Copyright © 1999, 2004 by American Forest & Paper Association, Inc., Washington, D.C. NDS Commentary VIII: BOLTS 8.1-GENERAL 8.1.1-Quality of Bolts - - 1/4 for bolted inch 1- 1/2 or 1connections sole the is responsibility of the designer. 8.1.2-Fabrication and Assembly In the previous three editions, the bolt quality standard referenced in the Specification was ASTM The range of allowable bolt holes of 1/32Standard A307,Low Carbon SteelExternally and inch to 1/16-inch larger than the bolt diameter has been Internally Threaded Fasteners. The current standard of a provision of theSpecificationsince 1948.Designathis designation, A307-88a, is now titled, Standard tionoftheselimits as minimum and maximum overSpecification for Carbon SteelBolts and Studs, 60,000sizeswas added in the 1986 edition. psiTensile Strength. The scope of thepresentASTM Generally, the smaller diameter bolts will use the A307is too narrow for it to beused as a reference standard as bolt provisions in the 1991 edition of thesmalleroversizeholes and the larger bolts thelarger Specification provide for the use of bolts of any oversize. The sametargetoversizeis to beused for all in the Same connection. bending yield strength (see Appendix I). ANWASME Standard B18.2.1-1981, Square and Hex Bolts and Centering of holes and avoidance of Screws (Inch Series),whichisbeingused as thebolt forcibledrivinghavebeen good practiceprovisions of qualityreferenceinthe1991 edition, isthereferenced the Specificationsince the 1944 edition. standard for dimensions inA307. Use ofwashers or equivalentmetal parts Bolt design values given in previous editions of the under thehead and nut to preventlocalizedcrushing Specification werebasedon a bendingyield strength, of the wood at boltholes has been a requirement of FUb, of45,000psi. This valueisapplicable to A36 theSpecificationsince the 1960 edition. steelhaving an ultimate tensile strength of 58,000 psi. Designvalues for bolted joints have been Bolt designvalues tabulated in Tables 8.2A-Dand applied to connections having both tight and loose nuts 8.3A-D of the 1991 edition are based on bolts made of since the 1944 edition. This provisionisbasedonthe steelhavingthese properties. original bolted joint tests used to establish design values Maximum bolt diameter. Boltdesignvalues for inwhich the nuts were intentionally not tightenedin bolts up to 1-1/4inches in diameter were tabulated in order to simulate the additional shrinkage that can the 1968 and earlier editions of the Specification. It is to be noted that occur during service (183). Values for 1-1/2inch bolts were added tothedesign the loosening of nuts that may loadtablesbeginningwiththe 1971 edition. In the occur from shrinkage and not theeffectsofmoisture 1991 edition, boltdesignprovisions and tabulated bolt on bearing strength or the effects of checks and cracks design loads apply only to bolts having diameters of 1 that may occur from seasoning after fabrication. inch or less. This conservative change was made Reduction of boltdesignvalues for these factors is followingseveral reported fieldproblemswithconnecrequired when connections are assembledwithwet or tions involving large diameter bolts ingluedlaminated partiallyseasonedwood(see7.3.3). timber members and the results of new research The requirement that the threaded portion (40,173). The latter showed drying inservice,workmanship variables and perpendicular to grain load of bolts bearing on woodmembers be keptto a components could interact to affectthecapacityof practical minimum was added as a good practice recommendation in the 1986 edition. Allowance of connections made with multiple large diameter, relative1y stiff bolts. some thread bearing on wood without modification of boltdesignvaluesis long standing practice supported It isrecognized that theexperiencerecordshows by field experience. N~~~ should be made that when most large diameter bolted connections, particularly threads occur in the shear plane, the effect of such those only one Or two bolts, have performed threads on the design shear strength of the bolt itself it is to be is to be taken into account (see 7.2.3). satisfactorilyovermanyyears.However, in the 1991 understood that use of theprocedures edition of the Specification to establish allowable loads NDS Commentary 8.2-DESIGN VALUES FOR SINGLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS Boltdesignvaluesperpendicular to grain: 2 = c2F2Ldr2 (C8.2-2) 8.2.1-Wood-to-WoodConnections where: Background Boltdesignvalues tabulated in the Specification prior to the 1991 edition werebased on early research (183) which related the bearing strength of wood under bolts to the compression parallel and perpendicular to grain properties of the woodmembers and the resistance of the bolt to bending as measured by the ratio of the length of bolt in the main member to its diameter.Except for adjustments made to reflectthe change in lumber designvaluesin1970resulting from the introduction of new clear wood strength properties and species grouping criteria in ASTM D2555, and the provisionsof the new softwood lumber product standard PS 20, the general methodology for establishing bolt design values remained essentially unchanged from the 1944 through the 1986 editions. Under this methodology, allowable bolt designvalueswere establishedin accordance withthe equations shownbelow. Bolt design values parallel to grain: 2 = cIFILdrl (C8.2-1) where: z = nominal bolt Fl = L = d = - design value, pounds adjustment for differencebetween proportional limit load of bolted joints and proportional limit under uniform compression load 0.80 unseasoned clear woodmaximumcompression design value parallel to grain 5 percent exclusionvalue for each species or species group (based on ASTM D2555), reduced 1.OA.9 for load duration and factor of safety based on ASTMD245, and increased1.20 for seasoning based on early research (183), psi length of bolt in main member, inches bolt diameter, inches adjustment depending on L/d ratio of bolt and FI (ranging from 1.00 at L/d of 2.00 to 0.310 at L/d of 13) Although the proportional limit joint load factor (cI) for hardwoods was found to be 1.00(183), and the ASTM D245 load duratiodfactor of safety adjustment for hardwoods is2.1, the softwoodvalues for thesetermswereused for allspecies for simplicity. 98 BoJts - width of bearingincreasebased on bolt diameter (183) (ranging from 2.50 for 1/4-inch bolt to 1.2,7 for 1-inch bolt) Fz = clear wood unseasoned average proportional limit stress for species or species group based on ASTM D2555, reduced 1.0/1.5 for ring placement based on ASTM D245, increased 1.10 for normal loading, and increased1.20 for seasoningbasedonearly research (1 83) - adjustment depending on L/d ratio ofbolt r2 and F2 (ranging from 1.00 at L/d of 5.00 to 0.375 at L/d of13) c2 other symbols as previouslydefined The bolt design values established by the foregoing equations were applicable to three member joints in which the side members were one-half the thickness of the mainmember.Allowable bolt designvalues for twomember or four or more member joints were established as proportions of the three memberbolt designvaluesin accordance withspecifiedrules. 1991 Edition. In the 1991 edition, lateral design values for bolts are based on a yield limit model which considersthedifferentwaystheboltedconnectioncan deform under load (see Commentary for 7.2.1 and Appendix I). The capacity of specific a joint is determined for eachyield mode and thelowestdesign valuecalculated for the differentmodesisselected as the nominal bolt designvalue, 2, for the joint. The yield mode equations are entered with the dowel bearing strengths and thicknesses of the wood members and the diameter and bendingyield strength ofthe fastener. Wood dowelbearing strengths usedintheyield mode equations are based on a load representinga 5 percent diameter offset on the load-deformation curve obtained from a bolt embedmenttest. This loadis intermediate betweenthe proportional limit and ultimate loads obtained from such a test (see Commentary section7.2.1). Although the yield limitmodelrepresentssignificantly different methodology than that used previously to establishboltdesignvalues,therelativeeffects of various joint variablesshown by both procedures are generallysimilar(166). Short-term boltdesignvalues NDS Commentary obtained from application of the yield model equations havebeenreduced to the average bolt designvalue levels published in previous editions of the Specifications for connections madewith the samespecies and membersizes(seeCommentary for 7.2.1).Asnoted above, these previous tabulated bolt designvalues are indexed to nominal proportional limit bolt design values rather than 5 percentoffset bolt designvalues. I Previous Methodology for SingleShearBolted Connections. Boltdesignvalues tabulated in the 1986 and earlier editions