ALSP Warwick, 2011: Schedule Monday 4th July 10am – 12noon – Arrival (Rootes Building) 12noon – 12:50pm – Lunch in Rootes Building 12:50pm – 2:30pm (Social Sciences 0.21) First plenary: Tom Christiano „State Consent and the Legitimacy of International Institutions‟ 2:45pm – 4:15pm – Session one International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences – room 0.21) 1. Ben Saunders – Democracy, rights and immigration 2. Patti Lenard – Democracy and the (human) right to exit Chair: Sotiria Skarveli Democracy (Social Sciences – room 0.09) 1. Leticia Morales – A democratic argument for the constitutional protection of economic and social rights 2. Yuval Eylon – Legitimate authority, and the infringement of rights Chair: Fabienne Peter Environmental Justice (Social Sciences – room 0.10) 1. Ed Page - Global Climate Change: Which burdens, whose responsibility? 2. Ganifranco Pellegrino – Individual responsibility for climate change: a necessary step for any justice-related view Chair: Liam Shields International Law and Global Governance (Social Sciences – room 0.08) 1. Elizabeth Ellis – Economic sanctions as humanitarian intervention 2. Shawn Kaplan – Is express consent required to fight a war justly? Chair: Victor Tadros Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences – room 0.03) 1. Justin Tosi – Rescuing the Right to Rule 2. Jonathan Seglow – When bad people do good Chair: Tim Fowler 4:45pm – 6:15pm – Session two International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Caleb Yong – Migration and Rawls's Law of Peoples 2. Johan Rochel – The case for a political-procedural approach to migration ethics Chair: Zosia Stemplowska Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Esha Senchaudhuri – A critique of procedural legitimacy 2. Emanuela Ceva – Beyond Legitimacy: can proceduralism say anything relevant about justice? Chair: Doug Bamford Democracy (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Martin Ebeling – The normative significance of disagreement and the priority of democracy over justice 2. Dean Machin – Democracy, political legitimacy and the problem of bureaucratic discretion Chair: Fabienne Peter Punishment (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Milla Vaha – States, Intentions, and Punishment 2. Ian Lee – Corporate criminal responsibility as team-member responsibility 3. Jeffrey Howard – Self-coercion: democratic punishment, political liberalism and moral failure Chair: Ed Page Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Massimo Renzo – Fairness, Self-deception and Political Obligation 2. Cillian McBride – Rethinking Democratic Participation Chair: Peter Jones 8:00pm: Conference dinner in Scarman Building Tuesday 5th July 9am – 10:30am – Session one Arendt, Legitimacy and Justice (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Keith Breen - Law beyond command? An evaluation of Arendt‟s understanding of law 2. Natalie Nenadic – Genocide and Sexual atrocities: Eichmann in Jerusalem and Karadzic in New York Chair: Doug Bamford International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Malte Ibsen – Global Justice 2. Graham Long - Global Justice and the Millennium Development Goals Chair: Sotiria Skarveli Democracy (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Enzo Rossi – Justice, legitimacy and authority for political realists 2. Gabriele de Angelis – Moralism, realism and democratic legitimacy Chair: Ed Page Property Rights and Natural Resources (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Chris Armstrong – Beyond national control over natural resources 2. Ashley Dodsworth – Grotius and natural resources as property Chair: Patrick Capps Toleration (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Mihaela Georgieva – Self respect and political justification in pluralist societies 2. Devrim Kabasakal – Toleration as a normative response to the question of global diversity Chair: Liam Shields 11am – 12:30pm – Session two Citizenship (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Matthew Humphrey & Marc Stears – Reason-giving and citizen behaviour in actually existing democracies 2. Russell Bentley – Dirty Hands and Unclean Citizens Chair: Matthew Clayton Toleration (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Matthew Jones – Value pluralism, diversity and the role of the state 2. Federico Zuolo – Toleration and informal groups Chair: Liam Shields Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Laura Roth – Legitimacy, coercion, and reasons for obeying criminal laws 2. Gustavo Beade – Criminalizing Poverty Chair: Victor Tadros Democracy (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Lorenzo Cini – Beyond representative democracy toward a participatory deliberative model 2. Gideon Calder – Non-Kantian deliberative democracy Chair: Patrick Capps International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Makoto Usami – Global Justice, human rights and state duties 2. Avia Pasternak – Human rights and the limits of states‟ corporate responsibility Chair: Dean Machin 12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch in Rootes Building 1:30pm – 3pm – Session three Joseph Raz (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Alexandra Couto – Legitimacy and rights: a defence of the service conception of authority 2. Adam Tucker – A wholeheartedly hybrid theory of authority Chair: Sotiria Skarveli Aggregation (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Matthew Rendall – Priority, Aggregation, and the Economics of Climate Change 2. Victor Tadros – Aggregation and Justification Chair: Tim Fowler Self-ownership & Rights (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Amanda Cawston – Do we have a right to self-defence? 