PURCHASED BY THE FOREST SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE Using the Sta99ered Setting System What Are Logging Costs? By JOHN CAROW and ROY R. SILEN . Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture Reprinted from THE Timberman WOOOS MANAGEMENT LOGGING FORESTRY TRANSPORTATION 519 S. W. Park Avenue • Portland 5, Oregon April 5, 1957 issue Using the Staggered Setting System 7 What are LOGGING By JOHN CAROW and ROY R. SILEN Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture What does it cost to log old growth Douglas fir by the staggered setting system? How does the size of the cutting unit affect cost of yarding? What yarding method is least expensive? How closely does a predicted item of logging cost for a single clear cutting check with actual cost? and related questions have THESE been asked frequently since the staggered setting system was first incro­ duced. They are still not fully answered buc experience from five years of con1­ mercial operation with inedium-sized settings on the H . J. Andrews Experi­ mental Foresc provides some helpful guidelines. . Direct logging coses were found to be well in line with regional averages. Initial road costs were higher, how­ cvc:r beca:use the ex:tensive area of old ,l!t·o,vth H1nhe·r on t'fre experimental for­ est \v:ts IYrencd uf1 more rapidly and more co1npletely. Expecience records further showed that average costs for a large number of cutting units could be predicred reliably. For an individ­ ual unit, however, unexpected factors _ led to cost variacions as large as · Oo/o. 1 Cutting Area Layout logging Methods Methods used for laying our cutting areas and designing road systems have been described by Silen, Rurh and Auf­ d-erheide in an Experiment Station re­ search note (No. 72, December 1950) and previous The Timberman articles (March 1949 and April 1955). Boun­ daries were carefully selected to pro­ mote efficient logging, minimize ero­ sion and scream clogging, provide for safe and ea.sy slash burning, minimize wind ch row, and leave adequate sources of seed. On about half of the units, a logging plan was prepared in advance and specified in the sale contract. On the others, the operator was permitted to choose the 1nethod or combination of methods he thought best fitted the log­ ging show. Cutting areas havi? ranged from 15 to 70 acres in size. Large crawler tractors and arches were used on gentle topography. On steep ground, high-lead yarding was standard practice, using 150 horse­ power diesel-powered yarders. While a few smaller areas were logged to one spar tree, most cutcing units required two or more settings. External yarding distances up to 1200 feet were ­used but normally they were less than 700 feet. In a few instances, skylines were rigged for yarding steep, difficult settings, or used in combination with tractors on gentle ground. On rhe cable settings, and prior to 1953 on the tractor sides, loading was by tree booms. Loading for tractor shows was with a mobile loader since 1953. All hauling was with truck and trailer equipment. No short-log op­ erations are covered in the study. _ The Forest Area-Timber and Topographic Conditions The Andrews Experimental Forest occupies a 15,000 acre watershed within the Willamette National Forest, 50 miles east -of Eugene, Ore. In line with its purpose of testing and demonstrating methods of old growth management, a total of 34 separate areas, averaging 27 acres in size, had been cut by 1954 . .Production of 64 million board feet from 1950 to 1954-an aver­ age of 12.8 million feet per year-shows that the operation is a commercial venture and not just an isolated experiment. COSTS The timber was offered for competitive bidding in five separate sales, thus insuring that logging methods and costs would be reasonably compar­ able to those of other operations in the region. Timber on the forest is predominantly 400- to 470-year-old Douglas fir , • with smaller quantities of hemlock, red cedar and other species. Volumes range from 30,000 to 119,000 board feet per acre. Tree diameters average 42 inches, but ofte·n reach 80 inches. logs harvested in the study averaged about 800 board feet. About 20 "/. of the forest is on gentle slopes and flats. The balance is steep with many areas having slopes of 70 °lo to 80 % . Occasionally the terrain is interrupted with rock outcrops and bluffs. The Cost Reports Reflect All Logging Factors All sales agreements provided for ac­ curate cost records and log scale from each cutting unit and in son1e instances from