Level and Pattern of Overstory Retention Interact to Shape Long-term Responses of Forest Understories to Timber Harvest Charles B. Halpern1, Juraj Halaj2, Shelley A. Evans1, Martin Dovciak3 Introduction Results Q1. Species composition p A % 0 4 100%: 40%A: 15%A: 40%D: 15%D: 48-65 61-77 59-87 *Abam = Abies amabilis, Abco = A. concolor, Abgr = A. grandis, Tshe = Tsuga heterophylla 40%D 40%D 40% Dispersed (40%D) 15% Dispersed (15%D) Q1. Species composition. Compositional change (movement in NMS space) was reduced by greater retention and by the presence of dispersed trees in harvested areas. Retained forest patches showed small changes in composition; however, in some blocks, changes were greater in the more exposed patches of 15%A-p (vs. 40%A-p). Control Five 1-ha residual patches (A-p) separated by cleared areas (A-c) Two 1-ha residual patches (A-p) separated by cleared areas (A-c) Dispersed trees (dominants or co-dominants); basal area = 40%A Dispersed trees (dominants or co-dominants); basal area = 15%A Change in % cover Early-seral herbs Forest herbs Late-seral herbs Cleared (A-c) Dispersed (D) 10 5 Level: P = 0.001 Pattern: P < 0.001 Pattern: P = 0.007 0 Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P < 0.001 L x P: P = 0.002 -5 -10 Cleared (A-c) Dispersed (D) Q2. Seral group responses to level and pattern of retention Early-seral shrubs 20 A-c D 40% Forest shrubs 15 10 A-c D 15% Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P = 0.006 5 A-c D 40% A-c Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P < 0.001 L x P: P = 0.004 A-c D 40% D A-c D 15% A-c D 40% Systematic sampling grid: 40 m × 40 m spacing Numbers of plots: 32-37 permanent sample plots per treatment Bryophytes and herbs: 24 quadrats (0.1 m2) per plot Shrubs: four, 6-m line intercepts per plot Sampling dates: pre-treatment and 10-11 yr post-treatment Q3. Moderating effects of dispersed trees. Compared to cleared areas (A-c), dispersed retention (D) moderated effects of harvest. For earlyseral herbs and shrubs, effects of dispersed trees were stronger at higher levels of retention (significant level × pattern interaction). Q4. Aggregates as refugia Change in % cover 15 10 5 0 Bryophytes Early-seral herbs Forest herbs Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P = 0.001 Level: ns Pattern: ns Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P = 0.018 L x P: P = 0.039 -5 -10 Late-seral herbs 5 Control Aggregated (A) Dispersed (D) Level: P = 0.019 Pattern: P = 0.002 20 Early seral Forest generalist A-p -5 -10 Level: ns Level: ns Early-seral shrubs Forest shrubs 15 10 A D 15% 100% A D 40% Level: P < 0.001 Pattern: P < 0.001 5 0 -5 100% A D 40% A D 15% A 100% Level: P < 0.001 Patern: P = 0.001 100% A D 40% A D 15% A D 15% D 40% 15% Q2. Seral group responses to level and pattern of retention. For most plant groups, changes in cover were reduced at higher levels of retention (40% < 15%) and in dispersed (vs. aggregated) treatments. However, bryophytes showed large and comparable declines in all treatments. (Note: changes in the controls are shown for comparison.) Bryophytes Late-seral herbs -15 -10 100% Bryophytes 0 -15 40-m spacing Late seral 30 20 10 100% A-p A-c D 40% A-p A-c D 15% Q5. Extirpations of late-seral herbs. Extirpations of late-seral herbs were 2-4× more common in the cleared areas of aggregated treatments (A-c) and under low levels of dispersed retention (15%D) than in retained forest patches (A-p) or controls (100%). Conclusions and Management Implications Ours is one of the few experiments to explore the individual and joint effects of level and spatial pattern of overstory retention in shaping vegetation responses to regeneration harvests. In these forests, both factors have strong and potentially interacting effects. ● Level of retention. Increasing levels of retention can temper the effects of disturbance and environmental stress, reducing colonization of early-seral species and loss of late-seral herbs. However, even relatively high levels of retention may not be sufficient to mediate loss of bryophytes that are highly sensitive to overstory removal. 