Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 DOI 10.1001/s 11295-006-0071-z 0. Efficiency of including first-generation information in second-generation ranking and selection: results of computer simulation Terrance Z. Ye• KeithJ. G. R. Johnson Received 30 April 2006 Sprenger-Verlag 2006 S. /Revised: Jayawi.ckrama 24 Augus t 2006 /Accepted: 30 October 2006 /Published online: 20 Abstract Using computer simulation, we evaluated the impact of using first-generation information to increase selection efficiency in a second-generation breeding pro­ gram. Selection efficiency was compared in terms of increase in rank correlation between estimated and true breeding values (i.e., ranking accuracy), reduction in coefficient of variation of correlation coefficients (i.e., ranking reliability), and increase in realized gain, with best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP). The test populations were generated with varying parmneters: selection strategy (forward vs backward selection of parents); number of parents (24-96); number of crosses per parent (1-8); heritability (0.05-0.35); ratio of dominance to additive variance (0-3); ratio of additive-by-site to additive variance (0-3); and ratio of dominance-by-site to additive variance (0-3). The two selection strategies gave distinct results. \Xlhen parents of the second-generation crosses had been selected via backward selection, adding first-generation information markedly increased selection efficiency. Con­ versely, when parents had been selected via forward selection, first-generation information provided little in­ crease in efficiency. The aniount of increase depended more on heritabilities in both generations and less on dominance and genotype-by-environment effects. Including first-genCommunicated by T. Z. Ye Sally Aitken (u) · K. JS. jay3Wlckrmna Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA e-mail: Terrance.Ye( G. R. Johnson USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Comlhs, OR 97331, USA December 2006 eration information helped more when there were many parents and few crosses per parent in the second generation. Only in the case of extremely low first-generation heri­ was there no benefit to adding first-generation information in terms of improved ranking reliability and tabihties accuracy. Ke ywords Stochastic simulation• Selection efficiency­ BLUP· First-generation information• Second-generation selection Introduction Most forest-tree breeding programs are based on recurrent selection (e.g., \Xlhite et al. 1993; Mcl<eand and Bridgwater 1998;Jayawickrmna and Carson 2000), with the premise that gains will be cumulative over generations. In each generation, genetic testing is one of the most important and expensive facets of the breeding programs. Although there are many reasons for genetic tests, estimating genetic parmneters, ranking and selecting parents (i.e., backward selection), and ranking and selecting trees (i.e., forward selection) are the three primary reasons (Libby 1973; \"Xlhite 1987, 1996; Lindgren 1991). Obtaining precise estimates or ranks requires many families and adequate numbers of trees per family (\Xlhite 1996). The actual scale of the test, however, generally is dictated by the quantity of seed available and economic resources. Many breeding progratns operate with austere budgets, so breeders must limit the number of test sites and genetic materials. As programs move to their second and subsequent generations, testing data from previous generations are usually available. Such data were often obtained with great j) Springer 320 Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 cost and effort. For example, first-generation tests for coastal Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest included around 4.2 million progeny (Lipow et al. 2003). At the values. The simulation used a parameter-based model in which the assumed additive genetic variance and heritabil­ i t y (h . ) of individual trees were used to generate sanie tllne, recent ilnprovements in computer hardware and indepeN 3 dent normal distributions of genotypic values and software make it possible to use large data sets efficiently. It environmental deviations O<ing and Johnson 1993; Johnson integrating data from previous generations that may population, primarily, for simplicity. The following genetic is therefore timely for breeders to investigate the merits of increase the accuracy and reliability of performance estnnates. In theory, the efficiency of such combined analysis depends on genetic relatedness between generations as well as the degree of genetic relationships that already exists in the current generation test. Historically, animal breeders rely heavily on using records o f the performance o f ancestors to increase the accuracy o f estimating a n animal's breeding value (Skjervold and Odegard Lasley 1987). 