Reprinted from JoUR:-IAL . OF FoRESTRY, Volume 50, Number ll, November 1952 About This File· as created by scanning t e printed publication . . lsscans Identified by the software have been cor rected·1 however, some mistak es may remain. is file h .\·. An ·Analysis of Investments in Pruning1 Is artificial forest pruning a good financial investment? This question confronts owners of young or ."no" answers are not cqnsidemble qualifications. be: estimated. This article timber throughout the country. But ((ye-s" always forthcoming t least not without Yet the financial outcome of pruning can suggests one- way to make this important Elmer W. Shaw and George R.. Staebler Foresters, .Puget Sound Research Center, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Ex­ periment Station. -the growth of clear wood and the cost of pruning-can be evaluated ;mathematically to obtain good esti­ mates of the investment required prediction. to produce clear wood by pruning. Whether the difference in value THE NEED FOR F0REST PRUNING is well defined, The major problem, (the sec0nd factor) will be great not generally understood, or at then, is to find out in terms of dol­ least not properly emphasized. In lars and cents which are the best enough to show a profit is not so the conflict between present values trees for the long-term pruning in­ susceptible to formula treatment. In this article no attempt is made and values, it is usually the Yestment. Several attempts have been made to pre'dict these values and, from present values that win. Conse­ . quently, as long as high-grade vir­ to provide such answers in a form them, ultimate profits. Rather, the gin stands are able to supply the that can be applied under a wide aim is to show the added inves.t­ demand for clear lumber and prime range of conditions. Obviously, a ment required to produce clear face veneer, there is little concern problem as variable and complex as wood, with interest as a cost item, about producing the supply that pruning cannot be reduced to a and to let the timber owner decide is likely to be re­ must some day come from young simple formula. Neither can. re­ whether the cost ' growth. For example, in the Doug­ search nor statistics completely re­ turned. Olear· wood 2J1 ol:luced .- Obvio s las-fir region of Oregon and Wash­ place seasoned judgment and broad ington it is estimated that 45,000 experience; but alone,. judgment ly, it is the first factor, the clear acres should be pruned e'l!ery year, and experience are not sufficient. wood grown as a result of pruning, starting now, just to provide the Guides, tables, and research are that must pay for the pruning. volume of high grade logs that will needed to .supplement experienced Whatever affects the volume of c1,l3ar wood produced must be studied to be needed to su.stain qualit · ply­ judgment whenever p-ossible. determine not only its financial wood production at present levels. Economic Factors role but also its impact on manage­ Currently, less than one percent of , this required acreage is being The ultimate profit or loss from ment practices. Since clear wood pruned annually. In the ponderosa pruning· is determined by three is grown as a shell around a knotty pine of the Pacific Northwest, factors: (1) the an1ou·nt of usable core, its volume may be taken as pruning has been more extensive; clear wood .produced as· a result of the volun1e . of . the harvested log, yet not more than 111,000 acres pruning; (2) the difference in less the volm1le of the knotty core, have been pruned dnrh1g the past Yalue b e t we e n clear wood and and, perhaps, less some allowances .20 years. knotty wood at the time of hanest; for incomplete utilization. The diameter of the knotty core One of the reasons for this ·fail­ (3) the total cost accumulated at ure to prepare· for expected needs a chosen rate of interest for the at the time of pruning equals d.b.h. times form class. However, it will is the lack of information on the required number of years. These factors may be combined be a few years after pruning until long term financial aspects of prun­ ing. Neither private companies nor to give the following profit equa­ usable clear wood is produced. If public f o r e s t e r s wish to invest tion: Profit = volmne of usable the branch is sawed flush with the mone ' in extensive prunii1g nnless rlear wood produced x difference bark the cambium must grow out­ they are convinced_ that it pays. in value - pruning costs accumu­ ward the thickness of the bark be­ fore the stub can even begin to The breaking point between profit lated at a chosen interest rate.2 Factors 1 and 3 of this equation. heal, so bark thickness must be in­ and loss is often narrow and not cluded in the knotty core. (This emphasizes the necessit r of making· •rnterest at the chosen mte com­ 'This article is based upon the booklet, pounded annually-the familiar l.Op" Financial aspects of pruning. Pacific even cuts, as close to the bark as where p = interest rate and n = number Northwest Forest and Range .Experiment possible.) Then an all0wance must of years. Station, POl', Oreg. , August 1950. ··· ' ­ · · · ( \ 820 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY TABLE 1.