IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 1 Relay Deployment in Cellular Networks: Planning and Optimization Weisi Guo, Tim O’Farrell Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Email: {w.guo, t.ofarrell} Abstract— This paper presents closed-form capacity expressions for interfere-limited relay channels. Existing theoretical analysis has primarily focused on Gaussian relay channels, and the analysis of interference-limited relay deployment has been confined to simulation based approaches. The novel contribution of this paper is to consolidate on these approaches by proposing a theoretical analysis that includes the effects of interference and capacity saturation of realistic transmission schemes. The performance and optimization results are reinforced by matching simulation results. The benefit of this approach is that given a small set of network parameters, the researcher can use the closed-form expressions to determine the capacity of the network, as well as the deployment parameters that maximize capacity without committing to protracted system simulation studies. The deployment parameters considered in this paper include the optimal location and number of relays, and resource sharing between relay and base-stations. The paper shows that the optimal deployment parameters are pre-dominantly a function of the saturation capacity, pathloss exponent and transmit powers. Furthermore, to demonstrate the wider applicability of the theoretical framework, the analysis is extended to a multiroom indoor building. The capacity improvements demonstrated in this paper show that deployment optimization can improve capacity by up to 60% for outdoor and 38% for indoor users. The proposed closed-form expressions on interference-limited relay capacity are useful as a framework to examine how key propagation and network parameters affect relay performance and can yield insight into future research directions. I. I NTRODUCTION Relays have been proposed as a solution to solving the challenge of improving local capacity in Long-Term-Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) and 802.16 j/m standards. Its primary purpose is to either increase the capacity of an existing area or to extend the coverage area of the parent cell-site. The Qualityof-Service (QoS) provided by an operator is not necessarily determined by the average performance, but by that achieved by a certain bottom percentage of customers. This is generally customers operating either on the interference limited celledge or indoors. Statistically, over 70% of the mobile traffic is carried to indoor users, therefore there is an urgency in addressing how to enhance capacity for users in both of these scenarios. This paper presents a novel closed-form capacity expression for an interference-limited relay-assisted cellular network, with consideration to the capacity saturation of realistic transmission schemes, as well as both outdoor and indoor users. The benefit of this approach is that given a small set of network parameters, the researcher can determine the capacity of the network, as well as the deployment parameters that maximize capacity without committing to protracted system level simulation studies. A. Review The topic of relays in cellular networks has been well studied in the past [1] [2]. In terms of analysis, existing theory has largely focused on extending the original work on Gaussian relay channels. Closed-form expressions on optimal relay deployment in Gaussian channels was proven in [3] for location and in [4] for resource allocation. In a realistic cellular system, the effects of inter-cell interference [5] and capacity saturation of realistic modulation schemes have a significant impact on both the capacity of the system and the optimal solutions, as shown in [6]. For relay deployment in a multi-cell interference-limited network, the characterization of capacity and outage performance has been limited to simulation based studies [5] [7]. Interference-limited stochastic geometric theoretical methods have not yet been extended to relay channels [8]. The optimization of relay deployment location [9], resource allocation [1] [5], and cost efficiency [10] is conducted using iterative numerical approaches on simulation results. From a system designer perspective, there is a dichotomy in the theoretical and simulation approaches. The lack of tractable interference-limited relay capacity expressions means that one either has to rely on closed-form Gaussian channel