20 ● Q1. Compositional trajectories in ordination (NMS) space ● Q2-4. Cover of forest-floor bryophytes and early-seral, forest-generalist, and late-seral species 56-m radius ● Q5. Extirpations of late-seral herbs, expressed as the % of species lost from all plots within a treatment unit or post-harvest environment (1-ha patches or cleared areas within aggregated treatments) D 40% 15% 40 40% 15% A-c D 15% Dispersed or Control Change in % cover ● ● ● ● ● Aggregated A-c D 15% 0 -5 -10 Field Methods and Analyses Sampling design 100% 50 0 -15 p A % 0 4 15%D 15 A-c 60 % 0 0 1 40%D Bryophytes 20 40%A-c p A % 5 1 Tshe 70-80 759-1781 Abgr 140-170 182-335 Abam 110-140 512-1005 c A % 5 1 40-53 40-66 9-33 40%A-c p A % 0 4 Washington Butte 975-1280 Little White Salmon 825-975 Paradise Hills 850-1035 D % 5 1 % 0 0 1 36-52 72-106 p A % 5 1 40%D p A % 0 4 Tshe 110-130 310-500 Abco 165 258-475 c A % 5 1 D % 5 1 % 0 0 1 D % 5 1 4-7 34-62 Paradise Hills, Washington c A % 5 1 c A % 5 1 945-1310 1460-1710 D % 5 1 p A % 5 1 Oregon Watson Falls Dog Prairie % 0 0 1 Little White Salmon, Washington 40%A-c 15%D Block D 40% 15% 15%A 100% A D 40% Tree Basal Slope Forest Stand density area (%) zone* age (yr) (no./ha) (m2/ha) 100% 40%A-c Species extirpations (% of species) p A % 5 1 40%D Butte, Washington 40%A 40%A Elevation (m) % 0 0 1 Aggregated: cleared area (A-c) Response variables 40%D p A % 0 4 Aggregated: 1-ha patch (A-p) 100% Q2. Seral group responses to level and pattern of retention. How do level and pattern of retention affect the abundance of bryophytes and key seral groups? Q5. Extirpations of late-seral herbs. Which post-harvest environments mediate loss of late-seral herb species? A-p p A % 5 1 100% (Control) Questions Q4. Aggregates as refugia. Do retained forest patches serve as refugia for disturbance-sensitive or shade-dependent species? A-c A 40%D Q1. Species composition. How do level and pattern of retention affect compositional changes within and among treatments? Q3. Moderating effects of dispersed trees. Do the presence of dispersed trees moderate responses relative to cleared areas? Dog Prairie, Oregon 40%A-c Experimental treatments Study Areas Q5. Extirpations of late-seral herbs A-p Watson Falls, Oregon We present results from a long-term experiment in variable-retention harvests in mature, coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest, the DEMO Study. It tests regional standards for live-tree retention on federal forests within the range of the Northern Spotted Owl. These include a minimum of 15% live-tree retention in each harvest unit, primarily in the form of large (0.2-1 ha) aggregates. We assess the effects of retention level (15% vs. 40% of original basal area), pattern (aggregated vs. dispersed), and their interaction on compositional changes and on the abundance of bryophytes and vascular understory species with differing seral roles and sensitivities to disturbance and environmental change. Locations and pre-treatment characteristics of the five experimental blocks Q3. Moderating effects of dispersed trees D % 5 1 For most plant groups, changes in cover were tempered by higher levels of retention and by the presence of dispersed trees. Although retained patches (1 ha) in aggregated treatments were stable, changes in adjacent cleared areas were greater than in dispersed treatments. Bryophytes showed large declines regardless of treatment, suggesting that threshold levels of disturbance and environmental stress were exceeded. Late-seral herbs were sensitive to level and pattern of retention: species’ losses were most frequent in the cleared areas of aggregated treatments and at low levels of dispersed retention. In contrast, these were the environments where early-seral species were most abundant. Retained patches in aggregated treatments provided refugia for bryophytes and late-seral herbs, but may be susceptible to edge effects. The ability to achieve multiple ecological objectives with variable retention may require spatial partitioning of post-treatment habitats to include areas of dispersed retention, larger-sized aggregates, and clearings. Experimental Design Designing variable-retention systems to achieve specific ecological objectives requires an understanding of how forest organisms respond to the amount (level) and spatial pattern of trees retained through timber harvest. Greater retention should favor