w w ap eP m e tr .X w om .c s er IGCSE MATHEMATICS (0581) COURSEWORK TRAINING HANDBOOK © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2007 [BLANK PAGE] 2 Contents Introduction 1 Setting Coursework Assignments 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 Administration of Coursework 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 Preparation for Successful Completion of Coursework Choosing the Coursework Assignment In the Classroom Controlled Elements Scheme of Assessment 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 What are the Advantages of Coursework? Guidelines for Setting Coursework Assignments Examples of Coursework Assignments Guidance in Using the Scheme of Assessment Overall Design and Strategy Mathematical Content Accuracy Clarity of Argument and Presentation Controlled Element Specimen Coursework Assignments 4.1 4.2 Marked Assignments Unmarked Assignments APPENDIX A: Application for Accreditation and Assessment Forms 3 Introduction The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an examination designed for a wide ability range. It is a single system of examining which provides opportunities for candidates of lower ability to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding whilst at the same time providing challenge to stimulate and stretch the more able. To achieve this Mathematics is offered at two levels, referred to in the syllabus as the Core curriculum and the Extended curriculum. As the names imply, candidates studying the Extended curriculum cover all of the Core curriculum and a set of supplementary topics. Much of the supplementary work extends topics met at the Core level, although some is new. The examination on the Extended curriculum is intended for mathematically able candidates who are likely to proceed to further study in Mathematics or other related subjects. The examination on the Core curriculum is intended to recognise achievement in areas of Mathematics likely to be relevant to everyday life and employment. An eight-point scale of grades is awarded: grades A*, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Grades A* to E are available to candidates studying the Extended curriculum and grades C to G are available to candidates studying the Core curriculum. Those candidates failing to reach the required standard for Grade E on the Extended curriculum or Grade G on the Core curriculum will be ungraded. It is, therefore, important that candidates are entered at the appropriate level for their ability. The abilities to be assessed in the IGCSE Mathematics examination are listed on page 2 of the Syllabus for Mathematics 0580/0581 and are not repeated here. They cover a single assessment objective, technique with application. The emphasis in this examination is on positive achievement, so evidence of mastery of most skills associated with each particular grade will be required for the award of that grade. The examination will measure achievement in absolute (criterion referenced) terms, rather than by relating to the performance of other candidates. The objectives should therefore be clearer for those who teach and those who follow the examination course. Two examination papers are set at each of the Core and Extended levels. The first contains short-answer questions and the second contains structured questions. A Coursework option at each level is also available. Candidates may be entered for either Syllabus 0580 (without Coursework) or Syllabus 0581 (with Coursework). For both these specifications the written papers are identical; the weighting of individual components, however, is different. Details of weightings are listed on pages 3 and 4 of the Syllabus for Mathematics 0580/0581. It is worth noting that the award rules are such that a candidate’s Coursework grade cannot lower his or her overall result. This means that candidates entering for Syllabus 0581 (with Coursework) are graded on their written papers together with Coursework and then graded again on their written papers alone (as with Syllabus 0580). The higher of the two grades is then awarded. The following sections of this handbook focus on the Coursework component and provide the training necessary for teachers to set, manage and assess this aspect. In addition to this Coursework Training Handbook CIE has developed a book Teaching and Assessing Skills in Mathematics. It is published by Cambridge University Press in the series Cambridge Professional Development for Teachers. It is strongly recommended that you 4 read this book before completing this Handbook. The book can be ordered from CIE (via the Publications Catalogue) or the publisher. 5 1 Setting Coursework Assignments 1.1 WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF COURSEWORK? The Coursework component exists to provide candidates with an additional opportunity to show their ability in Mathematics. This is especially valuable where an extended piece of work can demonstrate ability more fully than an answer to a written question. Coursework should aid development of the ability to solve problems, to use mathematics in a practical way, to work independently, to apply mathematics across the curriculum, and if suitable assignments are selected, it should enhance interest in, and enjoyment of, the subject. It is recommended that Coursework Assignments form an integral part of all IGCSE Mathematics courses. Whether some of this Coursework should be submitted for assessment, or not, is a matter for the teacher and the candidate to decide. 1.2 GUIDELINES FOR SETTING COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Coursework Assignments fall into two main categories: a mathematical investigation and an application of mathematics. Both require a relatively structured approach. The mathematical investigation will involve generalising a solution for a given open-ended situation and the application of mathematics will involve consideration of a complex problem, providing a solution, evaluating the work, recognising limitations and justifying valid improvements. When setting Coursework Assignments it is worth considering the following points: ● The assignment need not be lengthy or difficult. The important point is that the students achieve something positive in mathematical terms, and that they present their results intelligently. ● Mathematical investigations must be open-ended in order for students to pursue their own lines of enquiry. ● The Internet provides a wealth of data which can be usefully exploited. Be careful though not to allow students to spend so much