-TOTAL PRUNING COST PER THOUSAND BOARD FEET m' CLEAR WOOD PRODUCED--SCRIBNER RULE. WHEN PRUNED, 10 INCHES; INTEREST RATE 2% PERCENT Average Approx. dia. growth No, rings per decade per inch Years after pruning Inches 1.0 1.5 23 15 2.0 11 2.5 9 3.0 7 125 90 100 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Attained d. b. h. Inches 22.5 23.5 25.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 22.0 25.0 28.0 31.0 34.0 37.0 40.0 Growth clear wood 20 , . OF TREE H Total pruning cost per M board feet, when initial cost per tree, in cents, is 40 60 80 Board feet 161 183 217 194 241 293 348 161 217 279 348 423 504 151 217 293 377 471 574 686 D.B 100 Dollars 27.21 10.09 10.88 5.81 5.98 6.30 6.79 4.27 4.06 4.04 4.14 4.36 4.69 3.56 3.17 3.00 2.99 3.06 3.22 3.44 81.62 30.26 32.65 17.42 17.95 18.90 20.36 12.81 12.17 12.11 12.43 13.09 14.06 10.67 9.50 9.01 8.96 9.19 9.65 10.33 54.42 20.17 21.77 11:61 11.97 12.60 13.58 8.54 8.11 8.08 8.29 8.73 9.37 7.11 6.34 6.01 5.98 6.12 6.43 6.89. 108.83 40.34 43.54 23.22 23.94 25.20 27.15 17.08 16.22 16.15 16.58 17.46 18.74 14.22 12.67 12.02 11.95 12.25 12.86 13.78 136.04 50,43 54.42 29.03 29.92 31.50 33.94 21.35 20.28 20.19 20.72 21.82 23.43 17.78 15.84 15.02 14.94 15.31 16.08 17.22 Growth of clear wood is growth on the first 16- foot Jog. Top d.i.b. of log equals .80 d.b.h. Diameter of knotty core assumed t be 2.0 inches larger than diameter of log at time of pruning. Minimum attained d.b.h. considered is 22.5 inches, which will Yield a log whose diameter is 8 inches greater than diameter of knotty core. · , be made. for healing and for the impossibility of complete utiliza­ tion of the clear wood. One amount may cover both healing and utiliza­ tion allowances. The scaling diam­ eter of the log at the time of har­ vest is determined by the d.b.h. and form class of the tree. Of course these measurements vary somewhat with species. How­ ever, well-chosen values will apply to the great majority of the species and forest types of the United States. In the tables given in the original publication (8), of which Table 1 of this article is a sample, (,llear wood growing in the butt 16-foot log was computed using a form class of :80. Bark thickness. allowance varied from .5 in:ch to 2.5 inches, depending on the d.b.h. of the tree, and 1 inch was allowed for healing and incomplete utiliza­ tion. Studies in Douglas-fir (1) and loblolly pine (5) indicate that these are adequate allowances, at "least for those species. After these fixed, somewhat ar­ bitrary allowances have been made, the volume of usable clear wood produced depends on both the diameter of the tree when pr1,1ned and the average rate of diameter growth for a given number of years. Of these two influences, growth rate is the more important. For example, a 6-inch tree that averages 1.5 inches growth per decade for 90 years grows only 142 board feet ; by doubling the diam­ eter growth rate, more than three times as much clear wood (476 board feet) is produced. Similar figures for a 10-inch tree are 183 and 574 board feet· growth on the pruned section. However, it is often easier and cheaper to prune the smaller tree. These inter-re­ lated effects of size and growth . rate show the need to integrate pruning, silvicultural practice, and management plans. Pruned stands, especially fully stocked ones, should be carefully managed to maintain a high rate of growth. This may call for periodic thinning; intermediate harvest cuts, or selective cutting, depending on species and stand conditions. In stands where no release is planned, extra care should be taken to select for pruning trees that will not be­ come retarded by competition. This usually means the larger trees in even-aged stands. In open·grown or medium stocked stands, crop­ tree selection is relatively simple, but in young, even-aged, fully stocked stands it is more difficult to select the trees that will retain or gain dominance as they mature. The fact that closely grown trees will eventually prune themselves naturally has often been presented as an argument against artificial pruning. At least it is claimed that not all the increased value should be attributed to pruning since some clear wood might have been