Curriculum Vitae Nicole S. Ferwerda Office: 119 Kildee Ames, IA 50011-3150 515-290-7669 Education: 2004 Home: 1130 Y Avenue Grand Junction, IA 50107 515-451-5539 Texas A& M University, College Station, Texas Non-degree seeking, 12 hours of doctoral studies 2002 Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri Master of Natural and Applied Science, Equine Reproductive Physiology 2000 University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska Bachelor of Science, Animal Science Specialization: Equine Minor: Leadership, Education and Communication Teaching Experience: August 2007 – present Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Lecturer/Farm Manager Teaching responsibilities include: AnS 116X Practicum in Safe Horse Handling and Welfare F. SS 2012-present *Developed and delivered new experimental course offered first time Summer 2012 *Designed to give AnS students lacking a background in practical animal handling the skills needed in upper level courses, graduate school, internships and careers AnS 216 Equine Science F. S. SS. 3 cr 2007-2012 *Remodeled for online delivery in the summer of 2012, giving students the opportunity to access this course during the summer even if they are not on campus *44 students enrolled in the first summer offered AnS 217 Equine Farm Practicum F. S. 2012-present *Revamped and employed this updated course for the first time during Fall 2012 *Made this course available both semesters beginning Spring 2013 to better meet the demands of our growing student population AnS 306 Equine Evaluation S. 3 cr 2008-present *Created and delivered this course in Spring 2008 AnS 317A Equine Behavior and Training F. SS. 2009-present *Formerly listed as 493 *Adjusted the syllabus and timeline in 2012 to make this former Summer only course work for the Fall semester to allow more students in to the course. AnS 332 Reproduction Lab - Equine S. 2013-present *Completely overhauled and renamed the foaling and reproductive management class formerly listed as AnS 417 to align with AnS 332 Reproduction Lab (Livestock) at the suggestion of the curriculum review committee *Instructed this course in the new format for the first time Spring 2013 AnS 475E Horse Judging Team F. S. 2007-present AnS 490 Independent Study F. S. 2007-present *Varied projects related to equine studies *Assist with ongoing undergraduate research project on lactation in mares with direction from Dr. Leo Timms AnS 497 Teaching Experience in Animal Science F. S. 2007-present *Offer students interested in gaining teaching experience the opportunity to work with me in designing, implementing, and delivering teaching materials Additional responsibilities include Managing the ISU Horse Barns *Responsible for day-to-day management of the ISU horse herd including finances, health, breeding, marketing, and horse use for teaching, research, extracurricular clubs, and extension. *Role Model for Equine Farm Management. Teaching is a daily activity at the barn – from scheduled tours to passers-by to the 15+ student employees to the clubs and classes that use the facility and the classroom *Design new equine housing facility including decision on dimensions, stalls, flooring, fencing, watering, light, electricity, and biosecurity. Advising 35+ undergraduate students *Assist students in choosing courses, activities and internships that will help them reach their goals Student recruitment *Reach out to prospective students at horse shows, sales, and on campus visits to encourage their attendance at ISU Serving as Block and Bridle Horse Show Advisor *Sounding board for student ideas for this student ran horse show Served as advisor of the Horseman’s Association/Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) 2010-2012 *Mentor and chaperone for convention Educational workshops and camps *Design and plan horse judging workshops and camps *Speak and/or demonstrate at 4-H Roundup and other events Rated 3.45(out of 4.0) by 2011 Seniors during exit interviews July 2002 – July 2007 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Lecturer/Horse Center Manager. Taught lab portions of graduate and undergraduate equine reproduction courses as well as lectures and labs for extension service programs Managed and coordinated the use of the facilities and day-to-day care of 200+ horses used in teaching, research, extension, and athletic programs in the Departments of Animal Science and Athletics Responsible for preparation and management of budgets, student worker staff, horse sales, advertising and breeding of university and non-university owned horses August 2000 – May 2002 Missouri State University (Southwest Missouri State University), Springfield, Missouri. Graduate Teaching Assistant and Farm Manager. Planned and taught labs and lectures in Introduction to Horses, Light Horse Evaluation, Horse Management, and assisted in coaching the Horse Judging and IHSA Horse Show Teams Aided in the teaching of the SMSU Horse Breeders School and training of stallions used Supervised day-to-day horse care and student labor in the feeding and maintenance of 40+ head of school horses Facilitated the coordination of student and outside activities at the Ag Center Assisted with Therapeutic Riding of the Ozarks, a cooperative program between SMS and the Council of Churches Collected stallions, teased and bred mares Helped organize the IHSA horse show Maintained farm grounds and arena Seminars and Workshops Guest Speeches (hosted) ISU New Faculty Orientation Panel, 2014 Panelist discussing teaching at ISU for lecturers, clinicians, and