RESEARCH NOTES '-'·1,\nS'S coP .Issued o/ tM f\LE. L.U' v PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST .AND RANGE. EX PERJMENT STATION lt.,o_-- 2_---- CORD iOOD VOLUME TABLES FOR SECOND-GRO\.JT DOUGLAS-]fiR By George R. Staebler and Elmer W. Shaw Pacific Northwest Forest & Range E;xperiment Station Puget Sound Research Center The increasing harvest of second - growth Douglas-fir for · pulpwood makes cordwood volume tables, based on the conventional measures of tree diameter and height, useful tools for the pulpwood operators and forest managers seeking to determine the merchantable contents of their stands. Recent investigations in the Puget Sound vicinity into the cubic-foot content of a cord of 8-foot bolts of Douglas-fir it possible to con­ · struct such tables a Table l shows the number of cords in trees of different diameters and heightsG (These are stacked cords of unpeeled 8-foot bolts. ) It is assumed that the tree will be utilized to a 4-inch top inside the hark, and that stump heipht equals the d.b.h. of the tree. It is simply a conventional volume table using cords as the unit of measure and may be conve ntionally applied. Table 2, giving the number of trees required to make a cor d, is useful in visualizine second-frowth trees and stands in terms of cords. These tables were derived from two sources of basic data. Cubic­ foot content of trees was taken from "Cubic-foQt, volume table for se·cond­ growth Douglas-fir on forest survey standard,1111 which gives the volume 1./ Douglas-fir Second-Growth Management Committee. growth fore ts in the Douglas-fir reg i on. Exp. 9ta December 1947. 151 p. Management of second­ for. ( Table 6A.) Pac. N. W. Processed. & Range · · of the tree stem exclusive of bark and limbs between the stump and a 4­ inch top. The cubic feet per cord was tc.ken from a local study of the solid contents of stacked cords of 8-foot woo having different aver­ are bolt diameters. Diameter of the average bolt that might be taken from trees of different sizes was estimated by first finding in taper Th tables t e e g h of the st m between the stump &.nd a 4-inch top. . length d1v1ded 1nto the cub1c-foot vo ume taken from the volume tablel/ gave the bc.sal area of the average bolt which, when translated into di­ ameter, made it possible to find for each tree size class the cubic feet per cord from the table of cordwood converting factors. Cubic-foot vol­ ume of the tree divided by the corresponding cubic feet per cord gave the cords per tree shown in table 1. d2/ ?} Worthington, Norman P. and Melvin P. Twerdal. Contents of a cord of eight-foot pulpwooda Pac. N. W. For. & Range Exp. Sta. February 28, 1949. Unpublished report. J/ See footnote 1 -2- Table 1.--Cordvvood volume in second-growth Douglas-fir trees • D.h.h. Cords per tree 6 8 10 .024 .. 052 081 .034 .068 .107 .042 .085 .131 .. 051 .100 .159 .. 060 119 .186 .070 .139 ,.212 .151 .232 .259 .286 12 14 16 18 20 12 0 .. 156 . 156 .205 .263 .191 .251 .323 .. 400 .482 .229 .302 =384 .,478 5 73 ., ,.263 o353 o449 o55l 0661 .. 300 .. 405 511 62 4 7 46 .328 -448 .570 .696 .. 828 .. 363 .494 .. 624 ro772 .916 .406 .441 .538 .593 .640 .696 &799 .673 .744 .. 876 ,.948 .826 .. 902 976 1 .. 070 1.171 983 1.073 1.171 1.280 1 390 a566 "660 .. 756 0765 o871 ,.955 1,047 1.133 1.,241 1.349 1.,458 1.,602 o863 o975 1.,083 1.169 1,.274 1.393 la500 1.,631 1.,786 .. 22 214- Note: .. ,. . .310 Volume of unpeeled stem between stump height equal to d.b.h. and a 4-inch top d .. i.b.; cordwood assumed to be cut in 8-foot lengths. Table 2.--Number of second-growth Douglas-fir trees :Qer cord 0 J Total hei ht of tree in feet 6o 1oo ·11o 9o 8o 7o Trees :Qer cord· 1 1 1 1 l · 6 8 10 41 2 19 4 12 3 29ca6 14"8 9 3 23 5 11.8 7 6 19"5 10,0 6,3 16 .. 7 8o4 5 4 12 14 16 18 20 8,.3 6 4 6 4 4 9 3o8 5o2 4o0 3ol 2 .. 5 2ol 4,4 3a3 2o6 2 1 lG7 3 8 2o8 2,2 lo8 1., 5 3,3 2a5 2"0 la6 lo3 1"8 lo5 1"3 1.,3 lol 1,2 laO 22 24 Note: .. .. . ., .. .. .. " .. l 12o 1 136 1 1 140 1 0 · 14"3 7 2 6 6 4,.7 4.3 3 9 .. 3 .. 5 3 .. 2 3<>0 2,2 1 8 1 4 lo2 2 8 2o0 1,6 133 lal 2.,5 1,.9 la5 1,.2 1 .. 0 2 .. 3 lo7 lo3 l l Oo9 o 1,6 1 .. 3 1 .. 0 0,.9 1"4 1 .. 1 0.9 0,8 lol 0.,9 0.7 laO 0,9 1,.0 Oo9 0"9 Oo8 0"8 0,7 0 .. 7 0.,7 0 .. 7 0,.6 0 0 o " Volume of unpeeled stem between stump height equal to d.b. h. and inch top d.L. b,; cordwood assumed to be cut into 8-foot lengths .. -3- a .. " 6 6 4-