applied to three member joints in which the side memberswereeach one-half the thicknessof the mainmember. For twomember joints, those with a single shear plane, aproportion ofthe bolt design value for the three member connection was used. Prior to the 1977 edition, the two-member proportion was taken as one-half the tabulated three member bolt designvalue fora piecetwice the thickness of the thinner piece. This early practice for establishing single shear bolt designvalues, introduced in 1935 (127), was considered appropriate application of the results of the original boltresearch(58). In 1977, based on new research and reevaluation of original test results (82,183,200), the basis for boltdesignvalues for two member connections was changed to the smaller of (i) one-half the tabulated three member bolt design value for a piece the thicknessof the thickestmember, or (ii) one-half the tabulated three member bolt design value fora piecetwice the thicknessof the thinner member. This change provided more conservative designvalues for alltwomemberwood-to-woodsingle shear bolted connections inwhich the thicker member wasless thantwice the thickness of the thinner member, with reductions of50percent occurring in some joints inwhich the twomembers wereof equal thickness. The new practice for establishing designvalues for two member bolted connections was continued through the 1986 edition. Results from application of the yield model confirm the general relationship betweendesignvalues for two member and three member bolted connections established in the 1977 edition (202). - JointMembersLoadedinDifferent Directions. The change in single shear joint provisions introduced in the 1977 edition resulted in inconsistent treatment of joints in whichonememberwas loaded parallelto The grain and the other perpendicular to grain. inconsistency occurred when the parallel loaded member was just slightly thicker than the perpendicular loaded member. In this case the joint wasassigned a perpendicular bolt designvaluebasedon a piecetwicethe thicknessof the perpendicular member rather than a piece the thickness of this member. The deficiency was corrected in the 1986 edition by assigning single shear to joints inwhichonememberwasloadedparallel grain and the other at an angle to grain a bolt design one-half the tabulated value equal to the lesserof(i) bolt designvalue fora piece the thickness of the parallel to grain loaded member, or (ii) the bolt design value obtained from the equation for allowable bearing at an angle to grain (Appendix J of the Specification) using one half the tabulated parallel to grain and perpendicular to grain bolt design values for a piece the thickness of the angle-to-grain member as P and Q, respectively. This procedure assured that allowable loads on joints in which one member was loaded at an angle to grain would converge with those for joints in which the angledmemberwas at 90" to the parallel loadedmember. In the 1991 edition, the condition wheremembers of a single shear bolted connection are loaded at different angles to the grain isprovided for by the factor, Ke , in the denominator oftheyieldmode equations which accountsfor the maximumangle of load to grain for anymember inthe connection; and by Equation 8.2-7 of the Specification whichusesthe bearing angle to grain equation (Appendix J) to adjust the dowel bearing strength ofeachmember loaded at an angle to grain. Yield Mode Equations The bolt design value equations (8.2-1 to 8.2-6) for single shear wood-to-wood connections weredeveloped from European research (93,104) and have been confirmed by bolt tests on domestic species (116,163,166,167). The limiting yield modescoveredbythese equations are bearing in the main or sidemembers(Mode I), bolt rotation withoutbending(Mode 11), developmentof a plastic hingein the bolt inmain or side member (Mode 111) and development of plastic hinges in the bolt in both main and side members (Mode IV) (seeAppendix I of the Specification). The term4K8 , 3.6K8 or 3.2K8 in the denominator of equations 8.2-1 to 8.2-6 represents the average factor relating yield modeldesignvalue for eachmodebasedon 5 percent offsetdowel bearing strength to the proportional limit based bolt designvalues tabulated in the 1986 edition (202). For bolts loaded parallel to grain, Ke equals one. For perpendicular to grain loading, Ke equals 1.25 for a connection with one member loaded parallel to grain and the other member loaded perpendicular to grain (202). Dowel bearing strengths usedin the yieldmode equations are tabulated in Table 8A for all structurally graded lumber species. These values also apply to Bolts 99 NDS Comentary mainmembersofglued laminated timber. The values in Table 8A represent 5 percent diameter offset values determined in accordance with the following equations (203): Parallel to grain: different joint designs are shown in Example C8.2-1 to illustrate theresults of applying equations 8.2-1to 8.2-6. -~ Example C8.2-1 F, = (11,200) G (C8.2-3) Perpendicular to grain: F, = (6,100) G'*45D-OS5 (C8.2-4) Yieldmodedesignvaluesforwood-to-woodsingle shear bolted connections: Hem-fw two memberconnectionsmadewith1/2and 1 inchbolts,sidememberthickness of 1-1/2inches, main member thicknesses of 1-112, 3 and 5-112 inches, and loadsappliedparallelandperpendiculartothe grain of main and side members where: Fern, Fes = 4800 psiparallel = 2550 psi perpendicular, 112 inch bolt = 1800psiperpendicular, 1 inchbolt Fyb = 45,000 psi F, = dowelbearing strength, psi G = specificgravitybased on oven dry weight and volume D = bolt diameter, inches in. & Bolt grain direction Diam.YieldModeDesignValue, SideMain in. ZI, ZI, zu ZUI, ThiCknCSS, Effect of specific gravity on dowel bearing strength wasestablished from 3/4-inchdowelembedmenttests on Douglas-fir, southern pine, spruce-pine-fir. Sitka spruce,red oak, yellow poplar and aspen. Diameter effectswereevaluated from testsof1/4-,1/2-,3/4-,1-, and 1 -1/2 inch dowels in southern pine using bolt holes 1/16-inch larger than thedoweldiameter. Diameter was found to be a significant variable only in perpendicular to grain loading.Bearingspecimens were1/2inch or thicker such that width and number of growth ringsdid not influenceresults(203). The specificgravityvaluesgivenin Table 8A for eachspecies or species group are those used to establishthe corresponding dowelbearingstrengthvalues, F, . Thesespecificgravityvaluesrepresentaverage values from in-grade lumber testprograms (see Commentary for or are based on information from ASTMD2555. No separate specificgravityvalues are available for dense Douglas-fir and dense southern pine; therefore, no dowelbearing strength values nor bolt design values are tabulated for thesedensespecies combinations in the 1991 edition. The bending yield strength, Fyb , oftheboltused in the yield mode equations is taken as the average of the yield and ultimate tensile strengths of the metal (see AppendixI). For A36 and stronger steels, Fyb equal to 45,000psiis a conservative value and is equivalent to thebolt strength reported intheoriginalbolttest research(183). For each particular joint configuration, the nominal bolt design value for each yield mode must be calculated to determinethelimitingvalue for theconnection. Such yield mode bolt designvalues for anumberof 100 Bolts 1/2 112 1/2 Ibs ZIII, ZIV 900 900 414 720 382 250 382 720 21p 550 550 663 380 324 442 324 380 442 900 845 674 IIp 663 1-112 // 1-112 // 1-112 I 1-112 // 1-112 I 1-112 // 3 /I 3 I/ 3 1 1- 112 // 1800 112 1-1/2 442 592 I 472 382 1440 112 1-112 // 720 765 1/2 3 I/ 3 /I 3 1 1- 112 // 1-112 I 1-112 // 1 1 1 3600 1800 1359 220018842652 2880 14p 874 137811431567 1080 1440 111 111711351567 5-112 // 5-112 // 5-112 I 1-112 // 1-1/2 I 1-112 // 1 1 1 6600 1800 2451 316118842652 5280 14p 1678 202111431567 1980 1440 816 1311 11351567 x 442 380 433 Member Loaded at Angle to Grain. Equation 8.2-7 is used to calculate the dowel bearing strength for amain or sidememberloaded at an angle to grain. This equation, a form ofthebearingangletograin equation (Appendix J), has beenusedsincethe1944 editiontodetermineallowabledesignvalues for bolts acting in a plane inclined to the direction of grain. In earlier editions, the equation was entered with allowable boltdesignvaluesparallel and perpendicular to grain. In the1991 edition, the equation is enteredwiththe parallel and perpendiculardowelbearingstrengths for themember and theboltdesignvalue isdetermined from the yield mode equations using FCe as the dowel bearing strength for themain or sidemember.The bolt design value obtained from this procedure is similar to that obtained from usingparallel to grain and perpendicular to grain 2 valuesinthebearing interaction formula to obtain a Ze design value for the - NDS Commentary connection (202). Determining a Ze designvalueusing this latter approach is an acceptable alternative