PULP& PAPER . Pulpwood Section About Th ___ -. This fil is File ·:-----e w as cre a ted by se a nnmg the IV/.lsscans i . print e d P dent"f . 1 led by Ublica the softW . ,. h ow ever, so a re have b . m e miSt een . al<es ma y . . . rem a · . VOLUME TO TRIPLE IN 30 YEARS. In northwest Washington at Wildcat Creek the stand contained 650 trees and 5,000 cu. ft. per acre at 35 years. By age 65, the number of trees will probably be reduced to one third and the cubic volume tripled. ALMOST COMPLETE SHADE. In the Pacific North­ west, a dense crown canopy, which admits little light to the forest floor, is normal in young hemlo<;k stands. Except under small openings, understory vegetation is almost completely shaded out. Don't Sell Western Hemlock Short Young growth of this popular pulpwood species has remarkable growth record in Pacific Northwest rain forests By EDWARD J. DIMOCK II Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp eriment Station, U.S. Forest Service • Remembering the poor quality of Eastern hemlock, early-day lumber­ men were quick to discriminate against its Western counterpart. Not so long ago Western hemlock was lit­ tle more than a nuisance to the logger -merely something to be brushed aside in the headlong race for Douglas-fir sawtimber, This stigma has hung on until quite recently. Now, with today's heavy demand for paper and chemical cellulose prod­ ucts, Western hemlock plays a vital role in our economy' as a leading source of high-quality pulpwood. Because of availability, old-growth timber stands continue to supply the great bulk of the Northwest's present pulpwood demand. However, the time is not far off when young-growth stands will have to bear a large and rapidly increasing share of the supply burden. How productive, then, will our young forests of hemlock and other "pulpwood" species be in the future? Will they adequately meet expected industrial needs? We can, of course, only speculate about the answers to these questions. A necessary key to such speculation is a thorough understanding of yield potentials on pulpwood-growing sites -the sort of understanding that can come only from records on permanent growth plots. Douglas-Fir Outproduced Several decades of fruitful research Reprinted from PULP & PAPER, December have provided northwestem foresters with a fairly good concept of manage­ ment possibilities in young-growth Douglas-fir. However, preoccupation with Douglas-fir has somewhat limited our present knowledge and thinking, and many will readily admit their comparative ignorance of growth and yield among other important species. Hence, it is not surprising that some are just recently "discovering" the tremendous productive capacity of the once-despised Western hemlock-a species that at younger ages can un­ questionably outproduce Douglas-fir in net yield per acre! Optimum growing conditions for Western hemlock occur on the west side of Washington's Olympic Penin­ sula. Though much of the timber there is old growth, typical of that 1958 Purchased by the Forest Service for Official Use Stand age and plot location (d1·ainage) N11mbe1· of plots Forest type Site inde.v Hemlock 170 Hemlock 200 3 5 years: N11mber of trees1 Feet Wildcat Creek Two W1 infield Creek Three Average (wtd) 650 Volmne Basal area1 C11bic2 Sq. ft. Cu. f t. Intern. twle (%")3 Bd.-ft. 27,150 5,000 185 377 238 7,650 45,800 486 217 6,590 38,350 55 years: Owl Creek Two Spr.-hem. 170 118 253 11,050 73,550 Matheny Creek Three Hemlock 170 310 291 12,260 78,550 233 276 11,780 76,550 198 299 14,700 99,800 Average (wtd) 65 years: Shale Creek Two 160 Hemlock 1All trees over 1.5 in. diameter at breast height. 2All trees over 5.5 in. dbh (Excludes stump and top above 4-in. diameter). 3International rule (;x[-in. kerf) includes all trees over 7.5 in. dbh (Excludes top above 6-in. diameter). TABLE I. Stand statistics for 12 growth plots in young-gro wth Western hemlock and Sitka spmce-hemlock stands in northwestern Washington, 1956. (Per-acre basis) found in the coastal forests of the Pacific Northwest, extensive even­ aged stands of young growth are scattered throughout. In Jan. 1921 a violent windstorm leveled vast acreages of mature tim­ ber on the peninsula. This storm was the forerunner for many hemlock and Sitka spruce-hemlock stands now about 35 years old. Other young stands of varying ages also occur, and these are presumably the indirect product of similar winter storms­ though some undoubtedly have fol­ lowed fire. Such young stands afford the forester excellent opportunities to appraise hemlock increment and yield. Stud y Plots Install ed During the summer of 1951, the state of Washington installed 12 fifth­ acre permanent sample plots to study development of young-growth hem­ lock on lands lying between the Hoh and Queets Rivers (Olympic Penin­ sula) . Ten of the plots are in pure hemlock; two, in a spruce-hemlock mixture. Site quality is high on all plots (Site Index 160-200) , and three age classes (30, 50, and 60 years in 1951) are represented. Cooperati!ig with the state, the Forest Service remeasured the plots during the summer of 1956. This first remeasurement already shows the rapid growth that may be anticipated on better sites in this area-even in the short span of five years. Future remeasurements at periodic intervals will chart the dynamic course of stand development as these repre­ sentative plots mature. Laid out in clusters of two or three, the 12 plots sample stands in five dif­ ferent locations. It is reasonable, then, to average plot data in each cluster, thereby producing five composite plots to facilitate comparison. Simi­ larly, the five composite plots may be further combined into three age groups. Table 1 presents stand statistics as determined for these combined classi­ fications. Conversion of cubic feet to cordwood tally (82 cu. ft. per cord) approximates utilization to a close pulpwood standard. Likewise, the In­ ternational measure is a good estimate of actual sawmill tally. Volumes per acre by International rule range from 38,000 bd.