AMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATION American Wood Council Engineered and Traditional Wood Products BCD101: Building Codes & Wood Design Copyright © 2007 American Forest & Paper Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2001, 2004, 2007 American Forest & Paper Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Copyright of Materials This presentation is protected by US and International copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display, and use of the presentation without written permission of the American Forest & Paper Association / American Wood Council is prohibited. Copyright © 2001, 2007 American Forest & Paper Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 BCD101 Learning Outcomes • At the end of this eCourse, you will be: 1. Familiar with building code requirements for wood frame buildings 2. Familiar with International Building Code’s allowable heights and areas 3. Functional with fire resistance issues such as: • • • • Flame spread Component Additive Method to determine fire resistance One-hour fire wall designs Heavy timber fire resistance calculations In this eCourse, we will engage in a discussion of building code requirements for wood-frame buildings with an emphasis on the International Building Code's allowable heights and areas. The course also discusses fire resistance issues such as: flame spread performance, component additive method of determining fire resistance, one-hour rated fire walls, and heavy timber fire resistance calculations. 4 WOOD IN THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Allowable Size Fire Resistance The purpose of this program is to discuss the way the International Building Code addresses wood design and construction, specifically talking about allowable building size and fire resistance. 5 “Traditional” Wood Buildings Dwellings Churches Restaurants Small Offices When one thinks of wood-framed buildings, one often thinks of a handful of uses, usually smallish buildings. 6 But With a Knowledge of Codes … However, as we hope to show in this program, with a little bit of knowledge about the code … 7 … Much More is Possible … buildings beyond this group of “traditional” wood buildings are possible. 8 International Building Code • Controls building size • Regulates types of materials • Specifies fire resistance Among the ways that the IBC impacts and regulates the use of wood, these three items are probably the most important to a designer. The International Building Code: controls the building size, regulates the types and materials of construction, and specifies fire resistance. 9 This Program • Allowable heights & areas • Fire resistance • Flame spread We’re going to talk about allowable building size, fire resistance, and flame spread. 10 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Heights & Areas Let’s start with allowable building size. 11 HEIGHTS & AREAS Section 503 • The height and area for buildings of different construction types shall be governed by the intended use of the building and shall not exceed the limits in Table 503 except as modified hereafter. Height and area of a building – as presented in Table 503 of the IBC -- is governed by the intended use and the type of construction. Note the reference to modifications. 12 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Heights & Areas • Allowable area based upon – Use of building (occupancy group) – Type of construction (materials used) • Smallest MAXIMUM allowable area In order to understand the process of determining the code-permitted size of a building, it is necessary to know what the building is going to be used for and what the building is going to be constructed of. Keep in mind that the tabular numbers that are referred to in Table 503 are the smallest of the limits or maximum and that those numbers can be modified upwardly. 13 USE & OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Chapter 3 Chapter 3 contains the provisions pertaining to the Use and Occupancy Classification, a factor in determining allowable heights and areas. 14 USE & OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Chapter 3 • Residential (R1 thru R4 – various types of residential uses) - “typical” wood frame • Assembly (A1 thru A5 – various types of assembly uses) • Business (B – generally offices) • Mercantile (M – generally retail sales) While this program is intended to show that the code will allow something beyond the small, so-called “typical” wood building, there are occupancies that lend themselves more to wood buildings than do others. Our example of allowable building size will be based on an occupancy classification: Aassembly, B-business, and M-mercantile occupancies. 15 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Chapter 6 Another consideration in allowable heights and areas is the type of construction – the classification of the building based upon the materials from which it is built. 16 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Chapter 6 Types of construction, both combustible & noncombustible, designated as A – Protected construction B – Unprotected construction Types of construction are typically divided into combustible and noncombustible classifications. The official designation of the types of construction are further modified by the addition of the letters “A” or “B.” This would be new terminology for users of the Uniform Building Code or the Standard Building Code. “A” designates protected construction and “B” designates unprotected construction in the IBC terminology. This is true for both combustible and noncombustible construction. 17 Types I & II Construction There are two designators for “noncombustible” types of construction in the IBC. Type I is typically concrete or heavily protected steel structures. Type II is typically steel, either lightly protected or, in the case of IIB construction, unprotected. 