REVIEW ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Friedlander, M. (2012). Advances in Treatment and Management: Immunological and Cell-Based Regenerative Therapies. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci, In press. Marchetti, V, Krohne, TU, Friedlander, DF, and Friedlander, M. (2010). Stemming vision loss with stem cells. J Clin Invest. Sep 1;120(9):3012-21. PMCID: PMC2929728. Friedlander, M. (2009). Combination angiostatic therapies: targeting multiple angiogenic pathways. Retina. 2009 Jun;29(6 Suppl):S27-9. Aguilar E, Dorrell MI, Friedlander D, Jacobson RA, Johnson A, Marchetti V, Moreno SK, Ritter MR, and M. Friedlander (2008). Ocular models of angiogenesis. Methods in Enzymology 444:115-58. Dorrell, M.I., M. Friedlander, Smith, L.E.H. (2007). Retinal vascular development in Retinal Vascular Disease (A.M. Joussen, T.W. Gardner, B. Kirchhof and S.J. Ryan, eds). Springer, Berlin. pp 24-37. Ritter, M.R., R. Butschek, S.F. Friedlander and M. Friedlander (2007). Pathogenesis of infantile heamangioma: new molecular and cellular insights. Expert Rev. in Mol. Med., 9:1-19. Dorrell, M.I. and M. Friedlander (2007). Retinal Vascular and RPE Gene Expression. In The Mouse Visual System Handbook (L.M. Chalupa, ed.). MIT Press. Friedlander, M., Dorrell, M.I., Ritter, M.R., Marchetti, V., Moreno, S.K., El-Kalay, M., Bird, A.C., Banin, E., Aguilar, E., (2007). Progenitor cells and retinal angiogenesis. Angiogenesis, 10:89-101. Friedlander, M. (2007). Fibrosis and diseases of the eye. J. Clin. Invest. 117: 117:576-586. Dorrell, M., Usitalo-Jarvinen, H., Aguilar, E.A. and Friedlander, M. (2007). Ocular angiogenesis; basic mechanisms and therapeutic advances. Survey of Ophthalmology 52 (Supplement 1):S3-S19. Ritter, M. and Friedlander, M. (2006). Integrins in Ocular Angiogenesis. In Ocular Angiogenesis (J. Tobran-Tink and C. Barnstable, eds.), pp 279-290. Humana Press;Totowa, NJ. Dorrell, M.I. and Friedlander, M. (2006). Cell guidance in retinal angiogenesis. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 25(3):277-95. Lutty, G.A., Chan-Ling, T., Phelps, D.L., Adamis, A.P., Berns, K.I., Chan, C.K., Cole, C.H., D’Amore, P.A., Das, A., Deng, W.T., Dobson,V., Flynn, J.T., Friedlander, M., Fulton, A., Good, W.V., Grant, M.B., Hansen, R., Hauswirth, W.W., Hardy, R.J., Hinton, D.R., Hughes, S., McLeod, D.S., Palmer, E.A., Patz, A., Penn, J.S., Raisler, B.J., Repka, M.X., Saint-Geniez, M., Shaw, L.C., Shima, D.T., Smith, B.T., Smith, L. E., Tahija, S. G., Tasman, W., Trese, M.T. (2006). Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Retinopathy of Prematurity: An update on ROP from the lab to the nursery (November 2003, Anaheim, California), Molecular Vision 12:532-580. Friedlander, S.F., Ritter, M., and Friedlander, M. (2005). Recent progress in our understanding of the pathogenesis of infantile hemangioma. Lymph. Res. and Biol. 3:219-225. Otani, A. and Friedlander, M. (2005). Retinal vascular regeneration. Seminars in Ophthalmology 20:43-50. Friedlander, M. (2005). Stem cells and retinal disease. In The Retina 4th Edition, (S. Ryan, ed.), pp 23-32. Elsevier Publishers. Friedlander, M. (2001). Anti-angiogenesis for Neovascular Eye Diseases: Clinical Trials and New Directions. “Advances in Ocular Oncology,” Audio Digest OPHTHALMOLOGY, 39:09. Friedlander, M. (2001). Angiogenesis in Tumors and Neovascular Eye Disease. “Advances in Ocular Oncology,” Audio Digest OPHTHALMOLOGY, 39:09. Friedlander, M. and Mueckler, M. (eds.) (1993). Receptors and Membrane Proteins: Molecular Biology of Membrane Transport. Pumps, Transporters and Channels. IRC 137C. Ibid. Friedlander, M. and Mueckler, M. (eds.) (1992). Receptors and Membrane Proteins: Molecular Biology of Membrane Transport. Bacterial and Glucose Transporters. International Review of Cytology (IRC) 137A; 137B. Academic Press, San Diego. Friedlander, M. (ed). (1980). Immunological Approaches to Embryonic Development and Differentiation, Part II.Current Topics in Developmental Biology 14. Academic Press, New York. Friedlander, M. (ed.) (1979). Immunological Approaches to Embryonic Development and Differentiation, Part I. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 13. Academic Press, New York. Friedlander, M. (1980). Immunological approaches to the study of myogenesis and lens fiber junction formation. Curr. Topics Develop. Biol. 14:321-358. Fischman, D.A., Doering, J.L., and Friedlander, M. (1976). Muscle development in vitro: regulation of cell fusion and serological analysis of the myogenic cell surface in Tests of Teratogenicity in vitro (A. Marois, ed.), North Holland Publishers, pp. 233-259.