in producing the best adapted type. In the northeastern part of the range, extremes in seasonal temper­ atures prevail ; fall and winter precipitation is very low; and prolonged droughts occur. Hence, the situation in respect to natural selection here is the same as in the south­ eastern part. In the north-central region, although the spread between winter and summer temperatures is large, spring-summer tem­ peratures are relatively high and adequate precipitation occurs during fall, winter, a,nd spring. Natural selection here probably favored rapid growth more strongly than in the eastern and southeastern parts of the range. The warm climates of the west coast, where soil moisture is plentiful for spring growth, present a maximum oppor­ tunity to select for growth rate, and appar­ ently have caused the evolution of the very rapid growing, though least frost-resistant, trees. Physiological studies like those briefly reported by Callaham ( l 960b) will help test these hypotheses. .. ... ...' It is quite apparent that at least some part of the geographic patterns, if not the climatic pattern, of inherent differences in -growth rate found for ponderosa pine -are repeated for Douglas-fir. Data provid­ ed the authors by P. G. Haddock in a per­ sonal communication cover two proven­ ance tests of Douglas-fir begun in 1948. One of the replications is at Wind River. Already trees from the southern and east­ ern part of the species' range are displaying markedly slower growth than those from the western part of the range. The pat­ tern is apparent also from the extensive provenance studies in Denmark (Lundberg 1957) involving many seed sources from British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and northern California. Both north-to-south and west-to-east gradi­ ents in height growth corresponding to those found for ponderosa pine are readily apparent in the data. Thus the trends re­ ported here are supported by trends in an­ other species having a closely corresponding geographical range. An original question foremost in both studies: "Can benefits be gained from choice of seed from non-local sources? n still cannot be answered directly. Is the "local seed source rule" as discussed by Cal­ laham ( 1 960a) a good general policy? Inherent growth rates, as separated from other features of adaptability, are clearly different among the races studied. Substan­ tial increases in growth rate over local planting stock seem possible over much of the ponderosa pine range. These studies have attempted to identify the particular climatic factors that seem to be linked with faster inherent growth rate. Learning whether these factors apply on a local level, or only to the species-wide seed collections studied, will require more intensive studies. The fact that the tallest progeny group on each plantation of these studies was "nonlo­ . . . ' --· ... • 24 · -�----- cal" was likely a reflection of inherent growth differences. But lack of replication on test sites, coupled with a lack of truly lo­ cal sources in the study prevent conclusive · . comparisons of the performance of non... local versus local sources within a specific are_a. - -- - - - ---' . ,. .. Moreover, growth rate cannot be di­ vorced from other features of adaptability. Numerous other traits contribute to sur­ vival value such as frost, browsing, and snow resistance mentioned in this study. Where clinal or ecotypic adaptation to the environment has occurred, the rates of growth exhibited by local trees probably represent a feature associated with its long­ term survival in its native habitat. Hence some risks of poor adaptability accompany all movements of planting stock. Possible gains in growth must be weighed against possible risks of poor adaptability. As yet, neither . gains - nor risks are understood very well. The only certainly adapted stock is the local stock. But as understanding grows, moderate risks will probably be ac­ cepted for moderate gains as they are in agriculture. For purposes of future genetic studies in ponderosa pine, these investigations point toward possibilities of breeding toward spe­ cific growth rates, stem taper, survival, and resistance to frost and animal damage. Summary . ;. , ;;. Data from two ponderosa pine provenance studies conducted in northern . Idaho ( 45 years old) and in Oregon and Washington ( 30 years old) were analyzed in detail. The results verify apparent differences in growth rate found earlier and correlate these differences with various geographic and climatic factors of the seed source lo­ calities. The two studies sampled nearly the entire range of the species. In the Northern Idaho study, trees of 20 sources were planted at one locality while in the Oregon-Washington study trees of ten sources were planted in five localities. A major fault of the design of both tests was -----·-·---- ..----·­ - - --- - a lack of replication at planting sites. Haw­ ver, by relating growth differences to geo­ graphic and climatic factors of the seed source localities, effects of the faulty design were alleviated. Results proved that inherent differences in rate of height growth exist among trees in various regions of the range of ponder­ osa pine. Approximately 36 percent of the vari3tion in total height among trees with­ in a plantation was found to be due to seed source. Growth rates seemed to increase as clines going from east to west, and from south to north in the eastern portion of the range of the spedes. Evidence of an alti­ tudinal cline, with increasing growth rate going from high to low altitude was also shown. No strong latitudinal effect was apparent in the west. Among several climatic variables of the seed source localities, height growth of progenies was most strongly correlated With the following: moisture distribution (expressed by September-through-June pre­ cipitation as a percent of annual) (r = 0. 54 to 0.81) and mean April-May tem­ peratures (r = 0.37 to 0.82). Growth was also correlated with absolute Septem­ ber-through-June precipitation (r = 0.36 to 0.73), but to a lesser extent than the relative measure. The fastest growing trees were mostly from localities having high proportions or absolute amounts of September-through-June precipitation and high April-May temperatures. The strong longitudinal dine was largely associated with moisture distribution, while the alti­ tudinal and latitudinal dines were largely associated with April-May temperatures. It was speculated that the characteristic of inherent slow _growth in the eastern and southeastern parts 0£ the species' range largely resulted from an adaptation to rela­ tively cool spring-summer temperatures and high summer rainfall with relatively little precipitation in the fall, winter, and spring. Under these conditions seedlings germinate late, and trees are also late in starting spring growth. In the northeast habitats, low fall and winter precipitation at low a1titudes 25 and cool spring temperatures at high alti­ tudes restrict growth. The possibility is not ruled out that the slow growth may be linked to increased resistance to prolonged drought. In the optimum conditions of the extreme west and northwest, natural selec­ tion possibly favors growth rate to a: great­ er degree than in the more critical climates of the east. Some rapidly growing trees may fail completely in extreme environments. Liin­ ited data showed that the spread between July and January mean temperatures may he- a fair indicator of frost resistance-trees from localities having greatest tetnperature extremes were found to be more resistant than those from habitats having less vari­ ation in temperature. Inherent differences among the seed sources were also shown for diameter growth, volume growth, stem taper, sur­ vival, browsing preference by wild animals, onset of cambial growth, and needle length. A moderately strong correlation (r = 0.64) was shown between average needle length of trees on the plantations and aver­ age needle length of trees growing in their corresponding native habitats. Similarly, rather strong relations (r = 0.54 to 0.89) between needle length and height growth rate were shown. 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Localized ecotypic variation in west­ ern white pine. For. Sci. 4: 20-34. 195 Sb. Selective fertilization in Pinus monticola Dougl. I. Preliminary results. Silvae Genetica 7 : 1 8 8-1 96. STARKER, B. 1 940. A study of geographic races of ponderosa pine. Oregon State Col­ lege Thesis ( B.S.), 3 5 pp. THORNTHWArra, C. W. 1 9 3 1 . The climates of North America according to a new clas.. sification. Geog. Rev. 2 1 : 633-655. VAARTAJA, 0. 1959. Evidence at photoperi­ odic ecotypes in trees. Ecol. Monog. 29: 91-1 1 1 . WEIDMAN, R. H. 1939. Evidences of racial influence in a 25-year te.st of ponderosa pine. J. Agric. Res. 59: 855-88i. WRIGHT, J. W., and H. I. BALD\\'IN. 1957. The 1938 International Union Scotch pine provenance test in New Hampshire. Silvae Genetica 6 : 2-14. - 27