w w ap eP m e tr .X w 1 om .c s er Cambridge IGCSE American History (US) 0409 Resource list for teachers and learners (for examination from 2016) Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 The importance of primary sources ........................................................................................... 3 U.S. history: General: school textbooks ................................................................................ 4 U.S. history: General: primary sources ................................................................................. 6 U.S. history: General: visual primary sources ..................................................................... 11 U.S. history: General: website resources ............................................................................ 12 U.S. history: General – Native American history: primary sources ..................................... 13 U.S. history: General – Native American history: website resources ................................. 14 U.S. history: General – Asian American history: primary sources ...................................... 14 U.S. history: General – Women’s history: primary sources ................................................ 14 U.S. history: General – Women’s history: website resources ............................................. 15 U.S. history: Economic history: primary sources ................................................................ 15 U.S. history: Foreign affairs: primary sources ..................................................................... 16 U.S. history: Specific periods ................................................................................................... 16 1. Nineteenth century: website resources ........................................................................... 16 2. First half of the twentieth century: school textbooks ....................................................... 16 3. Twentieth century: primary sources ................................................................................ 17 Twentieth century: website resources ................................................................................. 17 4. First half of the twentieth century: primary sources ........................................................ 18 First half of the twentieth century: website resources ......................................................... 18 5. Second half of the twentieth century: primary sources ................................................... 18 Second half of the twentieth century: website resources .................................................... 19 U.S history: Individual topics ................................................................................................... 20 1. The American Revolution: primary sources .................................................................... 20 The American Revolution: website resources ..................................................................... 21 2. The Early Republic: primary sources ............................................................................. 23 The Early Republic: website resources ............................................................................... 23 V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 2 3. The war of 1812: website resources ............................................................................... 24 4. Slavery: primary sources ................................................................................................. 24 Slavery: DVDs ..................................................................................................................... 25 Slavery: website resources ................................................................................................. 25 6. The Civil War: primary sources ....................................................................................... 27 The Civil War: website resources ........................................................................................ 27 7. Reconstruction: primary sources..................................................................................... 29 Reconstruction: website resources ..................................................................................... 29 8. Territorial expansion and the West: school textbooks .................................................... 29 Territorial expansion and the West: primary sources .......................................................... 30 Territorial expansion and the West: website resources ...................................................... 30 9. Civil rights: primary sources ............................................................................................ 31 Civil rights: website resources ............................................................................................. 33 Civil rights: DVDs ................................................................................................................ 34 10. Immigration: website resources .................................................................................... 34 11. Nineteenth century economic development: website resources ................................... 35 12. 1920s: website resources ............................................................................................. 35 13. President F D Roosevelt and his era: primary sources................................................. 35 President F D Roosevelt and his era: website resources ................................................... 36 14. Post-war economic development: website resources ................................................... 36 15. The McCarthy era: primary sources .............................................................................. 37 16. The Cold War: primary sources .................................................................................... 37 The Cold War: website resources ....................................................................................... 37 17. The 1960s: primary sources .......................................................................................... 38 The 1960s: website resources ............................................................................................ 39 18. President Kennedy: website resources ......................................................................... 39 19. Vietnam: primary sources ............................................................................................. 40 Vietnam: website resources ................................................................................................ 40 20. Watergate: website resources ....................................................................................... 40 21. President Reagan: website resources .......................................................................... 41 Using primary sources in the classroom: textbooks ................................................................ 42 Using primary sources in the classroom: online guidance for teachers .................................. 42 Effective History teaching at IGCSE level: online guidance for teachers ................................ 42 V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 3 Introduction There is no shortage of material available to teachers and learners for a course in the history of the U.S.A. The lists here identify three types of resources that can be harder to find: • IGCSE textbooks using activities and resources • printed and online collections of primary sources (texts) • website resources (URLs) for a variety of primary sources (visual) All of the books are paperbacks, currently in print, and available from online sources such as www.amazon.com No books or websites are endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations. This list illustrates the wealth of material that can be found, especially online. It is not definitive and must always be a work in progress. For future editions, Cambridge International Examinations would welcome information about good additional items – an online discussion forum is available at http://teachers.cie.org.uk/login. The importance of primary sources Teachers are reminded of the importance of primary sources in this Cambridge IGCSE American History course. Beyond ordinary use in class to illustrate subjects and help discussions, the chosen topic for Component 2 (Defining Moments) needs to be taught using relevant primary source material as much as possible. Learners need to feel at home with historical evidence, to be familiar with modes of speech/writing of the time, to be able to understand it in context and to absorb from it the ideas and attitudes as well as the issues of the time. Alongside this, learners need to be taught skills in source analysis: • appreciating the nature, origin and purpose of the different types of historical evidence (textual, visual) available for the set topic, and • assessing the strengths and weaknesses, the importance and the value of the different types of historical evidence (textual, visual) available for the set topic. Each learner must be able to do more than go through sources for information, or use them merely for reference. Learners must be able to interpret what the sources say (and do not say), to interrogate them and to analyse and evaluate them, if they are to be able to construct good historical accounts. In this way, learners will be so familiar with the various types of evidence available for their Component 2 topic that they can cope comfortably with the unseen sources (textual, visual) in the examination paper Insert. Teachers will thus need to select an appropriate range of primary evidence through which to teach their chosen Component 2 topic. The use of primary sources goes beyond the requirements of Component 2. As History in the raw, teachers