About AWC

About AWC
Building Codes
AWC ensures the recognition of wood products in model, state
and local building codes. AWC is actively involved in developing
building codes and standards, proposing and advancing code
changes, participating in committee activities, providing information to code officials, and encouraging the acceptance of industry
standards and guidelines.
Get Connected
Code Official Connections (COC) is a free American
Wood Council (AWC) program that is designed to assist building code professionals by providing them
with the most up-to-date building code related wood
design and construction information. Participants
have access to building code referenced AWC standards, as well as technical support to assist in the
evaluation of design, review of plans, and inspection
of wood buildings.
Sign up online at awc.org/codeconnections
Engineering and Research
AWC develops state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and
standards (such as the National Design Specification® (NDS®) for
Wood Construction) on structural wood products for use by design professionals and code officials to assure safe and efficient
design and construction with wood structural elements. AWC
also reviews, coordinates, and conducts research on the structural and fire performance of wood products, systems and assemblies in support of the industry’s code and regulatory programs
to facilitate performance-based acceptance of wood products.
Technology Transfer
AWC provides technical information, technical publications,
seminars, webinars and self-directed education on wood design
for engineered and traditional wood products. AWC has also developed a service to respond to technical inquiries on building
codes, standards, and other design information regarding traditional and engineered wood products. Contact the AWC Help
Desk at 202-463-4713, or by e-mail at info@awc.org.
222 Catoctin Circle SE, Suite 201
Leesburg, VA 20175
Code Official
Bringing together People, Wood and Engineering
Technology for a Safe and Sustainable Future
COC Benefits
Participants eligible for the Code
Official Connections program will
receive the following:
Free Online Access to Standards &
Design Tools
Since 1944, AWC standards have ensured wood product acceptance through their domestic and international adoption. They are extensively referenced in the
ICC model codes. Standards include:
Free WoodWorks Software
COC member jurisdictions are eligible for one free copy of WoodWorks®
Design Office Software, the complete
electronic tool for the wood building
designer or plan reviewer. It conforms
to the NDS 2012, IBC 2012, ASCE 7-10, and SDPWS 2008.
Free Continuing Education and Exam
Preparation Resources
AWC is a leader in developing building codes and standards for wood design, and provides free online and
live contact training to support their implementation.
AWC’s education offerings make it easy to keep up to
date with new standards and codes, prep for upcoming exams, as well as keep you informed of AWC’s latest
helpful tools and products. AWC has partnered with the
following organizations to provide continuing education credits:
n International Code Council (ICC) Preferred Education
Provider Program*
n National Council of Structural Engineers Associations Diamond Review Program for Professional
Development Hours
One Free Downloadable Electronic
Approved participants may choose one free AWC/ANSI
standard PDF (NDS, SDPWS, or WFCM) when they sign
up for Code Official Connections.
nAmerican Institute of Architects for Continuing
Education System Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Units
* Beginning in 2016, 50 percent of the CEUs required by ICC for certification renewal must be earned from training by ICC or an ICC Preferred
Provider – compared to 20 percent in 2015.
AWC keeps the code community informed through its
bi-weekly e-newsletter, WoodPost. Learn about woodrelated code issues, ICC code activities, upcoming AWC
educational opportunities, new AWC publications,
tools and more.
To qualify for the Code Official Connections, an applicant must meet one of the following:
n Individuals who administer or enforce codes as inspectors, plans examiners, permit technicians, or
Building Officials and are directly employed by a
governmental organization, or
nIndividuals who are not employees of the governmental authority but work on the behalf of a
governmental organization serving as a contract
Building Official, plans examiner or inspector, or
nService providers that conduct International
Residential Code or International Building Code
mandated inspections or plan review as a locality
approved 3rd party provider.
NOTE: Verification may be required.
AWC also offers a Design Professional Membership
which provides wood design and construction information to assist engineers and architects, develops
structural and fire performance data on a wide range
of traditional and engineered wood products, and engages in long-term research. Visit awc.org/membership
for more information.
Code Official Connections application:
Send completed application to the address on the reverse or scan and e-mail to codeconnections@awc.org.
Print Publication Discounts
As a COC Member, you will receive a 50% discount on
future AWC publications purchases.
COC Eligibility
Employer (authority having jurisdiction)
Easy-to-Use Online Tools
AWC provides helpful online tools for building officials
such as the Maximum Span Calculator for Wood Joists
and Rafters and the Energy UA Calculator. Other helpful
resources, such as PDFs of the Code Conforming Wood
Design Guide and DCA 6 - the Prescriptive Residential
Wood Deck Construction Guide are at awc.org.
Work E-mail (e.g., name@city.gov)
Choose one free AWC Standard PDF: p NDS p SDPWS p WFCM
p Check here to receive 1 departmental copy of WoodWorks®