parts of units when more than one cutting method was used. These records, with average figures on volume per acre, average volume per log, slope, and external yarding distance, provided the basic data for the current analysis. Such cost data reflect the influence of all factorS;rhat were involved on a job. Many of these such as W'eather, fire restrictions, breakdowns, and labor changes often obscure the effects of the few variables that are available for making estimates in advance of cutting. On the other hand, bookkeeping rec­ ords have the advantage of including the costs of lost time, imperfect coor­ dination, and other nonproductive items that are often missed in short time-cost studies. Cost experience records from log­ ging on the experimental forest are summarized in rable 2 by logging meth­ od (see next page). Average figures are given for logging by tracror, by high-lead, and by various combinations (including skyline). Six to ten cutting units are the basis of each average. All comparisons arc on nee cruck scale. Comparisons of these average coses are easy to understand and generally satisfactoty. However, the changing value of the tlolfar 6'\fe'r the Jive-year period m;k6 compatisoM based on man-hours pet thousa·n.d board-feet somewhat more exact. Thus, a.ctual coses are used in che more general com­ parisons, but wherever exact relation­ ships are described che coinparisons generally are on a man-hour basis. main features of the areas logged by different methods in terms of timber volume, size of clear cutting and topographic conditions are given in TABLE 1­ The last rwo columns of table 2 give average logging costs, all methods, for both the Experimental Forest and the Douglas fir region. Regional costs were collected by the forest service from a sample of 50 to 60 operators cuccing on che national forests during the same 1950-54 period. Except for high road costs, which resulted from rapid initial development of rhe Experimental For­ est and a longer road haul, logging on the Andrews has had a cost experience well in line wich ocher national foresc areas. This is particularly true in the important direct cost items. The higher supervision, administration, and fire prevention and protection charges were usually the resulc of_· special research requirements chat were not included in standard timber sales. TABLE I-Essential characteristics of areas logged by different . methods, H. J_ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1950-54. Logging Method Item Number of cutting units . • • . . . . . . . Areas logged, acres . . . . M Highle d o Tractor ••• high- mt , leod Mlxedl e hods including .skyline 9 9 10 6 82.5 223.3 334.0 268.5 Tractor . . ,. . , . . . 7,740 15,8 02 21,778 18,569 Range in .slope, percent,. ,....... 0-20 30-70 10-70 20-8 0 ll:ange in cutting-unit size, acres.,. 2.3-41.0 8.3-48.0 12.0-54.0 18.0-70.5 65-108 42-98 34-8 4 42-119 698 -1,024 590-960 504-1,043 596-880 Volume removed, bd. ft., net. , • Range in \IOlumo per acre of cutting units, M , bd.-ft• . . . . . . Ra ng e in average volume per log, bd.-ft• . . , . . . . . • . . , ,, (1) V11rious combinations of high·lead, tractor, and skyline yarding, usually under adverse condWons. TABLE 2-Costs and man-hours, by logging method, H. J, Andrews Experimental Forest compared with Douglas fir regional averages, 1950-54. Andrews Experimental Forest Douglas fir Tractor Cost· and man-hour items1 Tractor High-lead and logging logging high-lead logging DIRECT Mixed2 logging methods, Including skyline Average all region, average all logging logging methods methods ------- Dollars per M board-feet, net truck scale ------- Felling and bucking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.44 3.76 4.10 3.91 Yarding 3.61 5.24 4.64 5.45 Loading 1.35 1.51 1.70 8.40 10.51 11.30 11.30 Total Trucking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . (Cost per MBM /mile) . .. . . ... . . . . . . . (0.227) 10.227) 3.88 4.52 1.56 6.48 7.05 10.44 10.92 10.36 11.57 11.30 11.30 11.30 7.91 10.227) 10.227) 10.227) I ;I (0.244) Road maintenance . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.63 Fire protection 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.32 Slash disposal 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.33 13.13 13.13 13.13 13.13 13.13 9.19 Scaling . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.20 Office expenses . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 1.87 Supervision . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.08 1.24 1.52 1.22 1.31 0.69 Payroll taxes, insurance, vocation pay . . 