JANUARY 2015 E-NEWSLETTER Learning & Development Centre FOR RESEARCH ACTIVE STAFF SUPPORT OVERVIEW Learning and Development support for all Research Active Staff at Warwick focuses on five main areas: Career Development Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Equality & Diversity Leadership Skills Please contact Sandy Sparks: Sandra.Sparks@warwick.ac.uk with any queries or to discuss your needs. Visit the website for Research Active Staff (below) for information on current support. Happy New Year! We would like to wish all our research active staff colleagues a happy new year and hope that 2015 proves productive for your research. NEW THIS MONTH: Event News: Research Staff Network events In addition to the events listed in this newsletter a range of activities are also under development, to be rolled out later in 2015, in the following areas: Vitae development opportunities A series of career development workshops Support Update: A redeveloped leadership programme Further activities relating to equality and diversity. Further details will be available in future newsletters. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/researchers Academic Writing Support Mediation FOCUS ON: SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES These are just a few examples from the list of the programmes that may be useful to research staff include: Vitae Researcher Development Programmes The Vitae Midlands Hub has been located at Warwick for more than eight years and the organisation has produced many useful training courses and materials available for the development of researchers. Research Staff Futures: Enhancing Professional Effectiveness Research Staff Futures: Progressing your academic career Research Staff Futures: Managing your Career Programmes for Supervisors & PI’s Every Researcher Counts Leadership in Action Collaborative Researcher Discovering Innovation & Entrepreneurship Some of the LDC team are trained in delivering these programmes. Please contact Sandy Sparks, LDC should you wish to find out more information: Sandra.sparks@warwick.ac.uk Academic Writing Support in 2015 Events and activities to support the development of academic writing skills amongst research active staff have been very popular for a number of years. Our programme of academic writing workshops for this academic year has already begun, but opportunities for support are increasing from January with the following activities: 1-1 support. LDC is again able to fund meetings, providing individual support and advice on specific writing issues. For further details and to request a meeting please visit: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/researchers/ opportunities/development_support/awp Further workshops, including a series of 6 workshops on Planning Your Publication Strategy. These will cover specific faculty-focused concerns in addition to strategies for writing scholarly books, conference papers and social/informal publishing. The first event in March is available for booking, see page 3 for details. ===================== Warwick Dignity Contacts The university launched the revised Dignity at Warwick policy in November 2014. This involves developing an approach to tackling harassment and bullying by emphasising positive behaviour that should be expected from all. As part of the initiative, a group of Dignity Contacts are available to help in these situations: training is currently being provided for the contacts. For further details please visit: http:// www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalops/dignityatwarwick Mediation Mediation is one of the dispute resolution options available and the principles for involvement include: Voluntary - agreement by both parties to participate Confidential Impartial Independence Non – judgemental Mediation involves both parties in the dispute (or as a result of an expression of significant or sustained dissatisfaction where a student / staff member), seeks a specific action to address the problem. It allows staff or students to talk openly and honestly about the issue(s) and can be used at any point during the complaints resolution process. Its purpose is to attempt to find a specific outcome or resolution that both parties agree to, supported by a trained third party mediator. Under the simplify, collaborate and deliver agenda we would like to raise awareness of the University of Warwick’s processes where mediation is used. Further details can be found at: Staff Mediation Process: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ humanresources/newpolicies/mediation Students Feedback and Complaints Resolution Framework: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/aro/ studentfeedbackandcomplaints/ http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/researchers/ 2 NETWORK EVENTS AND FUNDING Research Active Staff Network Funding Seven applications for funding have now been approved for activities during the rest of the academic year. For further details about the fund and the application form visit: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/ services/ldc/researchers/ funding/network_funding ========================== WMG Research Staff Network The network is continuing with its series of breakfast meetings in 2015 on the following dates: 13 January 7 April 11 February 6 May 12 March 11 June LDC EVENTS ** Further events for 2015 have been confirmed, click on the titles below for more information and booking. ** Visit the Programme of Events for Research Active Staff for details on our events: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ ldc/researchers/events_news/ ras_events/ =================== 20 January 2015 Academic Writing: Writing Collaboratively 10 February 2015 Research Staff Forum All meetings take place from 9.00am in the IMC Building, Boardroom 2, with the exception of the March event, which will be held in the IDL Building Boardroom. 10 February 2015 *repeat due to high demand* Research Data Management: the Essentials If you would like to present your work to fellow research staff or simply network, please contact Vannessa Goodship - V.Goodship@warwick.ac.uk to reserve your breakfast. Colleagues from other departments wishing to speak or attend are welcome. 25 February 2015 *this event has been postponed from 4 December 2014 due to illness* Academic Writing: Writing 4* Journal Articles 11 March 2015 Planning Your Publication Strategy: The Essentials 12 & 13 March 2015 Academic Writing Away Days 21 May 2015 Academic Writing: Writing for Non-Specialist Audiences 24 June 2015 Academic Writing: Online Dissemination for Impact 2 & 3 July 2015 Academic Writing Away Days Dates for your diary: IPA Research Methodology Advice Network This new network in WMS is dedicated to supporting researchers use Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The first meeting in the new year will be held on 14 January at 2pm , a workshop for researchers to discuss the methodology. For further details, please contact Deborah Biggerstaff D.L.Biggerstaff@warwick.ac.uk http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/researchers/ 26 February 2015 Research Data Management: Sharing Practice 12 March 2015 Demystifying the Promotion Process 20 May 2015 Research Staff Forum 3