time gathering information that the mathematical analysis is superficial. Give students a limited amount of time to collect their data. ● Students’ assignments must be assessed using the criteria set out in the Syllabus on pages 14 to 18. Before allowing students to engage in any work it is worthwhile working through the assignment yourself to ensure that it is possible to allocate the full range of marks in each strand for the work that students will complete. ● When setting Coursework Assignments keep the aims of this type of work in mind. Some of these are: ○ ○ ○ to develop mathematical thinking, including logical reasoning; to encourage discussion of mathematics; to develop initiative in pursuing their own line of enquiry; 6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ● 1.3 to use the mathematical skills they have learnt; to identify and collect necessary information; to formulate and interpret problems; to write about the mathematics they have produced. Above all remember that this is a mathematical assignment and emphasis must be placed on mathematical content. High level techniques used correctly and appropriately bring high marks. EXAMPLES OF COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENTS How Many? There are 20 squares in this design. How many squares are there in the design below? Extend your investigation, making clear the rules and methods that you use. This task allows candidates entered at both levels to score well against the assessment criteria. It meets all of the relevant points given above in setting a good task. A likely development of the task is given below. It is fairly straightforward to draw a sequence of rectangles (3 by 1, 3 by 2, 3 by 3, etc.) and count the number of squares. This leads to a sequence which can be examined to give an algebraic rule connecting the number of squares to the number of columns for a rectangle with 3 rows. At this point a candidate entered at the Extended level would score 1 mark in each of the first 4 strands provided that a systematic approach has been adopted and a suitable commentary on the work is given linking diagrams to tables and explaining how the generalisation (nth term of the sequence) is found. The next step is then up to the candidate to extend the investigation further - perhaps considering sequences of rectangles with 4, 5 and 6 rows, each sequence providing a new rule. Again, provided that the candidate describes the work completed and summarises each section, a mark of 2 in each strand can be awarded at the Extended level. If this candidate now goes on to link each of the rules together to find a rule which gives the number of squares in an (n by m) rectangle then 3 marks can be awarded in each strand. 7 For 4 marks it would be expected that the candidate produces a more complex generalisation, such as that obtained by considering the number of cubes within a bigger cube, or cuboids within a bigger cuboid. Connect 4 The game Connect 4 is a very popular one with all age groups. As shown in the diagram above, there are 6 rows and 7 columns in a Connect 4 game. This is a game for two players who take turns to drop their own coloured counters into the Connect 4 framework. The counter drops vertically down the column in which it is placed, and as far down as possible. The final position of each counter will of course depend upon how many others are already in that column. The winner is the first player to get 4 of their counters in a line; the line may be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. How many different winning lines of 4 counters are there in this game? Extend your investigation, making the rules and methods clear. This game usually provides a lot of interest and it is straightforward to count the number of winning lines. Once candidates have understood the game, sequences of numbers can be generated and rules found for specific grid sizes. The usual development is a rule which gives the number of winning lines of length L on a grid of size (p x q). 8 Farmer’s Field A farmer has 1000 metres of fencing. The fencing is to be used to enclose the largest piece of land possible. The perimeter must be exactly 1000 metres. Investigate the different shapes the farmer can consider and advise which will give the largest area. This investigation is accessible to all candidates and provides the opportunity for the most able to explore the concept of limiting values. Garden You are asked to provide a design for a new garden. Your submission should include a scale drawing and the total cost of materials used. This practical application of mathematics gives candidates of all abilities the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a number of topic areas. It requires research into what features might be included and provides many choices for candidates to make, stimulating interest and engaging them in mathematics. The task brings together a whole range of topics from accurate drawing to trigonometry in three dimensions. Rich World, Poor World Hypothesis: European countries are wealthier than African countries. Write one, or more, hypotheses to compare aspects of life in two different regions. Use appropriate data and techniques to test your hypotheses, planning and specifying your methods carefully. For Centres with access to the Internet this task provides a very good basis for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and use of statistical techniques. Experience shows that it allows candidates to score well against the assessment criteria. At the lowest level a candidate may record some data for European and African countries, for example Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - which is a measure of the wealth of a country. They may have drawn a graph or calculated the mean and made some comment based on their data. At this point a candidate entered at the Core level would score 1 mark in each of the first 4 strands. 