PLEASE NOTE this is a 2014-15 reading list—the precise content... TENTATIVE WEEKLY READING PLAN

PLEASE NOTE this is a 2014-15 reading list—the precise content may change in future years.
Week 1: History of Science. T.S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; J.D. Bernal,Science in
Week 2: Philosophy of Science. I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave, eds. Criticism and the Growth of
Knowledge; S. Fuller, The Philosophy of Science and Technology Studies.
Week 3: Sociology of Science. S. Shapin & S. Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air Pump; B. Latour, Science
in Action
Week 4: Scientists on the Nature of Science: Selections from Francis Bacon, William Whewell, Ernst
Mach, Max Planck, JB Conant, Donna Haraway, Evelyn Fox Keller.
Week 5: History of Science Popularisation: Selections from HG Wells, Waldemar Kaempffert, JG
Crowther, John Horgan, Robert Wright, Chris Mooney.
Week 6: Two Cultures? Science’s Problems with the Larger Culture: L. Wolpert, The Unnatural
Nature of Science; S. Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory; S. Weinberg, Science and its Cultural
Adversaries; A. Ross, ed. The Science Wars; A. Sokal, The Sokal Hoax.
Week 7: Problems of Science Policy in the Cold War and Post-Cold war Era: V. Bush,Science: The
Endless Frontier; D. deS. Price, Little Science, Big Science; S. Fuller, The Governance of Science.
Week 8: Scientific Expertise v. Liberal Democracy: S. Jasanoff, The Fifth Branch; S. Jasanoff, Designs
on Nature; S. Turner, Liberal Democracy 3.0.
Week 9: Science and Changing Conceptions of Humanity: DM Berry, The Philosophy of Software; S.
Fuller, Science: The Art of Living, S. Fuller, Humanity 2.0.
Week 10: Shaping Future Expectations of Science: Selections from D. Cheng et al.,
eds.,Communicating Science in Social Contexts: New Models, New Practices; D. Barben et al.,
‘Anticipatory Governance and Nanotechnology’; J. Hope, Biobazaar.
Bacon, F. Novum Organum. (Classic 17th century statement of the scientific method as a vehicle for
both discovery and power)
Barben, D. et al., ‘Anticipatory Governance and Nanotechnology’ (on how people’s opinions are
studied and shaped to enable acceptance of new science and technology)
Bernal, J.D. Science in History. (4 volume Marxist social history of science)
Berry, DM, The Philosophy of Software. (How information and communication technologies are
changing our sense of who we are)
Bush, V. Science: The Endless Frontier (Most influential science policy text of the post-war era)
Cheng, D. et al., eds., Communicating Science in Social Contexts: New Models, New Practices.
(Recent international survey of science-media relations, including China)
Conant, JB, Science and Common Sense (classic statement of the distinctiveness of the scientific
world-view, influential on Kuhn)
Crowther, JG Collected articles. (UK’s first dedicated science journalist, suspicious of science’s
involvement in the ‘military-industrial complex’)
De S. Price, D. Little Science, Big Science (classic statement of science metrics and their relationship
to other social indicators)
Fuller, S. Humanity 2.0 (on past, present and future conceptions of what it means to be human)
Fuller, S. Kuhn vs Popper (cultural context of the 20th century’s most important debate in the
philosophy of science)
Fuller, S, Science: The Art of Living (on science’s deep and continuing relations with theology)
Fuller, S. The Governance of Science (the problems of governing ‘big science’ in a democratic society)
Fuller, S. The Philosophy of Science and Technology Studies (on the significance of the ‘science wars’
for science studies)
Haraway, D. Simians, Cyborgs, Women (classic statement of women as ‘boundary objects’ in science)
Hope, J. Biobazaar (on ‘do it yourself biology’ as an emerging citizen-based science pursued for both
fun and profit)
Horgan, J The End of Science. (on the increasing migration of scientific research from the field and
the lab to computer models)
Jasanoff, S. Designs on Nature (comparative treatment of biotechnology legislation and reporting in
several countries)
Jasanoff, S. The Fifth Branch (science’s entanglements with legal cases, esp. in US)
Kaempffert, W. Collected articles. (US’s first dedicated science journalist, active in the science
museum movement)
Keller, EF. Reflections on Science and Gender (on the effects of male/female psychodynamics on
scientific conduct)
Kuhn, T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (most influential work on the nature of science in
the 2nd half of the 20th century)
Lakatos, I. & A. Musgrave, eds. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (Influential set of essays on
the history and philosophy of science, including Kuhn, Popper)
Latour, B. Science in Action (popular and influential methods book in science studies)
Mach, E. Popular Lectures (late 19th century attempt to define the limits of science’s capacity to
inform life
Mooney, C. The Republican War on Science (recent US politicisation of science across a wide range
of topics)
Planck, M. A Scientific Autobiography (famous articulation of the thesis that paradigm change
requires generation change)
Ross, A. ed. The Science Wars (key papers from the science wars)
Shapin, S. & S. Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air Pump (exemplary history of a famous 17th century to
distinguish science from non-science)
Sokal, A. The Sokal Hoax (aftermath of the science wars)
Turner, S. Liberal Democracy 3.0 (on shifting attitudes to scientific experts in democracies)
Weinberg, S. Dreams of a Final Theory (popular science from a defender of big physics)
Weinberg, S. Science and its Cultural Adversaries (reflections on the science wars)
Wells, HG, The Shape of Things to Come (pioneering use of science fiction as science forecasting)
Whewell, W. The History of Inductive Sciences (leading 19th century account of the rise of science,
with Newton as centrepiece)
Wolpert, L. The Unnatural Nature of Science (updated version of Conant’s thesis, written in light of
the science wars)
Wright, R. Non-Zero (interesting attempt to use science popularisation as a vehicle for advancing an
ambitious evolutionary thesis)