produced anyhow. This may be partially true in soine cases, but in general the time required to start growing clear wood without prun­ ing is often as long as the planned rotation age itself. ·For example, research conducted by the Pacific Northwest Forest ap_d Range Ex­ periment Station and the Forest Products Laboratory has shown that in average stands of Douglas­ fir 100 years or more are lost before a tree starts laying on commercial clear wood in the first 16-foot log (3, 4, 7). On the other hand, fast­ growing trees with no competition or side shading may never yield any thing but rough, common grade lumber unless pruned artificially. ' As an indication of the lumber grade recovery that may be ex­ pected from unpruned young­ growth Douglas-fir, mill studies conducted by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Sta­ tion in both Oregon and Washing­ NovEMBER 1952 821 ton may be cited ( 6, 9). The studies included 1,976 logs cut from trees 50 to 90 years old. Average lum­ ber recQvery was as follows: 32 percent select merchantable 53 percent No. 1 13 percent No. 2 2 percent No. 3 structural and select Common Common Common ...,: &L d a) $40 �--��-----r--_,--ASSVMED 0.8.H. = 10/NCHES 2 COST = 40t PER TREE a: w 0 0.. $3 1--+-+---�--+-;-----:---t-- TERM= 100 YEARS AFTER PRUNING a 0 $25 -These figures indicate that the a: young-growth stands are capable c( w $20 ..J of producing good lumber in the u structural and common grades, but u. they produce no lumber in the clear 0 $15 grades that are so important to the t;; Douglas-fir trade. At present, vir­ 8 ..J $10 tually all the clear grades of Doug­ c( las-fir lumber are obtained from z 0 timber over 100 years old. E $5 0 Difference in value.-The second Q factor that determines the profit c( $0 in p;runing is· the difference in w w u w value between clear wood and D. B. H. GROWTH RATE IN INCHES PER DECADE knotty wood at the time of harvest. FIG. 1.- Rate of d.b.h. growth and interest as related to cost of clear wood produced This difference cannot be accurate­ by pruning. ly predicted when the tree is pruned but all trends suggest that ment, the total cost (third factor ing trees must bear the total prun­ the premium for clear wood will of the equation) will include three ing cost. Initial costs must tht>n remain high, even in an age of items: (a) initial costs; (b) allow­ be computed as $50/80 or 62% cellulose. Consequently, current ance for mortality; (c) interest. cents per tree. Estimates of the prices can be 'us d as a conservative The initial cost of pruning to a probable mortality should be based guide. In Douglas-fir, for exam­ height of 18 feet varies widely, on the best available records for ple, a ·premium of $30 to $35 per ranging from 15 cents to $1 a tree. the species and area on which prun­ thousand board feet above the price A representative average would ing is to be done. of sawmill grade logs is now being probably be from 30 to 50 cents a After the initial pruning cost has paid for peeler grades. tree, but conditions throughout the been adjusted for probabl-e mar­ In the finished product the price nation differ so greatly that an ac­ tality, then interest-the .third cost difference is even greater. F01' ex­ curate estimate for a particular item-should be computed. This ample, in the retail lumber mar­ stand should not be attempted is done by accumulating the ad­ kets, clears sell for from two to five without a field trial or thorough justed cost at the chosen rate 'of t1mes more than knotty, common study based on ·similar projects. interest for the desired number of grades. In a recent study of the The main item of initial cost is la­ years. Selecting the interest rate profit in pruning western white and bor, but other items to include are: is primarily a management deci­ ·ponderosa pine, comparisons be­ transportation, c a m p expenses, sion. The long-range program of ' tween the mill recovery from un­ tools, equipment, saw filing, main­ the owner usually determines the pruned logs and the theoretical re­ tenance, taxes, insurance, supervi­ rate of interest at which he is will­ covery from· pruned 16-ioot butt sian, administration, tree marking, ing to invest his money; however, logs with a 4-inch knotty core and mapping, planning, and record interest should not be used as an a scaling diameter of 20 inches keeping. ironclad rule in deciding whether Not all trees pruned will live to to prune. Like many other forest showed an additional value of $51:96 per thousand ior western be harvested as planned. Some will investments, pruning should be · white pine and $60.70 per thousand die, others will inevitably be badly considered from several finanCial for ponderosa pine, based