9 For a mark of 2 across all strands (at the Core level) a candidate would have to write one or more hypothesis and produce a clear plan, stating what statistical techniques are to be used to analyse the data. The plan should then be followed with a commentary linking the various techniques and summarising the results. Techniques of grade F or above are expected, for example calculating the mean and range from a set of discrete data, interpreting simple graphs. Note that drawing pictograms or bar charts, finding the mode and median for a small set of discrete data without interpreting these are grade G techniques. Candidates entered at the Core level who research two or more hypotheses and compare the results (for example, considering GDP as one measure of wealth and life expectancy as another) would score 3 marks provided that they use at least two different grade E, or higher, techniques to analyse and comment on the data. For example pie charts and scatter diagrams. There should be little redundancy in the calculations used to gain this mark. For a mark of 4 across all strands (at the Core level) a candidate would be expected to be using correct statistical terms in his or her plan, for example, ‘I am going to investigate whether there is a negative correlation between GDP and death rate’. The write-up should have a clear structure drawing together all components of the task. Techniques of at least grade C should be employed to analyse the data, for example, comparing means from grouped data, describing the strength and type of correlation, using a line of best fit and drawing a frequency polygon for grouped data. Candidates should evaluate the task showing an appreciation of the limitations of their data and the implications to their findings - how do the findings relate to the whole population? At Extended level for a mark of 4 across all strands a candidate would be expected to plan a task with an over-arching hypothesis, breaking this down into 3 or more subtasks, analysing the data using grade B, or better, techniques (for example, cumulative frequency or histograms with unequal intervals) and provide a sophisticated evaluation, justifying valid improvements. Gulliver’s Problem “... they measured my right thumb, and desired no more; for a mathematical computation that twice round my thumb is once round the wrist and so on to the neck and the waist...” [extract from Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift] Test Gulliver’s theory that twice the distance round a thumb is the same as the distance around that person’s wrist. This statistical task is accessible to all candidates. The collection of data is often completed as a group exercise across the school (and perhaps in conjunction with a neighbouring school). The data is usually sorted by age and gender and the analysis provides a mathematically rich practical application. 10 2 Administration of Coursework 2.1 PREPARATION FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF COURSEWORK Students will be successful with Coursework Assignments if they are taught how to complete them. This involves making problem solving and investigational work an integral part of the scheme of work for all year groups in the school. Additionally, students need to be taught how to meet the assessment criteria; what they need to include in their write-up and how the write-up should be structured. In order to achieve this it is important that all teachers in a department are able to adapt their teaching methods to facilitate the different style of teaching necessary. Teachers need to be given regular opportunities for feedback and evaluation so that problems can be shared. This is particularly important if there are any non-specialists working in the department. When several teachers in a Centre are involved in assessing Coursework Assignments for submission as part of the IGCSE examination, arrangements must be made within the Centre for all candidates to be assessed to a common standard. When a teacher has assessed the work from his or her class, it is usual to select about 5 scripts and for the other teachers to re-assess this work. Discussion about the marks awarded can then take place and a common standard agreed. Each teacher should then modify the marks already awarded to their class in the light of discussions. 2.2 CHOOSING THE COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT This relies on a teacher’s knowledge of the students’ ability. Choose assignments that students will be interested in and can engage with. Be prepared for some surprises though. It is often the case that students will exceed expectations given the independence and freedom this type of work allows. When an appropriate assignment has been chosen work through the assessment criteria in the same way as How Many? and Rich World, Poor World have been described above. The best Centres generate a marking guide which indicates what is expected for each mark in the first 4 strands. This helps to ensure consistency of marking and enables a teacher to know how well each candidate is doing as he or she completes the assignment. Centres often offer a choice of assignments to candidates. In this case an initial discussion with the teacher is beneficial and, indeed, often essential. Plan for this. If a statistical assignment is chosen which requires the collection of data, allow adequate time for candidates to do this. The data collection counts for few marks but often requires the most time. Teachers in some Centres generate their own database of information from which candidates can select the information they require. This speeds the process enormously and allows candidates to concentrate on the most important part of the assignment, the analysis. When planning which assignments to offer it is a good idea to make a note of the equipment likely to be needed. Ensure that this is available in the classroom for students; it might include different types of paper (lined, squared, graph, isometric, etc). 11 Experience shows that students who encounter coursework for the first time as an IGCSE assignment do not score well against the criteria. Students often need help in producing a systematic analysis of a problem. This is particularly apparent with a mathematical investigation where students must show a clear, well structured path to obtain a generalisation. Students who have experienced short mathematical assignments throughout their time at school know what they must do to meet the assessment criteria and are therefore at a distinct advantage. Before starting assignments with groups of students it is good practice to inform parents that this work is going to be completed over the next few weeks and that there is a deadline for handing in work. In this way issues such as ‘what happens if a student is absent for part or all of the time’ can be dealt with beforehand. 