• l Plantation Productivity in the . Douglas-Fir Region Under Intensive Silvicultural. Practices: Results from Research and Operations About this file: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. been corrected; however, some mistakes may remain. Misscans identified by the software have • Cheryl Talbert and David Marshall bris, .significant animal damage, the .threat of This article reviews major plantation silvicultural practices used in the westside Douglas-fir region of wildfireS, and poorly developed reforesta­ Qregon and Washington: origin, growth and yield impacts, and the region's global competitive status . tion me ods, establishm nt of replacement for productivity, tree-growing costs, and returns. Two main messages emerge: {1) there has been great growing stock was slow and expensive. The progress in the region to increase wood yield and shorten rotations; and .{2) opportunity remains strong math was not at all favorable for. investment for this region ·to become even more competitive, although it will require ·challenging current beliefs returns. and norms and an increased collective will and focused sense of urgency. · From Maximum-Yield Forestry to . Maximum Return on Investmen-t. In -keep­ Keywords: Douglas-fir; fertilization; growth and yield; intensive management; investment returns; ing with the European roots of the region's Pacific Northwest; plantations; planting stock; productivity; thinning; tree growing costs; tree improve· ment; vegetation control · forest management philosophy, many re:­ · searchers and landowners in the PNW in the 1960s and into the 1970s were .focused on I n the early 1900s, when Frederick cion, so that haryest schedules and forest Weyerhaeuser and others began their the ideas of luminaries such as Schenck, . · region were focused on conversion and were pointed out in ·their excellent history of sil­ . driven by periods of economic boom and viculture in the region, "The forests were bust. In the 1960s and 1970s, interest grew viewed as a static resource to be mined, and in using the classic Austrian model to dis­ the usual objective was to harvest high-value tribute the annual cut through time . and timber at minimum· diiect cost." The "leap across the standing forest volume such that forestlands was to bank on the ongoing value harvest in appreciation of a standing forest as an asset, ing of existing stand volume-the ."allow­ of faith" by these early investors in PNW able yield by taking trees as merchantable thinnings before they were lost to mortalit)r (Worthington and Staebler 1961). Early Graves, Fernow, and Hanzlik. Before the . 1940s, most operations in the Douglas-fir. ests. Up to this tifi?,e, ·as Curtis et al. (1998) thinning trials in natural stands were estab­ lished with the objective of c;apturing poten­ tial mortality and redistributing growth to the residual stand to increase the total har­ vestable volunie through the rotation over what would have been expected in the un­ new-stand volume would come ready for making a significant investment in the rees­ an um yield" strategy . aimed at high initial stocking, multiple thin­ ning removals, and maximizing th·e harvest­ management plans were strongly shap·ed by great adventure in fores.t management in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), they faced a seerrungly ndless expanse of mature for­ the concept of a "m thinned stand (i.e., "bonus wood"). During .the same time, the supply of large logs ap­ peared endless, prices were increasing . steadily, and the cost and efficiency of log­ "even-flow" with the ha.rVest­ able cut" concept. -Early natural stand yield wood flows and, with the expectation of stock inventory .for ongoing wood produc- fairly long rotatio s to grow the next forest, . ging and milling improved steeply with in­ creasing log diameter. With this continued. tion. annual cut levels had to be modest. Fire con­ supply of high-value large logs, low prices for . s.q1alllogs, and the high cost of harvesting ta lishment of new stands as existing s.tands wer harvested to maintain a steady growing . Frederick and other influential for-esters of .the time came from the European tradi- · tables were the only tools available to plan trol was difficult and large areas burned r g- . ularly. With heavy old-growth logging de- · small logs, land managers focused on early precommercial thinning to increase tree size · Journal of Forestry • March 2005 65 · in dense naturally regenerated stands (Reukema 1975) and commercial thinning limited. Trends in Plantation Establishment . . was w, drawing on Faustmann's work in the 1850s, began to inspire sweep­ ing changes in forest ma.nagement philoso-' phy