to calculating Fee for useineachyieldmode equation and allows the useof tabulated 2 valuesfromthe Specification. - Tabulated Two Member Wood-to-WoodBolt Design Values. Bolt design values for lumber to lumber(Table8.2A) and gluedlaminatedtimber to lumber (Table8.2B)connectionshave not previously been tabulated in the Specification,beingtaken as a proportion of the tabulated threememberboltdesign valueinearlier editions (see Commentary on Previous Methodology for Single Shear BoltedConnections). With the added refinement of the yield mode equations, twomember bolt designvalues are not necessarilya fixedone-halfthethreememberboltdesignvalue. Separate twomemberboltedconnectiondesignvalues are therefore given to facilitate designer use. All tabular bolt design values are based on a bolt bending yield strength of 45,000 psi.Twoboltdesignvalues for perpendicular to grain loading are shown: one for a connection with the side member loaded perpendicular to grain and themainmemberloadedparallel to grain (Zs1 ); andonefor aconnectionwithmain member loaded perpendicular to grain and the side memberloadedparallel to grain (Z, ). The softconversionprocedureused to translate short term yield mode bolt design values to bolt design values previously tabulated in the Specification involved use of average adjustment factors for each mode based on all bolt and member sizes, all species combinations, andboth wood and steel side members. For two memberconnections,theadjustment factor wasbased on joints inwhich the sidememberwasone-halfthe thicknessofthemainmember. Under thisindexing procedure, new bolt design values are both higher and lower than previous bolt design values depending upon the bolt diameter, the thicknesses of the main and side member, and the particular species combination involved. __ average level of 1986 and earlier tabulated boltdesign values using average factors for joints in which the side memberwasone-halfthethicknessofthemainmember. This was the configuration used for the early tests from whichtheboltdesignvaluesinthe1986and earlier editions were derived.Only one configuration (3-1/2main and 1-1/2side)inthetableabovemeets this calibration condition. The average ratios of1991 to 1986 bolt designvalues for the joints inthetable which have this calibration geometry are 0.97 and 1.18 for parallel and perpendicular to grain loading, respectively. Table C8.2-1- Comparison of 1991 and 1986 NDS Wood-to-Wood SingleShear Bolt Design Values Thickness, in. Bolt Design Value, lbs Bo1t z,, Main, Side, Diam. Wood Wood in. 1991 1986 Ratio 1991 1986 314 1 530 470 800 710 1060 945 314 1 1-112 1-112 112 3 330 215 460 270 580 325 1.53 1.70 1.78 1.04 635 660 1270 1315 0.97 1740 1875 0.93 470 430 620 540 750 650 1.09 1.15 1.15 314 1 1.18 635 750 1690 1400 1.21 2480 2135 1.16 520 490 960 630 1360 760 1.06 1.52 1.79 1 1270 1315 0.97 2150 1875 1.15 850 540 1190 650 1.57 1.83 1 1690 1430 1.18 2870 2435 1.18 1090 1.16 940 1550 1190 1.30 112 1-112 3-112 3-112 112 5-112 1-112 314 5-112 3-112 314 . . 1.13 1.13 1.12 Ratio S~ruce -h e-FK: 1-112 1-112 112 314 1 3 112 1-112 Comparison of 1991 and Earlier EditionBolt Design Values. Differencesbetween1991 and earlier editionwood-to-woodsingle shear boltdesignvalues for two species combinations are shown in Table C8.2-1. 3-112 3-112 112 For the joint configurations compared, bolt design valuesbased on the1991edition for theparallel and perpendicular to grain loading cases averaged 11 percent and 54 percenthigher,respectively, than those based on the 1986 edition. It is to be noted that the short-term yield mode bolt design values on whichthe 1991 boltdesignvalues are basedwerereduced to the 5-112 3-112 314 410 610 810 340 510 680 1.21 1.20 1.19 240 140 340 175 430 210 1.71 1.94 2.05 330 280 440 350 540 425 1.18 1.26 1.27 430 325 730 410 1000 495 1.32 1.78 2.02 314 1 540 580 0.93 1000 1015 0.99 1330 1355 0.98 314 1 660 1.14 580 1420 1155 1.23 1890 1585 1.19 1 1080 1015 1.06 1760 1355 1.30 690 350 830 425 1.97 1.95 1 1480 1310 1.13 2330 2275 1.02 900 640 1120 775 1.41 1.45 5-112 1-112 314 The yield mode equations on which the 1991bolt design values are based provide a fully rationalized and consistentmeasure of theeffectsofmain and side memberthicknesses and boltdiameter. Assuchthey Bolts 10 1 NDS Commentary are morereliableindicatorsofrelative joint loadcarryingcapacity than theboltdesignvaluesgivenin earliereditionswhichrepresentaconservativeapplicationoftestresults for onlyonemain to sidemember configuration. Mixed SpeciesConnections. Design values for bolted connections made with side a member of different species than the main member can be calculated usingtheyield mode equations (Eqs. 8.2-1 to 8.2-6) andthe appropriate dowelbearingstrength for each species.Mixedspeciesconnectionswereprovided for in the 1982 and 1986 editions by assigning the joint the lesser of the bolt design value applicable to a comparable jointmadewithmembersofthemainmember species or a comparable joint madewithmembersof thesidememberspecies.Inlieu of usingtheyield mode equations, bolt design values for connections made with different main and side member species may bebasedon bolt design values in Table 8.2A and 8.2B forthespecieswiththelowerdowelbearingstrength, Fe 8.2.2-Wood-to-MetalConnections Background In the 1977 and earlier editions of the Specification, boltedconnections made withsteelsidememberswere assigneddesignvaluesthatwere 25 percentlargerthan tabulatedboltdesignvalues for woodmainmembers to grain. No increase for steel side loaded parallel plateswasrecognizedwhenwoodmainmemberswere loadedperpendicularto grain. Theseprovisions were basedonearlybolttests(183)involvingtwosoftwood andtwohardwoodspecieswhichshowed that proportional limit bolt design values for joints made with steel side members and the main member loaded parallel to grainaveraged 25 percent higher than proportional limitboltdesignvaluesforthecomparablewoodside member joint. In the 1981 edition, following additional research on two and three member joints made with steel and wood side plates, the adjustment of tabulated parallel to grain bolt designvalues for use of steel side plates was increasedfrom 25 to 75 percent. The new research ( I 13)was conducted as aresultoftheimpactofthe 1977 change in theprocedure for establishingbolt designvalues for twomemberconnections(seeCommentary for 8.2.1 - PreviousMethodology for Single ShearBoltedConnections). The 1977changereduced allowable design values for singleshearboltedconnections, including those made with steel side members, as much as 50 percent below bolt design values previously used successfully for manyyears.Applicationsparticu- larlyaffectedincluded shear walltie-downswherethe change in the bolt design provisions of the Specification required the number of bolts used in such hardware to bedoubled for thesamecodespecifiedloads. Results from the additional parallel to grainbolt joints made with1/2-inch tests (113),whichinvolved bolts,1/4-inchthicksteelsideplates and southernpine main and side members, showed that the average proportional limitboltdesignvalues for joints made with steel side plates were 20 to 63 percent higher than those for the matching wood side plate joints; that the lowest proportional limit joint designvalue(wood-towoodthreemember joint) was 32 percentlowerthan the applicable tabulated bolt design value; and that the slipofthemetal-to-wood joints waslessthan that of thewood-to-woodjoints. The designvalues of the metal-to-wood joints associatedwiththeproportional limit slip of the matching wood-to-wood joints were 75 percentlarger on theaveragethantheproportional limit design values for the wood-to-wood joints. These average equivalent test slip design values for the metal side plate joints in turn averaged from 20 to 70 percent lowerthanthemaximumaveragetestloads for these joints. The information obtained from the newtestingon the difference in bolt design values on joints made with steel and woodsidemembers at the proportional limit slipofthe latter wasconsistentwith that reported in theearlyboltresearchwhichformedthebasisofthe Specifications bolt design provisions (183). In the earlier work, a slip of about 0.025 inches was reported associatedwiththe proportional limitdesignvaluesof joints made with steel side plates and 1/2 inch diameter bolts, and theseboltdesignvaluesaveraged about 25 percentlarger than those for comparable joints made withwoodsideplates.However,theslipassociated withthe proportional limitloadofthewoodside member joints was 0.035 inches, or about 40 percent greater than the proportional limit slip of the steel side memberjoints. As afirst approximation, theseresults indicatedtheload of thesteelsidememberjoints associated with the proportional limit slip of the wood side member joints was [(1.25Pw)/0.025] x 0.035, or about 75 percent larger than the proportional limit load of the wood-to-wood joint; the same as observed in the newtests. 