2.3 IN THE CLASSROOM Students need not work in isolation on the assignment. The important point is that the writeup needs to be completed individually. Try working in small groups when the assignment is first discussed. Manipulate the groups so that one student does not do all the work; this may mean that some students work alone whilst others work in a group. Encourage discussion (provided it is relevant). Watch for conscientious students spending too much time on the assignment, both in class and as homework. Remember that they may well have project work in several other subjects as well. Notwithstanding the comments above, stand back as much as possible. Part of the value of this type of work is for the students to make their own mistakes and pursue ideas up blind alleys; to arrive at a conclusion by a roundabout route. Restrict the amount of guidance you give whilst students are completing their assignments. For example, in a mathematical investigation students often want to know if a generalisation is correct. This is best answered by asking the student to check his or her generalisation by showing that further examples fit the pattern or to show that it must be true by examining the mathematical structure of the work. Be considerate to other teachers in the school, for example when an assignment involves going out of the classroom to collect data (measuring, conducting opinion polls, surveying). Plan for students to be able to access information, either in the library or from the Internet. Some students may wish to use a computer as their work progresses. This is to be encouraged, but they must realise that their work will be assessed on personal input, and not on what the computer does for them. For example, statistical diagrams can be drawn easily by a computer programme, but marks are awarded for the appropriateness of the diagram and the written analysis, not for the ability to draw the diagram. Students often find that the most demanding part of any assignment is presenting their conclusions in an intelligible form. This can only be achieved well with practice and relates to the point made earlier about completing assignments as an integral part of the mathematics studied throughout school. A good Coursework Assignment is normally between 8 and 15 sides of A4 paper in length. These figures are only for guidance; the write-up for an assignment involving an application of mathematics may need to be longer in order to present all the findings properly. 12 The time spent on a Coursework Assignment will vary, according to the candidate. As a rough guide, between 10 and 20 hours would seem reasonable. A final point to make here is that the write-up must show evidence of investigation by the student, and must be his or her personal effort. Worksheets which include a high degree of teacher direction are therefore inappropriate. 2.4 CONTROLLED ELEMENTS If all the candidates in the class have completed the same Coursework Assignment then a written test is a suitable form of controlled element. It should last for between 30 and 45 minutes. Each candidate should complete the test without assistance, and it should test all the aspects of the task that the teacher hopes his or her students have learned. The level of difficulty must also be appropriate and this will probably be different for some students in the class. Written tests are most revealing if given a week or so after the completion of the assignment, when ideas have had time to settle but should not have been forgotten. If the candidates have been working on a series of different tasks, then a written summary of the Coursework Assignment may be preferred. This need not be more than one A4 page, but should be completed under supervised conditions without access to books or notes. An oral exchange is a very good controlled element. The ability to respond orally to mathematical questions, and to discuss mathematical ideas is an important skill. It is, however, time-consuming and demanding on the teacher, who must be ready with plenty of questions and prompts and yet (like a television interviewer) allow the candidate to do the bulk of the talking. No more than five minutes with each candidate is necessary, unless the candidate is very hesitant. [For external moderation purposes notes should be kept of the interview and submitted alongside the candidate’s work.] A parallel task should be completed under supervision, without help, and should be of such a length that it can be completed in 30 to 45 minutes. It should involve, and assess, the same mathematics as that involved in the main Coursework Assignment. For example, the controlled element for a mathematical investigation might involve finding the nth-term of a sequence, whilst the controlled element for an application of mathematics might involve trigonometry. 13 3 Scheme of Assessment The Scheme of Assessment for Coursework Assignments is divided into 5 strands: Overall Design and Strategy; Mathematical Content; Accuracy; Clarity of Argument and Presentation; Controlled Element. In each strand there is a maximum of 4 marks available, awarded on a five-point scale: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The Coursework Assignment is, therefore, marked out of 20. The marks submitted for each candidate will be scaled by CIE to a weighting of 20% of the total marks available for the examination. Participating schools will be provided with appropriate forms on which to enter the marks for Coursework Assignments. Alternatively, the forms can be photocopied from the Syllabus. Change to a candidate’s level of entry (from Extended to Core or vice versa) may be made in some cases. Coursework Assignments already completed and assessed by the teacher must be re-assessed at the new level before moderation. When a candidate transfers from the Core level to the Extended level, opportunity must be given for the candidate to extend his or her assignment and show competence at the higher level of mathematics. The next five pages contain the detailed criteria for the assessment of Coursework. The criteria are couched in general terms so as to be relevant to as many different types of work as possible. 