18 Types I & II Construction Noncombustible construction: Types I & II • Defined as: “ . . . In which the building elements listed in Table 601 [structural frame, bearing & nonbearing walls, interior & exterior walls, floor & roof construction] are of noncombustible construction.” The definition of these two types of construction would seem to say no wood is allowed, although keep in mind that the definition addresses only certain elements of the building. And there may be exceptions to this. 19 Types I & II Construction Exceptions to noncombustible requirements (Table 601 & Section 603) • Heavy timber permitted where 1-hr rating is required • Fire retardant treated wood allowed in some applications In some instances heavy timber construction is permitted in Type I or Type II construction because it has an inherent resistance to burn-through, and fire retardant treated wood is permitted in many applications due to its special properties - details will be discussed next. 20 Types I & II Construction • Fire retardant treated wood permitted – – – – Nonbearing partitions rated 2-hrs or less Nonbearing exterior walls not required to be rated Roof framing of buildings not more than 2 stories Roof framing and decking when more than 20’ above floor (& and can be exposed) Instances in which fire retardant treated wood is permitted to be used in Type I and Type II construction include: Nonbearing partitions rated for 2-hrs fire resistance rating or less Nonbearing exterior walls not required to be rated Roof framing of buildings not more than 2 stories Roof framing and decking when it is more than 20’ above the floor 21 Types I & II Construction Combustibles permitted • Fire retardant treated wood • Thermal/acoustic insulation • Foam plastics • Roof coverings • Some show windows • Partitions dividing stores, offices, etc. • Platforms • Blocking • Some exterior wall coverings, balconies Here are other areas where combustible materials are permitted in Type I or Type II construction: Fire retardant treated wood Thermal or acoustic insulation Certain foam plastics Roof coverings Some show windows Certain partitions dividing stores or offices Platforms Blocking Some exterior wall coverings and balconies 22 Type III Construction Mixed construction: Type III • Defined as “… In which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials & the interior building elements are of any materials permitted by the code.” Type III construction permits a mixture of noncombustible and combustible materials. Type III construction is defined as that construction “…In which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any materials permitted by the code.” As you can see from the definition, a Type III building may have exterior noncombustible walls and will permit the rest of the building to be of combustible material. As we’ll show in a moment, even greater portions of the building may be of combustible material. Type III construction is a very flexible type of construction for a designer and the allowable floor area, as we’ll demonstrate, is nearly as large – or as large – as that permitted for Type II construction. 23 Type III Construction • Exterior walls are to be of noncombustible but fire retardant treated wood is permitted where fire resistance rating is 2-hrs or less • Interior elements, including roof framing, can be of untreated wood. In Type III construction, exterior walls are required to be of noncombustible construction, however fire retardant treated wood is permitted to be used in exterior walls when the fire resistance rating of those exterior walls is required to be 2-hours or less. Interior elements, including roof framing, may be of untreated wood. Keep in mind the 2-hour fire resistance rating for something we’ll talk about in a moment. 24 Exterior Walls: Fire Resistance Table 602 stipulates the minimum fire resistance rating of exterior walls, and that rating is based on the distance from the property lines. Notice that for “typical” wood frame uses or occupancy groups, exterior walls have to be rated a maximum of 2 hours fire resistance rating. Remember, the exception to Type III construction permits the use of fire retardant treated wood in exterior walls that may be of 2-hr fire resistance rating or less. That exception would permit almost any use, therefore, to qualify as a Type III building using wood throughout – including fire retardant treated wood in the exterior walls and untreated wood elsewhere. And, as we’ll see shortly, those buildings will compete in size with Type II construction. 25 Type V Construction Combustible construction • Structural elements, exterior walls, and interior walls are of any material permitted by the code. Type V Construction allows any material recognized by the code. Normally this type of construction is thought of as all wood frame, but it would permit the use of other materials if needed. It’s important to realize that simply adding noncombustible elements to a Type V building doesn’t make it Type II. As long as the building doesn’t exceed the height and area permitted for that type of construction, it may be built of a mixture of materials and still be classified as a Type V building. 26 International Building Code ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS & AREAS • Tabular heights and areas • Methods of increase • Resulting numbers Now that we’ve established the concepts of type of construction and of occupancy group, this portion of the program is going to talk about building size as permitted by the code. We’ll talk about the heights and areas contained in the table in the code, and how those numbers can be increased, and then we will give some examples of how large numbers can be for combustible buildings. 