30 years of successfulperforOnthebasisofthe mance oftwomemberboltedconnectionsmadewith steel side plates at bolt design values up to twice those established in the 1977 edition, and recognizing that the structural serviceability of a joint is relatedtoits stiffness or slip;a 75 percentadjustmentfactorfor NDS Commentary - - joints loaded parallel to grain and made with steel side plates, as shown by theslipequivalentloads,was This revision had the introduced in the1982edition. effect of increasing design values for steel side member bolted connections loaded parallel to grain approximately 40percentoverthoseprovided by1977provisions. In the1986edition, more conservativeprovisions for establishing design values for connections made with steel side members and large diameter bolts were introduced. This further revisionfollowedunsatisfactory field experience with a long span truss design involvinggluedlaminatedtimbertensionchords and large diameter bolts designed in accordance with provisions of the1977edition. In responsetoquestions raised about design procedures for all joints made with1-inchandlargerbolts, a specialstudy(97)was conducted of double-shear connections made with glued laminated 4-1/2 by 4-1/2 inch main members, 1-1/4-inch bolts and 2-1/4-inch wood and 1/2-inch steel side members.Althoughtheaverage ratio of ultimatetest loadto 1982 NDS boltdesignvaluewas2.7forthe joints madewithsteelsideplates,the ratio waslower thanthe comparable ratio of3.9obtainedforconnectionsmadewith1/2-inchboltsandsteelsidemembers that were tested earlier (113). Wood-to-wood 1/2 inch and1-1/4inchbolted joints both had testtodesign load ratios exceeding4.0. it wasconsidered appropriBasedontheseresults, ate toreducethedesignvalues for connectionsmade with steelsidemembers and largediameterboltssuch thattheload ratio factor for the1-1/4inchbolttests was comparableto that for the1/2inchbolttests. This was accomplished in the 1986 edition by providing a variable adjustment for connections loaded parallel to grainandmade with steelsidememberswithlimitsof 75 percent for bolts 1/2 inch or less in diameter and 25 percent for bolts1-1/2inch in diameter,with proportionateadjustmentsforintermediatediameters. - 1991 Edition. Bolt design provisions in the currentedition are limited to bolts 1 inch or lessin diameter. This new limitationreflectsconcern about of workmanshipvariablesanddrying in theeffects serviceontheperformanceoflargediameterbolted connections(seeCommentaryfor8.1.2). Further, all boltdesignvalues are nowbasedontheyieldlimit modelwhich does not account for degreeofdeformation or slip(seeCommentary for 8.2.1 - Background). Short-termboltdesignvaluesbasedondirectapplicationoftheyieldmodel equations havebeenreducedto thenominalaverageboltdesignvaluelevelspublished in earliereditionsforconnectionsmadewiththesame species and member sizes, with the exception that conversion factors for joints made with steel side memberswerereferenced to 1977editionboltdesign a 25 percentincrease for joints valueswhichutilized loadedparallel to grain and made withmetalside plates.This approach wasused on thebasisthatbolt designvaluesinthe1977 and earliereditions were related to proportional limit joint loads, yieldmodel boltdesignvalues are basedonloadsassociatedwith an offsetof 5 percent of fastenerdiameter, and both are independentof a specificsliplevel. In addition, the same conversion factors are applied to connections madewithsteelsidemembers asto woodsidemembers. It is recognized that relating short-term yield model boltdesignvalues for paralleltograinloadedconnections made with steel side members to 1977 edition bolt designvalues for theseconnectionsresults in a reduction in boltdesignvalues from 1982 and 1986 edition levels. The advantages of consistency of treatment across all dowel fastener types, and the ability to determine by fully rationalized methodology the effects ofmemberthickness,member strength, boltsize,bolt strength and numberofmembers, both singlyand in combination, were consideredtooutweightheimpact of the reduction in bolt design values for those connections employing steel side members. Differences for suchbolted between199 1 and 1986designvalues joints are illustrated in the Commentary for that designvalues for thisregard, it is tobenoted boltedconnectionsinvolvingproprietarytie-downs or similarhardwaremay be established by other procedures than thosegiveninthe1991edition(see7.1.1.4 and of the Specification). However, use of such alternate methodologies is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer and ofthedesignerutilizingthedesign values so derived. The same yield modeequations used for single shear wood-to-wood bolted connections are used for wood-to-metalboltedconnectionsexceptequation 8.2-2 for modeI,whichis for uniformbearing inthe metal side member. This condition ischeckedindependently in accordancewith8.2.2.2 and 7.2.3(seeCommentary for this latter section). The yield mode equations of8.2.1maybeentered for with a dowelbearingstrength, Fcs , of58,000psi the side member when A36 or higher strength steel side plates are used. This valueisequivalenttothe ultimatetensionstrengthofthesteel(seeAppendix1.2). A nominalboltdesignvalue, 2, iscalculated for eachofthefiveapplicableyieldmodeequationsand thelowestvalueisselected as thedesignvalue for the bolted connection. The effects different of main Bolts 103 NDS Comentwy memberthicknesses, bolt diameters and loading direc2 that can be obtained from each tionsonvaluesof yield mode equation, and on thelimitingload for the connection, are illustrated by the example joint design calculations shown in ExampleC8.2-2. Tabulated boltdesignvalues for lumber and glued laminatedtimbersingle shear connections with1/4in. steel side plates given in Tables 8.2C and 8.2D assume A36 steelhaving a dowelbearing strength of58,000 psi, and a boltbending yield strength of45,000psi. Comparison of 1991andEarlier Edition Bolt Design Values. Differences in boltdesignvalues for lumber-to-steelsingle shear connections betweenthe 1991 and the1986 editions are illustrated in Table C8.2-2. For the species and joint configurations Example C8.2-2 Yield mode design values for wood-to-metal single shear bolted connections: Hem-fir two member wood-to-metal connections made with 112 and 1 inch bolts, steelside member thickness of 1/4 inch, main member thicknesses of 11/2, 3, 3-1/2 and 5-112 inches, and loads applied parallel and perpendicular to the grain of mainand side members F,,, = 4800psi parallel = 2550psi perpendicular, 1/2inch bolt = 1800psi perpendicular, 1 inch bolt F,, = 58,000psi Fub = 45,000psi Wood Thickness, in. 1- 112 Bolt Diam. Direction in. I I/ 3 I 1/2 I1 3- I 5- 112 I1 I 104 Bolts 1/2 1 112 1 The 1986 edition bolt design values in Table C8.2-2 representone-half the bolt designvalue for a three member joint made withwoodsidemembersone-half thethickness of themainmember and then, for the case ofparallel to grain loading only, increased 75 percent, 62-1/2 percent and 50 percent for 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch and 1inch bolts, respectively,whensteel rather As previously thanwoodsidememberswereused. discussed in the Background commentary this to section,the1991 bolt designvalues are basedon a conversion of short term yield mode bolt design values Table C8.2-2 - Comparison of 1991 and 1986 NDS Wood-to-Metal SingleShear Bolt Design Values Thickness, in. Bolt Design Value, lbs Bo1t ZIl Main, Side, Diam. z* Wood Steel in. 1991 1986 Ratio 1991 1986 Ratio 112 114 1-112 3112 Z I ~ 900 1800 382 540 1800 829 1040 1/2 1 3604 2577 2798 3600 765 112 1310 1280 1080 1 1809 1/2 2100 957 1174 2577 2979 4200 1 3604 112 893 1310 1294 1260 1 1809 ZII ZflI, 21.1, 780 1111 0.70 1560 2136 2090 2812 0.74 314 1 1 901 112 114 1-112 314 1 535 428 495 706 3112 114 901 422 535 428 546 1/2 3300 1486 1741 1 6600 2971 3902 535 775 1/2 6461402 1310 1461 1980 11809 3/4 1 314114 5-112 940 2557 2577 3604 238 535 428 384 381 1367 1310 1809 375 570 822 860 1154 1140 1418 0.80 112 114 3-112 ZN 470 700 901 706 706 314 1 114 Yield Mode Design Vaiuc, Ibs Load I1 compared, the parallel to grain design values for single shear steel-to-woodbolted connections based on the provisions of the 1991 edition average 25 percent lower than thosebasedonprovisionsin the 1986 edition. Perpendicular to grain bolt designvaluesaverage 30 percenthigherinthenew edition than the perpendicular to grain boltdesignvaluesinpreviouseditions which contained no increase for use of steel side plates. 