A B D C E IMS S 10 1 INT'L.INTERNATIONAL S C HOLAR E R VIC E S 11S SCHOLAR SVCS 15 THEATER ARTS (TACIT) PAS ADE NA FIR E S TATION # 34 FINANC IAL S E R VIC E S 67 125 Lot 12 Structure 1 100 - 120 96 68 Moore Walk ALUMNI HOUSE Lot 11 96C B R OAD 93 127 Broad Cafe’ 121 16 ANNE NB E R G MOOR E 69 B E C KMAN INS TITUTE WATSON Beckman Lawn B E C KMAN AUD Gene Pool STEELE HOUSE 4 94 PAR KING SC HLING E R B R AUN STEELE LAB KE C K 77 79 78 HR 82 84 81 S HOPS 80 J OR G E NS E N Lot 7 89 88 S AN PAS QUAL S T. Amphitheater THOMAS Throop Memorial Garden WINNE TT FAIR C HILD Garden of Associates 43 LLOYD 24 21 FIR E S TONE G UG G E NHE IM B R IDG E ANNE X 33 34 33 38 KAR MAN 37 36 DOWNS - LAUR ITS E N S LOAN ANNE X S MUDD 45 46 KELLOGG 47 50 49 57FLE MING 57B 58 DABNEY HSE 62 55 54 44 S YNC HR OTR ON 42 53 PAG E ATHE NAE UM Olive Walk 25 SLOAN LINDE+ ROBINSON AR MS E B R IDG E 23 56 52 R UDDOC K 51 32 N MUDD C HANDLE R C AFE’ Red Door Cafe’ 41 MILLIKAN Bechtel Mall 39 E SPALDING LAB 40 26 27 KE R C KHOFF Parking & Security y Credit Union G ATE S DAB NE Y HALL 28 PAR S ONS G ATE S 30 C R E LLIN ALLE S 31 29 Tyson House 64 I 90 MAR KS B R AUN 83 C HUR C H 65 UNDERGRAD ADMISSIONS & FIN AID 86 FAC ILITIE S 75 S AN PAS QUAL S T. 63 76 20 EINSTEIN PAPERS S 85 POWE LLB OOTH 72 B AXTE R 73 Beckman Mall NOYE S ME AD Lot 14 128 B E C KMAN B E HAVIOR AL B IOLOG Y WILS ON AVE . 124 W B R IDG E C ATALINA AVE . 2 7 66 LIGO Structure PAR KING 97 Structure C E S LABS 95 91 74 3 71 SFCC C ALTE C H Y 123 MUSIC 99 Lot 8 92 Ticket Office PAR KING 4 Lot 9 13 70 HILL AVE . 122 9 HOUSE STUDENT SERVICES RECYCLING CENTER AVE R Y C ALTE C H Y 2 CAPSI LIG O HOUSE 98 12 Lot 10 HOLLIS TON AVE . Lot 13 C HE S TE R AVE . MIC HIG AN AVE . DE L MAR B LVD. 61 R IC KE TTS 59 60 B LAC KE R 48 C ALIFOR NIA B LVD. 6 C AHILL AR D K SPALDING BLDG 8 YOUNG HEALTH & COUNSELING CENTER 5 South Athletic Field C E NTR AL PLANT C E NTR AL PLANT R D. C E NTR AL PLANT EN 17 4 3 PARKING (underground) 126 Lot 6 5 BRAUN ATHLETIC CENTER 3 C a m p u s D i r e c to r y M a p Structure 1 B R OWN G YM EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SECURITY STATION FIRST AID STATION SHELTER SITE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER CAMPUS BOUNDARY MOR R IS R OE (IPAC ) 22 Tournament Park Updated April 2011 S Buildings by Name 1320 E San Pasqual (Caltech Y) 1350 E San Pasqual (Caltech Y Annex) 263 S Chester (InternaƟonal Scholar Services) 275 S Hill (Theater Arts (TACIT)) 287 S Hill (Rickenbaugh House) 293 S. Chester (Child Care Center) 295 S Hill 305 S Hill (Music House) 315 S Hill (SFCC) 315 S Wilson (CAPSI-EducaƟonal Outreach) 320 S Michigan (Campus Programs Annex) 330 S Chester (Campus Programs Oĸce) 330 S Michigan Ave (Audio Visual Annex) 332 S Michigan (Campus Ticket Oĸce) 345 S Hill (Alumni House) 345 S Michigan (Tolman-Bacher House) 355 S Holliston (Steele House) 363 S Hill (Einstein Papers House) 375 S Wilson (Prufrock House) 505 S Wilson (Tyson House) 515 S Wilson (Credit Union/Parking/Security) 525 S Wilson (U.S. Geological