among industrial landowners in the re ·gion, in roducing financial investment and · financial maturity concepts to forest :man­ agement thinking. Managers began to shift from thinking of the timber resource as a wood supply for mills to thinking of the for­ · est as a financial investment in and of itself, with annual stumpage sales providing the revenues 'needed to produce acceptable re­ . turns on the long-term cash flows requi ed to produce that stumpage. This generated a dramatic incentive and focus through· the 1960s and 1970s to increase establishment success and · sess growth and yield, and · used organizations to commit themselves · to achieving plantation harvest ages in the 40s on good sites. . The availabil..tty of Douglas-fir site curves ( g 1966). led the way for the de­ velopment of modern growth-and-yield models of managed natural stands,. provid­ ing managers :with encouraging yield· esti­ mates.that fed a sense qf optimism about the potential productivi:ty of stands in the re­ gion. We can thank this convergence. of events for the heavy invest.r:D.ent in. growth- . . and-yield research, much of which was 4one. ¢-rough regional cooperatives like the R ­ . gional Forest Nutrition Resear Program (RFNRP), the Cooperative Levels-of.:qrow­ u;,g Stock (LOGS) S dies, Stand.Mariage­ mentCooperative (SMC), Coordinated Re­ search on Alternative Forestry Treatments & Systems in Vegetation Management (CRAFTS), Vegetation Management Re­ search Cooperative {VMRC), Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative (NWTIC), and the Pacific Northwest Tree Impro e­ ment Research Cooperative (PNWTIRC), . beginning in the late 1960s. The SMC has . surveyed its members in the Douglas-fir region about their management practices peri­ odically since 1986, quantifying many of the resulting changes in management practices; highlights of the 2000 survey (Briggs and Trobaug 2001) are used in this article. Curtis et al. (1998) describe many of the silvicultural practices used in the D<;>Uglas-fir region and their origins in much more de­ tail. 66 Journal of Forestry _- March 200 S (Hartwell and Johnson 1983; Lo ·and Car­ rier 1991, Newton et al. 1993), particularly tion and Burning. Old-growth harvesting in the presence of heavy brush and browse prevalent through the 1960s and 1970s in competition. Three-year-old 2 -:t-1 stOck was the PNW was associated with heavy logging a solution for the heaviest browse and brush debris, disturbed soils, .. and heavy woody situations, but these were expensive to pro­ brush competition following planting. Un­ duce and to plant. Plug-transplant and 1 + 1 der these conditions, machine scarification technology developed rapidly in the 1980s, and broadcast burning were ·essential for with more consistent large caliper, a fibrous successful stand. establishment. As logging "moppy" root, and better survival than the . has moved to younger second-growth stands 2 +0 without the added costs of the 2 +1; as and as h esting equipment. and methods these stock types came into broader use, use have improved, soil disturbance· and slash of the 2.+0 and small plug began to decline accumulation· from logging have decreased quickly. Seedling conditioning and protec­ dramatically. Good stocking can now be tion, lift timing, handling methods, and in­ . achieved in many stands with little or no · frastructure were significantly refined pili:Ug ·o r moving of slashi recognition of through the 1980s and 199 ' 0s; key aspects this, in combination with pressures to re­ were reported by several authors at a Target duce early costs, have led to decline in scar­ Seedling conference in 1990 (Rose et al. ification and piling [down to 12-18%. in 1990). By the 1980s, irlltial survival was typ2001, according to Briggs and Trobaugh · ically above 80%. (2001)]. The acres still be ng treated likely Demand for seedlings with ever-larger reflect heavy ·roadside and landing slash ac­ caliper and root mass increased steadily · cumulations and fire risk management, as through the 1990s, fueled by increasing an­ well as the incremental benefits of scarifica­ imal browse pressure and statutory "green­ tion for woody competition and rodent con­ up" requirement introduced into Oregon trol. Broadcast burning has largely. ·disap­ and Washington forest practice codes in the peared due ·to increasingly restrictive air early 1990s. These rules specify that the har­ quality· egulations Some studies have vest of any stand must be deferre4 until ap­ shown survival and early growth benefits proximately half of the trees in adjoining. from mechanical site preparation (Valentine . openings have reached 4ft in height or five 1975, McNabb et al. 