1959; Young 1961; However, unlike in forestry, they are limited in the number of progeny that can be evaluated. Best hnear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is routinely used in forest tree improvement programs (White and Hodge 1989; White 1996; Dutkowski et al. 2002). In BLUP, related individuals contribute to the predictions of each other; it therefore is believed that integrating data from all generations would improve the efficiency in predicting genetic values by increasing the effective number of observations available for evaluating each genotype (\Xlhite and Hodge 1989; Falconer and Mackay 1996; Kerr et al. 2004).Johnson (1998), however, found that including historical parental information actually increased the effi­ ciency of estimating breeding values very little in a computer simulation, because the correlation coefficient and percent increase in orchard gain increased little in all scenarios. Although his study provided useful information about across-generation combined analysis, it was based on one specific combination of genetic parameters; therefore, the results were limited in scope. To our knowledge, no systematic study has been conducted to address the issue. The objective of this study was to determine whether including first-generation information markedly enhances the accuracy and reliability of second-generation selection. Varying selection strategies and combinations of genetic parameters were examined with stochastic data sets 1998). Experimental design was ignored in the base model was used for estimating breeding values for the base population: P=A+E (!) where P is the phenotypic value; A is the additive genetic effect; E is the residual deviation (where environmental effects dominate). Two selection strategies were applied to the base population for comparison: (1) forward selection (i.e., selecting the best individual from each of the top N, families), and (2) backward selection (i.e., selecting the best N1 parents). The selections were then used as second­ generation parents and crossed in a disconnected factorial mating design. The progeny were assumed to be tested on six sites with 20 trees per cross per site and single-tree plots. In the second-generation population, the phenotypic value of an individual was defined as the sum of genetic effects, environmental effect, and genotype-by-environment interactions: F= Site +A +D+A x Site + D x Site + E where P,A, and E are the same as in Eq. dominance effect; Site is the site effect; A x (2) 1; D i s the Site and D x Site are the additive-by-site and dominance-by-site effect, respectively. Although a randomized complete block design was assumed at each site, the block effect was ignored, as it can be removed from tree estimates and does not affect relative breeding value estimation and family ranking. Each genetic effect in Eq. 2 has two components, among-family and within-family, as detailed below. For the additive genetic effect, the among-family component is the mean of parental breeding values. The within-family component is the Mendelian sampling (Bulmer 1985), which is normally distributed with a mean of zero and a variance that is half the additive variance. generated by computer simulation. Materials and methods Genetic models and simulation processes An initial first-generation base population of =2-(AF+AM)+k9 30,000 in­ I where 4 and AM are the breeding values of female and dividuals from 300 unrelated half-sib families (i.e., 100 male parents, respectively; ko is a normal deviate drawn individuals were selected based on their estimated breeding and variance of individuals per family) was generated, from which N1 Springer from a distribution of random numbers with a mean of 1; a4 is the additive variance. 