27 International Building Code ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS & AREAS • Tabular heights and areas (minimums) • Methods of increase • Resulting numbers First we’ll look at the tabular areas contained in the IBC. It is important to keep in mind that these numbers are the minimum – that is to say the smallest maximum permitted area and maximum permitted height for a building. Remember, they can be increased with certain modifications. 28 IBC Table 506 Noncombustible Combustible Here’s a portion of the IBC table that provides the tabular height and tabular area figures for the code. It indicates the noncombustible types of construction and the combustible types of construction to help you sort them out. 29 IBC Table 506 This table is easily understood. It is based on the type of construction listed across the top: Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, Type V, with each type’s subcategory: A – protected or B – unprotected construction. It’s also based upon the occupancy groups which are down the side of the table. In our example shown here, we’ve chosen Type III construction and an occupancy classification Group M. You will notice that the type of construction has two subdivisions – A (for protected) and B (for unprotected) construction. For this example we’ve chosen unprotected construction Type IIIB. The numbers below the construction type are allowable heights in feet. For our example of an M/Type III building, we can see that it can be 55’ high. If we go to the cell where the occupancy group row and the type of construction column intersect we see two other numbers. One of them is the allowable height in stories and the other is the square footage per floor. Our example building can be four stories and 12,500 square feet per floor. It’s important to note that the height limitations work together. If the building is no more than 55’ high, the designer is not allowed to squeeze five stories into that space even if it were possible. The limitation of our example is four stories with an overall height no greater than 55’. As has been said previously, this is the maximum height and area -- the building can always be that size. As we will show in a moment, it can be 30 Tabular Heights & Areas NONCOMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY COMBUSTIBLE TYPE II A TYPE II B TYPE III A TYPE III B TYPE V A TYPE V B HEIGHT S/Ft 3/65 2/55 3/65 2/55 2/50 1/40 A-2 AREA 15,500 9,500 14,000 9,500 11,500 6,000 5/65 4/55 5/65 4/55 3/50 2/40 B HEIGHT S/Ft M AREA 37,500 23,000 28,500 19,000 18,000 9,000 HEIGHT S/Ft 4/65 4/55 4/65 4,55 3/50 1/40 AREA 21,500 12,500 18,500 12,500 14,000 9,000 Fire retardant-treated stud walls Non-treated wood roof assembly Non-treated interior wood framing Here we’ve pulled out the tabular heights and areas for the three occupancy groups we mentioned and show them to compare numbers for combustible construction to those of noncombustible construction. Type IV, heavy timber construction isn’t typical and has not been included in this discussion. Note how closely the numbers of Type III construction are to those of Type II construction. In this example, remember that in Type III, fire retardant treated wood is permitted to be used in exterior wall assemblies. Whereas, non-treated wood is permitted in roof assemblies and interior framing. 31 International Building Code ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS & AREAS • Tabular heights and areas • Methods of increase • Resulting numbers We’ve talked about the tabular areas and compared them to noncombustible tabular areas. We’ve mentioned that they are a maximum allowable area but that this maximum may be even further increased. Let’s talk about how they may be increased. 32 International Building Code ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS & AREAS • Tabular heights and areas • Methods of increase – Open frontage – Sprinklers • Resulting numbers There are two methods of increasing tabular areas. One is to provide open space around the building perimeter. The other is to include the use of automatic sprinkler systems within the building. 33 Frontage Increase Section 506.2 • Where a building has more than 25 percent of its perimeter on a public way or open space having a minimum width of 20 feet, the frontage increase shall be determined in accordance with Equation 5-2 The tabular floor areas aren’t predicated on any perimeter condition. However, if open space as you see above is provided, the numbers in the tabular areas may be increased in accordance with an equation that we will talk about. The increase is because additional space or increased frontage prevents spread of fire from building to building or across property lines. 34 Frontage Increase Section 506.2 • Open frontage around building – Public way: Street, alley, or other … land open to outside air leading to a street, that has been deeded, dedicated, or otherwise permanently appropriated to the public use ... – Open space: Not defined • Minimum width of 20’ • More than 25% of perimeter needed to get an increase Here are the conditions under which open space can result in added floor area. Note that the open space is either to be a public way – which is specifically defined in the code – or “open space,” which is undefined. Although traditionally things like yards and parking lots have been accepted as open space, since the term is undefined it is best to get the code official’s interpretation of the space before including it in your own calculations for these kinds of spaces. 35 Permitted Increase Areas of Table 503 permitted to be increased (Equation 5-1): A a = At + A tI f 100 + A tI s 100 Where: Aa = Adjusted allowable area (sq. ft.) At = Area per Table 503 If = Area increase due to open frontage Is = Area increase due to sprinkler protection This is the equation used to calculate the permitted increase in area for both frontage and for sprinkler protection. 