0.71 0.99 1.03 0.92 0.95 0.91 Equipment depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.22 0.75 0.70 0.80 0.80 1.23 Road construction 8.78 8.78 8.78 8.78 8.78 5.11 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.39 14.36 14.63 14.32 14.44 10.01 Total logging cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.92 38.00 38.20 38.37 37.93 30.77 Total I INDIRECT ------- Man-hours per M board-feet Felling and bucking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.89 0.95 1.06 0.95 Yarding 0.72 1.25 1.12 1.27 Loading 0.29 0.38 0.40 0.43 Total man-hours . . . . ... . , ... . (1) Cost items generally follow . 1.90 Forest Service stumpage appraisal deflnltlo1u, With the- followhig exceptions: Felling, bucking, yarding, and foadlng' C&sfs itrdude s·oJJptfes and repairs. Tractor yarding includes (jl Yle1f'ir bdrs· a·ncf diVt!Jrsions in chantable trees is induded in felling and cash minor costs {during 1950 tractor trails. Felling unmer­ bucking cost. Scaling includes only) for dumping and rafting. All general and admini lrative costs, plus crew hauling, are listed under office expense. Road construction includes rood erosion control costs, engineering and special 2.58 (2) 2.58 ------- 2.65 Various combinations of high-lead, tractor, and skyline yarding, usually under adverse conditions. (1:1) Average costs reported to forest Sorvice by 49 to ing companies during U. S. 1950-54, Comparison of experimental-forest 64 cooperat­ average figures with regional averages cannot be exact since many different criteria were used over the period lo distribute cost items. For instance, the regional average figures for trucking road devf;lcp· men! contain undetermined parts of overhead costs, while with the Andrews' cost records, overhead items hove been reported separately. · Felling and Bucking Costs Average $3.80 per MBF Steep Slopes and Long Distance$ Jlv;;r@ C9$tly figure. This variation arose mostly from difference between gross woods HIGJi-LJlh;D Jog _ ging "'"' carried scale and net scale due to defect and on exclusively, or n. a.rly so, on tO cut­ breakage and also differences in piece ting units. Some were yarded uphill, rate, which was sometimes adjusted for some downhill, and some on a com­ difficult terrain or low timber volumes. bination of slopes. In terms of costs Dollar costs do not reflect differences for a whole cutting unit, there was no in required effort as directly as man­ discernible pattern with regard to the hours. As has been common in cutting direction of yarding on slopes. How­ operations, worker efficiency advanced with the continual improvement in ever, the steeper slopes were definitely . saws and the changeover from rwo­ more costly to yard. As one would ex­ man to one-man saw operations. In pect, costs also increased with longer 1954, only 0.87 manhours were re­ external yarding distances, with smaller quired per M board feet, net log scale, . volumes per acre, and with smaller av­ as compared with about 1.05 man hours erage log volumes. Cutting-unit size in 1950. Average over the five years had little effect. Spreading of rig-up was 0.96 man hours per M. costs over large settings was offset by LABOR. REQUIREMENT range increased direct yarding time because of longer yarding disrances. among the units was considerable, vary­ . Felling .and bucking was generally on a piece-rate basis that paid cutters $0.70 per M for falling and $0. 70 per M for bucking on a gross woods scale. Fallers were also credited with a 40w foot log of stump diameter for every snag or cull tree they cut, and with a 32-foor log of the diameter bucked to compensate for a rigging cut. In dollars the average cost of felling and bucking over 5 years averaged $3.80 per M board feet, net scale. This compares with a $4.52 average cost re­ ported to the forest service by a sam­ ple of operators in the Columbia-Wil­ lamette area for 1954. By cutting units, the cost ranged from $2.27 to $7.08 per M, indicating that local circumstances, in many cases difficult to predict, may cause wide variation from an average ing from 0.58 to 1.80 man hours per M. The reason for the variation often is not shown in the data, but requires consideration of many situations that could be observed on the job. For ex­ ample, statistical tests failed to show any correlation of cutcing efficiency with ground slope, board-feet per acre, board-feer per log, logs per acre, or cur­ ring unit size. However, the operator had ready explanacions for extreme var­ iation in costs. The lowest-cost unit, re­ quiring only 0.58 man-hours per M, was cut in September of 1954 by three of his best sawyers. Net volume per acre averaged 71 M board-feet, and there was very little cull. On the oth r hand, the highest cost occurred on a unit Cut in mid-winter on a very steep and rocky slope. The timber was fairly defective and averaged only 42M board­ feet per acre, nee volume. Differences in cull and breakage have an important part in cutting-cost variations, since men are aid on gross scale but costs compute on net scale. J Lowest Yarding Cost with Tractor and Arch Production data from all or parts of 9 cutting units showed an average la­ bor requirement of 0. 