For fnformation: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manager (61e) 554-8133 IMMEDIATE RELEASE #052991--5 NEW CELL BIOIJOGY DEPARTUENT AllNouNcED AT RESEARCH rNsrrrurE oF scRrpps LA JOLLA, Institute of Biology cALrF. May 29, scripps clinic as an extension cellular and determinations, will of the molecular t-991add a Jury Lt strength with chemical to department the Research new Department institute's biology on crJrNrc chairman of cell in integrating and structural Norton B. Gilula, Ph. D. rrCell Gilula biology now begins today, this research strong as well activities the rnstitute of in in functions. molecular at relating Department Joining of for point for associated and wirl in departments immunology, medicine, cells. bodily In medicine understandinq with normal facurty Jury house contemporary biorogy, cells within with and viruses the morecular I{ORE a to Research biorogy, and neuropharmacology. have already 1 wilr rl human function. been recruited for CeI1 Biology: the rl mediciner understanding molecurar structures scientists contemporary single Biology cerrular chemistry, eminent of starting celr and experimental Several level Additional include of framework as pathologies Department emphasis their cornerstone has become the physiology The the rfThe basic says. function is be sydney Brenner, ph.D., the PAGE 2 -- SCRIPPS CLINIC director of the Molecular Cambridge, England. and wirl He will on the is contributors to solving complex processes His studies laid biology in that allow Brenner L957. recognized research societies, National Academy of Another rchiro JuIy of 1. the doctorate nematode honorary known for his postgraduate of before Roger Beachy, be is today's of genetic basic modern molecular by cloning. University staff have developed. isolated Oxford of in the Lg54 Medical in Cambridge been in since internationally degrees and election to scientific the' and who will his Caenorhabditis in material Biology Royal from the Molecular Tokyo and did Research Council to form proteins society the u.s. Science. Maruyama received Genetics genetic scientific of Molecular Maruyama, Ph.D., best of how DNA encodes to from the including recruit He is premier one of techniques genes work the and is many of accomplishments awards, honorary is his Laboratory with the individual as a mernber of Council His of pioneering his information for department and England. for new living foundation earned and has served Research by which advance La Jolla genes that Research Council, rnember of the key puzzles the the well both of and then expresses the Medical the world and function information concepts in known throughout structure Unit, be a visiting each year spend tirne Brenner Genetics also join developmental Unit the in Carnbridge new department genetics analysis elecrans. doctorate in 1981 from the University work at the coming Genetics to the Japanese carnbridge, National England of fnstitute Medical 1983. Ph.D., a plant biologist I{ORE renowned for his work PAGE 3 -in SCRIPPS CLTNTC genetic developing resistant Jury to disease as head of director techniques caused by viruses, of plant a division plant of engineering biotechnology join will biorogy. at make plants to more the department He is washington currently in the university, st. Louis. stephen preparation B.H. Kent, by total the replication Ph.D., a protein synthesis chemist of one of the joined of the AIDS virus, best known for the enzymes essential for the Research fnstitute in January. The new Research department Institute's Since past of Molecular of 1983, GiIuIa and since Biology, cell biology editor of he has served at Molecular and CelluIar 1986; prior Bayror colrege Journal Oninion editorial serves as the and has been a member since of the Current on the also studies Biology has been editor L989 the years, Gilula, dean of graduate of the Department was a professor chairman, of in CeII and he Medicine. of CeIl boards biotoo.r, to that Biology, Biology. In of Developmental the Journal of Neurocytology. At the Feb. 18 meeting Advancement of Science, the Gilula AAAS and LIas presented on the nature Gilula carifornia, and function received Berkerey, Southern Illinois Medicar schoor, University, his the was elected a citation of American that intercellular Ph.D. in physiology and University. did of bacherorts Association to the rank then was an assistant rrstudies from the University at and associate UORE of and masterts work the of Fellow commended his He was a research postdoctorar for degrees fellow The of from at Harvard Rockeferler professor of cell PAGE I -- biology Medicine His the SCRIPPS CIJINIC He joined at Rockefeller. in Biorogicat past positions sciences section a councir member Biology, chairman Molecular Biology Study Council's Panel on CelI Council of of Baylor College of 1981. additional sciences, the faculty the of the of have of the National Section, included the New American rnstitutes chairmanship york Acaderny society for of Hearth a menber of the National Biology and the NIH. ### of NIGUs National of ce11 (NrH) Research Advisory