Eepr-inted from JOull.NA:t. OF FORESTRY, "\7oL. 55, No. 3, March 1957 Purchased by the Forest Service for Official Use William G. Morris, R.. R.. Silen and H. lrgens-Moller1 Consistency of Bud Bursting in Douglas-Fir their progeny can be planted to ad­ POSSIBILITY OF STRONG genetic con­ trol over time of bud bursting in vantage in areas where late spring Douglas-fir has been suggested by recorded observations extending over a period of 22 years. If more tions in the early 1930's showed that tardiness in beginning annual detailed studies now under way bear out these observations, the knowledge will have important ap­ plication in selecting seed for planting forest lands in the Doug­ las-fir region of the Pacific North­ frosts are likely to occur. Observa­ growth apparently does not lessen a tree's chance of making the same height growth as one having an early start. Study Areas and Early Observations In 1915, plantations were estab­ lished at Wind River, Washington, at an elevation of 1,100 feet, and near Mt. Hood, Oregon, at eleva­ tions of 2,800 and 4,600 feet (Fig. 1). Seed for these plantations came from 120 parent trees at 13 differ- west. Records taken since 1933 on three plantations in Oregon and ; Washington indicate that relative order of vegetative bud bursting is constant between progenies from widely separated seed sources growing in the same plantation. This relationship apparently holds true regardless of altitude of plan­ tation, date when growing season • began, or stand age. Repeated ob­ servations of individual wild trees have further shown that naturally seeded trees growing side by side burst their buds at different dates but in about the same order year after year. Growth of a Douglas-fir tree both in height and in branch elongation is resumed each spring from the dormant buds formed the previous growing season. If freezing tem­ peratures occur when the buds are in the tender, freshly opened stage, they are usually damaged and no growth occurs that year. Late bud bursting protects a tree against " ' this damage. Time of bud bursting in relation to spring frosts is therefore impor­ tant to tree growth. If late-bud­ bursting trees transmit this charac­ teristic to succeediilg gener tions, 1Morris and Silen are research forest­ ers, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Forest Service, U. S. Dept. Agrie., Portland, Ore. Irgens-Moller is a graduate student, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. "' '" 121• ., nr LEGEND Principal range of Pacific coast form of Douglas fir in Oregon and Washington 0 Plantations x Seed sources FIG. 1.-Locations and elevations 'bf seed sources and test plantations on which Douglas-:fir bud bursting was observed. 208 MA.Bea 1957 209 ent localities west of the Cascade Range, from Darrington in north­ drainage resulted in warm spring days and cold sprnig nights. (5) ern Washington to Benton near Corvallis, Oregon, 250 miles south. Seed source elevations ranged from 100 to 3,850 feet. Plantation lay­ out was identical in that progenies from each parent tree were planted in the same relative position at the Time of bud bursting (early or late) had no apparent relation to three locations. This was <lone to eliminate personal bias in the selec­ tion of planting site. These plantations, with an eleva­ tional range of 3,500 feet, have fur­ • nished unusual material for com­ parison. From observations in 1933 and 1934, Munger and Morris2 found that: (1) Bud bursting on the two ·Mt. Hood plantations aver­ age 2 to 4 weeks later than at Wind River. (2) In some years, buds burst as much as a month earlier than in others. (3) Ranking of the 13 seed sources according to date of bursting was nearly the same for having warm spring days and nights, such as occur in wide val­ leys. Those with intermediate bursting buds came from higher ing buds came from localities in narrow valleys where cold air "Munger, Thornton T., and William G. Morris. Growth 0£ Douglas·fir trees of known seed source. U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bul. 537, 40 pp., illus. 