on Sep­ damaged, and some will fail to angles. Occasionally an investment tember 1949 lumber prices (2). For make good growth and become sup­ may be justified on the basis of the concern that manufactures pressed. All these losses must be , other values that more than com­ lumber or other products from its distributed over the pruned trees pensate for the low financial re­ own pruned trees, this should. ac­ that do survive and are cut. For turn, but for the purpose of com­ tually be the criterion of value dif­ example, 100 trees are pruned at parison it is customary to include a cost of 50 cents a tree, or $50. cqmpound interest at low rates. ference. Twenty percent of the trees die or Some foresters have suggested, Pruning costs.-When pruning is considered a financial invest­ fail to make crop trees; the remain­ however, that pruning be consid­ · · · _822 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY ered as a current cost 'of operation with no interest charged against it, and that gains expected to re­ sult from pruning be figured as the interest rate that will be earned. From the long-term standpoint, es­ peeially on public lands, this view­ point has much in its favor. Combined Effects of Economic Factors In actual practice the factors that affect the pruning investment should be considered in their natu­ ral inter-relations to each other rather than separately. This can be shown best by tables and graphs. Figure 1 represents the effects of diameter· growth and interest rates on the cost per thousand board feet of producing clear wood by prun­ ing-. The sharp drop of the curves emphasizes the importance of good ' growth. The effect of different rates of interest is indicated by the vertical space between the curves. Figure 2 further illustrates how the cost of clear wood is influenced by the length of the holding per od $80 t:: g IVgrowl 2 De $60 w a. 0 0 0 $50 ' De $40 1- ASSUME.o: ..J u u. 0 $30 t;; 8 ""' = /OlNCHES O.B.H. COST/THEE= 50¢ ....... C!resf LO''arowth -' $20 interest. J.O"growfh ....-_n inter st 3.0"grotHh 3% 0 0 ct $0 0 10 30 20 60 40 YEARS AFTa 70 80 90 100 PRUNING (HOLDING PERIOD) FIG. 2.-Effect of d.b.h. growth, per decade, and interest rates on the cost of pro­ ducing clear wood by pruning. by a period of rising costs. The period of minimum costs, however, does not necessarily determine the rotation age, foi' there are many other factors to consider in decid­ ing the most desirable time for the final cut. -the number of years between pruning and final harvest. When compound interest is introduced, a period of falling cost is followed Problem-(l) To determine the cost of producing clear wood by pruning at the Voight Creek Experimental Forest. (2) To estimate the expected profit or loss on the investment. Given -A 40- year old thinned stand of young- growth Douglas- fir on Site III. Average height of pruning --------------------------------------------------------------- 18 feet Average d.b.h. of trees pruned--------------------------------------------------------- 10 inches 2.0 inches Average rate of d.b.h. growth per decade. Initial pruning cost per tree---------------------------------------------------------- 25c All_owance for mortalitY-------------------------------------------------------------------- 15% Adjusted cost per tree--------------------------------------------------------------------- SOc (100% - i5% = 85%; 25c + .85 = 29.4c . Interest rate -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 2.5% 100 years. Holding pel'iod (between pruning ·and harvest) Number of trees pruned per acre-------------------------------------------------- 100 Expected harvest (trees per acre)------------------------------------------------- 85 Assumed"-Pre'mium of clear wood produced-----------------------------------------------"- $SO/M (difference in value between knotty wqod and clear wood at time of harvest) . Solution-Consult T ble 1, then interpolate for a pruning cost of SOc a tree using the data outlined above. The table reveals the following: ·Additional cost per M of clear wood produced--------------------------- $10.18 SO inches Attained d.b.h. Yield of clear wood in the 16- ft. butt log.----------------------------------- S48 bd. ft. By using an assumed future value the profit may be estimated as follows: $SO.OO .Assumed premium per M for clear wood $0.72 Pruning cost per M b.m. .14 Allowance for mortalitY------------------------------------------------------ Application _______________________________________ ___________________________ · --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Total direct costs per M Interest charges I intereIst - / \ $70 _____________________________________________ ------------------------------·---··----------------------------­ Total cost per M b.m. to produce.... .86 9.S2 ·-------------------------------------------·---- m 10.18 Profit per M b.m. on clear wood produced........ 