36 Frontage Increase Frontage increase determined by Equation 5-2: If = 100 F P - 0.25 W 30 Where: If = Area increase due to frontage (percent) F = Building perimeter fronting on public way or open space P = Perimeter of entire building W = Minimum width of public way or open space. Note W/30 not to exceed 1.0 The frontage increase in the allowable area equation, or If for frontage increase is as shown: Where: If is the area increase due to frontage F is the building perimeter fronting on public way or open space P is the perimeter of entire building W is the minimum width of public way or open space. This quantity, W/30, may not exceed 1.0, except in certain cases listed in the text of section 506. 37 Sprinkler Increase Section 506.3 Is = Increase due to sprinkler system in building Now let’s talk about the increase due to the addition of an automatic sprinkler system into the building. 38 Sprinkler Increase Automatic sprinkler systems (Section 506.3) • Multi-story buildings: Is = 200% • Single-story building: Is = 300% • Sprinkler system must be in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 – NFPA 13 system The automatic sprinkler increase factor, Is, is equal to 200% for multi-story buildings and Is is equal to 300% for single-story buildings. The sprinkler system must be in accordance with section 903.3.1.1. 39 International Building Code ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS & AREAS • Tabular heights and areas • Methods of increase • Resulting numbers We’ve talked about the tabular height and the tabular area numbers permitted by the IBC and about the two methods for increasing those numbers. Let’s talk now about the resulting numbers when you apply the modifications to the tabular areas. 40 Frontage Increase Property line Street 30’ 30’ 55’ 60’ Street Let’s consider an example of a building situated on a corner lot with setbacks 55’ from the centerline of the street on the east side, 60’ from the centerline of the street on the south side, 30’ from the property line on the west side, and 30’ from the property line on the north. Notice that for street frontage, we measure to the centerline of the street. 41 Permitted Increase Areas of Table 503 permitted to be increased (Equation 5-1): A a = At + A tI f 100 + A tI s 100 Where: Aa = Adjusted allowable area (sq. ft.) At = Area per Table 503 If = Area increase due to open frontage Is = Area increase due to sprinkler protection Remember the equation we talked about which will be used to calculate the increases for floor areas? 42 Frontage Increase Frontage increase determined by Equation 5-2: If = 100 F P - 0.25 W 30 Where: If = Area increase due to frontage (percent) F = Building perimeter fronting on public way or open space P = Perimeter of entire building W = Minimum width of public way or open space. Note W/30 not to exceed 1.0 To calculate the frontage increase portion of the equation for our example, we have to use Equation 5-2. 43 Frontage Increase Frontage increase determined by Equation 5-2: W 30 = 100 x 0.75 x 1 = 75 If = 100 1.0 – 0.25 30 F P Where: If = Area increase due to frontage (percent) F = Bldg perimeter fronting on public way or open space P = Perimeter of entire bldg W = Minimum width of public way or open space. Note W/30 not to exceed 1.0 Here is the equation solved for our example. Our example building has frontage on all four sides greater than 25 ft, so the ratio F/P is 1.0. Notice that W = 30’ and not 60’ in the solution to this equation. That is because W is the minimum width of the public way or open space, and it is equal to 30’ in our example. But even if the minimum were 60’, the result wouldn’t change because W/30 may not exceed 1.0, except in special cases defined in 506. Here’s the result… 44 Permitted Increase Areas of Table 503 permitted to be increased (Equation 5-1): A a = At + At75 100 + 0 Is If Where: Aa = Adjusted allowable area (sq. ft.) At = Area per Table 503 If = Area increase due to open frontage Is = Area increase due to sprinkler protection Therefore, the If for our example is 75 and our increase equation becomes… (see slide for text). Notice that Is is zero at this point. 45 Frontage Increase NONCOMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY HEIGHT S/Ft A-2 AREA HEIGHT S/Ft B AREA HEIGHT S/Ft M AREA COMBUSTIBLE TYPE II A TYPE II B TYPE III A TYPE III B TYPE V A TYPE V B 3/65 2/55 3/65 2/55 2/50 1/40 15,500 27,125 9,500 16,625 14,000 24,500 9,500 16,625 11,500 20,125 6,000 10,500 5/65 4/55 5/65 4/55 3/50 2/40 37,500 65,625 23,000 40,250 28,500 49,875 19,000 33,250 18,000 31,500 9,000 15,750 4/65 4/55 4/65 4,55 3/50 1/40 21,500 37,625 12,500 21,875 18,500 32,375 12,500 21,875 14,000 24,500 9,000 15,750 In this table, we’ve taken those numbers for various occupancy groups and show the tabular numbers, or the top number in a cell, and the result based upon the frontage increase - the lower number in a given cell. Keep in mind that these numbers are per-floor square footage permitted for the number of floors allowed for that type of construction. For example, Type IIIB construction for use group M, as we discussed earlier, has an allowable tabular value of 12,500 square feet, however, in our open perimeter example, as we just calculated, the increase would bring the total to 21,875 square feet per floor. 46 Adding a Sprinkler Systems Continuing our example of modifications, what happens to the permitted allowable area if we add a sprinkler system? 47 Permitted Increase Areas of Table 503 permitted to be increased (Equation 5-1): A a = At + A tI f 100 + A tI s 100 Where: Aa = Adjusted allowable area (sq. ft.) At = Area per Table 503 If = Area increase due to open frontage Is = Area increase due to sprinkler protection Remember our formula… (see slide). Notice that the tabular area (At) is added to the increase from frontage and to the increase for sprinklers. So both sprinkler increase and frontage or open perimeter increase are additive. 