Molecular Ecology (2009) 18, 4256–4269 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04280.x Range persistence during the last glacial maximum: Carex macrocephala was not restricted to glacial refugia M A T T H E W G . K I N G , * M A T T H E W E . H O R N I N G † and E R I C H . R O A L S O N ‡ *Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T1Z4, †USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA, ‡School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA Abstract The distribution of many species inhabiting northwestern North America has been heavily influenced by the climatic changes during the late Pleistocene. Several studies have suggested that species were restricted to glacial refugia north and ⁄ or south of the continental ice sheet front. It is also hypothesized that the coast of northwestern North America could have been a prime location for glacial refugia because of the lowering of the eustatic sea level and the concomitant rise of the continental shelf because of tectonic rebound. Alternatively, some coastal species distributions and demographics may have been unaffected in the long-term by the last glacial maximum (LGM). We tested the glacial refugium hypothesis on an obligate coastal plant species, Carex macrocephala by sampling 600 individuals from 41 populations with 11 nuclear microsatellite loci and the rpL16 plastid intragenic spacer region. The microsatellite data sets suggest a low level of population differentiation with a standardized G¢ST = 0.032 and inbreeding was high with an F = 0.969. The homogenization of the populations along the coast was supported by a principal coordinate analysis, AMOVAs and SAMOVA analyses. Analyses using the rpL16 data set support the results of the microsatellite analyses, with a low FST of 0.042. Coalescent and mismatch analyses using rpL16 suggest that C. macrocephala has not gone through a significant bottleneck within the past 100 000 years, although a much earlier population expansion was indicated by the mismatch analysis. Carex macrocep­ hala exhibits the characteristics of metapopulation dynamics and on the basis of these results, we concluded that it was not restricted to glacial refugia during the LGM, but that it existed as a large metapopulation. Keywords: coastal refuge, Cyperaceae, Pleistocene glaciation, population genetics Received 25 July 2008; revision received 27 April 2009; accepted 5 May 2009 Introduction Identifying phylogeographical patterns and inferring the process of diversification following the last glacial maximum (LGM) are important for understanding the distribution of organismal diversity today. The north­ western portion of North America is an important geo­ graphical region that has been the focus of many phylogeographical studies, where the specific goal has been to identify the locations of potential glacial refugia during the LGM. Several of these investigations have Correspondence: Matthew G. King, Fax: 604 822 6089; E-mail: focused on species with large biogeographical disjuncts, i.e. noncontiguous distributions such as the tailed-frog Ascaphus truei (Nielson et al. 2001); the Tamias amoenus species complex (Demboski & Sullivan 2003); and Pleth­ odon vandykei (Carstens et al. 2004). Phylogeographical studies have also been conducted on species native to montane regions of the Cascade and Rocky Mountains such as Sorex monticolus (Demboski & Cook 2001); chip­ munks, Tamias, (Good et al. 2003); and the Idaho giant salamander Dicamptodon aterrimus (Carstens et al. 2005; see Brunsfeld et al. 2001 for more examples). Potential refugia have been suggested for areas south of the continental ice sheet boundary for Tamias (Demboski & Sullivan 2003), Dicamptodon (Steele & Storfer 2006) and © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4257 several other species (Brunsfeld et al. 2001), but some studies have suggested colonization from refugia north of the continental ice sheet maximum such as the ermine, Mustela erminea (Fleming & Cook 2002); Canis lupis (Weckworth et al. 2005); Martes and Sorex (Dembo­ ski et al. 1999). Phylogeographical studies along the western coast of North America are also important for inferring potential postglacial migration routes of humans (Hetherington et al. 2003). These studies have suggested that the potential refugia were located along the Pacific coast; however, those taxa of interest are not obligate coastal species and therefore speculation remains as to the precise location of the possible coastal refugia. Nonobligate coastal species may have persisted in inland refugia and recolonized coastal areas follow­ ing the retreat of the ice sheet. Clearly, the LGM had a drastic impact on most spe­ cies with distributions in northern latitudes in western North America and that this is the most tested hypothe­ sis, but there are important alternative hypotheses to consider. An alternative is that species distributions and demographics remained unchanged during the LGM and that there is no significant genetic signature (e.g. indicating a bottleneck) from that time period. This is possible in many organisms south of the continental ice sheet that did not undergo drastic range shifts because of change in global climate. However, it is possible that contemporary population genetic architecture may mask the genetic signature of the LGM. By using a coastal-obligate terrestrial species Carex macrocephala, the large-headed sedge, as our model organism, we attempt here to test explicitly the coastal refugium hypothesis and examine the population genetic dynam­ ics of a coastal sedge. Carex macrocephala is a low-lying sedge confined to sandy beaches and sand dunes distributed along the Pacific coast of North America and Asia. The species range encompasses �16° of latitude along the North American west coast from mid-Oregon north through Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, across the Bering Sea to the Kamchatka Peninsula and south along the east coast of Asia to Hokkaido Island of Japan (Fig. 1). It spreads across unstable sand dunes by extensive rhizome growth (Mastrogiuseppe 2002). Carex macrocephala has monoecious individuals, although typically, the shoots are unisexual (e.g. paradioecy; Standley 1985; Pannell & Verdú 2006). There are no reports of self-incompatibility in Carex and selfing rates are most likely high because of wind-mediated cross-pollination of the multiple sex­ ual ramets per individual. Populations of C. macrocephala Fig. 1 Map of the 41 sampling localities of Carex macrocephala from the north­ west coast of North America. Black stars represent localities and dark grey out­ lines surrounding localities represent the first AMOVA designations of groups. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 4258 M . G . K I N G , M . E . H O R N I N G and E . H . R O A L S O N and its sister species Carex kobomugi can be established by floating rhizome mats (personal observation) and seeds have very low in situ germination rates (Ishikawa et al. 1993). King & Roalson (2009a) used statistical phylogeo­ graphical coalescent analyses to suggest C. macrocephala has existed within North America for at least 125 000 ± 20 000 years. As C. macrocephala has persisted in North America since before the LGM, we can infer that there must have been populations harbouring genetic and allelic diversity during that time (Widmer & Lexer 2001), c. 18 000 years ago (Barendregt & DukRodkin 2004). It is assumed that range expansions or contractions would leave identifiable genetic patterns, which may allow us to infer the location of those refu­ gia (Hewitt 1996, 2004; Widmer & Lexer 2001). The locations of the populations of C. macrocephala would have changed during the LGM because of the presence of the continental ice sheet along the coast, the decline in eustatic sea level and depression of the continental shelf caused by the weight of the ice sheet. We would assume, under a standard biogeographical framework, that C. macrocephala was geographically restricted because of these factors and genetic diversity would have been reduced as a result of bottleneck events dur­ ing concomitant population size reductions (Abbott et al. 2000). Any current estimate of population genetic structure sampled from across a species range is the result of both historical and contemporary population level processes (e.g. drift, migration). Often, recent events mask older population genetic signals. This is particularly evident when examining the genetic structure of northern popula­ tions that are the descendants of Pleistocene glacial refuge populations (Riddle 1996). When researching potential glacial refuge locations, we often assume that current genetic diversity within those locations is higher than in the nonrefuge populations because of founder effects (He­ witt 1996; Widmer & Lexer 2001). However, this assump­ tion can be misleading in areas colonized from multiple refuge populations (Widmer & Lexer 2001; Abbott & Brochmann 2003; Petit et al. 2003). Nevertheless, many analytical tools are available to infer past genetic structur­ ing, particularly when sampling is robust. To evaluate the coastal glacial refuge hypothesis, we have employed a multilocus approach using nuclear microsatellites and a plastid intergenic spacer to attempt to identify refugia of C. macrocephala along the northwest coast of North America. Moreover, we char­ acterized contemporary population genetic structuring, levels of inbreeding and gene flow. Through the use of various population genetic techniques, we examined the impact the LGM had on the distribution of C. macrocep­ hala along the Pacific coast of North America. Materials and methods Population sampling Six hundred individuals of Carex macrocephala were col­ lected from 41 localities along the Pacific coast of North America (Fig. 1, Table 1). Many of these localities were identified using herbarium collections and these sites represent nearly all of the known extant populations along the North American coast. Leaf tissue was col­ lected from each locality in a manner to minimize the probability of sampling the same genet. In populations covering long stretches of beach, samples were collected every 100–200 m over many kilometres. In populations where more concentrated sampling was required to collect enough samples, the extent of clonal spread was observed by following rhizomes and collections were spread as far apart as possible. Leaf tissue was immediately desiccated in the field for optimal DNA preservation. Molecular techniques Genomic DNA was extracted following a modified 2X CTAB protocol using 30 mg of dried leaf material and pulverized in liquid nitrogen using micropestels (Roal­ son et al. 2001). We used a cpDNA marker, the rpL16 intergenic spacer, previously shown to be variable within populations of C. macrocephala along the North American coast (King & Roalson 2009a). Amplification protocols of the rpL16 spacer follow Shaw et al. (2005). We used Eppendorf MasterTaq to minimize the poly­ merase chain reaction error rate as it has a higher fidel­ ity than other DNA Taq polymerases (product literature; Eppendorf Corp.). Sequencing was conducted at Washington State University’s Center for Integrated Biotechnology sequencing core on an Applied Biosys­ tems 3730 automated DNA sequencer following ABI’s protocol for Big Dye Terminators version 3.1. Forward and reverse strand templates were sequenced, contigs were created and edited using Sequencher version 4.6 (GeneCodes Corp). Sequences were manually aligned in SE-AL version 2.0 (Rambaut 1996). Thirty-seven indi­ viduals representing 37 different haplotypes were resequenced to verify the authenticity of the polymor­ phisms within the rpL16 spacer. Nuclear microsatellite loci were previously character­ ized in King & Roalson (2009b). All loci comprise dinu­ cleotide repeats except CM16, CM35, and CM39 which comprise trinucleotide repeats. These loci were devel­ oped from a size fractionated genomic library con­ structed from a single individual of C. macrocephala from the coast of Washington state. Amplification of the target loci followed the protocols outlined in King and © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4259 Table 1 Sampling localities of Carex macrocephala across the northwest coast of North America Pop Location Latitude Longitude N f Allelic diversity rpL16 diversity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Mouth of Moose Creek, OR Mouth of Beaver Creek, OR Taft, OR Siletz Bay, OR Neskowin Beach, OR Whalen Island South, OR Whalen Island North, OR Camp Magruder, OR Rockaway Beach, OR Del Rey Beach, OR Camp Rilea Beach, OR Leadbetter Point State Park 1, WA Leadbetter Point State