3.1 GUIDANCE IN USING THE SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT It is important that students outline their own strategy and do not try to answer a question posed without explaining what they are doing (and more importantly why they have chosen a particular line of enquiry). Mathematics must be overt with a commentary to link the tables, calculations, diagrams or derivation of algebraic formulae together, without this very few marks will be scored. Initially you must consider the mathematics employed. If it is low level, then the outcome must be a low mark irrespective of the neatness and clarity of the written work. When marking ask yourself the following questions: Overall Design and Strategy -- Has the student summarised the task so that you know what it is about? Is there a clear strategy for working on the task? Has the student followed the plan and produced generalisations? Has the student extended the task in their own way? Mathematical Content and Accuracy -- These strands are linked and usually have the same mark - the mark for Accuracy will rarely exceed the mark for Mathematical Content. What is the level of mathematics in the task? For example, at Extended level, grade E techniques would be synonymous with a mark of 1 and grade A or B techniques with a mark of 4; at Core level, grade F techniques would be synonymous with a mark of 1. Clarity of Argument and Presentation -- Has the student linked the work together with a commentary explaining the processes used? Is the interpretation correct? Are algebraic statements correctly derived? Has the student outlined the limitations of the solution? 14 3.2 OVERALL DESIGN AND STRATEGY Assessment Criteria Much help has been received. No apparent attempt has been made to plan the work. Core Extended 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 Help has been received from the teacher, the peer group or a prescriptive worksheet. Little independent work has been done. Some attempt has been made to solve the problem, but only at a simple level. The work is poorly organised, showing little overall plan. Some help has been received from the teacher or the peer group. A strategy has been outlined and an attempt made to follow it. A routine approach, with little evidence of the student’s own ideas being used. The work has been satisfactorily carried out, with some evidence of forward planning. Appropriate techniques have been used; although some of these may have been suggested by others, the development and use of them is the student’s own. The work is well planned and organised. The student has worked independently, devising and using techniques appropriate ot the task. The student is aware of the wider implications of the task and has attempted to extend it. The outcome of the task is clearly explained. The work is methodical and follows a flexible strategy to cope with unforeseen problems. The student has worked independently, the only assistance received being from reference books or by asking questions arising from the student’s own ideas. The problem is solved, with generalisations where appropriate. The task has been extended and the student has demonstrated the wider implications. 15 3.3 MATHEMATICAL CONTENT Assessment Criteria Little or no evidence of any mathematical activity. The work is very largely descriptive or pictorial. A few concepts and methods relevant to the task have been employed, but in a superficial and repetitive manner. A sufficient range of mathematical concepts which meet the basic needs of the task has been employed. More advanced mathematical methods may have been attempted, but not necessarily appropriately or successfully. The concepts and methods usually associated with the task have been used, and the student has shown competence in using them. Core The student has used a wide range of Core syllabus mathematics competently and relevantly, plus some mathematics from beyond the Core syllabus. Extended The student has developed the topic mathematically beyond the usual and obvious. Mathematical explanations are concise. Core Extended 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 A substantial amount of work, involving a wide range of mathematical ideas and methods of Extended level standard or beyond. The student has employed, relevantly, some concepts and methods not usually associated with the task in hand. Some mathematical originality has been shown. 16 3.4 ACCURACY Assessment Criteria Very few calculations have been carried out, and errors have been made in these. Core Extended 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 or 4* Diagrams and tables are poor and mostly inaccurate. Either correct work on limited mathematical content or calculations performed on a range of Core syllabus topics with some errors. Diagrams and tables are adequate, but units are often omitted or incorrect. Calculations have been performed on all Core syllabus topics relevant to the task, with only occasional slips. Diagrams are neat and accurate, but routine; and tables contain information with few errors. The student has shown some idea of the appropriate degree of accuracy for the data used. Units are used correctly. All the measurements and calculations associated with the task have been completed accurately. The student has shown an understanding of magnitude and degree of accuracy when making measurements or performing calculations. Accurate diagrams are included, which support the written work. Careful, accurate and relevant work throughout. This includes, where appropriate, computation, manipulation, construction and measurement with correct units. Accurate diagrams are included which positively enhance the work, and support the development of the argument. The degree of accuracy is always correct and appropriate. *According to the mark for mathematical content. 17 3.5 CLARITY OF ARGUMENT AND PRESENTATION Assessment Criteria Haphazard organisation of work, which is difficult to follow. A series of disconnected short pieces of work. Little or no attempt to summarise the results. Core Extended 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 Poorly presented work, lacking logical development. Undue emphasis is given to minor aspects of the task, whilst important aspects are not given adequate attention. The work is presented in the order in which it happened to be completed; no attempt is made to re-organise it into a logical order. Adequate presentation which can be followed with some effort. A reasonable summary of the work completed is given, though with some lack of clarity and/or faults of emphasis. The student has made some attempt to organise the work into a logical order. A satisfactory standard of presentation has been achieved. The work has been arranged in a logical order. Adequate justification has been given for any generalisations made. The summary is clear, but the student has found some difficulty in linking the various different parts of the task together. The presentation is clear, using written, diagrammatic and graphical methods as and when appropriate. Conclusions and generalisations are supported by reasoned statements which refer back to results obtained in the main body of the work. Disparate parts of the task have been brought together in a competent summary. The work is clearly expressed and easy to follow. Mathematical and written language has been used to present the argument; good use has been made of symbolic, graphical and diagrammatic evidence in support. The summary is clear and concise, with reference to the original aims; there are also good suggestions of ways in which the work might be extended, or applied in other areas. 