72 man-hours per M and only small variation among units irrespective of area or timber character­ istics. However, an undetermined part of the cost advantage that tractors had over high-lead was due to the topo­ graphy of less than 30% slope. This is generally where the heaviest timber volumes and the largest logs occurred. Ofren tractors picked up the cheapest logs on settings that were predomi­ nantly high-lead. YARDING DISTANCES were less than 800 feet for tractors and within this short haul little variation could be expected among cutting units. In ad­ dition, tractor yarding was halted dur­ ing wet weather to avoid soil compac­ tion and sedimentation. In one instance a comparison was set up between high­ lead yarding and tractor yarding on gentle topography with a 700-foot ex­ ternal yarding distance. This showed similar yarding labor costs per M for the two methods: $2.20 for tractor and $2.41 for high-lead. Labor costs of trac­ tor yarding averaged $1.83 per M over the four-year period. Supplies, main­ tenance and repairs added another $1.78 to bring the total tractor yarding cost to $3.61. The· following equation combining the effects of these variables was de­ veloped to predict yarding labor re­ quirements on high-lead units: Man-hours per M + = 0.7 5 0.7 X slope in percent X external yarding dist. in ft. M bd.-ft. per acre X bd-fr. per log The formula predicted actual labor needs within 0.22 man-hours for two­ thirds of ·rhe units included in chis study and may be useful as a rule of thumb to predict man-hours for shows with comparable timber and equip­ ment. For example, in timber that averaged 71 M board-feet per acre and 590 board-feet per long log, one curring unit on a 60% slope had a long 1200­ foot -external yarding distance. The 1nan-hours per M labor requirement for high-lead yarding predicted by the equation is: Man-hours per M + = 0.75 0.7 x 60 x 1200 71 x 590 0. 75 + 1.20 = 1.95 Records from this setting indicate the actual requirement was 1.86 man-hours per M. The man-hour estimate multi­ plied by the going labor rate gives an estimate of direct labor cost in dollars pet M. lj DIRECT LABOR CHARGES for the 9 units logged by high-lead averaged $3.64 per M for yarding. Supplies, maintenance, and repairs added 44% more so that the total high-lead cost was $5.24. Among units the cost varied from $3.52 to $8.44. Causes of extreme variations could not have been pre­ dicted from information available be­ fore logging. The ren cutting units logged parrly by tractor and partly by high-lead had labor requirements and costs interme­ d.iate between those of tractor and high­ lead ­in direct proportion to the areas involved. Thus, an area yarded half by ttactor had a labor cost halfway be­ tween the costs of tractor yarding and high-lead yarding. On ten clearcuts the average direct labor charge for yard­ ing was $3.24 per M. Cost of supplies, maintenance, and repairs was $1.40, for a total of $4.64 per M. Combination Logging Methods Most Costly I I I Six cutting units were logged using various combinations of high-lead, trac­ tor, and skyline yarding. Yarding costs on these units averaged highest of all. Direct labor charge was $3.41; sup­ plies, maintenance, and repairs aver­ aged $2.04, for a total of $5.45 per M. Generally the units were on very rough topography or logged under adverse conditions. Costs from individual units were consistent in that they reflected the proportions yarded by the several methods. WEATHER CONDITIONS un­ doubtedly influenced costs by all meth­ ods. However, no straightforward com­ parisons of logging under different weather conditions are possible from the data even though some logging was done in all seasons. Tractor yarding, for instance, offers no opportunity for such comparisons because it was halted whenever the soil was wet enough to cause serious compaction and