48 Sprinkler Increase Automatic sprinkler systems (Section 506.3) • Multi-story buildings: Is = 200% • Single-story building: Is = 300% • Sprinkler system must be in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 – NFPA 13 system Remember again, the sprinkler increase factor, Is, is 200% for multiple-story buildings and 300% for single-story buildings. 49 Height Increase for Sprinkler Section 504 • Automatic sprinkler increase – 20’ increase – One story increase • Group R occupancies – Can use NFPA 13R – Cannot exceed 4 stories or 60’ • Exceptions – I-2 of IIB, III, IV, & V – H-1, H-2, H-3, & H-5 Providing frontage around the building, as we saw in our previous example, will gain additional floor area, but provides no additional height or does not increase the number of stories permitted from tabular. With sprinklers, however, not only do you get a floor area increase, which remember is additive to that permitted for the frontage increase, but also results in additional height as you see here. In “Legacy Codes,” as ICC calls them, some of the Legacy Codes did not permit a simultaneous increase for height and for area because of sprinklers. Whereas, other Legacy Codes did permit the simultaneous increase for height and for areas resulting from the use of sprinklers. 50 Permitted Increase Areas of Table 503 permitted to be increased (Equation 5-1): A a = At + At75 100 + At300 100 Is If Where: Aa = Adjusted allowable area (sq. ft.) At = Area per Table 503 If = Area increase due to open frontage Is = Area increase due to sprinkler protection If our example building were a single story building with a sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13, the overall equation with If, for frontage increase, and Is, for sprinkler increase, would be like this… (see slide). 51 Sprinkler Increase NONCOMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY A-2 B M COMBUSTIBLE TYPE II A TYPE II B TYPE III A TYPE III B TYPE V A TYPE V B HEIGHT S/Ft 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 2/50 3/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 15,500 27,125 73,625 9,500 16,625 45,125 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,500 16,625 45,125 11,500 20,125 54,625 6,000 10,500 28,500 HEIGHT S/Ft 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 3/50 4/70 2/40 3/60 AREA 37,500 65,625 178,025 23,000 40,250 109,250 28,500 49,875 135,375 19,000 33,250 90,250 18,000 31,500 85,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 HEIGHT S/Ft 4/65 5/85 4/55 5/75 4/65 5/85 4,55 5/75 3/50 4/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 21,500 37,625 102,125 12,500 21,875 59,375 18,500 32,375 87,875 12,500 21,875 59,375 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 Now in our table, we see another line for area added to the cells. This is a result of the sprinkler increase. In our example, construction Type IIIB for use group M, mercantile, the tabular permitted area was 12,500 square feet. The permitted floor area, adjusted for the open perimeter, was 21,875 square feet per floor. Now, with the addition of a sprinkler system, the total allowable area per floor is 59,375 square feet. 52 Sprinkler Increase NONCOMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY A-2 B M COMBUSTIBLE TYPE II A TYPE II B TYPE III A TYPE III B TYPE V A TYPE V B HEIGHT S/Ft 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 2/50 3/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 15,500 27,125 73,625 9,500 16,625 45,125 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,500 16,625 45,125 11,500 20,125 54,625 6,000 10,500 28,500 HEIGHT S/Ft 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 3/50 4/70 2/40 3/60 AREA 37,500 65,625 178,025 23,000 40,250 109,250 28,500 49,875 135,375 19,000 33,250 90,250 18,000 31,500 85,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 HEIGHT S/Ft 4/65 5/85 4/55 5/75 4/65 5/85 4,55 5/75 3/50 4/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 21,500 37,625 102,125 12,500 21,875 59,375 18,500 32,375 87,875 12,500 21,875 59,375 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 Now we’d like to highlight the comparison in area for Type II-B construction (unprotected steel, for example) and Type III-B construction (which can be constructed with fire retardant treated wood exterior walls for our example occupancies and untreated wood elsewhere in the structure). In many instances the code will permit floor areas equal to – or nearly equal to – the steel or masonry construction, giving the designer or building owner the affordability and quick construction time benefits attendant to wood construction while permitting buildings of similar size. For example, in our use group M, the tabular area for Type IIIB is 12,500 square feet and for Type IIB the tabular area is an identical 12,500 square feet. The increased area per floor due to open perimeter increase is 21,875 square feet for each type – Type IIB and Type IIIB. And finally, even with the addition of sprinkler systems, the tabular area is 59,375 square feet per floor for each of the two types of construction. 