314 1 3-1/2112 114 706 901 2577 3604 114 5-112 310 215 390 270 480 325 1.44 1.44 1.48 0.73 500 360 640 540 750 650 1.39 1.19 1.15 780 1111 1650 2275 2420 3202 0.70 0.73 0.76 500 490 730 630 850 760 1.02 1.16 1.12 1650 2324 0.71 2880 3802 0.76 460 595 690 829 920 1020 700 1015 0.69 1220 1649 1630 2032 0.80 1 700 1015 0.69 1410 1877 0.75 1880 2378 3/4 1 1470 2129 2550 3412 0.75 314 0.69 0.75 950 940 1.01 1290 1190 1.08 0.77 0.83 0.90 230 140 300 175 370 210 1.64 1.71 1.76 0.74 360 280 460 350 540 425 1.29 1.31 1.27 410 325 520 410 610 495 1.26 1.27 1.23 770 640 900 775 1.20 1.16 0.79 0.69 A?DS Commentary I to the average levels of previously tabulated bolt design values increased only 25 percent for steel side members. The fact that the 1991 bolt design values for the parallel to grain load cases in Table C8.2-2 average 25 percentlower than the 1986 boltdesignvaluesreflects the average effect of this difference (I -1.25/1.625 or 23 adjustment. (For addipercent) in steelsidemember tional discussion see Commentary for 8.2.1 - Comparisonof1991 and EarlierEditionBoltDesignValues). (See Commentary for 7.2.3) 8.2.3-Wood-to-ConcreteConnections A specificprovision for establishingdesignvalues for a single shear connection involving a wood member attached to concrete or masonry through an embedded bolt in the latter was introduced in the 1982 edition. Such connections wereassigned a boltdesignvalue equal to one-half the tabulated bolt design value for a piecetwice thethickness of thewoodmember. This procedurewasbased on theconservative assumption that the concrete or masonry wasprovidingbearing support and fixity at leastequivalent to that provided by a wood member twice the thickness of the attached wood member. The 1982 provision for connections involving concrete and masonrywascontinued in the 1986 edition. The 1991 edition continues the approach established in earlier editions ofconsidering a wood-to-concrete bolted connection equivalent to a single shear wood-towood boltedconnectionmade with a mainmember twice thethickness of the sidemember. To determine theallowableboltdesignvalue for such a connection, theyield mode equations of 8.2.1can be enteredwith tm equal to twice t, and Fern equ.alto Fes ; or the designvalue from Table 8.2A or 8.2B for the applicable main and side member relative thicknesses and bolt diameter can be used. It is thedesigner'sresponsibility to assure that the concrete or masonry has sufficientembedment and dowel bearing strength to resist loads imposed through the embedded fastener. 8.2.4-Load at Angle to BoltAxis I Two member connections in which the load acts at anangle to theaxis of thebolt are checkedusingthe component of theload acting at 90" to theaxis and in memberthicknesses equal to thelengthofthebolt eachmembermeasured at thecenterline of thebolt(see SpecificationFigure8B). This methodology has been a provisionoftheSpecificationsincethe1944 edition. Prior to the1977 edition, theallowable bolt design values for such joints were taken as one-half the tabulated bolt design value for a member whose thickness was twice the bolt length in the thinner piece. This waschangedin the 1977 and subsequent editions to the lesser of one-half the tabulated bolt design value of thethickermember or one-halfthe tabulated bolt designvalue for a piecetwicethethicknessofthe thinner member(see Commentary for 8.2.1 - Previous Methodology for Single Shear BoltedConnections), where the length of the bolt in each member was used as the thickness of that member. The centerline of the boltwas made the reference for measuringthebolt length ineachmemberin the 1986 edition. In the 1991 edition, allowable bolt design values for connections inwhich the load acts at an angle to the boltaxis are based on the yield mode equations of 8.2.1. The lowestvalueof 2 obtained, using tq and ts equal to the length of bolt in each member, divided by thecosineof the angleofintersectionofthe two members is the maximum nominal design value for the bolted connection. The adequacyof the bearing area under washers and platestoresist the component offorceacting parallel to the bolt axis can be checked using tabulated compression design values perpendicular to grain, FcL, adjusted as appropriate by the bearing area factor, Cb , (see 2.3. IO); and bearing on the angled member should be evaluatedusing tabulated and allowablebearing designvaluesparallelto grain, Fg and Cb FcL , inthe interaction equation of 3.10.3. 8.3-DESIGNVALUES FOR DOUBLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS 8.3.1-Wood-to-WoodConnections Background YieldMode (See Commentary for 8.2.1) Equations The yield mode equations for three member, double shear bolted connections parallel those for two member, single shear bolted connections in 8.2.1 except that two of the modes for the latter configuration are not applicable:bolt rotation without bending,Mode 11; and development of a plastic hinge in one of theside members, Mode 111,. The equations for the remaining modes (Im, Is, IIIs and IV) are the same as those for the single shear configuration except for three ofthe conversion factors, n KO , usedtorelate short-term yield model bolt design values to averagenominal proportional limit bolt design values tabulated in previous editions of the Specification, as shown below. Bolts 105 NDS Commentary Allowable bolt designvalues, 2,for sawnlumber and glued laminated timber double shear connections are tabulated in Tables 8.3A and 8.3B. The latter table is applicable to glued laminated timber main members and sawn lumber side members. ~ Single Mode Shear Shear Im IS IIIs IV 4Ke 4K* 3.2 K, 3.2 K, Double 4K, 2Ke 1.6 K, 1.6 K, The angle factor KO has thesamevalues for the double shear as for thesingle shear case:1.00 for parallel to the grain loading and 1.25 for perpendicular to grain loading of either the main or side member. The four yield mode equations for double shear bolted connections are solved for 2 and the lowest value obtained is the allowabledesignvalue for the joint. The effectsofmemberthickness,bolt diameter of loading onthe 2 values for each anddirection mode and the limiting value are illustrated in Example C8.3-1. 4 Comparison of 1991 and Earlier Edition Bolt design in values for Design Values. Differences double shear bolted connections inthe1991 and 1986 editions are illustrated for two species in Table C8.3-1. For the joint configurations comparedinthistable, bolt designvaluesinthe199 1 edition average 16 percent and 35 percenthigher for parallel and perpendicular to grain loading, respectively, than boltdesign valuesbased on 1986 provisions.Averagedifferences for the one configuration in which the thickness of the Table C8.3-1 - Comparison of 1991 and 1986NDS Wood-to-Wood Double Shear Bolt Design Values Thickness, in. Bolt Design Value, lbs Bolt z// Main, Side, Diam. Wood Wood in. 1991 1986 Ratio 1991 1986 Ratio z,, 1-1/2 1150 1-112 1/2 Example C8.3-1 Yield mode design values forwood-to-wooddouble shear bolted connections: Hem-fir three member connections made with 112 and 1 inch bolts, side member thickness of 1-1/2 inches, main member thicknesses of 1-1/2, 3 and 5-112 inches, and loads applied parallel and perpendicular to the grain of main and side members Fe,n,Fes = 4800 psi parallel = 2550 psi perpendicular, 112 inch bolt = 1800 psi perpendicular, 1. inch bolt = 45,000 psi Fub Thickness, in. & grain direction Main Side Bolt Diam. in. ZI, 112 1/2 1/2 3 I/ 3 /I 3 1 1-1/2 // 1-1/2 I 1-1/2 // 1/2 1800 112884 7651440 112 1440 765 3 I/ 3 /I 3 1 1-112 // 1-1/2 I 1-112 // 1-112 // 1-112 I 1-112 // 1 1 1 106 Bolts 314 1 2550 2630 0.97 3750 4310 1.22 1.22 3 1.04 1270 1320 112 1-112 3-1/2 3-112 1500 1270 112 5-1/2 1-1/2 314 4270 53801 3380 2800 3/4 1 2550 2630 4310 3750 1.15 1 1.13 5090 5740 112 314 1 680 880 1320 1020 1360 1760 550 430 660 540 770 650 1.15 940 860 1.09 1330 1080 1.23 1530 1300 1.18 1.18 1.21 1.26 1040 980 1.06 1550 1260 1.23 1790 1520 1.18 0.97 1690 1080 1.56 2700 1300 2.08 21801870 36802950 7-1/2 3-1/2 3380 3/4 2860 1.18 21, ZIII, ZIV 1-1/2 1-1/2 !