Supplementary  Material  for   Cooperation  and  Personality    

Supplementary Material for Cooperation and Personality Eugenio Proto and Aldo Rustichini Contents: 1) Instructions and Quiz questions for the control/Individual treatment 2) Instructions Quiz questions for the cooperative treatment 3) General questions in the final Questionnaire 4) Personality Traits Questions, Scoring Instructions 5) Definition and Explication of the Big Five Domains 6) Recruitment Letter 1
Instructions for the main exercise The main exercise will consist in three stages, in the 1st stage you will be asked to sum 10 sequences of 5 numbers in rows, in a table similar to this (4 minutes): Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 1 39 69 39 97 43 287 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 96 71 93 52 89 64 21 57 70 76 37 47 69 51 48 20 53 73 35 33 9 12 7 18 59 37 4 31 85 96 58 65 24 70 57 63 99 55 75 38 7 62 54 32 221 337 281 320 229 219 216 224 236 In the 2nd stage you will perform the same exercise (4 Minutes), then again: Table 2 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 1 63 41 15 98 52 269 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 74 48 71 76 40 17 62 54 79 19 3 81 2 32 94 73 67 11 95 69 70 62 41 58 7 77 23 58 40 33 40 19 49 65 94 39 47 16 77 80 19 33 66 12 236 293 176 332 260 151 251 273 304 In the 3rd you will be asked to sum the 2 series of numbers obtained in the previous two tables, in a table like this (Two minutes): Table 3 1 2 Sum 1 287 269 556 2 3 4 5 6 7 221 337 281 320 229 219 236 293 176 332 260 151 457 630 457 652 489 370 2
8 9 10 216 224 236 251 273 304 467 497 540 If the additions in the 3 tables are all correct you will earn 15 pounds, otherwise you will lose one pound for each wrong number imputed in table 3. To check that the exercise is completely understood please answer to these questions. 1) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the second series of numbers, i.e. you write 222 instead of 221. And this is the only mistake you make, how many pounds will you lose? ……… 2) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the second series of numbers, i.e. you write 222 instead of 221. And in table 2 you incorrectly sum the fifth series of numbers, i.e. you write 650 instead of 652, they are the only mistake you make, how many pounds will you lose? ……… 3) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the 3rd series of number writing 350 instead of 337, and in table 2, you incorrectly sum the 10th series of numbers, writing 310 instead of 304, while in table 3 you incorrectly sum the 3rd series of numbers writing 700. How many pounds will you lose?....... 4) Assume that in table 1 you sum correctly the fist 5 numbers while you do not have the time to sum the last 5, and in table 2 you sum correctly the last 5 numbers and you do not have the time to sum the first 5. How many pounds will you lose?....... TWO IMPORTANT TIPS 1) Add each row in descending orders, do not skip any, you may not remember which one you skipped when you are in the second table. 2) Write the sum in the box, straight after you calculated it; you may have no time at the end of writing them all. 3
Instruction for the main exercise: The session will consist in three stages, in the 1st stage you will be asked to sum 10 sequences of 5 numbers in rows, in a table similar to this: Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 1 39 69 39 97 43 287 2 11 70 73 4 63 221 3 96 76 35 31 99 337 4 71 37 33 85 55 281 5 93 47 9 96 75 320 6 52 69 12 58 38 229 7 89 51 7 65 7 219 8 64 48 18 24 62 216 9 21 20 59 70 54 224 10 57 53 37 57 32 236 nd
In the 2 stage you will perform the same exercise with a table similar to the one above. Then you will be randomly matched with another anonymous subject in the room, who will perform the same exercise and, you will get his or her 10 additions and you will give him or her your additions. Assume that the table that your anonymous partner solve for you is the following: Table 2* 1 2 3 4 5 Sum 1 63 41 15 98 52 269 2 84 79 11 23 39 236 3 74 19 95 58 47 293 4 48 3 69 40 16 176 5 71 81 70 33 77 332 6 76 2 62 40 80 260 7 40 32 41 19 19 151 8 17 94 58 49 33 251 9 62 73 7 65 66 273 10 54 67 77 94 12 304 rd
In the 3 stage you will be asked to sum the 2 series of additions obtained in the previous two tables, the ones obtained by you and the other by your anonymous partner, in a table like this: Table 3 1 2 Sum 1 287 269 556 2 3 4 5 221 337 281 320 236 293 176 332 457 630 457 652 4