1993, Beese and Sand­ growing seasons, whichever comes first .As ford 1994, Piatek at al. 2003), attributed to ma.tiy landowners near· a regulated forest bsence of woody brush control in th condition (have little timber over rotation chemical site . preparation or 'release treat­ age), . the green-up requirement can affect ments in most cases, and in some cases to ' harvest considerably, increasing incentive to more rapid soil warming and iJnproved g t stands started quickly. Studies-were ini­ seedling root growth. Some of the same au­ tiated on early growth of seedlings groWn. at thors also comment, however, that soil dis­ .reduced nursery-bed densities (OSU NTC turbance and litter removal, increased inva­ 2001) and with combinations of very large sion of exotic weeds, and more extreme transplant seedlings (8- to .1 0-mm caliper) moisture and temperature fluxes after scari­ with intensive vegetation control and seed­ fication can, under some ·circumstances and ling fertilization (Rose et al. 2000). Large­ on some site types, do more harm than good. container outplant stock (typically container The Evolution of Planting Stock. In sizes including Styro15 and larger) has also the early decades ofthe 20th century, natu­ come into increasing use since the late ral and aerial seeding led to patchy and un­ 1990s, particularly on more xeric sites in Or­ . predictable reforestation. Nursery· invest­ egon. Seedlings in large containers appear to ments in the 1960s and 1970s fostered grow roots more rapidly after planting and widespread planting of 2+0 bareroot and suffer little planting shock; this gives them a some small plugs by the mid-1970s. Still, real advantage in survival and early site-cap­ seedlings were ·rdatively small with sparse ture over bareroot stock, particularly. on roots, root disease and cold damage were more xeric or difficult planting sites (Rose common, vegetative competition and ani­ and Haase (in press), Kosderka (in press)). mal browse took a heavy toll, so survival was Reflecting these trends, respondents to the SMC survey (Briggs and Trobaugh often poor (50- 60%). Research soon began 2001) reported a decline in use of 2+0 stock to demonstrate significant survival and The Decline ofLarge-Scale Scarifica­ . By the inid-l960s, economists like Du­ err and Fe growth advantages for larger caliper stock With more abundant and fibrous roots . from more than 30% in 1991 to 5% by 200 1, while 1+ 1 and P+ 1 seedling use in­ creased significantly (from 10 to 25% in the 1 + 1 and from 45 to more an 60% in the P+ 1), and these have become the dominant planting stock. Use of large-container stock increased over the same period, from essen­ tially 0% through the mid-1990s to 15% of the' Douglas-fir and 75% of the hemlock planted by the survey respondents in 2001. Measured survival and early growth benefits from larger caliper and root mass were very large in the studies mentioned above for .2 + 0 stock in the presence of heavy brush. and browse, and percentage increases producing seed, and the most advanced pro­ grams are looking toward a third generation. Long-term studies and landowner experi­ ence indicate that improved seedlots are gen­ erally broadly adapted and show little geno­ type-by-environment interaction, supporting . use of the best materials across a wider geo­ graphic range (Ymg 1990, Stonecypher al. 1996). Still, with the ception of a few orga­ nizations and breecJ,ing zones, the genetic worth of seed being used across the region re­ mains fairly low, particularly when compared with advanced-generation control-pollinated and clonal varieties being deployed in other regions of the world, and actions to bring such technologies to the PNW are patchy. Rapid Advancement in. Vegetation Control with Herbicides. In the early . 1960s, promotion of intensive chemical veg­ .etation control in the region began, and many studies have shown compelling and consistent survival and growth resultS fol­ lowing herbicide ·application (Brodie and Walstad 1987). The early focus was on re­ leasing stands from overtopping woody brush, but herbaceous weed control became prevalent as studies and local trials showed a ·large benefit of this treatment as well (Peter­ son and Newton 1985)·. Treatment of both components doubled young-tree stem .vol­ in early growth were large in the more recent studies of larger bareroot and large-plug , stock. It is very important to note, however, that the absolute magnitude of the benefit of larger-caliper and l ge-plug stock compared with conventional 1 + 1 and P+ 1 in· the presence-of good vegetation and browse co.n-:­ trol amount to no more than a year of accel­ eration, and the long-term benefits