Park 2, WA Midway Beach, WA Westport Lighthouse State Park, WA La Push Beach, WA Crescent Beach, WA Fort Worden State Park, WA Deception Pass State Park, WA Spencer Spit State Park, WA Port Renfrew, BC Bamfiled, BC Long Beach 1 PRNP, BC Long Beach 2 PRNP, BC Mackenzie Beach PRNP, BC Wickaninish Beach PRNP, BC Oyster Beach, BC San Josef Beach 1, BC San Josef Beach 2, BC Rose Spit, BC Naikoon Provincial Park, BC Tow Hill, BC Tlell Beach, BC Pasagshak Beach Kodiak Island, AK Shelikof Beach Kruzof Island, AK Shelikof Beach 2 Kruzof Island, AK Yakutat Canon Beach, AK Yakutat Coast Guard Beach, AK Mouth of Kenai River, AK Kalifornsky Beach, AK Kasilof Beach, AK 44.36043333 44.52381667 44.92911667 44.9279 45.1 45.27326667 45.27865 45.58301667 45.626 46.04806667 46.11431667 46.52746667 46.60715 46.76908333 46.88728333 47.91581667 48.16228333 48.14805 48.3913 48.54036667 48.536 48.78685833 49.07245 49.07245 49.13321667 49.0191 49.8955 50.67446667 50.67446667 54.16965 54.1127 54.07225 53.57883333 57.45856667 57.16976667 57.16635 59.49281667 59.50995 60.57 61.52383333 60.38923333 124.0897167 124.0736167 124.01175 124.0236167 123.97 123.9502167 123.9503333 123.9648333 123.9435333 123.93095 123.9449333 124.04655 124.0431833 124.0941833 124.1234833 124.64235 123.707 122.7613 122.6474667 122.8553 124.4108333 125.173225 125.7668667 125.7668667 125.9026167 125.6730833 125.14685 128.2767667 128.2767667 131.6566 131.71455 131.79105 131.9318 152.45035 135.7559333 135.7560333 139.7271833 139.7740333 151.25 151.2694667 151.2965 10 10 7 3 10 8 7 4 5 20 9 15 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 7 29 26 7 20 20 20 29 30 20 26 30 30 30 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 20 0.937 0.928 0.924 1 0.849 0.938 1 0.915 0.964 0.893 0.945 0.851 0.892 0.904 1 0.941 0.977 0.833 0.909 0.843 0.895 0.826 0.889 0.921 0.904 0.964 0.887 0.863 0.952 0.908 0.895 0.905 0.94 0.917 0.947 0.987 0.935 0.69 0.914 0.984 0.945 0.12 0.31 0.42 0.55 0.24 0.39 0.39 0.57 0.47 0.24 0.36 0.19 0.29 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.22 0.15 0.26 0.17 0.16 0.47 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.13 0.15 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.34 0.34 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.31 0.31 0.22 0 0.8 0.9524 0.6667 0.8444 1 0.9524 0.5 1 0.9263 0.8056 0.7619 0.7778 0.8444 0.8571 0.9333 0.9333 0.8889 0.7778 0.8571 0.8547 0.7631 0.9048 0.7947 0.8474 0.8789 0.5493 0.9218 0.9105 0.9446 0.8023 0.9126 0.8897 0.5111 0.8 0.9143 0.7714 0.3778 0.7778 0.8222 0.5731 N refers to sample size, f is the microsatellite determined inbreeding coefficient of Weir & Cockerham (1984), microsatellite allelic diversity is calculated as the number of alleles per individual per locus and the rpL16 haplotypic diversity. Roalson (2008b) and amplified products were multi­ plexed with three other loci each with a different fluo­ rescent dye. Final dilution ratios of 1:40 were needed and fragments were visualized on an Applied Biosys­ tems 3730 and scored using GeneMapper version 3.7 (Applied Biosystems). To minimize the number of mis­ called alleles, all individuals for all loci were scored manually. Three localities, 10, 28 and 32, were reextracted and genotyped to assess genotyping error and to confirm clonal identity (Bonin et al. 2004; ArnaudHaond et al. 2007). © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Clone identification To ensure that we were only using unique genets in further analyses, we first determined clonal identity within each locality. The first method we used was to excise all duplicate genotypes from the same location. The second method we used was to conduct a statistical analysis in GENCLONE 2.0 (Arnaud-Haond and Belkhir 2007) to determine identical multilocus genotypes (MLGs) in the original data set. Additionally, GENCLONE was used to assess the levels of clonal diversity within 4260 M . G . K I N G , M . E . H O R N I N G and E . H . R O A L S O N each locality. When microsatellites show significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), it can be difficult to assess the clonal diversity within each locality and caution is needed when interpreting the results (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2007). GENCLONE is able to calculate the probability of each MLG (pgen) in the sample in two ways, one where HWE is assumed, and one where the algorithm accounts for departures in HWE by estimating FIS. Following the GENCLONE analy­ sis, all duplicate MLGs were excised from the data set. Population genetic analyses of microsatellite data sets We first analysed the nuclear microsatellite data set to identify population genetic patterns and to identify whether the loci are in HWE and linkage equilibrium. FSTAT (Goudet 1995) was used to determine if the loci were in HWE and to estimate levels of linkage disequi­ librium (LD). We then used FSTAT to calculate allelic diversity, observed heterozygosity (HO), expected het­ erozygosity (HE), gene diversity (HT) and Nei’s genetic differentiation (GST). We also used FSTAT to obtain sum­ mary population genetic indices of Wright’s F-statistics, F, f and Q, following Weir & Cockerham (1984), where F is an estimate of inbreeding across all subpop­ ulations, f is an estimate of inbreeding within each subpopulation and Q is an estimate of differentiation across all subpopulations (Wright 1951; Nei 1973). Values for GST are highly dependent on the level of variability and hence we used RECODEDATA (Meirmans 2006) to obtain a data set that would estimate the maxi­ mum GST-value possible and scaled our GST-value to this maximum GST-value, as recommended by Hedrick (2005). We also ran a MICRO-CHECKER (van Oosterhout et al. 2004) analysis to determine the levels of null alleles within our data set and to determine if the pres­ ence of null alleles may significantly contribute to the observed patterns. Arlequin v3.11 was used to test two hypotheses of genetic structuring using both the rpL16 and microsatel­ lite data sets (Excoffier et al. 2005) by running AMOVA analyses using two different a priori population group­ ings of the 41 localities (Excoffier et al. 1992). The first structural grouping was based on the littoral cells off the coast of North America and the major currents off the mainland coast. Littoral cells are compartmentalized areas formed by near shore