53 Sprinkler Increase NONCOMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY A-2 B M COMBUSTIBLE TYPE II A TYPE II B TYPE III A TYPE III B TYPE V A TYPE V B HEIGHT S/Ft 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 3/65 4/85 2/55 3/75 2/50 3/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 15,500 27,125 73,625 9,500 16,625 45,125 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,500 16,625 45,125 11,500 20,125 54,625 6,000 10,500 28,500 HEIGHT S/Ft 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 5/65 6/85 4/55 5/75 3/50 4/70 2/40 3/60 AREA 37,500 65,625 178,025 23,000 40,250 109,250 28,500 49,875 135,375 19,000 33,250 90,250 18,000 31,500 85,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 HEIGHT S/Ft 4/65 5/85 4/55 5/75 4/65 5/85 4,55 5/75 3/50 4/70 1/40 2/60 AREA 21,500 37,625 102,125 12,500 21,875 59,375 18,500 32,375 87,875 12,500 21,875 59,375 14,000 24,500 66,500 9,000 15,750 42,750 Another interesting twist to these numbers is that Type V A - protected wood frame construction (or 1-hr protected wood frame) is comparable to Type II B unprotected steel, in many cases offering greater floor area. This would permit untreated wood to be used throughout the structure, although most assemblies within the structure would be required to be 1-hr fire resistance rated. 54 Unlimited Area Buildings Section 507 • Unsprinklered buildings: – Limited to one story – F-2 & S-2 with yards at least 60’ in width • Sprinklered, 1 story: – A-4, B, F, M & S with yards at least 60’ • Exceptions for some uses • Sprinklered, 2 story: – B, F, M, & S Having said all that, let's talk about circumstances in which the area of the building is permitted to be unlimited. These provisions reflect the text of the 2000 edition of the IBC. Other than the change made to the 2003 edition, these provisions are not dependent on type of construction. The change in the 2003 edition, however, does not permit Type V construction for 2-story, sprinklered, unlimited area buildings. 55 Reduced Open Space Section 507.4 • 60 feet may be reduced to 40 feet if – Not more than 75% of building perimeter – Exterior walls at 40 feet must be 3-hr rated – Opening must be 3-hr rated And there are situations in which open space around the building of an unlimited floor area building may be reduced. For example, Section 507.4 permits the reduction of the 60’ open perimeter to be reduced to 40’ if: •Not more than 75% of the building perimeter is reduced, •The exterior walls at 40 feet are 3-hr fire resistance rated, and •The openings are protected with 3-hr fire resistance rated fire protectives. 56 Fire Resistance Let’s move on to the second portion of our program: fire resistance as addressed in the IBC. The IBC requires minimum fire resistance ratings for various elements of the building: structural frame, walls, partitions, floor/ceiling assemblies, etc. 57 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Section 703 • The fire resistance rating of buildings shall be determined in accordance with – – – – ASTM E119 Tabular methods Calculated methods Designs documented in approved sources The IBC requires the fire resistance of various assemblies to be determined by one of several methods. Section 703 specifies those methods: •ASTM E119 testing •Tabular methods •Calculated methods •Designs documented in approved sources 58 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Methods for determining fire resistance • By tests (ASTM E119) • Tabular • Calculated • Documented sources First let’s talk about testing. Methods for determining fire resistance by using ASTM E 119. 59 ASTM E119 ASTM E119 is the test for determining the fire resistance of an assembly and it is cited specifically in the IBC. Under the formalized test, an assembly is subjected to a standardized fire until failure, which occurs when one of the following things happen: •a burn-through of the assembly, •structural failure of the assembly, or •temperature increase on the unexposed side of the assembly beyond a specified level. The rating of the assembly is determined by its time to failure using one of those criteria. 60 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests • Published by AF&PA • Downloadable from • ASTM E119 tests AF&PA publishes a document which contains various assemblies tested according to ASTM E119. The current version includes some newly tested assemblies, including some tested at 100%, or fully loaded ,capacity. This is Design for Code Acceptance 3 (DCA 3). 61 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Methods for determining fire resistance • By tests (ASTM E119) • Tabular – – – – IBC Table 719.1(1): Various structural members IBC Table 719.1(2): Walls & partitions IBC Table 719. 1(3): Floors & roofs Reflects tested assemblies • Calculated • Documented sources The second method for determining fire resistance in the IBC is the tabular method. The Table - 719.1(1) for structural members, 719.1(2) for walls and partitions, and 719.1(3) for floors and roofs - appears in the IBC. This is carried over from the Uniform Building Code. These assemblies are tested assemblies that have been “bundled” together to make them more accessible to code users. 62 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Methods for determining fire resistance • By tests (ASTM E119) • Tabular • Calculated • Documented sources Another method for determining fire resistance is the calculated fire resistance method. This does not require testing. 63 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests One of the drawbacks to using the test method, ASTM E119, is that it is very expensive and time consuming. And if the assembly fails to achieve the intended ratings, the process must be repeated, resulting in additional costs and time. 64 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance • Developed by Nat’l Research Center, Canada – Review of more than 200 tests – Research on fire behavior of individual materials when combined • Methodology recognized by IBC Section 721 • For new & existing assemblies • Published in ASCE/SFPE 29-99 In IBC Section 721, the code provides a method for calculating fire resistance of assemblies. The calculated fire resistance method was developed by the National Research Center, Canada based upon a review of more than 200 tests, and research on fire behavior of individual materials when combined with one another. The methodology is recognized in the IBC in Section 721. It’s useful for both new and, more importantly, existing assemblies, and it’s published as a consensus standard by ASCE/SFPE 291999. 