remain a matter of speculation. A year can be very important in a situation where adjacent har­ v:ests are cons:trained by _green-up require­ . ments, but otherwise the lorig-:term differ­ ences may not be large enough to justify the added cost. Implementation of Genetic Improve­ ume in multiple studies, accelerating growth ment. Large-scale plus-tree selection and or­ of stands by 2 years ·or more over untreated . chard establi hment efforts began in the stands. Studies and experience also bolstered PNW in the 1960s. Divergent approaches an increasing emphasis on herbaceous con­ were taken in the tWo largest initiatives. The .. trol treatme ts before planting as par1; <?f site Industrial Forestry Association program or­ preparation.' ganized many small geographic breeding Studies also demonstrated the in:cre­ _zones, initl.ated selection f parent trees mental benefit of multiple years of repeated along roadsides, U:fidertook some testing; vegetation co11trol, particularly beginning in and often established seedling seed orchards the first year (Preest 1977, Newton and Pre- . (Silen and Wheat _1979, Johnson 2000). .est .1988). The height gro.wth benefit in The large Weyerhaeuser prograin (Stone- · these studies lasted at least 5 years, and the cypher et al. 1996) was modelec;i after earlier diameter· growth benefits even longer, · southern pine programs, with . fewer but through age 10 and beyond. In fact, the di­ larger zones, intensive plus-tree screening ameter and basal-area benefit appears to in­ and selection, very intensive. testing, and crease 'through this time, amounting to 15­ gr ed seeq orcharc4. Breeding and testing 20% final J1eld benefit (up to 50% or more advanced, with some programs moving into if heavy woody competition would other­ their second generation by the early to mid­ wise occur). This pattern has also been re­ 1990s. First-generation improved seed is ported in other species arid growing areas. now broadly . available, although some or­ Preemergent herbicide treatments, at­ chards remain untested and report fairly low tractive because they enabled foresters to use or uncertain gains In addition, many· or­ more effective cheniicals and dosages with­ chards_ are_ located where substantial pollen out concern about aging planted seed­ from unimproved neighboring stands could lings, began to ·take over from dormant and potentially dilute the gain delivered to the spring sprays in the mid 1990s. The SMC orchard s ed, although the amount of actual s_urvey (Briggs and Trobaugh 2001) shows a dilution or gain irppact is not reported. steep ip.crease in the percent of ha.rVested Some second-generation orchards are now · acres receiving chemical site preparation, · · · _ · _ · from 20% in 1991 to ov r 65% in 2001, with the percentage of that treatment in preemergent sprays increasing from less than 5% to over 90%. First- and second-year her­ baceous release treatments also increased during the period; correspondingly, acres re­ ceiving hardwood control treatments de­ clines steeply (in part because effective chemical site preparation can control hard­ wood invasion). The .Evolution of Plfl.nting Density T�trgets. Early plantations tended to he planted at close spacings (Curtis et al. 1998), in keeping with high-yield objectives and in anticipation of poor seedling survival. By the early 1980s, however, as organizations de­ veloped the models and computing power to calculate the relative financial returns of dif­ ferent treatments, and changes in logging methods and sawmill technology began to reduce the perceived futu e value advantage .. of larger diameter logs, initial spacing trended quickly toward 0 X 10 ft and ev_e n wider. Seedling survival had greatly im­ prov:ed by thls time, reducing the need' to - plant at high densities. By _the 1990s, most . organiz3.tions in the P:NW" had dropped back to levels close to a nominal 10 X 1O-ft . spacing (435 trees per acre), the average planting density target reported in the SMC survey (Briggs and Trobaugh 200 1) for most species. Some landowners had even rational-. ized dropping to initial planting spacings of 11 X 11 ft, or even lower (360 trees per acre­ or less) in Douglas-fir stands, assuming that the combination of ·intensive s te prepara­ tion, control of competing vegetation, and high-quality large planting stock would pro­ vide the consistent high urvival and early rapid growth needed to meet their stocking targets with less initial cost. By the turn of the millennium, with the increasing demand for and value of smaller logs, 'declining ex-­ pected premiums for large logs, and changes in logging and milling practices adapted to smaller logs, some organizations