CEG in England: a brief history and views for the future

CEG in England: a brief history
and views for the future
Institute of Career Guidance
Wednesday 2 February 2005
David Andrews
What we might have talked
• Government’s response to Tomlinson and
implications for CEG…..but awaiting White
Paper on 14-19 learning
• Outcomes of end-to-end review of CEG and
future arrangements for universal IAG
services for young people in England and for
CEG support and training…..but awaiting
Youth Green Paper
What I will talk about
• Brief historical perspective on CEG over
past 18 years
• Suggestions for improving CEG from
Aims of the school curriculum
• to provide opportunities for all pupils
to learn and to achieve
• to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral,
social and cultural development and
prepare pupils for the opportunities,
responsibilities and experiences of life
Guidance for 14-19 options
• Information
– on post-14 (KS4) options
– on progression routes
– comprehensive, up to date, accessible
• Guidance
– linked to tutoring and mentoring
– effective recording and referral
– impartial (free of departmental and institutional
• Careers education
– how to use information and guidance
– 11-19+
• Working Together
• National
for a Better Future
document (DES)
• TVEI Extension (ED)
• Careers Work (DES)
• Co-ordinating
Careers Work (ED)
• National Record of
• Careers Library
• NCC 6: CEG as a
• Better Choices
• GEST (95-98)
• Careers Service
INSET (95-98)
• Year 9/10 initiative
• Looking Forward
• End of TVEI
• Careers education
statutory Y9,10,11
• Learning Outcomes
from CEG (QCA)
• Ring-fenced budgets in
careers services for CEG
support and training
• Progress File
demonstrations projects
• National survey
• Careers in the New
Curriculum (DfES)
• School improvement:
how careers work can
help (DfES)
• Preparing pupils for a
successful future in
learning and work
• Preparation for Adult
Life group (QCA)
• CEG in England: a
National Framework
11-19 (DfES)
• Extension of statutory
requirement to include
• (ILPs)
• (workforce remodelling)
• Reduced attention to
CEG in Connexions
End-to-end review of CEG:
• CEG and coherent support for severely
disadvantaged young people are distinct policy goals
• Connexions has made excellent progress in most
places but CEG gets too little attention in policy and
• Connexions Partnerships do not have the capacity to
deliver both targeted support and CEG
• the greatest potential for improvement lies in driving
up the coherence, quality and relevance of careers
education in schools, colleges and work-based
Issues for CEG
• Priority given to
– careers guidance within Connexions
– careers education in schools, colleges & work-based training
• Access to impartial and challenging information,
advice and guidance
• Quality of provision, regulatory framework and
performance measures
• Two-thirds of careers co-ordinators without a
professional qualification in CEG
A vision for the future:
CEG in 11-19 learning
• A ‘new’ foundation subject, ‘personal
and career development’, statutory at KS3
• ILPs integral part of KS3 (secondary)
• Career planning and career
management skills, and personal
review and planning, part of the
common core 14-19
A vision for the future:
leading and managing CEG
• Subject leader for CEG, plus careers support
• Nationally-recognised professional
qualification for CEG leaders
• Single self-evaluation tool for CEG,
recognised by Ofsted, developed from
current ‘local’ quality awards
Actions that could be taken
now in schools
• Work with co-ordinators of PSHE and
citizenship to integrate these related areas of
the curriculum
• Work with KS3 managers and Progress File
co-ordinators on individual learning planning
• Work with 14-19 managers on developing
CEG in 14-19 learning
• Take advantage of the workforce remodelling
developments to clarifying the respective
roles of careers co-ordinator and careers
support assistant
Actions that could be taken
now in Connexions
• Continue to support curriculum
development and INSET for CEG,
working with LEA advisers
• Review access for CEG leaders to
professional qualifications for CEG
• Review existing quality award for CEG
against recommendations in National
Framework (CEG 11-19)
Issues for national policy for CEG
• Bring careers education policy responsibility
into Curriculum Division
• Replace CEG, PSHE, and work-related
learning frameworks, and citizenship PoS,
with single PCD programme of study KS1-3
• Include CEG in 14-19 core
• Introduce a national professional qualification
for CEG leaders
• Establish national kite-marking of local
quality awards