0 Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 321 For dominance (or dominance-by-site) effect, both the among-family and within-family components are drawn randomly from normal distributions, with mean equal to zero and variances a 6f) (° i xE) and cf20 (° •-2D XE), o respectively. D=N (0,4o--b) +N(o,4vv J x E =N (0, 4-6DxE) assumed to have independent multivariate normal distribu­ tions with zero means and common variances/covariances. The model included a fixed effect for site and random effects for genetic (additive and dominance) merits and their interaction with site. When analyzing combined data from both generations, we treated the generation effect as a (4) D effects with its incidence matrix Z; and e is the vector of random residual terms. The random effects (u and e) were + N (0, 4 02DXE) genetic group effect and incorporated it into the mixed model. Parents and individuals were ranked on the basis of estimated breeding values. The breeding values and the variance components used in the BLUP analyses were estimated with ASReml (Gilmour et al. 2002). Simulation scenarios (5) One hundred and eighty scenarios were tested with various are random normal deviates; ab and oDxE are the dominance and dominance-by-site variance, combinations of the parameters in the simulation. The following parameters or selection strategies were assumed. These parameters were initially based on the cooperative where k,, k21 lc-3, and k4 respectively. Similarly, additive-by-site effect can be simulated by using the formula AE = N I f 0,26Axi) +N (0, Douglas-fir breeding program in the Pacific Northwest and extended to fit the genetic patterns of growth traits in most coniferous species. I For the first-generation population: <E) 2 oA (6) where ks and k,, are random normal deviates; QRxE is the additive-by-site variance. Environmental effect is assumed to be normally distrib­ uted with mean zero and variance c&: of these families) and strategy II-backward selection (i.e., selection of the best N 1 E=k parents); For the second-generation population: where k1 is a random normal deviate; a is the environ­ mental variance, which is ass igned and adjusted by specifying the narrow-sense heritability (q2;). All simulation data were generated with a program ® written in SAS Macro (SAS Institute Inc. 2004). Disconnected N2 x NJ factorial mating design, where N2 was varied: 1 (single-pair mating), 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. Individual-tree heritability <ic;: 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, and 0.35; Ratio of dominance to additive variance crf/6R: 0, Assessment and ranking 1, 2, and 3; of additive-by-site to a-LEI .- 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3; 0.5, Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for the population and breeding values for each parent and individual were obtained by using an individual-tree BLUP model (Henderson 1984) with either second-generation data only or data from both generations, as well as their pedigree information: (8) y=Xh+Zu+e where y is the vector of observations; h is a vector of fixed effects with its incidence matrix X; Initial additive variance was fixed at 10; Individual-tree heritability h21!: 0_05, 0_15, 0_25, and 0.35; Number of selections N 1 : 24, 48, 72, and 96; Two selection strategies: strategy I-forward selection (i.e., family selection including the top N1 families and then the best individual from each u is a vector of random Ratio additive variance Ratio of dominance-by-site to dominance variance ai,,,Elo-2D: Q 0.5, 1, 2, and 3. For each combination of parameters (i-e., scenario), 1,000 independent runs were conducted. If any estimated parameter from a simulated data set deviated from the predefined parameter by more than one standard devia­ tion, this data set was excluded. This approach reduced the extensive overlap in some estimated variance compo- Springer 322 Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 nents among scenarios. As a result, the actual number of potential gain that could be achieved for each selection independent runs for each scenario was 500 or above. scenar10. Summarization Results and discussion Various statistics were computed to measure the increase in efficiency of the second-generation selection by including Impact of selection strategy for second-generation parents the first-generation information. Kendall's rank correlations (tau-b) between the esti­ Tree breeders typically use forward (strategy I) or mated breeding values (EBV) and the true breeding backward (strategy 11) selections, or both, from the values (TBV) for both parental and individual selections previous generations to establish breeding populations for were calculated for each scenario. Kendall's tau-b has the current generation. Figure 1 shows the comparison the advantages of a known sampling distribution and a between these two selection strategies based on a typical direct interpretation in terms of probabilities of observ­ mean and coefficient of variation of the correlations' with h-1) h 2; = 0.2 5 , <vxE 0.5oA, a2D oj, N1 =48, and N2=2, which conforms to the genetic patterns and breeding strategy found in the coefficients from each scenario were used to quantify the cooperative Douglas-fir breeding programs in the Pacific The increase in accuracy obtained by adding the first­ generation information was measured as the average Northwest. 