19.82 Profit per tree $19.82 X .S48 M b 6.90 Profit per acre $6.90 X 85----------------------------------------------------------586.50 · This means that under these conditions, pruning 100 trees at a cost of $25 will return $568.50 more than would be realized on an investment of $25 in securities paying 2.5 .percent compound interest for 100 years. Stated another way, it means that the $25 invested in pruning an acre of trees will earn approximately S.6 percent · eompound interest for 100 ye,ars or a total of $862.75. . _____________ _____________ ,_____________________________________________ _ To illustrate these economic fac­ tors more concret ely, records from a pruning study conducted in young-growth Douglas-fir from 1949 to 1952 on the -Voight Creek Experimental Forest near Orting, Wash., are included here. This forest is a 230-acre tract dedicated to intensive research, and managed cooperatively by the St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company and the Pacific Nort. hwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Data used in the solution of the follow­ ing problems are taken froin pub­ lished tables ( 8). The booklet upon which this ar­ ticle is based ( 8) contains 14 pages of tables, presenting data for differ­ ent rates of interest, tree sizes, growth rates, holding periods, and initial pruning costs. By using such tables each variable can be analyzed independently to deter­ mine its influence on the pruning investment. Such an analysis is NOVEMBER 1952 valuable in selecting prospective stands :for pruning. It is equally helpful in ·determining what size and type o:f tree within the stand itself should be pruned. Conclusion Artificial :forest pruning is essen­ tial in young stands i:f clear, high­ grade wood is to be produced in a reasonable length o:f time. The ap­ proximate cost o:f producing clear wood by pruning can be calculated in advance by a careful analysis o:f the :factors. involved. Likewise ' i:f a :future difference in value be­ tween clear wood and knotty wood is assumed, the profit or loss on the pruning investment can also be predicted. T·he most important :factor in de­ termining the final profit is gen­ erally the average rate o:f diameter growth on the pruned section. Trees with diameter growth rates less than 1.5 inches per decade, or· 15 rings per inch not counting the 8 3 bark growth, are unlikely to be profitable pruning chances. O:f all the various pruning costs, com­ pound interest usually has the greatest effect upon the ultimate margin o:f profit. Unless growth is exceptionally rapid,· high rates o:f compound interest c a n n o t be charg·ed and still show a net gain on the investment. However, the use o:f interest and carrying charges as a cost o:f pruning is an accounting problem subject to dif­ ferent points o:f view. Consequent­ ly, the :forest owner himself sho-uld decide whether to use compound in­ terest, and i:f so, what rate to allow. Study o:f these financial aspects will show that pruning, when prop­ erly done, is a sound investment. Therefore, artificial :forest pruning in thrifty, young stands should be widely encouraged. Literature Cited 1. ANDERSON, E. A. 1951. Healing time for pruned Douglas- fir. Report No. R1907, U. S. Fo1·est Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, Wis. 2. HUEY, B. M. 1950. The profit in pruning western white and ponderosa pine. Northern Rocky Mountain For­ est and Range Experiment Station. Research Note No. 85. 3, KACHIN, T. 1940. Natural pruning in second- growth Douglas- fir. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experi, ment Station. Research Note No. 31. 4. KOTOK, E. S. 1951. Shall we prune to provide peeler logs for the future f The Timberman 52(10) :104-109. 5, MANN, W. F., JR. 1951. Pruning lob­ lolly pine in the farm forest. The Forest Farmer 10(12) :5. 6. MATSON, E. E. 1950. Seco nd- growth Douglas- fir lumber. Paper presented at the Pacific Northwest Section meet­ ing of the Forest Products Research Society, Shelton,· Wash. November, 1951. 7. PAUL, B. H. 1947. Knots in second­ growth Douglas- fir. Report No. R1690, U. S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, Wis. 8. SHAW, E. W. and G. R. STAEBLER. 1950. Financial aspects of pruning. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range F)xperiment Station. 9. WOR-THINGTON, N. P. 1949, L11mber grade recovery and milling costs from second- growth Douglas- fir of Central Western Washington. The Timber­ man 50(11) :58-66, \