DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS Alamat: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 (0274) 550843, 548207 Fax. (0274) 548207 http: // SILABUS MATA KULIAH : STRUCTURE III SIL/JUR................. (Nomor Jurusan) Revisi : 00 Semester 1. Fakultas / Program Studi 2. Mata Kuliah & Kode 3. Jumlah SKS 4. Mata kuliah Prasyarat & Kode 5. Dosen 31 Juli 2008 Judul praktek : : : : : : Hal……. Jam pertemuan Bahasa dan Seni / Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Structure III Kode : ING221 Teori : 1 SKS Praktik : 1 SKS Sem : 3 Waktu : Structure II Kode : ING220 Sudiyono,M.A. I. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH Structure III provides theory of English sentence structure with a focus on the word, phrase, and clause type functioning as subject or predicate expressions in sentences as well as practice in constructing sentences in English by suitably implementing those various types of sentence components. II. STANDARISASI KOMPETENSI MATA KULIAH Learning mostly by inquiry and discovery, at the end of the course students have a competency in suitably analyzing and constructing simple, compound, and complex English sentences in affirmative, negative, interrogative, and imperative forms by applying the principles involved related to the word, phrase, and clause type expressing the sentence subject and predicate. III. POKOK BAHASAN DAN RINCIAN POKOK BAHASAN Minggu Ke Pokok Bahasan Rincian Pokok Bahasan 1 Introduction: Types of Tense, Verb Form, & Verb 2 Types of the Simple Present & Past Tenses 3 Personal Pronouns & Types of Nouns Verb: Main Part of Predicate Expression; Tense: Verb Form with Present or Past Time Reference; Finite & Non-Finite Verb Forms; Regular, Irregular, Modal, Linking, Auxiliary, & Copulative Verbs Actual, Neutral, Habitual, & Future Simple Present Tense; Narrative, Actual, Neutral, & Habitual Simple Past Tense Subject, Oblique, & Attributive & Independent Possessive Forms of the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Person Waktu 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS Alamat: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 (0274) 550843, 548207 Fax. (0274) 548207 http: // SILABUS MATA KULIAH : STRUCTURE III SIL/JUR................. (Nomor Jurusan) Semester 4 Verb Groups & Interrogative Sentences 5 Types of A/An & The 6 7 Test Noun Groups (1) 8 Noun Groups (2) 9 Relative Clauses 10 Adverbial Clauses 11 Noun Clauses (1) 12 Noun Clauses (2) IV. REFERENSI/ SUMBER BAHAN Revisi : 00 31 Juli 2008 Judul praktek Singular & Plural Personal Pronouns; Regular, Irregular, Countable, Uncountable, Countable-Uncountable, Collective, & Plural Nouns Modal, Have, Be, & Do Auxiliaries; Verbal Question; Pronominal Question with Question Word Not As/Not As Part Of & As/As Part Of Subject Expression Numerical, Individualizing, Classifying, & Class A/An & Specifying & Class The All above Modifiers Preceding the Head: Deictic, Ordinative, Epithet, & Classifier Items; Qualifiers Following the Head: Clause, Phrase, & Word Types of Epithets: Effect/Opinion, Size, Condition, Age, & Color Relative Clauses with Relative Pronouns Relative Clauses with Relative Adverbs Special Relative Clause: Content Clause Types and Positions of Adverbial Clauses Coordinating versus Subordinating Conjunctions Noun Clauses with That, If, & Whether Noun Clauses with Question Words Hal……. Jam pertemuan 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit 100 menit DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS Alamat: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 (0274) 550843, 548207 Fax. (0274) 548207 http: // SILABUS MATA KULIAH : STRUCTURE III SIL/JUR................. (Nomor Jurusan) Revisi : 00 Semester A. Wajib 31 Juli 2008 Judul praktek Hal……. Jam pertemuan : Unpublished Material from: Suratno & Sugeng, Bambang (1996) Structure III: Material for Semester Three of the English Department Structure Series Developed from the Common-Core Grammar. Yogyakarta: Unit Percetakan dan Penerbitan IKIP Yogyakarta. & Honeyfield, John (1977) Structure Notes and Exercises for Semester 3. Yogyakarta: FKSS IKIP Yogyakarta. B. Anjuran : V. EVALUASI No 1 2 3 4 Komponen Evaluasi Partisipasi Kuliah Tugas-tugas Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Semester Jumlah Bobot (%) 25% 25% 25% 25% 100%