8.5%, reliability by percent improvement in the mean of rank correlation the second-generation parental ranking and reselection. The coefficients. Similarly, increased reliability was measured added efficiency decreased markedly, however, when the ing concordant and discordant pairs (Conover 1980). The accuracy and reliability of selection, respectively. scenario er.XE = = = = When strategy II was employed, including first-generation information increased the accuracy by 22.0%, and realized gain by 5.4% during as the percent reduction in the coefficient of variation of second-generation parents were initially selected via forward correlation coefficients. selection (strategy I). The corresponding increases in ranking Realized gains were estimated for seed orchard roguing by reselecting the top 30% of the second-generation parents and for forward selection by choosing the best progeny from each of the top 30"/o of second-generation families. accuracy, reliability, and realized gain were 1.4, 0.9%, 6.2, and respectively. This is consistent with the observation of Johnson (1998) who estimated that adding first-generation information when only forward selection was used in­ They were calculated as percentages of the mean TBV of creased Pearson's correlation between true and estimated the EBY-based selections over that of the IBV-based breeding values by less than selections; i.e., they represented the percentage of the roguing by less than 1 %. 35 Fig. 1 Percent increase in accu­ racy, reliability, and realized 2% and orchard gain from ldng IS!dr.>id.J111 l I gain by adding first-generation information for h2111 - h(22) - 0 .25· ' =Otire, =O.Sc; oize = ; a disconnected 2 x2 factorial mating design in second-generation wi t h 48 parents. The baseline gains (based on second-generation data only) for reselecting the top 30% of the second-generation parents and for selecting the best prcgeny from each of the top 30% of second-generation families were 67% and 56%, respectively, for strategy I, and 71% and 53%, respectively, for m 10 5 strategy II Accuracy Reliability Gain Accuracy Reliability Strategy I -- 2nd-generation parents selected via forward selection Strategy II -- 2nd-generation parents selected via backward selection 11 Springer Gain Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3: 319-328 323 Table 1 Kendall's rank correlation coefficient (r) beti.veen the true and estimated breeding values and their coefficient of variation (in parentheses) for both parental and tree selections, based on >500 simulations per scenario, for ha,i =h , = 0.25; o = a2DsE = 0.5c; cAxE = a4 Number of parents Number of crosses per parent Selection i n first-generation Data used in analysis Second-generation population Parents 24 2 Backi.vard Forward 48 72 96 2 First-generation data 0.477 (25.358) Second-generation data Both 0.549 (16.248) 0.595 (14.768) First-generation data 0.201 (74.164) Second-generation data Both 0.510 (18.687) 0.520 (17.971) 0.472 (9.698) 0.498 (8.977) 0.441 (10.348) 0.446 (10.259) Backi.vard First-generation data 0.511 (14.381) Second-generation data 0.553 (11.330) 0.600 I 9.909) 0.205 (46.253) 0.497 (13.258) 0.492 (6.354) 0.520 (5.565) Forward Second-generation data Both First-generation data 0.504 (12.924) 0.540 (10.408) 0.454 (7.110) Backi.vard Both First-generation data Second-generation data 0.563 (8.439) 0.487 (5.427) 0. 615 (7 .266) 0.230 (33.641) 0.518 (4.648) Forward Both First-generation data Second-generation data Both 0.512 (10.363) 0.522 (9.987) 0.565 (8.154) 0.444 (6.287) Backi.vard First-generation data Second-generation data Both 0.450 (7.431) 0.448 (6.169) 0.569 (7.327) 0.491 (4.707) 0.624 (6.172) 0.227 (26.611) 0.525 (3.941) Both 0.509 (8.785) 0.519 (8.541) 0.451 (5.285) 0.456 (5.219) First-generation data 0.520 (13.845) Second-generation data Both 0.530 (12.705) 0. 579 (10. 825) First-generation data 0.219 (44. 