Example Candidate Responses (Standards Booklet) 0518 Cambridge IGCSE

Example Candidate Responses
(Standards Booklet)
Cambridge IGCSE®
First Language Thai
For examination from 2014
Cambridge Secondary 2
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© Cambridge International Examinations 2014
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2
Assessment at a glance ........................................................................................................ 3
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing ............................................................................... 4
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing ............................................................................................. 24
The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE First Language
Thai (0518), and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance relate to the subject’s curriculum
and assessment objectives.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai comprises two papers. All candidates take Paper 2 and Paper 3
and are eligible for the award of grades A* to G. In this booklet a range of candidate responses for Paper 2
and Paper 3 have been chosen to exemplify grades A, C and E. Each response is accompanied by a brief
commentary explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the answers.
For ease of reference the following format has been adopted:
Mark scheme
Example candidate
Examiner comment
Each question is followed by an extract of the mark scheme used by examiners. This, in turn, is followed by
examples of marked candidate responses, each with an examiner comment on performance. Comments are
given to indicate where and why marks were awarded, and how additional marks could have been obtained.
In this way, it is possible to understand what candidates have done to gain their marks and what they still
have to do to improve their grades.
Past papers, examiner reports and other teacher support materials are available on Teacher Support at
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Assessment at a glance
Assessment at a glance
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai comprises two papers. All candidates take Papers 2 and 3 and are
eligible for the award of grades A* to G.
Paper 2: Reading and Directed Writing
2¼ hours
Part 1 – 40 marks
Question 1 – 20 marks
Candidates select, compare and summarise specific information from Passages 1
and 2.
Question 2 – 20 marks
Candidates respond to a directed writing task based on their understanding of
Passage 1 and Passage 2.
Part 2 – 20 marks
Candidates respond to a directed writing task, based on Passage 3, in which they
use and develop given information.
Paper 3: Continuous Writing
1¼ hours
Candidates write one composition of 350–500 words.
Question papers are set entirely in the target language. Dictionaries may not be used in the examination.
Teachers are reminded that a full syllabus is available at www.cie.org.uk
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Part 1 Question 1
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Mark scheme
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade A
Examiner comment – grade A
Most of the necessary information was included and the candidate displayed a degree of skill in the
summary of specific information from both texts. The candidate demonstrated the ability to scan for and
extract specific information, organise material and present it in a limited number of words, including the
rewriting of information in his/her own words and using appropriate language. In addition, the candidate
demonstrated accuracy in spelling and wrote in well-constructed paragraphs. Some overly descriptive
and unnecessary information did not prevent the candidate from conveying all the relevant information as
prescribed, and a mark of 10 was awarded for the content. The language used was generally accurate,
although in some places there was a slight degree of confusion, and as a result a mark of three was
awarded for summary style. If the candidate had included information about
the candidate might have scored a higher
mark. On the other hand, the language used in summary style ought to be formal. For example:
To achieve higher marks the candidate would have needed to display greater consistency in using formal
Content = 10 out of 15
Summary style = 3 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 13 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade E
Examiner comment – grade E
The candidate was fairly successful in using appropriate language and achieving accuracy in spelling.
However, the candidate summarised only one text and included unnecessary and descriptive information.
The summary style was not very concise and there were no clearly constructed paragraphs. Therefore,
five marks were awarded for the content and two marks for summary style. To achieve a higher mark the
candidate would have needed to include a more concise summary and give more examples of voluntary
activities, including more information such as
. For example:
Content = 5 out of 15
Summary style = 2 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 7 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Part 1 Question 2
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Mark scheme
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade A
Examiner comment – grade A
The candidate combined facts and opinions in a flowing and smooth way. Elements of factual, emotive
and imaginative language were appropriately blended. The paragraphs of the text showed some evidence
of planning, had unity and were usually appropriately linked. The introduction and conclusion were logical
and interesting. The article was developed with a good sense of direction. Not all elements of the required
information were offered and as a result 10 marks were given for the content. The language was generally
appropriate, although with some errors. There were, however, some spelling mistakes which interfered with
the impression given by the article. Therefore, 3 marks were given for persuasive style.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
For example:
This example demonstrates the use of emotive language and imaginative vocabulary in order to express
the feeling of being a volunteer to help children with bodily movement problems. There was some good
use of structures and choice of words, but also some spelling mistakes which interfered with reading. To
achieve a higher mark the answer would have needed to display greater accuracy in spelling, and more
comprehensive selection of information.
Content = 10 out of 15
Persuasive style = 3 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 13 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade C
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Examiner comment – grade C
The candidate was successful in using appropriate language with some accuracy in spelling. The conclusion
was appropriate. However, the candidate spent half a page on an explanation of the meaning of volunteer
and another half giving information about the project, but without clearly constructed paragraphs. If the
candidate had included more relevant information about the project, such as where the project was,
where the idea came from, how long for, or what the project involved, he/she might well have scored a
much higher mark. In addition, to achieve a higher mark, the answer would have needed to display better
organisation of the content. Therefore, 7 marks were given for the content. In some parts there was a lack
of clarity and structure, and the choice of vocabulary was fairly simple. 3 marks were given for persuasive
style. For example:
This example demonstrates a use of language which is not entirely appropriate and might be confusing.
To achieve a higher mark the answer would have needed to display more precision and appropriateness
in language use, perhaps adding some emotive/imaginative vocabulary, which would have made the
article more interesting and persuasive.