currents immediately off the coast causing most of the sand and debris to move within the cell. For example, the Columbia River littoral cell circulates 165 km from Tillamook head in Oregon to Point Grenville in Washington where the majority of the sediment of the Columbia River is deposited (Twic­ hell & Cross 2002). If seed or rhizome dispersal occurs via the near shore currents, we hypothesized that most of the movement of individuals would take place within the major current systems. These systems are stable through time and may cause population substructuring. Therefore, we grouped localities into a midOregon (populations 1–5), northern Oregon (6–9), Columbia River littoral cell (10–14), Washington coast (15–16), San Juan Islands (17–20), Vancouver Island (21– 29), Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI) (30–33), southeast Alaska (34–37) and south-central Alaska (38–41). A sec­ ond AMOVA was conducted where the populations were further lumped together into larger groups of the south­ ern coast (1–17), San Juan and Vancouver Islands (18– 29), QCI (30–33) and Alaska (34–41). These a priori groupings in the AMOVA are synthetic and may not represent the true structuring along the coast. Therefore, we conducted a spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) implemented in SAMOVA 1.0 (Dupanloup et al. 2002) as a means to infer possible other groups without user-defined structure parameters. SAMOVA attempts to reconstruct genetic groups of locali­ ties using the same algorithm as AMOVA, but SAMOVA allows for variable groupings. It accomplishes this by fixing the number of groups (K) or demes and by con­ ducting simulations to determine the most significant fixation index value, FCT, for that K-value. We explored K-values between 2 and 10 with one hundred simulated annealing simulations for each K. Statistically, it may be difficult to infer the level of genetic structuring using population genetic techniques that require loci to be in linkage equilibrium and HWE. As a means of demonstrating population structuring beyond panmixia, we conducted a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on inter-individual genetic distances as estimated using the nuclear microsatellite loci. The advantage of PCoA analyses is that it does not rely on loci that are in HWE or linkage equilibrium. PCoA reduces the dimensionality of the data set while main­ taining the variance and covariance between the sam­ ples. We account for the variance in each level of the principal coordinates where the first principal coordi­ nate always has the most variance and the second prin­ cipal component has the second most variance, etc. Individuals will group together according to their posi­ tion within each of the principal coordinates. PCoA analyses were conducted using GENALEX version 6 (Peak­ all & Smouse 2006) and the first three principal axes were visualized using GNUPLOT (Williams & Kelley 2004). Statistical tests of population structuring using the rpL16 data set To test for population structuring in the rpL16 data set, we ran an AMOVA under the same conditions as the © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4261 microsatellite analyses. By using the rpL16 plastid mar­ ker, we examined the gene flow due to the movement of seeds or rhizome mats, as plastids are thought to be maternally inherited in sedges (as in most other angio­ sperms) and not transferred through the pollen. We also used Arlequin to calculate population haplotype diversity and FST-levels. There may be more appropriate groupings of these populations than our a priori hypotheses; we therefore conducted a SAMOVA to identify significant grouping of populations with the rpL16 data set. We used the pro­ gram SAMOVA 1.0 and ran analyses from two groups to 10 groups with one hundred simulated annealing processes for each analysis as we did for the microsatellite data set. If C. macrocephala had experienced a significant bottle­ neck during the LGM, we would also have expected North American populations to show signs of a popula­ tion expansion following the stabilization of eustatic sea level. We used a mismatch analysis implemented in Ar­ lequin using the rpL16 data set, to determine if a signifi­ cant population expansion had taken place. The mismatch analysis provided estimates of s, and h0, and h1, where s = 2lt generations since expansion began, and h = Nel for uniparentally inherited haplotypes. Estimates of s allow us to determine when the last major population expansion would have begun. Like­ wise, the parameters of h0, and h1 give us estimates of the initial and final effective population size. As another method to determine whether genetic diversity was reduced during the LGM we used the program SWEEP-BOTT to test for a bottleneck event (Galtier et al. 2000). SWEEP-BOTT uses a coalescent-based likeli­ hood approach to determine the time and strength of bottleneck events for sequence data under the infinite sites model. Although we used only a single plastid locus to estimate the timing and strength of the possible bottleneck event, this method is still more powerful and robust than Tajima’s D (Galtier et al. 2000). We also sta­ tistically tested whether a nonfounder event or bottle­ neck event was more likely. For example, we tested whether C. macrocephala went through a significant bot­ tleneck during the LGM, or whether the more likely model is one where C. macrocephala has never experi­ enced a bottleneck. We removed two haplotypes, AN and AT, each with frequencies of <1%, to fit the data set to the infinite sites model. We conducted initial runs of 10 000 iterations for the first phase and 50 000 itera­ tions for the second phase to assess the prior range of parameters for theta, h = Nel for uniparentally inherited loci. The parameter h is an estimate of the genetic diver­ sity within the metapopulation. To estimate the time since the bottleneck occurred, SWEEP-BOTT also estimates the parameter, T in units of 2NE generations, where NE is the effective population size. We also estimated the © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd parameter S, the strength of bottleneck. After the initial runs, prior range for T was set from 0.3 to 1 and the range of S from 0.01 to 0.2. Final runs of 100 000 steps were conducted to assess the maximum likelihood of T, S, and to conduct