sedimen­ tation. A comparison of three high-lead units, operated predominantly during the winter months (November through April), gives an average yarding labor cost of $4.38 per M. For five high-lead shows, operated predominantly from May through October, the costs were $3.08 per M or a difference of $1.30 per M. However, weather was respon­ sible for only part of the difference here since the three winter-logged units were also very steep and had low volumes per acre. A similar comparison for units logged by combination of tractor and high-lead gives $3.19 per M for wet­ season logging and $2.79 for dry-sea­ son logging-a difference of 40 cents per M. For mixed methods, including skyline logging, the comparison is $4.83 per M for yarding labor costs in winter and $3.06 per M during the May through October season-a difference of $1.77 per M. Although its effect can­ not be separated from those of other factors in this study, weather is obvious­ ly one of the more important elements in logging costs. Loading Costs Have Little Relation to Logging Methods This was true except in shows that were difficult to yard, even by cable methods. Tractor yarding costs least (table 2), but this is due mosrly to the extremely high cost of a few units logged by high-lead and skyline meth­ ods. On these units, low log production caused by difficult yarding often con­ trolled the rare of loading and resulted in high costs. For instance, the ex­ clusion of only 4 such units out of 2 5 logged b y high-lead o r mixed methods would result in practically the same av­ erage loading costs for all logging methods. Loading cost variation from unit to unit was due partly to difference in average log vcilumes and partly to a number of local circumstances. The formula: Man-hours per M 559 av. bd.-ft. per log - = 0.378 gives a reasonable but by no means pre­ cise estimate of the labor requirement. Total cost of loading-including sup­ plies, maintenance, and repairs - was 1.31 times the direct labor cost and averaged $1.53 per M board-feet for all the cutting. Costs for individual units ranged from $0.63 to $3.83 per M. Transportation, Road, and Other Logging Costs TRUCK HAUL from cutting units on the Andrews Experimental Forest to the Springfield-Eugene market is 50 miles; 8 on gravel road and 42 on paved. The going rate for trucking has been $9 to $9.25 per M gross, truck scale. Cost on a net scale basis has averageJ $11.30 per M, with only small fluctuation becaµse ,of cull differences. Transporta!ion ucl .co.;J.J coius are un­ related ro fogging merho<l. More than 27 miles of gravel road and 3 permanent bridges were con­ structed to reach the initial cutting units on the 9000-acre area. This rep­ resents 38% of the final road system. An additional 45 miles, mostly short spurs, will be ne - eded to log the reserve units. The system of staggered settings has thus opened a large part of the forest to management within a rela­ tively short period. ROAD COSTS per M board feet cut have been high for the initial cuttings. However, subsequent cuts near the ex­ isting road network will have little or no development charges, and much of the area is now accessible for prompt salvage, quick protection, and other needs of management. Roads have cost $20,000 to $32,000 per mile or $7.15 to $11.22 per M board-feet net log scale. The average cost has been $8.78 per M for the toral volume logged. MAINTENANCE COSTS on these operator-built roads plus the five miles of government-built access road have ranged from $0.61 to $0.96 per M. Ex­ cept for supervision, payroll taxes, and depreciation, indirect costs are not. re­ lated to logging method ·and only over­ all averages are shown. Costs o( pro­ tecting the cutting areas from - fire- and disposing of slash on clear cuttings and rights-of-way are also unrelated to log­ ging method. 40% Variation in Estimated Costs Shown Five years of cutting show-experience costs consistent with regional averages. Differences are not significant unless relatively large. For1nulae that have been developed from these carefuliy kept records might be used to predict some cost items. Of more importance is the considerable variation in recorded logging costs re­ sulting from local conditions that can neither be anticipated in planning nor accurately measured after the job is done. The study reported here has shown repeatedly that predications for a single clearcutting, based on either local records or regional averages, should allow for variations ranging to 40% above ·or below the ·estimated cost.