expressions or extensive multi-cell simulation results. This has restricted the insight into how and why key network and channel parameters affect the relay performance and optimal deployment solutions. B. Contribution The novelty of this paper is to consolidate the theoretical and simulation based approaches by proposing an interferelimited theoretical framework that considers capacity saturation. The paper presents closed-form capacity expressions for a relay-assisted base-station and maximizes the capacity with respect to deployment parameters. The benefit of this approach is that, for any set of network parameters, the system designer is able to characterize and optimize the multi-cell network performance without resorting to extensive multicell simulations. The proposed analysis is also validated by a multi-cell simulator. Furthermore, to demonstrate the wider IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 2 (λ), AWGN power (n) and antenna gain (A): |hi |2 λi 10 γs,i = n+ Fig. 1. Example system setup for a particular relay-node (RN) configuration (3-sector BS with 5-relays per sector): a) 19-BS RAN model; b) BS with RNs; c) Mean received SINR plot. applicability of the theoretical framework, the analysis is extended to a multi-room indoor building. The theoretical analysis in this paper are validated by multi-cell simulation results from our own simulator and existing work. II. S YSTEM M ODEL The system considers a Multi-Cell-Multi-User (MCMU) Radio-Access-Network (RAN), where the base-stations (BSs) are homogeneously deployed, and are assisted by relay-nodes (RNs). The homogeneous deployment offers an upper-bound to the RAN performance, in comparison to other irregular cell distribution methods such as spatial poisson-point-process (SPPP) distribution [8]. The RN-assisted BS establishes a high quality BS-RN channel by providing a LOS BS-RN channel, as recommended by 802.16j/m specifications [11]. The paper considers non-cooperative Decode-and-Forward (DF) relaying protocol due to its low CSI estimation complexity and relatively strong system level performance compared to AF relaying [12]. The relays in this paper operate in the transparent mode, whereby the parent BS is responsible for scheduling the packet transmission of each user with knowledge of the relay deployment. The traffic model assumes that it is full-buffer and given that relays can yield a higher overall capacity, the authors expect that the relays can in fact reduce congestion delay. The system layer simulation results are derived from our own proprietary VCESIM LTE Dynamic System Simulator [13], which is bench-marked against 3GPP tests and has been verified by our sponsors Fujitsu and Nokia Siemens Networks. Each BS’s throughput considers 2-tiers of inter-BS interference, which is sufficiently accurate [5]. The simulation system model is shown in Fig. 1a, where a 19 BS network is created with wrap-around [5]. The relays are deployed near the cell-edge of each BS, where the cell-edge is defined as the region where the interference power from other cells is similar or stronger than the signal power from the serving BS. An illustration of one form of relay deployment is shown in Fig. 1b, and the corresponding average received SINR is shown in Fig. 1c. In simulations, the instantaneous received signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of a single sub-carrier of a single user is a function of: the transmit power of BS (P ), pathloss Si +A(θi ) 10 PNcell j=1,j6=i |hj |2 λ j 10 Ps,i Sj +A(θj ) 10 , (1) Ps,j where the values of each parameter is given in Table. I in the Appendix. The parameters h and S are the multi-path and log-normal shadow fading components, defined in [14]. The pathloss component can be expressed as a function of the distance x: λ = Kx−α ; where K is the frequency dependent pathloss constant and α is the pathloss exponent. The downlink throughput employs an adaptive-modulation-coding results are taken from a physical link layer simulator [15]. III. A NALYTICAL M ODEL A. Interference-Limited Capacity The analytical model considers a simplified and tractable SINR expression of (1), based on a serving cell (i) and dominant interference cell (j), as shown in Fig. 2. This is similar to the analytical models in [16], whereby it has been shown that the effects of fading on capacity, when averaged over time, are small compared to the effects of pathloss. The complete SINR expression in (1) can be approximated to: x−α Pi i , by not assuming that the