18 3.6 CONTROLLED ELEMENT Assessment Criteria Core Extended 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 Little or no evidence of understanding the problem. Unable to communicate any sense of having learned something by undertaking the original task. Able to reproduce a few of the basic skills associated with the task, but needs considerable prompting to get beyond this. Can answer most of the questions correctly in a straightforward test on the project. Can answer questions about the problem and the methods used in its solution. Can discuss or write about the problem, in some detail. Shows competence in the mathematical methods used in the work. Little or no evidence of having thought about possible extensions to the work or the application of methods to different situations. Can talk or write fluently about the problem and its solution. 4 Has ideas for the extension of the problem, and the applicability of the methods used in its solution to different situations. *Dependent on the complexity of the problem and the quality of the ideas. 3 or 4* 19 4 Specimen Coursework Assignments The following specimen Coursework Assignments are included in this section. Assignments 1 – 5 have been assessed and a commentary is provided for each one. The remaining four Assignments are included for you to assess. The marks for these four pieces of work and comments as to why each of the marks has been awarded should be submitted for accreditation purposes. Please write your comments and marks on the mark sheets provided in appendix one and return it to CIE (see appendix A). Assignment Level Title 1 Extended Diagonals 2 Extended Number Grid 3 Core Noughts and Crosses 4 Extended Estimation 5 Core Designing a Swimming Pool 6 Extended Anyone for T 7 Extended Weekly Exercise 8 Core Mystic Rose 9 Core Probability 20 4.1 MARKED ASSIGNMENTS Assignment 1 DIAGONALS EXTENDED LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Assignment 1 Commentary and Marks The work starts without introduction and launches straight into drawing diagrams and collecting the results in tables. The work is systematic and the candidate considers rectangles with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 rows. On page 4 the candidate starts to analyse the sequences of numbers generated (confusing columns with rows in the notation). The candidate gives a generalisation in words ‘... the results are simply added by one’ and tests this on a new example which has not been used to generate the rule. On page 5 the candidate writes down an algebraic formula for the rule (note the confusion with rows and columns). This rule simply appears without explanation or derivation. The candidate then checks this rule with further examples. The work is extended into 3 dimensions, starting on page 7. Again the work is systematic and results are recorded in tables. The candidate explains that a diagnoal line through the cuboid is too complicated so that a diagnoal line across the surface of the cuboid will be considered. On page 10 the candidate notes that the results for the extension will be similar to those for the original 2 dimensional investigation and tries to spot a connection without success. Classification of Assessment Comments Mark The work is structured with a minimal linking commentary. Appropriate techniques have been used and an attempt to extend the task has been made. The extension, however, is essentially the same as the original task. 2 The candidate understands what is needed, but formulae simply appear and are tested. There is no evidence to suggest competence in moving from a sequence to an algebraic rule. 1 Diagrams are neat and accurate. Tests on formulae are appropriate (not using data already generated) and correct. 1 Clarity of argument and Adequate presentation is give and work is presentation summarised throughout. No justification is given for formulae written down. 1 Overall design and strategy Mathematical content Accuracy Controlled element The candidate shows understanding and can answer some basic questions, but has problems applying the ideas in a new situation. 2 TOTAL 7 GRADE E 36 Assignment 2 NUMBER GRID EXTENDED LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Assignment 2 Commentary and Marks The candidate sets out the problem and starts by examining a rule involving a 2 × 2 square on a larger 10 × 10 grid. The rule is justified in terms of algebra, although the precise link between the variable X and its position in the 2 x 2 square is not explained. The rule is then applied to a 3 × 3 square and a 4 × 4 square (each on a 10 × 10 grid) and similarly justified. By pattern spotting the candidate notices that there is a link between each of these cases and suggests the formula 10(N-1)2 on page 3. Note that N is not defined. The candidate then successfully checks this generalisation with a 5 × 5 square on a 10 × 10 grid. The problem is now extended to squares on a 9 × 9 grid. By page 6 a formula has been spotted which holds for this new size of grid. The formula is again checked with a 5 × 5 square. There is no attempt to link this with the previous formula. A further extension to the work using rectangles on a 10 × 10 grid is now investigated. The investigation is systematic and the candidate is able to spot a pattern from the results on page 9. Instead of introducing a variable grid size which would have introduced complex mathematics, the candidate now decides to investigate a cross shape on a 10 × 10 grid. This is essentially the same level of mathematics as previously seen. Classification of Assessment Comments Mark Overall design and The work is planned and well structured. The work has strategy been extended, although not to a level which would introduce more than a 2 variable formula. The outcome of each separate investigation is summarised. 3 Mathematical content Algebra is manipulated correctly to produce generalisations. The generalisations are not linked to produce a higher order formula. The candidate shows competence in using the appropriate mathematics. 3 Accuracy Variables are not defined, nevertheless the work is accurate and relevant, supporting the formulae obtained. 