Survey) 535 S Wilson (Fitzhugh House) 551 S Wilson (Investment Oĸce) 565 S Wilson (Audit Svcs & Inst Compliance) Alles Laboratory Annenberg Ctr for Info Sci and Tech (IST) Arms Laboratory Athenaeum Avery House Baxter Hall Beckman Auditorium Beckman Behavioral Biology Beckman InsƟtute Blacker House Braun AthleƟc Center Braun House Braun Laboratories Bridge Annex Bridge Laboratory - East Bridge Laboratory - West Broad Café Broad Center for the Biological Sciences Brown Gymnasium Cahill Ctr for Astroscience and Astrophysics Catalina Graduate Housing Central Engineering Services (CES) Central Plant Chandler Dining Hall (Chandler Café) Chem Storage (Solvent Storage) Church Laboratory CogeneraƟon and Cooling Towers Crellin Laboratory Dabney Hall Dabney House Downs Laboratory FaciliƟes/FaciliƟes Management Financial Services Firestone Laboratory Fleming House Gates Annex Guggenheim Laboratory Human Resources/FaciliƟes Management Shops InformaƟon Management Systems & Svcs (IMSS) Jorgensen Laboratory Karman Laboratory Keck Laboratories Kellogg RadiaƟon Laboratory Kerckhoī Annex Kerckhoī Laboratories Lauritsen Laboratory LIGO Linde+Robinson Laboratory Lloyd House Marks House Mead Laboratory Millikan Library Moore Laboratory Morrisroe Astroscience Laboratory (IPAC) Mudd Laboratories - North Mudd Laboratories - South Noyes Laboratory Page House Parking Structure 1 (South Wilson) Parking Structure 2 (Wilson Avenue) Parking Structure 3 (California Avenue) Parking Structure 4 (Holliston Avenue) Parsons-Gates Hall of AdministraƟon Powell-Booth Laboratory Recycling Center RickeƩs House Ruddock House Satellite UƟlity Plant Schlinger Lab for Chemistry and Chem Engr Sherman Fairchild Library Sloan Annex Sloan Laboratory South Undergrad Housing Complex Basement Spalding, Eudora (Eudora Spalding Laboratory) Spalding, Keith (Keith Spalding Building) Steele Laboratory Student AcƟviƟes Center Student Services, Center for Synchrotron Laboratory Thomas Laboratory TransportaƟon & Grounds OperaƟons Undergraduate Admissions & Financial Aid Watson Laboratories WinneƩ Center Young Health and Counseling Center Bldg No Map Grid 56 62 11 67 98 12 9 70 71 122 13 68 13A 92 97 127 94 7 121 128 63 39 65 42 64 28 16 25 61 99 77 91 76 74 60 3 88 75 34 33E 33W 96C 96 1 17 100-120 85 5 52 30A 29 4 30 40 58 47 83 15 50 57 26 45 84 10 80 46 78 38 27A 27 48 69 24 54 89 73 32 93 22 23 21 72 53 124 123 126 66 31 79 125 59 55 66B 20 43 36 37 57B 41 6 81 57B 86 49 44 82 90 95 51 8 E4 E4 D1 E1 E1 C2-D2 E2 E2 E2 A2 C2 D2 C2 C2 E2 B3 D3 E3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 D3 B4 E4 D2 C3 C3 B3-C3 B3 E4 B5 E3 B3 B4 B4 B4 B3 B3 B5 B5 A2-A3 D3 B5 D4 B4 B4 B5 B4 D4 D4 C4 D3 C1 D4 D4 B4 C4 D3 C1 D3 C4 C3 C4 B4 B4 D4 D3 B4 D4-E4 E3 B3 B4 C3 B5 B4 B4 B3 D4 A3 A3 B5 E3 B4 D3 B2 E4 E4 E3 B3 C4 C4 C4 D4 C4 B5 D3 D4 E3 D4 C4 D3 E3 C3-D3 D4 C5 FuncƟons & Places 24-Hour Security AdministraƟon Admissions Oĸce, Graduate Admissions Oĸce, Undergraduate Alumni House Amphitheater AthleƟcs (Indoors) AthleƟcs (Outdoors-South AthleƟc Fields) Auditorium (Annenberg Auditorium) Auditorium (Baxter Lecture Hall) Auditorium (Beckman Auditorium) Auditorium (Beckman InsƟtute Auditorium) Auditorium (Hameetman Auditorium) Auditorium (Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall) Auditorium (Norman Davidson Lecture Hall) Auditorium (Ramo Auditorium) Auditorium (Rock Auditorium) Auditorium (Sharp Lecture Hall) Auditorium (Sturdivant Lecture Hall) Bechtel Mall Beckman Lawn Beckman Mall Bookstore Caltech Credit Union (CEFCU) Campus & Community RelaƟons Campus Programs Oĸce CAPSI (Caltech Precollege Science IniƟaƟve) Card Services Career Development Center Corporate RelaƟons Development & InsƟtute RelaƟons Diversity, Center for Division Oĸce (Biology) Division Oĸce (Chemistry & Chem Engineering) Division Oĸce (Engineering & Applied Science) Division Oĸce (Geological & Planetary Sciences) Division Oĸce (HumaniƟes & Social Sciences) Division Oĸce (Physics, Math & Astronomy) Employment FaciliƟes Management Faculty Club (Atheneum) Faculty, Oĸcers of the Fellowships and Study Abroad Financial Aid Food & Dining Services (Broad Café ) Food & Dining Services (Chandler Café ) Food & Dining Services (Convenience Store ) Food & Dining Services (Red Door Café ) Garden of Associates Gene Pool (Fountain) Governmental RelaƟons Graduate Oĸce Graphic Resources Health Center Human Resources HumaniƟes Reading Room IMSS Help Desk InternaƟonal Scholar Services InternaƟonal Student Programs Library (Astrophysics) Library (Geology & Planetary Sciences) Library (HumaniƟes Reading Room) Library (Millikan Library) Library (Sherman Fairchild Library) MarkeƟng & CommunicaƟons Moore Walk Olive Walk Parking Oĸce Performing and Visual Arts Post Oĸce/Mail Services RecreaƟon Registrar Safety Oĸce Security Oĸce Staī & Faculty ConsulƟng Center (SFCC) Student AcƟviƟes Center Student Services Student-Faculty Programs Tech Express Theater Arts (TACIT) Throop Memorial Gardens Ticket Oĸce Tournament Park Undergraduate Dean's Oĸce Young Health & Counseling Center Bldg No or Map Grid 66 31 86 90 97 C-4 2-3 B5-C5 16 77 91 74 17 45 27 77 96 25 72 B4 B3 C3 51 63 32 92 98 51 86 32 32 86 27 30 44 25 77 33 84 83 61 31 86 90 96C 52 52 51 C4 B3 31 86 6 8 84 40 86 11 86 17 23 40 32 43 32 C2-D2 D4-E4 63 67/70 6 3 86 6 63 71 57B 86 86 54 67 C4 92 C5 86 8 Bldg No 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13A 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27A 28 29 30 30A 31 32 33E 33W 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57B 57B 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66B 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 96C 97 98 99 100-120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Buildings by Number Map Grid Brown Gymnasium Braun AthleƟc Center CogeneraƟon and Cooling Towers Central Plant Spalding, Keith (Keith Spalding Building) 363 S Hill (Einstein Papers House) Young Health and Counseling Center 295 S Hill InformaƟon Management Systems & Svcs (IMSS) 266 S Chester (InternaƟonal Scholar Svcs) 293 S Chester (Child Care Center) 