&)Q 1800 1 100 1326 1-112 // 1-112 I 1-112 // 1 1 1 1730 1420 1890 2310 1.28 1.22 1.18 1.17 1.25 Yield Mode Design Value, lbs 1-1/2 // 1-112 // 1-112 I 5-1/2 // 5-1/2 // 5-112 I 1.22 940 314 1 765720 182 884 884 1440 760 JJQQ 1326 261(1 884 5303 3600 3768 2880 Ja8a 2286 3 133 2269 3 133 J 080 2880 5303 3768 6600 3133 2286 5280 J 980 2880 2269 133 3 1-1/23 3-1/2 3-1/2 1/2 0.93 1160 1080 2160 3/4 2030 1.06 1 1.30 2710 3530 112 1310 1160 1.13 3/4 2950 23 10 1 3170 4110 1.28 1.30 370 280 450 350 530 420 .32 .29 .26 740 560 900 700 1050 850 1.32 1.29 1.24 860 650 1050 820 1230 990 1.32 1.28 1.24 1.97 2.27 1 1.30 2710 3530 1380 700 1930 850 314 1 2950 2550 1.16 1.00 4650 4660 1820 1360 1.34 2630 1960 1.34 5-1/2 1-1/2 2160 3/4 2030 1.06 7-1/2 3-1/2 1.29 1.29 1.29 A NDS Commentary - sidemembersisone-halfthethicknessofthemain members(3inchmain and 1-1/2 inch side) are 8 percent and 22 percent for parallel and perpendicular grain to loading, respectively. This main side to member thickness ratio was used to establish the conversionfactorsbetween short termyieldmodebolt design values and bolt design values tabulated in previous editions of the Specification (see Commentary for 8.2.1 - Comparisonof 1991 and EarlierEdition BoltDesignValues). Mixed Species Connections. Where the side memberspeciesdiffersfromthemainmemberspecies, in Tables8.3Aand8.3B for the boltdesignvalues specieswiththelowestdowelbearingstrengthmaybe Species used (see Commentary for 8.2.1 - Mixed Connections). Loads at Angle to Grain. When themain or side members are loaded at an angle to grain, the yield mode equations of8.3.1may be enteredwithdowel bearing strengths, Fee , determined in accordancewith Equation8.2.7. Example C8.3-2 Yieldmodedesignvaluesfor shear bolted connections: Hem-firdoubleshearboltedconnectionsmadewith 1 inchbolts,steelside metalsideplateswith1/2and memberthickness of 1/4 inch,main memberthickloadsapplied nesses of 1-112, 3 and5-112inches,and parallelandperpendicular tothegrain of mainand side members Fern = 4800psiparallel = 2550 psi perpendicular, 1/2 inch bolt = 1800psiperpendicular, 1 inchbolt F,, = 58,000psi Fub = 45,000 psi wood Background ground) (See Commentary for 8.2.2 - Back- Yield mode equations used for double shearwood-to-woodboltedconnections are used for double shear bolted connections made with wood main membersandmetalsideplatesexceptequation8.3-2 for mode Is, whichis for uniform bearing in the metal is side members, not is applied. This condition checkedindependentlyinaccordancewith8.3.2.3and 7.2.3. A nominalboltdesignvalue, 2, is calculatedfor each of thethreeapplicableyieldmodeequationsand thelowestvalueisselected as thedesignvalue for the 2 andthelimitingmode bolted connection. Values of boltdesignvalue for example joint configurations are illustrated in ExampleC8.3-2. Where the wood member of a double shear woodto-metalboltedconnection is loaded at an angleto grain, adowelbearing strength, Fes , based on Equation8.2.7may beused. I Tabulated bolt design values for lumberandglued laminated timber double shear bolted connections made and with1/4 in. steelsideplatesgiveninTables8.3C 8.3D are basedonA36steelhavingadowelbearing strength of 58,000 psi, and bolt abending yield strengthof45,000psi. Bo1t Mode Yield Diam. Design Value, Thickness, Direction in. in. Load 1-112 II 112 I 1 1/2 1 II 112 ZIm 8.3.2-Wood-to-MetalConnections -. wood-to-metal double 3 1 3-112 I 112 1 II 1/2 1 1/2 1 I 5-1/2 II 1412 5154 857 2.Q262 1 ZIV 1802 1sM xi2 7208 1070 3619 5154 857 lQsa 262 1 1802 7208 1070 3619 1412 1802 1800 m m 2 100 1412 42M 5154 7208 892 852 1070 LZQ 262 1 u . 2 1802 1/2 3300 6600 1402 1 lesn 262 1 1/2 I I Ibs Z1IIs 3619 7208 852 1070 3619 Comparison of 1991 and Earlier Edition Bolt Design Values. Differencesinboltdesignvaluesfor lumber-to-steeldoubleshearconnectionsbetweenthe 1991 andthe 1986 editions are illustrated in Table C8.3-2. For the joint configurationscompared,the 1991paralleltograinboltdesignvalues for double shear joints made withsteelsideplatesaverage 23 percentlowerthanthosebased on provisions in the is aresultoftheproce1986 edition.Thisdifference dure used to convert short-term yield mode bolt design values to the level of previous edition bolt design valueswhereinametalsideplateadjustmentof1.25 rather thanfrom1.75 to 1.50 as providedinthe1986 edition (see Commentary for - Comparison of 1991 and EarlierEditionBoltDesignValues).Also, for the joint configurations compared, the 1991 perpen- Bolts 107 de, NDS Commentary Table C8.3-2 - Comparison of 1991 and 1986 NDS Wood-to-Metal Double Shear Bolt Design Values Design Value, lbs Thickness, Boltin. Main, Wood Bolt Diam. Steel in. ern 314 1 3112 1991 1986 Ratio 1/4 3-112 1150 1645 0.70 1730 2308 0.75 2310 2835 0.81 0.71 550 430 660 540 770 650 1.28 1.22 1.18 1000 860 1330 1080 1.23 1530 1300 1.18 1.16 1 1570 2222 3300 4274 0.77 4610 5625 0.82 112 314 1 1570 2222 0.71 3300 4550 0.73 5380 6405 0.84 1 3300 4648 5750 7605 0.76 314 1 880 1190 0.74 1320 1658 0.80 1760 2040 0.86 314 1 1400 2030 0.69 2640 3299 0.80 3530 4065 0.87 370 280 1.32 450 350 1.29 530 420 1.26 1802 1800 112 740 560 1.32 900 700 1.29 1050 850 I .24 314 1 1400 2030 0.69 2940 3754 0.78 41 10 47660.86 840 650 1050 820 1230 990 1 2940 4258 0.69 5110 6825 0.75 1590 1280 1.24 1930 1550 1.25 114 314 314 114 5-112 112 114 1-112 3112 Ratio m: 112 114 1-112 114 112 1143-112 314114 5-112 - z, Zll 1991 1986 Boltdesignvaluesdetermined from theapplicable yield mode equations for several different configurations ofsteelmainmember joints are shown inExample C8.3-3. Example C8.3-3 Yieldmodedesignvaluesforsteelmain double shear bolted connections: Hem-fir three member connections made with 1/2 and 1 inchbolts, 1/4 inchsteelmainmember, wood side memberthicknesses of 1-112, 3 and 5-112 inches,and loadsappliedparalleltothegrain of thesidemembers 1000 1.02 980 1550 1260 1.23 1790 1520 1.18 0.71 member Fern = 58,000 psi Fes = 4800 psi Fub = 45,000 psi 1910 1880 1.02 2810 2380 1.18 Thickness, in. 1.29 1.28 1.24 diculartograinboltdesignvaluesaverage 30 percent higher than similarboltdesignvaluesbasedonthe 1986 edition. In previous editions, no increase in perpendicular to grain bolt design values was made for useofsteelside plates. In the 1982 and 1986 editions, double shearboltedconnectionsmadewithmetalmainmembers and wood side members were assigned bolt design valuesequaltothetabulatedparalleltograinbolt designvalue for apiecetwicethethicknessofoneof the side members increased by the applicable steel plate adjustment factor. In the 1991 edition, bolt design values for such joints are determined from yield mode equations as for joints withmetalsidemembers(see except that Equation 8.3-2 for bearing in side membersreplacesEquation 8.3-1 for bearing in main of the bolt in the metal main member. Bearing parts memberiscovered in thedesigncheckformetal (see and 7.2.3). Main, Side, Stee1 1-112 Bo1t Dfam.ln. wood Yield Mode Design Value, lbs ZZ IIV I S, 114 1I4 3 1I4 112 5-112 1 3600 112 1 3600 2080 7200 5597 7208 1 (seeCommentary 6600 3482 13200 7804 51 14 7208 lljQ2 W for 7.2.3) 8.4-DESIGN VALUES FOR MULTIPLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS Background Evaluatingboltedconnectionsmadewith four or moremembersofequalthickness on thebasisofthe sum of the allowable bolt design value for each shear plane has beenaprovisionoftheSpecificationsince 1944. In the 1977 edition,provisions were addedto cover allowable bolt design values for joints of four or more members that were not ofequalthickness.Such of joints were resolved into themaximumnumber contiguousthree-member joints and one-halfthebolt design value applicable to each such joint was assigned to each shear plane in the connection. For shear planesassignedtwodifferentboltdesignvalues,the lowestvaluewasassignedtheplane.Wheretheloads on eachmember were known,theboltdesignvalue for anymember in the joint wasthesumofthebolt design values for eachshearplaneactingon that member.Wheremembers in the joint carriedequal - NDS Commentary and the grain orientation of member 2 and 4 isthedifferencebetween 8, and thegrain orientation of member 3; t loads or the loads carried by each were unknown, the design value for the bolted connection was taken as the lowestboltdesignvalue for anyshearplanetimesthe numberofshearplanes.Thesenewprovisionswere carried forward unchanged to the 1982 and 1986 editions. 1991 edition. The procedures of the current edition require evaluation of each individual shear plane usingtheyieldmode equations of 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 and then assigning the connection a bolt design value equal to thelowestvalue for anysingleplanetimesthe number of planes in the joint. This methodology, which encourages use of symmetrical member thicknesses,presumes that theconnectionload is shared in proportion to member thickness and that members are loaded in nomorethantwodifferentanglestograin. Wheremorecomplexconnectionconfigurationsoccur, evaluation of the adequacy of the bolt design value for eachindividualshearplane maybe required (179). Whereamultiplememberconnectionconsistsof membersloaded at three or more differcntanglesto grain,thefollowingproceduresmaybe used todetermineallowableboltdesignvaluesonindividualshear planes: Determinethe loads ineachmember membersenteringtheconnection; or pairof "i" members in the Number consecutively the connectionfromoutsidetowardthecenter as I , 2, 3 ...i; Enterthe yield mode equations of 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 with Fee based on the angular difference (8) betweenthedirectionoftheresultantforceinthe shear plane and the grain direction of the member, andwith Bmax equaltothelargest 8 for thetwo membersadjacenttotheshearplanebeingconsid8 for eachmember ered.Calculatetheapplicable adjacent to each shear plane and the allowable bolt designvalue for that plane by thestepsbelow: (i) Determinetheallowableboltdesignvalue for the plane between members 1 and 2 based on aload (P,) acting in thedirection of the stress