829) Second-generation data Both 0.437 (15.453) 0.443 (15.529) Backward First-generation data Forward Second-generation data Both First-generation data 0.511 (14.381) 0.553 (11.330) Forward First-generation data Second-generation data 48 Progeny Backi.vard Forward Backward Forward Bachvard Forward Bachvard 0.600 (9.909) Second-generation data 0.205 (46.253) 0.497 (13.258) Both 0.504 (12.924) First-generation data Second-generation data 0.512 (14.532) 0.584 (9.856) Both 0.633 (8.642) 0.208 (46.719) First-generation data 0.462 (7.781) 0.504 (6.692) 0.447 (8.419) 0.453 (8.515) 0.492 (6.354) 0.520 (5.565) 0.450 (7.431) 0.454 (7.110) 0.493 (6.115) 0.516 (5.564) Second-generation data 0.556 (10.616) 0.456 (6.258) Both First-generation data 0.564 (10.508) 0.511 (14.934) 0.460 (6.323) Second-generation data Both 0.606 (8.557) 0.505 (5.184) 0.524 (4.823) First-generation data 0.656 (7.452) 0.209 (46.569) Second-generation data Both 0.589 (9.834) 0.597 (9.365) First-generation data Second-generation data 0.511 (14.094) Both 0.616 (8.405) 0.668 (7.134) 0.463 (5.781) 0.467 (5.980) 0.513 (4.610) 0.530 (4.205) Springer 324 Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 Table I (continued) Number of Number of crosses Selection in parents per parent first-generation Data used i n analysis Second-generation population Parents Forward 0.206 (45.332) 0.619 (8.787) 0.628 (8.249) 0.510 (14.707) 0.615 (9.083) 0.669 (7. 026) 0.201 (48.014) 0.640 (8.376) 0.648 (7.949) First-generation data Second-generation data Both Backward First-generation data Second-generation data Both Forward First-generation data Second-generation data Both Contribution of historical information depends on the quality and the quantity of the related genetic information. Progeny 0.472 (4.885) 0.477 (5.234) 0.516 (4.807) 0.533 (4.455) 0.478 (4. 741) 0.483 (5.136) breeding values (EBV) based on first-generation data for each corn bination of nurn ber of parents and crosses was In our simulations, the relationship between the first­ much higher for strategy II (r generation progeny and the second-generation parents is be­ (7.21 ). .50) than that for strategy I A few breeding programs use controlled crosses in the tween offspring and parents when backward selection is applied and between half sibs when forward selection is first-generation progeny tests. In these programs, the added applied. In other words, adding first-generation information efficiency with forward selection is expected to be higher, 11 is like adding more progeny to estimate a breeding value and only adding half-sibs in in strategy as full sibs are related by parent's the 300 unrelated half-sib families with 150 unrelated full­ strategy I. From quantitative genetic theory, the genetic covariance of offspring and one parent is half the additive genetic variance of the parents, whereas the genetic covariance among half sibs is only a quarter of the additive variance. 0.50. To prove this, we replaced sib families in the initial base population (300 parents, 2 single-pair mating, h =0.25). The rank correlation (T) became much closer between strategy II (x0.54) and 0-4.46). strategy I Thus, with backward selection, the Adding first-generation information reduced variation of second-generation population maintains a higher level of the estimate of rank correlation between EBV and TBV and genetic connection with the population of the' previous therefore increased ranking reliability (Fig. I). The percent generation. In contrast, the genetic correlation between increase in ranking reliability was both generations is expected to be low with forward selection. As shown in Table 1, the rank cor 'elation (TJ is still not negligible. Increases in ranking reliability likely between the true breeding values (TBV) and estimated were primarily due to the advantage of incorporating the which is lower than the 22-32% 6-8% for strategy I, increase for strategy II, but Fig 2 Effect of heritability on the accuracy and reliability of ranking second-generation parents by adding first ­ ilD generation information for =0.25; hi11 21 lSO Cf; =oVrE-0.5aA; = a3; a disconnected 2 x2 l ctr, factorial mating design in second-generation with 48 i) parents selected via backward selection (strategy II) o.:3S jOO ,., 1i2'C1 • 0.25 ll2c11 .. 0.15 trZf11 • O,M O+-����-----. O. 5 D..2S 005 "2fiJ Springer i tt2l 11 121'.) n2f1) ... o. H) o------O.Q5 s ti2fH =t.:11 h2t°1 I O:O!!i 0.8 Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3; 319-328 325 Table 2 Effect of dominance and additive GxE interaction on the accuracy and reliability of ranking second-generation parents by adding first-generation infor mation in a disconnected mating design with 48parents selected via backward selection O' h(2) hi') 2 x 2 factorial Percent increase in selecting progeny in the second-generation population. This is not surprising, as the coefficient of relatedness between the first-generation progeny and the second-generation parents is twice that of the relationship between the progeny across generations. Accuracy Reliability 2.9 \Nhen second-generation parents were selected via strat­ egy II, the percent increase in accuracy and reliability Impact of genetic parameters 0.05 0.05 4.1 9.2 11.7 0.15 0.15 7.3 9.8 0.25 12.5 0.25 7.7 10.2 21.3 0.35 0.35 10.6 12.4 22.7 22.4 ities 24.8 genotype-by-environment (G-E) effects. 