3 Clarity of argument The candidate explains the work and uses tables and and presentation diagrams appropriately. Adequate justification is given for developing individual rules which are linked together by pattern spotting. Reasoning is implicit rather than mathematical justification. 3 Controlled element The Centre opted for an oral exchange to assess this strand. The teacher commented that the candidate could explain the work and show how a formula could be found for variable sized square grids. 3 TOTAL 15 GRADE B 50 Assignment 3 NOUGHTS AND CROSSES CORE LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Assignment 3 Commentary and Marks The candidate sets out the problem of Noughts and Crosses and starts by systematically examining the number of winning lines on (3 × 3), (4 × 4) and (5 × 5) grids. The information is gathered in a table on page 2 and the candidate explains why the number of winning lines is 2n + 2. The candidate then extends the problem by considering the number of winning lines of 3 on (4 × 4) and (5 × 5) grids. The candidate considers the number of horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines separately. These results are drawn together in a table on page 6. A formula is found by pattern spotting which gives the number of winning lines of length 3 in an (n × n) grid. Classification of Assessment Comments Mark Overall design and strategy There is a systematic approach to collecting data. Appropriate techniques are employed and the candidate has extended the task. 4 Mathematical content The candidate shows competence in using methods which lead to algebraic generalisations. There is no manipulation of algebra. 3 Accurate diagrams and tables are shown which support the written work. n is defined implicitly in the tables. 3 Clarity of argument and The presentation is clear. Generalisations are presentation explained by relating the formulae obtained to the diagrams drawn. 4 Accuracy Controlled element Some of the more challenging questions are answered correctly whilst mistakes are made with the straightforward ones at the beginning of the written test. 2 TOTAL 16 GRADE C 61 Assignment 4 ESTIMATION EXTENDED LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Assignment 4 Commentary and Marks The candidate starts by outlining a plan to investigate whether the hypotheses ‘the older you are the better you are at estimating’ and ‘boy are better than girls at estimating’ are true. A random sample is taken from a large data set and the candidate dicusses some limitations of the investigation on page 2. After some discussion about how the mode, mean, range and standard deviation will help in the analysis, age related results are presented on pages 3 and 4. These are then discussed and a conclusion drawn that there is no link between age and the ability to make a good estimate. A further comparison between age and estimating the area of a rectangle is made through a scatter diagram. Correct use is made of statistical terms and there is little redundancy in techniques used. The candidate continues the task by considering the second hypothesis. Again the mode, mean, range and standard deviation are used to provide an initial analysis of the data. A cumulative frequency curve, together with the associated box and whisker plot is drawn to help compare the data. Correct conclusions are drawn. On pages 9 and 10 the candidate evaluates the work, outlining what improvements could be made and why these improvements would make a difference. Classification of Assessment Comments Mark Overall design and Two hypotheses are stated. The plan is well structured strategy and allows comparisons to be made across a number of areas. All aspects of the work are drawn together. Correct statistical terms are used throughout. Sampling is used with justification. 4 Mathematical content A range of techniques is used to analyse the data. At least two of these are grade B or better. The data is chosen so as to be representative of the population. Competence in using statistics is demonstrated. 4 Accuracy Results are generally correct and there is little redundancy in calculations used. Diagrams enhance the understanding and support the arguments used. 4 Clarity of argument The work is expressed clearly and results summarised and presentation so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn, relating them back to the original aims. The candidate understands the limitations of the strategy used and proposes improvements, saying why these improvements might be effective. 4 Controlled element The Centre opted for an oral exchange to assess this strand. The teacher commented that the candidate could explain the work well showing an appreciation of the significance to be placed on the conclusions. 4 TOTAL 20 GRADE A 73 Assignment 5 DESIGNING A SWIMMING POOL CORE LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Assignment 5 Commentary and Marks The candidate outlines a plan to tile a swimming pool, taking into account many aspects of the work to be completed. The first section of the work considers different tiling patterns, all using the same shape tile. The candidate suggests (on page 3) that, however the tiles are positioned, approximately the same number will be needed to cover a given area. Costs of different tiles are then listed on page 4. The candidate then shows how to work out the number of tiles needed to cover a specific area when grouting between tiles is not included. The next section of work explores formulae to work out the area covered by a tile and its grouting depending on whether one, two, three or four sides of the tile have grouting. All variables are defined. The candidate then repeats the calculation to find the number of tiles needed to cover a specific area when grouting is included. Two different shapes of swimming pool are then considered (cuboid and cylinder) and their nets sketched. No calculations are performed. Finally the candidate conducts a survey (with 11 people) to find out which of three tile types they prefer. The results are displayed in a bar chart. This is a case when some help from the teacher in designing the plan to follow would have helped enormously. There is very little mathematical calculation or accurate drawing in evidence. Classification of Assessment Comments Mark Overall design and The work is organised and the candidate has made an strategy attempt to follow the initial plan, but only at a simple level. 