Content = 7 out of 15
Persuasive style = 3 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 10 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Part 2 Question 3
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Mark scheme
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade A
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Examiner comment – grade A
The answer was competent and used what was relevant in writing. The candidate demonstrated a clear
sense of understanding of appropriate uses of language. Most of the required information was included,
although there were no clearly constructed paragraphs and some sentences could be confusing to the
reader. Therefore 10 marks were given for content. The introduction and summary were precise and
interesting, although there were some spelling mistakes, and three marks were given for persuasive style.
For example:
To achieve a higher mark the answer would have needed to include better constructed paragraphs and
greater accuracy in spelling.
Content = 10 out of 15
Persuasive style = 3 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 13 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade C
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Examiner comment – grade C
The candidate made use of some relevant information about Khon and Mintra, with quite good use of
paragraphs. The candidate attempted to use their own words, although with many spelling mistakes which
interfered with appreciation of the article. Misspellings of simple words were sometimes tolerated. For
instead of
Using abbreviation
instead of
To achieve a higher mark, the candidate would have needed to display more accuracy in spelling without
abbreviations, and the article would have needed to be more organised.
The candidate tried to write an appealing article but the frequency of spelling mistakes prevented the article
from flowing smoothly. It was inconsistent in places, especially in the sudden ending of the last paragraph,
and was not persuasive overall. Therefore, 8 marks were given for content and 2 marks for persuasive style.
If the candidate had added more information about Mintra with an appropriate conclusion to promote the art
of Khon, a higher mark might have been given.
Content = 8 out of 15
Persuasive style = 2 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 10 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Example candidate response – grade E
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 2 – Reading and Directed Writing
Examiner comment – grade E
The candidate was successful in using some relevant information about Mintra in the article and made
some use of paragraphs, though the tone of language was inconsistent and the use of language was not
appropriate. For example:
Correct spelling is important for language marks, although some misspellings of simple words may be
tolerated. For example:
instead of
instead of
Too many spelling mistakes can interfere with the flow of the article and result in limited marks. This
candidate received five marks for content and two marks for persuasive style. To achieve a higher mark the
candidate would have needed to display more accuracy in spelling and use appropriate language in writing
with the aim of promoting the art of Khon.
Content = 5 out of 15
Persuasive style = 2 out of 5
Total marks awarded = 7 out of 20
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Mark scheme
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Question 9
Example candidate response – grade A
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Examiner comment – grade A
This candidate was successful in combining facts and opinions. The piece of writing was a relevant
response to the topic, and the composition was genuinely readable and interesting. The candidate
demonstrated a range of skills in writing and accuracy in spelling, and used appropriate language, although
one sentence was slightly confusing. The candidate showed the ability to express thoughts, feelings and
opinions reasonably and logically. The article was convincing to the reader and, moreover, showed a wider
and more varied sense of audience and context. The candidate also used an appropriate range of vocabulary
and structures. The paragraphs in the text had unity, were linked, and they showed evidence of planning.
The topic was addressed with consistent relevance, so that overall the interest of the reader was aroused
and sustained. For example:
This example shows the competence of the answer. The candidate demonstrated a degree of skill in
combining fact and opinion reasonably to make a relevant response to the topic, with appropriate choice
and use of structure and vocabulary elements.
However, one sentence was not clear:
To achieve a higher mark the language used would have needed to be more accurate, in order to
communicate meaning more clearly to the reader.
Mark awarded = 31 out of 40
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Question 8
Example candidate response – grade C
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Examiner comment – grade C
The response was quite interesting and convincing with well-constructed paragraphs and a clear
introduction and conclusion. The composition was a relevant response to the topic and aroused some
interest in the reader. The candidate was able to express various benefits to physical exercise. However,
although the language was generally sufficiently accurate to communicate meaning to the reader, there
were frequent simple spelling mistakes. The candidate used some specific vocabulary, which made the
article more persuasive and attractive to the audience, with a fairly wide range of vocabulary to convey the
intended meaning. However, the structure of some sentences led to a lack of clarity. For example:
This example demonstrates in terms of language quite a good attempt to express opinions and use facts
to promote the importance of physical exercise. However, some spelling mistakes affected the overall
impression. To achieve a higher mark the candidate would have needed to display more accuracy overall.
Mark awarded = 21 out of 40
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Question 6
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Example candidate response – grade E
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
Paper 3 – Continuous Writing
Examiner comment – grade E
The candidate demonstrated some ability to use emotive and imaginative language, and used paragraphs to
construct the narration. The story of ‘Speaking fish’ was interesting, with an unexpected ending, although it
was not logical and convincing. The candidate used quite simple although imaginative vocabulary to convey
the story. However, there were several spelling mistakes which were likely to distract the reader from the
merits of content that the composition might have, and slowed down reading. Some language use was not
appropriate, and was confusing, although it did not entirely interfere with the understanding of the story.
Structures and choice of words were plain and simple. The use of conversation and dialogue between the
fish and the fisherman made the story more lively and aroused some interest in the reader. For example:
These sentences show an appropriate use of emotive and imaginative language, and the conversation
between the fish and the fisherman improved the story. The spelling of simple vocabulary was acceptable,
but to achieve a higher mark, the language used would have needed to be sufficiently accurate to
communicate meaning to the reader with more clarity and to greater effect.
Mark awarded = 14 out of 40
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Thai 0518
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