are encouraged to use primary sources in teaching the entire course. V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 4 U.S. history: General: school textbooks Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Modern America: The USA 1865 to the Present de Pennington J 2005 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description America: Pathways to the Present Cayton A, Perry E, Reed L and Winkler A 2005 9780719577444 Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc. (SHP Advanced History Core Texts series) Brief description Excellent one volume textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Additional Aimed for 17 and 18-year olds but its approach is appropriate for notes Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. Audience Teachers and learners Additional notes Audience Title 9780131815476 Pearson Prentice Hall A comprehensive one volume textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Used in American High Schools and appropriate for Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. Teachers and learners The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society Volume One: To 1877 Nash G et al 2010 Author Publication year ISBN 9780205805396 Publisher Pearson Longman Brief description A comprehensive and engaging textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Additional Aimed at 17 and 18-year olds but its approach is appropriate for notes Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. There is also a study guide to accompany this text. Audience Teachers and learners Title The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society Volume Two: Since 1865 Nash G et al 2010 Author Publication year ISBN 9780205805389 Publisher Pearson Longman Brief description A comprehensive and engaging textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 5 Additional notes Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Aimed at 17 and 18-year olds but its approach is appropriate for Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. There is also a study guide to accompany this textbook. Teachers and learners American History: A Survey Volume I: To 1877 Brinkley A 2011 9780077379506 th McGraw Hill 14 edition A comprehensive and well set-out textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Used in American High Schools and appropriate for Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. Teachers and learners American History: A Survey Volume I: Since 1865 Brinkley A 2011 9780077379490 th McGraw Hill 14 edition A comprehensive and well set-out textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Used in American High Schools and appropriate for Cambridge IGCSE American History learners. Teachers and learners United States 1776–1992 Murphy D, Cooper K and Waldron M 2001 9780007116218 HarperCollins Education (Flagship History series) Useful one volume textbook covering domestic and foreign affairs with timelines, diagrams, cartoons, maps, and a few primary sources. Aimed for 17 and 18-year olds but its coverage is thorough. Teachers and learners Title From Revolution to Reconstruction. A Hypertext on American History from the Colonial Period until Modern Times URL http://odur.let.rug.nl/%7Eusa/index.htm Brief description Created by the Department of Humanities Computing, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Additional The outline text is "enriched with hypertext links to relevant documents, notes original essays, and other Internet sites". Audience Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 6 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience An Introduction to American History 1860–1990 Farmer A and Sanders V 2002 9780340803264 Hodder & Stoughton (Access to History series) Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for discussion and practice. Teachers and learners Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The USA 1917–1980 Smith N 2000 9780199172498 Oxford University Press (Oxford History for GCSE) Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for discussion and practice. Teachers and learners U.S. history: General: primary sources Title The National Archives, Washington DC (homepage) URL www.archives.gov/ Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Additional Includes a section of Teachers' Resources. notes Audience Teachers and learners Title The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Primary Sources Collection (homepage) URL www.gilderlehrman.org/collections Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers and learners Title The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume I: 1492–1877 Author Binder F and Reimers D (editors) Publication year 2012 ISBN 9780840029508 th Publisher Houghton Mifflin 7 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume II: 1865–present Author Binder F and Reimers D (editors) Publication year 2012 ISBN 9780840029515 th Publisher Wadsworth 7 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 7 Title Major Problems in American History, Volume II: Since 1865: Documents and Essays Author Cobbs-Hoffman E, Blum E and Gjerde J Publication year 2011 ISBN 9781111343163 rd Publisher Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 3 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History Calloway C 2007 9780312653620 th Bedford St Martin’s 4 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Major Problems in Asian American History: Documents and Essays Daniels R, Kurashige L and Murray A (editors) 2003 9780618077342 Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents Davis T 2006 9780313311154 Greenwood Press (Major Issues in American History) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Audience Through Women's Eyes: An American History with Documents DuBois E and Dumenil L (editors) 2008 9780312468873 nd Bedford St Martin’s 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Title Author Publication Women's Rights in the United States: A Documentary History Fox V and Langley W (editors) 1994 V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 8 year ISBN Publisher 9780313287558 Greenwood Press (Primary Documents in American History and Contemporary Issues) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience American History Firsthand: Working with Primary Sources, Vol. 1 Frederick P and Jeffrey J 2007 9780205559923 nd Longman 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Includes facsimiles of the documents investigated. Teachers Title American History Firsthand: Working with Primary Sources, Vol. 2: Since 1865 Author Frederick P and Jeffrey J Publication year 2007 ISBN 9780205559930 nd Publisher Longman 2 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Additional Includes facsimiles of the documents investigated. notes Audience Teachers Title The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History 1775–1865 Grafton J (editor) 2000 Author Publication year ISBN 9780486411249 Publisher Dover Thrift Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Documents and Essays Hall K and Heubner T (editors) 2009 Author Publication year ISBN 9780618543335 nd Publisher Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 2 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 9 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Documents for America's History, Volume 1: To 1877 Henretta J and Yazawa M 2011 9780312648626 th Bedford St Martin’s 7 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Documents for America's History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Henretta J and Fernlund K (editors) 2011 9780312648633 th Bedford St Martin’s 7 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Great American Documents. The Landmark Documents Horton R (editor) 2010 9781847240057 Quercus Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Many of the documents are illustrated. Teachers Title Great American Documents: Volume 1, The (The Great American Documents) Author Motter R Publication year 2014 ISBN 9780374534530 Publisher Hill and Wang Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers and learners Title Major Problems in African American History, Vol. 1: From Slavery to Freedom, 1619–1877: Documents and Essays Author Holt T, Brown E and Paterson T (editors) Publication year 1999 ISBN 9780669249910 Publisher Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Author Major Problems in African American History, Vol. 2: From Freedom to “Freedom Now”, 1865–1990s: Documents and Essays Holt T, Brown E and Paterson T (editors) V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 10 Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience 2000 9780669462937 Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Major Problems in American Indian History: Documents and Essays Hurtado A, Iverson P and Paterson T (editors) 2000 9780618068548 nd Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Title Reading the American Past, Volume I: To 1877: Selected Historical Documents Author Johnson M (editor) Publication year 2008 ISBN 9780312459673 th Publisher Bedford St Martin’s 4 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Reading the American Past, Volume II: From 1865: Selected Historical Documents Author Johnson M (editor) Publication year 2008 ISBN 9780312459680 th Publisher Bedford St Martin’s 4 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience By America: The Documents that Shaped America U.S. Government 2008 9781453690758 CreateSpace Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Daily Life through American History in Primary Documents Miller R, Zeeman T, Sicius F and Girard J (editors) 2011 9781610690324 Greenwood Press Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 11 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems In American Women's History: Documents and Essays Norton M, Alexander M and Paterson T (editors) 2006 9780618719181 th Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History Series, 4 edition) Wide range of primary sources with critical survey. Teachers Title Keys to American History: Understanding Our Most Important Historic Documents Author Panchyk R (editor) Publication year 2009 ISBN 9781556528040 Publisher Chicago Review Press Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Patriot's History Reader: Essential Documents for Every American Schweikart L, Allen M and Dougherty D (editors) 2011 9781595230782 Sentinel Trade Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers U.S. history: General: visual primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Insights into American History: Photographs as Documents Levine R 2003 9780130480446 Prentice Hall Valuable and wide-ranging collection of photographs for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Title Reading American Photographs: Images As History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans Author Trachtenberg A Publication year 1990 ISBN 9780374522490 Publisher Hill & Wang Brief description Valuable and wide-ranging collection of photographs for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year Eyes of the Nation: A Visual History of the United States Virga V and Brinkley A 2004 V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 12 ISBN 9781593730352 Publisher Bunker Hill Publishing Brief description Valuable and wide-ranging collection of visual images for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers U.S. history: General: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience The Papers of the Presidents http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/presiden.asp From the Avalon Project, Yale Law School. Covers Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Andrew Jackson, Eisenhower, Clinton. Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the Library of Congress, Washington DC www.loc.gov/index.html Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the National Museum of American History, Washington DC http://americanhistory.si.edu/ Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the Smithsonian, Washington DC http://si.edu/ Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC www.npg.si.edu/ Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington DC http://americanart.si.edu/ Teachers and learners Title Home page of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History collection of podcast talks URL www.gilderlehrman.org/multimedia#15744 Brief description Wide range of valuable talks useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers and learners Title URL Audience Homepage of the New York Historical Society www.nyhistory.org/ Teachers and learners Title Hidden messages. The evolving art and design of the US flag URL www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15634606 Brief description Brief survey from BBC News November 2011. Look also at http://americanhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/default.aspx “The Star-Spangled Banner. The flag that inspired the National Anthem” – V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 13 Audience micro site created by The Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC. Teachers and learners U.S. history: General – Native American history: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History Calloway C 2007 9780312653620 th Bedford St Martin’s 4 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents Davis T 2006 9780313311154 Greenwood Press (Major Issues in American History) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Audience Major Problems in American Indian History: Documents and Essays Hurtado A, Iverson P and Paterson T (editors) 2000 9780618068548 nd Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Great Documents In American Indian History Moquin W and van Doren C (editors) 1995 9780306806599 De Capo Press Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents Perdue T and Green M (editors) 2004 9780312415990 Bedford St Martin’s (Bedford Series in History & Culture) Useful collection of primary sources. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 14 U.S. history: General – Native American history: website resources Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Native Americans www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook12.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘American Independence’, from Fordham University History Department. Covers temperance and prohibition, Coolidge’s Inaugural 1925, flappers. Teachers National Museum of the American Indian http://nmai.si.edu/home/ Homepage of the National Museum of the American Indian, Washington DC Teachers and learners U.S. history: General – Asian American history: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in Asian American History: Documents and Essays Daniels R, Kurashige L and Murray A (editors) 2003 9780618077342 Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents Davis T 2006 9780313311154 Greenwood Press Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers U.S. history: General – Women’s history: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year Through Women's Eyes: An American History with Documents DuBois E and Dumenil L (editors) 2008 9780312468873 nd Bedford St Martin’s 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Women's Rights in the United States: A Documentary History Fox V and Langley W (editors) 1994 V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 15 ISBN Publisher 9780313287558 Greenwood Press (Primary Documents in American History and Contemporary Issues) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems In American Women's History: Documents and Essays Norton M, Alexander M and Paterson T (editors) 2006 9780618719181 th Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History Series, 4 edition) Wide range of primary sources with critical survey. Teachers Title The American Women's Movement, 1945–2000: A Brief History with Documents Author Maclean M Publication year 2008 ISBN 9780312448011 Publisher Bedford St Martin’s (The Bedford Series in History and Culture) Brief description Wide range of primary sources. Audience Teachers U.S. history: General – Women’s history: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Feminism www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook56.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘Modern Social Movements’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers U.S. history: Economic history: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The American Economic History Reader: Documents and Readings Malsberger J and Marshall J (editors) 2008 9780415962674 Routledge Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 16 U.S. history: Foreign affairs: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays Merrill D and Paterson T (editors) 2005 9780618376391 Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History, concise edition) Wide range of primary sources with supporting critical discussion. Teachers Title URL Brief description American Imperialism www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook34.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘Imperialism’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers Audience U.S. history: Specific periods 1. Nineteenth century: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Maturation of US Culture www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook29.asp Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers 2. First half of the twentieth century: school textbooks Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience A New Deal: America 1932–45 Brooman J 1987 9780582223752 th Longman (20 Century History series) Focus on exam skills. Well illustrated with some sources. Teachers and learners Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The USA 1917–41 Campbell I 1998 9780521568647 Cambridge University Press (Cambridge History Programme) Focus on exam skills. Uses a wide range of sources and vivid pictorial evidence. Teachers and learners Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Raising Grades in GCSE History: USA 1919–1941 Waugh S and Wright J 2007 9781850082286 Folens Focus on exam skills. Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 17 Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience discussion and practice. Includes notes for teachers, resources and activity sheets. Accompanying CD allows teachers to customise all the materials and create new worksheets. Teachers GCSE History: The USA 1919–1941 Wilkes A 2006 9781843038306 Folens Focus on exam skills. Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for discussion and practice. Accompanying CD has model questions and interactive whiteboard activities. Teachers and learners 3. Twentieth century: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Reading the Twentieth Century: Documents in American History Whisenhunt D 2009 9780742564770 Rowman & Littlefield Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Twentieth century: website resources Title Internal Change in America URL www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook48.asp Brief description Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Audience Teachers Title America as a World Leader URL www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook47.asp Brief description Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Audience Teachers th Title How legitimate it is to call the 20 century the American century? URL www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0054594 Brief description “How legitimate it is to call the 20th century the American century. Just how benevolent has America’s impact on the world been? How durable has American’s initial idealism proved to be? Have ideals of democracy and freedom been forged across the globe as a result of the American influence, or has American oppression made the bigger impact? Has America ignored its own inequalities whilst advocating democratic capitalism elsewhere? Can America still lay claim to the idealism which fired its founders, or has materialism, with its uncomfortable corollary deprivation, lain waste to those early ideals?” V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 18 Discussion in 1998 between Harry Evans, former editor of The Sunday Times and author of The American Century; John Lloyd, associate editor of The New Statesman and former Times correspondent in Moscow and East European Editor of the Financial Time; broadcast in the series ‘In Our Time’ on BBC Radio 4. Additional notes Total running time 45 minutes. Audience Teachers 4. First half of the twentieth century: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in American History, 1920–1945: Documents and Essays Gordon C and Paterson T (editors) 2010 9780547149059 nd Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 2 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers First half of the twentieth century: website resources Title URL Presidential inaugurations 1905, 1913, 1925, 1929 www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDEHuPaFzSU&feature=related President Teddy Roosevelt's Inauguration 1905. Contemporary silent newsreel film – total running time two minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5NeZEBkCGc&feature=related President Wilson's Inauguration 1913. Contemporary silent newsreel film – total running time three minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTpqNZjTQX0 President Coolidge's Inauguration 1925. Contemporary silent newsreel film – total running time 10 minutes Audience www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3WnsH06pGQ&feature=related President Hoover's Inauguration 1929. Contemporary silent newsreel film – total running time four minutes Teachers and learners 5. Second half of the twentieth century: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in American History Since 1945: Documents & Essays Griffith R and Baker P (editors) 2006 9780618550067 rd Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) 3 edition Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Title The American Women's Movement, 1945–2000: A Brief History with V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 19 Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Documents Maclean M 2008 9780312448011 Bedford St Martin’s (The Bedford Series in History and Culture) Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Second half of the twentieth century: website resources Title URL Presidential inaugurations 1905, 1913, 1925, 1929 www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXE-u4WanMI President Truman's Inaugural Address 1949. Contemporary newsreel film (edited) – total running time 11 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwenOlpbvTA&feature=relmfu President Eisenhower's Inaugural Address 1953. Contemporary newsreel film (edited) – total running time 11 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=50LYrg4cjro&feature=related nd President Eisenhower's 2 Inaugural Address 1957. Contemporary newsreel film (edited) – total running time 10 minutes President Kennedy's Inaugural address 1961 www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE0iPY7XGBo [part 1] – total running time 10 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s6U8GActdQ&feature=fvwrel [part 2] – total running time six minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d_24rNoPDU&feature=related President Johnson's Inaugural Address 1965. Contemporary film – total running time 12 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaL78W0rUHY st President Nixon's 1 Inaugural Address 1969. Contemporary film – total running time 18 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pHMv7grxYE&feature=related President Carter's Inaugural Address 1977. Contemporary film (edited) – total running time five minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpPt7xGx4Xo&feature=relmfu st President Reagan's 1 Inaugural Address 1981. Contemporary film – total running time 21 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lzPbJ_ek5c&feature=related nd President Reagan's 2 Inaugural Address 1985. Contemporary film – total running time 24 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S2ptmXsxzs&feature=related st President George H W Bush's 1 Inaugural Address 1989. Contemporary film – total running time 22 minutes V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SWjIPwm954&feature=related st President Clinton's 1 Inaugural Address 1993. Contemporary film – total running time 15 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2jkFkjSvOQ www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9iJkOpSYJk nd President Clinton's 2 Inaugural Address 1997. Contemporary film in two parts each lasting 12 minutes Audience www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXzgMdj5urs&feature=relmfu st President George W Bush's 1 Inaugural Address 2001. Contemporary film – total running time 15 minutes Teachers and learners U.S history: Individual topics 1. The American Revolution: primary sources Title Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, 1760–1791: Documents and Essays Brown R (editor) 1999 Author Publication year ISBN 9780395903445 nd Publisher Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) 2 edition Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The American Revolution: Interpreting Primary Documents Carey C (editor) 2003 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Voices of Revolutionary America: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life Humphrey C (editor) 2011 9780313377327 Greenwood Press (Voices of an Era series) Wide range of primary sources to help learners understand the subject. Teachers 9780737722611 Greenhaven Press Wide range of primary sources to help learners understand the subject. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 21 The American Revolution: website resources Title American Independence URL www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook12.asp Brief description Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Audience Teachers and learners Title No Taxation Without Representation. Britain, America and the 1765 Stamp Act URL www.parliament.uk/business/publications/parliamentaryarchives/archives-highlights/archives-stamp-act/ Brief description Brief online exhibition with original documents and commentary, from the archives of the Houses of Parliament, London. Audience Teachers and learners Title Sons of Liberty Bowl URL www.mfa.org/collections/object/39072 Brief description Bowl made by Paul Revere in 1768 to commemorate members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives who refused to rescind a letter sent throughout the colonies protesting the 1767 Townshend Acts. Audience Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience The Bloody Massacre www.mfa.org/collections/object/the-boston-massacre-167683 Engraving of 1770 by Paul Revere of the 1770 Boston Massacre. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience The Passage of the Delaware www.mfa.org/collections/object/31231 Oil painting of 1812 by Thomas Sully. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience George Washington www.mfa.org/collections/object/34341 The original oil painting of 1796 by Gilbert Stuart. Teachers and learners Title URL Was the American Revolution inevitable? www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/american_revolution_01 .shtml Micro site created for the BBC by Dr Francis Cogliano, senior lecturer in American History at the University of Edinburgh. There are six sections: Introduction, The Stamp Act, Violent Opposition, Liberties Endangered, A Lesson Learned, Find Out More. Teachers and learners Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes The American War of Independence: The Rebels and the Redcoats www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/ rebels_redcoats_01.shtml Micro site created for the BBC by Professor Richard Holmes, Professor of Military and Security Studies at Cranfield University. There are seven sections: Introduction, Breaking the Connection, The V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 22 Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Outset of War, The Widening Theatre of War, Formidable Adversaries, Turning Point, Find Out More. Teachers and learners The War for America www.nam.ac.uk/exhibitions/online-exhibitions/war-america Online exhibition from The National Army Museum, London There are six sections: 13 Colonies, Outbreak, War in the North, War in the South, Loyalists and Patriots, Global Struggle. Teachers and learners Audience The American Revolution www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/features/americanrevolution/index.html Online exhibition from the British Library, London. Eleven sections: Introduction, Timeline, The North American Colonies and the British Empire, Costs of Empire: the Stamp Acts Crisis, Pamphlet War and the Boston Massacre, War of Independence, Peace of Paris, British Revival, Dawn of the American Republic, Rights and Liberties: the Legacy of the American Revolution, Further Reading and Links. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience The Constitution of the United States http://constitutioncenter.org/ The National Constitution Centre, Philadelphia (homepage). Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Thomas Paine: Citizen of the World www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/paine_01.shtml Micro site created for the BBC by Professor John Belchem of the University of Liverpool. Teachers and learners Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Additional notes Audience The American Revolution http://revolution.h-net.msu.edu/ Homepage to the website created by H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University. Teachers Liberty! The American Revolution www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/index.html Homepage of website created by Twin Cities Public Television to support their series ‘Liberty’. Includes a Teachers Guides and links to resources. Teachers American archives. Documents of the American Revolution 1774–1776 http://dig.lib.niu.edu/amarch/index.html Homepage of the website created by the National Endowment for the Humanities and Northern Illinois University Libraries. Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 23 Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience The people and ideas that caused the American Revolution www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p004y28v Podcast discussion by Carol Berkin, Professor of History at The City University of New York; Simon Middleton, Lecturer in American History at the University of East Anglia, and Colin Bonwick, Professor Emeritus in American History at Keele University. 45 minute podcast of 2004, from ‘In Our Time’ series, BBC Radio 4. Teachers 2. The Early Republic: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Early American Republic: A History in Documents Huston R 2010 9780195338249 Oxford University Press USA (Pages from History series) Wide range of primary sources with critical analysis. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in the Early Republic 1787–1848: Documents & Essays Wilenitz S, Earle J and Paterson T (editors) 2007 9780618522583 nd Houghton Mifflin ((Major Problems in American History, 2 edition) Wide range of primary sources with critical analysis. Teachers The Early Republic: website resources Title Early US History URL www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook26.asp Brief description Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Audience Teachers Title McCulloch v. Maryland (1819).State Taxes, National Supremacy URL www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark/cases/mcculloch_v_maryland Brief description From “Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court, a site created by Street Law, Inc. to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases, helping learners explore the key issues of each case." Audience Teachers Title URL Brief description Audience George Washington www.mfa.org/collections/object/34341 The original oil painting of 1796 by Gilbert Stuart. Teachers and learners Title Alexander Hamilton URL www.mfa.org/collections/object/31047 Brief description Oil painting of 1806 by John Trumbull. V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 24 Audience Teachers and learners 3. The war of 1812: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience The Star-Spangled Banner. The flag that inspired the National Anthem http://americanhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/default.aspx Micro site created by The Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Engagement Between the "Constitution" and the "Guerrière” www.mfa.org/collections/object/34269 Oil painting of 1813 by Thomas Birch. Teachers and learners 4. Slavery: primary sources Title Free at Last: A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War Author Berlin I, Fields B and Miller S (editors) Publication year 1993 ISBN 9781565841208 Publisher New Press Brief description Wide range of primary sources. Audience Teachers Title Major Problems in African American History, Vol. 1: From Slavery to Freedom, 1619–1877: Documents and Essays Author Holt T, Brown E and Paterson T (editors) Publication year 1999 ISBN 9780669249910 Publisher Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The African-American Archive: The History of the Black Experience Through Documents Wright K 2001 9781579121570 Black Dog & Leventhal Wide range of primary sources. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 25 Slavery: DVDs Title Publication year ASIN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Slavery and the Making of America 2005 B0007IOTJ8 Ambrose DVD of the PBS Thirteen/WNET New York television series using dramatic re-enactments, narrated by Morgan Freeman. Box set of four DVDs with total running time of 240 minutes. Teachers and learners Slavery: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience The Conflict over Slavery www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook27.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘US Civil War’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers The Slave Trade to the United States 1808–1859 http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2003/06/22/the-history-we-dont-know MP3 podcast lecture at Boston University by Professor Hall, Northeastern University, 2003 (total running time 53 minutes). “Slavery was legal in many southern states right through the American Civil War. However, the importing of slaves became illegal in 1808, and made a crime punishable by death in 1820. But according to Northeastern University Professor of African American Studies, Robert Hall, that still did not deter slavers from transporting thousands of blacks into the U.S. from Africa and Cuba. Professor Hall speaks on “Illegal Aliens from Africa: The Clandestine Slave Trade to the United States from 1808 to 1859. During this lecture, Professor Hall explores different estimates on the demographics of the imported American slave population between 1808 and 1859.” Teachers and learners George Washington & Slavery http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2004/02/01/george-washington-and-slavery MP3 podcast lecture by lecture at Boston University by Henry Wiencek, 2004 (total running time one hour).. “George Washington once said that slavery was his “only unavoidable subject of regret.” Though he bought and sold slaves during his life and even helped to protect the practice through the U.S. Constitution, many have said that his attitudes changed while commanding both black and white soldiers during the American Revolution and that in the end, he was a man ahead of his time when it came to slavery. This week’s show featured a lecture by Henry Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves and the Creation of America. He discussed President Washington’s transformation from a slave owner to a man who freed his slaves upon his death. Wiencek’s lecture is presented by Boston University’s African American studies program.” Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 26 Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). Slavery, Due Process, the Missouri Compromise www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark/cases/dred_scott_v_sandford From “Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court, a site created by Street Law, Inc. to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases, helping learners explore the key issues of each case." Teachers and learners Uncle Tom's Cabin www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p003c1bp 45 minute discussion of 2006 on the anti slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Dr Celeste-Marie Bernier, Lecturer in American Studies at the University of Nottingham, Dr Sarah Meer, Lecturer in English at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge; Dr Clive Webb, Reader in American History at the University of Sussex; from ‘In Our Time’, BBC Radio 4. Teachers and learners 5. Abraham Lincoln: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Abraham Lincoln: Great Speeches Basler R and Grafton J (editors) 1991 9780486268729 Dover Thrift editions 16 orations including ‘House Divided’ speech at the Republican State Convention (1858), the First Inaugural Address (1861), the Gettysburg Address (1863), the Letter to Mrs. Bixby expressing regret over the wartime deaths of her five sons (1864), and the Second Inaugural Address (1865). Teachers Abraham Lincoln: website resources Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Abraham Lincoln http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/review/7894962.stm Michael Gove, Dr Tristram Hunt and Sarah Churchwell discuss the Abraham Lincoln biography, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin’, broadcast in ‘Newsnight Review’, February 2009 on BBC 2. Total running time just over six minutes. Teachers and learners Additional notes Audience Abraham Lincoln http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/review/7894964.stm Interview with Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, broadcast in ‘Newsnight Review’, February 2009 on BBC 2. Total running time nearly two minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Douglass and Lincoln in the Age of Obama, and their critics http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2009/09/27/douglass-and-lincoln-in-the-age- V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 27 Brief description Additional notes Audience of-obama-and-their-critics MP3 podcast lecture by lecture at Boston University by John Stauffer, Professor of English and American Literature and Language, Harvard University, 2009. Presented by the African American Studies Center at Boston University. Total running time 53 minutes. Teachers and learners 6. The Civil War: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Additional notes Audience Abraham Lincoln: Great Speeches Basler R and Grafton J (editors) 1991 9780486268729 Dover Thrift editions 16 orations including ‘House Divided’ speech at the Republican State Convention (1858), the First Inaugural Address (1861), the Gettysburg Address (1863), the Letter to Mrs. Bixby expressing regret over the wartime deaths of her five sons (1864), and the Second Inaugural Address (1865). Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Voices of Civil War America: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life Kreiser L and Browne R (editors) 2011 9780313377402 Greenwood Press (Voices of an Era) Valuable collection of primary sources. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction: Documents & Essays Perman M and Paterson T (editors) 2010 9780618875207 rd Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History Series, 3 edition) Wide range of primary sources with critical survey. Teachers The Civil War: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description The US Civil War www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook27.asp Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers The Civil War in Harpers Weekly www.sonofthesouth.net/ Homepage of an online collection making available the complete coverage on the Civil War in the illustrated magazine Harpers Weekly. V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 28 Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Especially valuable for contemporary images of the war, many derived from on-the-spot drawings by war artists and correspondents. Teachers and learners The Museum of the Confederacy www.moc.org Homepage of a large collection of material linked to the Museum in Richmond, VA. Teachers and learners Audience The American Civil War Centre www.tredegar.org/ Homepage of a large collection of material linked to the Centre in Richmond, VA. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience American Civil War: Revisiting the Mason Dixon line www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13072279 Film report of April 2011, from BBC News. Total running time three and half minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Curator explains importance of American Civil War's black soldiers www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13595739 Hari Jones, Curator of the African American Civil War Museum and Memorial in Washington DC considers "the story of the black men who fought and the legacy they have left behind". Film report from BBC News lasting two minutes 35 seconds. Teachers and learners Additional notes Audience Title URL Audience (Individual Civil War battles) www.nps.gov/ancm Antietam www.nps.gov/frsp Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania www.nps.gov/gett Gettysburg www.vmi.edu/newmarket New Market Homepages of various civil war battlefield national parks or state historical parks. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Grant's First Attack at Vicksburg 1863 www.mfa.org/collections/object/259084 Watercolour of 1863 by unknown artist. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Attack at Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, July 1863 www.mfa.org/collections/object/258927 Pastel of 1863 by unknown artist. Teachers and learners Brief description V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 29 7. Reconstruction: primary sources Title Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction: documents and essays Author Perman M and Paterson T (editors) Publication year 2010 ISBN 9780618875207 rd Publisher Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History Series, 3 edition) Brief description Wide range of primary sources with critical survey. Audience Teachers Reconstruction: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Reconstruction, and Jim Crow www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook27.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘US Civil War’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers Capitol Men: The Epic Story of Reconstruction through the Lives of the First Black Congressmen http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2009/03/08/capitol-men-the-epic-story-ofreconstruction-through-the-lives-of-the-first-black-congressmen MP3 podcast lecture at Boston University by civil rights historian Philip Dray, 2009. Lecture presented by the Boston University College of Arts and Sciences African American Studies Program. Total running time 53 minutes. Teachers and learners 8. Territorial expansion and the West: school textbooks Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The American West 1840–95 (GCSE Schools History Project) Todd A 2009 9780435501433 Heinemann Focus on exam skills. Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for discussion and practice. Includes a range of revision activities. Teachers and learners The American West 1840–1895: The Struggle for the Plains Martin D and Watt N 2005 9780719577550 Hodder Education Focus on exam skills. Well illustrated and plenty of primary sources for discussion and practice. Includes a range of thinking-skill strategies and active learning techniques for learners. Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 30 Territorial expansion and the West: primary sources Title Manifest Destiny and American Territorial Expansion: A Brief History with Documents Author Greenberg A (editor) Publication year 2011 ISBN 9780312600488 Publisher Bedford/St Martin’s (Bedford Series in History and Culture) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Major Problems in the History of the American West: Documents and Essays Author Milner C, Butler A and Lewis D (editors) Publication year 1997 ISBN 9780669415803 nd Publisher Wadsworth 2 edition (Major Problems in American History) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Territorial expansion and the West: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Teaching GCSE History: The American West www.keystagehistory.co.uk/KS4/teaching-american-west.html Micro site homepage for teachers with ideas and activities (NB this is a subscription website). Teachers Additional notes Audience The West www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00548gg th Podcast discussion of the myths and reality of the 19 century American pioneers by Frank McLynn, Visiting Professor in the Department of Literature, University of Strathclyde; Jenni Calder, author of There Must Be a Lone Ranger: The myth and reality of the American Wild West; Christopher Frayling, Rector of the Royal College of Art, London. 45-minute podcast of 2002, from ‘In Our Time’ series, BBC Radio 4. Teachers Title URL Brief description Audience Valley of the Yosemite www.mfa.org/collections/object/33107 Oil painting of 1864 by Albert Bierstadt. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Indians near Fort Laramie www.mfa.org/collections/object/33165 Oil painting of ca.1859 by Albert Bierstadt. Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 31 9. Civil rights: primary sources Title The Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches, and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Struggle Author Carson C, Garrow D, Gill G, Harding V and Hine D (editors) Publication year 1991 ISBN 9780140154030 Publisher Penguin Brief description Wide range of primary sources. Additional Produced in conjunction with the PBS ‘Eyes on the Prize’ television series. notes Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience The American Civil Rights Movement: Readings and Interpretations D’Angelo R 2000 9780072399875 McGraw-Hill/Dushkin Wide range of primary sources, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents Davis T 2006 9780313311154 Greenwood Press (Major Issues in American History) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus. Teachers Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore Durham M and Young A 2007 9780817354817 rd University of Alabama Press 3 edition Wide range of primary sources, with supporting text and discussion by a Life reporter (Durham) and a UN ambassador (Young). 188 examples of the influential work of Moore, an Alabama news photographer. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description The American Civil Rights Movement: A Documentary History Green R and Cheatham H 2010 9780719070136 Manchester University Press (Documents in Modern History series) Wide range of primary sources, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Title Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s Hampton H et al. Author V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 32 Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience 1991 9780553352320 Bantam Wide range of primary sources. Unusual resource for its focus on oral testimonies. Teachers Title Major Problems in African American History, Vol. 1: From Slavery to Freedom, 1619–1877: Documents and Essays Author Holt T, Brown E and Paterson T (editors) Publication year 1999 ISBN 9780669249910 Publisher Houghton Mifflin (Major Problems in American History series) Brief description Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Audience Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Major Problems in African American History, Vol. 2: From Freedom to “Freedom Now”, 1865–1990s: Documents and Essays Holt T, Brown E and Paterson T (editors) 2000 9780669462937 Wadsworth (Major Problems in American History series) Wide range of primary sources useful for teaching large parts of the syllabus, with supporting critical discussion of the issues. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Freedom: A Photographic History of the African American Struggle Marable M and Mullings L 2005 Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Presidents and Black America. A Documentary History Jones S and Freedman E (editors) 2011 9781608710089 CQ Press Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History 1954–68 Kasher S and Evers-Williams M 1996 9780714845173 Phaidon Wide range of primary sources. Teachers 9780789206565 Abbeville Press Wide range of primary sources. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 33 Civil rights: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Black Power www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook56.