the likelihood ratio test. Results Nuclear microsatellite diversity Individuals from locations 10, 28 and 32 showed low levels of clone duplication and no reproducible allelic dropout (Bonin et al. 2004). As no allelic dropout was observed within our test runs, duplicate genotypes within localities were assumed to be samples of the same genet and were removed from our analyses lead­ ing to a final overall sample size of 548 individuals (Ar­ naud-Haond et al. 2007). The 548 samples were identical to the data set found after running the GEN­ CLONE analysis to determine identical MLGs. Significant deviations from HWE were found in all loci in all pop­ ulations (see below); we therefore used the pgenFIS-esti­ mate of clonal identity (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2007). This did not result in substantially different estimates of pgen from any sample. In all 548 unique MLG cases, each pgenFIS was <0.001. Simpson diversity indices (D*) for each population were above 0.97 and this could repre­ sent an inflated estimate of clonal diversity because of inbreeding from selfing and biparental pollination between close relatives. Observed heterozygosities at all microsatellite loci dif­ fered significantly from HWE after Bonferroni correc­ tions (all P-values < 0.0001; Rice 1989). All loci were in significant LD with at least two other loci. Multilocus estimates using these nuclear microsatellites revealed an insignificant Q (Q = 0.013 ± 0.015, P = 0.13) among all populations with significant values of f (f = 0.956 ± 0.04, P < 0.0001) and F (F = 0.969 ± 0.03, P < 0.0001). By standardizing the overall GST-value by the maximum GST calculated from the RECODEDATA analysis, we obtained a standardized estimate of G¢ST = 0.032. Observed heterozygosity (HO) levels ran­ ged from zero to 0.127 with a HO = 0.041 across all mi­ crosatellite loci and are summarized in Table 2. The inbreeding estimate, f, within each locality ranged from 0.69 in locality 38 to an f of 1 in several localities (Table 1), where the per locus f ranged from 0.803 to 1 (Table 2). Per locus Q levels were low and ranged from 0.001 to 0.058, while the microsatellite genetic diversity levels ranged from 0.251 to 0.843 (Table 2). Re-analysis using the modified data set from MICRO-CHECKER did not substantially change these results. Results of the AMOVA analyses show that a majority of variance is accounted for within localities for both 4262 M . G . K I N G , M . E . H O R N I N G and E . H . R O A L S O N Table 2 Per locus genetic summaries of microsatellite data set where Q, F, and f are the fixation indices of Weir & Cockerham (1984); HO is observed heterozygosity, HE is expected heterozygosity, HT is gene diversity and A is the number of alleles Locus GST Q F f HO HE HT A CM01 CM07 CM12 CM13 CM16 CM25 CM27 CM28 CM35 CM36 CM39 Overall 0.012 0.009 0.011 0.015 0.016 0.063 0.015 0.012 0.006 0.011 0.019 0.016 0.009 0.01 0.009 0.012 0.012 0.058 0.011 0.001 0.004 0.008 0.002 0.013 0.832 0.988 0.958 0.961 1 0.996 0.824 0.954 1 0.922 0.975 0.979 0.816 0.876 0.954 0.956 1 0.99 0.803 0.95 1 0.916 0.914 0.956 0.083 0.062 0.02 0.025 0 0.003 0.127 0.03 0 0.049 0.055 0.041 0.518 0.492 0.564 0.716 0.423 0.157 0.666 0.569 0.237 0.539 0.464 0.459 0.59 0.545 0.628 0.843 0.506 0.42 0.782 0.648 0.251 0.603 0.603 0.547 7 7 8 9 6 3 10 6 4 5 8 73 models of genetic structuring. According to the group­ ings based on littoral cells, a statistically significant level of differentiation was detected within localities, between localities within groups and between groups, the majority of the observed variation is accounted for within localities (Table 3). Similar results were found when groupings were based on geographical proximity. The results of our SAMOVA analysis on the microsatellite loci are congruent with the AMOVA analysis. Weakly sig­ nificant FCT-values were obtained for demes ranging from K = 4 to K = 10, with the highest FCTTable 3 Results of AMOVA analyses using nuclear microsatel­ lites and rpL16 chloroplast spacer Between groups Littoral cell Microsatellite 5.37% FCT = 0.028 cpDNA rpl16 7.24% FCT = 0.037 Geographical regions Microsatellite 3.25% FCT = 0.018 cpDNA rpl16 4.77% FCT = 0.03 Between populations within groups Within populations 9.09% FSC = 0.034 12.56% FSC = 0.05 85.54% FST = 0.059 80.2% FST = 0.083 11.09% FSC = 0.036 12.52% FSC = 0.036 85.66% FST = 0.053 82.7% FST = 0.065 Top row of the comparison indicates the per cent variation, while the bottom row indicates the F statistic analogue. For each markers system, we present the per cent variation explained and the corresponding test statistic for two a priori structuring schemes. The ‘Littoral cell’ structuring scheme is based on the littoral currents immediately off the coast of North America, while the ‘Geographical regions’ structuring scheme further groups the localities based on geographical proximity. All levels of variation were significant, and all F statistics were significant. score = 0.031, P = 0.061. Although these FCT-scores were marginally significant, they were not geographically meaningful, i.e. adjacent localities were not grouping together, whereas distant populations from Alaska and Oregon were being grouped together. The results of our PCoA support a large metapopula­ tion along the coast. In Fig. 3, we would expect to see clusters of individuals if any genetic clustering were observed. The first three principal coordinates of the PCoA account for 59.22% of the observed variation with the first three principal axes accounting for 25.52%, 17.34% and 16.35% respectively (Fig. 3). The figure shows no clustering of individuals beyond the single cen­ tral cluster, i.e. no evidence of genetic clustering. Plastid diversity Sequence GenBank Accession nos for the rpL16 haplo­ types are FJ424626–FJ424702. A maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the rpL16 haplotypes displays the extensive variation present within this marker in Carex macrocephala (Fig. 2; King & Roalson 2009a). The rpL16 data set had a marginally significant FSTvalue = 0.042 ± 0.022, P = 0.068). Within locality, allelic diversity ranged from zero to one with a mean rpL16 diversity of 0.801 (Table 1). The results of rpL16 AMOVA were similar to that of the AMOVA conducted using the microsatellite data set (Table 3). We found weakly significant F statistics for