w w ap eP m e tr .X w om .c s er Example Candidate Responses (Standards Booklet) Cambridge IGCSE® Art and Design (US) 0415/02 For examination from 2015 Cambridge Secondary 2 Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a Centre. ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2 Assessment at a glance ........................................................................................................ 3 Component 2 – Design-based assignment ........................................................................... 4 Sample question paper ..............................................................................................................................5 Assessment criteria.................................................................................................................................. 10 Example candidate responses ................................................................................................................. 12 Introduction Introduction The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) (syllabus 0415) to show how different levels of candidates’ performance relate to the subject’s assessment objectives (AOs). Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design comprises four components. In this booklet a range of candidate responses for Component 2 has been chosen to exemplify achievement levels given in the syllabus assessment criteria e.g. adequate, satisfactory, competent and so on. Separate Example Candidate Responses booklets are available for Components 1 and 3. For candidate responses for Component 4, please refer to the Coursework Training Handbook available on CD from www.cie.org.uk/cambridgefor/teachers/order-publications On the following pages, the questions and assessment criteria are followed by candidate examples. For each candidate the main piece and supporting studies are shown, followed by the marks awarded and an examiner comment on performance. Comments are given to indicate where and why marks were awarded, and how additional marks could have been obtained. In this way, it is possible to understand what candidates have done to gain their marks and what they still have to do to improve their grades. Past papers, examiner reports and other teacher support materials are available on Teacher Support at http://teachers.cie.org.uk 2 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Assessment at a glance Assessment at a glance All candidates take one of the following options: • • • Option A – Component 1 and Component 2 Option B – Component 1 and Component 3 Option C – Component 1 and Component 4 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 3 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Component 2 – Design-based assignment This component tests the candidate’s ability to research, analyse and develop ideas to a design brief, and to arrive at an appropriate solution. The work produced for this component should be creative and original and must address the particular design briefs that are outlined on the question paper. All question are for designs initially developed on paper; these can be continued to other media or three-dimensional structures. First-hand studies from primary sources must be used as the starting point for the development of ideas. There are two parts to this component: the supporting studies and the controlled test. Cambridge will assess both parts together and award a single holistic mark out of 100. Supporting studies In addition to the examination piece for Component 2, supporting studies should be submitted. During the preparatory period, candidates are required to produce their supporting studies in response to one question. They must bring this work to the start of the controlled eight-hour test, and these supporting studies must then remain with the controlled test work under secure conditions. Candidates should refer to this supporting work during the examination. Candidates cannot submit supporting studies after the start of the first session and they should not produce additional supporting studies during the controlled eight-hour test. Supporting studies must be submitted for external assessment together with the final examination work. Teachers may hand out the question paper upon receipt. There is no limit on the amount of preparatory time that candidates may have in order to prepare for the controlled test. However, teachers must be aware that candidates entering for Option A (Components 1 and 2) should receive both the question papers at the same time. Questions The questions act as starting points for the candidate’s focus of study, and all questions are broad and flexible. Candidates should support the examination piece with investigation, research, evaluation and development. The examination piece may be produced in any two- or three- dimensional medium or combination of media, including printmaking, textiles, lens-based media and new digital technology. Candidates may seek initial guidance regarding the selection of question and appropriate choice of materials and processes at the start of the preparatory period from their teacher. The candidate is advised to research and investigate ideas from first-hand studies of primary sources. 4 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Sample question paper ART AND DESIGN 0400/02 0415/02 Paper 2 Design-based assignment The question paper may be handed to candidates as soon as it is received. The examination can be scheduled at any time provided it is completed no later than 30 April for the June examination series and 31 October for the November examination series. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number, name and question number on the labels provided and attach each one to the top right-hand corner of the front of each sheet of paper. Answer one question. In addition to the controlled eight-hour test, up to two sheets (four sides) of A2 paper of supporting studies should be submitted. These supporting studies should be undertaken after receipt of this paper and prior to the controlled eight-hour test. The supporting studies will act as the candidates’ reference material which will inform their controlled eight-hour test. Supporting studies must be taken into the examination room and must be submitted for external assessment together with the final examination work. The submission will be assessed as a whole. At the end of the controlled test, place the work produced on top of the supporting studies and fasten all your work together in the top left-hand corner. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 5 Component 2 – Design-based assignment 6 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 7 Component 2 – Design-based assignment 8 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 9 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Assessment criteria 10 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 11 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Example candidate responses Question 6 – A costume for a dancer – Controlled test 12 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 13 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies continued 14 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Examiner comment Although the quality of the studies of costumes from different eras is of the highest calibre there is a lack of evidence of first-hand research which does place a limit on the achievement level in AO1. However, the development of the candidate’s own design is well documented both with highly accomplished drawings and explanatory notes. The examination work demonstrates highly accomplished abilities to express ideas visually with a confident and sensitive control of drawing media. The stylisation of the fashion illustration also demonstrates a sound knowledge of contemporary illustration of this genre. Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 17 18 19 19 18 91 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 15 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 7 – A pair of wall hangings or a mural – Controlled test 16 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 7 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 17 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 7 – Supporting studies continued 18 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 7 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment This mural design has been created using photo-collage. There is evidence of extensive research and exploration and the journey has been further documented with notes explaining the candidate’s thinking and evaluation (AO1, AO2 and AO5), all being rewarded with marks at an outstanding level. Although this is a highly accomplished personal and creative response, the final composition and quality of the photography are not of the same standard and therefore limits the overall achievement to the upper end of an excellent standard. Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 18 18 16 17 18 87 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 19 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Wrapping paper – Controlled test 20 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 21 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies continued 22 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies continued Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 23 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Examiner comment The research and production of this design has largely been done through photography and digital manipulation. Research of toys is extensive as are alternative backgrounds. The analysis and personal evaluation is perceptive and the final examination piece demonstrates excellent levels of knowledge and understanding in all the assessment domains. Marks awarded: 24 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 16 16 16 16 16 80 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 3 – Foods of your region – Controlled test Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 25 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 3 – Supporting studies 26 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 3 – Supporting studies continued Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 27 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 3 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment The research and investigation of food items and a person preparing them shows expertise in recording from direct observation through drawings, colour studies and personal photographs. The addition of written notes indicates expert personal evaluation and critical thinking. Unfortunately the development of the final poster, especially the integration of text and image is not of the same high standard, although overall this is a good example of a highly proficient level of achievement. Marks awarded: 28 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 16 16 15 15 16 78 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Labels for a selection of juices – Controlled test Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 29 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies 30 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies continued Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 31 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Examiner comment The controlled test piece has attempted to visualise the designs on the cartons and whilst this is a good idea, the ability to successfully render these in perspective is the weakest aspect of the work (AO3). The supporting studies including research studies and the exploration of ideas and design development are of a highly proficient and an excellent standard (AO1, AO2). Overall this reaches a level of proficiency. Marks awarded: 32 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 15 16 13 14 14 72 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Labels for a selection of juices – Controlled test Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 33 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies 34 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies continued Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 35 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Examiner comment This example meets all of the assessment objectives very evenly and to a competent level. Both images and text have been researched, and there is evidence that these have been manipulated as alternative ideas have been explored, evaluated and developed into well-balanced final designs which demonstrate that the problem-solving exercise set by the question has been resolved successfully. Marks awarded: 36 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 12 12 12 12 12 60 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Wrapping paper – Controlled test Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 37 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies 38 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment The strength of this example is seen in the controlled test piece in which the candidate has developed a competent repeat pattern (AO3), using subject matter collected in their initial research. However, this is based on secondary source material and as a consequence limits award of marks for AO1 to an adequate level. In all other aspects this reaches a satisfactory level of achievement. Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 8 10 12 11 10 51 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 39 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 8 – Vegetarian cafe design – Controlled test 40 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 8 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 41 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 8 – Supporting studies continued 42 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 8 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment It is quite clear that the final design has been developed from first-hand studies of vegetables. AO1 and AO2 have not been met to the same standard as the other assessment objectives as there is a lack of evidence of a range of research and exploration of alternative ideas including different typefaces. However the final design integrates both text and image into a well-balanced composition. Unfortunately the brief of working to a 3:1 format has been ignored, which would indicate a lack of evaluation and critical thought. Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 8 8 12 11 11 50 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 43 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Labels for a selection of juices – Controlled test 44 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 45 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 2 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment The strengths of this example can be seen in the detailed studies of bottles and fruit, AO1, as well as a range of media that has been applied in a controlled manner, AO4. The levels of exploration, personal development and presentation in the final designs are less successful, although the overall level of achievement is adequate. Marks awarded: 46 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 9 7 8 9 7 40 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – A costume for a dancer – Controlled test Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 47 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies 48 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies continued Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 49 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies continued 50 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies continued Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 8 8 8 7 6 37 Examiner comment Research, exploration and the ability to express ideas visually, AO1, AO2, AO3, are all of an adequate level. Unfortunately, there is little evidence of the development of any original designs (the studies are all copies of existing designs) and the final design has very little relationship to any of the supporting studies. Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 51 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – A costume for a dancer – Controlled test 52 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 53 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 6 – Supporting studies continued 54 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Examiner comment The strongest aspect of this submission is AO1 where adequate abilities in investigation and research from a variety of sources can be seen. Some attempt has been made to develop a design, and whilst the final design is shown from front and side views, the quality of illustration is weak. Marks awarded: AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 8 6 6 6 6 32 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 55 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Wrapping paper – Controlled test 56 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 57 Component 2 – Design-based assignment Question 4 – Supporting studies continued Examiner comment Some attempt has been made to research a number of toys through drawings AO1, and the arrangement of several toys would suggest that this has been done from first-hand observation. There is little evidence of exploration of alternative ideas or different repeat patterns. While the final design does repeat, the execution in pencil crayon is weak. There is some evidence of evaluation or personal qualities, AO5. Marks awarded: 58 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 TOTAL 6 5 6 5 6 28 Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design (US) 0415/02 Cambridge International Examinations 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1223 553554 Fax: +44 (0)1223 553558 Email: info@cie.org.uk www.cie.org.uk ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 v1 4Y04 *9571495036*