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘Modern Social Movements’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). "Separate but Equal," Equal Protection www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark/cases/plessy_v_ferguson From “Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court, a site created by Street Law, Inc. to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases, helping learners explore the key issues of each case." Teachers and learners Brown v. Board of Education (1954). School Segregation, Equal Protection www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark/cases/brown_v_board_of_education From “Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court, a site created by Street Law, Inc. to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases, helping learners explore the key issues of each case." Teachers and learners Additional notes Dark Days, Bright Nights: from Black Power to Barack Obama http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2010/02/14/from-black-power-to-obama MP3 podcast lecture at Boston University by Peniel Joseph, Professor of History at Tufts University, 2010.“Professor Joseph speaks about the forgotten contributions of Black Power leaders Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X and their enduring legacy in the presidency of Barack Obama.” Lecture presented by Boston University’s African American Studies Program. Total running time 53 minutes Audience Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Homepage of the Martin Luther King Research and Education Institute www.kinginstitute.info/ Contains numerous useful resources and online documents. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Civil Rights in America www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/topics/civil-rights.htm Online collection of original documents from the 1950s and 1960s, from the National Archives, London. Teachers and learners Audience V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 34 Civil rights: DVDs Title Publication year ASIN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Eyes on The Prize: America's Civil Rights Years 1954–1965 2010 B0031WNYHK Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) DVD of the critically acclaimed PBS ‘Eyes on the Prize’ television series telling the story of the civil rights era from the point of view of ordinary men and women. Winner of numerous awards. Box set of three DVDs with total running time of 360 minutes. Teachers and learners 10. Immigration: website resources Title US Immigration URL www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook28.asp Brief description Wide-ranging online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Audience Teachers Title The Museum of Chinese in America, New York (homepage) URL www.mocanyc.org/ Brief description “Founded in 1980, the Museum is dedicated to preserving and presenting the history, heritage, culture and diverse experiences of people of Chinese descent in the United States … Various galleries explore the history of the Chinese diaspora, the struggle for recognition, and the contribution of this key immigrant community to building the United States.” Audience Teachers and learners Title China at heart of California's railway past and present URL www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13850575 Brief description Don Davis from the Truckee Donner Railroad Society explains how Chinese labor in the 1860s built the Summit Tunnel in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. “Between 10,000 and 20,000 Chinese workers took a year to cut the Tunnel, a key section of the first trans-continental railroad”. Additional Three-minute film report of June 2011 from BBC News. notes Audience Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Italo-American Celebration, Washington Square www.mfa.org/collections/object/33641 Oil painting of c.1912 by William Glackens. Teachers and learners Title The Great Migration: The Untold Story of the Twentieth Century URL http://worldofideas.wbur.org/2010/10/10/great-migration Brief description MP3 podcast lecture at Boston University by Isabel Wilkerson, Professor of Journalism at Boston University and Pulitzer Prize winner, 2010. Lecture presented by Boston University’s African American Studies V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 35 Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Program. Total running time 53 minutes. Teachers and learners Why are US presidents so keen to be Irish? www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13166265 Short illustrated report of April 2011, from BBC News. Teachers and learners 11. Nineteenth century economic development: website resources Title China at the heart of California's railway past and present URL www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13850575 Brief description Don Davis from the Truckee Donner Railroad Society explains how Chinese labor in the 1860s built the Summit Tunnel in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. “Between 10,000 and 20,000 Chinese workers took a year to cut the Tunnel, a key section of the first trans-continental railroad”. Additional Three-minute film report of June 2011 from BBC News. notes Audience Teachers and learners 12. 1920s: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience New York Museum showcases America's gangsters http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/world_news_america/9412388.stm Four-minute film report of 2/2/2011 from BBC News. Teachers and learners 13. President F D Roosevelt and his era: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Depression and New Deal: A History in Documents McElvaine R 2003 9780195166361 Oxford University Press USA (Pages from History) Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Title The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933–1945: A Brief History with Documents Polenberg R 2000 9780312133108 Bedford St Martin’s (Bedford Series in History & Culture) Useful collection of primary sources. Teachers Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 36 President F D Roosevelt and his era: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience The Depression in the US www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook41.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘The Depression’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience President F D Roosevelt's 1 Inaugural Address 1933 www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpEdYp1Nn-k&feature=related Contemporary newsreel film (excerpts). Total running time eight minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience President F D Roosevelt's 2 Inaugural Address 1937 www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLNqy-x4U4 Contemporary audio recording (excerpts). Total running time five minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience A date which will live in infamy www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufoUtoQLGQY&feature=related Contemporary newsreel film (excerpts) of President Roosevelt's speech to Congress after the attack on Pearl Harbor 1941. Total running time three minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Sharecropper and Blackberry Pickers www.mfa.org/node/4626 Oil painting of 1941 by Robert Gwathmey Teachers and learners st nd 14. Post-war economic development: website resources Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience From herds to highways: the story of the US interstate www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15145271 “It was June 29, 1956 when US President Dwight Eisenhower, recovering from surgery in a hospital room, signed into law the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. The legislation aimed to pump billions into the nation's interstate system over the next 13 years – a landmark event. But the story of America's superhighways begins long before 1956, back to when horse-drawn buggies ruled the streets. Earl Swift, author of Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways takes us through the story.” Four-minute film report of 2011 from BBC News. Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 37 15. The McCarthy era: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Age of McCarthyism: A Brief History With Documents Schrecker E 2001 9780312393199 nd Bedford St Martin’s 2 edition Useful collection of primary sources. Teachers 16. The Cold War: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Cold War: A History in Documents Winkler A 2011 9780199765980 nd Oxford University Press USA (Pages from History, 2 edition) Wide range of primary sources. Teachers The Cold War: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description A Bipolar World www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook46.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘America as a World Leader’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers The Cold War www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook47.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘America as a World Leader’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers Audience President Truman & the Origins of the Cold War www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/truman_01.shtml Micro site created for the BBC by Arnold A Offner, Cornelia F Hugel Professor of History, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Korea 1950–53. The Cold War’s Hot War www.nam.ac.uk/exhibitions/online-exhibitions/korea-1950-53 Online exhibition from The National Army Museum, London. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Bay of Pigs: the “perfect failure” of Cuba invasion www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13066561 Illustrated news report of April 2011, from BBC News. Includes a three-minute 20 second film clip. Teachers and learners V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 38 Title URL Brief description Audience We choose to go to the Moon www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25G1M4EXrQ&feature=related Contemporary film of President Kennedy's speech 1962 (excerpt). Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience What if the Soviet Union had beaten the US to the Moon? www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13041326 Illustrated news report of April 2011, from BBC News. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Ich Bin Ein Berliner www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH6nQhss4Yc&feature=related Contemporary film (excerpt) of President Kennedy's speech in Berlin 1963. Total running time five minutes. Teachers and learners Additional notes Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtYdjbpBk6A&feature=related Contemporary film (excerpt) of President Reagan's speech at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin 1987. Total running time two minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience How did we forget about mutually assured destruction? www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17026538 Illustrated news report of February 2012, from BBC News. Teachers and learners 17. The 1960s: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience The Portable Sixties Reader Charters A (editor) 2002 9780142001943 Penguin Classics Wide range of primary sources covering Europe as well as the U.S.A. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience America in the Sixties – Right, Left and Center: A Documentary History Levy P B (editor) 1998 9780275955168 Praeger Paperback Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Title Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism: A Brief Biography with Documents Schulman B 2006 9781403971531 Author Publication year ISBN V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 39 nd Publisher Brief description Audience Palgrave Macmillan 2 edition (Bedford Series in History and Culture) Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher The 1960s: A Documentary Reader Ward B (editor) 2009 9781405163309 Wiley-Blackwell (Uncovering the Past: Documentary Readers in American History) Wide range of primary sources. Teachers Brief description Audience The 1960s: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Pop Culture www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook60.asp Online collection of original documents, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers 18. President Kennedy: website resources Title URL Audience President Kennedy's Inaugural address, 1961 www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE0iPY7XGBo [part 1] – total running time 10 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s6U8GActdQ&feature=fvwrel [part 2] – total running time six minutes Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Bay of Pigs: the ‘perfect failure’ of Cuba invasion www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13066561 Illustrated news report of April 2011, from BBC News. Includes a 3 minute 20 second film clip. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience We choose to go to the Moon www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25G1M4EXrQ&feature=related Contemporary film of President Kennedy's speech, 1962 (edited) Teachers and learners Title URL Ich Bin Ein Berliner www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH6nQhss4Yc&feature=related Brief description Contemporary film of President Kennedy's speech in Berlin, 1963 – total running time five minutes. Teachers and learners Audience V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 40 19. Vietnam: primary sources Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Additional notes Audience Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Brief description Audience Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides Appy C 2004 9780142004494 Penguin Wide range of eyewitness testimonies, American and Vietnamese, to help learners understand the subject, for classroom discussion and exam practice. Unusual resource for its focus on both sides of the conflict. Teachers A Vietnam War Reader: A Documentary History from American and Vietnamese Perspectives Hunt M (editor) 2010 9780807859919 The University of North Carolina Press Wide range of eyewitness testimonies, American and Vietnamese, to help learners understand the subject, for classroom discussion and exam practice. Unusual resource for its focus on both sides of the conflict. Teachers Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays McMahon R (editor) 1990 9780669180138 D C Heath (Major Problems in American History series) Wide range of primary sources with critical survey. Teachers Vietnam: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Vietnam www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/modsbook47.asp Online collection of original documents in the section ‘America as a World Leader’, from Fordham University History Department. Teachers 20. Watergate: website resources Title URL Brief description Audience Watergate. The scandal that toppled a President http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4597669.stm Brief survey with links to other web pages, from BBC News. Teachers and learners Title URL Revisiting Watergate: The Watergate Story www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/front.htm V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 41 Brief description Audience Micro site of October 2005, from The Washington Post Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience United States v. Nixon (1974). Watergate, Checks and Balances. www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark/cases/united_states_v_nixon From “Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court, a website created by Street Law, Inc. to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases, helping learners explore the key issues of each case." Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience President Nixon's resignation speech, 1974. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhI1xRUx8UI&feature=related Contemporary film – total running time eight minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience President Ford's Inaugural Address, 1974 www.youtube.com/watch?v=phrIdrQScr0&feature=related Contemporary film – total running time 10 minutes. Teachers and learners 21. President Reagan: website resources st Title URL Brief description Audience President Reagan's 1 Inaugural Address, 1981 www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpPt7xGx4Xo&feature=relmfu Contemporary film – total running time 21 minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience President Reagan's 2 Inaugural Address, 1985 www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lzPbJ_ek5c&feature=related Contemporary film – total running time 24 minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtYdjbpBk6A&feature=related Contemporary film (excerpt) of President Reagan's speech at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin 1987. Total running time two minutes. Teachers and learners Title URL Brief description Audience Reagan and the ‘Iran-Contra’ affair http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/269619.stm Short illustrated report of 2004, from BBC News. Teachers and learners Title Reagan: Simplicity was his strength URL Brief description Audience http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3780339.stm Short illustrated report of 2004, from BBC News. Teachers and learners nd V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 42 Title URL Brief description Audience Reagan: too left wing for today’s Republicans http://blogs.independent.co.uk/2011/06/02/reagan-too-left-wing-for-todaysrepublicans/ News report of June 2011 from The Independent. Teachers and learners Using primary sources in the classroom: textbooks Title Author Publication year ISBN Publisher Audience U.S. History: A Document-Based Skillbook Vaillancourt B 2005 9781413807226 Peoples Publishing Group Teachers and learners Using primary sources in the classroom: online guidance for teachers Title URL Brief description Audience Getting Started with primary sources www.archives.gov/education/research/ Valuable guidance from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Teachers Title URL Brief description Audience Using primary sources www.loc.gov/teachers/usingprimarysources/ Valuable guidance from the Library of Congress, Washington. Teachers Effective History teaching at IGCSE level: online guidance for teachers Title URL (History in the classroom) Developing Enquiry Skills: www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/EnquirySkill/Index.html Chronological Understanding: www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/Issues/IssueChronology.html Active Learning: www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/Issues/IssueActiveLearning.html Brief description Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Reflections on Active Learning: www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/Issues/IssueReflections.html Valuable guidance from Ian Dawson, a highly respected teacher trainer. Teachers (History in the classroom) www.schoolhistory.co.uk/ Homepage of a very highly regarded website for teachers. Although designed for History teachers in the UK and their curriculum, all sorts of ideas can be picked up by browsing this exceptional support V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 43 Audience Title URL Brief description Additional notes Audience website for History teachers. Teachers (History in the classroom) www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary_resources_12.html Homepage of a very highly regarded website for teachers. Although designed for History teachers in the UK and their curriculum, all sorts of ideas can be picked up by browsing this exceptional support website for History teachers. Teachers V2 4Y03 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014