had begun plan g at higher densities, again anticipat­ ing greater opportunities fo'! future com­ . mercial thiimings. Concerns over future log quality and competitiveness, particularly for a species like Douglas-fir that is marketed primarily for its strength, have likely also helped to maintain planting densities higher than they might otherwi e have been. · Trends in Culture of Young · Stands _ Changing Attitudes Toward Precom­ mercial and Co;,mercial Thinning. Di Journal of Forestry • ·March 2005 67 rect seeding and high early planting densities through the 1960s and 1970s, coupled with - frequency of low-intensity thinning eco­ heavy ingrowth, led to a high frequency of heavily stocked stands and an associated high fr quency of stocking control or "pre­ regional response, not to test for differences ume considerably, which may or may not be or stand conditions. Investigators are still late or heavy can actually reduce harvest vol­ within a site, or even to match to specific site offset by the revenue from the thinnings and trying, as yet unsuccessfully, to fully explain the larger, thinned logs in the final harvest. commercial" thinning (PCT) to control mortality risk and improve tree size. In keep­ ing with the maximum yield philosophy, The "rub" comes when trees . are thinned that would have survived to be crop trees at riod was done at a fairly young age, but with profitable and foster greater subsequent di­ much of the stocking control during this pe­ aJilt" specieS, such as Douglas-fir, control began to be delayed to later ages in diameter to final harvest at 40-50 years, small log markets in the 1990s, stocking can vors taking merchantable volume in the final over declining supply ·of large logs and advances landowner's view of the positive impacts it in .harvesting and milling technology have will have on· postthin stem. diameter and reduced .the cost and value advantages for upgrade, gainst cost and likely negative im­ com pacts on final harvest volume. In general, a operational use of urea fertilization on Dou­ . glas-fir began in the 1960s. Replicated trials was widely understood that thiD:Illng would 1960s, and a large cooperative effort called promote greater diameter. growth in the re­ the Regional Forest Nutrition Research sidual stand and larger trees at final harvest, · and it was also believed that CT could· in-· Project ( NRP) was launched soon after, the results of which were described by Peter-· c ease total volume production by enabling son (1 84). He reported at urea applica­ tion of 200-400 lbs N per acre increased . incremental st m volume growth 20.....,.70 ft3 harvest of volume that would otherwise be lost to mortality; however, .the volume ben­ · per acre annually across site types (an average As long-term growth-and-yield studies ·of 168 ft3 per acre 6 year after treatment), with the greatest response on poorer sites. stands, such as the LOGS (Cooperative LeV­ els-of-Growing-Stock) studies, begin to ma­ · first 4 years after treatment, but was renewed by retreatment. The 200- and 400-lbs N per thinning entries. Douglas-fir. ture, the data have not supported early ex­ pectations of"bonus" volume from thinned found it• difficult to practice the necessary ' 2005 Competitive Position of Tree Growing in the PNW · Detailed statistics on growth rates, costs, and rate of return for PNW·Douglas­ fir compared with other tree-grqwing re­ gions of the world were taken from two mul­ ticlient survey reports (Neilson et al. 2001, of urea fertilization were initiated in the late plate its application (Curtis et al. 1998). It March Oregon Coast Range. bui High Uncertainty. The first small-scale rope long before the PNW began to contem­ • j N eed.le Cast and soil nutrient balance in the in loblolly and radiata pine. ·Urea Fertilization-High Promise large body of experience Journal of Forestry haps reflecting" recent concerns about the · . impacts of heavy N fertilization oil Swiss mizing total rotation value in PNW Dou­ and research and were well-known in Eu­ 68 decade to about half of its 2000 level, per­ any landown­ glas-fir and western hemlock stands that it is c sh Row. The principles of commercial ·stands compared with unthinned (Curtis and Marshalll997), and practitioners have ized is forecast· to decline in the next half­ unlikely to be the powerful tool for maxi­ ter growth. Unlike PCT, CT also generates well-stocked SMC survey (Briggs and Trobaugh 2001) ·respondents, the percent.of ac es to be fertil­ ment or to achieve other objectives-CT is (CT) trees so that they will sustain greater diame-. even-aged, zation m many organiUtions. Among the capture mid-rotation cash from their invest­ reduces competiclon faced by future <:;rop · in cost, have likely limited the extent of fertili­ ers 'will continue to value CT as a way to future growth reductions and delayed mer­ chantability is high.