65 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance • Published by AF&PA • Downloadable on • Repeats much of what’s in IBC but has other material Further, calculated fire resistance is discussed in a document published by AF&PA. This document provides the wood-related methodology in the IBC, as well as general information beyond what the code addresses. Design for Code Acceptance No. 4, calculated fire resistance. 66 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance • Time assigned to protective membrane – Membrane assumed on exposed side – Based on ability to stay in place during fire tests – Not to be confused with finish rating • Time assigned to studs and joists – Based on time-to-failure after failure of protective membrane • Code limit of 60 minutes Here’s a summary of the methodology. It’s important to note that the code limits its application to fire resistance ratings of 60 minutes or less. The summary includes: •Time assigned to protective membranes •Membrane assumed on exposed side •Based on ability to stay in place during fire tests •Not to be confused with finish rating •Time assigned to studs and joists •Based on a time-to-failure after failure of protective membrane •Code limits application of this method to fire resistance ratings of 60 minutes or less 67 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Time assigned to protective membranes Description of Finish 3/8” Douglas-fir plywood, phenolic bonded 1/2” Douglas-fir plywood, phenolic bonded 5/8” Douglas-fir plywood, phenolic bonded 3/8” Gypsum board 1/2” Gypsum board 5/8” Gypsum board 1/2 “ Type X gypsum board 5/8” Type X gypsum board Double 3/8” gypsum board 1/2” + 3/8” gypsum board Double 1/2” gypsum board Time (Minutes) 5 10 15 10 15 20 25 40 25 35 40 The table from DCA 4, shown above, assigned various materials commonly used as protective membranes to time in minutes. For example, ½” Douglasfir plywood, phenolic bonded is assigned a time of 10 minutes. 5/8” Type X gypsum board is assigned a time of 40 minutes, whereas, ½” Type X gypsum board is assigned a time of 25 minutes. 68 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Time assigned for additional protection Description of Insulation Rockwool or slag mineral wool batts weighing not less than ¼ lb./sq. ft. of wall surface In non-bearing walls: Glass fiber batts weighing not less than ¼ lb./sq. ft. of wall surface Time (Min.) 15 5 The addition of insulation will only add protection in walls. And, if you note, for fiberglass batts that additional protection is limited to and applies only to non-bearing walls. Whereas, mineral wool batts may be used to increase the time for bearing as well as non-bearing walls. 69 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Interior Wall 2” x 4” Stud 5/8” Type X Gyp Bd 5/8” Gyp Bd 16” Here’s how the methodology works. This example is an interior wall with Type “X” gypsum board on one side and a double layer of regular gypsum board on the other side. 70 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Interior Wall 2” x 4” Stud Exposure from this side 5/8” Type X Gyp Bd 5/8” Gyp Bd 16” MATERIALS 5/8” Type X Gypsum Board Wood Studs (16” o.c.) Total Rating TIME 40 20 60 From the table, we note that 5/8” Type X gypsum board is assigned a time of 40 minutes. We also note wood studs, spaced 16” o.c., is assigned a time of 20 minutes. The total time assigned to this assembly, exposed from the 5/8” Type X gypsum board side, is 60 minutes or 1-hour. Being an interior wall, exposure is calculated from both sides. Here we calculate from the side with a single layer of Type “X” gypsum board. The rating calculates to be 60 minutes. From the table we see 5/8” Type X gypsum board is assigned a time of 40 minutes. Wood studs, 16” o.c. are assigned a time of 20 minutes, for a total fire resistance rating assigned of 60 minutes. The reason the double layer of regular gyp board isn’t considered in this is that the exposed-side is the gypsum Type X side, and the studs are critical elements. If they both fail, the 2 layers of gypsum on the unexposed side offer no protection. 71 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Interior Wall 2” x 4” Stud 5/8” Type X Gyp Bd 5/8” Gyp Bd Exposure from this side 16” MATERIALS 5/8” Gypsum Board 5/8” Gypsum Board Wood Studs (16” o.c.) Total Rating TIME 20 20 20 60 Now, calculating exposure from the other side, we use the values for 5/8” regular gypsum. We see that 5/8” regular gypsum board is assigned a time of 20 minutes. With 2 layers, the assigned time is 40 minutes. And, wood studs 16” o.c. are assigned a time of 20 minutes. So, the total fire resistance rating exposure from this side is 60 minutes. This assembly is, therefore, considered to be a 1-hour fire resistance rated assembly. 72 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: Another method of calculating fire resistance is the methodology for assigning 1-hour fire resistance to exposed heavy timber beams and columns. 73 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: exposed members • Originally published by AF&PA as an evaluation report • Methodology recognized by IBC Section 721 • Recently published in ASCE/SFPE 29-99 This methodology was first introduced into the codes as a National Evaluation Report (NER), but it has eventually moved into the body of the code. And, it has subsequently been published as a consensus standard ASCE/SFPE 29-1999. 