closed-canopy species and inhibit disturbance-dependent, early-seral species. Although dispersed retention can reduce microclimatic extremes relative to cleared areas (clearcuts), it may be ineffective for species that are sensitive to disturbance or changes in light, temperature, or humidity. Maintaining these species through harvest may require undisturbed forest patches (or aggregates). c A % 5 1 Variable retention has replaced clearcut logging as the principal method of regeneration harvest in many regions of the world. A primary motivation for retaining live trees through harvest is to enhance the ecological values of managed forests, including the maintenance and recovery of late-seral species. However, the ability to achieve these goals may hinge on the level (amount) or spatial pattern of retention. Here we present decade-scale results from a large-scale experiment in the Pacific Northwest in which we assess understory responses to varying levels (15 vs. 40%) and patterns (aggregated vs. dispersed) of overstory retention. We quantify changes in abundance of bryophytes and early- to late-seral vascular plants — groups for which we expected differing responses to disturbance and environmental changes associated with canopy removal. Change in % cover Abstract University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 2Allevia Health, Inc., Corvallis, OR; 3State University of New York, Syracuse, NY Change in % cover 1 100% 40% 100% 40% A-p 15% A-p 100% 40% A-p 15% 15% A-p Q4. Aggregates as refugia. Changes in cover of bryophytes and late-seral herbs did not differ among residual forest patches and controls. However, declines tended to be greater with increasing exposure of the patches (100% < 40%A-p < 15%A-p). Examples of 1-ha aggregates: 15%A (left), 40%A (right) ● Pattern of retention. Effects on the understory were reduced in dispersed relative to aggregated treatments, particularly at higher levels retention where shading was sufficient to limit the establishment of early-seral herbs and shrubs. Higher levels of dispersed retention also greatly reduced loss of late-seral herbs. ● Forest aggregates as refugia. Although 1-ha aggregates serve as refugia, they may be susceptible to edge effects (increased light, temperature, and wind damage), particularly at lower levels of retention, i.e., greater exposure. Smaller-sized aggregates, which are permitted under current retention standards, are more susceptible to these effects and are less likely to serve as refugia. ● Minimum retention standards in the Pacific Northwest. Regardless of pattern, our long-term observations suggest that 15% retention — the minimum standard for federal matrix lands in the Pacific Northwest — is not sufficient to retain the abundance or diversity of species characteristic of older forests in this region. ● Multiple objectives for management. The ability to achieve multiple objectives within the context of variable-retention harvests, i.e., timber production, provision of early-seral habitat, and maintenance of late-seral species, will require the spatial partitioning of habitats to include areas of dispersed retention, clearings, and large undisturbed aggregates. Analyses Experimental treatments at Butte, Washington. The 15%A treatment is out of the image to the west. The 75%A treatment (three circular 1-ha gaps) was not included in this study. Treatment dimensions are 320 m x 400 m. ● Q1. NMS ordination through time of plots representing different treatments or within-treatment environments ● Q2-Q4. One-way ANOVA and a priori contrasts testing effects of retention level, pattern, and their interaction ● Q5. Qualitative comparison of species’ extirpation rates among treatments or post-harvest environments Acknowledgement. This a product of the Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options (DEMO) Study, a joint effort of the USDA Forest Service Region 6 and Pacific Northwest Research Station. Research partners include the University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Oregon, Gifford Pinchot and Umpqua National Forests, and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/rmp/demo). Funding was provided by the USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station.