·. efit depended on execution of frequent light- sponse and steep recent increases in urea · ercial thinning as a means of increas­ duction oflarger logs-and heavily overstocked so that the likelihood of · spending, coupled with variability of re­ appealing as a treatment to accelerate pro­ be expected only when the stand is The greatest response occurred within the acre dosages (440 and 880 lbs/ac urea) did . not differ significantly in response. of . oped the infrastructure to get more acres done. Still, constraints on annual capital ing diameter. So, although CT is intuitively favorable overall value impact from PCT representing. 30:...50% and more organizations got comfortable with the financial justification and· devel­ larger logs, further reducing the l.ncentive for value growth and opportunity for species and stands treated two or three times), as more the cost of waiting until final harvest. The vahie impact of PCT depends on the (Briggs ted acres treated per year by the 1ate 1990s .(likely harvest, rather than in a thinning, even given stands (Briggs and Trobaugh 2001). The survey tially zero in the early 1990s to over 100% of pl typical thinnings, total stand value often fa­ followed by a .steady decline to a forecast steady-state level of approximately 20% of . SMC fenuized with urea increasing· from essen­ carry cause costs are higher and log values lower in ds, The Trobaugh 2001) shows the number of acres stands well below 200 stefi1:s per acre. Be­ acres treated in the early 1990s, principally a ment. while many thinning operations reduce feasible. PCT reached a peak at 40-60% of thinning rest on efit and the financial merits of this treat­ 300 or more stems per acre of merchantable favor of early commercial thinnip.g when Like PCT, commercial thinning about the magnitude of N-fertilization ben­ ameter growth. Stands of relatively 'toler­ .capacity :ind the subsequent development of can this variability. As a result, different..organi­ zation,s have drawn different conclusions final harvest, to make the thinning more . the reduction in "large log supply and milling in Douglas-fir and western heiDlock st dex. The studies were designed to determine nomically. In practice, thinnings that are . Neilson and Manners 2003). The survey in- formation was taken from a sample of land­ owners thought to be representative of each region, but was not intended to describe any particular owner. ·By and large, the survey describes harvest volumes and growth of · stands being harvested. today, which ln our region represent a high component of sec­ ond- or third-growth natural stands and early, le5s-intensive plantations. Growth and YielJ. The mean annual increment (MAl) reported by Neilson et al. (2001) and Neilson and Manners (2003) for Douglas-fir-managed stands being harvested today in the PNW is low relative to other Overlaying all results of the RFNRP major conifer tree-growing regions of the between stands of rl?.e same nominal site in- fr3 per acre) per year, compared with 18-20 studies is the variable level of response, even world-slightly over 13 m3 per hectare (190 m3 pe hectare (25 0-290 ft3 per acre) per local and regional wood products markets in other major tree-growing regions. Neilson et year for Douglas-fir in Argentina and New the long-term. al. (2001) and Neilson and Manners (2003) Zealand or for pines in New Zealand and In thePNW Douglas-fir region, we face report well over two times greater spencling in South Mrica. This likely reflects the signifi­ three key imperatives to be more competi­ thePNW than in geographies like Nevv Zea­ cant component of older naturally regener- . land, Argentina, and the southern United tive in the long run: ated stands and early plantations currently States, even for the same species. By and large, being harvested in thePNW, which are of­ 1. Significantly increase value and/or sub­ this incremental cost reflects higher labor costs, ten poorly stocked or heavily overstocked stantially shorten the rotation length re­ more difficult topography and regula ory con­ and may have a high hardwood component, quired to produce competitive yields and straint$, as well as more demancling seedling uncontrolled seed source, or limited vegeta a· competitive log mix in stands b'eing size and early care requirements for swvival, cion control. In the PNW, key intensive managed for timb.er. growth, and regulatory"green- p· in our prin­ treatments-advanced generation genetics, cipal species. In addition