-ft. in the youngest stand to 100,000 bd.-ft. at 65 years. By pulpwood standards, plots in the 35-year-old stand support about 80 cords per acre; in the 55­ year-old stand, about 145 cords; and in the 65-year-old stand, nearly 180 cords. Scaled by the Scribner rule for trees larger than ll.5 in. to an 8-in. top, corresponding volumes are 25,000, 63,000, and 84,000 bd.-ft. for the three age classes. To those familiar with the yield of Douglas-fir, the above figures may seem startling. For example, cubic volumes for the three age classes sampled in the hemlock and spruce­ hemlock types range from 25 to 39% greater than corresponding values for Douglas-fir as presented 'in published yield tables1 (figure 1) . average tree is 9.0 in. dbh at 35 years, increasing to 14'.7 in. at 55 years and 16.6 in. at 65. Average basal area for the three age groups is also striking: 217 sq. ft. at 35 years, 276 sq. ft. at 55 years, and nearly 300 sq. ft. in the 65-year-old stand. Differences in site quality are also discernible between the two compos­ ite plots in the 35-year-old grouping. Winfield Creek (Site I) supports 53% more cubic volume per acre than Wildcat Creek (Site II) . Spread in board-foot volume is even greater. Due to sampling variation, however, the best site II plot at Wildcat Creek c 65YR. S.l.l60 W:) Douglas- fir rw.l (Yield table basis) m Western Hemlock W ( Sample plat basis) __ 1McArdl , Richard E. The yield of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. BuL 201, 74 pp., illus. Rev. 1949. 55 YR. S.l.l70 AGE AND SITE INDEX Fewer Steins The number of stems per acre con­ tinues to decrease rapidly after 35 years, wher()[\S diameter of the aver­ age-sized ree steadily increases. The 35YR. S.I.ISS J; .!1 Two of twelve plots ore in the sprucehemlock type FIGURE I. Cubic volume yield of young-growth Douglas-fir and West­ ern hemlock at specific ages. · has slightly greater basal area and cubic volume than the poorest site I plot in the Winfield Creek cluster. Up to this point, static figures only have been considered. What has oc­ curred in the five years since these growth and yield plots were estab­ lished? Again grouped by age classes, the plots show that growth dming the 5-year period did anything but stand still! (table 2). Gross periodic annual increment approaches 4 cords per acre in the 35-year-old stand, and equals or slightly exceeds this figure in the two older age groups. Net increment is better than 2,000 bd.-ft. in the 30-3.5 and 50-55 year growth periods, but falls below 1,500 bd.-ft. after 60 years. This reduced net growth in the oldest age class is largely due to heavy windthrow (primarily as a re­ sult of adjacent clear cutting) that occured on one of the two plots at Shale Creek. Furthermore, the slight reduction in gross increment at this age (all measures) is probably a vagary of sampling rather than a real indication of declining vigor or lower site. Mortality Variable Mortality on individual plots was so variable, ranging from 0 to 311 cu. ft., that the extent of its importance in stand development is still far from clear. Such losses, however, cannot be ignored for they represent a con­ siderable sacrifice of site productivity. Though it is logical to anticipate significantly greater mortality losses with increasing stand age, the heavy death rate in the two older age groups is undoubtedly abnormal. For this reason, net increment figures should be evaluated with due consideration for probable cause of their fluctua­ tion. Gross increment, on the other hand, is in itself a comparatively stable Vol11me Age sp(/n (years) 30-35 50-55 60-65 Item Basal area1 C11bic2 Sq. ft. Cu. ft. 7.2 303 Inter-n. mle (lf.l"):l Bd.-ft. Gross increment Mortality Net increment 1.0 10 25 6.2 293 2,215 Gross increment Mortality Net increment 6.2 331 2,405 1.9 54 304 4.3 277 2,101 2,075 Gross increment Mortality Net increment 2,240 5.2 328 4.0 168 665 1.2 160 1,410 1All trees over 1.5 in. diameter at breast height. 2All trees over 5.5 in. dbh (Excludes stump and top above 4-in. diameter). 3Internarional rule (7:1-in, kerf) includes all trees over 7.5 in. dbh (Excludes top above 6-in. diameter). TABLE 2. Periodic annual growth and mortality on 12 sample plots in young· growth W estem hemlock and Sitka spruce-hemlock stands in northwestern 'Vashington, by three age classes, 1951-56. (Per-acre basis) figure-particularly for basal area and cubic volume measures. Thus, greater reliance may be placed on volumetric comparisons involving gross incre­ ment, which is the sum of net incre­ ment and mortality. On the basis of unpublished normal yield tables for 'Vestern hemlock, the 12 study plots are for the most part understocked in both number of trees and volume per acre. Neverthe­ less, many of the plots that are under­ stocked in number of trees approach hemlock yield-table stocking in terms of basal area and cubic volume. Volumes and basal areas for three plots even slightly exceed yield-table values. During the period from 1951 to 1956, cubic volume on seven plots moved closer to the tabular values. This tendency for the plots to grow toward "normal" or "full" stocking is evidence that natural stands tend toward some central value despite wide variations in stand density. High Potential It seems reasonable to assume, in conclusion, that the study plots are fairly representative of the stands in which they occur. Also, it is obvious that Western hemlock is an immensely productive species upon the high sites to which it seems particularly suited. However, broad generaliza­ tions based upon these growth plots should adequately recognize the vari­ ables of site quality and stocking that profoundly affect yields over sizeable areas. Have you been guilty of underrat­ ing the potential yield of this valuable species? Now may be the time to take another look.