w w ap eP m e tr .X w om .c s er IMPORTANT NOTICES TO PRE-U CENTRES OFFERING MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Last updated March 2014 The information given below refers to the following syllabuses: 1342 French (Short Course) 9779 French (Principal Course) 1343 German (Short Course) 9780 German (Principal Course) 1344 Spanish (Short Course) 9781 Spanish (Principal Course) 1345 Russian (Short Course) 9782 Russian (Principal Course) 1346 Italian (Short Course) 9783 Italian (Principal Course) All syllabuses Syllabus for 2013 – 2015 The syllabus documents for both Short Course and Principal Course for 2013 – 2015 are available on the Cambridge International Examinations website www.cie.org.uk and on the Cambridge International Examinations Teacher Support Website. Syllabus for 2016 – 2018 The syllabus documents and specimen materials for both Short Course and Principal Course for 2016 – 2018 have been revised and updated. They are available now on the Cambridge International Examinations website www.cie.org.uk and on the Cambridge International Examinations Teacher Support Site. Principal and Short Courses Paper 2 (Listening material) The listening material continues to be provided in WAV format. When conducting Cambridge Pre-U Listening exams in the syllabuses above, you can, at your own risk, convert the listening CDs to mp3 files if this is more convenient for you and your candidates. You must not convert the CDs more than one working day before the relevant exam and must make sure the security of the exam is not affected in any way. We cannot take responsibility for any errors resulting from converting the CDs to mp3 files. Principal Courses Paper 4 (Topics and Texts) The list of topics and texts is updated every year. Please consult the syllabus document for further details. Please note: the focus, format and style of the questions remain unchanged.