1936. Seed Source Ranking Progenies from the 13 seed sources have been rated at various times since 1933 for stage of bud bursting. These ratings are believed valid for purposes of comparison even though they have differed somewhat in technique and inten­ sity of sampling, and though it has not always been possible to make observations at the same stage of growth. In 1933, 1934, and 1936, 10 to 15 offspring from each of 4 to 21 parents were classified in one of the following groups: (1) All buds tight. (2) Buds ·bursting on most but not all branches; new needles on greater part of tree not spread out in normal brush-like arrange­ ment. (3) New needles spread out the early- as for the late-bursting years. (4) Trees with earliest bursting buds came from localities elevations, with cold spring days and nights. Trees with latest burst­ annual height growth. again used at Wind River for sam­ ples of three to six trees from each seed source. Due to the lateness of sampling on the lower Mt. Hood plantation, however, terminal shoot elongation in inches was estimated for ten branches in the upper crown. Ten trees from each seed source were used as a sample. On the upper Mt. Hood plantation rel­ ative .bud development was deter­ mined through the same scheme of sampling as on the lower planta­ tion. Buds were classified as (1) tight, (2) slightly swelling, swelling but not burst, or (3) (4) burst. The same system of weight­ ing was applied to data from the 1955 observations as those in the 1930's, except on the lower lift, Hood plantation, where ''inches of average shoot elongation'' were compared to obtain ranking. Bud Bursting Consistency Despite the influence of normal sampling error and differences in on entire tree; new shoots noticea­ bly elongated. In order to rank the seed sources as to earliness of bud bursting, the percent of progenies falling within each classification were assigned weights of 1, 2, and rating methodology, the rankings are remarkably consistent (Table 1). The early-bursting group­ 3, respectively. The three weighted percentages were then added for Hazel, Forston, and Benton-are always found near the bottom. each group of seed-source prog­ enies, and the sources listed by ranking. Records by Morris for several trees in the Portland area further support the view that earliness of In 1955, these classifications were bud bursting of individual trees Carson, Portland, and Lakeview­ rank in the upper part of all the lists. The late-bursting group­ TABLE !.-THIRTEEN SEED SOURCES OF DOUGLAS-FIR RANKED ACCORDING TO S TAGE OF BUD BURSTING OF PROGENIES ON GIVEN DATES IN THREE PLANTATIONS (June Rank' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1933 30) (June 9) Lower2 Mt.Hood (2,800 feet) Wind River (1,100 feet) Portland Carson Lakeview Gates Santiam Race Track Palmer Wind River Granite Falls Benton Darrington Fortson Hazel (June 29) Upper8 Mt.Hood (4,600 feet) (Portland and Carson burst earliest.) _ (Granite Falls, Darrington, Benton, Fortson andHazel burst latest.) 1934 1936 (May 21) (May 3) Wind River (1,100 feet) Wind River (1,100 feet) Carson Portland Lakeview Gates Santiam Race Track Palmer Wind River Granite Falls -Darrington Benton Fortson Hazel Portland Carson Lakeview Gates Santiam Race Track Palmer Wind River Granite Falls Benton Darrington Fortson Hazel (June 23) 1955 (July 7) (July 7) Wind River (1,100 feet) Lower' Mt.Hood (2,800 feet) Upper Mt.Hood (4,600 feet) Carson Portland Granite Falls Lakeview Race Track Gates Palmer Darrington Santiam Wind River Benton Hazel Fortson Carson Portland Race Track Wind River Gates Santiam Lakeview Pahfier Darrington Hazel Granite Falls Benton Fortson Lakeview Portland Carson Palmer Santiam Darrington Race Track Gates Wind River Granite Falls Hazel Benton Fortson 11 is most advanced; 13, least. s:Examined when bursting was too far advanced to permit ranking other than by two broad groups. 8E:xamined when bursting was not sufficiently advanced to permit ranking other than by two broad gr-oups. 'Exa.mined when bursting was too far advanced to accurately recognize differences between the earlier bursting seed sources. 210 remains co11Sistent through the years. For 14 years, two trees less than 200 feet apart have, on the average, burst tl;teir buds 7.8 days apart. This is statistically signif­ icant at the 1 percent level, with standard error of ± 1.07. Tree 1 invariably burst its buds before Tree 2 (Table 2). The narrow range in interval between bud bursting dates, regardless of ex­ tremes in climatic variation during this time, is remarkable. Pheno­ logical records irom nine other trees, observed over periods of from JOURNAL OF FORESTRY TABLE 2.-SELECTED BuD-BURSTING DATES OP' Two DOUGLAS-FI& TREES OBSERVED NEAR PORTLAND, OREGON/ DURING Item Greatest interval Least interval Earliest season Latest season Year 1952 1943 1947 1955 THE PERIOD. 1942-55 Bud-bursting date Tree Tree 1 April May April May 29 4 14 18 May May April May 2 11 6 24 27 Iriterval (days) 12 2 10 9 lg50 feet elevation. 3 to 15 years, show the same con­ sistency. All the above-cited observatio11S suggest a strong genetic control over time of bud bursting in Doug­ las-fir. Proof must of course come from more detailed studies. How­ ever, the observations do strength­ en the longheld view that Douglas­ fir planting stock should be matched closely in growth period to the area to be planted.