Continental Philosophy and the Sciences University of Warwick 8th - 10th of December 2003 Conference Admission: £65 Standard Accommodation £178 Includes: breakfast, lunch and dinner Day Rate (waged): £30 Day Rate (unwaged): £15 BOOKING FORM Name: Affiliation: Contact details for correspondence regarding the conference: Address: e-mail: OPTION (A1, A2 etc.) CHARGE Any special dietary requirements: Any special access requirements: Please make all cheques out to The University of Warwick Please send Registration Form and Cheques (in UK Sterling) to: Jonathan Rubin J.A.RUBIN@WARWICK.AC.UK The Department of Philosophy Continental Philosophy and the Sciences University of Warwick 8th - 10th of December 2003 The University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL Alternatively, we can accept credit card payments We regret that we cannot accept payment by American Express NAME CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRY DATE CHARGE (IN UK STERLING)