2. Peter Jaworski – Ownership, guardianship & stewardship or: ownership, duty free 3. Nicholas Cornell – Wrongs without rights Chair: Zosia Stemplowska International Law and Global Governance (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Alice Obrecht – The illusion of NGO legitimacy 2. Roland Pierik – Off-shored Medicine Tests and “The Standard of Care” as an Emerging Global Norm of Research Ethics Chair: Dean Machin Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Luke Maring – Political Authority 2. Michael Sevel – Authority and the nature of obedience Chair: Doug Bamford 3:30pm – 5pm – Session four Moral Paradoxes (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Saul Smilansky – Why moral paradoxes matter 2. Talia Shaham - Is there a paradox of moral complaint? Chair: Victor Tadros Dworkin (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Doug Bamford – What is the justification for private property in Dworkin‟s equality of resources? 2. Sotiria Skarveli – Equality of resources and social status Chair: Dean Machin Primary goods? (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Jessica Begon – Capabilities without paternalism: a dilemma for Nussbaum and a new capability approach 2. Eoin Daly – Non-domination and the primary goods: echoes of Rousseau‟s conception of legitimacy in Rawls‟s political liberalism Chair: Fabienne Peter Children and Justice (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Liam Shields – How bad can a good enough parent be? 2. Audrey Cahill – Mind the gap: social justice and childhood Chair: Matthew Clayton Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Andre Santos Campos – The correlativity thesis as a criterion for constitutional validity 2. Veronica Rodriuquez-Blanco – Legal Authority and the Paradox of Intention in Action Chair: Ed Page 7pm: Supper in Rootes Building Wednesday 6th July 9am – 10:30am – Session one Toleration (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Alexa Zellentin – Us and them: Minarets and Equal citizenship 2. Michele Bocchiola – Liberalism, cultures, and illiberal practices Chair: Sotiria Skarveli Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Raymond Critch – The Nature of Legitimacy 2. Fabienne Peter - The Epistemic Foundations of Political Liberalism 3. Yann Allard-Tremblay – The authority of epistemic democracy Chair: Liam Shields International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. David Alvarez – The legitimacy of ringfencing co-operation 2. Mattias Katzer – On the political role of human rights Chair: Emanuela Ceva International Law and Global Governance (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Dean Machin – Epistemic success as a necessary condition of the legitimacy of international institutions 2. Patrick Capps - The Administration of Global Agencies by English Courts Chair: Doug Bamford Punishment (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Kyron Huigens – Summary Corporal Punishment by Electrocution and the rule of law 2. Harry Lesser – The responsibility of military leaders for war crimes Chair: Victor Tadros 10:45am – 12:15pm – Session two Joseph Raz (Social Sciences 0.21) 1. Chris Mills – Instrumental legitimacy and the burden of proof 2. Ben Martin – Law as authority and Raz‟s argument for exclusive positivism 3. Antony Hatzistavrou – Reconsidering authoritative directives Chair: Dean Machin Domestic Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.09) 1. Marius Ostrowski – Legitimacy, subjectivity and persuasiveness 2. Charles-Maxime Panaccio – The end of disagreement Chair: Ed Page Self-ownership & Property Rights (Social Sciences 0.10) 1. Diana Popescu – Is the robust right of self-ownership compatible with equality of opportunity for welfare? 2. Arabella Fisher – The compatibility of libertarian property rights and global redistributive taxation Chair: Emanuela Ceva International Law and Global Governance (Social Sciences 0.08) 1. Francois Tanquay- Renaud – Basic Challenges for global governance in emergencies 2. Peter Jones – Internal conflict and principled compromise Chair: Patrick Capps International Justice/Legitimacy (Social Sciences 0.03) 1. Raf Geenens – The co-originality of human rights and global democracy 2. Angela White – A Global Deliberative Democracy Chair: Fabienne Peter 12:15 – 1pm: Lunch (Rootes Building) 1pm – 2:30pm (Social Sciences 0.21) Second plenary: Antony Duff „Relational Reasons and the Criminal Law‟ 2:30pm: Conference closes