THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I0666 NORTH TORREY PINES ROAD LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 6i9 455-9100 EI,IBARGOEDBY SCIENCE FOR! Broadcast ltediar 3 P.p. (Pacific Time), Print l,ledia, Friday, June 5, 1992 Thursday, ilune 4, 1992 For More Information: Sue Pondrorn, News Bureau (619) 5s4-8290 office (619) 4s0-0520 home Manager I{IRROR-II{,AGE WORLD OF BIOLOGICAL UOLECUI,ES EXPI.OREDBY SCRIPPS RESEARCHERS Unique Enzfme Prepared by Total Chemical First Glinpse of Looking-Glass LA JoLr"A, cALrF. scientists have occurring enzyme. The work headed by is The research B.H. in Kent, La Jo1la, is the first Kent the simplest microorganism they've forces dictated notes scientists wondered mirror-image known if structures to the L99z rrmirror-imaqerr exist a particular that ph.D., Reveals For the announeed in the June 5 issue catalysts. left-handed. June 4, synthesized stephen (TSRI) Institute 3 p.m. Synthesis World from f irst of a tirne, naturalllr- of Science by a team The scripps Research California. example of ttright-handedtt throughout life to mammals, all planet, on this biological catalysts have long wondered why this mirror-image enzyme r oE whether in the handedness at in UORE the biorogical are And, would have the sub-atomic from was so. molecules and properties nature biological aslrmmetric level universe. also PAGA 2 -- RESEARCE INSTITUTE TEE SCRIPPS indicates The TSRI research of properties rrwe've irnplies forms now shown that evolved just work would in and interactions world sure. opposite the life Science article This mirror-image could and that actually mirror nobody knew for made up of as weti, the inside equally have way. tt that of authors Additional del,. Raymond c. chemists the systems living that in except rrBefore this, Kent remarked. existsrrr structures rnirror-image molecules. asymmetrical other have pair and right-handed a left- indistinguishable are which involving enzymes identical otherwise that the Milton, Saskia and Ph.D. TSRI protein are C.F. Milton, Ph. D. note The researchers large amino acids) are team called Enzymes act Without change. These biological shape at formed long and is the right-handedness, in the flexible cells life natural is called as as level. IIORE called enzymes amino TSRI naturally- the viabifity of designation rDrr for D-HIV protease. we know to it properties The shape of amino acids. very by the the for crucial catalysts process -- left-handed of mirror-image owe their understood of made up of scientific enzyme is catalysts chain the the enzyrnes, a poorly AII nature. an enzyme that inside molecular in blocks of building The ned enzyrne synthesized Using AIDS virus. the chains and are acids. L-amino HIV protease, occurring of rrleft-handedtr rrright-handedrr is long are proteins (which enzymes asymmetrically exist considered acids of comprised nolecules that induce could to chemical not their exist. precise an enzlrme molecule by precise folding of is the PAGE 3 -- TEE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE enzlrme would the contain prove by of the is not that molecules the mirror-image by the time first be prepared The new D-enzyme can only synthesis, chernical direct this a mirror-image and activity structure to synthesize supposition. that that suspected opposite have been able researchers long version, naturally-occurring to have scientists Although DNA/genetic recombinant engineering. first in HIV protease of the and most of current is synthetic chemists of announced chemical this to new technique in With obtain to Kent fasteners. protease the more design by is the because of drug design large molecules. the TSRI build molecule with. In the April researcher Martina amino the L acid 10, and L992 Schnolzer chains are presently Miltons synthesize organic largest large and the The HIV D forms with utilizing of HIV the amounts. large both than and Kent new method a very are used to dealing Science, drug AIDS therapy. larger l0-fold Institute The HIV protease the world. for form structure Cancer AIDS in Kent's left-handed its National used D and L enzymes are the was of the molecular at the target potential for protease issue around laboratories implications determination information the important Both the work the to HIV enzyme in by researchers provided has hundreds now to led This contributed of the synthesis chemical 1988. that research Previous L and D versions x-ray accurate of an enzlrme, crystallographic researchers can data its about structure. rrThe far at better the actual site Saskia Milton. trlt substrates. resolution where wiII the help The end result so obtained wiII enzyme binds us deterrnine should ### to allow substratesrtt how the be better us to look added enzyme works designed on