interference power is γi ≈ x−α Pj j greater than AWGN power. The downlink throughput is found using the Shannon expression, with consideration to mutual information saturation: Cs for: 0 < xi < ds Ci = (2) alog2 (1 + bγi ) for: ds < xi < r where at the distance ds or less away from the serving cell, the the maximum achievable capacity in LTE is Cs = 4.3 bit/s/Hz, for a modulation and coding scheme of 64QAM and 6/7 Turbo Code. The factors a = 0.8 and b = 0.6 are the Shannon adjustment values to compensate for coding losses in mutual information [17]. It has been shown that if the capacity saturation of channels is not considered, the optimization solution can often be skewed towards awarding high capacity links with more resources, when in reality these channels have already been saturated [6]. The value of the distance at which capacity saturation occurs (ds ) can be found as a function of the inter-BS distance (2r), pathloss exponent (α) and the saturation capacity (Cs ): 2r ds ≤ 1+( Cs (2 a −1)Pj 1 )α bPi , (3) which is proven in Lemma 1 in the Appendix. The paper’s simulation results and analytical model considers both the mean capacity and the edge capacity, as defined by: • Mean Capacity: the mean capacity achieved is dominated by BS centre users that achieve a large received SINR. By stating that SINR (γ) of each position is large enough for the approximation log(1 + γ) ≈ log(γ) to hold, the margin of error averaged across the BS is small (0.1%). This is proven in Lemma 2 of Appendix. IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 3 Fig. 2. Analytical (top) System Model and Simulated (bottom) Capacity for: a) Homogeneous BS; and b) Heterogeneous Outdoor-Outdoor Network with BS and Relays. (x = 0): C̄ = 1 r Z where ds = r 0 ds 1 Cdx ≈ {Σ + a | ds log2 [( )−α ] r 2r − ds 2r − ds ) |}, −2αrlog2 ( r 2r 1 1+γsα (5) is given by expression (3) and Σ = Cs ds . The full proof is given in Lemma 3. The edge capacity achieved is between 2 closest BSs deployed, as illustrated in Fig. 2 at location 1. The minimum capacity (edge) occurs when (x = r): Cedge = alog2 (1 + b Fig. 3. Baseline downlink throughput results for simulation (symbols) and theory (lines) with BS coverage sizes. Edge Capacity: the capacity achieved by cell-edge users that has the lowest received SINR, which determine the Quality-of-Service (QoS). The paper will now consider the cellular capacity for a baseline outdoor system in Section III. • B. No Relay In the baseline outdoor capacity analysis, the paper considers an omni-directional 1-sector BS, as shown in Fig. 2. The capacity of a single sector BS with co-frequency interference from other BSs can be expressed as: for: 0 < x < 2r 1 Cs 1+γsα C= (4) bx−α 2r alog2 (1 + (2r−x) ) for: < x <r 1 −α 1+γsα The mean capacity achieved is the average capacity achieved from edge of BS coverage (x = r) to the base of the BS r−α ). (2r − r)−α (6) The results of the theoretical analysis and the simulation model is presented in Fig. 3, where similar to the conclusion in [18], a reasonably good match was found (margin of error is 1.2% for mean capacity and 16% for edge-capacity). The paper will now introduce the interference-limited relay capacity and maximize the capacity with respect to: RN location, number of RNs and resource shared between BS and RN. IV. O UTDOOR R ELAYING (OR) The paper assumes that the RNs are deployed in places where the channel between the parent BS and the RN is Lineof-Sight (LOS) based [14]. All other channels are assumed to be NLOS-based in the theoretical framework, and probability between NLOS and LOS based in the simulation framework (see Section I). When co-frequency RNs are inserted into a BS to improve outdoor capacity, the dominant interference coupling is between the parent BS and the RN, and not from the neighbouring BSs. This is due to the fact that signal power is dominated by propagation distances, despite the RN’s significantly lower transmit power. For an UE in the BS, there is a handover point where the mean received SINR from the BS-UE and the RN-UE is equal, IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 4. Relaying downlink capacity variation with RN distance: Mean and Edge capacity for Gaussian relay channels without interference and capacity saturation (simulation in symbols and theory in lines). 