For Information: Sue Pondrom Scripps Clinic (619) ss4-8133 + a4 1 3 9 0 - 4 Leslie FerrinBiomagnetic Technologies, (619) 458-56A4 Inc. FOR IIVIMEDIATE RELEASE BIOUAGNETIC TECHNOIOGIES AND SCRIPPS CLINIC SIGN AGREEUENT FOR 37-CEANNEL BIOMAGNETOUETER LA JOLLA, CA April 13 | I99A Biomagnetic Technologies, Inc.' San Diego' .iolla' have siEned an 18-month research col laboration -scripps Clinic to using a powerful heart function. The and conduct ability to a and produced by electrical sequence factor such in epilepsy, measure the in the brain fields, and possibly stroke, treating Afztreimer's trave the signals and heart. the may prove activity, will weak magnetic pinpoint which and Biomagnetometer (BTi), Inc. research measures brain Series La agreement for worl-dwide cli.nica1 7AA rapidty electrical diagnosing as first and Research Foundation, Technologies, activity magnetic of the 37-channel by Biomagnetic detect These Clinic new device which non-invasively device' manufactured Scripps sources to be an a variety disease, and time important of and disorders behaviors. nScripps by BTi Charles Clinic to use this C. Edwards, nThis new generation is pleased to powerful M.D., state-of-the president of technology <liagnoses in many ciinical be the first areas. n MORE and chief institution art devic€rn executive promises faster chosen noted officer. and more precise PAGE 2 the Under Scr ipps Scripps di rection Clinic Department Clinic In addition, by having This April begin chairnan the of the research at function. worldwide witl patients selected be invited to with the tested be managed by a joint usage will committee perscnnel. o f B T i a n d - q c ri p p s C l i n i c wi1l. Bl-oom, M.D. , Neuropharrlacology, clinicians biomagnetometer. BTi of focus on brain will participate Floyd of instal-lation at,qcripps CIinic the week of 16. nScripps BTi president has the patients In Cl-inic is the perfect and chief opportunity to executive benefit choice for officer progrdrnrn said this nBTi Stephen O. James. from a strong clinical site where can be examined in a safe environment.n the fall, plans BTi to install- two additional 37-channel biomagnetorneters, one in hlest Germany and one in Japan. rThe first and applications stroke," at Bloom noted. Alzheimer's Disease, Scripps Clinic nDown the road then addictive An example of an application epilepsy by surgery. medication removed. location brain of tissue Founded devi ce in brain is is tissue that we hope to epilepsy look of patients the evaluation whose seizures have a portion The biomagnetometer be in at behaviors.n Some epileptics chocse to will for cannot be managed of their brain should be able to causes seizures so surgically pinpoint that the healthy saved. in I97A' I975 BTi a developed single its channel N e ur o m a g n e t o m et e r . IITORE first sensor biomagnetometer unit called a PAGE 3 Scripps was one of Clinic 14-channel relationship CLinicrs four with institutions BTi began in 1987 when the worLdwide chosen to Neuromagnetometer in basi.c scientific utilize research efforts. Comparing the new 37-channel- device to the 14-channel Bloom nthe said events in doctors much faster. the the new device brain 14-channel be more like A occur and Neuromagnetonleter one hour of analysis sophisticated 37 sensors Interference the for call-ed will fields emitted of version, measuring be leads to device, it brairr's magnetic fields. Superconducting each time helium a part of could recording. n the liquid with 5A hours device, inside to time sensing the where available recording 37-channel SQUIDS sitting in each hour of nragnetic Devices weak magnetic data usually With biomagnetomeLer produces maps of uses the R-ight now, one hour and presentation. analysis more precise is a of It Quantum to the new detect brain the fires electr ical1y. The method of mapping the MEG (magnetoencephalography) braj.n's and which part.s of the brain visualize magnetic al1ows signals researchers are active during is called a means to complex mental activities. A1 though u1t rasound, many CT scans resonance inaging) they do l-itt1e There are ability of of the to today' indicate a. number of to high-tech (computed provide brain s tomography) information actual function, UORE such as IvtRI (magnetic structure, activity. that but and about the brajnrs brain diseases devices, can profoundly that leave iittle impair the or no niark PAGE 4 on IVIRI or CT scans. Alzheimerr s These di sease, include early headaches r stroke and €pi 1epsy, early psychiatric numerous illnesses. EEGs (electroencephalograms) their signals distorted are imprecise by currents Christopher at good at tel-ling 'On through to telling the of Ph.D., Scripps wlren events the other nThis hand, a senior Clinic, happen the in some brain is in activities timern Gallen importantrn and disfunction and the timing magnetic giving sku1l and scalp, and milliseconds he by tissue and research noted that the field a clean to brain, associate the EEG is but poor at flows signal within that can be used millimeters nsince in understanding knowing both the space region brain involved n measurements, clinicians develop more specific urrdistorted said. added, requires of the activity. With the more precise hope to but where they happen. l-ocalize function activity, the brain. M.D., the Research Institute elecLrical because they are altered within Gallen, neasure and effective #+# and researchers treatnients.