w w ap eP m e tr .X w om .c s er Cambridge International Examinations CambridgeInternationalGeneralCertificateofSecondaryEducation * 7 0 2 4 7 0 9 2 3 8 * 0606/22 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS Paper2 May/June 2014 2 hours CandidatesanswerontheQuestionPaper. AdditionalMaterials: Electroniccalculator READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST WriteyourCentrenumber,candidatenumberandnameonalltheworkyouhandin. Writeindarkblueorblackpen. YoumayuseanHBpencilforanydiagramsorgraphs. Donotusestaples,paperclips,glueorcorrectionfluid. DONOTWRITEINANYBARCODES. Answerallthequestions. Givenon-exactnumericalanswerscorrectto3significantfigures,or1decimalplaceinthecaseof anglesindegrees,unlessadifferentlevelofaccuracyisspecifiedinthequestion. Theuseofanelectroniccalculatorisexpected,whereappropriate. Youareremindedoftheneedforclearpresentationinyouranswers. Attheendoftheexamination,fastenallyourworksecurelytogether. Thenumberofmarksisgiveninbrackets[ ]attheendofeachquestionorpartquestion. Thetotalnumberofmarksforthispaperis80. Thisdocumentconsistsof14printedpagesand2blankpages. DC(NF/SW)73391/3 ©UCLES2014 [Turn over 2 Mathematical Formulae 1. ALGEBRA Quadratic Equation For the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, x= Binomial Theorem () () −b b 2 − 4 ac 2a () () n n n (a + b)n = an + 1 an–1 b + 2 an–2 b2 + … + r an–r br + … + bn, n n! where n is a positive integer and r = (n – r)!r! 2. TRIGONOMETRY Identities sin2 A + cos2 A = 1 sec2 A = 1 + tan2 A cosec2 A = 1 + cot2 A Formulae for ∆ABC a b c sin A = sin B = sin C a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A ∆= © UCLES 2014 1 bc sin A 2 0606/22/M/J/14 3 1 Without using a calculator, express constants to be found. 2 Find the values of k for which the line © UCLES 2014 ^2 + 5h2 5-1 in the form a + b 5 , where a and b are y + kx - 2 = 0 0606/22/M/J/14 [4] is a tangent to the curve y = 2x 2 - 9x + 4 . [5] [Turn over 4 3 (i) Given that x + 1 is a factor of (ii) Show that 3x 3 - 14x 2 - 7x + 10 can be written in the form ^x + 1h^ax 2 + bx + ch, where a, b and c are constants to be found. [2] (iii) Hence solve the equation © UCLES 2014 3x 3 - 14x 2 - 7x + d , show that d = 10. 3x 3 - 14x 2 - 7x + 10 = 0 . 0606/22/M/J/14 [1] [2] 5 in the form p ^x - qh2 + r , where p, q and r are constants to be found. [3] 4 (i) Express (ii) Hence find the greatest value of occurs. © UCLES 2014 12x 2 - 6x + 5 1 and state the value of x at which this 12x - 6x + 5 2 0606/22/M/J/14 [2] [Turn over 6 5 (i) Find and simplify the first three terms of the expansion, in ascending powers of x, of ^1 - 4xh5 . (ii) The first three terms in the expansion of ^1 - 4xh5 ^1 + ax + bx 2h are 1 - 23x + 222x 2 . Find the value of each of the constants a and b. [4] © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 [2] 7 6 (a) (i) State the value of u for which lg u = 0 . [1] [2] (b) Express 2 log 3 15 - ^loga 5h^log 3 ah, (ii) Hence solve lg 2x + 3 = 0 . © UCLES 2014 where a > 1, as a single logarithm to base 3. 0606/22/M/J/14 [4] [Turn over 8 7 Differentiate with respect to x (i) x 4 e 3x , [2] (ii) ln ^2 + cos xh, [2] (iii) sin x . 1+ x [3] © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 9 8 The line y = x - 5 exact length of AB. © UCLES 2014 meets the curve x 2 + y 2 + 2x - 35 = 0 0606/22/M/J/14 at the points A and B. Find the [6] [Turn over 10 1 dy = ^2x + 1h2 . The curve passes through the point (4, 10). dx 9 A curve is such that (i) Find the equation of the curve. (ii) Find © UCLES 2014 [4] y ydx and hence evaluate y0 1.5 ydx . 0606/22/M/J/14 [5] 11 10 Two variables x and y are connected by the relationship y = Ab x , where A and b are constants. (i) Transform the relationship y = Ab x into a straight line form. An experiment was carried out measuring values of y for certain values of x. The values of ln y and x were plotted and a line of best fit was drawn. The graph is shown on the grid below. [2] ln y 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x –1 (ii) Use the graph to determine the value of A and the value of b, giving each to 1 significant figure. [4] (iii) Find x when y = 220. © UCLES 2014 [2] 0606/22/M/J/14 [Turn over 12 11 The functions f and g are defined, for real values of x greater than 2, by f (x) = 2 x - 1, g (x) = x ^x + 1h. (i) State the range of f. [1] (ii) Find an expression for f -1 (x) , stating its domain and range. [4] © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 13 (iii) Find an expression for gf (x) and explain why the equation gf (x) = 0 has no solutions. © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 [4] [Turn over 14 12 A curve has equation y = x 3 - 9x 2 + 24x . dy H 0. dx (i) Find the set of values of x for which The normal to the curve at the point on the curve where x = 3 cuts the y-axis at the point P. (ii) Find the equation of the normal and the coordinates of P. © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 [4] [5] 15 BLANK PAGE © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14 16 BLANK PAGE Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonableefforthasbeenmadebythepublisher(UCLES)totracecopyrightholders,butifanyitemsrequiringclearancehaveunwittinglybeenincluded,the publisherwillbepleasedtomakeamendsattheearliestpossibleopportunity. CambridgeInternationalExaminationsispartoftheCambridgeAssessmentGroup.CambridgeAssessmentisthebrandnameofUniversityofCambridgeLocal ExaminationsSyndicate(UCLES),whichisitselfadepartmentoftheUniversityofCambridge. © UCLES 2014 0606/22/M/J/14