74 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated Fire Resistance Exposed Heavy Timber Members Heated zone D Charred wood W The essential concept in this methodology is when wood of a sufficient size is exposed to fire there will be three zones in the wood member. The core of the member will be unaffected by the fire and will retain its strength. There will be a heated zone in which some of its strength will be reduced. And on the exterior of the member, there will be a char layer, which at some point in the fire, will provide insulation to the rest of the member. Simply stated, the concept is to design “sacrificial wood” into the member so that when the member is exposed to fire it will retain sufficient strength to hold its loads. 75 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Calculated fire resistance: exposed members • Based on – Depth and width of beam/column – Load factor • Unsupported length/span • End condition – fixed or free – Ratio of allowed load to actual • Different process for exposure on 3 or 4 sides The detailed methodology is too complex to go into here. However, as you might expect, the width and depth of the member comes into play. The load factor that is used is based upon the unsupported length or span of the member as well as the end condition of the member. And as you might expect, because the degrees of exposure are different, the process is somewhat different for members which are exposed on three sides compared to those which are exposed on four sides. 76 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests • This document is downloadable from • Contains code information but also added material • Suggested fastener protection Fire resistance ratings using Design for Code Acceptance No. 2. AF&PA provides this document online at It’s informative because it gives information on what you’ll find in the code with regard to fire resistance ratings. 77 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Development of methodology Calculations vs. experiments Detailed design procedures Application guidelines Examples Design aids Downloadable from TR 10: Calculating Fire Resistance of Exposed Wood Members American Wood Council • • • • • • • American Forest & Paper Association American Wood Council If you’re really interested in this methodology, Technical Report No. 10 (TR10) provides a great deal of information. It includes: •Calculations and experiments •Detailed design procedures •Application guidelines •Examples •Design aids 78 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests Methods for determining fire resistance • By tests (ASTM E119) • Tabular • Calculated • Documented sources Lastly, determining fire resistance rating recognized in the IBC by what it refers to as “documented sources.” 79 Fire Resistance Ratings & Tests This would include: •The Underwriters Laboratory Fire Resistance Directory •The Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Directory, and •Other directories, such as those published by Intertek Testing Services 80 Flame Spread Finally, let’s talk about the subject of flame spread as it’s addressed in the code and see how wood fits into those provisions. It’s important to first talk about the difference between flame spread and fire resistance. Fire resistance, as we’ve seen, concerns the resistance of a material or assembly of materials to: • Resist fire damage to the extent that it compromises the structural stability of the assembly, or • That it permits burn-through for the passage of fire and smoke, or • The transfer of heat such that it might ignite combustible materials on the unexposed side. Flame spread concerns the length of time required for fire on the surface of the material to travel across the material. 81 Flame Spread Here is a copy of IBC Table 803.5 (from the 2003 edition). Notice, that the format of the table has the reader match a particular occupancy group with sprinklered or unsprinklered areas of the building. The body of the table, under those columns then, lists the flame spread requirement as a classification A, B, or C. 82 Flame Spread • Class A – Flame spread 0 – 25, smoke developed 0 - 450 • Class B – Flame spread 26 – 75, smoke developed 0 - 450 • Class C – Flame spread 76 – 200, smoke developed 0 - 450 Class A Flame spread 0 – 25 Class B Flame spread 26 – 75 Class C Flame spread 76 – 200 For all of these classifications, the smoke developed rating must be 0-450. In some of the Legacy Codes, a similar table was used, but the designations used were Class I, Class II, and Class III. 83 Flame Spread – ASTM E84 Flame spread is determined by the use of ASTM E-84 tests, sometimes referred to as the Stiener Tunnel test. In this procedure, the material to be tested is mounted in the ceiling of the tunnel. In one end of tunnel, the material is exposed to a standardized flame with standardized air flow across the surface of the material. The distance which the flame spreads over a period of time determines the flame spread rating. While this test gives an indication of the performance of the materials exposed to the same conditions, it is not intended to be a reflection of performance of the material in a real fire exposure. It is merely a relative categorization of materials. 84 Flame Spread Flame spread of wood products CLASS A 0 - 25 Fire retardant treated wood CLASS B 26 - 75 Redwood Cedar CLASS C 76 - 200 Most other species Softwood plywood Hardwood plywood Particleboard Here’s how wood products are classified. Most wood products fall, as you can see, under Class C: 76-200 – softwood plywood, hardwood plywood, most species of wood. Redwood and some Cedars fall under Class B: 2675. And, fire retardant treated wood is Class A: 0-25. 85 Flame Spread • Published by AF&PA • Downloadable from Finally, Design for Code Acceptance No. 1, published by AF&PA, contains information on flame spread rating which is sometimes difficult to find elsewhere. 86 Questions? • – Online eCourses – FAQ’s • HelpDesk – – (202) 463-4713 or (800) 292-2372 • Comments – This concludes this approved continuing education program. Last slide 87