' . \ \ 1 \ 1 1\ 1 . \ 1 . \ \ CLINIC SCRIPPS ilffi] II* I {ND RESEARCH TOUNDATION n^ \"ll rlr ", news ,il \ltl\11\l "'iJ?l\ | l\r\ r, i| i,r,j()l i.\. ( ,\l ]l (rli\itA,r.ttrlh l o 5 i f { 1 a 0 d r . t \ ) . : . xt l } l For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manager (6].e) ss4-s133 IMMEDIATE RELEASE #o82]-et-2 FRENCH AIID A!{ERICAII SCIENTTSTS ESTABLISE ITABORATORYTO IIEALTIIIER CROPS FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS DEVELOP DISEASE-RESISTAI{T, Agreenent Between ORSTOII Five-Year Researcb Institute And The Scripps Aug. CALIF. JOLLA, LA pour Scientifique Recherche for ORSTOM, which provide is to TSRI in time to States. United employees, for ORSTOMoperates help in sciences, water and ocean establish researchers will (approxinately participate in the Biotechnology with an program in collaborated a research more and 50 countries increase biological sciences, disease- Calif. nations as the of institute, Agricultural in more than developing such areas expertise 800 to ORSTOMhas formally With period) La Jolla, that a laboratory nations. research Tropical a have signed development ORSTOMscientists year five first the institution American world at Iocated This public Laboratory International (ILTAB), French Coop6ration to establish the developing a team of five first the in $g million the for support a is to for crops healthier resistant, (TSRI), Institute dedicated and training en D6veloppement agreement cooperative five-year research 1e de Frangais Institut LggL Research (ORSTOM), and The Scripps renewable 2L, 2'000 throughout their sciences, than scientific earth and human sciences. the and soi] ORSTO!!&TSRI PAGE2 world's the is TSRI not affiliated facility research chemistry, immunology, experimental medicine, TSRI's And, president, noted that which with fLTAB, and Lerner problems developing prepared share to proud for of benefit a project this launch the rras that added to have of mankind.rl developrnent chairman, added humanity are a is increasing the programs that be should ORSTOMand TSRI are and that and technologies facilities of conscious countries, agreement the that countries, these help I I O R S T O Ma n d S c r i p p s both very Lerner, Richard rl scientists that to and molecular agreement, as Scripps Leva1lois demonstration of the harmonious ORSTOM is countries. developing biology' in cell research biology, ORSToM's as fanous an institute undertaken the is Levallois, of cosponsor in of Mj-chel more than with and neuropharmacology. signing same mandate, basic biomedical non-profit a university. molecular formal the During the with members, TSRI conducts 1rO0O staff M.D., private, largest in establishing these programs. Under the of Division (such as viruses, value of to are salt the activity on improving crop specific and drought cassava regeneration, plants, stresses. plant, including crop and bacteria), fungi rice plant and studies Ph.D. ' head of TSRI's and ORSTOM's Claude Biology, Plant concentrate ILTAB will of Roger N. Beachy, direction Among the sweet tissue in UORE plants to crops potatoes, culture, molecular the irnproving biology, Ph.D., pathogens to resistance and designing and Fauquet, nutritional with tolerance be investigated with scientific and transformation including gene ORSTOM&TSRI PAGE3 and vegetables, root As part build of its chambers, and tissue staff to the developing and needs the for the involved in European, Australian private sectors ILTAB is three the be of at Washington determined tackled in from both public laboratories in informal Africa America, University in St. and Asia. work collaborative Louis and will that network the South are nations. developing to in that countries between the during Years. Beachy, who joined the a be established wiII developed partners networks be can face technology and American will have centers Biotechnology in between collaborations ORSTOMofficials. Plant of transfer an extension Beachy and Fauquet past Tropical existing interconnect to laboratories major they within centers research these universities through years, of several according Ivory new technology the crops, nations three challenges manner, A network link at France, States, Cameroon' India, agricultural past the staff scientific cooperative to improved be transferred During 25 ILTAB nations. results and international training provide Among the nations. Egypt, developing to glasshouses' include from the United When research each country. how will ILTAB will developing in TSRI plans laboratories. Columbia, Peru, China, or national the culture from Togo and other Coast, that be representatives witl Germany, facility crops. sciences' ORSTOM-ILTAB agreement, scientific researchers plant other include may research and fruit in expansion plant Under the will crops, and tuber a transgenic growth for Future virology. expression' TSRI Department I{ORE of CeII Biology in PAGE4 July, ORSTO!,T&TSRI he came to said'that genetic engineering biotogy and chemistry, the technical and develop the Beachyts production work population of will ILTAB. Fauquet his 14 years are Rockefeller for Agriculturar for fnternational in plant plant pests cornerstone Program at oRsroM, of the the problems of ILTAB Foundation, Development), Netherlands. and IIIORE research in agriculture as as a prant Africa) agricultural national are currently research sponsored (fnternational from and governmental is the fLTAB. by a grant ft University; of tropical IFAR/USAfD funded worldts the ongoing (west international the new initiated in tropical coast His centuries. Washington experience t,o plant may provide for and scientific and diseases. crops of compone,nts of that that 21st pathology be applied could into Research, Germany and the training rvory programs research countries.rl the important ORSTOMand the developing sponsorship with farniliarity ORSTOM, the in in traits needs of and early has extensive plant some aspects a rnajor component represent His insight institutes The the draw on to extend disease-resistant 20th molecular possible transfer the with L98os, he realized against Cassava-Trans program virologist. late with International of and the Fauquet, and genetic considered pest- of the we do in werll here to aLter The agreement In the early involving been varieties a result to and protection has at rsRr. combines his research advancements strengths make it research biology. of structural resources plants. what knowledge two of the of ILTAB will fundamental rnolecular full and intellectual establishment of requires new uses for rrso much of TSRI because anticipated the u.s. research that by Fund Agency agencies other PAGE 5 -- ORSTO}I & TSRI agencies, foundat,ions, ILTAB programs officials. fellowships individuals, and individuals training Beachy and Fauquet dedicated companies to and activities, hope to ILTAB and foundations. ### to according establish through wiIl institutions a pool donations support ORSTOM of research from private