320 S Michigan (Campus Programs Annex) 330 S Michigan (Audio Visual Annex) Financial Services Annenberg Ctr for Info Sci and Tech (IST) Cahill Ctr for Astroscience and Astrophysics Schlinger Lab for Chem and Chemical Engr Mudd Laboratories - South Morrisroe Astroscience Laboratory (IPAC) Mudd Laboratories - North Linde+Robinson Laboratory Arms Laboratory Gates Annex Kerckhoī Laboratories Kerckhoī Annex Alles Laboratory Church Laboratory Crellin Laboratory Chem Storage (Solvent Storage) Parsons-Gates Hall of AdministraƟon Millikan Library Bridge Laboratory - East Bridge Laboratory - West Bridge Annex Sloan Annex Sloan Laboratory Kellogg RadiaƟon Laboratory 525 S Wilson (US Geological Survey) Dabney Hall Spalding, Eudora (Eudora Spalding Laboratory) 551 S Wilson (Investment Oĸce) Sherman Fairchild Library Thomas Laboratory Guggenheim Laboratory Karman Laboratory Downs Laboratory Lauritsen Laboratory Synchrotron Laboratory Firestone Laboratory WinneƩ Center Chandler Dining Hall (Chandler Café) Page House Lloyd House Ruddock House 1320 E San Pasqual (Caltech Y) Fleming House South Undergrad Housing Complex Basement Student AcƟviƟes Center Dabney House RickeƩs House Blacker House Athenaeum 1350 E San Pasqual (Caltech Y Annex) 515 S Wilson (Credit Union/Parking/Security) 565 S Wilson (Audit Svcs & Inst Compliance) 535 S Wilson (Fitzhugh House) Parking Structure 4 (Holliston Avenue) Satellite UƟlity Plant 275 S Hill (Theater Arts (TACIT)) 330 S Chester (Campus Programs Oĸce) LIGO 305 S Hill (Music House) 315 S Hill (SFCC) Noyes Laboratory Mead Laboratory Beckman InsƟtute Braun Laboratories Beckman Behavioral Biology Baxter Hall Keck Laboratories Powell-Booth Laboratory Jorgensen Laboratory Steele Laboratory TransportaƟon & Grounds OperaƟons FaciliƟes/FaciliƟes Management Human Resources/FaciliƟes Management Shops Central Engineering Services (CES) Center for Student Services Braun House Marks House 383 S Hill (Undergrad Admis & Financial Aid) Beckman Auditorium 332 S Michigan (Campus Ticket Oĸce) Moore Laboratory 355 S Holliston (Steele House) Watson Laboratories Broad Center for the Biological Sciences Broad Café 345 S Hill (Alumni House) 287 S Hill (Rickenbaugh House) Avery House Catalina Graduate Housing 375 S Wilson (Prufrock House) 315 S Wilson (CAPSI-EducaƟonal Outreach) Parking Structure 2 (Wilson Avenue) Parking Structure 1 (South Wilson) Recycling Center Parking Structure 3 (California Avenue) 345 S Michigan (Tolman-Bacher House) 505 S. Wilson (Tyson House) B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 E3 C5 E2 C1 D1 C2-D2 C2 C2 C1 D3 B5 B3 B4 B5 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 C4 C4 C4 A4 D4 C4 A4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4-E4 E4 E4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 E4 E4 E4 A4 A4 A4 E3 E3 E1 D2 D3 E2 E2 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3-C3 C3 C3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 E3 E3 E3 E3 C3 C2 C3 D3 C3-D3 B3 B3 E2 E1 D2 A2-A3 A3 A2 A3 A3 B2 B5 B3 A4 Updated April 2011