4 Fig. 5. Relaying downlink capacity variation with RN distance: Mean and Edge capacity for interference-limited network with capacity saturation (simulation in symbols and theory in lines). A. Mean Capacity Optimization as shown in Fig. 2. This distance from the BS, is denoted dHO and is shown to be the following in Lemma 4: dHO = dr 1 1 + ( PPrc ) α , (7) where dr is the distance of the RN from the serving BS. If the RN and BS transmit at the same power, the handover distance is half-way between the RN and the BS. The capacity of co-frequency outdoor-relaying (CF-OR) can therefore be represented as: Cs for: 0 < x < ds1 alog (1 + bPc x−α ) for: d < x < d s1 HO 2 Pr (dr −x)−α bPr (dr −x)−α CCF-OR = alog2 (1 + ) for: dHO < x < ds2 Pc x−α C for: ds2 < x < ds3 s bPr (x−dr )−α alog2 (1 + ) for: ds3 < x < r Pc x−α (8) which is for dHO > ds1 and holds true if the BS-RN channel is always stronger than the RN-UE channel, as proven in Lemma 5. The values for the break-point distances ds1 , ds2 and ds3 can be found via Lemma 1 and Lemma 4 and is presented in Lemma 6. Figure 4 shows the downlink capacity (CCF-OR ) variation with BS-RN distance dr . In Fig. 4, the classical Gaussian relay channel is considered, whereby no capacity saturation and interference are modelled. The results show that the optimal RN location is generally less than halfway (dr /r < 0.5), similar to the results obtained in for a cooperative DF relaying [3] [4]. By introducing the co-channel interference and capacity saturation, the optimization solution shifts to deploying the RN away from the BS to dr /r ' a. This will be more closely explained in the next section. The mean capacity results show a good match between simulation and theoretical capacity. The detailed proof on optimization for mean and edge capacity is given below. The mean capacity achieved is the average capacity achieved from edge of BS (x = r) to the base of the BS (x = 0): Z 1 0 1 (9) C̄CF-OR = CCF-OR dx ≈ {ΣCF-OR + | aFΣ |}, r r r where ΣCF-OR contains the BS and RN saturation capacity terms, and FΣ is a composite logarithm term that contains the non-saturated terms, as explained in Lemma 6. In order to maximize the mean capacity with respect to the location of the RN, expression (9) is differentiated with respect to dr . The optimal BS-RN distance that maximizes mean capacity is: d∗r,CF-OR,mean-opt. ≈ 0.4FΣ [1 + (γs Pr − 1 ) α ], Pc (10) where FΣ is a constant and the full optimization proof is shown in Lemma 6 of the Appendix. The conclusion is that the optimal RN location is almost entirely dependent on the power ratio between the RN and the BS ( PPrc ), the pathloss exponent (α), and the saturation SINR threshold (γs ): • A lower γs (worse transmission technique) means the RN should be placed further to the parent-BS, because most of the coverage area near the BS is saturated. Therefore the RN is only beneficial at the cell-edge and the effectiveness of RN deployment is also reduced. • A lower RN to BS transmit power ratio means the RN should be placed further from the parent-BS, because the stronger the BS transmit power, the stronger the effect of the BS’s coverage. • A lower α (more LOS based propagation) means the RN should be placed further from the BS, because the weaker the pathloss effect, the stronger the effect of the serving BS’s coverage. The results in Fig. 4 show that the optimal RN location for Gaussian channels is generally less than half-way (dr /r < IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 6. Optimal Number of RNs for simulation and theory for a variety of RN and BS transmit powers. 0.5) [3] [4]. By introducing the co-channel interference and capacity saturation (Fig. 5), the optimization solution in (10) shifts to deploying the RN to dr /r ' 0.8, yielding a capacity improvement of 55%. This generally agrees with existing recommendations (dr /r ' 0.66 to 0.8) on relay deployment in a multi-cell environment [7] [9]. The results in Fig. 5 also show that the mean capacity is significantly diminished when the RNs are placed too close to the BS, but the edge-capacity generally remains undiminished. This is because regions close to the BS are already operating with a saturated capacity and by adding RNs, the capacity can only be degraded via increased interference. However, the edge-capacity is at the inter-BS location and is thus largely unaffected by RNs placed near the BS. Fig. 7. • 5 Downlink Capacity for Non-Co-Frequency Relaying (NCF). stronger the BS transmit power, the stronger the effect of the serving BS’s coverage. A lower α means the RN should be placed further from the parent-BS, because the weaker the pathloss effect, the stronger the effect of the serving BS’s