in some regions, in­ multi-year vegetation control, and regular Key approaches applied by other re­ cluding parts of Europe, South America, and fertilization- have been broadly imple­ gions, and available but not yet fully cap­ Canada, establishment costs are either heavily mented only recently so growth benefits tilled in the PNW, are advan d genetics, subsidized or can be expensed in the year in­ from such treatments have not yet been re­ intensive multi-year vegetation control and curred. alized in harvests. The terrain also is very aggressive management of stand nutrition Rate ofReturn. Acc;:ording to the Nell­ steep and road access is limited in Ill;any arand stocking, with greater focus of invest­ son et al. (2001) and Neilson and Manners eas, which make some intensive manage­ ment dollars overall on sites with the p ten­ (2003) reports, the combined impacts of ment treatments impossible, or at least very tial for accelerated merchantability. difficult and costly. Fitlally, past heavyPCT slower ·early growth and longer rotations in the PNW generate an overall tree-growing and CT- in some areas of the PNW likely 2. Significantly reduce the cost required to return from currently harvested stands (with have contributed to reduced MAI reflected a unit of merchantable volume. prod land costs) on the order of So/o, compared to in current harvests. . returns of about 9.5% for eucalyptus in Bra­ What can we expect from intensivdy Accelerated volume growth in 'itself zil or subsidized Douglas-fir in Argentina · will reduce carrying costs; Competing re­ managed Douglas-fir plantations be ng es­ and 7.8% for radiata pme in New Zealand. . gions around th world have also developed tablished in our region today with modern Howev r,· in weighing overall risk and future management practices? Based on the treat­ methods to achieve plantation success with improvement potential,· the authors con­ ment responses indicated earlier in this arti­ very low-cost planting stock, with equip­ cle, it is reasonable to expect 17-22 m3 per nue to emphasize the strengths of the ment and practices that enhance productiv­ hectare (240-310 ft3 per acre) per year) for United States Douglas-fir region· for its abil­ ity and minllnize lah9r costs, and with better well-s ocked, unthinned Douglas-fir stands ity to produce high ood volumes from pre- · and better targeting· of ·expensive treatmen in our region, planted with genetically im­ ;Il1ium species in a stable politi<:al and eco-' (precision forestry) .. proved stock, intensive 'control of compet­ nomic system. Still, they strongly caution ing vegetation, and multiple urea fertiliza­ land managers in the region, howeve , that 3. Continue to earn and maintain the pub­ tions. Fenced progeny (genetic test) sites growing osts and rotation ages must de­ . lie's trust and "license to operate." across the region provide examples of stands crease and productivity must increase in or­ growing at this rate through their mid-20s. der for the region to be globally competitive ThePNW has achieved some notable In addition, many opportunities for inarena but they have also and attract tree-growing investment dollars ·successes in . cremental improvement remain: advanced come at the cost of significant land out of in ·the long-term. generation genetics, steadily improving veg­ production and other land managed at less etation control efficacy· and planti.ng stock Prospects and Imperative for than optimum density. Ati increasing collec­ survival, an,d more consistent responses tive commitment and. sense of l1rgency the Future from fertilizer applications. Still, the inten­ across our region for successful, globally The PNW as a region clearly " as what sively managed plantations being planted competitive intensive forest management is it takes" to be a globally competitive tree­ today in the PNW are growing at rates on . essential, including recommitment of public growing region: highly productive sites, spe­ par with intensively managed conifer plan-. resources to research and edu tion on sus­ cies with very favorable properties and tations being harvested today in other re­ tainable intensive management methods strong global market demand, strong uni­ gions of the world, ·where the competition coupled with creative, cooperative, stable so­ versity and other research institutions, has continued to move ahead. Douglas-fir lutions to protecting wildlife, fish, soil, and knowledgeable professionals, and a strong and pine plantations being planted now in water quality that weigh the profitability of tradition of excellence in forest manage­ parts of the world are expected to grow at ·managed forests as part of the goal. 