both sets of analyses with an FCT = 0.037 for the littoral cell group and an FCT = 0.030 for the groups based on geographical proximity. Results of the rpL16 SAMOVA analysis are similar to those of the AMOVA analysis. We found slightly significant FCT-values from a K = 4 to K = 9 where the FCT-values ranged from an FCT = 0.019, P = 0.041 to an FCT = 0.028, P = 0.022. However, the implied groupings among the analyses are not © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4263 Fig. 2 Maximum-likelihood phylogram of rpL16 cpDNA intergenic spacer from King & Roalson (2009a). Numbers above branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities and numbers below branches are bootstrap percentages. Haplotypes were designated arbitrarily based on preliminary assignment to a neighbour-joining tree. Fig. 3 Graph of the first three principal coordinates of the PCoA based on interindividual genetic distance of the eleven microsatellite loci. Principal axis (PA) 1 explains 25.52% of the variation, PA2 explains 17.34% of the variation, and PA3 explains 16.35% of the variation. congruent and are not geographically meaningful, where most localities do not group with the nearest population. It is important to note that although the © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd algorithm is the same between SAMOVA and the AMOVA in Arlequin, the K = 4 and K = 9 did not return a higher FCT-value than the AMOVA analysis. 4264 M . G . K I N G , M . E . H O R N I N G and E . H . R O A L S O N The SWEEP-BOTT analysis showed no evidence for a genetic bottleneck, with the nonfounder event model significantly (P < 10)8) more likely ()ln likelihood )152.8412) than the bottleneck event model ()ln likeli­ hood )172.2840). The SWEEP-BOTT likelihood ratio test strongly suggests that the most appropriate model is the nonfounder event model. The nonfounder event model assumes that there has been no measurable decline in genetic diversity. Under the bottleneck model, the maximum-likelihood estimates of the timing of the bottleneck event, T = 0.63699 with the strength of the bottleneck, S = 0.112. Similarly, the results of our mismatch analysis suggest that C. macrocephala did not experience a significant population expansion following the LGM. We obtained an estimate of s = 3.25 with a 95% confidence interval ranging from a s = 2.00 to 4.58. Our initial h estimate of, h0 = 0.04 was significantly (P < 0.001) lower than our h1 = 11.84. Discussion Modern population genetic estimates Carex macrocephala is a paradioecious, rhizomatously spreading, clonal sedge; a single genet can send out multiple male and female inflorescences across a rela­ tively large area. This can lead to a high rate of self-pol­ lination and as such a mechanism for inbreeding in a sexually reproducing plant. If migration were not homogenizing the populations along the northwest coast, we would expect drift to have a large impact on the allele frequencies (Abbott et al. 2000); this would manifest in a high estimate of population differentia­ tion, unlike the observed patterns reported here. Seed and ⁄ or rhizome dispersal was high enough that drift does not appear to have a large impact on the subpopu­ lations at plastid or nuclear loci. If the levels of gene flow were not able to overcome drift within each subpopulation or if gene flow was limited to pollen dispersal, we would expect to see population sub-struc­ turing and very low haplotype diversity in the rpL16 data set. As it is, the AMOVA, SAMOVA and FST-value for the rpL16 marker suggest high migration across the west coast of North America. Arafeh & Kadereit (2006) found that the high seed dispersal rates and high clonal growth rate within Calystegia soldanella were creating lit­ tle geographical structuring along the European coast. The ability to disperse seeds or rhizomes via the sea may be an important factor in limiting genetic structur­ ing. Similar results have been found in other coastal species such as Elymus athericus where fragmentation was caused by habitat selection rather than geography, but seed dispersal was high (Bockelmann et al. 2003), mangroves with high seed dispersal (Nettel & Dodd 2007) and the eelgrass Zostera marina (Olsen et al. 2004). Our overall estimates of F = 0.979 and f = 0.956 indi­ cate very high levels of inbreeding; moreover, the stan­ dardized G¢ST of 0.032 indicates a low fixation level across North America. These patterns suggest that lev­ els of inbreeding within each subpopulation are high enough to cause the non-HWE and LD beyond what is normally expected for subdivided populations (Pollak 1987; Nordborg 2000). Interestingly, the inbreeding lev­ els are higher than previously reported in clonal sedges (Stenström et al. 2001; Tyler 2002). Given the breeding biology of Carex macrocephala, we assume that the high levels of homozygosity are a result of inbreeding occur­ ring within each subpopulation. Nonrandom mating within each subpopulation leads to departures from HWE, but deviations of this magnitude are typically the result of high levels of selfing (Fenster et al. 2003; Bal­ loux et al. 2004). Furthermore, the levels of LD between these loci are typical when selection is acting upon the loci or when inbreeding levels are high (Charlesworth 2003; Glémin et al. 2006). These high estimates of inbreeding may have led to a reduction in allelic diver­ sity within some subpopulations. Ingvarsson (2002) dis­ cussed a reduction in genetic variation through recurrent extirpation and colonization of subpopula­ tions in a metapopulation. Given that C. macrocephala populations often persist under metapopulation dynam­ ics, this may promote inbreeding. These inbreeding levels also make it difficult to assess clonal diversity in each subpopulation. Standard clonal richness indices such as the Shannon–Wiener index, the Simpson index and the associated evenness indices can be informative when deviations from HWE are not strong. Calculating these indices based on the number of multilocus lineages can lead to an understanding of the overall clonal diversity within the population. How­ ever, when inbreeding is occurring at a higher than expected rate, such as when selfing or biparental polli­ nation of close relatives occurs, the clonal diversity can be difficult (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2007). Estimates