0.05 14.9 14.1 43.9 51.3 relatively high when 0.35 2 27.6 30.0 l 31.7 55.7 56.3 0.05 0.05 2.7 4.1 6.5 11.7 0.15 0.15 6.0 7.7 8.1 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.05 in both generations and less on dominance and The value of adding first-generation information was diminished as hi, h 't) was high and h.h; was low and decreased and h22J increased (Fig. example, with ho; = 0.25 and o-- = = ,..,Ax.E 2). = For (tx E, the increase in ranking accuracy for second-generation parents decreased from 23.2 to 8.6% as h22J increased from 10.l 12.5 22.3 0.05 to 0.35; however, the corresponding decrease was only 10.6 22.7 have a high ratio of genetic information to random noise 12.0 23.3 2 4.8 contribution to second-generation evaluation. This trend is 14.9 0.35 varied greatly among different combinations of genetic parameters. It generally depended more on the heritabil­ 22.4 27.6 39.6 42.5 33.4 5 1. 3 65.8 7 9. 6 from when 8.6 to h- t) 4.0% is when hit) = 0.15. First-generation data high and, therefore, provides a higher even more pronounced at a low value of h 2; (Fig. 2). Dominance and the additive GxE interaction showed a similar pattern of effect on changes in the efficiency o f selection. The impact o f adding first-generation information increased as o-b or genetic relationship matrix, as that increases the number of related observations for an entry. ox.E increased, but the percent increase in ranking ac acy and reliability was usually less than 5% when crb < or U wl.xE < a4. (situations typical of many Our results also indicated that including first-generation breeding programs). There were, however, some excep­ information helped more in reselecting parents than in tions. For example, with very high hq,) and very low q2> Fig. 3 Effect of heritability on the accuracy and reliability of 6 - 14 ranking second-generation parents by adding first- gen erati on information for h--1) cri = h-2) = T2 0. 25; =nxe =O.SoR; ; a disconnected 2 l 2 faEforTa! mating design in second-generation with 48 parents selected via forward selection (strategy I) 112 ( 1) 0.05 h 2(1)=0.15 = 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 Springer '1'w Gcwsi3 & GmolllfJ (DJl) 3319.U Fg. 4 Po:.e »:ra.Jcil&lo:a w.y ....a"-.1. .l " ...J,. 10. ! •· Jo:ad··-1iai.p.ed vl'k 10- llmlll.bmd 1. pra:!t bJ &dd Dt· y:wa.a.:.. Dd'a:m.1iai.f« " r,> -•(• =0.Z ; 1 •D-• ><C' ·0.SCll: .. .. ; ollilc-."'lalt,1 6' aipam ... _ JO:ad· •.i..• a1iaf. p. Rd ..;...\..J..... .t. ;i..t. 1&'C§.r· «bv.:d,tkc'liai. 1&'C§ ... g I • l 5 l ' I I Sttt'J-JI 3 .. ! £ • g • .. • ,. .. 72 1lmaba or,..._ c U-:l!Cascdf'roniO to aA, lhc pcl'l:Crlt iw:rca::c iii\ 2) accwacy coul.a bt up to 14% (l'abk Ja)l},\ TM impact ofW aoJ!Wwlcc aaaieaieflicitKCY Uo.Vrac1iox but C.o.£ Uo.U 1iox ox Ill.: GS :Unilu tot> ofW aaai.1iw GxE abo 111: .SO% Sll\ r (di!tmls xo1 s)l.oW)I.) Jo\t>l.t l'.tCOXa·y x.!Ja1iox p art XU st:n.i.cgyI, the: cts of"gcn=:D: pa111 JI!sdtcU a via gcncntion inf'oi:mation did little to U\O'Cas e (Hg. 3). For ac cwacyU..t>l.t siecox a·gex.! n.1i. ox t)(un.plie, 1JI.! ptttt )l.1iXCJl!Ut boppc a to OKt·sixt>I. to O>U!• t>Qr a o f .. •ciio = o. very low, the: fbst-gcncn.tion \\GS Jli)\ao111. xois.: for T>i.: n. xli F .5 Po:.e ill:RUC ii. f.. 'lo)= J.t(, -0.25; .: ,• •u.. = O.!IOz . 0; lllilc-."lal fto:la:ial ma a a· iii. JO:adp · •taal:.rf8 P ' ,d:C'lal lllcn..ud. Jt C'liai. 1D.'C§ Il)oi faunl ···-( 0 n.1i.ox puiexe cow.a 7 • • • .. •• s1illW rtut up to 10·1 " 72 00 llmabaOf1""'9..., w Jeb1ivt · - ' 00 probably au.: to W Wrta:.i= Uo. 'l\Wi.ty of w '1st-gt ;ui.alow- '114.1' n.1i ox aatt.a t>ci.g)I. Ji.1,) bn.pac1 of )l.wnbtr of puexe ;ui.a )l.wnbcr of crosl'.ts pcrpart)l.t \MS\ stt:au::gy II, rank:Wg ;:ii:cW2Cy ;xnd .w::=alized gmt improwa coWti=)l,ty u 111.ort im-geiun.1ioxpart)l.'5 re selected ('Fi§ 4). t 'I'he pciccrlt incicasc inaccuncy o£ sccC®i-g�tion paicrd:. '-<..G: 6. 3% £or24 Uo. a typical ::.:t x.ui.o pue)l.t:: ;ui.a up 10 9.6% fo1 96puex i.... ... o) - "'* = 0.25, .. -•o..t. = .....-.. .1.N,=2 TN: cor1iespoxcb.:ixcttut Uo. .... &om.5.3 to6.3%. 