Dr. Marco Wismerr T4; Noted Director of... La Jolla, CA. October 21,1996 -- Marco Wismer, Ph.D., an...

10550 Norttr Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, California 92037
Dr. Marco Wismerr T4; Noted Director of Scienceand Technology
La Jolla,CA. October21,1996-- MarcoWismer,Ph.D.,an adjunctmemberof The ScrippsResearch
Institute in La Jolla, CA., and former Vice Presidentof Scienceand Technologyfor PPG Industriesin
Pittsburgh,PA., died Monday,October14,1996,at PalomarHospital. He was74 yearsold.
Born in Switzerland,Dr. Wismer earneda masterof sciencedegreeand a doctoral degreein
chemistryfrom the SwissFederalInstitute of TechnologyinZ:urirch.
For the last severalyearsof his thirty-yearcareerat PPGIndustries,Dr. Wismer directedthe
corporation'soverall scientific and technologicalefforts in his capacityas Vice Presidentof Scienceand
He was a co-inventorof sucrose-based
urethanefoam, a co-inventorof cationic elecffodeposition
resinsand was insffumentalin the developmentof elastomericand radiationcure coatings. In 1986he
was electeda memberof PPGIndustry'sTechnicalCollegium for his personalcontributionsto
technology. His contributionsin electrodepositionresinsextendedthe useful life of the automobilefor
many more years,and changedthe economicsof the entire automotiveindustry.
Dr. Wismer had beena pastChairmanof the GordonResearchConference,Chemistryand
Physics,Coatingsand Films and of the AmericanChemicalSociety'sDivision of Polymeric Materials,
Scienceand Engineering.
He had publishedwidely in technicaljournals and contributedchaptersfor severaltextbooks.
He held more than 200 U.S. and foreign patents. ln 1973,he won the American Metal SocietyAward
and in 1987receivedthe American ChemicalSociety'sRoy TessAward for contributionsto coatings
science. In 1989he receivedthe JosephJ. Marrello Award for distinguishedscientific achievementand
in 1993he was awardeda gold medalfrom the Italian Automotive Association.
In addition to his appointmentto The ScrippsResearchInstitute,Dr. Wismer was a Fellow of the
New York PolytechnicalInstitute. Following his retirementfrom PPGIndustriesin 1988,he and his
wife relocatedto Poway.
He leaveshis wife, Edith, and two sons,Bruce and Richard.
The family asksthat contributionsbe sentto the American CancerSociety, 12405Rancho
BernardoRoad,SuiteA, SanDiego, CA92128.
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