of D* were all >0.970 and this could represent an overesti­ mate of clonal diversity (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2007). The low pgenFIS-results show that it was problematic for us to detect clonal diversity correctly. The probable lack of genetic structuring along the coast as well as the high levels of inbreeding may contribute to these issues. The AMOVA analyses support our hypothesis that inbreeding is the cause of reduced levels of heterozy­ gosity and that migration is distributing genetically dis­ tinct individuals across the species range in North America. By partitioning the sampling localities into groups according to littoral cells and currents off the northwest coast, the per cent of variation associated © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4265 with the between group category was low: 5.5% for the microsatellite data set and 7.2% for the rpL16 data set. By further combining localities according to general geographical regions, the between group variance was reduced to 3.3% for the microsatellite data set and 4.8% for the rpL16 data set, which are both still signifi­ cant amounts of variation. Additionally, between group FCT values ranged from 0.018 to 0.037 indicating low fixation even across large geographic areas. The higher levels of FST are indicative of the significant pairwise FST-values (data not shown), which can result from high levels of inbreeding. This suggests that migration is high enough to homogenize the genetic variation among these regions, but the selfing rate of C. macrocep­ hala is high enough to keep the heterozygosity low. Although the SAMOVA results returned slightly signifi­ cant FCT-values for K’s between 4 and 10, these were not plausible. For example, the K = 4 returned a signifi­ cant grouping of populations from Alaska and Oregon. The loss of geographical structuring along the coast is apparent in the PCoA as well. Given the characteristics of the nuclear microsatellite loci, we performed the PCoA to explore population differentiation among C. macrocephala populations. We were precluded from analysing our data with a genetic based clustering algo­ rithm such as Structure (Pritchard et al. 2000) or AWC­ LUST (Gao & Starmer 2007) because of the extreme levels of inbreeding, which violates important assumptions of the underlying models. However, our PCoA analysis serves a similar function, with individuals cluster according to their pairwise genetic distance. When those genetic distances are homogenized among subpopulations and individuals are sampled from a meta­ population, there should be no subgrouping within the PCoA. According to the first three principal axes, there is a single large group (Fig. 3), with no evidence of population substructuring. This strongly suggests that migration is high enough to overcome drift in the North American population of C. macrocephala. The significant levels of clustering found in the AMOVA and SAMOVA analyses may be the result of long distance dispersal of rhizomes along the coast causing similar genotypes and haplotypes to be found in distant populations. How­ ever, the clustering was only marginally significant and there was no congruence between the clusters identified using nuclear and plastid loci. Historical population genetic estimates According to results of the SWEEP-BOTT analysis of the rpL16 marker, C. macrocephala did not experience a sig­ nificant bottleneck during the LGM. The likelihood ratio test suggests that the most appropriate model for this data set is the nonfounder event model, which assumes © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd that there has been no significant reduction in genetic diversity in the history of the population. If we assume that a bottleneck event had occurred at some point in the history of the North American lineage, we estimated the time of the bottleneck event at c. 186 000 years ago and the strength of the bottleneck was weak (Galtier et al. 2000). Given the error associated with using a sin­ gle marker for estimating bottleneck events under a coalescent model, this may coincide with the divergence of C. macrocephala in Asia from C. macrocephala in North America c. 125 000 years ago (King & Roalson 2009a). Our initial expectation was that a bottleneck event would have reduced the genetic diversity along the North American coast during the LGM and that follow­ ing the retreat of the continental ice sheet and the rising of sea level, populations of C. macrocephala would have expanded from those refugia persisting along the North American coast. Our mismatch analysis suggests that a population expansion did occur, but long before the LGM. A s = 3.25 and 95% confidence interval 2.00–4.58 indicate an expansion between 3 and 7.5 MA, assuming a mutation rate of 1 · 10)7 ⁄ site ⁄ year (Wolfe et al. 1987; Willyard et al. 2007). According to the multilocus coalescent analysis by King & Roalson (2009a), the age of the North American lineage of C. macrocephala is c. 125 000 years and hence this proposed expansion probably occurred well before the species arrived in North America. We would need to change our mutation rate estimate to 2 · 10)5 ⁄ site ⁄ year to reach a period of time to coincide with the LGM, a rate well outside any established mutation rate estimate for the rpL16 spacer. The loss of geographical structuring could be explained by two hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that C. macrocephala was restricted to a single refugium during the LGM. The restriction to a single refugium would have reduced the genetic diversity, and although present day inbreeding levels are high, it is expected that the bottleneck signal would still be present in the rpL16 marker. Following the LGM, those populations would have gone through a significant expansion along the coast following the retreat of the ice sheet. Even though modern day gene flow is high and inbreeding levels are masking geographical signature in the microsatellite loci, the results of our SWEEP-BOTT and mismatch analyses using the rpL16 spacer are quite conclusive, showing that a significant reduction in diversity is unli­ kely to have occurred in the past 125 000 years. The supported alternative hypothesis is that C. macrocephala was not restricted to refugia during the LGM and there­ fore did not experience significant