in member1,where 8, = 0" or 90" and 8, isthedifferencebetweenthegrain orientations ofmembers 1 and 2; (ii)Determinetheresultant (P,,2 ) oftheforces in members 1 and 2 and thedirection (efe2 ) thisresultant is acting.Determinetheallowableboltdesignyalue for theplanebetween members 2 and 3 basedonaloadacting at , where 8, is thedifferencebetween (iii) Determine the resultant (P,2-7) of the forces in members 1, 2 and 3 and' the direction (0,2-3 ) thisresultantisacting.Determinethe allowable bolt design value for the plane betweenmembers 3 and 4 based on aload acting at 8,-2-.7, where 8, isthedifference between 8,,, and thegrainorientationof member 3 and 8, isthedifferencebetween Bl-2-.? and thegraindirectionofmember 4; (iv)Continue as in(iii)untiltheallowablebolt design value in the plane between members 1 and i has beendetermined; (v) i- For symmetrical joints inwhichmemberson either side of the center member are oriented in the same direction and carry equal load to the connection, only bolt design values for the shearplanesbetweenthe outer memberand the center member on one side of the connection need to be evaluated. (3) Determinetheadequacyoftheconnectiondesign by checking the resultant loads in each shear plane (P,, PfA2, Pl,4.t ... P,2 - 7 i) against the allowable boltdesignvaluedetenhided for that plane. The foregoingprocedure is illustrated inExample adapted from an earlier reference C8.4-1, which is (179). 8.5-PLACEMENT OF BOLTS 8.5.1-Terminology For a joint in which one member is loaded at an angle to theboltaxis(seeSpecificationFigure 8B), enddistancerequirements are expressed in terms ofsheararea.Shear area for sucha joint isdefined as thetriangular area in thethicknessplaneofthe member which is enclosed between the tip of the member and the centerline of the bolt (see Figure 8B). This shear area for the angled member is compared to theshearareaofa joint inwhichbothmembersare loaded perpendicular to the bolt axis (members parallel toeachother) and whichmeetenddistancerequirements. The equivalent shear area for the parallel member joint is the product of the required end distanceandthelengthofthebolt in themember. The useofequivalentshear areas to checkend distance requirements in members loaded at an angle to theboltaxiswasintroduced in the 1986 edition.The Bolts 109 NDS CommentHy methodologyis used to checkenddistances for joints loadedparallel to grain in both tension(boltbearing towardmember end) and compression(boltbearing away from member end) (see Specification and Commentary for and ExampleC8.S-1). 8.5.2-GeometryFactor,CA The geometry factor expresses the provisions in the previousedition for proportionate reduction of bolt design value for less than full end distance or less than fullspacing distance givenin the equation format of the1991 edition. It should be noted that thelowest geometry factor for anybolt in a joint applies to all other bolts in that same connection, notjust totheend bolt or a pair of bolts in a row. This is a continuation of the provisioninthe1982 and 1986 editions whichrequiredreductionof the full bolt designvalue on a joint when less than full end or spacing distances wereused. The requirement of 8.5.2 that bolt design values for multiple shear plane connections or asymmetricthree member connections be based on the application of the lowest geometry factor for any shear plane to all bolts in the joint presumes that members are loaded in only one or two angles to grain and that total joint capacity is proportional to the number of shear planes. For Example C8.4-1 Procedures to determine allowable designvalues multiple shear bolted connection: for a Assume a seven member connection consisting of two compression diagonal web members (members 1 and 7), two main bottom chord members (2 and 6), two tension diagonal web members (3 and 5 ) , and a single vertical web member (4)with total loads and orientations as shown in the member force and configuration diagram of Figure A. Themagnitude and direction of the resultant totalshear force on each pair of shear planes (1-2 and 6-7, 2-3 and 5-6, and 3-4 and 4-5)are shown in the load vector analysisof Figure B. Assume all members are Southern pine 1-1/2 inch thick and that a 314 inch diameter bolt isbeingused. The angle the resultant load in each shear plane is acting relative to the grain direction of the members (from Figure B), the dowel bearing strengths applicable to each member for each shear plane (Table SA and Equation 8.2-7 of the Specification), the allowable bolt design value for each shear plane (Equa- tions 8.2-1 to 8.2-6) and the applied loadon each plane (one-half the resultant vector loadsfromFigure B) are tabulated below. Dowel Bo1t Angle of Bearing Design Applied Load Shear Strength to Value, Load, Plane Member (Fc@), psi Ornu K8 lbs lbs 1-2 8 , =O" 8, =39" 6150 4302 39"510 608 1.108 2-3 8, ~ 2 9 " 4900 8 , = 7' 6052 29" 658 1.081 656 3-4 8 , =54" 8,=0" 3597 54" 1.150 Assuming a quate for all 544 C'' of 1.15 applies, a 3/4 inch bolt is adeshear planes in the connection. n Q) .? Y 0 ' 8 =I Y - 1942 Ib s 4,390 " U F~gureA 1 10 Bolts Member Fomm and Conflgumtion 96 6150 P, 11942 zyl F~gureB Load Vactor Analysis - ADS Commentary those connections in which members are loaded in three or more differentangles to grain and allowablebolt designvalues for each shear plane are evaluated (see Commentary for 8.4), the geometry factor for each member adjoining a shear plane may be used to determine the allowable design value on that plane for an individual bolt. Although shear planes may be assigned different geometry factors, all bolts intersecting thesameplanes are assignedthelowest factor applicable toanybolt in that plane. 8.5.3-Edge Distance Minimumedge distance requirements in Table 8.5.3 for parallel to grain loading of 1 . 5 0 or the greater of 1 . 5 0 or 1/2 thespacingbetweenrows for @/Dgreater than 6, and for loaded edge - perpendicular to grain loading of 4 0 are based on early research (183) and have been provisions of theSpecification sincethe 1944 edition. The unloadededge - perpendicular tograinminimum of 1.5D wasintroduced in the 1971 edition as a goodpracticerecommendation. Section does not providespecificguidance onedge distance requirements for loads applied at angles other than 0" and go", and on edgedistance requirements for loadededge - perpendicular to grain under less than full allowable bolt design value. Where these conditions are encountered, thefollowingprocedures, based on long standing split ring and shear plate connector design provisions (see Part 10 of the Specification), maybeused. ( 1 ) For angles of loading between 0" and 45", minimum edge distances (loaded edge) shall be based on linear interpolation between 1 . 5 0 and 4 0 , or EDLL= 1 . 5 0 + (A)(2.5D/45) (C8.5-I) where: EDl, A 0 = loadededge - minimumedgedistance = angle of load = bolt diameter For angles of loading greater than 45", a loaded edge - minimum edge distance of 4 0 shall apply. (2) For angles of loading greater than 15", a reduced loaded edge - minimum edge distance not less than 2 0 may be used if the bolt design value is reduced proportionately tothereduction inedgedistance. For perpendicular grain to (90") loading, (2) provides for a loaded edge - minimum edge distance of notlessthan 2 0 when the full boltdesignvalueis reduced 50 percent or more. For a load acting 30" to the grain, the required edge distance for full bolt design value from (1) is 3.20. This edgedistancemay be reduced to not less than 2 0 if the fullboltdesign valueisreduced 37-1/2 percent or more. The @/Dequations for determiningminimumedgedistancerequirements for parallel to grain loading have been added to the Specification to clarify thespecific ratio beingreferenced. It is to be noted that the ratio of thelength of bolt insidemember material to bolt diameter, tS/D,is based on the total thickness of both wood side members when connections ofthree or more woodmembers are involved. For connections involving metal main or side members, only the P / 0 ratio for the woodmembers are considered for determination of edge distance requirements. Avoidance ofheavy or mediumsuspended loads below the neutral axis of a beam was introduced as a good practice recommendation in the 1982 edition. This recommendation was added to the Specification as a resultofseveral reported fieldproblemsinvolving gluedlaminatedtimberbeamssubject to a line of concentrated loads applied through boltedhangers or ledger strips attached in the tensionzone orat the bottom edgeofthebeam. Concentrated loads less than 100 pounds and spaced more than 24 inches apart maybeconsidered a lightload condition. It should be noted that anyboltedconnection which transmits a transverse load to a bending member is required to be checked for shear in accordance with 3.4.5 of theSpecificationusing a reduced depth, d e , equivalent to the beam