coverage. The relation’s insight is very similar to that found for the mean capacity in expression (10), without the capacity saturation parameter. This is because capacity saturation can not be achieved on the cell-edge and poor coverage areas. There is a conflict of interest between maximizing mean-capacity and edge-capacity by deploying the RN at either (10) or (12) respectively. However, as the results in Fig. 5 indicate, by sacrificing a small percentage of edge-capacity, the maximum mean-capacity can be achieved. This sacrifice in edge-capacity is negligible in the theoretical framework and approximately 4% from the simulation results. B. Edge Capacity Optimization For a BS with coverage radius (r), the edge capacity occurs at one of the 2 possible low SINR locations, as illustrated in Fig. 2: 1) the traditional inter-BS edge (x = r), 2) the handover point between BS and RN (x = dHO ), whereby the minimum of the capacity at these 2 locations determines the edge-capacity: C. Number of Relays So far, the paper’s analytical framework has considered relaying only on a 1-dimensional level (distance away from parent BS). In order to consider the impact of increasing the number of RNs (Nr ) evenly distributed around the parent-BS, the analytical model is expanded in the following logic: • CCF-OR,edge = min[CCF-OR (x = dHO ), CCF-OR (x = r)]. (11) In order to maximize the edge capacity, neither of the aforementioned capacity terms can be smaller than the other and thus, equating the terms in expression (11) leads to the optimal RN location and maximum edge-capacity to be: d∗r,CF-OR,edge-opt. = r[1 − ( Pr 1 ) α ]. Pc (12) The insight here is that the optimal RN location is almost entirely dependent on the power ratio between the RN and the BS ( PPrc ) and the pathloss exponent (α): • A lower RN to BS transmit power ratio means the RN should be placed further from the parent-BS, because the • Increasing the number of RNs can improve the capacity, provided that the mutual interference between RNs does not exceed the interference from the BS. The inter-RN interference dominates performance when the inter-RN distance is small (RN density is large). Furthermore, the paper defines that additional RNs are deployed equal distant to the BS and that the propagation channel between RNs is NLOS based. Given these assumptions and conditions, the theoretical maximum number of beneficial RNs can be shown to be the following: ∗ NRN,opt. < bπ( 2Pr − 1 ) α c, Pc (13) with the full proof in Lemma 7. The insight here is that the optimal RN number is almost entirely dependent on the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 8. 6 Mean and Edge capacity tradeoff for different relaying techniques. power ratio between the RN and the BS ( PPrc ) and the pathloss exponent (α): • A higher RN transmit power means fewer RNs should be placed to reduce mutual interference. • A lower α means more RNs should be placed. • The optimal number of RNs is largely independent of the BS coverage size (r). In Fig. 6, the results show that the theory matched very well with the simulation results for the optimal number of RNs that maximizes mean capacity for a variety of transmit power levels. The theoretical results are validated by our own simulation results and existing literature [10]. Fig. 9. Directional and Omni-Directional RN Deployment SINR Plots. shown in Lemma 5 that if the user position is smaller than a threshold from the RN, the 2-hop relay capacity becomes BSRN limited. Adaptive NCF (A-NCF) dynamically balances the BS-RN and RN-UE capacity to be equal, by prioritizing 2-hop relay transmission over direct BS-UE transmission. With the aid of Lemma 5, the proportional increase in bandwidth of the BS-RN channel Bδ required for capacity parity between the 2-hop relay channels is: D. BS-RN Resource Sharing This section of the paper examines non-co-frequency (NCF) relaying and what the resource block sharing ratio should be between the parent BS and RNs. Generally speaking WCDMA and LTE cells are deployed with frequency reuse pattern 1 [14] and there is debate on what the optimal frequency reuse pattern is for RNs in different scenarios [1] [5]. In order to maximize the edge-capacity, the edge-capacity of the BS and the RN should be equal: ( 0.5 for low density of RNs ∗ , Br,opt. ≈ log(Φ) −1 (1 + log(Ψ) ) for high density of RNs (14) where Φ = dHO 2r−dHO 1 and Ψ = − α dr q2 . 