adjunct faculty – what to expect, recommendations and suggestions for getting started NAEAA National Conference Presenter, 2012 Understanding our student population: Where did they come from and where do they think they are going? Horse Judging Coaches and Advisors Clinic, approved for CEU credit in 2011 Learning to coach a youth horse judging team with focus on listening and critiquing oral reasons Ring Steward Workshop, 2008-present Taught: How to scribe for trail, western riding, reining and lunge line 4-H Round up, 2008-present Tours of new ELC, 2014 How to Manage the Healthy Broodmare during Foaling, 2014 Reproductive Management of the Mare, 2013 Training the Western Pleasure Horse, 2012 Basics of Shipped Semen for Horses, 2012 How to Ride Your Horsemanship Patterns, 2011 Bits and How They Work, 2010 Insider Tips on Showmanship, 2010 Conformation: Form to Function, 2009 Early Training and Handling of A Foal, 2008 Training the Reining Horse, 2008 Swine/Equine Showdown (recruitment activity for Iowa youth interested in horses), 2008 Cyclone Horse Judging Camp, 2008-2012 Saddle Up with Dennis Brouse Episode 107, aired on RFDTV, 2008 Video of Conformation: Helpful information for purchasing a horse Video of Equine Behavior and Training course at ISU TAMU Breeders School wet labs, 2002-2007 Organized and taught stallion handling Semen collection and evaluation Semen processing for on farm and shipped semen TAMU Adult Extension Programs: Guest Speeches/Demos, 2002-2007 Horse Owners 101: Grooming Your Horse Performance Horse: Fitness in Your Horse Law Enforcement: Body Condition Scoring and Positively Identifying Horses Mare and Foal: Handling and care of the newborn foal Estrous Detection Farm Tours American Quarter Horse Association: Test Ride, 2006 SMSU Horse Breeder’s School, 2000-2002 Semen Evaluation Stallion collection Awards Received: 2013 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Excellence in Teaching by Lecturers and Adjunct Faculty award 2009 Student Scholars and Leaders Honored Faculty Departmental Activities/Services: Block and Bridle Horse Show Advisor, 2013-2014 Curriculum Committee, 2012-2014 Horsemen’s Association/IHSA Advisor 2009- 2012 Academic Quadrathlon Committee 2010, 2012-2014 Guest Advisor for Block and Bridle National Convention 2009 Student Recruitment Committee 2008-2014 Round Up Committee – 2008-2011 Scholarship Committee – 2011-2014 Chuckwagon Breakfast Committee 2007-2009 Farm User Committee – 2012-2014 Little North American Showmanship Contest, Horse Judge 2007 Faculty Search Committees: 4 Workshops and Seminars Attended 2013 CELT: Frantic Student, Busy Instructor: How to Incorporate Writing into Your Class CALS: Lecturer Luncheons (2) EHS: Tractor and Skidloader Safety EHS: Personal Protective Equipment EHS: Worker Right To Know Office of Equal Opportunity: Title IX Awareness and Violence Prevention for Faculty and Staff Office of Equal Opportunity: Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Education Faculty Office of Equal Opportunity: Unlawful Harassment Prevention Supervisor Supplement for Higher Education Faculty CITI: Investigators, Students, and Staff Refresher Course (Working with the IACUC) 2012 CELT: Bb Learn: Creating, Submitting, and Grading Online Assignments CELT: Bb Learn: Creating and Managing Groups CELT: Teaching Poster Symposium ComETS - Increasing Student Engagement, Mobile Learning Strategies, NAEAA Conference 2011 CELT: Beyond Bullets Being Creative in the Classroom Using PowerPoint CELT: How do I make Blackboard Learn’s Grade Center Work For Me CELT: How to develop effective formative course assessment systems CELT: What you need to know to convert your WebCT course to Blackboard Learn CELT: How can I expand my online assessment offerings thru Blackboard Learn's Tests, Surveys & Pools? National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics (NAEAA) National Conference 2010 National Reining Horse Association Judges Seminar ISU Department of Animal Science Faculty Retreat: Peer Evaluation of Teaching 2009 CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching) Introduction to WIMBA 2008 American Paint Horse Association Judges Seminar Animal Science New Faculty Orientation College of Agriculture and Life Sciences New Adviser Orientation Philosophy of advising, academic standards, forms, degree audits 2007 ISU New Faculty Orientation CELT: University Teaching Seminar ABCs of grading Planning your course and course outcomes Approaches to teaching larger classes Using webCT Gold In class discussion and informal group work Technology in the classroom New Faculty Tours of ISU facilities Affiliations: National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics (NAEAA) Indicators of Excellence Working Group New Student and Exiting Student Assessment Working Groups North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) American Paint Horse Association Pony Of the Americas Club 2003-2007 Officer of Texas Chapter 2009 POA Judges Card 2010-2012 Genetics Committee Chairperson National Reining Horse Association Stock Horse Of Texas Iowa Horse Council Education Committee: Sponsorship Evaluation National Horse Judging Team Coaches Association Publications: Harryman, K, Meyers, A, Kain,L, Ferwerda, N, Timms, L Evaluation of Mare Milk Composition/Quality During Lactation. 2013 Animal Industry Report. Craig, TM, Ferwerda NS, et al. Evidence of Ivermectin Resistance by Parascaris Equorum on a Texas Horse Farm. J Vet Equine Sc 2007;27:67-71. Nicole Ferwerda. ‘Spot’light on Coat Color. Pony of the Americas June 2010-September 2010.