depth (d) less the distance from theunloadededge of thebeamto the center ofthe nearest bolt. When a connection is within 5d from the end of the member, the actual shear stress based on de is further increased by the ratio d/de. 8.5.4-End Distance Enddistancerequirements in Table 8.5.4 for full bolt design value parallel to grain are based on early recommendations (183) and have beenprovisions of the Specification since the 1944 edition. For tension loads (bolts bearing toward member end), the minimum enddistances for fullboltdesignvalueof 7 0 for softwoods and 5 0 for hardwoods were established by test. For compression loads (bolt bearingawayfrom member end), the minimumend distance for fullbolt design value of 4 0 was based on the minimum spacing for fulldesignvalue for bolts in a row (183). The limit for fullboltdesignvalue for perpendicularto grainloadingof 4 0 was introduced in 1962. Earlier editions dependedontherequirements for checking BoJts 11 1 NDS Commentmy shear at connections (3.4.5) to provide for appropriate joint designs for perpendicular loading. Minimumend distances for reduced bolt design values, limited to onehalfthose for fullboltdesignvalues, were introduced in the 1982 edition to provide for designflexibility. theedges) that occur as the bolt bends(183). The practice of basing spacing requirements for joint members loaded perpendicular to grain on the requirements for the other attached members also has been a provisionsince1944. Special note should be made of the requirements of 3.4.5 when bolted connections produce perpendicular to grain loading in bendingmembers. Use ofreducedspacingbetween bolts in a rowin proportion to the ratio of the applied load to the bolt design value for the attached members has been recognized since 1944. The lowerspacinglimit for reduceddesignvalueof 3 0 for both parallel and perpendicular to grain loading was introduced in1982. End distances for angle to graintensionloadings may be linearly interpolated from those for perpendicular to grain and tension parallel to grain tabulated bolt designvalues. The provisions introduced in1982 for use ofreducedend distances for boltedconnections when proportionate reductions (geometry factors) are made in designvalues are supported by earlyresearch(57,62,183)whichshowed a linear relationship betweenend distance and joint proportional limit strength. A subsequent study showed that a minimumenddistanceof only 5D was sufficient to develop the full proportional limitload of Douglas-fir joints made with metalside plates and loaded in tensionparalleltograin(162). Other recent research further substantiates the adequacy of the end distance requirements for bolted joints loaded in both compression and tensionparallel to grain (144,15 1). Reduced end distances less than 50 percent of those required for full bolt design value (geometry factors less than 0.50) are notallowed. The reducedenddistance provisions for boltedconnections are similartothose that havebeenusedwith timber connectors since1944. For membersloaded at an angletothe boltaxis,end distance requirements are expressedin termsofequivalent shear areas (seeCommentary for Aswithend distance requirements for parallel member connections, reduced shear areas less than 50 percent of those required for full bolt design value are not allowed. It isrecommended as goodpractice that the distance between the bolt axis and the inside juncture of the angledsidemember and themain member (see Figure 8B of the Specification) be at least 1.5D. ExampleC8.5-1illustratesthe use of end and edgedistancerequirements. 8.5.5-Spacing Between Bolts in aRow The minimumspacingrequirement of 4 0 for bolts in a rowloaded at full designvalueparallel tograin has been a requirement of theSpecification since1944. This requirementissufficienttocoverthe effects of nonuniform distribution of shear stresses throughthethickness of themember (concentrated at Reducedspacingsless than 75 percent of those required for the full design value (geometry factors lessthan0.75) are not permitted. 8.5.6-Spacing Between Rows of Bolts Minimumdistancesbetweenrowsofbolts for perpendiculartograin loading in Table 8.5.6are based on early research (183) and have been provisions of the Specification since 1944. These requirements relatethetendency of thebolttobend and cause nonuniform bearingstresses and theresistance of the woodbetweenrows to resist splitting. It is for this reason that staggering of bolts loaded perpendicular to grainisdesirable(see8.5.7.2ofSpecification). The minimum spacing between bolt rows for parallel to grain loading of 1 . 5 0 wasaddedtothe Specification in1971 as a goodpracticerecommendation. Prior to the revision, this distance was considered sufficientlycontrolled bynet sectionrequirements. In computingthe @/Dratio for determining the appropriate minimum spacing between rows for perpendicular to grain loading, the ratio for side (@)of membersisbasedonthecombinedthickness both side members where three or more wood member joints are involved(see Commentary for In the 1960 edition, a maximumlimit of bolts paralleling the member was introduced. The provisionwas made more restrictive in the 1991 edition by limiting the maximum distance between outer rows of bolts on the same splice with greater plateto 5 inches.Althoughconnections distancesbetweenthe outer rows of bolts have been used successfully in the past, the new criterion has been added as a goodpracticerecommendationtoavoid splitting that could occur in members at connections as a result of restraint of shrinkage associated with drying inservice. 5 inches between rows of The limitation onrowspacingappliestometal as well as wood side plates, to members loaded perpendic- NDS Commentary Example C8.5- 1 A No. 3 Hem-Fir 2x4 tension web intersects a No. 2 HemFir 2x4 chord at a 30" angle, connected by a single 1/2-in. bolt as shown. Check edge and end distance requirements in the web and check the adequacy of the web to resist the resultant tension force based on the allowable bolt design value.Assume C, = 1.0.Alsoassume that theboltis centered on the members 1.5" dimension. actual shear area: = (1'2)(xend ) where xmd = 'Q /tan a = (1/2)(3.5/tan 3OOX3.5) = 10.61 in2 c 12.25 in2 ng > 6.125 in2 ok Since the actual shear area isbetween the minimums for reduced and fulldesignvalues,thegeometry factor, C, , must be calculated: -+ + O S " c, actualshearm a mioimum shear m a forfull deHgn = 10.61/12.25 = 0.866 = ( Allowable Bolt Design Value For a1/2-in.boltinsingle and Hem-Fir lumber: 2' Check Distance Edge .- Requirements (8.5.3) For parallel to grain loading minimum edge distance: = 1.5D = 1.5(0.5) = 0.75in. = 0.75 in. ok CheckDistance End Requirements (8.5.4) For the loaded end of the web use an equivalent shear area for a parallel member with 'Q = 3.5 in. minimum end distance (tension): =70 for full design value minimum shear area: = (70x9 ) for full design value = (7)(0.5)(3.5) = 12.25 in2 for reduced design value = (1/2)(12.25) = 6.125 inL ular as well as parallel to grain, and to three or more member connections occurring at truss panel points. 8.5.7-Multiple Bolts It is to benoted that wheneveraconnectioninvolvestwo or more bolts inarow,the group action factor, Cg, is applied to the design value for a singleboltinaccordancewith 7.2.2 and 7.3.6 when establishing the total allowable design value on the bolt group. (See Commentary for shear with fm = $ = 3.5in. = 660 lb/bolt 8.2A) (Table = Z,/CDCgC,= (660)( 1 .O)( 1.0)(0.866) (7.3.1) = 572 lb (loadactsperpendicular to bolt) (3.8.1) Tension in Web Based on Allowable Bolt Design Value = Z'/wsa = (572)/(cos 30") = 660Ib Check net section at bolt (critical) Anef = (3.5)(1.5 - (112 + 1/16)) = 3.28 in2 For No. 3 Hem-Fir 2x4: Ff = 300 psi CF = 1.5 F; = FtCDCF = (300)(1.0)(1.5) = 450 psi (2.3.1) fi = P/Anet= 660/3.28 = 201 psi c F; = 450psi resultant tensionforce Boltedwebconnectionsatisfies distance and strength criteria NDS edge and end The difficultyofprescribinggeneralrules for theplacement and spacingofbolts that would coveralldirectionsofboltloading and number of members in the connection was specifically noted in the 1986 and all earlier editions. For such connections, the Specificationimposedtherequirement that thegravity axisofallmemberspass through thecenter ofresistance of the bolts in the connection if uniform stress in main members and uniform distribution of load to all boltsis to beassumed. This criterion iscontinued in the 1991 edition. If it is not possible to achieve intersection of member gravity axes with the center of resistanceofthebolt group, thedesignerhasthe responsibility to fully evaluate and account for the Bolts _ _ ~~~. ~ ok 113 NDS Commentary effects of theresultanteccentricloadingonboththe load carrying capacity of,the members and the capacity of theconnection (see SpecificationandCommentary for 3.1.3). 114 BoJts