25-30 m3 per hectare (350- 430 ft3 per ment. And it is clear that we need to be glo­ bally competitive, so that investment dollars We don't have the luxury of time for acre) per year, and·these global competitors will continue to flow into managed forests, continue to press for more improvement. reflection or hesitation. The other horses keeping productive Cascade lowlands in for­ Silviculture Cost. In addition to the have left the gate and are already. running ests, rather than converting forestlan to growth-rate disadvantage, spending per acre. fast. The key competition is not from others other, higher-returning uses; it also means a and per cubic foot of wci'od volume for inten­ within the Douglas-fir region We. have a sive silvicultUre in thePNW are high relative to continuing vigorous regional in4 ustry and shared stake in maintaining the health of the · • · _ • · · • · · .. Journal of Forestry • March 2005 69 PNW as an attractive place for tree-growing investment. But we must also want it as badly as the ·other regions of the world do. This . means bUilding a collective will and focus­ not just by the landowners, but by universi­ tieS, regulators, and the public-to preserve and promote profitable active forest man­ agement in the region. . The solutions are doable and within om grasp. The objective is essential, not only to owners of timberland , but also to current and future woods and mill workers, techni­ cal professionals, and anyone in the region interest d in seeing large areas maintained in healthy forests over the long-term. We hope· that the discussion generated by this confer­ ·ence.!Vill move them a reality. us .quickly forward to make· · . . Literature Cited. B., AND J. SANDFORD.-1994. MechaniCal site preparation on salal-dominated sites Five year results. Silviculture Field Note 69. FERIC, Vancouver, BC. 2 pp. BRIGGs;D.,.AND J. T ROBAUGH. 2001. Manage­ ment practices on Pacific No.rthwest-side industrial forest lan<;ls: 1991-2000: With pro­ jections to 2005. Stand Management Co­ operative Working Paper No. 2. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle1 WA. 52 pp. BRODIE, J.D., AND J.D. W.AJ.SrMJ. 1987. Dou­ glas-fir growth and yield response to vegetation management. 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Adaptive variation in Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and true fir: A summary of provenance research in coastal British Colum­ bia. In Unpublished proceedings of Joint meeting ofWestem Forest Genetics Associa­ tion and IUFRO Working Parties S2.02- 05, "06, 12 and 14; ,Aug. 20-::-24, 1990._0lympia, . WA. . · . · Cheryl Talbert (cheryL talbert@weyerhaeuser. com) ir director offorestry, Weyerhaeuser Com­ pany, ''CH2D25", PO Box 977 Federal Way, WA . 98063-9777, David Marshall (dmarshall@js.ftd.us) is re earch forester, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Re­ Olym­ search Station, 3625 93rdAvmue S pia, WA 98512-9193. Journal of March 2005 57 Volume 1031 Number 2 Commentary: Growing Better All the Time . M T. Goergen Jr. 57 Letters 61 Intensively Managed Forest Plantations in the Pacific Northwest: Introduction W.T.Adams, S. Hobbs, andN.johnson 63 Global Perspectives on Intensively Managed Plantations: Implications for the Pacific N rthwest C.S. Binkley,ME.4ronow, CL W hburn, andD. New. . . 67 Plantation Productivi1y in the Douglas-Fir Region Under Intensive Silvicultural . Practices: Results from Research and Ope ations C. Talbert and D. Marshall 73 Wood Productivity of Pacinc Northwest Douglas-Fir: Estimates from Growth-and­ Yield Models D.D. Marshall and E. C Turnblom 75 Uneven-Aged Management Panacea, Viable Alternative, or Component of a Grander Strategy? D. Maguire n Assessing Wood Characteristics and Wood Quality in Intensively Managed Plantations ... B.L Gartner 80 Economics of Intensively Managed Forest Plantations in the Pacific:= Northwest 85 Environmental Consequences of Intensively Managed Forest Plantations in the G.E. Murphy, W.RJ Sutton, D. Hill. C Chambers, D. Creel C. Binkley, and D. New. Pacific Northwest JP. Hayes, S.R Schoenholtz, MJ Hartley, G. Murphy, RF. Powers, D. Berg, and S.R Radosevich 90 Lessons From Intensive Agriculture F.L Kirschenmann 92 Public Influences on Plantation Forestry 97 A Conservation Advocate's Perspective on Intensively Managed Forest Plantations 99 (Over)Stories: EXamining the Philosophical Assumptions Behind Intensively G. T. Howe, B. Shindler, B. Cashore, E. Hansen, D. Lach, and W. Armstrong c. Willer Managed Forest Plantations KD.Moore 1 01 1 03 Intensively Managed Forest Plantations in the PaciBc Northwest: Conclusions W T. Adt;zms, S. Hobbs;· and N. johnson Perspective: Telling Our "Story" j Coufal '