4π 2 2 1+ N dr RN If the RN density is low, such that the worst coverage area is at the inter-BS edge, then the optimal resource block sharing fraction is approximately 0.5. As shown in Fig. 7, the theoretical expression in (14) is validated with our own multi-cell simulations and those in existing literature [5]. The numerical search methods in simulations found that Br is optimally between 0.45-0.6 in order to maximize edge capacity. A further capacity enhancing technique is to grant users that benefit from relaying constant channel capacity parity between the BS-RN and RN-UE channels. For example, it has been Bδ ' r log( drx−x ) r β α dr ) log( 2r−x r , (15) where the value of Bδ can be above or below unity depending on the user location (xr ). The results in Fig. 8 show that the CF relaying offers the greatest mean capacity. The NCF relaying yields a mean capacity degradation, but an improvement in edge-capacity compared to no relaying. The A-NCF relaying yields the greatest edge-capacity improvement due to its channel parity scheme, but it does suffer a mean capacity degradation compared to the CF relaying, due to the resources sacrificed in the BS-UE channel (15). The paper also extends the research to directional BS and RN antennas. The rationale is whether directional RNs can not only achieve a capacity improvement for the relaying region, but also reduce the radiated interference to the other regions of the BS that do not require relaying. It was found that directional RNs can further enhance the capacity by 26%, when the bore-sight of the RNs are directed along the celledge, as shown in Fig. 9. V. I NDOOR R ELAYING (IR) A. Indoor System Setup Previously, the paper discussed how the worst performance users are usually on the inter-BS edge or indoors. This IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 7 Fig. 10. Analytical System Model for Indoor Network with Outdoor BS and RN. section shows that the interference-limited relay analysis can be extended to analyze the indoor capacity. The analysis demonstrates that the interference-limited framework is robust and can model a variety of novel scenarios. The capacity of a user at a distance of x from the nearest wall to the parent BS is: Fig. 11. Indoor Mean Capacity as a function of Building Location for a BS-size r = 500m and L = 20m, with Simulation (Symbols) and Theory (Lines). x Cindoor ' alog2 (1 + b Pc (D + x)−α Wout Wink−1 10− 20 ), (16) Pc (2r − D)−α Wout assuming that the serving BS’s signal power is predominantly from one direction and the interference powers are from all directions. The indoor capacity is generally below the saturation capacity Cs , unless the building has no internal walls (Nwall = 0) and is very close to the serving cell. The paper now considers the addition of a closed-access cofrequency relay to improve coverage to the indoor users. The main research theme of this section considers whether the RN should be placed outside or inside the building, as a function of building size (L) and distance from the serving BS (D). By using the same analysis as previously shown in Lemma 5, the paper’s indoor analytical model assumes the following: • RN is outside building: the BS-RN channel is always stronger than the RN-UE channel • RN is inside building: the BS-RN channel is always weaker than the RN-UE channel • The rooms in the building are equally spaced in this analysis Note that the simulation results make no assumptions regarding the strength of channels. The results below will show that these theoretical assumptions yield accurate approximations to simulated results. The paper considers a building with length L with Nwall evenly spaced internal walls and is located at a distance D from the serving BS (as shown in Fig. 10. The mean indoor capacity achieved is the average capacity achieved from one end of the building x = 0 to the other x = L, and it can be shown to be approximately: L −α alog2 (b PPrc ( D ) ) outside RN , (17) C̄IR ' D alog2 (1 + b( 2r−D )−α ) inside RN where the full mean capacity proof is given in Lemma 8. B. Indoor Relay Placement In order to maximize mean capacity, the location of the RN (outside or inside the building) depends on the distance of the building (D) from the serving BS. From expression (17), the two capacity expressions are equal when: r Pr 1 Pr 1 ∗ (18) D = 0.5[ 8rL( )− α − L( )− α ]. Pc Pc Therefore, the adaptive deployment guideline that maximizes indoor capacity for a multi-room building is: • • Deploy RN inside if the building is at D < D∗ . Deploy RN outside if the building is at D > D∗ . The results in Fig. 11 show that