THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I0666 NORTH TORREY PINES ROAD LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920]7 619 455-9t00 EMBARGOED BY SCIENCE MAGAZINE FOR FRIDAY, DEC. 11, L992 For fnformation: Sue Pondrom (619) s54-82ej SCRIPPS RESEARCIIERS REPORT lst OF ANUSENSE TOR TREATIIENT LA JOLLA, CALTFORNTADec. scripps Research issue of injected type rnstitute journar the antisense LL, for were carried out 1 (HTLV-1), a virus is caribbean, Africa that and the first of The studies of T-cell not respond by breast well mirk, intravenous to users is it associated with virus causes ArDs), the in states, that increasing health risk A viral expression), HfV. the than Like united of distantly though the it Japan, thought tax to (transcriptionar be an important I{ORE the united malignant fatal form and does transfusion, or among frequentry related of virus may be transmitted has been found incidence leukemia HTLV-I cousin appears appears ress activator factor in (the HIV to of HIV. qene calIed is its weekrs southern always by brood this The nice. in The virus at use of a highly almost contact, where in portion with chemotherapy. by sexual drug tumors southeastern which successful prevalent HTLV-L has been associated leukemia in on Human T-cell States. adult scientists have reported the treatment OF TI'II{ORS L992 (TsRr) science, succEssFull usE of HTLV-I be a PAGE 2 -- THE associated author of SCRIPPS leukernia, of said Science the engineered article mice the Nerenberg, M.D., and a member of another of form Ieukemia. fn importance which ttThough these said. express mice cancer these growth regulates controls growth the decided lab, which the TSRIts read Department to look antisense oligonucleotide), the gene NF-kB product celIs, rrDNA from sequence. nucleic acid are the this and hence used is in which Because a NF-kB fe1low inhibiting normal which building blocks the the antisense. would the in expression it. test This tube of the 'sense' complement cells. direct direction. of this rl UORE the DNA (an recognize is a technique and in use in refers produces directs of specifically antisense cells molecule in piece has had limited that nRNA contains encodes called but which explained Nerenberg which of of which a postdoctoral a short and inactivate been widely has mammalian right, to expression many cerls. effects he do develop similarities enhanced Kitajima, the they Kappa B (NF-kB), of Isao nany organsr, 1eukemia, causes synthesized The researchers that develop Factor at gene in tax genetically vre created gene. rl this which tax Nuclear cells, tax, has biochemical and activation of of the do not tumors, gene called cellular is Michael Neuropharmacology. rrTo evaluate of RESEARCH IN8TITUTE to cultured whole a nucleic messenger proteins of when read from for protein A nucreic sequence from acid RNA (rnRNA), a synthesis code animals. left to synthesis acid right sequence to left PAGE 3 -- THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE gave The TSRr researchers oligonucleotide this to in resulted study and suggests that intervention in added that will is antisense inhibition Kitajima, M.D., assess transplanted and xiao tax induced tumors. tube could to tumorsl The that the be inhibited the demonstrate ablate tumor growth of by these leukemiasrrr and pilot role successful growth a good target of antisense in use animals for Nerenberg clinical the of of the Science HTLV-I NF-kB,' tax are article, mediated said. trials in He hurnans therapeutics Xu, M.D. An additional shinohara, Departrnent of M.D., Pathology, Japan. ### which tumors TsRr researchers Ph.D. i James Bilalcovics, Toshiya Medicine, to studies authors of of first HTLV-L associated rrAblation mernber of antisense in leukemias. T-cell researcher the test NF-kB may represent to Additional Ph.D.; among the additional be needed adult the cells oligonucleotides antisense of the . of in leukemia of transplanted regression demonstrated infected human HTLV-I rrThis mice bearing cornprete also researchers injections B.S.; author ph.D., in titled mice by rsao David A. Brown, ^is former who is Hokkaido is TSRr currently Uni.versity a School