1 Mathematical content A simple general formula is found for the area of a tile and its grouting and the candidate demonstrates a knowledge of nets. This is not a sufficient range of mathematical concepts for this task. 1 Accuracy No accurate drawing, but accurate formulae produced. Units are used correctly. 1 Clarity of argument A satisfactory standard of presentation and order of and presentation work. Undue emphasis is placed on minor aspects of the task 1 Controlled element Competent in calculating area, including changing units. Mistakes made in substitution. 1 TOTAL 5 GRADE U 92 4.2 UNMARKED ASSIGNMENTS Assignment 6 Marks for this assignment should be submitted for accreditation purposes, using the forms in Appendix A. Note that there is no controlled element for this assignment so no marks can be allocated for the controlled element. ANYONE FOR T EXTENDED LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Assignment 7 Marks for this assignment should be submitted for accreditation purposes, using the forms in Appendix A. Note that there is no controlled element for this assignment so no marks can be allocated for the controlled element. WEEKLY EXERCISE EXTENDED LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Assignment 8 Marks for this assignment should be submitted for accreditation purposes, using the forms in Appendix A. MYSTIC ROSE CORE LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Assignment 9 Marks for this assignment should be submitted for accreditation purposes, using the forms in Appendix A. PROBABILITY CORE LEVEL IGCSE ASSIGNMENT 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 APPENDIX A: Application for Accreditation and Assessment Forms Teachers wishing to gain accreditation for the assessment of coursework should complete copies of the Individual Candidate Record Card for Assignments 6, 7, 8 and 9. The completed forms should be sent to the address below along with the Application for Accreditation Form: IGCSE Accreditation Co-ordinator PQAD Group University of Cambridge Examinations 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU United Kingdom Please allow between four and six weeks for CIE to assess the work that is submitted and to inform you of an outcome. Applicants will be informed of CIE’s decision regarding accreditation (the outcome) by post. This will take the form of a Certificate in instances where accreditation is awarded, or in the cases where accreditation cannot be awarded, a letter informing you of this. A report may also be enclosed which will give guidance in the cases of accreditation failure and feedback in the event that accreditation is awarded. It is not usual practice for CIE to inform teachers or centres of accreditation outcomes over the telephone or by e-mail. If accreditation is not awarded on one particular occasion this does not mean a teacher cannot continue to teach, it simply restricts their ability to mark the practical examination until accreditation is awarded. You may re-submit work for assessment as many times as is necessary for accreditation to be awarded. There is, however, a charge each time for doing so. If you have any further questions, please contact CIE. The address to which your queries should be sent is: Customer Services University of Cambridge International Examinations 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1223 553554 Fax:+44 1223 553558 E-mail: international@ucles.org.uk Website: www.cie.org.uk 143 APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION TO MARK COURSEWORK IN IGCSE MATHEMATICS (0581) Centre number Centre name Telephone Centre address Fax Name of teacher requesting accreditation Email address Enclosed with this application form are the following documents: Individual Candidate Record Cards completed for Assignments 6, 7, 8 and 9 I have marked coursework samples 6, 7, 8 and 9 using the information provided in the training handbook and my own professional judgement Signed Name (in block capitals) 144 MATHEMATICS Individual Candidate Record Card IGCSE 2007 Please read the instructions printed overleaf and the General Coursework Regulations before completing this form. Centre Number Centre Name June/November Candidate Number Candidate Name Teaching Group/Set 2 0 0 7 Title(s) of piece(s) of work: Classification of Assessment Use space below for Teacher’s comments Overall design and strategy (max 4) Mathematical content (max 4) Accuracy (max 4) Clarity of argument and presentation (max 4) Controlled element (max 4) Mark awarded TOTAL Mark to be transferred to Coursework Assessment Summary Form WMS329 (max 20) 0581/05&06/CW/S/07 145 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE RECORD CARDS 1. Complete the information at the head of the form. 2. Mark each item of Coursework for each candidate according to instructions given in the Syllabus and Training Manual. If a candidate submits two assignments they should first be assessed separately in each category. The assessments should then be combined by entering the higher of the two marks for each category in the ‘marks awarded’ column. 3. Enter marks and total marks in the appropriate spaces. Complete any other sections of the form required. 4. The column for teachers’ comments is to assist CIE’s moderation process and should include a reference to the marks awarded. Comments drawing attention to particular features of the work are especially valuable to the Moderator. 5. Ensure that the addition of marks is independently checked. 6. It is essential that the marks of candidates from different teaching groups within each Centre are moderated internally. This means that the marks awarded to all candidates within a Centre must be brought to a common standard by the teacher responsible for co-ordinating the internal assessment (i.e. the internal moderator), and a single valid and reliable set of marks should be produced which reflects the relative attainment of all the candidates in the Coursework component at the Centre. 7. Transfer the marks to the Coursework Assessment Summary Form in accordance with the instructions given on that document. 8. Retain all Individual Candidate Record Cards and Coursework which will be required for external moderation. Further detailed instructions about external moderation will be sent in late March of the year of the June Examination and in early October of the year of the November examination. See also the instructions on the Coursework Assessment Summary Form. Note: These Record Cards are to be used by teachers only for students who have undertaken Coursework as part of their IGCSE. 0581/05&06/CW/I/07 146