deploying a RN can significantly improve the indoor capacity, especially for buildings that are far away from the parent-BS. In order to maximize the benefit of RNs, the RNs should be placed adaptively either inside or outside the building depending on the location of the building (D), as given by expression (18). The results show that a mean capacity improvement of up to 38% can be obtained in the adaptive RN deployment strategy. It should be noted that if the pathloss exponent is different for when the RN is inside compared to outside, the optimization expression (18) can be adjusted relatively easily. The challenge of addressing non-uniform distribution of rooms and users is non-trivial and is not considered in the scope of this paper. The results in Fig. 12 show that by deploying a fixed omnidirectional closed-access RN outside the building to cover indoor users, the interference it causes to the outdoor network leads to a mean capacity degradation of 44%. By adopting an adaptive deployment based on the guideline devised in (18), the outdoor mean capacity degradation is 31%, an improvement of 20% over the fixed strategy. That is to say, not only does the adaptive indoor RN deployment benefit indoor users (30% improvement), it also benefits outdoor users (20% improvement). By employing a directional RN, whereby a RN radiates the directional bore-sight (4dBi) into the targeted building and radiates the backside (-10dBi) towards the outdoor network, a further 13% capacity gain can be obtained compared to the omni-directional RNs. IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 8 be achieved, the following must hold true: alog2 (1 + bγs ) = alog2 (1 + b ds = Pi d−α s ) Pj (d − ds )−α d P 1 1 + (γs Pji ) α (19) . B. Lemma 2: Integral Approximation for High SINR By encompassing RNs, the mean capacity expression needs to be approximated with log(1 + x) ' log(x). This has a margin of error of ε, which is: ε= Fig. 12. Simulated outdoor capacity as a function of the distance of the interfering RN to the parent-BS. VI. C ONCLUSIONS The purpose of this paper is to propose a tractable theoretical framework that can characterize and optimize the performance of a relay-assisted network. The novelty is that the theory considers the effects of cellular interference and capacity saturation of realistic transmission schemes. The paper distinguishes itself from existing work, which have largely considered theoretical Gaussian relay channels or multi-cell results based on simulations. The benefit of this approach is that given a set of essential network parameters, the researcher can use the expressions to determine the capacity of the network, as well as the relay deployment parameters that maximize capacity. The framework can therefore be used to dimension and plan a network before committing to protracted system level simulations. Compared to Gaussian relay channel optimization, the interfere-limited analysis yields a 55% improved capacity in a cellular environment. The theory in this paper have been validated by multi-cell simulation results. Furthermore, the theoretical framework is general enough to be extended to optimizing resource sharing between basestation and relay, as well as optimizing the relay location for an indoor multi-room building. The capacity improvements demonstrated in this paper show that optimization of the aforementioned parameters can improve capacity by up to 60% for outdoor and 38% for indoor users. The novel interferencelimited relay capacity expressions are useful as a framework to examine how key propagation and network parameters affect relay performance and can yield insight into future research directions. (1 + γs )1+γs 1 ) log2 ( γs γsγs where γs is the saturation SINR for a realistic modulation and coding scheme and R is the coverage radius of the considered BS. For a LTE BS operating with 2x2 SFBC MIMO, the value of γs = 18dB, which achieves a saturated spectral efficiency of Cs = 4.3 bit/s/Hz. The resulting expression for margin of error is: ε = 0.1 %. C. Lemma 3: Mean Capacity (No Relays) The mean capacity achieved is the average capacity achieved from edge of BS (r) to the base of the BS: Z Z ds 1 0 1 C̄outdoor = Cdx = {Cs ds + Coutdoor dx} r r r r 1 ds (21) = {Σ+ | a(ds log2 [( )−α ] r 2r − ds 2r − ds )) |}, − 2rαlog2 ( r where ds = 2r 1 1+γsα and Σ = Cs ds . D. Lemma 4: BS-RN Handover Location The handover distance from the serving BS, when a cofrequency RN is deployed dr away from the BS is (γBS-UE = γRN-UE ): dHO = 1 1 + ( PPrc ) α , (22) E. Lemma 5: Relay Channels It can be proved that the BS-RN channel is always superior to the RN-UE channel due to the LOS propagation characteristic of the system setup. Consider a RN located at dr from the parent-BS and a UE located at xr from the RN. The following must hold true for the BS-RN to be always equal or greater than the RN-UE capacity (CBS-RN ≥ CRN-UE ): dr xr ≥ In order to find the maximum distance away from the serving BS where saturated spectral efficiency (Cs ) can still dr where Pc and Pr are the transmit power for the BS and RNs respectively. A PPENDIX A. Lemma 1: Capacity Saturation Range (20) 1+ −β dr α (2r 1 − dr )( PPrc )− α (23) which assumes that from an interference perspective, the users are close to the RN so that 2r − xr ∼ 2r − dr . The value of xr IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 as a percentage of BS coverage radius (r) is no more than 2% for system values given in Table I. That is to say the relaying capacity is limited by the RN-UE channel. F. Lemma 6: Outdoor Mean Capacity (Relays) The values for the break-point distances are as follows, dr , ds1 = using Lemma 1 and Lemma 4: dHO = 1 −1 dr 1 1+(γs ρ−1 ) α , ds2 = dr 1 1+(γs ρ) α , and ds3 = 1+(ρ dr )α 1 1−(γs ρ) α . The mean capacity of a co-frequency BS and RN setup is therefore: Z 1 1 0 CCF-OR dx = {Cs (ds1 + ds3 − ds2 ) C̄CF-OR = r r r + | alog2 [F1 (ds1 , dHO )F2 (ds2 , dHO )F3 (r, ds3 )] (ds1 − dr )(ds2 − dr )(ds3 − dr ) − aαdr log2 ( ) |}, (dHO − dr )2 (r − dr ) (24) ( )a ba ( ba )a where F1 (a, b) = ( ( drbb−a )b )−α , F2 (a, b) = ( ( drbb−a )b )α , ( ba dr −b )a dr −b r aF3 (a, b) = ( ( a−d )α ; and ΣCF-OR = Cs (ds1 + ds3 − ds2 ). bb )b 9 TABLE I S YSTEM PARAMETERS FOR LTE S IMULATOR Parameter LTE Operating Frequency LTE System Bandwidth Path-loss Model NLOS Pathloss Exponent LOS Pathloss Exponent Shadow Fading variance Capacity Saturation SINR Saturation AWGN power per subcarrier BS Transmit Power Directional Antenna Pattern Relay Transmit Power Building Length Building Distance to BS External Wall Loss Internal Wall Loss Number of Internal Walls Symbol f BW λ α β 2 σsd Cs γs n Pc Acell Pr L D Wout Win Nwall Value 2600MHz 20MHz [14] 3.67 2.2 9dB 4.3 bit/s/Hz 18dB 6 × 10−17 W 10-40W [14] 0.5-5W 20m 50-500m 20dB 10dB 4 b−dr The below work shows the proof for optimal BS-RN distance by differentiating the mean capacity term with respect to the BS-RN distance parameter (dr ): D ' D + L. For indoor users being served by a RN on the inside, the mean capacity (IR,i) is: 1 dC̄CF-OR 1 1 2(γs ρ) α FΣ = { }. (25) + 1 + a ddr r 1 + (γs ρ−1 ) α1 dr α 1 − (γs ρ) The optimal BS-RN distance that maximizes mean capacity is: d∗r,CF,mean−opt. ≈ 0.4FΣ [1 + (γs ρ) 1 −α ]. (26) G. Lemma 7: Optimal Number of Relays Assume a BS with NRN RNs deployed on the circumference of a circle around the BS with radius dr . At each RN, in order for the dominant interference power of 2 nearby RNs to be stronger than the interference power from the serving BS, the following must hold: −α 2Pr Kd−α rr > Pc Kdr ∴ NRN where: drr ∼ 2Pr − 1 < 2π( ) α, Pc 2πdr NRN (27) which is only accurate when the number of RNs is above 2 and high. C̄IR,i = alog2 (1 + b( D )−α ). 2r − D (29) I. System Modeling Parameters The parent-BSs and RNs are assumed to be on rooftops and have Line-of-Sight (LOS) propagation, whereas the interference from adjacent BSs and RNs are assumed to be Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) based [14]. The parameter |h| is the magnitude of the complex fading coefficient h, which Rayleigh distributed and generated from an auto-regressive AR(n) process, where by the value of n is dependent on the delay spread [14] [19]. The BS-UE and the RN-UE channels are assumed to be based on a probabilistic model, whereby the probability of being in LOS: x x 18 )(1 − e− 36 ) + e− 36 , (30) x where x is the distance from the serving BS. The serving BS-RN channel is assumed to be in LOS [11] [20]. ℘LOS = min(1, H. Lemma 8: Indoor Mean Capacity (Relays) For indoor users being served by a RN on the outside, the mean capacity (IR,o) is: Z bPr x−α 1 0 C̄IR,o = alog2 (1 + )dx L L Pc (D + x)−α (28) Pr L −α ' alog2 (b ( ) ), for: D L, Pc D which holds true for when the building size (L) is significantly smaller than the distance from the serving BS (D), so that R EFERENCES [1] J. Cho and Z. J. 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He has led over 18 research projects and published over 200 technical papers including 8 granted patents.