6 7 8 9 10 229 219 216 224 236 260 151 251 273 304 489 370 467 497 540 If the sums in the last table are all correct you will earn 15 pounds, otherwise you will loss one pound for each mistake. To check that the exercise is completely understood please answer to these questions. 5) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the second series of numbers, i.e. you write 222 instead of 221. And this is the only mistake you make, your partner will not make any mistakes. How many pounds will you lose? ……… 6) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the second series of numbers, i.e. you write 222 instead of 221. And in table 2* you partner incorrectly sum the fifth series of number, i.e. he or she writes 650 instead of 652, they are the only mistake made, how many pound will you lose? …… 7) Assume that in table 1 you incorrectly sum the 3rd series of numbers writing 350 instead of 337, and in table 2*, your partner incorrectly sums the 10th series of numbers, writing 310 instead of 304, while in table 3 you incorrectly sum the 3rd series of numbers writing 500. How many pounds will you lose?........ 8) Assume that in table 1 you sum correctly the fist 5 numbers while you do not have the time to sum the last 5, and in table 2 your partner sum correctly the last 5 numbers and has no time to sum the first 5. How many pounds will you lose?....... TWO IMPORTANT TIPS 3) Add each row in descending orders, do not skip any. Your partner does not know which one you skipped. 4) Write down the sum, once you calculated, you may have no time at the end of writing them all. 5
General Questions Please insert your answers into the shaded boxes to the right: please scroll down until you have reached the end of the questionnaire as indicated. What is your age? (years) Are you a 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, graduate student, or other? (1/2/3/G/O) What is your gender? (M/F) what is your country of Origin? Are you English mother tongue Have you taken A-­‐‑level or high school course in maths? (yes/no) IF SO: What was the highest grade possible for this course? What was your grade? What is your current degree course? Would you consider your degree course mostly quantitative or mostly non-­‐‑quantitative? 6
Personality Traits Questionnaire Please select an answer indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement I see myself as someone who... ___ 1. Is talkative. ___ 2. Tends to find fault with others. ___ 3. Does a thorough job. ___ 4. Is depressed, blue. ___ 5. Is original, comes up with new ideas. ___ 6. Is reserved. ___ 7. Is helpful and unselfish with others. ___ 8. Can be somewhat careless. ___ 9. Is relaxed, handles stress well. ___ 10. Is curious about many different things. ___ 11. Is full of energy. ___ 12. Starts quarrels with others. ___ 13. Is a reliable worker. ___ 14. Can be tense. ___ 15. Is ingenious, a deep thinker. ___ 16. Generates a lot of enthusiasm. ___ 17. Has a forgiving nature. ___ 18. Tends to be disorganized. ___ 19. Worries a lot. ___ 20. Has an active imagination. ___ 21. Tends to be quiet. ___ 22. Is generally trusting. ___ 23. Tends to be lazy. ___ 24. Is emotionally stable, not easily upset. 7
___ 25. Is inventive. ___ 26. Has an assertive personality. ___ 27. Can be cold and aloof. ___ 28. Perseveres until the task is finished. ___ 29. Can be moody. ___ 30. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences. ___ 31. Is sometimes shy, inhibited. ___ 32. Is considerate and kind to almost everyone. ___ 33. Does things efficiently. ___ 34. Remains calm in tense situations. ___ 35. Prefers work that is routine. ___ 36. Is outgoing, sociable. ___ 37. Is sometimes rude to others. ___ 38. Makes plans and follows through with them. ___ 39. Gets nervous easily. ___ 40. Likes to reflect, play with ideas. ___ 41. Has few artistic interests. ___ 42. Likes to cooperate with others. ___ 43. Is easily distracted. ___ 44. Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature. 8
SCORING INSTRUCTIONS To score the BFI, you’ll first need to reverse-­‐‑score all negatively-­‐‑keyed items: Extraversion: 6, 21, 31 Agreeableness: 2, 12, 27, 37 Conscientiousness: 8, 18, 23, 43 Neuroticism: 9, 24, 34 Openness: 35, 41 To recode these items, you should subtract your score for all reverse-­‐‑scored items from 6. For example, if you gave yourself a 5, compute 6 minus 5 and your recoded score is 1. That is, a score of 1 becomes 5, 2 becomes 4, 3 remains 3, 4 becomes 2, and 5 becomes 1. Next, you will create scale scores by averaging the following items for each B5 domain (where R indicates using the reverse-­‐‑scored item). Extraversion: 1, 6R 11, 16, 21R, 26, 31R, 36 Agreeableness: 2R, 7, 12R, 17, 22, 27R, 32, 37R, 42 Conscientiousness: 3, 8R, 13, 18R, 23R, 28, 33, 38, 43R Neuroticism: 4, 9R, 14, 19, 24R, 29, 34R, 39 Openness: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35R, 40, 41R, 4 9
Recruitment Letter Hello #fname# #lname#!
We would like to invite you to participate in a DR@W Laboratory research
The study will involve adding numbers under time pressure and a
questionnaire and should take around 45 minutes. You will be given 4
pounds as show-up fee, plus the possibility to earn up to 17 pounds,
depending on your and other people's choices during the experiment.
The research sessions are scheduled for the following times:
If you want to participate, you can register by clicking on the following
(If you cannot click on the link, copy it to the clipboard by selecting it,
right click, and choosing "Copy", and then paste it into the address line in
your web browser by right clicking there and choosing "Paste".)
If you have any further questions, please contact xxx