5 Interaationa! Coiference of tlrc lndon*ian Chemical Sociey' HK Thermodinamic Parameters on the sorption of Phosphate Ions by Montmorillonite Jaslin lkhsan', Endang Wi-djajanti LFX, and Sunado and The Department of chemistry Educatiorg The Faculty of Mathematics Sciences, The State University of Yogyakarta Email : j ikhsan@Ymail-com ABSTRACT inv.estiSated SOiC The sorption of phosphate by montmorillonite at 10, 30t an! 1as of surface il mainly d*rmine thermodinamic parameters for the formation collected were Daa "i*irg mon'norilloniteUy loni phosphate *rnpi"*", in OJaasorptlon of bv adsomtion edge experiments investigating the effea of pH' adsorption iso$erms .ff"c-t oI sorb"te concentraion, and acid-base titration calculating Protons out using surhce "i"UG'O"taken up by adsorption process. Data analysis releaseior "!o "T""d shrdy ""*pr"-".i'"moaettofitt}redatacollectedin&isstudyusingthe.par.aletelobtained study, as welt as to calculate the values of aH and AS. Previous ;;;;;;; complexes with active ;;;;J*rrt ptogpt"t" loos fo.m"o two outer-sphereInsurface the first comqtel . t(X$ohydrogeo bontiing' sites of montnorillonit* tt HrLT, f"""r, -ogf, the phosphate was held-to pi*"tt*t*tt"tg" X- sites on the tetrahedral siloxane through the ocglet t'he siond titsolsoHtf lurt'1-1-2was -forryd "na between the"o*pt"*' phosphate'and variablJcharge strface l,yeogl groups at the interaction alumina faces. The values of aH Jg"r.f r"ontn"rillonitecryslls and on the kJ mol-r respectively' Since 3.765x10-7 and are 39.?56 ,".*on, second and for the first that the reactions are concluded can be it botlre""tior,s have positive entalphy values, sites (permanent by is needed reaction the'first for energy Large endothermic. on wtrich K* or desolvate4 partially negatively charge sites oi-montmorillonitQ to be and are protonated the Surface ions in Process, H* by replaced are other surface cations the second if,* ,"ray to interact phosphate iorts in the solution. Small values ofAH forsites in the reactions indicates *rit nyA.ogen bonds formed by phosphate 19 lOH. easl,tV-!19rt{ from the secorrd reaction are easity Urofen ou! and the phosphate can X- surface.ThevaluesofAdforthefirstandsecondreictions atel22-523dan2'393x10-2 ; K. *o1:i, which are greater than -10 U mol-l and indicates that the surface reactions occurs through dissociative mechanisms' Keywords: temPerature, adsorption, extended constant capacitance complexation nodet surface (ECCM), entalpn1\, reaction me'chanisms' 135