recent bottlenecks or population expansions. Other studies on Carex species show that the plastid markers do typically have lowlevels of diversity. Schönswetter et al. (2006) conducted a phylogeographical analysis on Carex atrofusca in the 4266 M . G . K I N G , M . E . H O R N I N G and E . H . R O A L S O N Alps and Artic and found little intra-population level diversity using amplified fragment length polymor­ phism’s, trnD-trnT and trnGUUC spacers and the rpS16 intron. This is in direct contrast to our results where a majority of our variance is found within populations. North American phylogeographical hypothesis Identifying the locations of suitable habitat for C. macro­ cephala during the Pleistocene is difficult when historical sea levels were lower than current levels. Offshore dril­ ling records indicate that ice-free areas may have existed around the QCI, Vancouver Island and northern Washington coast (Hetherington et al. 2003; Porter 2004). Other evidence suggests that ice-free areas were common along the coast and that the ice sheet only extended to the coast in the form of glaciers along the valleys (Barrie & Conway 1999; Fulton et al. 2004; Kauf­ man & Manley 2004; Porter 2004). Sediment deposits along the continental shelf suggest that ice-free areas may have contained sandy beaches and it would not be unreasonable to assume that these beaches formed quickly. Following the retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, there was a rapid rise in eustatic sea level of more than 100 m occurring over 5000 years. It then took additional 8000 years for sea level to rise another 20 m to its current elevation (Twichell & Cross 2002). Twic­ hell & Cross (2002) used data from core drillings off the coast of North America to imply that the sandy beaches along the northwest coast of North America have only been in their current position for <3000 years (Barrie & Conway 1999; Twichell & Cross 2002). This further strengthens our argument that C. macrocephala would have populated any newly formed beach systems quickly and that the ability to migrate quickly along the coast was essential. Other studies on species that usually inhabit areas north of the continental ice sheet suggest reduction in the populations into glacial refugia either north or south of the ice sheet margin (Magri et al. 2003; Dorken & Barrett 2004; Anderson et al. 2006; Soltis et al. 2006; Edh et al. 2007; Hodgins & Barrett 2007; Michalski & Durka 2007; Naciri & Gaudeul 2007). However, a recent study by O’Connell et al. (2008) found genetic patterns indicative of expansion from a single refugium south of the continental ice sheet rather than from multiple refu­ gia both north and south of the ice sheet front. Most of these studies base their conclusions on patterns that are consistent with expansion from glacial refugia. Studies on species inhabiting sky island populations in the American southwest indicate that the LGM may have enabled population migration throughout the mountain ranges by providing suitable habitat between the ranges and allowing these species to have a wider distribution (Masta 2000; Knowles 2001; DeChaine & Martin 2004). These studies suggest that climate change as a result of Pleistocene glaciation was responsible for geographical expansion, followed by vicariance during the subse­ quent warming periods. The post-Pleistocene isolation of these species has left genetic patterns observable in several species. It would not be unreasonable to suspect expansion of C. macrocephala during the LGM because of the lowering of sea level, but post-Pleistocene isolation should not be considered when G¢ST and genetic structuring is this low. Carex macrocephala neither expanded during the LGM followed by isolation into distinct populations as occurred in sky islands, nor was it restricted to a few glacial refugia where genetic bottlenecking would have occurred. Conclusions The goals of our study were to determine the impact the LGM had on the distribution and population genetic architecture of Carex macrocephala along the coast of North America. The results of the AMOVA and PCoA suggest that gene flow is genetically homogeniz­ ing the subpopulations along the coast into a single metapopulation. Furthermore, the genetic fixation level across North America is low and inbreeding values are high. Although we expected a bottleneck to have occurred during the LGM, the SWEEP-BOTT analysis sug­ gests that the most appropriate model is a nonfounder event model and that a bottleneck event could have only occurred long before the LGM. Palaeogeological evidence suggests that there could have been a large number of ice-free areas along the coast that may have had favourable C. macrocephala habitat. These pieces of evidence and analytical results suggest that C. macrocep­ hala was widespread during the LGM, rather than being isolated into only a few glacial refugia. Thus, the pic­ ture for this obligate coastal species differs substantially from that of other terrestrial plants of the Pacific North­ west that underwent substantial bottlenecks in glacial refugia during the Pleistocene (Brunsfeld et al. 2001; Brunsfeld & Sullivan 2006; O’Connell et al. 2008). Acknowledgements We would like to thank Timothy Carey and Danielle Davis for their laboratory assistance. We also wish to acknowledge the help of the following individuals in securing collection permits and the shipments of the collections: Andrew Friske, Erica Wheeler, Chris Kissinger (Ministry of Environment, British Columbia), John McIntosh (Pacific Rim National Park), Presi­ dent Guujaaw and the Haida Nation, Robert DeVelice (Chug­ ach National Forest), Mary Stensvold (Tongass National Forest), Jay Schleier (Oregon Department of Natural Resources) © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd PERSISTENCE OF C. MACROCEPHALA DURING THE LGM 4267 and Deaydra Wise (Washington State Parks). We would also like to thank Richard Gomulkeiwicz, Michael Webster, Moira Scascitelli, Nolan Kane and two anonymous reviewers for reviewing this manuscript. This research was supported by the Native Plant Society of Oregon, Betty Higinbotham Trust and Washington State University. References Abbott RJ, Brochmann C (2003) History and evolution of the arctic flora: in the footsteps of Eric Hultén. 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