'n-cruZ Cor - .: I .. I !. "' I . ,_ l 1eU. •itr - .:IA, a g&x �� andscle;dWg th:: 9 i• 1 7 • • l l • ·l • f • a - 2 •• _ __ _ ;; ,.._,, 3 10 ·:. L"'"' f_. Jtcaid 1b pzldl a&rai lllllllbea <fc1<1tJa pap.Jal yad.1.._ m1 a.1imil£zau.1im--o _ 4'.ta. sii.nply !k:coxa·gex.!n.1i.oxprogiexystkc1ioN. •ovw.y-1...J;..1. "'1p . NO UWtlWK hi,, Jtliabili.ty of sccoxa· y • tcn CoR O\\ed 'imilarpancws as via st:n.tcgyII, bur oYC:nll,. the: m-st­ t> U.. stn.ugy n at Ji. ' 9 < • f: -· .. I ! ' . s.,.., 3 , 2 - :t 2 ' 0 • • · .. . • ' ?lmabaot••••• • p• P-' ('4.:1 • Tree Genetics & Genomes (2007) 3:319-328 327 second-generation progeny were similar. Such increases degrees of genetic relationships already existed in the were apparently in concordance with progressive increase second-generation population with more than two crosses in rank correlation between generations. For example, as per parent. This result was in line with that of Johnson number of parents increased from 24 to 96, rank correlation (1998) who found that the added efficiency of making more increased from 0.4 7 7 up to 0.56 5 (Table 1). These increased crosses per parent dropped markedly after only two crosses. correlations are, in part, due to the impact of the tnmcated In comparison, increases in both ranking accuracy and population on correlations. Correlations tend to weaken as realized gain remained ahnost unchanged with the change smaller proportions of a population are selected. in Although the number of parents {N1) N2 when strategy I was used. affected the value of adding first-generation information with strategy II, it did not show the same pattern with strategy I. With strategy I, the change in Ni only caused small fluctuations, with less than 0.5% changes in both ranking accuracy and realized gain (Fig. 4). Tiris is understandable, as adding first­ generation information generally had little effect on the ranking with strategy I, and changing N1 from 24 to 96 was not enough to make a significant difference. In the simulation, we asswned that the second-genera­ tion population was a truncated population, whereby all the second-generation parents were selected from the first­ generation population. Second-generation populations, however, may also include trees that were selected elsewhere (infusions) and not tested in the first generation. Thus, including first-generation data increase effective family size markedly only for those parents commonly tested across generations; others are unchanged. This eventually creates or exacerbates imbalance in the com­ bined data sets. To test the effect of such imbalance of data on ranking changes, subsets of the first-generation data were created by randomly dropping half of the parents before the data were integrated with the second-generation data. Compared to the integration of the full data set from Conclusion The added benefit of combined analysis depends on whether there is strong genetic relatedness between both generations and whether a high degree of genetic relation­ ship is already present in the current (i.e., second) generation test. When second-generation parents were selected via backward selection, adding first-generation information could markedly increase the accuracy and reliability in ranking, as well as the realized gain from selection. The increases depended more on the heritabilities in both generations and less on the size of dominance and GXE effects. The nwnber of parents and crosses per parent also were important factors. Including first-generation information helped more when there were many parents and few crosses per parent in the second generation. \Vhen sec ond-generation parents were selected via forward selection, the advantage of adding first-generation informa­ tion was less. Tree breeders will need to determine whether such increases in ranking efficiency and gain are sufficient to justify the extra effort involved in mass computation. the first-generation, the percent increases in accuracy and Acknowledgment realized gain were reduced by 16 and 10%, respectively, reviewers for helpful reviews and conunents on the manuscript. Terrance Ye and Keith Jayawickrama are funded by the Northwest with strategy II, but there was ahnost no change (< ±2%) with strategy I (details not shown). The reason was that BLUP with the integration of the first-generation data We would like to thank two anonymous Tree Improvement Cooperative. Our thanks to Alison Moldenke for editorial comments. provided more conservative estimates than when only the second-generation data are used. Hill and Rosenberger References (1985) and White and Hodge (1989) have indicated the conservative nature of BLUP values when there are few observations. 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